curriculum vitae · 2015-09-16 · curriculum vitae ahmet sinan türkyılmaz personal details name...

CURRICULUM VITAE Ahmet Sinan Türkyılmaz PERSONAL DETAILS Name and Surname Ahmet Sinan Türkyılmaz Date of Birth 27 October, 1971 Place of Birth Ankara (Turkey) Sex Male Citizenship Republic of Turkey Mother Tongue Turkish Other languages English (Excellent) Academic Title Prof. Dr., Ph. D Current Employment Lecturer, Deputy Director Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies (Ankara, Turkey) E-mail [email protected] [email protected]

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Page 1: CURRICULUM VITAE · 2015-09-16 · CURRICULUM VITAE Ahmet Sinan Türkyılmaz PERSONAL DETAILS Name and Surname Ahmet Sinan Türkyılmaz Date of Birth 27 October, 1971 Place of Birth


Ahmet Sinan Türkyılmaz

PERSONAL DETAILS Name and Surname Ahmet Sinan Türkyılmaz Date of Birth 27 October, 1971 Place of Birth Ankara (Turkey) Sex Male Citizenship Republic of Turkey Mother Tongue Turkish Other languages English (Excellent) Academic Title Prof. Dr., Ph. D Current Employment Lecturer, Deputy Director Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies (Ankara, Turkey) E-mail [email protected] [email protected]

Page 2: CURRICULUM VITAE · 2015-09-16 · CURRICULUM VITAE Ahmet Sinan Türkyılmaz PERSONAL DETAILS Name and Surname Ahmet Sinan Türkyılmaz Date of Birth 27 October, 1971 Place of Birth


EDUCATION Primary School: Yahya Galip Kargı İlkokulu (Yahya Galip Kargı Primary School), Ankara (Turkey), 1982. Secondary School: Namık Kemal Ortaokulu (Namık Kemal Secondary School), Ankara (Turkey), 1985. High School: Ankara Lisesi (Ankara High School), Ankara (Turkey), 1988. Undergraduate: B.Sc. in Statistics, Department of Statistics, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Middle East Technical University, Ankara (Turkey), June 1994. Postgraduate: M.A. in Technical Demography, Department of Technical Demography,

Institute of Population Studies, Hacettepe University, Ankara (Turkey), February 1998, Cumulative GPA: 3.81 (High Honors).

Ph.D. in Technical Demography, Department of Technical Demography, Institute of Population Studies, Hacettepe University, Ankara (Turkey), May 2003, Cumulative GPA: 4.00 (High Honors).

Relevant Education: Fellowship student in “Sampling Program for Survey Statisticians” in Summer Institute 2000, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, (USA), 2000. Visiting student in “Detroit Area Study, 2001” fall-term course, LSA, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, (USA), 2002. Student in Summer Institute 2002, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, (USA), 2002.

Certificate, “Graduate Summer School on New Advances in Statistics Participation Certificate - Sampling and Research Methodology Module”, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, August 2007.

DISSERTATIONS M.A. in Technical Demography Indirect Estimation of Infant and Child Mortality Trends for Turkey from Birth-Survival Histories, Supervised by Attila Hancıoğlu, Department of Technical Demography, Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, September 1998. Ph.D. in Technical Demography Estimation of Selected Demographic and Health Indicators for Provinces of Turkey from Census and Survey Data by Using Small Area Estimation Techniques, Supervised by Prof. James M. Lepkowski (Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA) and Attila Hancıoğlu, Department of Technical Demography, Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, May 2003.

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Lecturer, Full Professor, Ph.D, Hacettepe University, Institute of Population Studies 2008 to date.,

Instructor, Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, Ankara, 2004 to 2007. Research Associate, Survey Methodology Program, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, (USA), 2001-2002. Research Assistant, Hacettepe University, Institute of Population Studies, Ankara, 1994 to 2003. TEACHING EXPERIENCE University of Michigan, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, Summer Institute 2002, 2005 to 2006, 2008 to 2015. Invited Lecturer, to participate Workshop on Survey Sampling Techniques, Summer Institute2002, 2005 to 2006, 2008 to 2015. Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies M.A. Courses Introduction to Social Statistics and Data Processing (1999- 2001) Data Processing and Social Statistics for Demographers (2003-2006,2008-2009, 2011-2015) Sampling Techniques (2004-2015) Demographic Models and Advanced Demographic Analysis (2005-2009) Social Survey Methodology (2005-2015) Population Projection Techniques (2009-2015) Ph.D. Courses Mortality (2005-2009) Vital Registration Systems (2007-2009) State Institute of Statistics, In-service Training Program on Interviewer Education Survey Methodology (1999-2000) Hacettepe University, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics Demographic Structure and Health (1999 – 2001, 2003-2012) GRANTS / FELLOWSHIPS Fellow, Frank Andrews Fellowship, Sampling Program for Survey Statisticians, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, 2000. Grant, MireKoc (Migration Reserach Program at Koç University) 2005-2006 Projects, “Analyzing the Aspects of International Migration in Turkey by Using 2000 Census Results” with Yadigar Çoşkun.

