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  • 7/28/2019 CV DIT notes


    Principle #12

    In order to maintain the harmony of the stakeholders, the leveraging and deleveraging of stakeholders of human life

    requires an agreed upon system of fairness and forgiveness that honors all stakeholders. The heart is at the core

    of that system

    Principle #16

    Every stakeholder of human life has primary sources of energy and matter which ultimately were derived fromanother stakeholder. Heart is the source of energy and matter for all the cells of the body, which came from other


    Overview & Ventricle Development

    Heart Embryolog - mesoderm


    Truncus arteriosus (TA) Ascending aorta and pulmonary trunk

    Bulbus cordis Smooth outflow tracts of both ventricles

    Primitive ventricle Trabeculated left and right ventriclesPrimitive atria TrabecuIated left and right atria

    Left horn of sinus venosus ( SV) Coronary sinus

    Right horn of SV Smooth part of the right atria

    R common & anterior cardinal vein SVC

    Truncus Arteriosus - aka spiral septum/aorticopulmonary septum came from Neural crest cell

    6 Truncoconical Spiral Septum Defects


    Ventral Septal Defect

    Tetralogy of Fallot *

    Persistent Truncus Arteriosus *

    Transposition of great vessels * (RV aorta LV PA)


    Embryologic Development of the heart

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    Heart tube Atria of 4-chambered heart

    - Tube grows, elongates and folds into S Shape

    - Atrial chamber lays posteriorly in S and ventricular chamber lays anterior in S

    - Atrial chamber grows and incorporates superior vena cava and pulmonary vein

    - septum primum forms

    - septum secundum forms incompletely (leaving foramen ovale)- cell death in septum primum forms osmium secundum

    What divides the R & L atria?

    Septum Primum & Septum Secundum

    How is blood shunted from R atrium to the L atrium in an embryo?

    Through the foramen oval and osmium secundum

    Ventricles & Outflow Tract Separation

    - Ventricle chamber lays anteriorly in S shaped heart tube

    - Muscular ventricular septum forms which begins to divide the ventricles

    - Truncoconial swellings (ridges) of truncus arterioles meet, fuse, and zip (both superiorly and inferiorly) in a 180

    turn to form spiral septum

    - Inferior portion of spiral septum meets with muscular ventricular septum to divide the ventricles and form aorta

    and pulmonary arteries

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    Ventricular remodeling to for AV valves

    Myocardium erodes

    - Ventricles enlarge as a result

    - Residual mesodermal tissue becomes fibrous and forms chord tendinae

    - Forms papillary muscles & AV valves

    Fetal Circulation- Umbilical vein brings O2 blood from the placenta to the Liver

    - Blood mixes O2 blood from umbilical vein with deO2 blood from LE in the Ductus Venosus

    - Then it enters the Inferior Vena Cava and enters into the R atrium

    - The blood can go to the L atrium through the Foramen Ovale or to the R ventricle and into the Pulmonary Artery

    - In pulmonary artery can go to the lungs or the ductus arterioles into the left sided circulation into the aorta

    - If it enters the lungs it will return to the left atrium and meet with some of the DeO2 blood from the R atrium via

    Foramen Ovale

    - Then it goes into the Left ventricle and aorta it will meet with with the other blood from the ductus arterioles and

    will circulate to the rest of the body- The blood will then recirculate to the umbilical arteries back to the placenta to get more nutrients

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    Transition into adult circulation

    - infant takes it first breath closes fetal circulation & opens adult circulation

    - with breath in intrathoracic pressure and resistance in pulmonary vasculature

    - sucks blood from R side of heart into lungs and pulling blood from inferior and superior vena cava L atrial

    pressure > R atrial pressure

    - Foramen Ovale closes. L sided circulation pressure gets high and pushes out through aorta

    - Left sided pressure is higher than the R side pressure, the ductus arteriosus will close

    - if you want to keep ductus arteriosus open, you would give PGE

    - if it remains opens tin machine like systolic and diastolic murmur with a patent ductus arterioles then

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    administer anti-PGE like NSAID (endomethacin). Murmurs within first 24 hours of life are not usually pathological

    Aortic Arch Derivatives

    1st arch - maxillary artery

    2nd arch - Stapedial artery and hyoid artery

    3rd arch - Common Carotid artery & proximal internal carotid artery

    4th arch - on L aortic arch on R proximal part of R subclavian6th arch - Proximal part of pulmonary arteries and on L, ductus arteriosus

    1st arch is Maximal

    Second = Stapedial

    C is the 3rd letter of the alphabet

    4th arch (4 limbs) = systemic

    6th = pulm & pulm-to-systemic shunt (ductus arteriosus)

    ADS Causes

    - Ostium secundum gets too big and overlaps the foramen oval

    - Absence of the sputum secundum

    - Neither the septum secundum nor the septum primum develop

    Structures that grow close to the opening/canal btwn the atrial chamber & ventricular chamber into 2 small


    - Superior and Inferior Endocardial Cushions

    Genetic Abnormality commonly associated with endocardial cushion defects***

    Down Syndrome (trisomy 21)

    Ductus Arteriosus Closure

    - Increase in O2, Decreased Prostaglandins

    - Indomethacin

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    Foramen Ovale Closure

    - Decrease in pulmonary vascular resistance, Increase in left atrial pressure

    Right to Left Shunts

    Congenital Heart Disease "Blue Babies" - early cyanosis

    - bypassing pulmonary circulation and not oxygenating enough blood

    5 T's RL Shunts

    - Tetralogy of Fallot (MCC of early cyanosis)

    - Transposition of great vessels

    - Trancus Arteriosus - Failure of TA to divide into pulmonary trunk and aorta; + VSD

    - Tricuspid Atresia - characterized by absence if Tricuspid valve and hypoplastic RV; requires ASD + VSD

    - Total anomalous pulmonary venous return (TAPVR) - pulmonary veins drain into R heart circulation; associated with

    ASD and PDA to allow for LR shunting to maintain CO

    Tetralogy of Fallot

    - defect in infundibular septum

    1. Pulmonary Stenosis

    2. RVH

    3. Overriding Aorta

    4. VSD

    - infants have cyanotic spells and learn how to squat to after load and prevent excessive RL shunting

    - Cyanosis & Boot Shaped Heart

    Transposition of great Vessels

    - The spiral did not take place of the spiral septum

    - Aorta leaves RV and Pulmonary artery leaves LV

    - separate of systemic and pulmonic circulations

    - need VSD, PDA or Patent FO to allow mixing of blood (give PGE)

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    Offspring of Diabetic moms

    - Transposition of great vessels

    - Hypoglycemia

    - Large gestational age

    - Clavicle Fractures, shoulder dystocia, Erb-Duchenne palsy, failure to progress

    Eisenmenger Syndrome

    - Uncorrected LR Shunt overloading pulmonary vasculature

    - hypertrophy of right ventricle change to RL shunt

    - less oxygenation

    Left to Right Shunts and other anomalies

    D-Defects: pDa, vsD, asD, avsD


    - MC congenital cardiac anomaly

    - 40% close in first 6 months

    - Loud holosystolic murmur = small defect


    - loud S1 + wide fixed split S2

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    CO = SV X HR

    Fick's Principle :

    CO = rate of O2 consumption

    art O2 - venous O2

    Mean arterial pressure (MAP) = CO x TPR = Q*R

    MAP = diastolic pressure + systolic pressure

    - MAP is important for dosing esp cardiovascular drugsPulse pressure = systolic pressure - diastolic pressure

    - pressure involved in the pulse and proportional to SV

    Pulse pressure : stroke volume

    SV = CO/HR = EDV - ESV

    - Early stages of exercise CO is due to SV and then during sustained exercise due to HR

    - If HR is too high then incomplete diastolic filling CO

    Cardiac Output Variables****

    - More contractility more pushing out blood SV- Afterload - lots of back pressure from aorta harder to push out blood SV

