culture of an organization .....boss moulded furniture

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By: Adnan Sajid312-6150001


Program: M.Com Batch-6

Final Project

Accountant In Business

Submitted to:

Miss Wajiha

Submitted by:

Adnan Sajid


Main Husnain Shahid 100645-013

Qus no 1: What is the type of culture in your organization?

CULTUREOrganizational culture is an idea in the field of Organizational studies and management which describes the psychology, attitudes, experiences, beliefs and values (personal and cultural values) of an organization. It has been defined as "the specific collection of values and norms that are shared by people and groups in an organization and that control the way they interact with each other and with stakeholders outside the organization Or

Culture refers to the cumulative deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and material objects and possessions acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual And group striving. Or

Culture is communication, communication is culture

Power Culture

BOSS PRIVATE LIMITED Supporting Leaders to Build Values-Driven Organization sin an age of increasing local and global competition, a corporate culture founded on solid core values is indispensable for longterm financial success. Not only will a values-based culture attract and retain talented, committed people but it will also inform and guide decisions throughout the enterprise during challenging times. The of formalization is limited and there are few of result and procedures.

Assessments are available for: Leadership Values Corporate Culture Merger Compatibility Customer Assessment of the Organization s Values Executive Search and Employee Entry Team Values Coach s Values Individual Values Shaping the Character of the Firm Assessing your organization is not enough. Up to 70% of the.

Power Culture uses in BOSS.In Boss Private Limited the Power Culture is applied. In which the top management or directors are issue the orders, rules and regulation and the entire organization has to follow it. There is not involvement of middle line in decision making. The chief executive officer and general managers can participate in decision making and give their suggestions and ideas about the subject matter. but from the middle line or Operating core no one have the right or authority to show its consent or ideas.

Advantage of Power Culture for Boss Pvt LimitedFollowings are the benefits or advantages which the Boss Private Limited is enjoying Due to the power culture. Quick Changes Quick decision making No interference Better internal Control system Authority remain in same hands Centralized decision making

Disadvantage of Power Culture for Boss Pvt LimitedFollowings are the benefits or advantages which the Boss Private Limited is enjoying Due to the power culture. No Consultation Centralized decision making Wrong policies Risk of loss Wrong Decisions No informal attitude Lack of encouragement of middle line


What ARE THE TOP MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY & RESPONSIBILITY? Top Management Of BOSS pvt limitedTop management of BOSS private limited include Directors (Mr. Azam Mughal , Mr. Asif Mughal , Mr. Shahid Mughal) Chief exective Officer (C.E.O) Mr. Arshad Chaudary General Manager (G.M) Mr. Irfan Khan The basic function performed by the Top management is as under (i).Development & Look After (ii).Expand the business (iii).Decision Making (iv).Policy Making I. Development & Look After:-

The basic function of the Top management in BOSS Pvt. Is to develop The marketing, sales, H.R, Accounts and finance department running the organization, not only develop but also look after these departments by his experience. Top manager develop the marketing by advertising progress increases the sale quality and quantity by giving the instructions to the middle management and line management. Check out the working capability of human resource department. Top management analysis the accounts prepared by the manager working under it. The main purpose of finance department is to distribute the cash to the other department. It is the responsibility of Top management to analysis the Cash that is distribute by the finance department.II.

Expand the Business:-

Another responsibility of Top management in BOSS pvt. Is to expand the business activity by expanding Marketing , Sale , H.R , Accounts and finance department. BOSS pvt is manufactured plastic moulded furniture and know the Top management think to expand their business by manufactured washing Machines , dryers and other children tools .


Decision Making:The important role of Top Management In BOSS pvt company is to buy

Plastic raw material from abroad. And every type of decision is made by the Top management in BOSS pvt company. These managers not only make decisions but also try to increase the growth of our business on the international level.


Policy Making:-

The top management is also responsible to make new policy when the new Product launched in the market. All the decision related to the product quality Production Process Cost Of Product Product Price Quantity Produced Agreement With Supplier Mode Of Payment Are decided by the Top management. The policies which apply in organization are made and approved by the Top management Of BOSS pvt limited.

