curriculum experiences


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Curriculum Experiences in Curriculum Development


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Component 3

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Curriculum Experiences

Different instructional strategies provide the experiences. The instructional strategies and method will put into action the goals and the use and content in order to produce an outcome.

Teaching strategies convert the written curriculum into action. Both the teacher and the learner take actions into facilitate learning.

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Curriculum Experiences

The action are based on planned objectives, the subject matter to betaken and the support materials to be used. This will include a multitude of teaching methods and educational activities which will enhance learning.

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Some guide for the selection and use:1)Teaching methods are means to achieve

ends. They are used to translate the objectives into action.

2) There is no single best teaching method3) Teaching method should stimulate the

learner’s desire to develop the cognitive, psychomotor, social and spiritual domain of the individual4. In the choice of the teaching methods, learning styles of the students should be considered.

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Some guide for the selection and use:

4. In the choice of the teaching methods, learning styles of the students should be considered.

5. Every method should lead to the development of the learning outcomes in the three domains: cognitive, affective and psychomotor

6. Flexibility should be a consideration in the use of the teaching methods

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Curriculum Evaluation

Component 4

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Curriculum EvaluationAll curricula to be effective must have the

element of evaluation (Worthen and Sanders, 1987).This refer to the formal determination of the

quality, effectiveness or value of the program, process, product of the curri-culum. Evaluation is meeting the goals and matching them with the intended outcomes.

There are different evaluation methods that can be utilized like diagnos-tic, placement, formative or summative evaluation or the norm or criterion-referenced evaluation.

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Regardless of the methods

and materials evaluation

will utilize, a suggested

plan of action for the

process of curriculum

evaluation is introduces

with these steps

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1. Focus on one particular component of the curriculum

2. Collect or gather the information3. Organize the information4. Analyze information5. Report the information6. Recycle the information for

continuous feedback, modifications and adjustments to be made

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Interrelationship of Components Of A Curriculum

Aims Objective


Content/ Subject Matter


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CURRICULUMAPPROACHES Curriculum practitioners and implementers may use one or more approaches in planning, implementing and evaluating the curriculum. Even textbook writers or instructional materials producers have different particular approaches.

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Behavioral ApproachThis is based on a blueprint, where goals and

objectives are specified, contents and activities are also arranged to match with the learning objectives.

The learning outcomes are evaluated in terms of goals and objectives set at the beginning. This approach started with the idea of Frederick Taylor which is aimed to achieve efficiency.

In education, behavioral approach begins with educational plans that start with the setting of goals or objectives.

These are the important ingredients in curriculum implementation as evaluating the learning outcomes as a change of behavior. The change of behavior indicates the measure of the accomplishment.

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Managerial Approach In this approach, the principal is the curriculum

leader and at the same time instructional leader who is supposed to be the general manager.

The general manager sets the policies and priorities, establishes the direction of change and innovation, and planning and organizing curriculum and instruction.

School administrators are less concerned about the content than about organization and implementation. They are less concerned about subject matter, methods and materials than improving the curriculum

Curriculum managers look at curriculum changes and innovations as they administer the resources and restructure the schools.

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Some of the roles of the Curriculum Supervisors are the following:

help develop the school's education goalsplan curriculum with students, parents, teachers

and other stakeholdersdesign programs of study by grade levelsplan or schedule classes or school calendarprepare curriculum guides or teacher guides by

grade level or subject areahelp in the evaluation and selection of textbooksobserve teachersassist teachers in the implementation of the

curriculumencourage curriculum innovation and changedevelop standards for curriculum and

instructional evaluation

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Systems ApproachThis was influenced by systems theory, where

the parts of the total school district or school are examined in terms of how they relate to each other.

The organizational chart of the school represents a systems approach. It shows the line-staff relationships of personnel and how decisions are made..

The following are of equal importance: a) Administrationb) counseling c) Curriculum d) Instruction e) evaluation

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Humanistic Approach

This approach is rooted in the progressive philosophy and child-centered movement. It considers the formal or planned curriculum and the informal or hidden curriculum. It considers the whole child and believes that in curriculum the total development of the individual is the prime consideration. The learner s at the center of the curriculum.

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