cuav» regret |biggleiiooks€¦ · " pr". »ammer. tbey want a rest aac? w notblame...

THJ£ NEWS AN© HERALD P HBJCdStlKD S VERY W&DNE3DA) .-BY. > is vv s and heeu ld company rtiK.TL*. IN ADVANCE: Oa«f(¥*ar, ... SI..V 3tX Musctia, - - .7 VVT\T\r^RO^O. S. C. Wednesday, June 14, - - - 1805 CLEANLINESS Tester.! ty we p ^?d np thne o our exchanges, and ail three had ai editorial conJetnni ig the habit of ex pectorating on the sliewalks, and a! favored auti-?pitlit:g ordinances It i t-l» J wvnnr, ilLhfOll in riflfill aODlHilMUit; auu »oij «. spots on the streets in this way miking wa'king exceedingly disia-ite fui to ladies and filling the air wit] germs of disease, bat we arc n »t pic pared to advocate at- anii-sputiii; ordinance f>r Winn3bjr>. We havt too m-iuy more seiioas dangers r< pablte health to remove, aud we cai »init»or tht» cpn«iila a?iiu-t suit J v..w . , tingon^lhe streets uruil the g<e»te (lungers to public bea'tb shall hav< b#cn r3tn«lied. Old pipers, rags broken glass, old wagons, oil ua cbinerr, tometimes a hog-pan c os b/, and tr**b of various kind ure ob ject8 that the pedestrian 01 onr street will see to delight bis eve, and oc casionally stagnant water, gresn witl poison, will bretk the monoto y o i k.i : the sarronaaings. we snow iu»l i is very easy to criticise an 1 very h ire to satisfy the public. Wint's siic here h merely to !-agg;st thit r:» irn pro7emeat h medid in ordinary clewlines*. \ clean town i* ab;o lately neces^iry to pnblic hsa'th. Xc matter bow heahhy a ommanity mai be by nitural situ-ition, sickues* wiJ 8arel7 follow film. We lik<3 the tone of Govcrno r G - , a.1,Uoc?3 In fKa n mrvto 3 OUUl W vuu the State. He doesn't want too mucl politic, bu* desires that the industrial developein-iut of the Sf.atc shall be th< hief object in view.' We hope thai he nny have his wish gratifiel, bat 5 lot of tiewspioers will hive to be sap pressed if wj are not to hoar of poll tic. Already candidate? for Gover nor are receiving attention, and a: will bd seen by a clipping pablishec this moraing oaadidates forongresi are #omin* to tne iroai. ic is aaru u keep politicians ia the back groaac especially when they are assisted it their efforts to get to 'hi fro it by the newspipars. We believe thit tht people are sick of pslitici! campaign v ^ and that it will be a hard matter t r rouse them to a hiijh pitch of excite EflMttJhb inent over any political fight nex " pr". »ammer. Tbey want a rest aac? w not blame them. A ?OLNT PICNIC. Closing of the Cz^byville Inssltate an the Halsell-vUle School. According to a prevJom announce ment in your paper, the patrons ani friends of tbe Crosby Institute, nnde «be efficient management of Prol Leon JRosborongb, ol Albion, and th school in tbe Halsellville community under the efficient management c Miss Alice McMaster, of Winnsbort met in the grove near the residence o Mr. John S Stone on Friday, the 9; inst, and had a basket picnic. Ther were no dialogues and speech-makin by the chrildren. All who attende seemed to enjoy themselves very much BothPro£ Rosborongh and Miss M< Master had good schools, which wer well attended. We feel sate in say in that both teachers have rendered ef£ eient service, which has given satisfac tion to patron3 and pupils. We wis them much success in their professior Messrs. Paul Hemphill and Marioi: of Chester, were expected to be pres ent an<? address the people. Th crowd was somewhat disappointed a the speakers' failure to put in thei appearance, which was perhaps due t the long distance from here to Cheste and the excessively hot weather. Man of our people have never beard eitbe of the above mentioned speakers; ba thinking Mr. Hemphill might posses the faculty of speech aad fbw of lau . gnage to the extent that his brothe John has we might safely expect a oratorical treat. Tbe Ladies' Society, of Bea?e Oreefe Church, and Mr. Mclieown from Blackstock, served reii?<hu*ent« About one o'clock the ladie-s repairer to the Uble aud arranged the dinner All present did justice to the innerma and no doubt felt that the occasion ha been a success. Those present spen the afternoon in pleattint conversa tion, some assembled in groups wbil ot&ers sat in bnggies. I have sal there was not any speech-makiog. J might be well to modify tbat expres sion. Perhaps there were some speeche made by some 01 me young lubu, j so, no doubt indulged in tbat low ao< persuasive style of oratory which i sometimes more captivating to tb hearer than an outburst of eloquenc is to a deliberative body of represen tative men. No doubt tbe young people of ever community look forward with fon anticipations for each recurring picni season. It is well that the people ca assemble and engage in pleasant cot versatioa; it breaks the monotony c everyday life; it enthuses them wit renewed hapes* Were it not for hope what would'this world be? Jane 1®, 1899. R. R. J. Last fall I sprained my left bip whil handling some heavy" boxes. Th doctor I called on said at first it was slight strain and would soon