customer experience meets healthcare journey

WHITE PAPER CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE MEETS THE HEALTHCARE JOURNEY HOW TO WIN TODAY’S HEALTHCARE CUSTOMER Executive Summary Over the past decade multiple forces have caused the healthcare market in America to transition from that of managed care and capitation to integrated delivery (integration of health insurance with provider systems) to a vision in which providers compete to improve care quality and control costs, and consumers choose the best providers. The only thing that is likely to remain constant is change, particularly as provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act take effect over the next few years aimed at improving healthcare outcomes and streamlining the delivery of health care. At the most fundamental level there are three perspectives on the discussion that need to be understood and accounted for if any meaningful discussion is to be held, here represented as the “Three Ps of Healthcare” which translates to Patient, Provider and Payor. FIGURE 1: THREE PS OF HEALTHCARE Patient Provider Payor TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary .................. 1 1. Task Routing and Workload Distribution .............................. 5 2. Resource Management ...... 11 3. Facilities Management ....... 15 4. Revenue Cycle Management.......................... 18 5. Compliance......................... 20 Summary ................................ 23 Solution Components ............. 24 Conclusion .............................. 24 About Genesys ....................... 24

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Executive Summary

Over the past decade multiple forces have caused the healthcare market in America

to transition from that of managed care and capitation to integrated delivery

(integration of health insurance with provider systems) to a vision in which

providers compete to improve care quality and control costs, and consumers choose

the best providers. The only thing that is likely to remain constant is change,

particularly as provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act take

effect over the next few years aimed at improving healthcare outcomes and

streamlining the delivery of health care.

At the most fundamental level there are three perspectives on the discussion that

need to be understood and accounted for if any meaningful discussion is to be held,

here represented as the “Three Ps of Healthcare” which translates to Patient,

Provider and Payor.





Executive Summary .................. 1

1. Task Routing and Workload

Distribution .............................. 5

2. Resource Management ...... 11

3. Facilities Management ....... 15

4. Revenue Cycle

Management .......................... 18

5. Compliance......................... 20

Summary ................................ 23

Solution Components ............. 24

Conclusion .............................. 24

About Genesys ....................... 24

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You can see in this diagram that there are interaction points between all three; the

triangle in the center represents offerings that are integrated. Although each have a

critical role to play in order to understand contact and medical history, the goal is to

find the right balance that delivers optimal patient health at a reasonable cost. In a

fully integrated environment – the triangle in Figure 1 – we would find a model

solution operating as one contact system that provides the following for each


• Patients: Front-end solution, with the insurer or medical group, to view

claims, bills, contact history, medical history, e-mail the doctor, look-up

symptoms, and so on.

• Provider: Task Routing, facilities management, revenue cycle management.

• Payor (Insurer vs. Patient):

o Insurer: system to pull Healthcare Effectiveness Data and

Information Set (HEDIS), claims, costs reports, charts for case

management, etc.

o Patient: billing, collection, back office financials, etc.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and Health & Human

Services (HHS) are especially keen on this idea of making sure their money goes a

long way, and they are asking insurers and providers to integrate systems, processes

and the overall healthcare system so that focus is delivery to the patient. Their

message has always been:

Don’t make healthcare difficult for the consumer, period!

In lieu of this level of integration, the focus should be on the Provider delivery

system. One way to understand how this plays out is to examine the patient

healthcare journey.

Patient Healthcare Journey

Just as no two patients are the same, no two healthcare journeys are the same. In

order to provide some framework, consider two common scenarios. The first

scenario involves the initial task every patient has of finding and visiting a primary

care physician for Routine/Preventative care.

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The patient must first contact the physician referral service in order to find an

appropriate provider. Then the patient must contact the provider’s office to

schedule an appointment. After visiting the physician, the account needs to be

settled. This could be covered by insurance, in which case a co-pay will likely need

to be paid by the patient. In some situations the entire cost may be the

responsibility of the patient.

Consider the level of coordination between The Three Ps for something as simple as

a routine doctor visit. Apart from the actual visit, think of the legions of people

working behind the scenes to schedule the appointment, code services, file a claim,

determine benefit eligibility, pay the bill and keep tabs on the status!

The second scenario is for Acute/Emergency needs that involve wellness centers,

physicians, hospitals and urgent care centers for the patient. This process is more

complex as it can involve activities prior to the visit to identify financial

responsibility, and after the visit to speed recovery and minimize avoidable hospital


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During a visit to the physician it is determined that it will be necessary to schedule a

procedure at the hospital. The provider works with the patient and the insurer to

ascertain financial responsibility. The patient visits the hospital, has the procedure

performed, and is discharged. A bill is sent to the insurer, and any unpaid balance is

billed to the patient.

