cuckoo events bics 2013 - event planning

Event Planning Are you mad? Cuckoo Events | P: 01 640 1575 | M: 086 823 3377 | E: [email protected] T: @CuckooEvents | FB: /CuckooEvents | #WatchTheBirdie

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Page 1: Cuckoo events   bics 2013 - event planning

Event  Planning  Are  you  mad?  

Cuckoo  Events  |  P:  01  640  1575  |  M:  086  823  3377  |  E:  [email protected]    T:  @CuckooEvents  |  FB:  /CuckooEvents  |  #WatchTheBirdie  


Page 2: Cuckoo events   bics 2013 - event planning

Who’s  this  guy?  

•  UL  Lifesaving  Club  •  UL  Clubs  &  Socs  ExecuPve  •  UL  Ents  Crew  &  Events  

–  a  few  years  back.  .  .    

•  Events  &  MarkePng  Manager,  DIT  Students’  Union  for  5+  years  

–  up  to  a  couple  of  years  ago  

Cuckoo  Events  |  P:  01  640  1575  |  M:  086  823  3377  |  E:  [email protected]    T:  @CuckooEvents  |  FB:  /CuckooEvents  |  #WatchTheBirdie    

Page 3: Cuckoo events   bics 2013 - event planning

Ya?  What  else?  

•  Irish  Safety  InsPtute  – Witnness  /  Oxegen  /  EP  /  Slane  /  Phoenix  Park  –  College  events  –  Europa  Cup  Final  2011  –  London  Olympics  2012  –  Team  Ireland  Homecoming  /  EucharisPc  Congress  /  Fleet  Expo  

•  Cuckoo  Events  –  Event  Management  /  Event  ProducPon  /  Event  Safety  /  PaintGlow  /  Foam  ParPes  /  Themed  Events    

–  Gathering  2013  /  Charity  Events  –  Upcoming  events.  .  .      

Cuckoo  Events  |  P:  01  640  1575  |  M:  086  823  3377  |  E:  [email protected]    T:  @CuckooEvents  |  FB:  /CuckooEvents  |  #WatchTheBirdie    

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Cuckoo  Events  |  P:  01  640  1575  |  M:  086  823  3377  |  E:  [email protected]    T:  @CuckooEvents  |  FB:  /CuckooEvents  |  #WatchTheBirdie    

Page 5: Cuckoo events   bics 2013 - event planning

Ideas  /  Concept  GeneraBon  

Cuckoo  Events  |  P:  01  640  1575  |  M:  086  823  3377  |  E:  [email protected]    T:  @CuckooEvents  |  FB:  /CuckooEvents  |  #WatchTheBirdie    

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Cuckoo  Events  |  P:  01  640  1575  |  M:  086  823  3377  |  E:  [email protected]    T:  @CuckooEvents  |  FB:  /CuckooEvents  |  #WatchTheBirdie    

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Cuckoo  Events  |  P:  01  640  1575  |  M:  086  823  3377  |  E:  [email protected]    T:  @CuckooEvents  |  FB:  /CuckooEvents  |  #WatchTheBirdie    

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Cuckoo  Events  |  P:  01  640  1575  |  M:  086  823  3377  |  E:  [email protected]    T:  @CuckooEvents  |  FB:  /CuckooEvents  |  #WatchTheBirdie    

Page 9: Cuckoo events   bics 2013 - event planning

Event  Planning  -­‐  where  to  start?  

Cuckoo  Events  |  P:  01  640  1575  |  M:  086  823  3377  |  E:  [email protected]    T:  @CuckooEvents  |  FB:  /CuckooEvents  |  #WatchTheBirdie    

Page 10: Cuckoo events   bics 2013 - event planning

So  what’s  in  an  Event  Plan?  

Cuckoo  Events  |  P:  01  640  1575  |  M:  086  823  3377  |  E:  [email protected]    T:  @CuckooEvents  |  FB:  /CuckooEvents  |  #WatchTheBirdie    

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Cuckoo  Events  |  P:  01  640  1575  |  M:  086  823  3377  |  E:  [email protected]    T:  @CuckooEvents  |  FB:  /CuckooEvents  |  #WatchTheBirdie    

Safety  Policy  

General  Event  info  

Structures  &  FaciliPes  

Crowd  Management  

Venue   Medical  Plan  

Fire  Safety   Traffic  /  Transport  Plan  

Emergency  Procedures   CancellaPon  Policy  

Controls  &  Comms  


Tests  &  InspecPons  


Page 12: Cuckoo events   bics 2013 - event planning

Cuckoo  Events  |  P:  01  640  1575  |  M:  086  823  3377  |  E:  [email protected]    T:  @CuckooEvents  |  FB:  /CuckooEvents  |  #WatchTheBirdie    

Post  Event  

EvaluaPon   Feedback  


Running  the  event   ProducPon  management  

Organising  the  Event  

Event  preparaPon   Stakeholder  liaison   Build  

Detailed  Planning  

Budget   LogisPcs   Running  Order   ProducPon  schedule  

Drab  Outline  Plan  

Stakeholders   Date  &  Venue   Permissions   Staff   Costs  


Goals   Proposal   Team  

Planning  Flowchart  

Page 13: Cuckoo events   bics 2013 - event planning

What’s  the  one  element  that  is  

DEFINITELY  involved  in  any  event?  