Responsibilities Of Top Management:.




i. ii.




RESPONSIBILITIES OF Middle Line / Managers1 - FULFILLS KEY ROLES a) INTERPERSONAL ROLES Check on communication system Communicate Orders Issue Policies Responsible For Working Environment Hiring, firing and training staff Motivating Employing Reconciling Individual Goals with the objective of organization. b) FIGUREHEAD A large part of chief executives time is spend representing the companies At Dinners Conferences Parties

Get together Business Clubs c) LEADER Provide leader ship Issue orders Give Commands Assign Duties Check & Balance d) LIAISON Making Contract out side Particular Chain of Command Communicate with the subordinate

a) INFORMATIONAL ROLESa) MONITOR The Top management of BOSS monitor the environment. The managers of boss private limited are responsible to receive information from subordinate and transfer it to the top management. b) DISSEMINATOR It is the duty of managers of Boss private limited to provide check and balance and collect all the formal information related to the organization. c) SPOKESPERSONIn BOSS private limited the duty of the manager to provide all the formal & informal data to the general manager and chief executive officer.


a) INNOVATOR / ENTREPRENEUR (PLANNER)In BOSS private limited a Top Management initiate projects to include the department to help it react to a chain environment.

b). DISTURBANCE HANDLER (CRISIS MANAGER)In BOSS private limited If i. ii. iii. iv. v. Any conflict occur In case of dispute Unexpected Pressure Deviation in plan In any disturbance

The manager is responsible to handle all these metters. b) RESOURCE ALLOCATOR (SLICING-THE-PIE)In BOSS private limited

i. ii. iii. iv.

Mobilization of resources. Distribution of resources. Supply Resources. Access to Resources.

These all meters are responsibility of managers

Qus # 3: Which model of Leadership is applied in your organization and how (Models are provided in you) in Accountant in business?

LEADRESHIPDEFINATION OF LEADERSHIPLeadership is the process by which a person influence other is accomplish an object and directs the organization in a way that make it more Cohesive and coherent.

Interpersonal influences exercise and situation and directed through the communication process toward the attainment of specialized goal or goals


The leadership model which is used in boss is autocratic leadership.

Autocratic leadershipIn a autocratic leadership one person control over all the work of any opinion no matter how it benefit the group But there is a time when autocratic traits can improved beneficial this form of leadership is effective when absolute control is needed over a group.

Benefit of autocratic leadershipIn the military and other urgent circumstances, people may prefer the ability to be told what do next. According to Money Zine, "In fact, in times of stress or emergency some subordinates may actually prefer an autocratic style - they prefer to be told exactly what to do. So to summarize the autocratic leadership style is very effective when times are stressful . . ." On a less serious note, Martha Stewart is considered an autocratic leader who has been very successful in her methods. For instance, she has created a competitive advantage by controlling her employees effectively. The fact remains; lengthy debate has no place in many work environments, so this form of leadership limits arguments. It allows employees to have one task, and that is to work. There is very little thinking involved, and it can become mundane. Therefore, it could mean that the employees master their tasks and become proficient enough to help grow the company.

AutocraticThe autocratic leader dominates team members and makes decisions on their own without seeking or allowing input from group members. Autocrats set timelines, tasks and then asks for suggestions / objections. They are quick to both praise and punish. This results in passive resistance from team members and requires continual pressure in order to get things done. Some instances call for urgent action and the autocratic style may be best. Most people are familiar with autocratic leadership and accept it.

Disadvantagesy y y y

More group hostility More dependence on leader More apathy in group Slower execution of decisions

Advantagesy y y y

More group productivity while leader watches Group makes quicker decisions Often does the task themselves as it is quicker Pushes the group.

Laissez-faireThe Laissez Fare leader performs a minimum of leadership functions and lets the group sort out their own roles and tackles their own work in their own way without his participation. The Laissez-Fare technique is usually only appropriate when leading a team of highly motivated and skilled people who have produced excellent work in the past. Once a leader has established that his team is confident, capable and motivated it is often best to step back and let them get on with the task since interfering can generate resentment and detract from their effectiveness.

