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Page 2: Cut Refuel Fight

Cut, Refuel, FightA Fighter’s Weight Cutting Guide

by Sean Fagan

- Disclaimer: Please Read! -I am a badass, but I am not a doctor, certified trainer, nutritionist or weight loss guru. Any fitness or nutritional advice that I give is my opinion based on my own experiences. You should always seek the advice of a professional before acting on something that I have published or recommended. Any amount of success disclosed in this guide should not be considered average. Always consult with a qualified medical doctor before starting any diet and exercise program.

This material is for informational purposes only and not intended to prescribe, treat or diagnose any medical conditions.

As a courtesy I ask for you to please not share, copy or redistribute the content in this eBook without my permission, I’ve put a lot of hard work and time into creating this weight cutting guide so please respect that, thanks!

Users of this guide are advised to do their own due diligence when it comes to making fitness, nutrition and health decisions and all information, products, services that have been provided should be independently verified by your own qualified professionals. By reading this guide you agree that myself and my company is not responsible for the success or failure of your health and fitness journey or any decisions relating to any information presented in this guide.

©2013 Muay Thai Guy. All Rights Reserved.

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Introduction .................................................................... 1Are You Ready? .................................................................... 2

Benefits/Dangers Of Weight Cutting ..................................................... 2How Much Weight Should I Cut? ........................................................... 2Top 15 Weight Cutting Tips .............................................. 4Weight Cutting Meal Plan ..................................................... 8Foods To Avoid ................................................................................. 9Grocery List ..................................................................................... 10Week 3-4 ....................................................................................... 11Week 2 .......................................................................................... 12Week 1 .......................................................................................... 13Start Water Loading .......................................................................... 14Final 4 Days ..................................................................................... 15Weigh In Day ............................................................................ 16Time To Dehydrate ............................................................................ 16Time To Rehydrate ............................................................................ 18

My General Refueling Process .............................................................. 19Final Thoughts .............................................................. 20

Table Of Contents

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Cut, Refuel, FightA Fighter’s Weight Cutting Guide

- Introduction -I have had cut weight numerous times the past few years and have learned a great deal through my experiences. When I first started cutting weight for fights I was a miserable prick (ask my girlfriend) because not only was I going about it the wrong way but I didn’t mentally prepare myself for the cut either.

After years of trial and error I have found a systematic way to cut from 165lbs to 145lbs without being a complete asshole to my friends and family during the process. Don’t get me wrong, it is still not pleasant to cut weight but I feel 100% better since I have implemented this type of diet and water loading strategies into my cutting routine.

This weight cutting guide is a series of tips, methods and strategies that I have learned through my own personal experiences or have learned from interviewing and discussing weight cutting with other professional fighters. I detail everything from my weight cutting diet, water loading and rehydration/refueling along with the basic principles of setting specific goals and staying disciplined along the way.

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Not only is this program perfect for competitive combat sport athletes but is also great if you are looking to drop weight quickly in a safe, healthy manner. The core principles in this guide follow the same principles that are in “Fuel The Fighter” and should be used throughout your everyday life if you want to be healthy and successful in Muay Thai.

My results are not typical and are not to be expected by following this guide. Your body is different than mine so the amount of weight you cut will most likely be different than the amount of weight I cut. My intention of this weight cutting manual is to teach you the basics of cutting weight for competition AND to teach those who do not compete the basic principles to ignite your own health and fitness journey.

- Are You Ready? -BOOM! Are you ready to learn the best ways to cut weight for your next fight? The great thing about these weight cutting methods and diet plan is that it is one of the safest, effective and healthiest ways to cut weight for a fight without completely draining yourself. Still, you might be asking... “Why the hell would I want to cut weight?”

Why You Should Cut WeightThe Benefits of Cutting Weight

I will keep it simple for you. When you cut weight the right way it will give you a physical advantage going into a fight. You will be strong for your weight class and after rehydrating/refueling your body you will gain pounds back on your frame. So naturally you will have a strength and size advantage which is a HUGE advantage when it comes to fighting.