Cuckoo  Events  |  P:  01  640  1575  |  M:  086  823  3377  |  E:  [email protected]    T:  @CuckooEvents  |  FB:  /CuckooEvents  |  #WatchTheBirdie    

Page 14: Cuckoo events   bics 2013 - event planning

Cuckoo  Events  |  P:  01  640  1575  |  M:  086  823  3377  |  E:  [email protected]    T:  @CuckooEvents  |  FB:  /CuckooEvents  |  #WatchTheBirdie    

Page 15: Cuckoo events   bics 2013 - event planning

Cuckoo  Events  |  P:  01  640  1575  |  M:  086  823  3377  |  E:  [email protected]    T:  @CuckooEvents  |  FB:  /CuckooEvents  |  #WatchTheBirdie    

Page 16: Cuckoo events   bics 2013 - event planning

Cuckoo  Events  |  P:  01  640  1575  |  M:  086  823  3377  |  E:  [email protected]    T:  @CuckooEvents  |  FB:  /CuckooEvents  |  #WatchTheBirdie    

Risk  Assessments  

Page 17: Cuckoo events   bics 2013 - event planning

Why  put  ourselves  through  it?  

Cuckoo  Events  |  P:  01  640  1575  |  M:  086  823  3377  |  E:  [email protected]    T:  @CuckooEvents  |  FB:  /CuckooEvents  |  #WatchTheBirdie    

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Cuckoo  Events  |  P:  01  640  1575  |  M:  086  823  3377  |  E:  [email protected]    T:  @CuckooEvents  |  FB:  /CuckooEvents  |  #WatchTheBirdie    

Smiley  faces!    Happy  people!    Fada,    Gamesmaker,  London  Olympics  2012  

Page 19: Cuckoo events   bics 2013 - event planning

Running  the  Event  

Cuckoo  Events  |  P:  01  640  1575  |  M:  086  823  3377  |  E:  [email protected]    T:  @CuckooEvents  |  FB:  /CuckooEvents  |  #WatchTheBirdie    

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Cuckoo  Events  |  P:  01  640  1575  |  M:  086  823  3377  |  E:  [email protected]    T:  @CuckooEvents  |  FB:  /CuckooEvents  |  #WatchTheBirdie    

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Cuckoo  Events  |  P:  01  640  1575  |  M:  086  823  3377  |  E:  [email protected]    T:  @CuckooEvents  |  FB:  /CuckooEvents  |  #WatchTheBirdie    

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Cuckoo  Events  |  P:  01  640  1575  |  M:  086  823  3377  |  E:  [email protected]    T:  @CuckooEvents  |  FB:  /CuckooEvents  |  #WatchTheBirdie    

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Top  Tips  

Cuckoo  Events  |  P:  01  640  1575  |  M:  086  823  3377  |  E:  [email protected]    T:  @CuckooEvents  |  FB:  /CuckooEvents  |  #WatchTheBirdie    

•  You  can  NOT  start  planning  EARLY  ENOUGH  •  Schedule    •  20%  miscellaneous  •  Supplier  relaPonships  are  KEY  •  Be  different  •  Review  

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The  Toppest  Tip  

Cuckoo  Events  |  P:  01  640  1575  |  M:  086  823  3377  |  E:  [email protected]    T:  @CuckooEvents  |  FB:  /CuckooEvents  |  #WatchTheBirdie    

Photo  Credit:  hjp://    

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Cuckoo  Events  |  P:  01  640  1575  |  M:  086  823  3377  |  E:  [email protected]    T:  @CuckooEvents  |  FB:  /CuckooEvents  |  #WatchTheBirdie    

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Cuckoo  Events  |  P:  01  640  1575  |  M:  086  823  3377  |  E:  [email protected]    T:  @CuckooEvents  |  FB:  /CuckooEvents  |  #WatchTheBirdie    

•  Risk  Assessment  Matrix  •  Events  Scheduling  Doc  •  Sample  Event  Planning  Guidelines  Doc  contents  

•  Simple  Event  Planning  Flowchart  •  Sample  Event  Plan  Contents  x  2  •  PresentaPon    

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Cuckoo  Events  |  P:  01  640  1575  |  M:  086  823  3377  |  E:  [email protected]    T:  @CuckooEvents  |  FB:  /CuckooEvents  |  #WatchTheBirdie    

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Mark  Breen  P:  01  6401575  M:  086  823  3377  E:  [email protected]  

Cuckoo  Events  |  P:  01  640  1575  |  M:  086  823  3377  |  E:  [email protected]    T:  @CuckooEvents  |  FB:  /CuckooEvents  |  #WatchTheBirdie    

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?  Cuckoo  Events  |  P:  01  640  1575  |  M:  086  823  3377  |  E:  [email protected]    T:  

@CuckooEvents  |  FB:  /CuckooEvents  |  #WatchTheBirdie    

Page 30: Cuckoo events   bics 2013 - event planning

Mark  Breen  P:  01  6401575  M:  086  823  3377  E:  [email protected]  

Cuckoo  Events  |  P:  01  640  1575  |  M:  086  823  3377  |  E:  [email protected]    T:  @CuckooEvents  |  FB:  /CuckooEvents  |  #WatchTheBirdie