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PhD. THESIS ADVISOR Tuğba Adalı, May 2014, "Cumulating Turkey Demographic and Health Survey Data of 1993,1998,2003,2008 to Obtain an Aggregated Demographic Data Source for Turkey". (with Prof. Dr. James Lepkowski, University of Michigan, USA), Technical Demography Department, Hacettepe University, Institute of Population Studies, Ankara M. A THESIS ADVISOR Arda Kumaş, July 2015, “A Comparative Assasment Of National Address Database As A Sampling Frame By Listing Operation Of 2013 Turkey Demographic And Health Survey”, Hacettepe University, Institute of Population Studies, Departmnet of Demography, Ankara. Dilek Yıldız, October 2011, “Sampling Error Estimation By Using Different Methods And Software In Complex Samples”, Technical Demography Department, Hacettepe University, Institute of Population Studies, Ankara. Doğu Karakaya, October 2009, “Provincial and Regional Population Projections for the Centenary of the Republic of Turkey”,Techinical Demography Department, Hacettepe University, Institute of Population Studies, Ankara. Ayşe Abbasoğlu, January 2009, “Investigating the Causality between Female Labour Force Participation and Fertility in Turkey”, Economical and Social Demography Department, Hacettepe University, Institute of Population Studies, Ankara. Mehtap Demirci, September 2008, “Demographic and Socioecenomic Profile of Households in İstanbul Metropolitan Area according to the UN-Habitat Slum Creteria”, Economical and Social Demography Department, Hacettepe University, Institute of Population Studies, Ankara. Bengi Uğuz, June 2007, “An Analysis of a Multiple Imputation Model for the Missing Values in Selected Variables of TDHS-2003 Data: The Case of Anthoropemetric Measures”, Techinical Demography Department, Hacettepe University, Institute of Population Studies, Ankara. Nüket Ünsal, July 2006, “The Determinants of Malnutrition of Children Under-five Years in Turkey”, Techinical Demography Department, Hacettepe University, Institute of Population Studies, Ankara. TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE (TURKSTAT) EXPERT DISSERTATION ADVISOR Doğu Karakaya, 2012, “Hanehalkı Araştırmalarında Rassal Numara Belirleme YöntemiyleTelefon Destekli Uygulama Metodolojisi (The Methodology for Telephone Supported Random Digit Numbering Household Surveys)”, TURKSTAT Expert Dissertation, Diyarbakır. Turgay Aykuteli, 2011, “Çoklu Çerçeve Kullanımı (Use of Multiple Sampling Frames)”, TURKSTAT Expert Dissertation, Ankara. Barış Uçar, 2010, “Türkiye’de İBBS 2. Düzey Bölgeleri Arasında ve İçerisinde Göç Alan Çekim Merkezleri ve Nitelikli İşgücü Göçü Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi (The Analyze of Pull Centers

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and Qualified Labor Migration between and among NUTS 2 level regions of Turkey)”, TURKSTAT Expert Dissertation, Ankara. Aslı Aşık Yavuz, 2009, “Diyarbakır İstatistiki Bölgesi ve İlleri İçin Küçük Alan Tahminlerinin Hanehalkı Bütçe Araştırmasındaki Temel Değişkenlere Uygulanması (The Application of Small Area Estimation Techniques for Household Budget Surveys in Diyarbakır Statistical region and provinces)”, TURKSTAT Expert Dissertation, Diyarbakır. RESEARCH AND CONSULTANCY Researcher, Supervisor and Sampling Assistant, Survey for the Evaluation of Maternal and Child Health and Family Planning Services in the Provinces with Second Degree Priority in Development, Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, Ministry of Health General Directorate of Maternal and Child Health and Family Planning, and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), 1995-1996. Researcher, Supervisor and Sampling Expert, Analysis of the Determinants of Push and Pull Factors of International Migration Flows, Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies and the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI)/EUROSTAT/European Union, 1996-2000. Researcher, Community Volunteers Project in Antalya, Niğde and Karaman, The Intersectoral Children’s Council and UNICEF, 1997. Researcher, Head of Listing and Head of Sampling (with Attila Hancıoğlu),1998 Turkey Demographic and Health Survey, Hacettepe Institute of Population Studies, Macro International Inc/USAID, and UNFPA, 1998-1999. Researcher and Field Director, Baseline Survey for the “IEC Intervention and Advocacy in Slum (Gecekondu) Areas in Turkey” Project, Ministry of Health General Directorate of Mother and Child Health and Family Planning and Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, 1998-1999. Researcher, “Use of Commercial Household Lists in Area Samples” Project, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, 2001-2002. Visiting Researcher, “Detroit Area Study, 2001”, LSA and Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, 2001. Researcher, 2003 Turkey Demographic and Health Survey, Quantitative Study, Hacettepe Institute of Population Studies, 2002. Sampling Consultant, Survey on “Referendum of Attitude of Turkish Cypriots on Annan Plan”, Ministry of Tourism, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, 2003-2004. Sampling Consultant, Researcher and Trainer, “Burden of Lung Disease Initiative (BOLD) Pilot Study of Turkey, COPD Prevalence in Adana”, BOLD, Portland, USA and Turkish Thoracic Society, 2003-2004.