Disadvantagesy y y y y y

Less group satisfaction Less group productivity Poorer quality of work Less personal growth Jobs fall back on someone else or are not completed Who takes credit or blame

Advantagesy y y y

No work for the leader Frustration may force others into leadership roles Allows the visionary worker the opportunity to do what they want, free from interference Empowers the group

"The communication style of an autocratic leader is usually described as one way. They tell you exactly what they want done." This can be frustrating because your boss will only tell you when you made a mistake and very little praise may be provided. In addition, it can generate a company full of zombies with no fresh ideas. This autocratic style can create an environment of fear and resentment. Furthermore, there could high turnover and absenteeism, which can ultimately hinder progress.nany organization it is the leader that knows the way, shows the way and perhaps even to make the way where there is none. This requires a strong commitment as well as clarity of mind and purpose. The question is how a leader can lead his /her people successfully. What kind of leadership style is the preferred one? This article provides some guidelines.

Q.No:4. What are the motivational method that your organization used for

(i).minimum/ lower wages employees? (ii). Professional or technical employee?



The definition of motivation is to give reason, incentive, enthusiasm, or interest that causes a specific action or certain behavior. Motivation is present in every life function. Simple acts such as eating are motivated by hunger. Education is motivated by desire for knowledge. Motivators can be anything from reward to coercion.


Motivation is a decision-making process through which the invidual chooses desired outcomes and sets in motion the behavior appropriate to acquiring them.


kinds of motivationThere are two main kinds of motivation: 1. intrinsic 2. Extrinsic

Intrinsic motivation :is internal. It occurs when people are compelled to do something out of pleasure, importance, or desire. Extrinsic motivation : occurs when external factors compel the person to do something

Motivation in an organization concept

Employees' performance has been established to be directly related to employees' motivation. This assertion was corroborated by different management theories since the works of Frederick Taylor on 'The Principle of Scientific Management' in 1911 and Henry Gantt on 'Works, Wages and Profits' in 1913. Modern employees' motivation management methods have evolved which discredited Taylor's "differential rate piece-work" and Gantt's "task and bonus wage" systems.

At one time, employees were considered just another input into the production of goods and services. What perhaps changed this way of thinking about employees was research, referred to as the Hawthorne Studies, conducted by Elton Mayo from 1924 to 1932 (Dickson, 1973). This study found employees are not motivated solely by money and employee behavior is linked to their attitudes (Dickson, 1973). The Hawthorne Studies began the human relations approach to management, whereby the needs and motivation of employees become the primary focus of managers (Bedeian, 1993) The modern methods are employees' oriented and more effective. This research work was to ascertain from the employees the motivating factors that can 'adequately' motivate them to work tirelessly and to achieve results. It found out that employees can be adequately motivated and are best suited to determine what can collectively motivate them.

How Employees Can be Motivate

How can I motivate employees?The answer is not so simple. Motivation comes from within, from a person's own psyche, the innermost recesses of the soul, secret desires and deep-rooted needs which motivate, "push" us towards their satisfaction. What a manager can do is create an environment in which employees can feel motivated. Many people go through life obscuring their intrinsic nature, unaware of their "true calling", their motivations". People abandoned early dreams to deal with life's realities and vicissitudes. They had to conform to society, family, the corporate world and other circles, each of which dictates its code of conduct: how to think, feel, eat, speak, behave and dress. Their true selves disappear, get buried. It is only by triggering and bringing out into the light people's intrinsic nature, gifts and secret desires that we give them the opportunity to feel motivated. This is no attempt at playing the psychologist, but a rough explanation of some basic precepts. However deep and complex human nature is, all humans share basic needs that must be addressed, ranging from shelter to more sophisticated drives. In his hierarchy of needs, Abraham Maslow shows the gradual escalation of workers' drives and motivations in this pyramid:

SelfActualization Ego Social Needs Safety Needs Physiological Needs

MASLOW'S HIERARCHY OF NEEDSApplied to workers, it translates as follows:

Physiological NeedsBasic physical needs: the ability to acquire food, shelter, clothing and other basics to survive

Safety NeedsA safe and non-threatening work environment, job security, safe equipment and installations

Social NeedsContact and friendship with fellow-workers, social activities and opportunities

EgoRecognition, acknowledgment, rewards

Self-ActualizationRealizing one's dreams, using one's gifts, talents and potential

Motivation plays a key role in leadership success. A person unable to grasp motivation and apply it will not become or stay a leader. It is critical that anyone seeking to lead or motivate understand "Howletts Hierarchy of Work Motivators."