You can also look at it this way - if you do not cut weight, chances are your opponent is. And what does that mean? Now your opponent will have a size and strength advantage on YOU. Fortunately you have complete control of the situation.

Why You Should NOT Cut WeightThe Dangers of Cutting Weight

I gotta be real with you, cutting weight can be extremely dangerous if you do it the wrong way. Athletes have become hospitalized, ill and have even died due to cutting too much weight in a short period of time. It is unfortunate these events happen but all we can do is learn from past mistakes and make sure they don’t happen again.

Most of the weight cutting sicknesses or deaths have been due to extreme dehydration.

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UFC fighter, Daniel Cormier, had a life threatening experience at the 2008 Olympics from cutting too much weight the wrong way. Due to rapidly losing his bodily fluids, Cormier became ill with Acute Renal Failure and Chronic Kidney Disease and had to be hospitalized in order to resupply his body with the fluids his body desperately needed.

Also depletion of the fluid that surrounds the brain not only renders fighters more susceptible to being knocked out, but it also carries with it the risk of more long term, permanent consequences. The boxer, Duk Koo Kim, died in 1982 after his fight with Ray Mancini. Part of the cause of death has been due to his hard weight cut prior to the fight.

I am not trying to scare you, I just want to state the facts so you can make your own decision based on them. The art of weight cutting has come a long way in recent years and there is a right way to do it and there is a wrong way. This guide is to help you make healthier, smarter choices when it comes to cutting weight but by no means is the answer to all your weight cutting questions.

Make A DecisionHow Much Weight Should I Cut?

This is a common question I get from many fighters when they are dabbling in the art of cutting weight. It is a hard question to answer because everyones body is different and some people’s discipline is better than others when it comes to dieting for a weight cut. For a general guideline you should be cutting about 10% of your bodyweight.

(Weight classes are based on the WBC standards for Muay Thai)

Weight Class Normal Body Weight

Featherweight (122 - 126 lbs) 135 - 140 lbs

Lightweight (130 - 135 lbs) 145 - 150 lbs

Welterweight (140 - 147 lbs) 155 - 165 lbs

Middleweight (154 - 160 lbs) 170 - 175 lbs

Light Heavyweight (168 - 175 lbs) 185 - 195 lbs

Cruiserweight (175 - 190 lbs) 200 - 215 lbs

Heavyweight (210 - 230 lbs) 220 +

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Like I said before these are general guidelines. Some fighters cut 25+ pounds because they have practiced it and got it down to a science. Others cut little to no weight at all because they feel like they fight better without draining their body. Ultimately the decision is up to YOU.

Generally speaking the heavier weight class the more weight you can cut safely and effectively without hurting or draining your body. I personally cut from 162 - 165lbs to the Welterweight class between 143 - 147lbs.

- My Top 15 Weight Cutting Tips -Important Factors When Making The Cut

#1 - Prepare MentallyBefore you go through the stress of cutting weight you need to get your mind right. It is not going to be easy and it is not going to be fun. Pretty fuckin’ obvious right?

You have to be prepared to make sacrifices in order to make weight whether it is for Muay Thai, MMA, boxing or wrestling. Prepare to go training sessions feeling fatigued and prepare to have days where you feel like your stomach is eating itself. It’s the nature of the beast. If you plan on pursuing a fight career, you better get used to it!

#2 - Set GoalsThe most obvious goal is to get to whatever weight you are fighting at. Other than that there are still certain goals you need to set with yourself in order to hold yourself accountable. I personally like to set (and write down) daily training goals and nutrition goals during my weight cut so this way I hold myself accountable.

For instance, one of the most popular goals I find myself writing all the time is: Train your ass off today even though you are only eating 1,500 calories.

#3 - Give Yourself Enough Time To CutThis is where a lot of fighters make a huge mistake. If you try to cut 20lbs in a week you will drain your body, stress out your mind and feel like crap stepping into the ring.