    - Preload - pushing more blood into your heart push more blood out SV

    Cardiac Drugs: Sites of Action


    Cathecolamines (1 rc)

    Ca pump in sarcoplasmic reticulum IC Ca EC Na



    1 blockade

    Heart failure - less muscle

    Acidosis, hypoxia, hypercapnea

    Non-dihydropyridine Calcium Channel Blockers (Verapamil)

    - SV with Anxiety due to catecholamines or exercise or pregnancy ( preload)

    - Myocardial Oxygen demand by afterload then heart needs to pump harder and needs more O2 heart size,

    hypertrophic myopathy

    - MI - must dec the amount of O2 the heart needs, e.g. ACE inhibitors, decrease contractility, e.g. metropolol,

    Preload & Afterload

    - Preload = EDV - comes from Atrial volume, pressure in atrium or central venous pressure

    - preload: exercise blood volume

    - prEload: vEnodilators (nitroglycerin) - pool blood into the veins

    - Afterload = MAP - proportional to peripheral resistance

    - Afterload: vasodilators (hydrAlAzine) - expand arteries and dec pressure on aorta

    - Preload & Afterload: ACE Inhibitors & ARBs

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    Cardiac Drugs & Sites of Action

    - Na-CA counter-transporter - if you block Na and Ca will stay in cell more Contractility

    - IC Na or EC Na Na gradient will affect Ca concentration

    - Na-K ATPase pump - if you block this pump, you will have less EC Na and then less activity on the ion exchange


    Digitalis - inhibits Na-K ATPase pump ultimately IC Ca levels contractility

    Charting Cardiac Output

    Starling Curve

    - Exercise the curve goes up to the left

    - for each preload you push more blood out due to contractility

    - Heart failure shifts the curve to the right

    - for any preload there is low CO

    - Fix contractility by giving digoxin/digitalis

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    Ejection Fraction


    EV = what your heart pumps out / what your heart can hold = the amount of blood your heart ejects

    EF = Contractility

    Normal 55% < 55% = Heart failure

    Resistance Pressure Flow

    P = Q x R Ohm's law V = IR

    R = P / Q = 8nL / r^4 n = viscosity

    Viscosity R

    Polycythemia, Hyperproteinemic States, Herditary spherocytosis

    Viscosity in anemia

    Cardiac & Vascular Function Curves

    -Inotropy = Contractililty

    - Inotropy = Heart failure, narcotic overdose

    - Inotropy = Exercise

    - Add TPR = Afterload

    - for a given preload you will have less CO as you increase afterload

    - Shift curve to right - Inotropy or afterload

    - Shift curve to left - Inotropy or afterload

    Heart Failure Pathophysiology

    Normal Pressures

    - PCWP = measures the pressure in the LA 12

    - measured by the Swan-Ganz catheter - placed in the internal jugular vein or subclavian vein into the superior

    vena cava into right atrium to the right ventricle; inflate the balloon and it enters the heart into the R pulmonary

    artery until it can't go any father at the branching point (wedge)

    - measures approximation of the left ventricle diastolic pressure 10

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    - Mitral stenosis - PCWP > LV Mitral valve is stenosed while the RA is contracting and pressure rises which



    -pump failure - pressure forward will drop and pressure rises in the fluid entering the heart- syndrome due to acquired or inherited abnormality of cardiac structure or function

    - contractility pump failure due to MI or Chronic HTN

    - LV Contractility CO BP body wants to compensate for CO Sympathetic ACT & RAA

    - Carotid sinus detects CO sympathetic LV contractility CO + Peripheral edema

    - RAA - retain Na & H2O preload CO + peripheral edema

    - LV contractility also pulmonary venous congestion RV output pulmonary edema + peripheral edema

    - Dyspnea on Exertion - fluid backs up on the pulmonary vasculature

    - Cardiac Dilation - greater Ventricular EDV

    Left Heart Failure (pulm symptoms)

    - Pulmonary Edema - Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnea

    - Orthopnea - SOB lying down and better sitting up

    Right Heart Failure (peripheral symptoms)

    - Peripheral pitting edema

    - JVD - central venous pressure

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    - Hepatic congestion - hepatomegaly (nutmeg) liver

    Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System

    - Renin is produced in the kidneys, stimulated by 1 Receptors of the sympathetic nervous system or by the macula

    dense cells can sense reduced Na in filtrate or JG apparatus which senses the bp drop

    - Renin cleaves Angiotensinogen AGI in liver

    - AG Converting enzyme in lungs and kidneys turn AGI AGII

    - Angiotensin II tenses angios (vasoconstrictor) acts on AGII Rc on vascular SM BP

    - AGII stimulates Aldo release from the Adrenal Cortex (zone glomerulosa)

    - Aldo creates a favorable Na gradient for Na & Water to be reabsorbed in the kidney

    Heart Failure Medications

    CHF Medications

    Improve Survival: ACE Inhibitors, ARBs, Aldosterone Antagonist, blockers

    Symptomatic: Loop Diuretics, Thiazides, Nitrates, Digoxin

    - Chronic Treatment

    - Contractility CO Digoxin Contractility (Inotroph) CO

    - RAA ACE Inhibitors/ARBS Angiotensin

    - Aldosterone Aldosterone Antagonist (Spironolactone or Apleranone)

    - Na & Water Retention

    Loop Diuretics (heavy duty) or Thiazide- Sympathetic Activity blockers metoprolol or carvedilol

    - blocker will help chronically help the effects of the excess sympathetic activity cardiac remodeling

    - Contraindicated in acute CHF because they depress myocardial contractility

    **Which 2 beta blockers are indicated for the treatment of chronic heart failure?

    Carvedilol and Metoprolol (long acting)

    - Acute Treatment

    - ER pt with heart failure 4+ pitting edema foaming at the mouth, acute exacerbation + long standing vhf

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    - LMNOP

    - Lasix (loop diuretic)

    - Morphine (for air hunger/relaxation)

    - Nitrates (dilate peripheral vasculature)

    - Oxygen (as needed)

    - Positioning and Pressors (pool blood into legs & inotropic drugs)

    - stop blocker- start adrenergic agonists - dobutamine or phosphodiesterase inhibitor

    **Which beta blocker is indicated for acute decompedsated CHF?

    Contraindicated in acute CHF because they depress myocardial contractility

    -Nesiritide (BNP)

    - Recombinant B(brain)-type natriuetic peptide causes in cGMP & vasodilation

    - Na & water excretion (diuretic)

    - BNPs are secreted by myocytes when left ventricle is failure and the EDV and heart is stretching, used as adiagnostic test for CHF 100 (vs COPD exacerbation)

    - Used for acute decompensated heart failure

    - can cause hypotension, does not improve mortality

    Cardiac Glycosides (Digoxin)

    - Myocardial contractility

    - aka Digitalis, foxglove plant

    - treat chronic CHF, reduces symptoms

    - helps control heart rate in Afib, by conduction at the AV node (only resting heart rate)

    - Lots of side effects and low therapeutic index

    - cholinergic effects - Blurry yellow vision

    - ECG - ST scooping, bradycardia**

    - Antidote is Atropine - will raise the heart rate and reverse the bradycardia,

    correct hypokalemia (give Mg+), temporary pacemaker, tachycardia (treat with lidocaine), anti-digoxin Fab


    - Worsened by renal failure, hypokalemia, quinidine

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    - Ca necessary to stimulate the actin and myosin to contract

    - more CA more contractility

    - If you block ion exchange, less Ca leaves the cell, and more contraction

    - Na-K ATPase maintains the Na gradient by EC Ca

    - Digoxin blocks the Na-K ATPase

    Capillaries & Edema

    Capillary Fluid Exchange- Blood goes into capillaries out to interstitium back to capillaries + lymphatics

    - Excess fluid in interstitium = edema

    PC = capillary pressure - hydrostatic pressure - pushes fluid out of capillary

    Pi = interstitial fluid pressure - hydrostatic pressure - pushes fluid into capillary