Salary, benefits, working conditions, supervision, policy, safety, security, affiliation, and relationships are all externally motivated needs.

Motivational Method used in Boss Private Limited

Following are the motivational method which are used in Boss private limited for

minimum wage employees

1. Man of month incentive

It is a special bonus which is adds in salary of the worker. It is given on the base of monthly performance and working capability. on base of performance the head of department or manager selects a man of the month. A special bonus is awarded to him which motivates the others workers to do their work more efficiently and honestly. 2. Regularity

On the base of regularity a special incentive is granted by the management to the employees. if a worker y Remains Regular y Not go on unfair leaves y Not go on half days y Not used his authorized leaves He received a special amount from the management. This is adding by the management in his salary. it is up to the amount 500 to 1000.this amount motivates all employees not to be absent and remain regular. An other thing on the base of which incentive is given is credit hours. in Boss Private Limited workers are assign credit hours. for example 5 or 7 hours a day. If worker complete its credit hours honestly and efficiently he gets incentive.

3. Punctuality

Punctuality bonus is also given to employees. If they y y y y y Joint duty on time Leaves duty on time Not waste his time Complete assign work at time Reports to supervisor at time

They received verbal appreciation as well as bonus up to Rs.500.

4. Behavior with Seniors

On the behavior of workers with their seniors (supervisors, managers etc) is also have importance and creditable by management of Boss Private Limited .Internal control system of boss is strong and efficient. they also notice the behavior. On the base of workers behavior incentives are awarded to them. 5. Performance with work

A major requirement of BOSS is better performance. A worker has much important for the organization which work and perform well. If a worker y Worker work honestly y Complete its credit hours y Does not waste material y Manufacture Quality goods y Better deals with Raw Materials y Don t shows negligence y Don t spoil products y Having no crime intension He is valuable for organization. For motivation of such workers organization gives special incentives. Such as: y y y y y Bonus Treats Verbal Appreciation Encouragement Certificates etc

6. Attendance AllowanceDaily attendance is marked in Boss Private Limited. An organization identity card is issued to all workers. Workers have to punch that card in a punch machine to mark their attendance. And at the time of departure they have to mark their id card again to show their departure time. In this way no chance of confusion remains. Boss Private limited gives special bonus to their workers on the base of Attendance.

7. Medical FacilityBoss private limited provides medical facility to their workers on duty. in case of any contingency ,organization bears all the expanses for the medical provided to the injured worker.

8. Transport FacilityBoss private limited provide incentive to their workers as transportation facility if worker have to move one place to another place on the behalf of organization .The company provide transportation charges to the workers.

9. Provides food items at concessional price on Company s CanteenBoss private Limited provides food items at company s canteen at low and concessional price. It is an incentive to the lower wage employees. This motivates them and creates loyalty in workers of the organization. The additional cost is bear d by company. for workers benefits.

Incentive to professional and technical staff

Boss private limited also provide incentives to the professional and technical staff for their motivation Following are the incentive which is provided by the organization for motivation purpose.

y Man of the month incentiveIt is a special bonus which is adds in salary of the professional and technical staff. It is given on the base of monthly performance and working capability. On base of performance and working capability the head of department or management selects a man of the month. A special bonus is awarded to him which motivates the others staff to do their work more efficiently and honestly. This is a special bonus amount which starts from Rs.1000 and increase according to the performance of the technical staff

y Target IncentivesIn Boss Private Limited special targets are assigning to the professional and technical staff. If the staff y y y Complete its targets at time Complete target according to requirement of management Complete target on specified time