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Sampling Consultant, “Turkey Helicobacter Pillory Prevalence Survey”, Marmara University, Department of Public Health, 2003-2004. Researcher, Head of Listing and Head of Sampling (with Attila Hancıoğlu),2003 Turkey Demographic and Health Survey, Hacettepe Institute of Population Studies, Ministry of Health, State Planning Organization and European Union, 2002-2004. Researcher, “Estimation of UN Habitat Indicators for Istanbul Slum Areas”, UN-Habitat and Hacettepe Institute of Population Studies, 2003-2005. Key Expert, Sampling Expert and Statistician,” Turkey, National Maternal Mortality Study”, European Union, Ministry of Health, 2004-2006. Researcher, Field Director, Head of Sampling and Statistician, “Turkey Migration and Internally Displaced PersonsSurvey”, State Planning Organization, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Interior and Hacettepe Institute of Population Studies, 2004-2006. Researcher, MireKoc (Migration Reserach Program at Koç University) 2005-2006 Projects, “Analyzing the Aspects of International Migration in Turkey by Using 2000 Census Results” with Yadigar Çoşkun, 2005-2006. Researcher, Consultant, “DevInfo Turk version 4 and 5, adaptation of DevInfo software of UNICEF”, UNICEF and Turkish Population Association, 2006. Researcher, Sampling Consultant, “2007 Turkey Youth Survey”, Turkish Population Association and UNFPA, 2007-2008. Researcher, Sampling Consultant, “Socio-Economic Status and Mobility Survey in Ankara City Center”, Middle East Technical University, Department of Sociology, sponsored by TUBITAK, 2007. Consultancy, for planningAzerbaijan Maternal Mortality Study, Azerbaijan, Hacettepe Institute of Population Studies, UNFPA office, 2007. Researcher, Head of Listing and Head of Sampling ,2008 Turkey Demographic and Health Survey, Hacettepe Institute of Population Studies, Ministry of Health, State Planning Organization, 2007-2010. Researcher, Technical Coordinator, Statistician, Head of Listing and Head of Sampling,Turkey National Research on Domestic Violence in Turkey, Hacettepe Institute of Population Studies, The General Directorate of Woman Status, European Union, 2007-2008. Consultant, Sampling and Survey Expert, Gender Based Domestic Violence Survey in Caucasian countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, UNFPA regional office and Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia country offices, 2008. Consultant, 2011 Population and Dwelling Survey, TURKSTAT, 2009-to 2012. Sampling Consultant, member of Steering Committee, 2010 Turkey Nutrition and Health Survey, T.R. Ministry of Health and Hacettepe University, 2009- 2012).

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Sampling Expert, Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS), 5th Global Consultation, 8-12 November, 2010 – Florence. Consultant, member of Consultancy Council “The Analyze of Harmonization of Higher Education System and Labor Force and Demand-Supply Projections Project (YÖSİP)”, Ministry of Development, 2010 – 2011. Survey Expert, “Qualitative Research onthe Perception of Boys and Girls at School Age on Violence against Women and Gender Equality”, Population Association of Turkey and UNFPA Turkey Office, 2011-2012. Consultant, member of Project Steering and Monitoring Committee, “Social Support Program (SODES)”,Ministry of Development, 2012 – 2014. Project Director, Technical Coordinator, Researcher, Head of Sampling, 2013 Turkey Demographic and Health Survey, Hacettepe Institute of Population Studies, Ministry of Development, 2012-2015. Researcher, "National Burden of Disease Study, 2002-2012", Hacettepe Institute of Population Studies, Ministry of Development, Washington Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), McKinsey Inc., Ministry of Health, 2012-ongoing. Researcher, Senior Demographer, Sampling Expert "2014 Turkey National Research on Domestic Violence in Turkey", Hacettepe Institute of Population Studies, Ministry of Family and Social policy, The General Directorate of Woman Status,. Project Director, Researcher, “Hacettepe Üniversitesi Akedemik Birimleri Etkinlik Ölçüm Projesi (Hacettepe University, Project of Efficency of Academic Units” , Hacettepe Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırmalar Destek Birimi, 2014-2015. Regional Sampling Consultant, Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS4), UNICEF Regional Office for Central and Eastern Europe and Commonwealth of Independent States (CEECIS). (October 2012 – to date), Consultancy for Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Transnistria/Moldova, Montenegro, Kosovo, Ukraine, Moldova and Bosnia and Herzegovina MICS surveys. ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS Head of Department of Social Research Methodology, Hacettepe Institute of Population Studies, 2013-to date. Deputy Director, Hacettepe University, Institute of Population Studies, 2012-to date Member of Directing Committee, Hacettepe Institute of Population Studies, 2008-to date. Member, Strategic Plan Development Committee, Hacettepe University, 2012-to date.

