current and static electricity bingo ms. keegan. clue: this flow of electrons comes from a wall...

Current and Static Electricity Bingo Ms. Keegan

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Post on 30-Dec-2015




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Current and Static Electricity Bingo

Ms. Keegan

Clue: This flow of electrons comes from a wall outlet

• Alternating Current

Clue: This is the most common form of an electric discharge in nature

• Lightning

Clue: An electric current in a wire consists of these moving particles.

• Electrons

Clue: When a switch is open a lamp will be in this position.

• Off

Clue: Broken and frayed wires can create this.

• Short circuit

Clue: This type of battery has a chemical paste.

• Dry Cell

Clue: This scientific instrument can determine any type of static charge.

• Electroscope

Clue: You can find neutral atoms here.

• Undisturbed object

Clue: wet cells are many times found here

• Cars

Clue: Electrons cannot flow freely through this material because its atoms are tightly bound.

• Insulators

Clue: A positive end of a battery and a negative end of a battery can make electrons…

• attract

Clue: This is a conductor that is many times used in our circuits and wiring in many buildings

• copper

Clue: This is the flow of electrons through a circuit.

• Electric Current

Clue: D batteries have one and a half of these.

• Volts

Clue: Water, silver, gold and aluminum are all good….

• conductors

Clue: This subatomic particle has no charge and is located in the nucleus.

• Neutron

Clue: This device can turn mechanical energy into electricity.

• Generator

Clue: This is the buildup of positive charge or negative charge on an object.

• Static Electricity

Clue: In this type of circuit electrons can only follow one path.

• series

Clue: This provides a complete path for electrons to flow.

• circuit

Clue: When electrons only flow in one direction.

• Direct current

Clue: This type of battery is made from liquid.

• Wet cell

Clue: This is a subatomic particle with a positive charge.

• Proton

Clue: Electrons flow from negative to…

• positive

Clue: When batteries are placed negative to negative they can create a short circuit because the electrons do this…

• repel

Clue: When a light switch is on the path of a circuit is…

• closed

Clue: This circuit allows electrons to flow in more than one path.

• parallel