be well but it grew worse and the doctor the said I had rheumatism. It continue to grow worse aad I could hardly ge around to work. 1 went to a dru store and the druggist recomraende me try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. ~ - tried it and one-half vf a 50 cent bo! tie cared me entirely. I now recoc mend it to all my friends..F. A. Ba* cock, Erie, Pa. It is for saie by M( ifaster Co. A GREAT KEUSION. fc W i. J Mr. Editor: You have ber>n pleased w j to give to my letters the glowing title, fr i "A Great Reunion," and yet I have tc j said very little about th2 reunion. The j fact is, I went to Charleston on the j occasion of the reunion, but was not a h t j delegate, and did not feel tint I wa? ^ m " " « V> ! called upon to attend an tae meeuugs, . bat having my wife and other ladies tc j under mv care, I thou/ut I cou! d do ei i * i 0 j more good and be of mors service by 91 __ j going aronnd with them to see the ^ a sights. Charleston is a graud old [) city, and both on iand and water there n are many points of interest, and it ^ ?eems true, at least it is my experience, ^ that every time I visit her it renews j the desire to go again. There is ever something new, and the old is still en- . ' * « » c 15 coaming. ^aaneswu, o. n Richmond, Va., always posscsi a f( charm for me. li f But Friday has corns and it is to be r 5 our last <Hv here at least cor this trip. a . S > wo Ianu :h fnrth after breakfast to p j do the ci v- Our first point of inte$ iestisth» orph>ri homes. Wo find 2 free access and are shown thron-h i:s x i ro.»ms and corridors from first fl ;ur . itodom\ On every liaud eleanliite-s s I and tidiness and home influences pre3» - - , v . iviii; tCi clear »iu:e iarmcness ;i>;u o T ! motherlcs- children show that t'jcy U , .ire well cared for and seem contented r y a>id happy; 'heir bright eyes and smil- a ^ ing facjs sre a benediction, ami yon |j itavj thi-i delightful h>ui!\vith blo^- ^ r in^s in vour h;ar.\ if not on your lips, u » for the go>d peop'e wh» designed and « for tho<e who for many years have ® supported this benevolent institution. v e What a G:>J send to tbi noaie'oss a>id tl friendless of this sin-cur.-ed earth is a ^ the orph v: Inne wherever found. I c am so srla-.t that our bclored South tl 3 Carolina abounds in ihes: evidences t] c of Christ: in civilizition, whUever v t faults we miy have as a people, and :< I heiven k i-ws W3 have our share, jet h I it cin not, be said of our dear old State g thit we do not look after the uaf jr- i< i tunite and afflicted. I thank God it e I J Iis so. And C rej>:c>, too, to knovr 11 ..*k IV...V » « ^ P.lArvt i i| j lust evei u iu augit iuv«c gv i/ua nuai ti the walls of these instltcrioas boys c » and girls trained under Christian in- * * D flaence to btess the coantry and the v world, who otherwise might have ij been a cnr-e to any ommauity where e fr their lots happen to bi cist. Just P think what, a vast aanuat of goxl is ^ 3 being d >ne bv the Ch*r!eston Orohaa- a age, the Thorn well O.'ph mage at a " Clinton, th2 Connie Maxwell Orphan- a i age at Gre^avvood, the Epsvorth Or- ^ * phaaagj a: Columbia, and perhaps ti -f >u . oui« T vi /% UtUCl> Ul IUC Ob US WUIUIJ iUtUUJ; fll '/ the moment rsciH; all ran hy Chris- 0 tian people, where babit3 ofin'Jnstry and eonomy are infilled into the r( minds of these d-jar little one^, and ibe V religion of the Lord Jes is Christ is a taught th;m both by pree-pl and ex- " ample; and imagine if you cm what ^ mast be their influence fjr gojd in the t< years to come, and on the o:hor hand 5 what a 11 iod-gate of immorality, dis- £ honesty, corruption a-id sin would be 5 opened up if they were allowed to tud p riot ever th3 land. Some of them fail of course to appreciate fbeTr" Oppor- g e tunities and go out lo curse society, <3 but these are the exceptions. I have 0 in my mind now several ministers of tl the gospel who received their early V training at Thornwell Orphanage, tl , Eternity alone will reveal tbe amount tl of good accomplished at these homes ir for the friendless waifs of our land, b !- From ths dome we had a fine view s< 3 of the city and its eunonndings, and tl although the ascent was a good big b r undertaking on a warm d-iv, we felt a that we were amply repaid. c! p e visited old St. Michael'.; church. r southeast corner Meeting at.