current topics in information access: image retrieval chad carson eecs department uc berkeley sims...

Current Topics in Information Access: Image Retrieval Chad Carson EECS Department UC Berkeley SIMS 296a-3 December 2, 1998

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Current Topics in Information Access:

Image Retrieval

Chad Carson

EECS Department

UC Berkeley

SIMS 296a-3

December 2, 1998


• Background– What do collections look like?

– What do users want?

• Sample image retrieval systems– Piction: retrieve photos (of people) based on captions

– WebSeek: Web search based (mostly) on text

– QBIC: retrieve general photos using content, text

– Blobworld: rely exclusively on image content

• Discussion

Image collections are diverse

What are the tasks?

• Large, diverse image collections are common

• Text is sometimes unreliable or unavailable

• Users want “things,” not “stuff”– More than overall image properties

– Traditional object recognition won’t work

– Two choices: • Rely on text to identify objects

• Look at regions (objects or parts of objects)

Large-scale systems: simple features

• Mainly overall color and texture, plus text

• Some segmentation

• QBIC [Flickner et al. ’95]

• WebSeek [Smith and Chang ’96]

• Virage [Gupta and Jain ’97]

• Photobook [Pentland et al. ’96]

• ImageRover [Sclaroff et al.’97]

• WebSeer [Frankel et al. ’96]

Other approaches

• Iconic matching [Jacobs et al. ’95]– Match user sketch to coarse representation

– Look at overall image layout

• Spatial relationships [Lipson et al. ’97]– Relationships between superpixels for querying and


• Region-based approach [Ma & Manjunath ’98]– Semi-automatic segmentation

Classical object recognition won’t work

• Match geometric object model to image points

• Doesn’t apply to our domain– Designed for fixed, geometric objects

– Relies on clean segmentation

• Survey: Binford ’82

Sample image retrieval systems

• Piction– News photos of people

– Relies heavily on text

– Captions guide image understanding

• WebSeek– Index images and videos on the Web

– Relies heavily on text

– Some content-based searching

Sample image retrieval systems (cont’d.)

• QBIC– General image/video collections

– Use both content and textual information

– User labeling is important

• Blobworld– Relies exclusively on image content

– Find images regions corresponding to objects

– Querying based on regions’ color, texture, simple shape

Piction: retrieval based on captions

• Collection: several hundred news photographs, mostly of people

• Use captions to identify who’s in the picture and where, then find matching faces

• Relies heavily on text

NLP derives constraints from caption

• Determine four types of information:– Object classes:

Which proper-noun complexes (PNCs) are people?

– Who/what is in the picture:Which people are in the picture? Which aren’t?

– Spatial constraints:Where are these people in the picture?

– Significant visual characteristics:What do they look like (gender, hair color, glasses, etc.)?

Use constraints in image interpretation

• Example:“Lillian Halasinski of Dunkirk stands with a portrait of Mother Mary Angela Truszkowka at a news conference in the Villa Maria Convent on Doat Street.”

First find frame, then look for faces inside and outside

Image understanding: locate and describe faces

• Locate human faces by finding three contours (hairline, left contour of face, right contour of face)

• Look at multiple scales

• Confirm by looking for face-specific features

• Neural net discriminates between male and female


• How well does the NLP module work?– “Tom Smith and his wife Mary Jane prepare for the visit

of President Clinton on Tuesday”

• How well does the face finder work?

• Does this system really need to use image content?– How much would we get from captions alone?

WebSeek: search for images on the Web

• Collection: 500,000 Web images and videos

• Filename and surrounding text determine subject

• Simple content-based techniques– Global color histograms

– Color in localized regions

Collect and process images and videos

• Retrieve image or video

• Store visual features and textual information

• Generate icon (motion icon) to represent image (video) compactly

Classify images based on associated text

• Extract terms– URL:

– Alt text: <img src=URL alt=“picture of poodle”>

– Hyperlink text: <a href=URL>Sally the poodle</a>

• Map terms to subjects using a semi-automatically constructed key-term dictionary

• Store terms, location in subject taxonomy

Content-based information

• Extract information from image– Global color histogram

– Size, location, relationship of color regions

• Automatically determine image type:– Color photo, color graphic, gray image, B&W image

• Use content-based information when browsing within category hierarchy


• How good is the text-based classification?

• Can we always count on having text?

• How much does the content-based information add in this case?

QBIC: image content plus annotation

• Collections:– General collections

– Video clips

– Fabric samples

– etc.

• Retrieval based on color, texture, shape, sketch

• Relies (sometimes) on human annotation of image or objects

Populating the database

• Use any available text (title, subject, caption, etc.)

• User selects and labels important regions

• Store information about image content

• Extract key frames and describe video content

Video processing

• Detect shots– Pan over skyline pan over Bay zoom to bridge

• Generate representative frames– Capture all the background from the shot in one image

• Extract motion layers to facilitate segmentation

Query based on text and content

• Textual information: title, subject, object labels

• Global image properties: color and texture

• Object properties: color and shape

• Sketch: use the sketch as a template to find matches


• QBIC’s shape description doesn’t capture the essence of objects, just the appearance of one view

• How much does QBIC rely on textual information?

Blobworld: represent image regions

• We want to find objects look for coherent regions

• Expectation-Maximization (EM)– Assign each pixel to a Gaussian in color/texture space


• Model selection: Minimum Description Length– Prefer fewer Gaussians if performance is comparable

Group pixels into regions

Describe regions’ color, texture, shape

• Color– Color histogram within region

• Texture– Contrast and directionality

stripes vs. spots vs. smooth

• Shape– Fourier descriptors of contour

Querying: let user see the representation

• Current systems act like black boxes– User can’t see what the computer sees

– It’s not clear how parameters relate to the image

• User should interact with the representation– Helps in query formulation

– Makes results understandable

– Minimizes disappointment

Sample queries

• Query in collection of 10,000 images

• Shape gives lower precision, closer matches

Experimental results

Blobworld (two blobs) vs. global histograms

(top 40 images)

Blobworld vs. global histograms

• Distinctive objects (tigers, cheetahs, zebras):– Blobworld does better

• Distinctive scenes (airplanes):– Global histograms do better

– Adding blob size would help ( “large blue blob”)

• Others:– Both do somewhat poorly, but Blobworld has room to

grow (shape, etc.)


• How much can we accomplish using image content alone?– Today

– In the future

Overall Discussion

• What are the tasks?

• Who are the actual users?

• What can we expect of the users?

• How much can we (should we) rely on text?

• How useful is content-based information?

• How good will image understanding need to be before it’s generally useful?