And just like with the Routine/Preventative example, the Acute/Emergency

situation relies on an even greater level of coordination between The Three Ps.

There are lots of moving parts in both examples, yet each stakeholder needs to

protect their interest while providing for the patient’s optimal health. Areas in

need of examination include:

1. Task Routing and Workload Distribution

2. Resource Management

3. Facilities Management

4. Revenue Cycle Management

5. Compliance

The remainder of this document explores the Provider delivery system in greater


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1. Task Routing and Workload Distribution Multiple interactions happen between all three parties as well as ancillary

participants and suppliers such as outpatient clinics, pharmacies and suppliers of

durable medical equipment. If the contact is not face-to-face, there's a good chance

that the interaction will be handled by a contact center, acting as the intermediary

for various business units.


The primary source of work in most contact centers comes from inbound voice calls

that are handled by an Automated Call Director (ACD). In some cases there may

also be outbound call activity that is either direct dial or handled by an outbound

dialer. There could also be a range of digital channels available to facilitate email,

chat, SMS and video interactions.

Sometimes the interaction is short - simply answering a question; other times, it

may be an involved process spread out over time. Regardless of the interaction

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channel used, the goal is to connect the patient with the right resource to get

information or assistance.


Interaction Channels

Patients have become accustomed to interacting with most companies via inbound

and outbound voice for decades, as well as fax for sending and receiving printed

forms and documents. More recent digital channels include:

• E-Mail for discussing symptoms, recommending a course of action and

sending prescriptions, especially when the patient is out-of-town;

submitting electronic documents such as out-of-network claims.

• Chat and Video for interacting with nurse advice teams.

• SMS/MMS for sending appointment reminders, receiving images from


Mobile devices enable applications that blend all of the self and assisted service

functions. One key benefit of mobile apps is that they require patient

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authentication, and they can provide location-based services like finding the nearest


Case Management systems include appointment scheduling, facilities management,

patient reminders, pharmacy services, claims processing, and business office

functions like accounts receivables.

Information areas include:

• Locations and Services

• Medical Encyclopedia

• Health Guides

• Disease and Symptom Information

• Drugs and Medicine

• Class Information and Registration

Self-Service functions include:

• Locations and Services

• Appointment scheduling and changes

• Class Information and Registration

• Prescription Refills

• Business Office

Resource targets include:

• Physician Referral

• Appointment Scheduling

• Class Information and Registration

• Pre-Clearance

• Nurse Advice

• Physician

• Pharmacy

• Business Office

Many organizations are now multi-channel in the contact center. Extending

interaction routing beyond the contact center allows you to leverage investments in

technology and improve the patient experience across the enterprise.

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Contact Center

The primary purpose of the contact center is to provide assistance to patients

needing a physician referral, scheduling appointments, claims processing, and

business office functions related to accounts receivable.


Important considerations include proper identification and authentication of the

patient to maintain HIPAA compliance, and placing each interaction in context to

more completely understand the immediate patient need.

Nurse Advice

Healthcare providers offering Nurse Advice services can improve the quality of life

for their patients by making nurses available 24x7 for those situations that do not

require a visit to the doctor. When the needs go beyond allowable limits, the

nursing team can act as a conduit to the PCP, or alert ER staff about a patient on the

way. In addition, these teams may perform check-up calls on patients recently

discharged from the hospital to ensure they are following doctor’s orders, and

perform protocols related to ongoing chronic health maintenance.

In addition to inbound and outbound voice channels, Nurse Advice teams are

increasingly turning to digital channels for communication. One of the most

important advances here is in the area of video, as research indicates that patients

who can see the nurse are more inclined to follow instructions. This is especially

useful for health maintenance issues like diabetes where prevention is critical.


In the past, much of the interaction between physician and patient has been face-

to-face or over the phone. More recently, some physicians have embraced email as

an alternate form of interaction, particularly for those patients who don’t need to

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be seen in person for treatment. In addition, escalations from the Nurse Advice

team enable physicians to keep abreast of patient needs.

Workload Distribution

Healthcare providers utilize various methods of workload management today.