<l Broad p j. streets, where tbe chiming bells t*»ll ofl[ b the time in quarter hours from the c( old steeple, which Las stood theshocSs b: f oftwowais, and dates back far iuto ti h the list ce Jury. This grand old spire pi was taken as a target for shot and tl f-hell during the Confederate war, and ir S was struck several tim°s, I think, t\ d during the bombardments in the long =1 l# siege of tbe city. The ereciion <>f the h chuich was begun in 1752. ' it was 2J '* opened for tbe worship of '»od i E c 1761. There are numerous -iti ui tt g marble tablets within it© walls, 1c i- some of which perpetuate the memory w of revolutionary officers and ministers b: '' of the gospel, who havj been dead A " far beyond a hundred years. We g: i. were too ti:ed to undertake the ascent, s! i, of the steeple. le Tbene* postofSce 011 tive opposite tt '* or southwest corner of the same w 6 streets is a fine structure of gra-iitc, H it and seems soma larger tha^i ibe Co- r lumbia postoffice. We sat an 1 rented hi on its steps, and one of our ladies lost fr her purse there and was much per- *f r plcxed thereabout, till by cireiul ef y search it wa< found to the great joy ta r of our entire party. We rode on the ci j electric cars around past West Lake, e< a beautiful little artificial street of p< 8 water, and up past the auditorium, of p i- which I cannot speak particularly, b; r The citadel and its campus, on which cl n stands the splendid Calhoun monu- C meut, whose beautiful and symmetrical S shaft is from the Winnsboro Grange oi r Co.'s quarry, and the old mound liow, te i, encioseu wua iron paiing to cnecK us sc , disintegration, which is a revolutionary 01 (j relic, the regains of an old fort, came t: in for a share of oar scrutiny a?.d ad- oli q miration. Then, too, we saw the »i j cadets on drill and dress parade, all in |t the more interesting to sonr; of ns, it t. as we hive a representative among a e them in the person of J. Brice Robin- a! ^ son. bi it Bat my letter i3 already too long, .1 j. so I will tell of two incidents of our k 's visit not yet related and then let your w |f naJers have a rest, hoping yoar cor ir (3 respondent *D." will give us some- hi s thing more on the Anderson place. c< e The two incidents are as follows: ai e George White's meeting with an old ei war friend, Mr. Hightower, of Miss- tt issippi, with whom he ppsnt about as v fifteen or sixteen months in prison at ai ^ Rock Island. Ill , and whom be had b< c not seen since tLev parted there Ji n during the war. It was very touching to witness their affectionate meeting, which touk placc in our room early » W'orlnosrta v mnrniner whpi) \lr TT 21 j .j} . ,g arrived in t*e city. He seems very D( clever, and added greatly to the inle- ^ rest aud pleasure of our visit. fct The other incideut was a like meet- P1 ing betweei. myself and Mr. P. M. Raff, now of Anderson, S. C. We Sf ® were old shcpmates in antebellum days c* ® .he in the wood work and I in tbe iron at Hamiier's wagon and carriage u ' shops ia Richland County. We, like , Mr. White and his frieiid, hid not " tnet since thy war: We umta&iiy en- bi v joyed t e reunion. "Now, in conclusion, ktmesayjasi r this much: ifte old city bv the sea,>s| t though she has been rent and torn E . with &hot and shell, though from time cc * totimealmo-t literally devoured with P( ,* t fire and sword, and shaken to her m very foundations by earthqnak?, and P< .. MII 111 iifirr,iB-fTM-ii--rr-WT.t.r-i it eas;era aud soatbern extremities ashed and inundated with tidal aves, yet Phoenix-like, she has arisen omher ashes and come forth afresh > the battle 01 life, and seems to have jnewed her vouch, and is to-day the onder and pride of her people, and )e admiration as well ot those who ave been her foes. Right nobly did ;e entertain the large army of old ionfeierate Veterans, and 1 venture je acsertion that not one who cnose ) avai) himself of her offer of free utertainment went hungry or without aelter. I have been told by some bo were in position to know that the >otl furnished free was the best they ave ever had at any reunion. In the ame of the old battle-scarred heroes 'ho partook of her hospitality, I rould say, three cheers for grand old Charleston! R. H. Jennings. What is Kodol DyspepsiaCure? It i the newly discovered remedy, the lost effective preparation ever devised ir airliner the digestion and assimila- ~ c ion of food, and restoring the deaogcd digestive organs to a natural onrtiix311. It is a discovery surpassing nvthing yet uokoown to the medical rofession. McMaster Co. THE "VYlN'N'SBORO DISPENSARY. t; ho State Board of Control Discnsses the j Local Dispensary. _ The afternoon session of the board ,Ta? quite interesting. After passing erbally on the requests for the return f small seizures of liquor from :harleston, and ordering tbat they be eturned or the price paid for them, nd requesting tbe Governor to call to tie attention of Chief W. W. Sellers .lathe was not doing liis duty in not eeping a proper account of tbe seiz* res in his jurisdiction, the board took p the consideration of some shortages barged against Dispeuser Stevenson, t VVionsbero, and went into the inestigation of a robbery committed in ha dispensary, and some charges made gainst the dispenser. When he was hecked up recently there was a sbortge in his accounts found amounting ) S3S0.45. Mr. Stevenson said that lie shortage had developed while he ?as sick, be having been in bed and ift the dispensary in the charge of his lerk. WLen the shortage was found e promptly paid up what was due the * . A~ ^noA T>..x tate, wmcn amoumeu. 