I personally give myself at least 3 weeks to diet and get down to a comfortable weight before I start cutting my water weight. It can vary though. I know guys who start making bigger cuts 6 weeks out and I have made comfortable cuts only 2 weeks out. It is all dependent on how your body processes the food and reacts to the diet.

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#4 - Figure Out A Shopping List You can’t expect to eat healthy and clean without doing the right type of food shopping prior to your weight cut. Write a list of the foods you need for the weight cut (chicken, spinach, dried fruits, nuts etc.) and make sure you have at least a couple days worth, if not a weeks worth in your pantry and fridge. (see the grocery list on page 10)

#5 - Eat REAL FoodsGet those shitty ass TV dinners out of your weight cutting diet. Hell, they shouldn’t even be a part of your normal eating habits! Try to eat organic, natural foods as much as possible because it will make a difference in how you train and how you feel. It can be expensive though. If you have to buy one type of food that is clean and organic, make it the meats!

#6 - Schedule Out Weekly Meal PlansPlanning out your meals is going to make a huge difference to whether or not you will actually get to your goal weight. Chances are if you do not have a plan you will cheat and deviate from your healthy eating habits more often than not. Set a weekly meal plan and stick to it! (Pages 11-15 is my 4 week weight cutting meal plan)

#7 - Limit CaloriesDuh. Usually I eat about 5,000 calories a day when I’m not worried about cutting weight. When weight cutting times comes then my calories drop down anywhere from 1,200-1,800 depending on the day and my energy expenditure.

#8 - Limit Carbs, Especially At NightLimit the carbs but do not take them out completely!

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy you need to make it through your workouts and without them you will feel like complete shit. That being said you can’t be eating as many pastas, grains and breads as you normally would, especially at night. For breakfast and lunch by all means have a slice of bread or an apple, but when it comes to dinner time try your best to eat almost zero carbs.

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#9 - Stay Disciplined and Don’t Cheat!You are disciplined in your training so you bet your ass you can be disciplined with your weight cutting diet. Stay focused, stay determined and keep your end goal in mind.

#10 - I Lied, You Can Cheat Once In A Blue Moon Ok, I guess you can cheat now and again, but do not go overboard! If your weight is looking on target and you feel like having a cheat meal then go ahead and have one. Do not make it anything HUGE and still make sure it is portioned. Also try to have it before a workout so this way you can still burn it off!

#11 - Train Hard! Another obvious weight cutting tip but it needs to be said. Even though you don’t have as much food in your body you still need to stay focused and push yourself during training.

Don't be a pussy.

This is where your mental strength and toughness comes into play.

#12 - Practice The Weight Cut DietJust like you practice throwing head kicks you need to practice your weight cutting diet too. When you do not have a fight planned it does not mean you should be eating like shit and completely disregarding what you put into your body. You should take a week or 2 (or more) to practice a weight cutting diet to see how you feel, how much your weight drops and what kind of foods work best for you.

#13 - Practice Cutting the Water WeightThis goes for cutting water weight too. Practice that shit! I know it is not fun, but it is a lot less fun putting on a sweat suit after weighing in a couple pounds over and having to run on a treadmill to sweat it off while everyone else is drinking and eating... worst feeling ever.

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#14 - Know How To Rehydrate After Weigh-InsThe tough part is done and now you have to resupply your body with the liquids and nutrients it needs. Do not just go shoving food down your throat because your body will not be able to process it. First thing you should do is drink a ton of liquids (coconut water, vegetable juice, pedialyte, smart water etc.) and then start munching on small snacks for an hour or two. After your stomach settles from the snacks, you now can have a nice, filling dinner. My favorite is usually a sweet potato, organic chicken, kale and some quinoa.

(I go more into detail on page 18).

#15 - Reward Yourself!The most important weight cutting tip in my opinion! Of course this is AFTER the fight.

Win lose or draw you went through hell to make weight and had the balls to step into the ring. Do yourself a favor and reward yourself! Eat a huge steak, go to an all you can eat buffet or order some wings. I usually go through at least one package of Oreos... at least one.