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ACADEMIC/PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Member, Expert Commission on Population for the Preparation of the 8th Five-Year Development Plan, State Planning Organization, 1999-2000. Member, International Association of Survey Statisticians (IASS), 2000. Member (Headof Board, 2012-2014), Turkish Population Association, 2004-date. Member (full membership sponsored by UNFPA), IUSSP, 2005-2009 Member, Population Association of American, PAA, 2007 Member, European Population Association, EAPS, 2008 Academic Coordinator, Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, 2007 to 2011. Member, Editorial Board, “The Turkish Journal of Population Studies (NüfusbilimDergisi)”, 2004 - (ongoing) Member, Working Group for Population Projections, TURKSTAT, 2001 to 2013. ORGANIZATION OF MEETINGS/CONFERENCES Organizer and Lecturer, 2008 Turkey Demographic and Health Survey, Data User Seminar, Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, Ankara (Turkey), May 2010. Organizer and Lecturer, Short-term Training Course: Survey Sampling Techniques, Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, Ankara (Turkey), May 2007. Organizer and Lecturer (with Attila Hancıoğlu), Short-term Training Course: Survey Sampling Techniques, Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, Pamukkale (Turkey), December 2000. Assistant Organizer (with Attila Hancıoğlu), Short-term Training Course: Introduction to Demographic Analysis, Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies and UNFPA, Ürgüp (Turkey), December 1999. Assistant, Short-term Training Course: Population and Development, Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies and UNFPA, Bursa (Turkey), December 1998. Assistant, III. National Population Conference (Turkey), Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, Ankara (Turkey), December 1997. Assistant, Working Group Meeting on Comparability of Morbidity and Mortality Data in Europe, European Association of Population Studies Working Group on Health, Morbidity and Mortality Differentials in Europe, Ürgüp (Turkey), October 1995.

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SOFTWARE USE Statistical SPSS, EpiInfo, WESvar, IVEware with SAS, SAS, Stattransfer,

STATA. Data Processing PCEDIT Version 4.1 (The United Nations Software Package for

Data Entry and Editing), EpiInfo. Mapping EpiMap. ArcView, MapInfo Mailing Mailers+4, Geocoder Demographic Packages Mortpak, Q-Five, DemProj III, PAS (U.S.Bureau of the Census),

People, Target-Cost. PUBLICATIONS Papers Published in Journals in SCI, SCI Expanded, SSCI or AHCI Indexes Buist, A.S. and et al, on the behalf of BOLD Collaborative Research Group, 2007, “International variation in the prevalence of COPD (The BOLD Study): a population-based prevalence study”, Lancet, Vol 370, pg 741-750. Tozum, T.F., Turkyilmaz, I., Yamalık, E., Karabulut, E., Türkyılmaz, A.S. and Eratalay, K., 2008, Analysis of the possibility of the relationship between various implant-related measures: an 18-month follow-up study, Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, Vol 35, pg 95-104. Türkyılmaz, A.S., Koç, İ, Schumacher, R. and Campbell, O.M. R. (2009),'The Turkey National Maternal Mortality Study', The European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care,14:1,75 — 82. DOI: 10.1080/13625180802376127. Perez-Padilla R. And et al, for the BOLD and PLATINO study groups, 2009, “Can a normal peak expiratory flow exclude severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?” INT J TUBERC LUNG DIS 13(3):387–393. W.M. Vollmer W.M. and et al, for the BOLD Collaborative Research Group, 2009, “Comparison of spirometry criteria for the diagnosis of COPD: results from the BOLD study”, European Respiration Journal 2009; 34: 588–597, DOI: 10.1183/09031936.00164608. Lamprecht B. And et al, for the BOLD Collaborative Research Group, 2011, “COPD in Never Smokers: Results From the Population-Based Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease Study”, CHEST, DOI 10.1378/chest.10-1253, Chest 2011;139;752-763; Prepublished online September 30, 2010. Yüksel, İ., Türkyılmaz, A.S. and Heise L., 2012 “What puts women at risk of violence of their husbands? Findings from a large, nationally representative survey in Turkey”, Journal of Interpersonal Violence. DOI: 10.1177/0886260512438283.