10 x>ut : seems afterwards that it was discovred that $100.45 was due the county 3d town. The dispenser did not deny .l:3 shortage, but he made the point bat the shortage might have been lused by the disappearance of stock ud that "he did not think that be should e charged up more than the profit ;ou!d have been on liiat amount 01 quor. Mr. Williams contended, howver, that the amount was actually the rofit due the county, and that it did ot represent stock. The dispenser eclined to make any chargss against nybody in connection with this shortge, but assumed the responsibility, nd when the board decided lie must iay it he deposited a check for the mount. But the dispenser had more rouble in the shape of a robbery ommiited about two week3 8go, and at of which some very serious barges were made against him. Contable Holloway, of Columbia, at tbe equest of Mr. Stevenson, was sent to Vinnsboro to investigate the matter, ud when he came back be made the lost damaging report against Stevenan. He expressed grave doubts as lo rhetber a robbery had been comurit;d, and said all the hne and cry of one ras made to hide a possible shortage, le further charged that the dispenser penly violated tbe law and that anyody could get liquor after hours by aying five cents bonus for tin stuff, fc was also asserted that the dispenser peitty.MkMmiOl lUC uuu-rva unday, and that generally be conacted the dispensary worse than any rher in tbe State. This 'vas so serioas iat the detective was again sent to finnsboro, and this time he reported lat while everybody told him these lings nobody bat two negroes would lake an affidavit to sustain the charges, ecause they were afraid of Steven>n, and that it was currently reported lat tbe dispenser had all ths county ~~ " 4 Af Kim t llO f r\nD C&i. Li VI HIUlj 4VUV4 vuv lember actually resigned for. this luse.. Mr. Stevenson, when a?ked to exlain these things, said at first that he new nothing about the robbery ex2pt that his back door had been rokeu into one Saturdav night and iat S19S.98 worth of stuff had disapeared. He said that he had asked iat Holloway be sent to make the ivestigalion. The affidavits of the »- _? a 1 IvO negroes ueiiJg rcau lu mm, mxsy :ating that be had received five cents onus f*r selling liquor after hours, [r. Stevenson directly charged Sheriff llison with being the instigator of )e affidavits, and said that whsn Hoi- i.vav caine to Winnsboro the sheriff, 'ho is his political enemy, got hold of iin and kept him in tow all the time, .s to the affidavits of one of the neroes, n-imed Gibson, lie said the ieriff had threatened te whip him un:ss he would sign the affidavit and lat the negro was too drunk to know hat he was doing when he signed it. lC submitted an affidavit from the ime ntgro, in which he swears that 2 never bought any liquor illegally ftAv. A ^/InTrt^n "Pi»Am OUl IUU UiS[jeuoct. iiamaviis ii vjjli orty-five other negroes to the same feet were submitted. A. paper con;inicg the names of sixty of the best .tizous of the town was also present- J, in which it was stated that tbedis- jnser had always conducted the disen?ary legally. This was signed also y the mayor, the aldermen and the riif of police. Ths other negro, Mc- , orkle, who made an affidavit agaiost tevenson, swore to another just to the pposite effect. Stevenson went oa to 11 about the trouble between the leriff aud himself, saying that it all rigioated about a po3«um, which was i be sent to a promioesit ofliser of the icnonaorv SnnPrrisflP Tpnnftnt tea- firid that the door bad been broken ito from tlieoutside and not from the :side, as some of the dispenser's eneiies had insinuated. Capr. Torres jd Mr. Iliggins, membeis of the o>\rd of controi, testified to the same ling. Th -y asserted that they never : new him to violate the law. A letter as read from the probate judge say- ig that the law wa3 violated, and mat s thougbt the dispenser got drank jcasionally. Steven?on denied this, id fcaiJ "the itidge was bis political < icmy; that he and the sheriff were le only enemies he had. Stevenson iked that he be credited with the noiint stolen, but without acting the Dard adjourned..News and Courier, ' line 8th. Frida}'.-S'ate « "> 'a'ned the follow>g- At the a I tor noon session liii WintisDro matter came up a-r-uu. When i<:neii?er Steven-an was exunined 4, ie day before he blanched off into olitics and bad a goodd»al to say of ie ba-J feeling existing between him- s :lf and Sheriff Ellison and direetiy i larged ;hat. i he sheriff was responsi- I !e fo *ome of the affidavits made, J 'ing threats 10 seenre them. i Sheriff Eliion was indignant, and < oinediately look the train to Colum- i ia to answer the charges before the t irr.'i p?op'o to whom they were mid?. < Mr. L J. Wiliiatri', who was pre- j ding, cxtoi d-'d rvfry couriesv fo Mr. Ilisoti, bin told him thai tin board : >uld no* go into a hearing of the J' 5litioal or personal differences which £ Jght exist between him and tho dis-11 inser, except in eo far as bey re- j ii niiwra-nmi-i n -i The Kind You Have Always E in use for over 30 years, li .rt and ha Allow n All Counterfeits, Imitations a periments that trifle "with a Infants and Children.Expei What is G Castoria is a substitute for Ci \ and Soothing- Syrups. It is 1 contains neither Opium, 3Io substance. Its age is its go* and allays Feverishness. It Colic. It relieves Teething 3 and Flatulency. It assimilal 'Stomach and Bowels, giving The Children's Panacea.Th< GENUINE CAST ^ Bears the 5 The Kind You Hai In Use For 0\ THC CCNTAUB COMPANY. 