- Follow These Tips! -If you follow these general guidelines for your next weight cut it is going to make it SO much less stressful on your mind and body. Preparing for a weight cut is just as important as preparing for a fight so do not overlook the amount of hard work, dedication and sacrifice it takes to make weight comfortably, safely and effectively.

Probably the most overlooked tip is the fact that you need to practice the weight cut. Do not embarrass yourself, your gym and your trainer by missing weight because you thought you could make the weight without practice. Even if you are an amateur you need to act like a professional and take these things seriously. Promoters, fighters and other gyms won’t respect you or want you on their cards if you constantly miss weight.

“Fail to plan, plan to fail”

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- Weight Cutting Meal Plan -The Diet That Starts The Cut

The following pages are detailed samples of the weight cutting diet that I have followed from previous fights going from 165 to 145lbs. Typically if I am heavier (165lbs) I will start the diet 4 weeks out and if I am lighter (160lbs) I will start 3 weeks out. Depending on how much weight you want to cut you will have to adjust the start time of this diet accordingly.

My weight cut results are not typical or expected with this diet or any type of nutrition program. This information and diet is of my personal weight cutting journey for a handful of fights throughout my Muay Thai career.

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- Foods To Avoid -Do Your Best To Stay Away From These Foods

FAST FOOD. You shouldn’t eat this shit anyway! 

Evening or late night carbohydrates: rice, potatoes, corn, pasta, and bread. This should be very limited (I only eat a slice of whole wheat bread in the morning or occasionally a whole wheat tortilla with lunch.) You can even take out all carbs if you wanted.

Stay away from using salt or eating salty foods like chips, frozen dinners, soups, salad dressings, and prepared foods. Just like fast food you should not be eating this junk anyway! (There is an exception when you go to sodium-load, more on that later)

No Oreos. I know. It will be hard, but if I can do it so can you. Stay away from sugar and sugary foods like cookies, candy, chocolate etc.

Any drinks besides water or tea. The extra calories in juices, milk and soda add up and make it tougher to lose the weight.

Beer, liquor and alcoholic drinks. This one is easy for me because I don’t really drink but it can be tough for some. Save it for the after party! 

Preservatives like nitrates and nitrites – these can kill your chances of dropping weight. Try to get organic, nitrate-free turkey bacon if possible (it’s more expensive but worth it). 

MSG - this stuff is complete shit and will make the whole weight cutting process that much tougher.

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- Time To Go Shopping -This is a general idea for what your grocery shopping list should look like when you go food shopping during your weight cut. Keep in mind I did not put in my “rehydration/refueling” foods, that I usually do the day of.

Keep in mind this might not be the exact same grocery list you will use when you go shopping because you might be eating different foods or different portions. This is just a general guideline and can be altered to whatever you think will work best for you.

- Weekly Grocery List - Fruits (prices depends on season)

Apples (> 5 per week) Avocado (1 -2 per week) Blueberries (as needed) Grapes (as needed) Strawberries (as needed)

Vegetables Asparagus (1 stalk per week) Broccoli (if needed) Brussel Sprouts (1 frozen bag) Cucumbers (1 per week) Kale (or spinach) (a lot) Mushrooms (< 1 package per week) Onion (< 1 red onion per week) Tomatoes (> 1 per week)

Meats/Animal Protein Canned Tuna (2 per week) Egg Whites ( > 1 large carton) Organic Eggs (< 1 carton) Organic Chicken (12oz + per week) Turkey Bacon (as needed)

Liquids Green Tea Purified Water

Nuts/Dried Fruit (as needed) Almonds, Pecans, Walnuts etc. Dried Cranberries, Raisins, Dates etc.

Grains Whole Wheat Bread (non-enriched) Whole Wheat Tortillas

Legumes (if needed) Black Beans Chick Peas Kidney Beans

Cooking Supplies Balsamic Vinegar (1 bottle) Grapeseed Oil Smart Balance Margarine (1 container)

Some of the main foods I use when I’m on the weight cutting diet. I try

my best to eat fresh, organic vegetables, fruits and meats.