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Mannino, D. M. and et al, on behalf of the BOLD Collaborative Research Group, 2012, “Restricted spirometry in the Burden of Lung Disease Study”, The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, Volume 16, Number 10, 1 October 2012 , pp. 1405-1411(7). A. Jithoo, and et al, for the BOLD Collaborative Research Group, 2012, “Case-finding options for COPD: Results from the BOLD Study”, European Journal of Respiratory, Published online before print June 27, 2012, doi: 10.1183/09031936.00132011 ERJ June 27, 2012. Wan C. Tan, and et al, for the BOLD Collaborative Research Group, 2012,”Worldwide patterns of bronchodilatorresponsiveness: results from the Burden ofObstructive Lung Disease study”, Thorax, doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2011-201445. Türkyılmaz, A.S., Abbasoğlu-Özgören, A. and Yıldız, D., 2013, "Differentials in receiving postpartum care of infants and its determinants in Turkey", The Turkish Journal of Pediatrics 2013; 55: 172-179. Özaydın, N., Türkyılmaz, A. S., and Çalı, Ş., 2013, "Prevalence and risk factors of helicobacter pylori in Turkey: a nationally-representative, cross-sectional, screening with the 13C-Urea breath test", BMC Public Health. 2013; 13: 1215.Published online 2013 December 21. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-13-1215. Lamprecht B., and et al, 2013, “Sex-related differences in respiratory symptoms: results from the BOLD Study”, EurRespir J. 2013 Sep; 42(3): 858–860., doi: 10.1183/09031936.00047613 Other Journals in other Indexes Türkyılmaz, A. S., Ünalan T. and Civelek, Y., 2006.”Knowledge of AIDS among Ever-Married Women in Turkey”, HIV and AIDS Review, 2006; 5(2): 17-24, ISSN 1730-1270. Güler S., and et al., 2014,"Methodology of National Turkey Nutrition and Health survey (TNHS) 2010", Medical Journal of Islamic World Academy of Sciences", Volume 22, Issue 1, january 2014. Other Journals with Refree Türkyılmaz, A. S., 2003. “Application of Synthetic Estimation to Selected Demographic and Health Indicators as a Traditional Small Area Estimation for Provinces of Turkey”, The Turkish Journal of Population Studies, 2006, Vol. 25, pp. 53-68. Türkyılmaz,A.S.and Hancıoğlu A., 2004. “2003 Türkiye Nüfus ve Sağlık Araştırması’nda Bölge yaklaşımları: Avrupa Birliği Bölgesel İstatistik Sistemine Uygunluk ve Örnekleme Tasarımına Etkiler (Region Definitions in 2003 Turkey Demographic and Health Survey: Appropriateness to European Union Regional Statistical System and Effects on Sample Design)”, The Turkish Journal of Population Studies, 2007, Vol. 26, pp. 3-14.

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El H, Türkyılmaz A.S., Kocadereli İ., Sagun S.E., “Perception of Golden Proportions in Orthodontically Treated Smiles”, Hacettepe Journal of Dentistry [Hacettepe Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi], Vol: 32, No: 1, Pg: 55-64, 2008. Kalaycıoğlu S. Vediğerleri, 2009, “Temsili Bir Örneklemde Sosyo-Ekonomik Statü (SES) Ölçüm Aracı Geliştirilmesi: Ankara Kent Merkezi Örneği”, Sosyoloji Araştırmaları Dergisi, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1 - Bahar 2010. Türkyılmaz, A.S., and et al, 2012, “Using Indirect Demographic Models to Assess the Coverage of Vital Registration Data”, Nüfusbilim Dergisi\Turkish Journal of Population Studies, 2008-09, volume 30-31, pgs29-42.

Türkyılmaz, A.S. veAyhan, Ö.A., 2012, "Hanehalkı Araştırmalarında Yerine Cevaplayıcıdan Elde Edilen Birim Cevaplanmama Hatası Ortak Değişkenlerinin Bileşenleri Covariates Of Unit Nonresponse Error Based On Proxy Response From Household Surveys", İstatistikAraştırmaDergisi,2012, Cilt 9, V 1., Ankara. Yavuz, A.A. and Türkyılmaz, A.S., 2012, "Küçük Alan TahminYöntemleri Kullanılarak Diyarbakır ve Şanlıurfa İlleri İçin Fert ve Hanehalkı Düzeyinde Gelir Tahminleri", İstatistik Araştırma Dergisi, Cilt 9, Sayı 3, Aralık 2012, sf 30-46, TÜİK , Ankara. Adalı T. and Türkyılmaz A.S., 2015, “Re-calculating the Sampling Variances of Selected

Demographic Indicators from TDHS: the Effect of Stratification”, The Turkish Journal of

Population Studies, Vol. 32, Ankara.