They get special incentives from management. This may add in their salary. it may be in non monetary term. For example verbal Encouragement or certificate or special training course conduct on the behalf of organization free of cost. The bonus is decided on the nature of target.

y Attitude performance in market incentiveOn the base of Attitude Performance in market the staff gets incentives and bonus. these Incentives motivates the professional and marketing staff. so they do their job in best manners. On the base of y y y y y orders they get Customers they retain Clients they make Suppliers they attain Contracts they get

They get commission at a predetermined rate. which is a great motivation.

y Accommodation FacilityBoss Private Organization also provides accommodation facility to its Technical and professional staff. As skilled and trained staff is the worth of an organization so organization provides special incentives to motivate them as well as retain them.Accomodation Facility or Accommodation allowance encourage the staff. Amount of Accommodation allowance is depend on the rank or post of the staff.

y Conveyance facilityIn Boss Private Limited Conveyance facility is provided to technical or management staff. Which motivates the staff? Sometime Organization gives the conveyance allowance to the staff. which adds in their salaries.


What is the Recruitment and selection process in your organization?

INTRODUCTIONThe aim of this document is to explain the various stages of the recruitment and selection process in BOSS private limited. . We hope this document addresses some of the questions candidates may have at this stage or, should they decide to apply for a vacancy, at a latter stage of the process. BOSS selects candidates based on their experience, skills and merit. Our processes are fair and transparent. BOSS is committed and promotes diversity and equality of opportunity and welcomes applications from people regardless of sex, race, disability, sexual orientation, age and religion or beliefs.BOSS develops, implements and monitors various mechanisms and procedures throughout all the stages of the recruitment and selection process that reflect our commitment to high standards and equality of opportunity. Staff members involved in these processes are experienced and have had training in recruitment and selection (e.g. interviewing techniques, diversity training).

Advertising a vacancyThe Recruitment, Selection and Training Team (RSTT) have developed a global recruitment strategy aimed at reaching a large and varied pool of candidates. In BOSS are advertised on BOSS website and in a variety of national, regional and international job portals and networks.

Deciding to applyThe fist step is to download the job description and read it carefully, particularly the person specification and the terms and conditions of the post. Candidates need to assess if they have the skills and required experience. They should also consider if they would feel comfortable about living and working within the country and the cultural setting of the post typically for two years. It is important to consider the terms and conditions of the post, as these are non-negotiable and for this reason candidates need to feel comfortable with what is on offer.

Application formsPlease note candidates cannot complete the application form online. The form needs to be saved, completed and then emailed or posted. Prospective candidates wishing to be considered for a vacancy need to complete an application form in full. Before doing so we recommend candidates read the document on How to complete BOSS application form for Development Workers (DWs) . BOSS is unable to consider CVs, as very specific information is required and will be used to decide whether or not candidates will be short-listed for an interview. Application forms received after the closing date will not be considered.

Short listingDue to the number of applications we receive, we regret that we are only able to contact short-listed candidates, but we acknowledge the effort put in by all applicants and would like to thank them for their interest and time.

Arranging selection days logisticsDepending on the candidates location, selection processes may take place in London or in the relevant in-country office. The RSTT contacts candidates by email or phone and discusses with them the date and location of the selection process. Whenever possible the RSTT tries to be accommodating to the candidates needs and also the needs of BOSS and of the partner organisation(s). BOSS organises and covers all travel and accommodation costs for candidates travelling for selection processes.

SELECTION PROCESS (FACE-TO-FACE INTERVIEWS)Selection processes at BOSS involve two interviews per candidate, each lasting approximately one hour. These are:

Job competence interviewcovering technical skills, experience, approach to applying skills and understanding of development work/context.

Personal information interviewcovering the personal situation insofar as this affects candidates going overseas (e.g. financial and emotional ties, state of health).The selection panel devises and agrees on the questions to be used during the selection process. All candidates are asked the same questions and the interviews follow the same sequence/structure. Selection processes are also an opportunity for candidates to find out more about how BOSS works and to have their questions answered.