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- Weeks 3-4 -My Diet 3 and/or 4 Weeks Out From Weigh-Ins

This is the meal plan that I follow 3 and 4 weeks before my weigh in:

Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs4 egg whites / 1 egg / handful of spinach or kale / 1/2 tomato / 1 small mushroom / < 1 tbsp Smart Balance Butter (to grease skillet and cook food) / 1/4 avocado / 2 slices turkey bacon / 1 slice whole wheat toast / 1 tbsp organic jam / 1 cup green tea / 1 large glass of purified water

Snack/Post Workout

30g Hemp (or whey) protein / 2/3 cup dried fruits, mixed nuts, trail mix or fruit

Lunch: Tuna Salad1/2 can organic tuna / handful of spinach or kale / 1/4 avocado / 1/2 celery stalk / 1/4 tomato / 1 chopped apple / 1 cup green tea / 1 large glass purified water

Dinner: Chicken Salad4oz organic chicken breast (cooked in grapeseed oil and seasoned with garlic and italian seasoning) / handful of spinach or kale / 1/4 cup brussel sprouts / 1/4 red onion / 1/4 tomato / 2tbsp balsamic vinegar / 1 cup decaf green tea / 1 large glass of purified water

Snack/Post Workout30g Hemp (or whey) protein / 1/2 cup dried fruits, mixed nuts, trail mix or fruit

Notes: You can mix and match the vegetables in all of the major meals, just keep in mind the nutritional value and calorie count. Also you can substitute the tuna for chicken or other lean meat. Throughout the day you should be drinking purified water as well.

This is the easy part of the diet. It will get harder each day and your body might take time to adjust. Continue to train hard, stay strong and keep disciplined!

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- Week 2 -My Diet 2 Weeks Out From Weigh-Ins

This is the meal plan that I follow 2 weeks before my weigh in. It is basically the same as the previous weeks with minor adjustments (underlined).

Breakfast: Scrambled Egg Whites6 egg whites / handful of spinach or kale / 1/2 tomato / 1 small mushroom / < 1 tbsp Smart Balance Butter (to grease skillet and cook food) / 1/4 avocado / 2 slices turkey bacon / 1 apple / 1 cup green tea / 1 large glass of purified water

Snack/Post Workout: 20g hemp (or whey) protein / 2/3 cup dried fruits, mixed nuts, trail mix or fruit

Lunch: Chicken Bruschetta4oz organic chicken breast / 1/4 tomato / 1/4 onion / about 10 stalks of asparagus / 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar / 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil / 1 clove garlic / 1 cup green tea / 1 large glass purified water

Dinner: Chicken Salad 4oz organic chicken breast (cooked in grapeseed oil and seasoned with garlic and italian seasoning) / handful of spinach or kale / 1/4 sliced cucumber / 1/4 red onion /

1/4 tomato / 2tbsp balsamic vinegar / 1 cup decaf green tea / 1 large glass of purified water

Snack/Post Workout20g hemp (or whey) protein / 1/2 cup dried fruits, mixed nuts or trail mix

Notes: You can continue to eat the tuna salad from the previous week or you can change it to the chicken bruschetta like I did. I also changed some veggies in my salads so I don’t go crazy eating the same exact things every single day.

Your calorie intake should slowly be getting lower with a few minor adjustments. It will get harder to train intensely but it comes down to mental strength and resilience!

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- Week 1-Last Week Of My Diet

This is the meal plan that I follow for the last week until 4 days prior to my weigh in. Like before it is basically the same as the previously with small changes (underlined).