    Arterial end - capillary pressure exceeds the interstitial pressure

    Venous end - pressures evens out

    c = plasma colloid osmotic pressure - pulls fluid into capillary

    i = interstitial fluid colloid osmotic pressure - pulls fluid out of capillary

    net filtration process = Pnet = [(Pc - Pi) - (c - i)]Kf = filtration constant Jv = net fluid flow = Kf Pnet

    capillary failure - Pc (heart failure), venous pressure

    plasma proteins - c (nephrotic syndrome), liver failure, malnutrition

    capillary permeability - Kf (toxins, infections, burns), histamine, bradykinin

    interstitial fluid colloid osmotic pressure - i (lymphatic blockage)

    Pitting Edema - excess fluid in absence of additional colloid, watery edema, gravity dependent phenomenon, like

    water balloon

    Non-pitting edema - no indentation, colloid in interstitial fluid like jello

    Transudate - capillary pressure plasma proteins water, protein poor

    Exudate - protein capillary permeability protein richNa & Water retention - renal disease or RAA

    Capillaries & Shock


    - cardiac failure or vascular failure

    - Hypovolemic - Blood loss (trauma), Burns (insensible fluid loss)

    - Cardiogenic Shock - MI, PE, CHF, Arrhythmia, Cardiac Tamponade, Tension PTX, Cardiac Contusion

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    Hypovolemic/cardiogenic Septic

    Low-output failure High-output failure


    CO Dilated Arteriorles, venous return

    Cold, clammy pt (vasoconstriction) Hot pt (vasodilation)

    SVR CO Hypervolemia IV fluid, blood

    Heart Failure LMNOP

    Sepsis/Anaphylaxsis Antibiotics, IV Fluids, NE

    Neurogenic IV Fluids, steroids

    Central Lines

    - Femoral- easiest site with least risk; most uncomfortable, max 5-7 days

    - Subclavian- easy to find, 3-4 weeks, more comfortable, risk of pneumothorax, CI COPD or lung tumors

    - Internal Jugular- good landmarks, 3-4 weeks, uncomfortable, risk of carotid puncture or pneumothorax orperforating the L SC vein (where IF and L SC meet)

    - Swan-Ganz Catheter- right IJ > left SC > right SC > left IJ

    Femoral Region

    Lateral Medial NAVEL

    Nerve, Artery, Vein, Empty Space, Lymphaticsx

    "dirty" STDs lymphatics closest to genitalia

    Palpate for artery then insert need 1-2 cm medially next to pulse

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    - contractility pressures SV

    - preload vol in atria vol in ventricle

    Pressure/Time: Aorta, LV, LA

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    Dicrotic Notch - pressure goes back up into aorta after aortic valve closes due to elasticity which aortic pressure

    Coronary pressure takes place after aortic valve closes during diastole which allows perfusion of the arteries of the


    Diseases that affect elasticity of aorta: Marfan syndrome and Syphillis "tree barking of the aorta"

    Heart Sounds & Jugular WavesCardiac Cycle

    Heart sounds

    - turbulence after valve closes

    S1 - after Mitral Valve closes

    S2 - after Aortic Valve closes

    S3 - early diastole, rapid ventricular filling, associated with filling pressures (preload) in dilated ventricles, children,

    pregnant women

    Dilated ventricles - dilated CM, CHF, Mitral Regurge, LR shuntsS4 - right before S1, atrial kick, late diastole, atrial pressure associated with ventricular hypertrophy, pushes against

    a stiff ventricular wall

    Stiff LV - Hypertrophic CM, aortic stenosis, chronic HTN, after MI

    Jugular Pulse

    - Different waves of JVP

    At Carter's X, Vehicle's Yield

    - a wave - atrial contraction, before mitral valve closure, maximizing filling of ventricles before systole

    - c wave - right ventricular contraction with tricuspid bulging from ventricle into atrium

    - x descent - ventricles are empty, the bulging relaxes into ventricles

    - v wave - atrial pressure, filling against a closed tricuspid valve

    - y descent - blood flows from atria to ventricles, during diastole


    - QRS - mitral valve closure, ventricular contraction, into systole


    - Splitting of S2 can be normal esp in younger individuals esp in athletically trained ppl

    - Normal splitting happens with inspiration

    - Aortic valve is closing before pulmonic valve

    - intrathoracic pressure and blood goes more into R atrium

    - more preload in R ventricle and takes a bit longer to close the pulmonic valve during systole

    - .interventricular septum gets pushed to the left slightly due to volume vol of L ventricle

    - Wide splitting of S2 - associated with pulmonic stenosis or RBBB not only with inspiration

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    - Split S2 on expiration always pathological

    - Fixed splitting associated with ASD

    - high pressure on L side of heart, and L atrium is filling the R side of heart

    - preload from L atrium and more goes into R ventricle

    - Pulmonic valve takes longer

    - Paradoxical splitting

    - aortic stenosis or LBBB

    - more volume in L ventricle and delaying the Aortic valve in comparison to pulmonic valve

    Systolic Murmurs

    - read clinical scenario, systolic vs diastolic, where is it best heart

    - listen to diff parts of chest

    - watch if its louder on inspiration/expiration or splitting

    Auscultation of the Heart

    - A - right 2nd IC space

    - P - left 2nd IC space

    - T - left 4th IC space

    - M - left 5th IC space @ midclavicular line (apex of heart)

    Benign heart sounds

    Split S1

    Split S2 on inspiration

    S3 in pt < 40 y/o

    Early quiet systolic murmur

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    Heart murmurs

    - Diastole - filling ventricles, mitral valve & tricuspid are open, aortic and pulmonic are closed

    murmurs - M or T stenosis, A or P regurgitation

    - Systole - ventricles are contracting, A & P are open, M & T are closed

    murmurs - A or P stenosis, M or T regurgitation

    - Isovolumetric contraction and isovolumetric relaxationContrxn - M & T valves are closed, S1 is complete, contract ventricles, A & P closed, no systolic murmur or

    aortic stenosis

    Relaxation - ventricles relaxed, all valves closed

    Bedside Maneuvers

    Inspiration - neg IT pressure, preload, tricuspid mumur

    Expiration - mitral murmur due to L atrium filling

    Hand grip - afterload (SVR), mitral regurg

    Valsalva maneuver - IT pressure, opposite of inspiration, preload & after load, most murmurs, mitral prolapse, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy murmur

    Squatting - compresses the veins, and lowers the heart venous return, compresses arteries PVR after load,

    mitral prolapse Hypertrophic CM murmur

    Systolic Murmurs

    - Aortic stenosis

    - no murmur during first part of systole, heart is contracting and the V pr not > aortic pressure so aortic valve

    is still closed (isometric contrxn)

    - ejection click , stiff valves opening due to calcifications

    - systolic murmur, radiates up to carotids, weak pulses (pulsus parvus et tardus), syncope

    - 5 causes of aortic stenosis: Bicuspid aortic valve (> 40), Senile/degenerative calcs (> 60), chronic rheumatic

    valve disease, congenital unicuspid valve, syphilis (tree barking of aorta)

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    - Mitral regurgitation

    - murmur begins immediately following S1

    - holosystolic murmur -- high pitched blowing murmur

    - radiate to axilla, lying in L lateral decubitis position

    - enhanced with after load TPR, hand grip or squatting

    - causes: ischemic heart disease, LV dilation, endocarditis, rheumatic fever- can be associated mitral valve prolapse

    Left Lateral Decubitis Murmurs

    - Mitral regurgitation

    - Mitral Stenosis

    - Left sided S3 or S4 heart sounds

    - Mitral Prolapse

    - very common usually not problematic

    - floppy mitral valve, opens back into the atrium mid systolic click

    - enhanced by valsalva venous return

    - mitral valve prolapse can predispose to endocarditis only if you have mitral regurgitation