Decision-makingFollowing three people are the member of interview penel. (i).Department Head (ii).Human Resource Manager (iii).Any One director. These three people take interview from the candidate , check his abilities , decide the salary pakage and finally apoint the candidate at any post.

Informing candidatesThe outcome of the selection process is communicated as soon as possible, either by telephone or by email. Unsuccessful candidates will receive feedback regarding the reasons behind the decision. If they wish further feedback they can contact the RSTT.

Q.No:6:Describe the training and development process that is used by the organization?The quality of employees and their development through training and education are major factors in determining long-term profitability of a business. If you hire and keep good employees, it is good policy to invest in the development of their skills, so they can increase their productivity. Training often is considered for new employees only. This is a mistake because ongoing training for current employees helps them adjust to rapidly changing job requirements.

Purpose of Employee Training and Development ProcessThrough BOSS Research has shown specific benefits that a small business receives from training and developing its workers, including:

y y y y

Increased productivity in our organization. Reduced employee turnover. Increased efficiency resulting in financial gains. Decreased need for supervision.

Employees frequently develop a greater sense of self-worth, dignity and well-being as they become more valuable to the firm and to society. Generally they will receive a greater share of the material gains that result from their increased productivity. These factors give them a sense of satisfaction through the achievement of personal and company goals.

The Training Process in boss pvt.The model below traces the steps necessary in the training process that are :y y y y y y y y y

Organizational Objectives Needs Assessment Is There a Gap? Training Objectives Select the Trainees Select the Training Methods and Mode Choose a Means of Evaluating Administer Training Evaluate the Training

Your business should have a clearly defined strategy and set of objectives that direct and drive all the decisions made especially for training decisions. Firms that plan their training process are more successful than those that do not. Most business owners want to succeed, but do not engage in training design that promise to improve their chances of success. Why? The five reasons most often identified are:

TimeIn BOSS managers find that time demands do not allow them to train employees.

Getting started

Mostly In BOSS managers have not practiced training employees. The training process is unfamiliar.

Broad expertise

Managers tend to have broad expertise rather than the specialized skills needed for training and development activities.

Lack of trust and openness

Many managers prefer to keep information to themselves. By doing so they keep information from subordinates and others who could be useful in the training and development process.

Skepticism as to the value of the training

Some small business owners believe the future cannot be predicted or controlled and their efforts, therefore, are best centered on current activities i.e., making money today. A well-conceived training program can help your firm succeed. A program structured with the company's strategy and objectives in mind has a high probability of improving productivity and other goals that are set in the training mission. For any business, formulating a training strategy requires addressing a series of questions.y y y y

Who are your customers? Why do they buy from you? Who are your competitors? How do they serve the market? What competitive advantages do they enjoy? What parts of the market have they ignored? What strengths does the company have? What weaknesses? What social trends are emerging that will affect the firm?

The purpose of formulating a training strategy is to answer two relatively simple but vitally important questions: (1) What is our business? and (2) What should our business be? Armed with the answers to these questions and a clear vision of its mission, strategy and objectives, a company can identify its training needs.

Identifying Training NeedsTraining needs can be assessed by analyzing three major human resource areas: the organization as a whole, the job characteristics and the needs of the individuals. This analysis will provide answers to the following questions:y y y

Where is training needed? What specifically must an employee learn in order to be more productive? Who needs to be trained?

To Employee Training and Development Process - Training Methods for Employees - TopBegin by assessing the current status of the company how it does what it does best and the abilities of your employees to do these tasks. This analysis will provide some benchmarks against which the effectiveness of a training program can be evaluated. Your firm should know where it wants to be in five years from its long-range strategic plan. What you need is a training program to take your firm from here to there. Second, consider whether the organization is financially committed to supporting the training efforts. If not, any attempt to develop a solid training program will fail.

