custom variables_custom events

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  • 7/29/2019 Custom Variables_custom Events


    Like any software product you use, there are a few key elements that you need to

    understand to be successful. In working with clients I have found that many do not have

    a good understanding ofthe three fundamental building blocks of SiteCatalyst: sProps,

    eVars and Success Events. When I was an Omniture client, I will admit that I had much

    more important things to do with my time than to learn about Omnitures variable types

    and their capabilities. However, over time, I came to understand that these variables are

    the foundation of all SiteCatalyst reporting, so if I wanted to use Omniture reports to

    measure my website success and/or justify my re-design theories, I had better suck it up

    and learn about these three variable types. I hope you will do the same. In this post I will

    review sProps and will cover the other two types in my next posts.

    I want to share an analogy with anyone who might be trying to more firmly grasp some of

    the elementary concepts of Omnitures SiteCatalyst analytics software. Ill outline the

    meaning and intended use of:

    eVars - (s.eVarN) aka custom commerce variables

    s.props(s.propN) aka custom insight variables

    custom events ( events

    Imagine theres a bustling marketplace. You have many entrances, many shoppers, many

    browsers and in all likelihood a few shoplifters. If you were trying to better measure

    various metrics such as the ratio of those who enter the market to those who purchase,

    or even how many times people pass through a certain entrance youd have quite a job to

    do. Youd have to be so many places at once with your eyes on more than you can

    possibly keep track of.

    Cast a wide net and tag every entrance with java script tags! Custom insight variables or

    s.props will count whatever pass through them. Perhaps youd like to find out the use

    frequency of the N entrances to the market. Lets use

    s.prop1=entrance 1 each time someone passes through entrance 1, and use

    s.prop1=entrance 2 each time someone goes into entrance 2. Keep in mind that

    although the values were passing through the custom insight variable vary, the actual tag

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    (s.prop1) will stay the same for purposes of continuity. We can go into the SiteCatalyst

    admin and name s.prop1 entrance frequency.

    So now you know where people are coming inthats nice. Say you want to know how

    many people go into store X in one month. Every time someone passes through the

    entrance point of store X you trigger a custom event, say Now each

    time a shopper passes into the store the tally of event1 which will probably be set to

    counter if youre not aggregating a monetary value the event count will increment

    upward by 1.

    An astute reader will now say, Jeff, what is this? You can just use a custom insight

    variable, why are you being all fancy using this custom event stuff eh?? Excellent point

    Ill reply! I could use an s.prop and each time someone passes through the store entrance

    pass through the store name. So whats the fundamental difference?

    Well, when someone leaves the store it will also count them when you use a prop,

    whereas with the custom event you can serialize the event count so that you only

    increment the event once per session or visit. Is it better to know the number of times

    something passed through a gate or the # of unique people who went into the store that

    day? Both have a certain value (and that was a rhetorical question) but as well see next,

    the custom events utility reaches further beyond that of the s.prop in the case of

    measuring commercial activities.

    Okay, so we have the bustling marketplace, lots of people entering here and there, going

    into stores and we know from where they enter and which stores are most popular. The

    whole point of going there is to get them buying!!!! Spend your money with meeeeee

    says the marketplaces collective wisdom.

    Which entrance leads to the most revenue? Which store generates the most revenue?

    Lets think about thisif we pass revenue into the s.prop, wait you cant do that it just

    counts the frequency of what gets placed into it, and how would you know what entrance

    they came into? If we set the custom event to currency (an advanced setting in the

    sitecatalyst administrative console) we can pass the revenue of each store into a custom

    event, but youd have to use multiple custom events for each store. How can you get the

    data in 1 report.

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    Well first, to save face with any knowledgeable readers Omniture SiteCatalyst uses the

    s.products=" tag to count revenue and product data so the custom event set to currency

    isnt necessarily applicable here.

    With that said, we can use the custom commerce variable aka the eVar

    (s.eVarN=something). A key feature of the eVar is its use of persistent cookies. Each

    eVar has its own unique attribution settings and you can control:

    How long the persistent cookie will persist for.