77 MUI fdrpA^i tn Stevenson a9 disnenser. or I would throw some light on his conduct of the place. Mr. John S. Reynold', who accompanied the sheriff as a friend and attorney, said that was eminently proper and proceeded to ask some question? within the limits laid out by the chairman. In reply to a question the sheriff declared it "absolutely false that he had in any maoner inflaeaced the detective to make a report which threw doubt upon whether any robbery had been roaJiv «r»mmittPrL H#> ahsolntelv and uuequivocally denied tbat he was in any way responsible for the affidavits ot the two negroes, as it was charged he was, and said be had never seen the affidavits nor bad he ever direcily or indirectly had anything to do with anv affidavit they ever made. He charged before the board that Stevenson had been short in his accounts several times and had come to him to borrow money to make the amount good. He declared that he and Stevenson bad been &ood friends and their families had associated with eaCQ Olflcr up CO auuui a a5u, ween Stevenson was $300 short in his accounts and hau come to him for money to pay up the amount. He declined then to endorse a note in the bauk unless Stevenson would give him collateral. He declared in the uiost positive and emphatic terms that be had no part nor prreel in the bringing about the condition of affairs in the dispensary, nor had he in aayjnanner, shape or forjp instigated the FHvestigatTon wfclctr tfre"-board Is now-wakiug or ha3 made. , Mr. "Williams stated that the matter had been called to the attention of the board officially,' and _with this the hearing- closed, Sbenn .uiiisou manning the board for hearing his side of be matter. The-sheriff rcqnests us to say that an affidavit has been been made bsfore R H. Jeunings, Clerk of Court, by Jasper Gibson, in which affidavit Jasper swears that Mr. Ellison never approached him as to the management of the dispensary or that Mr. Ellison in any way threatened him ioto makiDg an atnaavu. r That Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave yon, if you used Dr. lviDg's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nerrous Headaches. They make pare blood and strong nerves and build np your health. Eas\ to lake. Try them. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cure I. Sold by McMaster Co., druggists. I1LYTHEWOOD PAKAGKAPHS. Mr. Ji*. F.Brown had a very sad loss last Sunday night. His barns and 3tables canght on fire and two horses were turned to death* By getting pretty badly burned himself he managed to *ave his mules. The origination ol ihe fire is not known. Miss Emmi'lel Pric?, who has been attending school at Batnberg, S. C , is spending the vacation months with ber sister, Mrs. J. W. B'ain. T .511,. TTrvewl ic rMaitincr rplflf.icp.4 I IVVM J O I lOlitUg and relatives and friends in WiniHboro. Mrs. II. L. Baxter ro'urned home last Saturday. Mrs. J. W. Brown and daughter, Mrs. M. Lwgford, i* spending awhile it Satnter with Mrs. Lizz'e Hojrnd, who is critically H. Mrs. T. J. Harmon is visiting relatives in North Carolina. Mr r. P, Watts is snendinir awhile " * w with friend? ne»r VViunsboro. Mrs. C 1> Wooeu, oi' Columbia, is risking Mrs. Su-ah Wooten. Mr-. G'-izn, of White Oak, spent awhile a !cw \ve< ks ;.g<> wifh relatives near hero. Mr. Laurence Wo>ten spent a short while wiin hi? parents, Mr. and Mrs. IV T, Wootj-n. Miss Lois :iinkscales, wh<» has been indispose I t'm* a number ot -weeks, i-i convalescent. Mr. Darhain Boney left a few days igo for Atlanta. Chrysanthemum. Jane 12,189?. A Thousand Tongues Could not express the rapture cf Amie E. Springs, ot 1125 Howard St., PhiladrSp'-'a. Pa., when she fonnd that j Dr. Kiug-'a New Discovery tor Con-1 sumption had completely 'lured her of i hacking cough that for many years tiad made life a burden. All other remedies and doctors could give her no help, but she says of this Roval Jure."it soon removed the pain in uy chest and I can now sleep 6onndIy, .rvmothincr T can scarcely remember 2oing before. I feel like sounding its j.aises ih'-rinhout the Universe." So will every oije who tries Dr. King's NTew Discovery for any trouble of tne Throat, Chest or Lungs. Price 50>;. tnd $1 00. Trial bottles free at McSlaseer Co.'s drug store; every bottle guaranteed. Sought, and -which has "been as borne the signature of 5 been made under liis pcrizpervision since its infancy, o one to deceive you in thi.i. nd Substitutes are but Exnd endanger the health of ience against Experiment. ASTORIA istor Oil, Paregoric, Drops