Some segments are automated, such as those for scheduling appointments. Others

are almost ad hoc, like the way email is processed. The goal should be to accurately

inventory all work that needs to be done at any moment in time, assign a priority,

and route to the most appropriate resource equipped with the most appropriate

tools to respond.

Each interaction type follows a standard triage process.


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Those conditions categorized as "Expectant" or "Immediate" are routed to

emergency or urgent care. Those categorized as "Delayed" or "Minor" are handled

by the primary care physician. Each interaction could further have a numeric value

attached to provide ranking within a category based on patient history and the

severity of the need. As interactions were created and categorized, the attendant

workload could be calculated. Then the interaction would be routed to the most

appropriate resource available.


Notification to the resource could be facilitated most easily by mobile device (e.g.,

smart phone or tablet), with an option to "ignore" or "delay" response in the event

that a more pressing issue needs attention. If that were to happen, the interaction

would be re-routed to the new most appropriate resource.

Each event handled by workload management is tracked by interaction channel for

accurate classification, task duration and patient outcomes to ensure that the right

amount of time was allocated to future similar events. An accommodation could be

made for some number of "urgent, non-scheduled" events to be inserted each hour.

Most Available Resource





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All of the tasks handled by the physician are accounted for in order to provide a

more complete picture of productivity by:

• Channel:

o Face-to-Face

o Inbound/Outbound Voice

o E-mail

o Web

o Chat

o Video

• Season (cold/flu, back-to-school, etc.)

• Illness (chronic, health maintenance, etc.)

• Demographic (age, ethnicity, etc.)

Then the provider could:

• Filter, prioritize and push ‘next most important patient’ to the most

appropriate resource:

o Physician

o Physician Assistant

o Nurse

• Predict resource requirements by channel

• Forecast, schedule and track events and resources

• Link productivity to compensation

Additionally, healthcare delivery can develop pricing models based on access

channel. For patients who triage to a point where treatment options are feasible

without seeing the doctor, plans could offer lower cost of access. These usually

allow some number of escalations per year at no charge; then a fee for low-cost

plans that exceed triage limits.

2. Resource Management

Our research has found that for every front office worker there are three knowledge

workers in the back office providing support. It can be quite a challenge for

operations leaders to manage back office workers in the same way that they have

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grown accustomed to for agents in the contact center, largely because much of

what goes on in the back office involves manual tasks that are off the radar.

Along the same lines, managing resources that historically engaged with patients

face-to-face is equally challenging. The engagement models are notoriously difficult

to expand to non-real-time tasks like e-mail, even though the medical services

rendered are no less important. However, recent developments now make it

possible to identify back office and off-queue tasks and route just like a call. This

capability is especially interesting in multi-channel environments where resources

have blended skills.

Advanced workforce management tools make it possible for staff planners to juggle

all of the activity that occurs on voice and non-voice channels, allowing resources to

seamlessly move between tasks and channels throughout the day. These same

capabilities have been extended beyond the contact center to work-at-home

agents, nurses and physicians in order to optimize service and minimize costs.


In order for this to work properly, a range of performance management tools are

needed to understand what is happening in real-time as well as from a historical

perspective. Additional tools are needed to calculate workload, identify needed

skills and training requirements, and manage the workforce performing the tasks.



The reporting tools used for performance management present information in

historical and real-time format for all resources involved in direct patient

interactions, regardless of location.

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Beyond the contact center, reporting tools also consider patient interactions

handled in clinics and hospitals for phone, e-mail, Web, chat, SMS, video and work

items. The information possibilities are endless, but include:

• Interactions by: channel, patient, facility

• Duration of interactions and end-to-end processes

• Outcomes

• Trends

• Patient Satisfaction

All are critical for sustainability and long-term growth.


Regardless of staff location or interaction channel, workforce optimization tools aim

to forecast, schedule and track activities. In the contact center this is most often

driven by inbound and outbound call activity handled by the phone system. But as

outlined here, off-queue activities are equally important. The real challenge comes

in when patients use multiple channels to engage, and when staff are capable of

accepting work from all of the channels used by the patient.

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Where all tasks (calls, e-mail, face-to-face appointments, etc.) are handled by a

single routing platform, this makes it easy to:

• Calculate staff utilization by channel.

• Forecast staffing needs by channel, season, illness, demographic, etc.

• Tie productivity to compensation.

This becomes especially important in determining compensation rates for highly

paid staff interacting with patients across multiple channels throughout the day.

Some providers are considering compensation models that differentiate between

interaction types, volume, response time and outcomes to reward top performers.