    - does not cause turbulent blood flow or valve damage

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    - Tricuspid regurgitation

    - holosystolic murmur loudest at tricuspid

    - enhanced by maneuvers that atrial return like inspiration

    - cause: endocarditis and rheumatic fever, IV Drug Users

    - VSD murmur- defect in interventricular septum

    - looks like mitral or tricuspid regurgitation

    - holosystolic murmur best heard at tricuspid

    - louder during inspiration, clinical scenario very impt to diff btwn T regurge murmur

    Diastolic Murmurs

    Heart murmurs

    - Aortic regurgitation

    - Diastole - Mitral & tricuspid valves are open, A & P are closed

    - Regurgitation will produce a diastolic murmur begins after S2

    - Ventricles are relaxed,you can't hear the mitral valve stenosis until mitral valve opens

    - heart is contracted and emptied into the aorta and starts to relax

    - blood is flowing back normal systolic blood pressure, systemic diastolic will be low wide pulse pressure

    - causes: aortic root dilation, syphilis, marfan syndrome, bicuspid valve, rheumatic fever

    - Murmurs associated with Rheumatic Fever

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    - Mitral regurge or mitral stenosis, aortic regurge or aortic stenosis, tricuspid regurge

    - Mitral stenosis

    - not present immediately after S2 because of isometric relaxation

    - mitral valve opens and is stenotic and snaps open

    - expiration will enhance the murmur

    - diff between split S2 sound: diastolic murmur not just snap- S2 split will be more prominent in inspiration

    - can result in L atrial dilation, rheumatic disease

    - Patent Ductus Arteriosus

    - continuous machine like murmur

    - always blood flowing through PDA

    - keep it open with PGE

    - close it with endomethacin (NSAIDs)

    Action Potentials

    Cardiac Myocyte Physiology

    - EC Ca enters the muscle during the plateau state of the AP Ca stimulates more release from SR

    - Cardiac muscle APs have a plateau due to a Ca influx.

    - Cardiac nodal cells spontaneously depolarize during diastole automaticity due to If channel (constant influx of


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    - Cardiac myocytes are electrically coupled to each other by gap junctions

    Ventricular Action Potential

    - 4 phases

    - resting membrane potential is determined by what it is freely permeable to

    - normal resting potential -75 (K) +55 (Na) +20 (Ca)

    - Phase 0 - starts at -75 then voltage gated Na channels open drives up towards +55- Phase 1 - Initial repolarization, some Na closes, Voltage gated K channels open up too

    - Phase 2 - Plateau, voltage gated Ca channels open and drives potential up towards +20 triggers more CA to be

    released myocyte contraction

    - Phase 3 - Rapid repolarization, more permeability to K, lose Ca channels

    - Phase 4 - resting potential, high K permeability steady state around -75

    Effective refractory period - phase 0 - phase 3 - can't elicit a phase 0 depolarization;

    - if you ERP then you will have to wait longer to depolarize again, slow heart rate

    How to change slope of phase 0 - Na permeability

    - if you prolong phase 1 by using Na channel blockers

    How to prolong phase 3 - K permeability

    - if you prolong it by using K channel blockers

    Pacemaker Action Potential

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    - SA & AV nodal cells

    - No phase 1 or phase 2

    - Phase 4 - resting membrane potential around -60 (freely permeable to K)

    - gradual increase, Na channels are spontaneously opened till it reaches the threshold

    - Phase 0 - voltage gated Ca channels opens at threshold

    - No plateau at all

    What will inhibit phase 0

    - CCB

    What will affect the slope of phase 4

    - blockers, will decrease the slope prolonging phase 4


    No Bad Boy Keeps Clean

    Na+ channel blockers

    - Phase 0 Na channels open up

    - Na channels blockers work on phase 0 and elongating ERP

    Class IA (slows phase 0, prolongs phase 3) - Quinidine, Procainamide, Disopyramide

    - Procainamide - Wolfs Parkinson White, cause reversible SLE syndrome (SHIPP)

    - Quinidine - cinchonism, thrombocytopenia, torsades de points ( QT)

    Double Quarter Pounder

    Class IB (shortens phase 3) - Lidocaine, Mexiletine, Tocainide, Phenytoin

    Lettuce Tomato Mayo Pickles

    - Lidocaine - acute ventricular tachyarrhythmias and slow HR down, digitalis or MI

    Class IC (markedly slows phase 0) - Flecainide, Propafenone

    Fries Please


    - cAMP and CA currents slope of phase 4 in nodal cells

    Class II (suppresses phase 4 depolarization rate) - Esomolol

    - Supraventricuar Tachycardia, afib and atrial flutter

    - can mask hypoglycemia * : Glucagon

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    K+ channel blockers

    - slows release of K and elongates the ERP

    Class III (prolongs phase 3) - Sotalol, Amiodarone

    - Afib

    - Amiodarone - WPW, pulmonary fibrosis, hepatotoxicity and hypo/hyperthyroidism

    check PFTs, LFTs, and TFTs - 40% Iodine by weight

    has class I, II, III, IV effects

    Calcium Channel Blockers

    - dihydropyridine (nifedapine works on blood vessels) and non-dihydropyridine (work at the heart)

    - slope of phase 0 in nodal cells, and elongating ERP since Ca causes depolarizations

    Class IV (slows the action potential) - Verapamil, Diltiazem

    - constipation, flushing, edema and heart block

    - do not combine with blockers

    Other antiarrhythmics

    - Adenosine - K leaving the cell hyperpolarizing cell

    - permeability to Ca cannot depolarize (flatline stop heart)

    - used to diagnose SVT

    - blocked by theophylline (COPD) & caffeine

    - K+ - depresses ectopic pacemakers in hypokalemia and digoxin toxicity; should be above 4

    - Mg2+ - effective in torsades and digoxin toxicity; should be above 2

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    **pt who codes for > 5 minutes - acidosis is associated with hyperkalemia (H+-K+ pump) give Ca and bicarb

    Atria to AV conduction



    - 12 lead EKG: I, II, III, aVL, aVR, aVF, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6

    - Axis of deviation of the electrical conductance of the heart.

    - Measures the signal of your heart in a certain direction

    - Net signal of heart is down and to the left

    - aVR - measures from center to right, it will have a negative deflection of QRS complex (below the line)

    - aVL - positive deflection of EKG since vector is in line with axis

    - Bipolar leads

    I - R to L

    II - R arm to L foot

    III - L arm to L foot

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    - The net electrical signal (cardiac axis) will fall within the shaded region in normal cardiac pathology

    Left axis deviation: Right axis deviation:

    inferior wall MI RV hypertrophy

    L anterior fascicular block Acute R heart strain (PE)

    L ventricular hypertrophy L posterior fascicular block


    High Diaphragm Dextrocardia

    - Look at Limb lead I and II; If they're positive then it's usually normal

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    - Look at aVR; if positive, there is pathology, completely opposite direction

    ECG tracings

    - tiny box - 0.04 seconds

    - big box 0.2 seconds

    - PR interval - through AV node normal < 0.2 sec (1 big box)(1st degree HB)

    - QRS - ventricular depolarization, equal on both sides < 0.12 sec (3 small boxes) (V arrhythmia)

    - T wave - ventricular repolarization, inversion (recent MI), peaked T wave ( K), flat T wave ( K)

    - U wave - associated with K and hypokalemia, another bump after T wave

    - SA > AV > Bundle of His

    - Afib

    irregularly irregular, no discrete P waves

    SA node not in sync (Atrial enlargement)

    No coordinated Atrial contraction no P

    Pooling of blood in atria clot

    predispose to SVT

    : time is critical < 48 synchronized cardiovert,

    > 48 anticoagulation (heparin) then coumadin

    rate control - just fix rate, stay on anticoagulation therapy

    Digoxin, blockers, CCB

    rhythm control - back to sinus rhythm

    K+ channel blockers: Sodolol and Amiodalone

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    - A flutter

    - sd

    Problems with the AV conduction

    - AV block

    1 heart block

    prolonged PR interval > 0.2 secs

    usually benign, asymptomatic

    Lyme disease can cause AV nodal block

    - Mobitz type I (wenckebach)