Q.NO.7: How the organizations conduct the performance appraisal process in boss?As you enter the BOSS pvt. limited company profession, one of the most important aspects of the employment process is called performance management or development (commonly called performance appraisal). The purpose of this process is to ensure that an organization is able to provide high quality service to meet the service needs of the customers. This is achieved by promoting employee competence and development. It should ensure that all new employees are competent to perform the basic responsibilities of the job, held accountable for job expectations and that all current employees continue to learn new information and develop new skills. While many people view the performance appraisal process as beginning after 6 or 12 months of employment in PAKSON INTERNATIONAL PLASTIC IND and view it as a review of how the employee has performed for the previous period, a successful performance management process begins during the hiring process. It continues as an ongoing cycle from recruitment, through hiring, orientation, and goal setting and on to performance appraisal and evaluation. This process occurs in three stages with the following components.

The performance of BOSS management process starts with employee planning and ends with an evaluation of employee progress. Managers and employees should meet to discuss planning and goals throughout the year. If possible, formally sitting down with your supervisor or manager on a quarterly basis is optimal. The process, at its best, is a collaborative one which should add value for both the employee and the employer. It is unreasonable for a prospective employee to understand all of the requirements and duties of a position before they are hired. The process to set goals and evaluate performance should be discussed during the hiring process. Once you have accepted a position, the initial few months of employment should focus on orientation, training and competence assessment.

During orientation, development goals for the coming year should be mutually discussed and documented. Expectations for the coming year should also be clearly defined by your supervisor. It is not unreasonable to expect that on a regular basis, your progress should be reviewed. It is recommend that you take the initiative to ask how you are doing, if there are areas on which you should be concentrating on or that need improvement, or if there are additional content areas for you to learn. The annual performance appraisal is usually done in two steps. (I).First: you and your manager complete the performance appraisal form - you doing a self assessment. Often organizations also use a 60 degree feedback process, asking for input from your peers. (II).Secondly, you and your manager participate in a formal performance appraisal interview. The appraisal form, used in the first step, consists of performance standards and criteria that are used to judge evaluate your performance. The items comprising your job description are usually the performance standards that are used in your annual appraisal. Most clinical laboratories use a criterion-based job description in BOSS. The performance standards are derived from a job analysis, which is a detailed list of all of the skills involved in performing a task. For example, what are the skills necessary to perform a complete blood count? The criteria are used to determine the level of performance, which can be excellent, average, or poor (or alternatively meets, exceeds or does not meet standards). Once your appraisal is complete, your score is averaged and your merit raise (if applicable) is determined from the final score If the above process occurs, the formal, annual performance appraisal process should be more of a formality. There should be no surprises at this session. If ongoing performance review has occurred, this session can concentrate on a thorough review of your overall performance, but more importantly can concentrate on setting goals for the coming year. Those should include specific areas of improvement, project goals, and specific learning that should take place as you move forward. The components of an effective process are: GOALS OF BOSS LIMITED: Along with your supervisor, you should establish key goals on a regular basis. A few points to keep in mind are:y y y y

Make sure the goals are few in number (3-5) so that you can focus on them. Some of these will be in common with other employees and others will be specific to you. Goals should match your personal development goals and be aligned with the overall goals of the department. Goals should be clear, precise, measurable and time-specific Goals should be within your control to achieve but also allow you to "stretch".

ONGOING LEARNING: To support your goals, learning that will be required to achieve these goals should be defined and should provide continual development and growth. Focus on knowledge and skills you will need to be effective now and in the future, that will contribute to your achievement of goals, and are relevant to the your needs and interests. COMPETENCIES: For every employee expected competencies should be defined. They fall into three categories.y

y y

Those that apply to all employees and are important for the organization to remain successful. These may be things like customer service and employee satisfaction or engagement. Those that are the "core" of your job description and reflect those competencies necessary for you to be successful as a laboratory professional. Those that identify new knowledge, skills or abilities that you must learn to remain competent in your job for the upcoming defined time period. They may evolve around new instrumentation, process improvement or high-risk functions and regulatory changes.

View the performance management process in BOSS as an opportunity for you to continually grow and develop during your career in the boss company profession. Take advantage of this process to help you define how you can be successful in your organization and as an individual. As a professional, career and personal development requires and investment of time and commitment from both you and your employer.