The idea is to encourage doctors to meet with patients for more than a few minutes

during an office visit and to also compensate them, or nurse coordinators, for

communicating with patients by phone and e-mail even when it may be outside of

normal office hours. Doctors would also be compensated for helping patients

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manage chronic conditions - like reminding diabetic people to take their insulin--

and would be encouraged to transmit prescriptions electronically.

3. Facilities Management Hospitals make money when beds are occupied. This poses at least two big

challenges to hospital administrators: managing the pipeline to achieve optimal

occupancy levels while reducing avoidable hospital readmissions.

Pipeline Control

The first issue involves real-time knowledge of beds available, as well as those likely

to become available within the next 24-hours. One way to accomplish this is to

understand all of the events linked to discharge, and ensure they are actioned in a

timely manner.


Even when the answer to any decision point is “yes,” there must be a link to the

related activity to ensure the ultimate goal of ‘discharge’ for the patient. For

example, it’s one thing to ask “is transport available” to take the patient home or to

an outpatient care facility; it’s quite another to know that the transportation has

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been scheduled. If the transportation fails to show up on time, the patient cannot

be discharged and the bed will thus not be available for the next patient.


Each of these decision points will likely spawn a series of activities involving multiple

entities as well as the patient and their family. The only way to ensure that each

stakeholder is aware of their responsibility is to utilize a workload distribution

system – the same system described earlier in Section 1 for tracking, prioritizing and

routing tasks or work items.


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Approximately three-quarters of hospitalized patients are able to return to their

home environment following discharge. However, among Medicare patients,

almost 20 percent who are discharged from a hospital are readmitted within 30

days. This represents a significant risk for hospitals, who now have a financial

motivation to cut readmissions as Medicare recently began penalizing those with

higher-than-expected rates of readmission within 30 days of patients' original stay.

There are many contributing factors to avoidable hospital readmissions, including

the effectiveness of the discharge process outlined above, and effective monitoring

of the patient after discharge. Specific insurance benefits and availability of

services in the community may also influence whether or not the patient may be

safely discharged home.

Along the same lines as managing discharge planning, proper patient care after

discharge can dramatically reduce the odds of readmission. Proper scheduling and

monitoring of home services, such as visiting nurses or infusion providers to

administer intravenous infusions, may allow selected patients, who would otherwise

need non-acute residential care, to manage their transitional care needs at home.


For discharge home, patients, with help from family or other caregivers if available,

should be able to:

• Obtain and self-administer medications

• Perform self-care activities

• Eat an appropriate diet or otherwise manage nutritional needs

• Follow-up with designated providers

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If discharge to the outpatient setting is not appropriate, the discharge team must

arrange transfer to another inpatient facility for ongoing care. Determining the

most appropriate inpatient setting of care for ongoing treatment involves

determining the patient's needs and matching needs with the capabilities of

potential sites of care.

As with Pipeline Control, the only way to ensure that each stakeholder is aware of

their responsibility after the patient has been discharged is to utilize a workload

distribution system – the same system described earlier in Section 1 for tracking,

prioritizing and routing tasks or work items. Service Level Agreements (SLAs) need

to be established at each juncture to measure performance against the goal of

minimizing readmissions.

SLA management will in turn shape operational procedures. For example,

scheduling and making regular outbound calls to determine if the patient is taking

the proper amount of medication at the right time, performing self-care, eating

properly and following up with providers. Failure to aggressively do this on

schedule greatly increases the likelihood of an avoidable readmission. SLA

monitoring will feed the closed-loop process improvement, and provide early

warning of patients at high risk of readmission.

4. Revenue Cycle Management

Like all businesses, hospitals need to be paid for services rendered. Many patients

provide a co-pay and rely on some form of insurance to pay for medical needs. In

some situations the patient is uninsured, or seeks services that are not covered by

their plan. When that happens, the patient has a financial obligation that must be


Healthcare providers can create strategies to improve debt collection cycles by

setting the right expectations up front, confirming benefit eligibility and account

responsibilities before any services are rendered. Presuming accurate charges have

been captured and coded, timely claim submission is critical to reimbursement.

For unpaid balances, additional work is needed. This includes proactively reminding

patients that payment is due in a few days, highlighting patients who have a high

probability of missing payments, and improving patient loyalty by shaping payment

behaviors through regular communication.

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Patients are diverse and pretty clever when it comes to avoiding calls from

collections. They are pretty adept at using caller ID, call blocking and voicemail.