    2 heart block

    progressive lengthening of PR until beat is dropped (W=warning)

    mostly benign

    - Mobitz type II

    2 heart block

    no lengthening of the PR interval, just a dropped beat

    greater tendency to turn into a 3 heart block

    : pacemaker

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    - Third Degree

    atria and ventricles beat independently of each other

    P & QRS are present but are not coordinated

    P > QRS, Narrowing of the QRS (from AV node)

    Lyme disease

    : pacemaker

    Wolf-Parkinson White Syndrome

    Ventricular pre-excitation syndrome

    accessory conduction pathway that bypasses the AV node

    Bundle of Kent

    blurred ventricular contraction that is called wave

    can result in a reentry circuit SVT ( : Adenosine)

    : Procainamide (Na channel blocker), Amniodarone (K channel blocker)

    Ventricular Arrhythmias

    Ventricular premature contractions

    beats ka PVCs

    early occurring widened QRS complexes

    microrentry of the purkinje fibers

    usually benign

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    Ventricular Bigeminy

    PVC follows each sinus beat

    Normal, big one, normal big one

    Trigeminy - 2 normal 1 PVC

    Ventricular Escape Complex (rhythm)

    failure of the sinus & AV node to generate an impulse widened QRS

    usually after a pause (larger than a normal RR interval)

    rate is slow

    Ventricular Tachycardia

    3 or more successive ventricular complexes

    non-sustained Vtach - during < 30 seconds

    sustained > 30 sec leads to hemodynamic collapse

    usually ~100 bpm

    rhythm is usually regular

    wider QRS interval

    Torsades de pointes

    Type of Ventricular Tachycardia

    shifting sinusoidal waveforms on the EKG

    Ventricular Fibrillation

    uncontrolled rhythm, on identifiable waves

    can lead to hemodynamic collapse

    emergency defibrillation needed

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    Physiology of BP regulation

    Maintenance of MAP

    Body must keep BP in order to perfuse and O2 the organs

    If BP drops, the body uses the SNS and the RAA (chronic)

    Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System

    Kidney sense low BP at JG apparatus and secretes renin

    Renin converts Ag AGI

    ACE in the lungs converts AG I AG II

    Aldosterone has kidney reabsorb Na & water

    Baroreceptors & chemoreceptors

    Medullary vasomotor center (solitary nucleus) sends a vasoconstricting signal to HR


    Baroreceptor on aortic arch via vagus ( BP)

    Baroreceptor on carotid sinus via glossalpharyngeal nerve (/ BP)

    Sense stretch signal efferent sympathetic firing + Vagus inhibition of heart Adrenergic 1 receptors

    responsible for vasoconstriction

    Sense stretch vagus signal to heart to slow heart and BPUse for SVT carotid massage heart rate or Adenosine


    peripheral chemoreceptors in carotid and aortic bodies - respond to low PaO2, PaCO2, pH

    central chemoreceptors - pH and PCO2 in the brain, do not directly respond to O2

    Cushing rxn - cranial pressure constrict arterioles in brain cerebral ischemia CO2 Hypertension

    Bradycardia + Respiratory Depression Intracranial lesion with Intracranial pressure (e.g. hemorrhage)

    Physiology of vasoconstriction

    Smooth Muscle Contraction

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    - Adrenal gland - z. glomerulosa - aldosterone

    - adrenal gland - z. fasciculata - cortisol

    - adrenal gland - medullary chromatin cells - Epi & NE

    - Liver - Angiotensinogen

    - JGA of kidneys - Renin

    - Lungs - ACE

    - Glomerulus - GFR- Tubules - AG II, ADH, Aldosterone

    - Local tissue effectors - NO, PG, 5HT, Histamine, Bradykinin, Adenosine, Acidosis, Lactate, O2, CO2, K+


    Circulation through organs

    Liver - largest part of the systemic output, lots of metabolic functions

    Kidneys - eliminate harmful waste & maintain fluid & electrolyte balance & pH; receives highest blood flow per gram

    of tissue

    Heart - big btwn arterial O2 and venous O2 since heart can extract about 100% of O2 it receives; O2 demands aremet by coronary blood flow


    Organ Factors determining autoregulation

    Heart Local metabolites-O2, adenosine, NO

    Nitrates**** - (Create NO causes decrease in preload, systemic venous dilation O2


    Brain Local metabolites-C02 (pH)

    Kidneys Myogenic and tubuloglomerular feedback

    Lungs Hypoxia causes vasoconstriction

    Skeletal muscle Local metabolites-lactate, adenosine, K+

    Skin Sympathetic stimulation most important mechanism-temperature control

    Note: the pulmonary vasculature is unique in that hypoxia causes vasoconstriction so that only well-ventilated areas

    are perfused. In other organs, hypoxia causes vasodilation.


    High blood pressure 140/90, 90% is essential

    CO or TPR afterload

    Kidney disease - renal failure or renal artery stenosis

    Other causes: Drugs (cocaine, amphetamines), Medications (OCPs, steroids, NSAIDs, antidepressants),

    Obstructive sleep apnea, coarctation of the aorta, endocrine (hyperthyroidism, pheochromocytoma,

    hyperaldosteronism, cushing syndrome)

    Prehypertension - 120-139/80-8

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    Left-sided hypertrophy

    early form of end organ damage due to HTN

    myocytes get bigger and the wall gets concentrically bigger thickening of the LV wall

    myocardial O2 demand, LV - stiff and less compliant S4

    No in heart diameter, less filling,

    Precursor left-sided heart failure

    RF for MI

    Aortic Dissection

    tear in the intima of the aorta which allows blood to dissect into the walls of the aorta forming a false lumen

    heart will pump into both lumens

    2 main causes: hypertension and certain diseases (cystic medial necrosis or mar fans)

    MC in ascending aorta

    Tearing chest pain that radiates through to the back

    Widening of mediastinum on Xray

    High mortality2 types:

    Type A - acending aorta, aortic arch; surgical management

    Type B - descending aorta; medical management

    : blocker to lower BP in aortic dissection, reduce arterial pressure and slope of rise of BP

    Antihypertensive Agents

    ACE inhibitors

    Captopril, Enalopril, Lisinopril -pril

    ACE prevents AGI AGII, also inhibits breakdown of bradykinin (vasodilator) Reduces after load & preload

    Rise of Renin levels due to loss of inhibition

    Help prevent remodeling of the heart and also mortality

    Used also in diabetic kidney disease to reduce the rate of proteinuria and diabetic nephropathy

    SE: C - cough (elevated levels of bradykinin) A - angioedema P - proteinuria (prevent)

    T - taste changes (dysgeusia) O - hypOtension P - pregnancy problems (teratogenic)

    R - rash I - Inc Renin L - lowering AGII, Hyperkalemia, reduce GFR and creatinine


    Losartan - sartan

    block AG II receptors, stop stimulation and aldosterone secretion

    SE: similar SE like angioedema, except no cough

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    Renin inhibitor only for HTNcan still caused hyperkalemia and renal insufficiency

    contraindicated in pregnancy


    Vasodilator - cGMP act myosin phosphatase

    dilates arterioles > veins, reduces afterload

    Hypertensive crisis, HTN, HTN in pregnancy

    SE: reflex tachycardia (often given with blocker), fluid retention, drug-induced lupus

    Drug Induced Lupus "SHIP"





    Safe HTN Meds in Pregnancy






    Opens K channels & hyper polarizes SM (Ca channels stay closed)contraction relaxation

    used for severe HTN or for hair loss (hypertrichosis)