    Whether credit will be given to the first or last touched (first or last what, right? Whatever

    you put into the tag s.eVarN=whatever is in here).

    I dont think any cookie expiration length is typical, but attribution to the last item

    touched is. There is a great debate regarding the accuracy of this but in my view (without

    getting into great detail) I think its the best measurement.

    So lets set our eVar to persist for 1 day. When someone comes into the mall we have an

    entrance eVar, when someone enters a store we have a store eVar.

    Someone comes into the mall -

    s.eVar3=west gate entrance

    Someone comes into Macys -


    At days end you can run an eVar report for each custom commerce variable against

    revenue and youll see which entrance generated the most revenue and which store

    generated the most revenue.

    In all fairness in this strange example we could use the store name as the products

    variable in the s.products string and eliminate the need for the eVar4 report but thats

    too tangential to this discussion.

    Another cool thing about the custom insight variable is you can correlate them with other

    traffic variables. So if I wanted to know which articles were most popular in my

    international news section of my news content site, each time a page was viewed in that

    section, the article name would be passed through the prop. Check it out:

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    4/12 news

    s.propN=9 out of 10 politicians at home and abroad are corrupt: public easilyforgets

    You could then correlate channel and prop and see how popular articles were within the


    If you need consulting shoot me an email at [email protected] or catch me on


    Traffic Variables

    Traffic variables (known to old-timers as sProps) help to track page-by-page site traffic

    activity. Site Traffic is normally measured via Page Views, Visits or Unique Visitors. The

    primary purpose of sProps is to allow you to breakdown Page Views, Visits and Unique

    Visitors into meaningful buckets. While SiteCatalyst provides reports to see total Page

    Views, Visits and Unique Visitors for your site, most web analysis needs to take place at a

    much more granular level. Without sProps, you would not be able to see such things as

    which pages are the most popular or what percentage of pages were viewed in the USA

    vs. Canada, etc. The following is an example of the most commonly used sProp report,

    the Most Popular Pages report:

    Not Persistent

    An important thing to know about sProps is that they are not persistent. This means that

    they do not retain their value from one page to the next, a concept that often confuses

    Omniture customers. I find that the easiest way to understand sProps is to think of the

    most commonly used sProp: Page Name. Lets assume a visitor to your site starts their

    visit on the Home Page and the value Home Page is passed into the Page Name sProp.

    From the Home Page, the visitor clicks on a link and is taken to the Contact Us page.

    You would certainly not want the value of Home Page to persist and be passed into the

    Page Name sProp on this next page or it would look like the Home Page had two Page

    Views instead of each page having one Page View.


    Another important thing to know about sProps is that they are used for Pathing. Pathing

    is the ability to view the order in which values are passed to a particular SiteCatalyst sProp

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    for a specific Visit. For example, lets say that each page on your site has a pagename and

    the values passed to the Pagename sProp are Page A, Page B, and Page C respectively. If

    Pathing is enabled for that sProp, SiteCatalyst would record the order in which the values

    were passed and allow you to view reports that show the percentage for which all site

    users went from Page A to Page B, etc I will definitely be talking more about Pathing in

    a future post.

    STEP 2 Assign Events to pages

    Example 1: Travel and Hotel industry, using the standard shopping cart events.

    View Destination (Hotel) Packages = prodView

    Enter Travel Dates = asAdd

    Review Order = checkout

    Confirm Order = purchase

    Example 2: Banking industry, using a combination of predefined e-Commerce events and

    custom events.

    View Banking Products = prodView

    Complete Online Banking Form = event1

    Success Confirmation = event2

    Example 3: Auto industry, using a combination of predefined e-Commerce events and

    custom events.

    View Model = prowView

    Complete Dealer Request Info Page = event1

    Success Confirmation = event2

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    Example 4: General content site where the user can register for access or complete an

    interest form, using just custom events.