They also change mobile phone numbers easily and frequently. This makes them

more difficult to contact with a much higher contact failure rate.

But compensating for this is the bigger range of communication means now

available. Some debtors may be easier to reach in the morning rather than the

afternoon or may answer their mobile phone in preference to their home phone.

All this information can be used to customize the treatment of specific contacts. As

well as home phones, work phones and mobile phones, debtors can now be

contacted by e-mail and SMS as well. All of these channels can be used as a means

of improving contact, taking into account regional compliance rules.

Using an outbound dialer allows healthcare providers to operate more efficiently.

They can decide when to use live agents for calls that require the unique skills of a

live agent. Or, they can determine which contacts should be made without an agent

pre-recorded voice messages for things like payment reminders, e-mail or SMS.

Other efficiencies can be achieved by call blending in the contact center. Blending

uses outbound/blended agents to smooth out inbound calling peaks during high

traffic times. When these peaks return to normal call volumes, the blended agent

resume outbound calling. Outbound is all about achieving more productivity and

greater efficiencies.

Collections Strategy

Creative and innovative strategies can optimize collection success and/or enhance

patient relationships, while keeping costs to a minimum.

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• Reach the responsible party as early as possible after their account becomes

delinquent in order to present the widest range of options.

• Reach out to the responsible party even before they are in trouble,

particularly those who are uninsured and pay for services with credit cards.

A single missed payment on the credit card can dramatically increase the

interest rate on the unpaid balance, thereby reducing the likelihood of

timely payment. That starts a domino effect, and all creditors are at risk.

• Segment responsible parties based on collection effort, and design

campaign strategies tailored to the unique requirements of each group.

5. Compliance

Healthcare is quite possibly the most regulated industry of all, regardless of

location. Although there are many angles on compliance, the focus here is on two


1. Task Validation.

2. Medical Loss Ratios (MLRs).

Task Validation

Many of the processes used in the Provider delivery system have actions that are

regulated. For example, HIPAA requires authentication prior to release of sensitive

patient information.

Failure to follow regulations could lead to fines and penalties – at

the time of failure, or for the lack of proof during an audit.

We actually observe the following behaviors and conditions in many healthcare


• Prioritization of tasks including compliance steps

are self-selected by employees. They decide what

tasks are important, or what order tasks should

be accomplished.

• Employees may mark a compliance task as

complete, but actually don’t do the task.

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• The fail to update the system so the audit trail is lost.

• While workflow systems are wonderful at HOW something should be done,

they fail to identify WHO is the best skilled person to perform a task.

• Managers have little insight to what tasks have been completed, or if they

have been completed in the right order.

Instead, avoid problems and the resulting fines by addressing how employees

engage with regulated work items to:

• Prove that tasks were actioned and provide an audit trail

• Prioritize, assign and push tasks to the most appropriately skilled and

available employee

• Optimize resource utilization to control costs

There are four main components required to make this work:

1. Task Validation proves that a task was auctioned and provides an audit trail.

It does this by controlling and tagging all of the interactions patients have

with you – inbound and outbound. The tags are the links that allow tracing

so that you can prove things actually happened.

2. Prioritization and Push of tasks to employees based on regulatory

requirements, business rules, SLAs and employee skill.

3. Employee Process Improvement provides reporting tools to provide insight

into performance, task completion and workload. Knowing what happened

is important; using that information to continually improve what you are

doing is critical.

4. Resource Optimization to forecast, train, schedule and track all resources

for activities.

For patient interactions using inbound/outbound voice it may also be advisable to

apply business rules that would identify call types or segments that are subject to

compliance, and configure the rules to trigger the call recording platform. This

could be done for patient authentication, authorizing surrogate decision-makers,

confirming acknowledgment of transfer to a wellness center and so on.

Taken together, these manage the risk and cost associated with Task Validation.

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Medical Loss Ratios (MLRs)

The Affordable Care Act requires health insurance issuers to submit data on the

proportion of premium revenues spent on clinical services and quality

improvement, also known as the Medical Loss Ratio (MLR). It also requires them to

issue rebates to enrollees if this percentage does not meet minimum standards.

MLR requires insurance companies to spend at least 80% or 85% of premium dollars

on medical care, with the review provisions imposing tighter limits on health

insurance rate increases. If they fail to meet these standards, the insurance

companies will be required to provide a rebate to their customers starting in 2012.