    SE: hypertrichosis, hypotension, reflex tachy, fluid retention/edema

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    Dihydropyridine CCB: nifedipine, amlodipine, felodipine, incardipine, nisoldipine -pine

    act on vascular SM to cause vasodilation (mostly arteries)

    HTN, angina, vasospasm, esophageal spasm, migraine prophylaxis

    SE: peripheral edema, flushing, dizziness, constipation, reflex tachy

    Non-dihydropyridine CCB: verapamil, diltiazem @ block Ca channels at pacemaker cells

    HTN, angina, arrhythmias

    SE: cardiac depression, AV-block, flushing, dizziness, constipation

    Nitroglycerin, Isosorbide dinitrate

    cause vasodilation by releasing NO in SM cGMP relaxation

    work on veins > arteries preload

    can be in combo with Nitrate and hydrazine to reduce both after load & preload

    pools blood peripherally (use for pulmonary edema)SE: reflex tachy, hypotension, flushing, headache

    Antihypertensive Therapy

    Essential HTN, no comorbidities - Thiazide Diuretic

    ALLHAT - showed thiazide reduced risk of stroke

    can add ACE/ARB -blocker, CCB

    HTN + CHF - Loop Diuretic (Furosemide)

    blocker, ACE inhibitors, ARBs, and K sparring diuretics (aldo antagonist - spironolactone)

    can combo

    no blockers with cardiogenic shock , no CCB

    HTN + Diabetes - ACE/ARB

    kidney protective; reduce proteinuria

    Thiazides are ok

    blockers can mask hypoglycemia

    Post-MI/CAD - Thiazide, blocker, ACE/ARB

    dec mortality

    use CCB and Nitrates for angina

    Afib - Diltiazem/verapamil (rate control)

    Bradycardia - avoid diltiazem/verapamil, blockers

    slow heart down

    Renal insufficiency - ACE/ARB

    dec proteinuria, but can also worsen creatinine hyperkalemia

    avoid K sparring diuretics

    Renal artery stenosis

    avoid ACE/ARB renal insufficiency

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    BPH - blocker (lower BP and help urinary retention)

    Hyperthyroidism - Propranolol (manage hyperthyroid symptoms)

    Hyperparathyroidism - Loop Diuretic (facilitate urinary excretion of Ca)

    avoid thiazide (retain Ca)

    Osteoporosis - Thiazide (retain Ca)

    Gout - avoid Thiazide can cause hyperuricemia

    Pregnancy - Hydralazine, Methyldopa, Labetalol, Dihydropyridine CCBavoid ACE/ARB

    Migraines - CCB, blocker

    Essential Tremor - Propranolol

    Malignant Hypertension treatment

    Severe hypertension that is rapidly progressive end-organ damage

    Nitroprusside - cGMP via direct release of NO, can dilate both arteries and veins

    short acting, but can cause cyanide toxicity

    Diaxozide - opens K in cells in pancreas and shuts insulin secretionalso opens K channels in vascular SM vasodilation (like Minoxidil)

    Atherosclerosis & Coronary Artery Disease


    - Sclerosis/scarring/hardening of the arteries

    - Monckeberg's arteriosclerosis - calc in the media of the arteries benign pipestem arteries, does not

    obstruct blood flow, does not involve intima

    - Arteriolosclerosis - hyaline thickening of small arteries and arterioles, e.g. diabetes or HTN

    - Atherosclerosis - fibrous plaques and atheromas that form in the intima of the arteries


    - disease of elastic arteries, involving the intima, in medium sized or muscular arteries

    - Summary: Start with endothelial cell dysfunction accumulation of M and LDL foam cell formation

    fatty streaks smooth cell migration (platelet derived growth factor) TGF fibrous plaques atheroma

    - Location of plaques are important: Abdominal Aorta, Coronary Arteries, Popliteal Artery, Carotid


    Pathogenesis of Atherosclerosis

    - Endothelial injury leads to vascular permeability, leukocyte adhesion, and thrombosis

    - Accumulation of lipoproteins: occurs in the vessel wall and is mostly LDL

    - Monocyte adhesion to the endothelium: subsequent migration of monocytes into intima and transformation

    into M and foam cels

    - Platelet adhesion

    - Factors release: ACT platelets, M, vascular wall cells, induce SM recruitment

    - SM cell proliferation and ECM production

    - Lipid accumulation: occurs extracellularly and within M and SM cells

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    Complications of Atherosclerosis based on location

    - smaller vessels can become occluded and then compromise distal tissue perfusion

    - ruptured plaque can embolize atherosclerotic debris and cause distal vessel obstruction or can lead to acute

    vascular thrombosis (stroke)

    - destruction of the underlying vessel wall can lead to aneurysm formation with secondary rupture &


    Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm- atherosclerotic plaque compressing the underlying media

    - Nutrient and waste diffusion is compromised

    - Media degenerates and necroses, leading to arterial wall weakness

    - MC in men over 50 and in smokers

    - Presents as a pulsating mass in the abdomen

    - consequences include: rupture leading to fatal hemorrhage, embolism from atheroma, obstruction of a

    branch vessel and impingement on an adjacent structure (ureter)

    - monitor by US but if > 5 cm must treat with surgery

    Coronary Arteries

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    - RCA Marginal Artery Posterior Descending (Interventricular) artery (80%)

    -LCA Circumflex LAD PD (20%)

    - SA and AV nodes - supplied by RCA Arrhythmia

    - RCA (80)% supplies inferior portion of left ventricle via PDA (right dominant heart)

    - Coronary Artery occlusion MC occurs: in left anterior descending (supplies anterior interventricular septum)

    Anterior Wall MI

    - Coronary arteries fill during diastole

    - Posterior part of the heart is the left atrium which can cause dysphagia (esophagus) or hoarseness (recurrent

    laryngeal nerve)

    Ischemic Heart Disease


    - narrowing of 75% of the CAD

    - Stable - predictable, 2 atherosclerosis; ST segment depression on EKG, retrosternal chest pain

    - Unstable - unpredictable, worsening, ST Depression

    - Prinzmetal's angina - 2 coronary artery spasm, ST elevation (more ischemia) then reversal

    dihydropyradine CCB - nifedapine

    - Coronary steal syndrome - vasodilator may aggravate ischemia by shunting blood from area of critical

    stenosis to high perfusion

    - MI - Most often due to acute thrombosis results in myocyte necrosis or sudden cardiac death

    - Sudden cardiac death - death within one hour usually due to ventricular arrhythmia

    - Chronic ischemic heart disease - progressive CHF over many years due to chronic ischemic myocardial


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    5 Deathly Causes of Chest Pain

    - Aortic Dissection (or dissecting aortic aneurysm)- tearing pain, radiating to back

    - Unstable angina

    - MI

    - Tension Pneumothorax - collapsed lung and one way valvular disruption of lung, air gets into pleural cavity

    - PE

    Most likely causes of chest pain

    Prinzmetal's angina - ST segment elevation only during brief episodes of chest pain

    MSK chest pain - pt is able to point to localize the chest pain with one finger

    Costochondritis/MSK - chest wall tenderness on palpation

    Aortic Dissection - rapid onset sharp chest pain that radiates to the scapula

    Spontaneous Pneumothorax - rapid onset sharp pain in a 20 year old associated with dyspnea

    GERD, esophageal spasm - occurs after heavy meals and improved by antacids

    Pericarditis - sharp pain lasting hours-days and is relieved by sitting forward

    MSK pain - pain made worse by deep breathing and/or motion, pleuritic chest painShingles/Herpes Zoster - chest pain in a dermatomal distribution, pain precede rash

    GERD, MSK pain - MCC of non-cardiac chest pain


    - inflammation of cartilage where the ribs connect to the sternum

    - painful when moving chest wall and pressing on it

    - - NSAIDs

    Antianginal Therapy

    MVO2 by decreasing

    EDV BP Contractility HR Ejection Time

    Nitrates (reflex) (reflex)