Breakfast: Scrambled Egg Whites4 egg whites / handful of spinach or kale / 1/2 tomato / 1 small mushroom / < 1 tbsp Smart Balance Butter (to grease skillet and cook food) / 4 slices turkey bacon / 1 apple / 1 cup green tea / 1 large glass of purified water

Snack/Post Workout: 10g hemp (or whey) protein / 2/3 cup dried fruits, mixed nuts, trail mix or fruit

Lunch: Chicken Asparagus Stir Fry4oz organic chicken breast / 1/2 red onion / 1 small mushroom / about 10 stalks of asparagus / 2 tbsp soy sauce / 2 cloves garlic / 1 cup green tea / 1 large glass purified water

Dinner: Chicken Salad 4oz organic chicken breast (cooked in grapeseed oil and seasoned with garlic and italian seasoning) / handful of spinach or kale / 2 dill pickles / 1/4 red onion / 1/4 tomato / 2tbsp balsamic vinegar / 1 cup decaf green tea / 1 large glass of purified water

Snack/Post Workout10g hemp (or whey) protein / 1/4 cup dried fruits, mixed nuts, trail mix / 1 dill pickle

Notes: Crunch time. Even less calories now it’s important to be aware of how hard you are pushing yourself at training. I’ve added soy sauce and dill pickles to sodium-load which will make your body to store more water (this will trick your body for when you cut the water weight)

Almost there! Your training should lighten up slightly with the main focus being on cardio and technique. Stay strong!

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- Start Water Loading-Time To Drink A Lot Of Water

About 4 days out is when you should begin the water loading process. This will help you lose anywhere between 4 - 12+ pounds (it will depend on how your body reacts and how long you decide to sweat out the excess water weight). Make sure you are drinking distilled water because it has no impurities and will pass through your body easier.

My recommendation is to carry around a gallon jug because it will help you keep track of how much water you are drinking throughout the day.

Also be ready to piss constantly. You want to get your urine to be completely transparent (which means you are very well hydrated). If there is a yellow color in your urine you are not drinking enough!

4 Days Out - Drink 2 gallons of distilled water

3 Days Out - Drink 2 gallons of distilled water

2 Days Out - Drink 1 gallon of distilled water

24 Hours Before Weigh Ins - No liquids

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- Final 4 Days-The Worst Part

This is the toughest part of the weight cut but you have made it this far so there is no looking back! Small changes are (underlined). Make sure you start water loading before getting to this point!

Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs Whites3 egg whites / handful of spinach or kale / 1/4 tomato / 0 mushroom / < 1 tbsp grapeseed oil (to cook food)/ 0 tbsp Smart Balance Butter / 0 avocado / 0 slices turkey bacon / 1 apple / 1 cup green tea / 1 large glass of purified water

Snack/Post Workout: 0g hemp (or whey) protein / 1/3 cup dried fruits, mixed nuts, trail mix or fruit / 1 apple

Lunch: Scrambled Egg Whites3 egg whites / handful of spinach or kale / 1/4 tomato / 0 mushroom / < 1 tbsp grapeseed oil (to cook food)/ 0 tbsp Smart Balance Butter / 0 avocado / 0 dill pickles / 1 apple / 1 cup green tea / 1 large glass of purified water

Dinner: Chicken Salad 4oz organic chicken breast (cooked in grapeseed oil w/ no seasoning) / handful of spinach or kale / 0 dill pickles / 0 red onion / 0 tomato / 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar / 1 cup decaf green tea / 1 large glass of purified water

Snack/Post Workout0g hemp (or whey) protein / 1/4 cup dried fruits, mixed nuts, trail mix / 0 dill pickle

Notes: Right now life sucks. It all comes down to willpower and motivation now. Your training should not be too intense but you should still be focusing on cardio.

Make sure to follow the water loading/dehydration process in order to cut the extra water weight otherwise you will make it much more difficult than it has to be.

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- Weigh In Day-Almost There!

So close yet so far. Even though it is less than 24 hours before you are able weigh in so you can eat and rehydrate, it will feel like an eternity.

My diet for the day is usually very small but sometimes (depending on my weight) I am able to eat the same diet as the day before so this way I’m not completely neglecting my body of food. Typically I will eat egg whites and spinach for breakfast and then munch on trail mix throughout the day. However if my weight is looking too close for comfort I will stray away from snacking on the trail mix until I know I can make the weight.