    Request for Information = event1

    Success Confirmation = event2


    Example 1: Travel and Hotel industry, using the standard shopping cart events.

    View Destination (Hotel) Packages page = prodView

    Enter Travel Dates page

    s.event = scAdd

    Review Order Page = scCheckout

    Confirm Order page = purchase

    Example 2: Banking industry, using a combination of predefined e-Commerce events and

    custom events.

    View Banking page = prodView

    Complete Online Banking page = events1;

    Success Confirmation page = events2;

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    Example 3: Auto industry, using a cobbination of predefined e-Commerce events and

    custom events.

    View Model page = prodView

    Complete Dealer Request info Page = event1

    Success Confirmation = event2

    Example 4: General content site where the user can register for access or complete an

    interest form, using just custom events.

    Request for Information page = event1

    Success Confirmation page = "events2";


    The event incrementor feature allows a custom amount to be specified for a specific

    event. The incrementor is most often used for tax or shipping and handling fees.


    The syntax to use the event incrementor is as follows, adding another filed to the

    products string:

    s.products=Category;Product;Qty;TotalPrice:eventN=Increment Amount;

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    By default, success event are configure as Counter type events (as discussed earlier in

    this section). Counter events simply count the number of times a success event is set.

    Some success event applications (especially when incremented in the product string

    instead of on the page) require that an event be incremented by some custom amount.

    You will usually want to change the event type either Number or Currency when

    incrementing via the product string. Because the incremented amount is set in the

    product string the incrementor applies to individual products.

    Conversion (Success Events) [Inside Omniture SiteCatalyst]

    Friday, 8 August 2008 @ 6:00, by Adam Greco

    SiteCatalyst Conversion Variables

    Omniture SiteCatalyst breaks its variables into two types: Traffic and Conversion. As

    discussed in my last post, Traffic Variables allow you to segment traffic metrics (i.e. Page

    Views) and utilize Pathing, whereas Conversion Variables allow you to quantify and

    segment the success actions taken by your site visitors. The Conversion area of

    SiteCatalyst is made up of two distinct variable types - Success Events and Conversion

    Variables (also known as eVars). In this post I will discuss Success Events, followed by

    Conversion Variables in my next posts.

    Success Events & KPIs

    Before exploring Success Events, it is worthwhile to discuss Key Performance Indicators

    (or KPIs). Hopefully you are familiar with the term, but just in case, KPIs are the metrics

    used to determine the health or success of your website. If the goal of your website is to

    get visitors to purchase things then your KPIs might be Revenue, Orders & Units.

    Alternatively, if the goal of your website is to generate leads, then you may monitor a

    Leads Generated KPI. The reason I bring up KPIs here is because most website KPIs

    take the form of Success Events in SiteCatalyst so the two go hand in hand. When I begin

    working with an existing client, the first thing I look at is whether the key actions they

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    want visitors to take on their site are defined as Success Events and if so whether these

    Success Events have data. Unfortunately, more often than not, I find that clients have

    done much more with their Traffic Variables than they have with their Conversion


    SiteCatalyst Success Events

    SiteCatalyst Success Events are Conversion Variables that count the number of times site

    visitors complete an action on your site. Unlike Traffic Variables which serve as

    dimensions or breakdowns of a Page View/Visit/Unique Visitor metric, Success Events are

    always numbers. Through tagging, you tell SiteCatalyst when users have taken the

    action(s) that you want them to take and Success Events are increased accordingly.

    Therefore, each SiteCatalyst Success Event has an associated graph that shows its metric

    total for any given timeframe (see example below).

    Success Events can be either Standard or Custom. Standard Success Events include a

    select few actions that are prevalent on retail websites such as Revenue, Orders, Units,

    Cart Additions, etc Custom Success Events are available for use for any site action you

    deem worthy of tracking. Omniture provides the ability to have up to 86 Success Events,

    though many of these are reserved for use in Genesis Partner integrations (future topic).