    Combo therapy lowers the MVO2 more than Nitrates & blockers alone

    ACE Inhibitor ( afterload) also used

    Lipid Lowering Agents

    HMG CoA reductase inhibitors (-statins) - LDL HDL TG

    - prevents conversion of HMG-CoA to cholesterol precursor

    - Hepatotoxicity (LFTs), Rhabdomyolysis

    Niacin B3 - LDL HDL TG

    - inhibits lipolysis in adipose tissue and reduced hepatic VLDL secretion

    - Red flushing, hyperglycemia (acanthosis nigricans) hyperuricemia (gout)

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    Bile Acid Resins (cholestyramine, colestipol, colesevelam) - LDL slightly HDL slightly TG

    - Prevents intestinal reabsorption of bile acids

    - tastes bad, go discomfort, absorption of Fat soluble vitamin, cholesterol gallstones

    Cholesterol Absorption Blockers (ezetimibe) - LDL

    - Prevents cholesterol reabsorption at SI brush border

    - LFTs, diarrhea

    Fibrates (gemfibrozil, clofibrate, bezafibrate, fenofibrate) LDL HDL TG- Upregulates LDL TG clearance

    - Myositis, hepatotoxcity ( LFTs) cholesterol gallstones

    Omega 3 FA - fish oil & flaxseed oil - TG

    - reduce severity of RA and arrhythmias

    Elevtaed TGs

    - can lead to pancreatitis, must be 600-700's can get as high as up to 2000

    - Fibrates are first line + Omega 3 FA

    MI Pathophysiology

    LAD - MC artery occluded in MI; anterior wallRCA - 2nd most common Circumflex - 3rd most common

    Adrenergic Sx: Diaphoresis, Tachycardia, Retrosternal pain, Left Arm and Jaw, Dyspnea, Fatigue

    blockers mask the symptoms, but reduce mortality

    Older women or diabetics- do not have classic presentation

    Reversible injury - 30-40 minutes

    Evolution of an MI

    0-4 hours

    gross: None

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    micro: None

    risks: Arrhythmias

    4-24 hours

    gross: Dark mottling

    micro: Contraction bands (early coag necrosis), Neutrophil emigration, CKMB, Troponin I, CPK

    risks: Arrhythmia

    1-3 daysgross: Dark mottling

    micro: Coag necrosis, loss of nuclei, Striations, Neutrophils

    risks: Arrhythmias

    3-4 days

    gross: Hyperemia

    micro: Neutrophils

    risks: Arrhythmias

    5-10 days

    gross: Hyperemic border, yellow tan softeningmicro: Margin Granulation tissue

    risks: Wall rupture tamponade, Papillary muscle rupture, interventricular muscle rupture

    10 days - 8 weeks

    gross: Gray, white scar

    micro: collagen cellularity

    risks: Dressler syndrome - fibrous pericarditis

    > 2 months

    gross: complete scar

    micro: dense collagen scar

    risks: ventricular aneurysm

    Diagnosis & Treatment of MI

    ECG diagnosis of MI****

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    Gold Standard

    ST elevation of at least 1mm in 2 contiguous leadsT wave inversion

    New LBBB

    New Q waves (at least 1 block wide or height of total QRS complex)

    Left anterior Descending Anterior Wall V1-V3 (V4-V5) ST elevation

    Left circumflex Lateral Wall aVL V5 V6

    Right Coronary Inferior Wall II, III, aVF

    Right Coronary Posterior Wall R precordial EKG: V4

    Serum diagnosis of an MI

    CPK - elevated with any type of muscle damage

    Cardiac troponin I - most specific, rise after 4 hours, elevated 7-10 days, used of Diagnosis

    CK-MB - elevated to heart muscle, but other muscle can show, used to diagnosis re-infarction

    Myoglobin - rises quickly before 4 hours for damaged heart muscle

    ECG - ST elevation (transmural MI), ST depression (subendocardial infarct/ischemia), pathologic Q wave

    (transmural/old infarct)

    Types of infarcts

    Endocardium - superficial layer that lines the chambers, can get infected (endocarditis); most vulnerable since the

    heart is perfused from the coronary arteries from the outside in

    Myocardium - muscular layer

    Pericardium - outside layer of heart that can get inflamed (pericarditis)

    Transmural Infarcts Subendocardial Infarcts

    necrosis due to ischemic necrosis of < 50% of ventricular wall

    Affects entire wall subendocardium esp vulnerable to ischemia

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    ST elevation on ECG, Q waves ST depression on ECG

    MI complications

    1. Cardiac Arrhythmias - MCC of death and first few days during healing

    Ventricular fibrillation - MC lethal arrhythmia

    2. Left Ventricular Failure & Pulmonary Edema - S4 heart sound

    3. Cardiogenic Shock4. Ventricular free wall rupture cardiac tamponade

    papillary muscle rupture severe mitral regurge

    interventricular septum rupture VSD + murmur

    5. Ventricular aneurysm formation - scar tissue embolism from mural thrombus (anticoagulate)

    6. Fibrinous Pericarditis - postinfartion, friction rub, lean forward for relief

    7. Dressler's Syndrome - AI phenomenon resulting in fibrinous pericarditis 5-7 weeks post mi

    MI Treatment

    "MONA"Morphine - pain/stress

    Oxygen - get more O2 to heart and body

    Nitrates - preload, sublingual or topical paste or iv

    Aspirin - acutely or colpitagril (if allergic to aspirin)

    blockers - O2 demand, infarct size, mortality, risk risk of acute cardiogenic shock if LV dysfunction

    ACE - after load, O2 demand, cardiac remodeling, risk of HF and death

    Statins - stabilize atherosclerotic plaques, inflammation and LDL

    Mg & K - PRN - MG > 2 and K > 4 prevent arrhythmias

    Cardiomyopathies & Endocarditis


    Muscle pathology of the myocardium

    Dilated CM - most common

    heart gets bigger and adds sarcomeres in series

    systolic dysfunction, abnormal contraction

    S3 sound, laterally displaced PMI

    causes: Alcohol abuse, wet Ber1Ber1, Coxsackie b virus myocarditis, Cocaine use, Chagas' disease

    (+megacolon/esophagus), Doxorubicin/Donorubicin toxicity, hematochromatosis, peripartum cardiomyopathy,

    myocardial ischemia

    Hypertrophic Obstructive CM - HY

    aka idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis

    concentric hypertrophy - sarcomeres in parallel (disorderly)

    mostly a hereditary disease (AD) vs LVH is mostly due to HTN

    lots of hypertrophy of the IV septa, and too close to mitral valve leaflets outflow obstruction

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    normal sized heart + S4 (stiffen ventricle) apical impulse is enlarged/diffuse

    systolic murmur (similar to aortic stenosis) valsalva will make it larger (diff vs aortic stenosis)

    MCC of sudden death in healthy young athletes

    blocker or non-dihydropyridine CCB (verapamil) slow down the heart and diastolic filling

    Restrictive obliterative CM

    depositing stuff onto the myocardium disrupting diastolic functionmuscle becomes thickened and becomes restrictive

    sarcoidosis (granulomas), amlyoidosis, post radiation fibrosis, endocardio fibroelastosis (congenital), Loffler's

    syndrome (eosinophils will endomyocardial fibrosis) hemochromatosis


    can cause dilated CM

    Generalized inflammation of the myocardium (not from ischemia)

    MCC in US: Coxsackievirus (echovirus & influenza virus)

    Histo diffuse interstitial infiltrate of lymphocytes with myocyte necrosis

    Bacterial Endocarditis

    characterized by lesions or vegetation (mass of platelets, fibrin, mass of organisms and inflammatory cells) that

    sit on valve leaflets

    subacute bacterial endocarditis - can have vegetations with granulomatous tissue in the center