harmless and Pleasant. It rphine nor other Narcotic irantec. It destroys Worms cures Diarrhoea and Wind troubles, cures Constipation ies the Food, regulates the healthy and natural sleep. d Mother's Friend. m OK IA always* Signature of m Slwflvs RftiitfM L V XXJL11UJM WW.QU.U ter 30 Years. *RAY STRCET, NCtt YORK CITY. EARN WELL A>D BA3IBEKG* Mr. Editor: I thought it would be interesting to my up country farmer fiiend-t to kuow how their Barnwell and Bamberg Countys' brotber-larmers are progressing with their work. There have been recently two very remarkable hail storms in this section. Toe first o;:e struck the country rstind about Klko and Williston where it devastated who!c fields in some places. The hail is reported to have been the size of fowl e^gc, and to have staid on 11 ...1 «maha fViOM n rJo r TliA UK' £IU11IIU 1U1 LLi'w/lU Lliau a. v*a.j . hjv peopls have bad to plow np and plant over, even though it was so late in the pea-on. In some places where it was hcavi' r nothing was left standiog io ihi fields when the storm was over. A ore Mi' of rla,na<?e was done bv it in various other ways than to Nthe farms. Since then another storm of less severity .struck the country about Monie and Whaley and did much damage to ihe crops. The writer witnessed this one, and it was a sight to behold, ft poured down in a blinding sheet of hail the size of partridge eggs, tome of it even larger, for at least twenty minutes, and lay on the ground half an hour where the water did not flow over it. It was accompanied by a heavy rain, thunder and wind. The bail stones were quil(i ZS romitt sib marbles and would rattle on the house tops like a shower of marbles. The air was filled with leaves a9 the hail stone-* beat them olFthe trees. The cotton and water-mellons were badly beaten n.» m-5! the blades otihecorn were shretiwcU. u'nere these storms did not strike, the crops are remarkably fine. Around Denmark the hail missed and the crops area thing of beauty. The nnoer county farmers would think they had no crop if they were to se?. these iu the lower counties. The corn will average all over this country, even where the last hail storm visited, six feet high. In some fields it is ta^seling, and in others if I were to attempt to describe how fine it i.3 you would all think that 1 was drawing on my imagination. Rut I saw a field of corn a few day* ago nantMaflr tViof moc en Inorh fViaf « LiCOl lyoilliilin IU 4b IV UJ OW U1^4t X UWU M tall man could not touch the top of it on his tip-t >es, aud that com was not ta^seling \et either. If it keeps on it wiil equal "Jack'd beau pole." There is les? cotton planted here than ever before. It is looking fresh and green and is knee high 011 an average, full of liuibs and forms. The farmers here have planted a quantity of email grain and corn, sugar cane and m°llous and rice. Tney are fixing to live next \car. Th*ir pastures are fall o4'cattle, sheep and pigs. Ail additional number of threshing machines were needed this seas >n and several flour mills and rice cle»ners are making preparations for the crop of wheat that is on hind and the rice which bids fair to a hetvy > ield 1 iter on. Tne pro-peels are certainly l.V-U» \ r.» Jn cor*' t m Ul'liJIIl» *1'l in : iu ; - 414 U..7 * ' Dwnmirk is putting up a tlirc- story flour mil', and Blaokvilie is quite rea-ly t-» b-gin operating its knitting factory. A call was inirie *o:nedi>s ago for twenty-five tn >re girls as operatives. The people hav.- some fruit here too: ap/ea, ptars, pluun, cherries and grapes. The garden - are affording all kinds of vegetables now, even to hardheaded white cibtagc. Water-melt)!!' that havo l»een planted fjr auikit have, iu several places, been laid by. A Dew crop for mirket is cantaloupes. They are being extensively planted aronn I Blackvi'le for shipping purposes. They ship th'-in in fruit c*rs packed with ice and realiz; from $800 t> $1,000 per ctrloid. A Subscriber. Dlackville, S C , dune 10, r99. "Would Xot Suffer So Again for Fifty Times Its Price. X B.TT- ke iast night wit*i severe p«uns in uiy f..y;nacb. I never felt so badly in all my life. When I came down to work this morning I felt so weak I could hardly work. I went to Miller & McCurdt's drug store and they recommended Chamberlain'^ Colic, Cholera-and Diarrbaji Remedy. It worked like magic and oue dose fixed me all right. It certainly is the finest thing I ever used for stomach trouble. I shall not tc without in my home hereafter, for I should uot c-ire to endure the sufferings of hst night again for fifty times its price..G. H Wilsox, Liveryman, Burgettstewn, Washington Co , Pa. This remedy is for sale by McMaster Co. MYRTHE HAPPEXIXGS. We have had bnt two light showers of rain since ocr last writing and consequently ti.f 2"- :n 1 is very dry, and everything in the way of vege'ation is suffering greatly for rain. Water in some wells is setting low, and unless ; we have rain soon some may be caused j to suffer inconvenience along tbis line.! It is a tryiiiir time about ^ettir:jr( something to cook. Gardens are b-ick- j ward, fruit h scarce, and even tbe i blackberries and chickeLS ar* not quite ripe. But we are still hope'ui, | and the people try to keep in good * a " £ *V>a spirits ana xae neauu cm >uc wix.