Books or Book Chapters International Book Chapters Çoşkun Y. and Türkyılmaz A.S., 2009. “Analysing the Aspects of International Migration İn Turkey by Using 2000 Census Results”, Chapter in “Land Diverse Migrations: Challenges of emigration and Immigration in Turkey” edited by İçduygu A. And Kirişçi K., pg:365-429, ISBN: 978-605-399-040-6, Istanbul Bilgi University Press. Yüksel-Kaptanoğlu, İ., Türkyılmaz A.S. and Koç, İ., 2014, "Chapter 8, Avoidable Factors Contributing to Maternal Deaths in Turkey, in Mortality in an International Perspective ", pages 187-205,doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-03029-6_8, Springer, 2014 National Book Chapters Üstel F. And et al., 2002. “Coğrafya 2001 (Geography 2001). TÜSİAD, ISBN:975-8458-40-X,Lebib Yalkım Press. Türkyılmaz A.S., et al, 2009. “Chapter 2. Methodology, book chapter in Domestic Violence Against Women in Turkey (Bölüm 2. Yöntem”, “Türkiye’de Kadına Yönelik Aile İçi Şiddet” kitabı içinde bölüm, Kadının Statüsü Genel Müdürlüğü), 2009, ISBN:978-975-19-4498-6, KSGM Press.

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Koç İ., Türkyılmaz A.S., veEryurt M.A., 2009. “Chapter 3. Characteristics Of The Household Population And The Respondents, book chapter in Domestic Violence Against Women in Turkey (Bölüm 3. Hanehalkı Nüfusunun ve Cevaplayıcıların Özellikleri”, “Türkiye’deKadınaYönelik Aile İçi Şiddet” kitabı içinde bölüm, Kadının Statüsü Genel Müdürlüğü) 2009, ISBN:978-975-19-4498-6, KSGM Press. Üner S. vediğerleri, 2009. “Chapter 8. An Overview of the Results, book chapter in Domestic Violence Against Women in Turkey (Bölüm 8. Sonuçlara Genel Bakış”, “Türkiye’de Kadına Yönelik Aile İçi Şiddet” kitabı içinde bölüm, Kadının Statüsü Genel Müdürlüğü), 2009, ISBN:978-975-19-4498-6, KSGM Press. Yavuz S. And Türkyılmaz A.S., 2009, “2000’li Yıllarda İstanbul Nüfusu: Yeni Gelişme Eğilimleri (Population of İstanbul in 2000s: New Development Trends), Chapter in “Eski İstanbullular, Yeni İstanbullular” edited by Murat Güvenç, pg 141-60, ISBN:978-9944-731-18-8,Osmanlı Bankası Press. Türkyılmaz A. S., ve diğerleri, 2010, “Türkiye’de Doğum Sonrası Bakım Hizmetlerinden Yararlanmada Farklılaşmalar ve Doğum Sonrası Bakım Hizmeti Almanın Belirleyicileri (The Determinants of Postnatal Care and Differentials in Turkey”, Türkiye Nüfus ve Sağlık Araştırması 2008 İleri Analiz Çalışması, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Nüfus Etütleri Enstitüsü, Sağlık Bakanlığı Ana Çocuk Sağlığı ve Aile Planlaması Genel Müdürlüğü, Başbakanlık Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı Müsteşarlığı ve TÜBİTAK, Ankara. Published Survey Reports Hacettepe Üniversitesi Nüfus Etütleri Enstitüsü, 2015, “Türkiye’de Kadına Yönelik Aile İçi Şiddet (Violence Against Women in Turkey)”. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Nüfus Etütleri Enstitüsü, Aile ve Sosyal Politikalar Bakanlığı, Kadının Statüsü Genel Md., Ankara, Türkiye. Bölüm 2. Nicel Araştırma Yöntemi/Quantitaive Research Methodology (Adalı T. ve Seçkiner P. İle) Ek A4. Örnekleme kapsamı ve örneklem ağırlıkları/Coverage of Sample and Sampling Errors (Adalı T ile) Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, 2014, “2013 Turkey Demographic and Health Survey”. Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, Ministry of Development and TÜBİTAK, Ankara, Turkey. Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 3: Characteristics of Survey Respondents (with A. Cavlin and Yüksel İ.) Chapter 4: Fertility (with Koç İ. and Adalı T.) Chapter 12: Nutritional Status and Child Health (with Adalı T. and Seçkiner P.) Appendix B: Survey Design (with Adalı T. and Çavlin A.) Appendix C: Sampling Errors (with Adalı T.)