    As a rule of thumb, I tell my clients that if there is an action on the website that is

    fundamental to the existence of the website, it should be tracked as a Success Event. If

    you or one of your co-workers wont get promoted (or fired!) based upon the outcome of

    the Success Event, it may not be worthy of being a Success Event. In reality, I find that

    most of my clients use fewer than 20 success events, mainly to avoid analysis paralysis!

    Conversion vs. Traffic

    One area where I see clients get confused is in the relationship between SiteCatalyst

    Traffic Variables (also known as sProps) and Conversion Variables. In SiteCatalyst, there is

    a clear distinction between these variable types such that each variable type has its own

    specific purpose. When you think of Traffic Variables you should think about Page Views,

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    Unique Visitors and Pathing. When you think about Conversion Variables you should

    think about Purchases, Lead Form Submissions, etc

    In SiteCatalyst, you would never attempt to segment/breakdown Success Events by a

    Traffic Variable (You can do this in Omniture Discover, but not in SiteCatalyst). For

    example, in my last post we saw an example where Page Views were broken down by

    language (English or Spanish). In SiteCatalyst, you would not breakdown a Revenue

    Success Event by the Language Traffic Variable to see Revenue where visitors preferred

    Spanish. This is because the primary purpose of Traffic Variables is to count Page Views

    and enable Pathing, not break down Success Events. However, dont panic because in

    subsequent posts we will learn how Conversion Variables allow you to do this and much,

    much more!

    Real-World Example

    Lets say go back to our fictitious Omniture client Greco Inc., which has one of its web

    properties in the Online Education space. A key component of their online education

    website is to get visitors to view a demo of an online course so they can get a flavor of the

    overall experience of being an online student. In this case, when the visitor clicks to view

    the Course Demo, Greco Inc.s marketing manager works with IT to set a Success Event

    and thereafter can track the progress of this metric using the associated SiteCatalyst


    In summary, this post covered the basics surrounding Success Events and when they

    should be used. In future posts I will cover the following additional items related to

    Success Events:

    Adding Success Event reports to dashboards for dissemination to website stakeholders

    Downloading Success Event data to Microsoft Excel so it can be merged with other data

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    Using Success Event data in SiteCatalyst Calculated Metrics and Conversion Funnels

    Setting Alerts to be notified when Success Event data changes

    Ensuring Success Events are not set more than once (de-duplication)

    More advanced uses of success events

    In the last two posts we have begun to learn about Omniture SiteCatalyst Traffic Variables

    and Conversion Variables (Success Events). As previously discussed, Traffic Variables

    allow you to segment or breakdown Page Views, Visits and Unique Visitors, while Success

    Events capture metrics around conversion actions taken by site visitors. In our Traffic

    Variable post we saw how we could segment/breakdown Traffic metrics by Language, but

    learned that Success Event metrics are not broken down by Traffic Variables in

    SiteCatalyst. So what if we want to be able to show the percentage of Lead Generation

    Form Submissions broken down by Language? Perhaps we want to see Shopping Cart

    Additions broken down by Zip Code or Campaign Tracking Code. There are lots of cases

    where you will want to segment/breakdown Success Events in a similar manner that

    Traffic Variables allow you to break down Traffic Metrics. So how do we do this?

    Conversion Variables to the Rescue!

    The purpose of Conversion Variables (also known as eVars) is to allow you to breakdown

    Success Event metrics in a similar manner that Traffic Variables allow you to breakdown

    Traffic metrics. While this sounds easy, Conversion Variables are actually one of the most

    confusing topics for SiteCatalyst customers because there is a lot to learn about how they

    behave (which is why this is only Part I). I will describe the key points here and then try to

    make sense of it all through some examples.

    Unlike Traffic Variables, Conversion Variables are persistent meaning that once a site

    visitor gets assigned a value, that value sticks with them until you (SiteCatalyst

    Administrator) tell SiteCatalyst to clear it out (unless the user deletes their cookies or uses

    a different computer). For example, if you have a Conversion Variable that stores the

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