Insurance companies that issue policies to individuals, small employers, and large

employers will have to report the following information in each State it does


• Total earned premiums;

• Total reimbursement for clinical services;

• Total spending on activities to improve

quality; and

• Total spending on all other non-claims

costs excluding federal and State taxes

and fees.

The regulation imposes civil monetary penalties if an insurer fails to comply with the

reporting and rebate requirements set forth in the regulation. Although the law

allows HHS to develop separate monetary penalties for medical loss ratio non-

compliance, HHS has adopted the HIPAA penalties in this regulation. The

regulation’s penalty for each violation is $100 per entity, per day, per individual

affected by the violation.


There are at least two key things healthcare insurance companies need to focus on

for MLR compliance:

1. Accurate and timely reporting to HHS.

2. Identification of the types of “activities to improve quality” and amount


Following NAIC recommendations, this regulation specifies a comprehensive set of

“quality improving activities” that allows for future innovations and may be counted

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toward the 80 or 85 percent standard. Quality improving activities must be

grounded in evidence-based practices, take into account the specific needs of

patients and be designed to increase the likelihood of desired health outcomes in

ways that can be objectively measured.

In order to maintain incentives for innovation, insurers will not be required to

present initial evidence in order to designate an activity as “quality improving” when

they first begin implementing it. However, to ensure value, the insurer will have to

show measurable results stemming from the quality improvement activity in order

to continue claiming that it does in fact improve quality.

On further examination, it may be possible to attribute some of the technology

overhead costs to the 85% side of the equation as “quality improving activities”

instead of the 15% side for overhead. For example, integrated providers may be

able to implement technology on the delivery side that could be leveraged by the

insurance side at minimal cost.

Alternatively, insurers may need to more closely examine CAPEX v. OPEX models for

technology, or consider moving technology responsibilities to a wholly-owned


Summary This document has provided a closer examination of five key areas in the Provider

delivery system:

1. Task Routing and Workload Distribution

2. Resource Management

3. Facilities Management

4. Revenue Cycle Management

5. Compliance

Taken together, all of these work together to deliver optimal results for the Three Ps

of Healthcare – Patient, Provider and Payor. Integration of key systems and

comprehensive analytical tools are essential for understanding and managing the

patient experience end-to-end. This includes streamlining operational throughput,

controlling costs and ensuring compliance.

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Solution Components Genesys Customer Interaction Management (CIM) platform is the framework used

for routing and reporting on customer interactions.

Genesys Workload Management consists of four main components:

• intelligent Workload Distribution (iWD) - Supports customer service

delivery beyond the contact center by tracking, prioritizing and routing tasks

or work items.

• Workforce Optimization - Reduces staffing costs, improves productivity and

protects service levels with accurate forecasting and scheduling for all

interaction channels.

• Skills Management - Proactively assesses and maintains employee skills so

they have the right skill sets to handle work streams across all interaction


• Interactive Insights – Historical reporting that delivers a complete picture of

employee performance and work streams across multiple operations and


These components work together to provide visibility to all patient interactions,

which can then be tracked and used for forecasting and scheduling resources.

Genesys Quality Management software gives you the three tools you’ll need to

help you meet your customer service objectives: Call Recording, Quality Manager

and Screen Capture.

Conclusion If a healthcare delivery organization has a contact center in place for physician

referrals, appointment scheduling, pre-clearance, business office and accounts

receivable, they are likely to utilize multi-channel, utilizing inbound/outbound voice,

e-Mail and chat. Extending the contact center infrastructure to the providers will

deliver similar benefits and higher cost savings to the enterprise.

About Genesys Genesys is driven by our cause to save the world from bad customer service. We do

it by applying a relentless focus on the consumer perspective of the customer

experience — and the impact it has on your business. Genesys works with its

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customers and partners world-wide to deliver the experience that today’s digital

consumers want. It all adds up to one seamless customer conversation.

Great customer service extends beyond the contact center to the processes and

work streams involved in meeting your commitments. Genesys products give you

insight into and control over these processes, so you can truly track the customer

experience from end to end.

Corporate Headquarters


2001 Junipero Serra Blvd.

Daly City, CA 94014


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Genesys is a leading provider of contact center and customer service software — with more than 2,200 customers in

80 countries. With over 20 years of contact center innovation and experience, Genesys software directs more than

100 million interactions every day, maximizing the value of customer engagement and differentiating the experience

by driving personalization and multichannel customer service — as well as extending customer service across the

enterprise to optimize processes and the performance of customer-facing employees.

For more information visit:, or call +1 888 GENESYS.

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