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Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, 2009, “Turkey Demographic and Health Survey, 2008”. Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, Ministry of Health General Directorate of Mother and Child Health and Family Planning, T.R. Prime Ministry Undersecretary of State Planning Organization and TÜBİTAK, Ankara, Turkey. Chapter 2: Household Population and Housing Characteristics (with Eryurt M.A and Koç İ.) Chapter 3: Characteristics Of Survey Respondents (with Yiğit E. and Yüksel İ.) Chapter 8: Fertility Preferences (with Eryurt M.A. and Çağatay P.) Appendix B: Survey Design (with Koç İ. And Yiğit E.) Appendix C: Sampling Errors (with Adalı T.) Özcebe, H., Ünalan T., Türkyılmaz A.S., Çoşkun Y., 2008, “2007 Turkey Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health Survey”, Main Report, Turkey Population Association and UNFPA, Ankara, 2008. Marmara Sağlık Eğitim ve Araştırma Vakfı, 2007. TURHEP Türkiye Helikobakter Pilori Prevalans Araştırması 2003 (TURHEP Turkey Helicobacter Pillory Prevalence Survey 2003) , İstanbul. Özaydın, A.N.G., ,Çalı, Ş., Türkyılmaz, A. S. and Hancıoğlu A. Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, ICON-INSTITUT Public Sector GmbH and BNB Consulting (2006) “National Maternal Mortality Study, 2005”. Ministry of Health, General Directorate of Mother and Child Health and Family Planning and Delegation of European Commission to Turkey, Ankara. Koç, İ., Schumacher R., Campell, O., Türkyılmaz, A.S., Ergöçmen, B. and Yüksel, İ. Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, 2005. Turkey Demographic and Health Survey 2003: Further Analysis, Ankara. “Chapter 8: Antenatal Care” (with BanuErgöçmen, YadigarÇoşkun and LeventEker). Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, 2004. Turkey Demographic and Health Survey 2003, Ankara. “Chapter 13: Knowledge of HIV/AIDS” (with TurgayÜnalan and H. YaprakCivelek), pp.155-162. “Appendix B: Survey Design” (with Attila Hancıoğlu and İsmetKoç), pp.167-186. “Appendix C: Estimates of Sampling Errors”, pp.187-210. Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, 2003. Turkey Demographic and Health Survey 2003, Qualitative Study: Contraceptives and Induced Abortion, Ankara. “Chapter 1: Why Qualitative Study ?” (withBanuErgöçmen), pp.1-7. Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies and Measure DHS+/Macro International Inc., 1999. Turkey Demographic and Health Survey 1998, Ankara. “Chapter 11: Knowledge of AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Diseases” (with Attila Hancıoğlu), pp.135-144. “Appendix B: Survey Design” (with Alfredo Aliaga), pp.153-168. “Appendix C: Estimates of Sampling Errors” (with Alfredo Aliaga), pp.171-181.

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EUROSTAT, 2000. Push and Pull Factors of International Migration, Country Report Turkey, No:8, European Commission, 2000. “Chapter 2: Study Design (with H. ÖztaşAyhan, Ahmet İçduygu, TurgayÜnalan and Attila Hancıoğlu)”, pp.5-19. “Chapter 7: Why and Where: Migration Motives and Destinations (with Sunday Üner)”, pp.70-78. “Chapter 13: Sample Design, Implementation and Outcome (with H. ÖztaşAyhan, Attila Hancıoğlu and TurgayÜnalan)”, pp.112-130. Unpublished Survey Reports Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, 1999. Report on the Baseline Survey for the “IEC Intervention and Advocacy in Gecekondu Areas in Turkey” Project, Ministry of Health General Directorate of Mother and Child Health and Family Planning and Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, Ankara. “Bölüm I: Metodoloji (with Attila Hancıoğlu)" [Chapter I: Methodology], pp.1-5. “Bölüm VIII: SağlıkHizmetlerininKalitesiveKullanımı (with AykutToros)" [Chapter VIII: The Quality and Utilization of Health Services], pp.173-188. Türkyılmaz, A.S. and Hancıoğlu, A., 1997. Intersectoral Project for Training Community Volunteers: Report on the Quantitative Study, Unpublished report prepared for UNICEF, Ankara. Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, 1996. Survey for the Evaluation of Maternal and Child Health and Family Planning Services in the Provinces with Second Degree Priority in Development, Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, Ministry of Health General Directorate of Maternal and Child Health and Family Planning, and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), 1995-1996. “Chapter I: Methodology (with MahirUlusoy)”, pp.1-11. “Chapter II.1: Housing Characteristics (with MahirUlusoy)”, pp.12-27. “Chapter II.3: Background Characteristics of Respondents (with Attila Hancıoğlu)”, pp.34-43. “Chapter II.6: Infant and Child Mortality (with Attila Hancıoğlu)”, pp.84-87. Published Conference Papers National Conferences Ünalan T. and Türkyılmaz AS, 2003. “1990 Genel Nüfus Sayımı Bilgilerini Kullanılarak Uluslararası Göç Bilgilerinin Analizi” [The Analysis of International Migration Data by using 1990 National Population Census Information], III. National Population Conference Volume 2, Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, 2-5 December 1997, yayın No: NEE-HÜ.03-01, pp.757-774, Ankara. Özcebe H., Ünalan T., Türkyılmaz A. S. ve Çoşkun Y., 2008. “Gençlerin Üreme Sağlığı Konularındaki Bildikleri ve Hizmet Talepleri”, Cinsellik ve Cinsel Tedaviler VII. Ulusal Kongresi, CETAD, İstanbul, 2008.

