cupe 3903's letter of support for demonstrators in turkey

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  • 7/28/2019 CUPE 3903's Letter of Support for Demonstrators in Turkey


    June 13, 2013

    The Executive Committee of Local 3903 of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE

    3903) declares ourselves in solidarity with the demonstrators throughout the Republic of Turkey.

    The demonstrations which began on May 31, 2013 have been entirely peaceful and speak to the

    conscience of vast numbers of the population of Turkey. The Turkish government's response to the myriad

    grievances against its policies has been beyond disproportionate, with security forces using armoured

    personnel carriers to engage in mass-arrests, firing high pressure water cannons filled with pepper-spray,

    and utilizing tear-gas guns to fire large projectiles. Thousands of demonstrators have been arrested and

    injured, some critically.

    The Executive Committee of CUPE 3903 stands in admiration of the pluralistic composition of thedemonstrations throughout Turkey, and is hopeful that such expressions will be an example to follow in our

    own country. We are struck by the fact that a population of a democratic country is choosing and able to

    draw attention to a diverse range of political wishes outside of a routinized electoral cycle which, in

    practice, is often the only available venue for political expression in democratic countries. Indeed, people inour own country face similar grievances as the brave people of Turkey. There exists throughout Canada, an

    increasingly autocratic push to: gentrify our cities and neighbourhoods, degrade our environment, limit

    civil-liberties and mask government corruption, and formulate foreign policies which destabilize other

    countries; all in the name of narrow corporate and financial interests.

    The Executive Committee of CUPE 3903 adds its voice to the international chorus of support for

    those brave demonstrators throughout Turkey who are looking for nothing less than to better their own and

    their neighbours life-opportunities.

    In solidarity,

    The Executive Committee of Local 3903 of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE 3903)

    Faiz Ahmed, Chairperson

    Garry Sran, Unit 1 Chief Steward

    Peter Braun, Unit 1 Vice President

    Julio Fonseca, Unit 2 Chief Steward

    Marnina Norys, Unit 2 Vice President

    Mehdi Samadian, Unit 3 Chief Steward

    Charlie Andrews, Unit 3 Vice President

    Lauren Pragg, TFAC Co-ChairJohannah May Black, TFAC Co-Chair

    Charles Battershill, Communications Officer

    Parbattie Ramsarran, Grievance Officer

    Gregory C. Flemming, Recording/Research Secretary

    Joanne Azevedo, Treasurer

    Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 3903

    Room 2050, Technology Enhanced Learning Building, York University, 4700 Keele Street

    Toronto, Ontario, M3J 1P3 416-736-5154