When you do the final stage of the weight cut make sure you give yourself enough time. You should do everything in your power to have a relaxing, stress free day because your mind and body will be going through enough stress already.

Usually I have about 6-9lbs of water weight to cut so I will give myself about 2+ hours to make sure I am able to make the weight. It is super important to give yourself enough time to cut the water weight so you are able to relax and not feel rushed.

Time To DehydrateSauna, Steam Room, Hot Bath or Sweat Suit

Before you start to sweat out excess water weight, make sure you followed the steps above in the “Start Water Loading” section in order to get the best results. After your last training session (which should be a relatively light one and about 24 hours before weigh ins) you should not be taking in any liquids until you weigh in.

To make the weigh cut easier also look to get some Albolene (makeup remover that can be found in drug stores like Rite Aid, CVS etc.). What it does is opens up your pores and makes you sweat profusely, which makes it easier to cut the weight.

Before you do any of the below options make sure you check your weight, bring a towel and bring a scale (if there isn’t one available).

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Sauna/Steam Room - This is my go to method for most weight cuts because it’s the easiest for me. I will cover myself with Albolene and do 10 minute intervals in the sauna or steam room (depending what is available) until I have made the weight. I bring a towel (or 2) to wipe myself down when I check my weight.

Hot Bath - Taking a hot bath is another one of my preferred methods because it is not taxing on the body and all you have to do is sit in a hot pool of water. The water should be HOT but not burn your skin. It should be relatively uncomfortable submerging yourself in the bath tub because of how hot it is.

I also use Epsom salt to help my body recover from any excess bruises or swelling. I

normally will do 10 minute intervals as well while wiping myself down in between sets to check my weight to see where I’m at.

Exercise With A Sweat Suit - I personally HATE this method because I actually have to do some physical exertion to lose the water weight. I would much rather sit in a sauna or bath then do exercises when I’m exhausted, hungry and cranky as hell.

If you do choose this method you can do a 3 sets of exercises for 15 minutes total (5 minutes each exercise): Jumping jacks, shadowboxing, body weight squats, abs exercises, jogging etc. Mix it up so you are doing a full body workout so you do not over fatigue a single muscle group.

Side Note: If you are able to cut weight with a partner DO IT. I have had times where I’ve felt dizzy and light headed because of the weight cut and it always helps to have someone near by in case something goes wrong.

Also be smart about the weight cut. It is not worth being hospitalized or dying just to make a weight for a fight (especially an amateur fight). Do what you can safely and do not over exert yourself to where you become ill.

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Time To RehydrateFuck yes. Time To Drink, Eat and Be Happy Again!

This is by far the happiest, most gratifying moment of training camp to this point. When I make weight and step off the scale I feel like all of the sacrifice, hard work and planning to make weight has paid off. Even though I have made it this far I still know I have a long way to go and the first step is rehydrating and refueling my body properly.

Follow these principles and guidelines to make sure you gain your weight back safely and effectively.

Liquids Come First - The first thing you should be doing once you step off the scale is drinking some kind of watery liquid. Fighters use a range of liquids here from Pedialyte (baby formula for dehydrated babies), smart water, coconut water or some type of fruit or vegetable juice concoctions.

I’ve used Pedialyte and it has worked fine for me, but recently I’ve been going the more natural route and have been making a watered down fruit/vegetable juice. This way my body not only gets the water it needs but also vital nutrients and sugars that it has been missing out on. I make sure to replenish my body with just liquids the first hour or so before I make the move to solid foods.

Do Not Overeat - Your eyes will be bigger than your stomach and you will want to eat everything in sight. Don’t do it. Your body will not be able to process all the food you are shoving down your throat and you will feel bloated and sick because of it... trust me, I’ve been there.

Reverse The Weight Cut - What I mean by this is when you first start to eat solid foods again you should be eating basically all the same foods you had during your weight cut but slightly larger portions.