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Türkyılmaz A. S. ve Yavuz S., 2009, “2000’li Yıllarda İstanbul Nüfusu: Yeni Gelişme Eğilimleri”, Eski İstanbullular Ve Yeni İstanbullular Sempozyumu, Osmanlı Bankası Müzesi, İstanbul. Kalaycıoğlu S., Çelik K. Ve Türkyılmaz A.S., 2009, “Temsili Bir Örneklemde Sosyo-Ekonomik Statü (SES) Ölçüm Aracı Geliştirilmesi ve Farklı Tabakaların Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi: Ankara Kent Merkezi Örneği”, 1-3 Ekim 2009, VI. Ulusal Sosyoloji Kongresi, Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Didim Yerleşkesi, Aydın. Karakaya, M. D. ve Türkyılmaz A.S., 2010, “Türkiye’nin Kentleşme Profili: 2023 Yılına Kadar İllerdeki ve Alt Bölgelerdeki Kent Nüfuslarının Geleceği Üzerine Bir İnceleme” (Urbanization Profile of Turkey: A Study on the Future of Urban Population at Provincial and Sub-Regional Levels, until 2023), 1inci Ulusal Nüfusbilim Kongresi, Nüfusbilim Derneği ve ODTÜ (Ortadoğu Teknik Üniversitesi) Sosyal Politika Programı, 7-10 Ekim 2010, Ankara, Türkiye. Karakaya, M. D. ve Türkyılmaz A.S., 2010, “Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin Yüzüncü Yıldönümü için İl ve Bölge Düzeylerinde Nüfus Projeksiyonları” (Provincial and Regional Population Projections for the Centenary of the Republic of Turkey), 19uncu İstatistik Araştırma Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı,sy 213-235, Ankara, Türkiye. Türkyılmaz A. S. ve Ayhan Ö.H., 2010, “Hanehalkı Araştırmalarında Yerine Cevaplayıcıdan Elde Edilen Birim Cevaplanmama HatasıOrtak Değişkenlerinin Bileşenleri”, 7. İstatistik Günleri Sempozyumu Bildiri Özetleri, 28-30 Haziran 2010, Odtü/Ankara, Türkyılmaz A.S., 2011, ”2010 Türkiye Beslenme ve Sağlık Araştırması Örneklem Tasarımı”, 33. Türkiye Endokrinoloji ve Metabolizma Hastalıkları Kongresi, 13-15 Ekim 2011, Antalya, Türkiye. Working Papers Hancıoğlu, A. and Türkyılmaz A. S., 2001. “The Estimation of Perinatal Mortality from Birth Histories and Demographic Calendars: 1998 Turkish Demographic and Health Survey” (In Turkish), Papers in Demography, Institute of Population Studies, Hacettepe University, No:1, Ankara. Published Commission Reports Türkyılmaz A. S. and et al., 2001. “Data Sources, Analysis and Population Projections, Sub-Commission Report” in, “Expert Commission Report on “Population, Demographic Structure and Migration” for the 8th Five-Year Development Plan (in Turkish), pp 125-177, ISBN 975-19-2637-8, Prime Ministry, State Planning Organization, Ankara (Turkey), 2001. Contributions to Working Group/Committee/Commission Reports Working Group Meeting on Comparability of Morbidity and Mortality Data in Europe, European Association of Population Studies Working Group on Health, Morbidity and Mortality Differentials in Europe, Ürgüp (Turkey), October 1995.

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Poster Presentations Türkyılmaz, A.S., Abbasoglu-Ozgoren, A. And Yıldız, D., 2012, “Differentials in receiving postpartum care and its determinants in Turkey”, 2012 European Population Conference, Stockholm. Karakaya D. and Türkyılmaz A. S., 2010, “Making the unknown known: sub-regional and provincial population projections for Turkey”, 2010 European Population Conference, Vienna. Özgören A.A. and Türkyılmaz A. S., 2010, “Investigating the causality between female labor force participation and fertility, Turkey 1968-2006”, 2010 European Population Conference, Vienna. Coşkun Y. and Türkyılmaz A. S., (2008), “Analysing the Aspects of International Migration in Turkey by Using 2000 Census Results”, European Population Association (EAPS) 2008 Barcelona Conference, Poster session 1. De Nevo Data Collection Strategy in Maternal Mortality Study in Turkey”, Population Association of America (PAA) 2007 Annual Meeting, Poster session 3. Kocabas, A., Turkyilmaz, S., Unalan, T. and et al. (2006). “Under-diagnosis and under-treatment of COPD in Adana,Turkey (BOLD-Turkey study)”, Session COPD world-wide, P2595. Kocabas, A., Hancioglu, A. Turkyilmaz, S., Unalan, T. and et al. (2006). Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society 2006; 3 (Abstract Issue): A543. References Prof. Dr. James Lepkowski, Director, Program in Survey Methodology; Research Professor, Survey Research Center; Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, USA, [email protected] Dr. Steven Heeringa, Senior Research Scientist, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, USA, [email protected] Attila Hancioglu, Ph.D, Global Coordinator, Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys, UNICEF Room No. 406, Strategic Information Section, Division of Policy and Planning 3, U.N. Plaza, New York, NY 10017 [email protected]