curriculum - development, training and it consultancy … · curriculum “your technology...

Curriculum “Your Technology Navigator For Managing Your Tomorrow” vWhat is Android vCompare Android to other Mobile Platforms vWhy Android is Important? vHistory and Version vSoftware Stack, vOverview of the Stack vLinux Kernel, vApplication Framework vAndroid Emulator vInstalling softwares vSDK and Platforms vTools vSetup Eclipse & Android Studio vSDK Versions vHello Android example vInternal Details vDalvik VM vAndroidManifest.xml vHide Title Bar Android Introduction vActivity ,Intent and FragmentvActivity LifeCycle vImplicit Intent vExplicit Intent vStartActivityForResult vContent Provider vBroadcast Receiver vServices Core Building Block vWorking with Button vToast vCustom Toast vToggleButton vCheckBox vAlertDialog vList View,WebView,Expandable List View vSpinner vAutoCompleteTextView vRatingBar vDatePicker vTimePicker vProgressBar vFrame Layout,LinearLayout,TableLayout,Grid,Relative etc. Android UI Widgets and Layouts vViews and Layouts vCommon UI Component vDefining Default Resource vCreate Alternative Resource Basic Android User Interface Advance User Interface vAdapters vSimple Cursor Adapter vArray Adapter

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Post on 06-Aug-2018




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“Your Technology Navigator For

Managing Your Tomorrow”

vWhat is Android

vCompare Android to other Mobile Platforms

vWhy Android is Important? vHistory and Version

vSoftware Stack, vOverview of the Stack

vLinux Kernel, vApplication Framework

vAndroid Emulator vInstalling softwares

vSDK and Platforms vTools

vSetup Eclipse & Android Studio

vSDK Versions vHello Android example

vInternal Details vDalvik VM


vHide Title Bar

Android Introduction

vActivity ,Intent and FragmentvActivity LifeCycle

vImplicit Intent vExplicit Intent

vStartActivityForResult vContent Provider

vBroadcast Receiver vServices

Core Building Block

vWorking with Button vToast

vCustom Toast vToggleButton

vCheckBox vAlertDialog

vList View,WebView,Expandable List View

vSpinner vAutoCompleteTextView

vRatingBar vDatePicker

vTimePicker vProgressBar

vFrame Layout,LinearLayout,TableLayout,Grid,Relative etc.

Android UI Widgets and Layouts

vViews and Layouts vCommon UI Component

vDefining Default Resource vCreate Alternative Resource

Basic Android User Interface

Advance User Interface


vSimple Cursor Adapter

vArray Adapter

vIntroduction to SQLite Database

vSQLiteOpenHelper and Creating database

vOpening and Closing a Database

vWorking with Cursor

SQLite Database

vIntroduction to Content Provider

vDefining URI for Provider

vContent Provider MIME Types

vIntroduction to Content Resolver

vAccess Predefined Content Provider

Content Provider

vWhat are Broadcast Receivers

vImplementing Broadcast Receiver

vSystem Broadcasts and How to use them

Broadcast Receiver

vOverview of services in Android

vImplementing a Service

vService Life Cycle

vStarted Services Vs Bound Services

vImplementation of Started &Vound Services


vToast Notification

vStatus Notification

vUnderstanding Notification Service


Menus in AndroidvOption Menu

vContext Menu

vPopup Menu

vWorking with Location Manager

vListening to Location updates

vUnderstanding Latitude and Longitude

vObtaining User Location

Location Service

vWorking with Maps External LibraryvRegister with Google Maps ServicevAnimate Overlay on Map

Google Maps ApI

vData StoragevInternal StoragevShared PreferencesvExternal StoragevSQLite Database

vXML Parsing SAXvXML Parsing DOMvXMLPullParservJSON Parsing

Android XML & JSON Parsing

Android MultimediaPlaying Audio & Video in android v

Web InteractionvHttpClient& Http response

vAsync Task


vDesigning Layouts with XML


vTween Animation

vFrame Animation

Designing & Animation

vControlling Wi-Fi

vMonitoring and managing Internet Connectivity

vManaging active connection


vAccessing phone properties and status

vControlling phone

vSending SMS

Telephony Making Calls

vAndroid Speech API

vTelephony API

vFacebook ApI Integration Etc.

Various API's Integration

vUnderstanding Web Service

vConsuming SOAP or REST Web Service

Android Web Service

Android BluetoothvControlling local Bluetooth device

vDescovering and Bonding remote Bluetooth device

vManaging Bluetooth Connections

vCommunicating with Bluetooth

vRendering Previews

vTaking Picture

Android Camera

vHow Sensor work

vTypes of Sensors

vListening to Sensor readings


vPushing Notification to all Register User

Google Cloud Messaging

Building your own Apps(Project)Generate .apk file and upload on deviceWorking with

Google Play Store

“Your Technology Navigator For

Managing Your Tomorrow”