    Dx: multiple blood cultures, echocardiogram (TEE) to look for vegetations

    S&S of endocarditis

    fever, chills weakness, anorexia, anemia

    new regurge heart murmur* or heart failure

    mitral valve is mc; tricuspid mc in IVDU septic pulmonary infarcts

    splinter hemorrhages in fingernails

    Osler's nodes (painful red nodules on finger and toe pads)

    Janeway lesions (erythematous macules on palms and soles)

    roth spots (retinal hemorrhage with clear central areas) - rare

    signs of embolism: brain infarct focal neuro defects, renal infarct hematuria, splenic infarct abdo or

    shoulder pain

    systemic immune reaction: glomerulonephritis, arthritis

    Organisms 75% are from:

    s. aureus (high virulence acute endocarditis) - large vegetations on previously normal valves, rapid

    viridans streptococci - subacute (low virulence) smaller vegetations on already abnormal valve

    dental procedures or previous rheumatic fever

    enterococci (fecalis) - vancomycin resistant endocarditis

    coagulase (-) staph - staph epidermitis

    IVDU: Pseudomonas or Candida or Staph epidermitis

    s. bovis - might also have colon cancer

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    negative cultures: HACEK organisms: Haemophilus, Actinobacilus, Cardiobacterium, Eikenella, Kingella

    Complications: Rupture to the chord ten, glomerulonephritis, suppurative pericarditis, embolism, valvular damage

    Libman-Sacks endocarditis

    non-infective endocarditis

    sterile wart-like vegetations on both sides of the valve

    associated w SLE

    Other Cardiac Pathology

    Rheumatic Heart Disease

    Autoimmune phenomenon 2 to a bacterial infection - Type II HSR

    Pharyngitis Group A hemolytic Strep Pyogenes (Scarlet fever)

    Autoantibodies from the disease that attack the heart

    MC MItral valve but also can be the aortic valve

    Mitral valve relapse as an early lesion mitral stenosis

    Aschoff bodies, areas of fibrinoid necrosis + mononuclear multinucleate giant cells (granulomas)Anitchkow's cells and elevated ASO titers

    Diagnostic criteria (Jones) for rheumatic fever

    Evidence of group A strep (ASO titer)

    2 Major + 1 Minor

    Major: JONES

    joints (migratory polyarthritis)


    Nodules (subcutaneous

    Erythema Marginatum (serpiginous skin rash/annular lesion)

    Sydenham chorea (chorea of the face, tongue, upper-limb)/St. Vitus dance

    Minor: arthralgia, fever, ESR or CRP, prolonged PR


    Pleuritic chest pain, sharp with inspiration, better sitting up and leaning forward

    distant heart sounds + friction rub

    diffuse ST segment elevation in most leads or PR depression

    Fibrinous: Dressler's syndrome, uremia, radiation

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    Serous: noninfectious inflammatory diseases (lupus), viral pericarditis

    Suppurative/purulent - usually bacterial infection (pneumococcus, streptococcus)

    Hemorrhagic - TB or melanoma

    Can resolve completely or become a restrictive pericarditis

    Kussmaul's Sign - JVD with inspiration - (pathological)

    Cardiac Tamponade

    Compression of the heart by fluid, blood or pericardial effusion

    leads to CO and equilibration of diastolic pressures in all 4 chambers

    hypotension JV, distant heart sound, pulses paradoxes, HR

    Pulsus Paradoxus

    Exaggerated response in amplitude of systolic blood pressure during inspiration 10 mmHg

    take a deep breath and inspire IT pressure blood will rush into R heart

    pushes on IV septum to the left smaller in inspiration than expiration

    if left ventricle vol is smaller CO systolic BP is lower in inspiration (normal)

    sign of cardiac tamponade

    Causes with exaggerated inspiration: cardiac tamponade, asthma, chronic sleep apnea, pericarditis

    EKG: Electrical Alternans*** - specific, but sensitive - alternating electrical impulses

    Alternating QRS amplitude

    Kussmaul's Sign vs Pulsus Paradoxus

    Kussmaul's sign Pulsus Paradoxus

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    JVD w inspiration SBP 10 mmHg w inspiration

    capacity of RV capacity of LV

    Constrictive pericarditis >> tamponade Cardiac Tamponade >> Pericarditis

    Syphilitic Heart disease

    Tertiary Syphilus disrupts the vasa vasora, BV that supply aorta

    Dilation of Aorta and valvular ring aorta regurge or stenosisAortic aneurysms or stenosis tree bark appearance

    Cardiac tumors

    Myxomas - MC primary cardiac tumors in adults

    occur in LA, LA myxoma

    look like a ball of tissue in the atrium

    obstruct mitral valve syncope

    can go into the LV tumor plop

    Rhabdomyomas - MC in childrenAssociated with tuber sclerosis, astrocytoma and angiomyolipoma (renal)

    Metastasis - MC cardiac tumor

    melanoma, lymphoma

    kussmal's sign - R side of heart can't fill properly JVD with inspiration

    Varicose Veins

    tortuous dilation of the superficial veins due to venous pressure

    one way valves in veins are worn out - venous insufficiency

    leads to poor wound healing and ulcers on skin

    Raynaud Phenomenon

    Arterial vasospasm poor blood flow to skin and fingers/toes

    brought on by cold temperatures or emotional stress

    causes pallor or cyanosis reperfused becomes red

    can be part of mixed CT disease or Beurger's disease or lupus or crest scleroderma

    dihydropyradine CCB - vasodilator or low dose aspirin

    Vascular tumors

    Sturge-Weber disease

    congenital d/o that affects capillaries causing intracranial AV malformation

    leptomeningial hemeangioma affect brain & eye

    port-wine stain in the opthalmic region of the trigeminal nerve vascular malformation

    seizures, early onset glaucoma seizures, hemiplegia

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    Strawberry Hemangioma

    benign capillary hemangioma of infancy that resolve spontaneously

    Cherry Hemangioma

    benign capillary HA of the elderly, looks like mole

    Pyogenic GranulomaPolypoid capillary hemangioma, ulcerate and bleed

    trauma and pregnancy

    Cystic Hygroma

    cavernous lymphangioma of neck, turner syndrome

    Glomus tumor

    benign painful, red-blue tumor under fingernails

    Bacillary angiomatosis

    due to Bartonella Henselae infections, benign papules in AIDS pts

    Kaposi's Sarcoma

    indolent variant - associated with older men of mediterranean descent

    endemic variant - in Subsuherent africa

    Infectious - with HIV or HHV-8

    causes proliferation of vessels & lymphatics of the skin and also sometimes internal organs


    liver lesion associated with vinyl chloride, arsenic, and ThO2


    lymphatic malignancy with persistent lymphedema

    Small-vessel vasculitis

    Microscopic polyangiitis

    affects kidneys pauci-immune glomerulonephritis pANCA + myeloperoxidase (MPO) ANCA

    Wegener's granulomatosis (Granulomatosis with polyangiitis)****

    focal necrotizing vasculitis, necrotizing granulomas in the lung & upper airway, and cANCA necrotizing


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    (Wegener's and Good pastures - only dz that affect both lung and kidneys, diff Wegener's also affect UA and

    lungs + granulomas)

    S&S: UA disease, dyspnea, hemoptysis, hematuria

    : cyclophosphamide and corticosteroids

    Churg-Strauss syndrome

    Granulomatous vasculitis with eosinophilia with asthma, sinusitis, peripheral neuropathy

    Differential Diagnosis for Eosinophilia:




    Addison's disease

    Collagen vascular diseases


    Henoch-Scholein Purpura

    cause a rash on the buttocks and legs in children, palpable purportarthralgia in knees + abdo pain (intestinal hemorrhage/melena)

    esp after an URI + IgA immune complexes/nephropathy

    self-limiting temporary disease

    Medium Vessel Vasculitis

    Polyarteritis Nodosa

    Kawasaki Disease

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    Buerger Disease

    Large-Vessel Vasculitis

    Temporal Arteritis

    Takayasu Arteritis