- manity is excellent. Bear Creek school closed on the 9ib inst. This school, which has been in charge of oar efEcieut teacher, Mr. H C. Davis, for the past teven moui h?., has prospered greatly under his splendid ability as a teachsr- Mr. Davis id a fine young man and wc regret very much to see him leave. But he carries with him the good will and best wishes of the entire coinmnni'y. Mr. F. M. L. Duke, who it will be ' . o -f*»11 c\rvio fitriO XULUtJLUUCl CU 1CUC1VCU a xah ojuiv ago, is able to be out again but lias not, as yet, fully recovered from his injuries. Miss Mary Harrison has returned to Ilidgeway after having spent two weeks with her sister, Mrs. O. C. Dnke. Messrs. Jim and Joe Brown had the misfortune of getting one of their largo new barns burned down last Sunday night. Their losses were quite heavj\ Two horses perished in the flames. A comparatively new rake and mower, ^ .1._ " ^ T-^*>n m a "guuu buypiy ui «uu liuuiv roas other articles were also lost. Mr. Jim Brown being alone, did remark ably [well in getting the mules out, Besides saying a wagon and one or two other articles. They also had 4jme oats burned, bat the writer doesn't know jast how much. H. MOZLEY'S LEMON ELIXIR Regelates the Liver, Stomach, Bowels and liianeys. For biiioasness, constipation, and malaria. For indigestion, sick and nervous headache. For sleeplessness, nervousness, heart failure, and nervou3 prostration. For fever, chills, debility and kidney diseases, take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, fnr natural and thorough organic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. 50c and SI bottle at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. H. Moz'.er, Atlanta. Ga. Gratitude. Dr. II. Mozley.Dear Sir: Since uung your L?inon Elixir I have never bad another attack of those fearful sick headaches, and tbaak God that I have at last found a medicine that will cure those awfnl spells. Mrs. Etta W. Jones, Parkersburg, West Virginia. Mozley's Lemon Elixir I suffered with indigestion and dysentery for two longyears. I heard of Lemon Elixir; got it; taken seven bottles and am now a well man. Harry Adams, No. 1734 First Asgpue, Birmingham, Ala. ^ Mozley's Lemon Elixir. nicteu tor years wuc uiuia bis leg, and was cared after using two bottles; and cured a friend whom tbe doctors had given up to die, who bad suffered for years with indigestion and nervous prostration. Mrs. E. A. Beeille, Woodstock, Ala. MOZLEY'S LESION* HOT DROPS. Cures all Cough?, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Hemorrhage, and all throat and long diseases. Elegant, reliable. 25c, at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. - " » i «« «rr«Arv\r Judge Tarbell tell the folio wing joke on himself: A short time after bis retirement from the beDch he happened to meet an old friend whom he had not seen for some time. The judge, dU smiles and neatiness, effervesced over his friend in such a way as to provoke the inquiry: l'Whet office are you a candidate for now, judge?" The judge made a deprecatory movement with an ontward turned palm and said: "For none at all. my dear brother; I'm simply a candidate for heaven." His friend regarded bim sorrowfallv lor an instam, and ihen, with more wit than politeness, and with more profanity than either, exclaimed: * I'll bet you don't carry a d.n township!"' ) 98. ( The above figures tell a remark- d J able story; they represent almost k r exactly the percentage of cures ^ ^ made by $ 4 Rheumacicie ^ ^ the wonderful new constitutional v 2 cure for RHEUMATISM. The k r other two per cent, were not cura- j ble, or failed to take medicine ac- r A cording to directions. Thousands (k f have been cured. In view of the ^ fact that many physicians think w A ;< inniiroViln Qnr? /S tUilliXlXCUUXit.l/lCLU lO mv.uiuk.iv, y, f that most remedies fail, it must be } I tlj true that EHEUMACIDE is the P A greatest medical discovery of the r age. Particulars and testimonials J I of many well known people sent jr A free to all applicants. C Majfflctaref by THE BOBBITT DRUG 2 .CO.,MM,It.t J P bold in Winnsooro oy iuujuisicr ^ k Co., and by Druggists generally. /. 2 Price $1 per bottle. 111111181' Balsam &$Sa3ifr£~T£^Cle«ii3f» c:.j bcn'Jiifica th *i«)'T. WgSR^'Tr^MuPromote! a luxurjtnt growth. SS»8SSr". -JH Never Tails to Heatore Grey SS>5i- -THaB Hair to its Youthful Color. SENT FREE {jo housekeepers. Ml COMPANY'S. Extract of Beef. COOK BOOKtelling how to prepare many dell cute and delicious dishes. Address, Liebig Co., P 0 Box, 2718 New York, I AB||B £ and mltrtcy Habits jn UI 9 6 u enred at home with VT 11 fi 2WI out p&in. Book of arS 811 IwiTl tlcuIuBaent FREE. UBBHB B.K.WOOLLEY, 4LD. Office 10* n. Pitch 8t W A Mo Nl/ J I K ^ mm II,- W Cl!