The first thing I normally eat is trail mix followed by a chicken (or salmon) salad that is loaded with tons of vegetables to add more nutritional value to it. After my stomach settles I then eat a large

Basically what I still eat/drink after weigh ins with the exception of the Pedialyte.

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dinner (not TOO large)consisting of a sweet potato, quinoa, chicken/salmon and some sort of vegetable (usually asparagus, kale or broccoli).

Refilling your body this way will give your body time to adjust and process the foods that you are giving it. The following day you can go back to your normal eating habits and eat any healthy meals you’d like (preferably from “Fuel The Fighter”)

Eat Often - Initially after the weight cut you should be eating every 1-2 hours depending on how your stomach is feeling so you are able to replenish it with what it needs. After the first 2 or 3 meals you should begin spreading it out so you are eating every 2-3 hours.

Chew Your Food - It sounds obvious but you are going to have to make a conscious effort to do it. If you swallow big chunks of food your body will have a harder time processing it and it will just sit in your stomach waiting to be digested. The longer the food sits in your stomach the more full you will feel and the less food you will be able to eat. The less food you can eat, the less weight you can put back on. Make sense?

Constantly Be Drinking Water - You should never stop sipping on water until you are literally in the ring about to fight. Stay hydrated!

- My General Rehydration and Refueling Process -

Right After Weighing In - Drink about a gallon of watered down fruit/vegetable juice (usually consisting of kale, apple, celery, cucumber, beets, chia seeds and water/coconut water. It sounds gross but it’s really not that bad.)

Night Of Weigh Ins - About an hour or so after weigh ins I’ll begin munching on trail mix made of nuts, dried fruits and seeds. About another hour later I’ll usually have a banana. Another hour later I’ll eat a large salad made with nutrient dense vegetables and nuts. Then finally for dinner (about another hour later) I’ll eat a large plate made of sweet potato, chicken, quinoa and some type of vegetable. If I am still up late after dinner, I will continue munching on trail mix, dried fruits or nuts (while continuing to drink water constantly).

Day Of Fight - Back to normal eating. I will have the Muay Thai Guy Oatmeal Bowl for breakfast. For lunch I will usually eat scrambled eggs with salmon, random veggies and a couple slices of whole wheat toast. Then for my last meal I’ll have a peanut butter, banana and honey sandwich (about 3-4 hours before fight time). In between all of these meals I will continue drinking water and munching on trail mix. Then I will stop eating 3 hours before fight time but continue to drink water.

Cut, Refuel,


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- Final Thoughts-Weight cutting is not fun but if you want to take any combat sport seriously chances are you will have to do it at some point in your career. Since it is such an important part of the training camp it is super important to make sure you go about it the right way. Fortunately now since you have this epic guide, ”Cut, Refuel, Fight,” you will be have the knowledge to make weight safely, effectively and without much stress.

In the end you want to make sure you are smart about the whole weight cutting process. Do not try to cut an insane amount of weight because not only will you feel like shit during the fight but it will have long term physical effects on your body and mind. If you follow the tips, methods and strategies outlined in this guide I promise you it will make the weight cut much less daunting.

Good luck with your weight cut and feel free to contact me if you have any questions of any kind. Thank you for supporting me, my website and the entire Muay Thai community, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it. Now go out there and kick some fuckin’ ass!

Set goals, make a plan, stay dedicated and be smart.- Sean Fagan

Cut, Refuel,


Page 24: Cut Refuel Fight

Get Ready For “Fuel The Fighter”!Easy to make, healthy, delicious meals for fighters or anyone who

wants to eat and train to lose fat, get ripped and build muscle!

Fuel The Fighter is not a diet, it is a lifestyle. Following a diet will give you a temporary fix, but adapting a healthy lifestyle will help you live a life with purpose. Do you know what this book is about?

Well, it’s not about a fuckin’ diet!

Coming Soon (hopefully in mid-summer)

Page 25: Cut Refuel Fight

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