«i f ... »1^" y# to terse! wl \,: - C -^T\ saiSi mm » ^ S / A \ in a *ew jJC(. )]F f \S little onf vSS l i ^ !fTv ^ f A women /n " . «t<T I 1 come mc use of th & GERSTLE'S FEMALE ~(Gh F. F. fk% regularly as directed a few weeks before c its use until the organs are restored to tl yjjk tours of labor will be snortenea, me * complete. If the*e is any costiveness, mc mild doses of St. Joseph's Liver Regula SOLD AT DBUG STORES. L. 6EBSTLS & C |BIGGLEI : A A Farm Library of ci : sap ^ Up-to-date, Concise ai N somely Printed and I M) By JACC I No. 1.BIQGLE HOI \k f Vr- 3 f All about Hors«6.a C< 2L xJr y7 I 74 illustrations; a star y ffl I \ No* 2.BIGGLE BEF & v1 v \ All about growing Sn V . 1 contains 43 colored lift # 1 varieties and ioo othe: Wk { No. 3.BIQQLE POl < 1 All about Poultry; th< J / ofall the mind, al br< " / Prir^ <o cents. | ^YdftvVi J No. 4.BIGGLE CO\ M v' /CTj U about Cows and th f v^rV^r K sale; contains 8coloi 1 /J-**" Jf breed, with 132 other: \ _ F> No. 5.BIQQLB SW \f wTjr^ f Just out. All about ] li M I cry, Diseases, etc. C It I tones and other engra «« \ 1 TheBIGGLE BOOKS are t \ saw anything like the; f ^-7 ;.v \ are having an enona M tr.V p South. Everyone wl F ^5 Chicken, or grows a V 1 away for the BIQOL I W>FARM. TATVAI inpr « iviu _ i(C old; it is the great boiled' 1 ^ quit-after-ycu-bave-£aid-it, I toe world.the biggest pap i ofAmerica.having over a i : Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS, < I S YEARS (remainder of 1899,1000, 1901, 190 to any address for A DOLLAR BILL. Sample ofFARM JOURNAL and circular wiLMER atkinson. Address, I CHAS. F, JEJTKI3JS. | . ' ^ We l^aVe rriaiiy N'< arid FVetty ( Wa r x-v f . 11 White urgancues, 12c. 10 50c., v large let of Lace Striped White Gc lot of beautiful patterns in Colored Fancy Colored Lawns, Black Lawn A job lot of Percales, yard wide, Shirting Prints at 3c. Ventilated Lisle thread drop stitch Hose. These goods are good value and ; of all. New lot of Rough Straw Sailors We have had hard work to keep room this season, and now we are an of stock and give CUT prices. SHOE We have a great variety of Oxf< to please.50c. to $2.00 a pair. Ge high cut, comfortable, durable, chea; We have a pretty lot of Neg prices you can afford to pay. . It will pay you to come to see us. The Caldwell Dry G( AT NPWVOl <4 X A. XX WW A v-r ^ S ^My Entire S1 I MEN'S CRASH CRASH COATS AN CRASH PANTS an VESTS. Also abi CRASH H; Tl^is is rio ,/\d\"GPti 1 fAoar\ ]3u? 0- D. WILL For Sale. : M A TRACT OF 176 ACRES OF On I land, on Little River, belonging to co D. M. Broom, and bonnded by lands paVs ; of the eaia e of R. G. Simonton, Stev-; [mere: en«on and others. ! J For terms apply to A 6 & W. D. DOUGLASS. or 1 11-17 Attorney", Wlnnsboro, S._C, 10-4 therhood^ . lib ' I?:- vent in tue life or a wo- ^ is looked forward to with ling akin to horror.not ml# use the little one is not v -V but because the mother \|/ be direful consequences W If. Those long hours of kg J j labor stand out before Hr i hideous nightmare. An^|% j| r delivery, followed by I fever, may end the scene ^ short days, leaving the \V# «| ) motherless. But there )T side to the picture. IfamM who are expecting to be»thers will commence the wjtk e great female tonic, W i PANACEA, 11 )****. "r confinement, and continue 41k xeir normal condition, the 'f* « on/1 nuvnrATV LL ICOO^ligU) CUAV» 4vwfv.j ... >ve the bowels gently witn _ tor. jj* 0., Proprs,, CHATT1X0C6A, TEX5. iOOKS " Su^4MT I . - tcquaueu laiuc^ridvuwuf j h id Comprehensive.Hand- ^ Beautifully Illustrated. B BIGGLE t ISE BOOK | jmmon-Sensc Treatise, with over f idard work. Price, 50 Cents. IRY BOOK | tail and learn how ; | :-like reproductions ofall leading I / r illustrations. Price, 50 Cents. X ' JLTRY BOOK I / t bc>t roultry Book in existence; t' 23 colored life-like reproductions . >. teds; with 103 other illustrations. % V BOOK ^ | C JUaiiy du51zici5 ; uuvui^ aktwb i ed life-like reproductions of each illustrations. Price, 50 Cents. * INE BOOK | Jogs.Breeding:, Feeding:, Butch- I lontains over So beautiful half- J .vings. Price, 50 Cents. j inique,original, never | practical, sc sensible. They J ious sale.East, West, North and J 10 keeps a Horse, Cow, Hog or * mall Fruits, ought to send right * E BOCKS. The ¥A¥TI>1T A 1 I JUUKML | a and sot a misfit. It is 22 years t down, hit-the-nail-on-thc-head,. 1 Farm and Household paper in t cr ofits size in the United States 1 million and a-halfregnlar readers. 1 V1 md the FARM JOURNAL | V 2 and 1903) will be sent by mail describing BIGGLE BOOKS free, r FARM JOURNAL \ Fqii.adez.phza. * r~i ^ GOODS. = i eW f. yoods fOP prq W^thjep. ?§. ? V."'; ^hite Lawns, 5c. to 25c*; >ods at Sc. and 10c.; new Organdies, 10c. to 20c.; s and Organdies. at 5c. to 6 1-4c.; also in V CAvcofc cJirvrf anr? Inner. "JliV* V »-W it prices within the reach. py.^= at 50c., pretty and cheap, r up with the rush in this rvl rv/Srt ^ M /\a X1UU5 1<J CXUSC UUl UA1AUUC. s ; j Drds and Sandals; prices nt's Southern Ties, and , ? P* ligee and Pique Shirts at . inrlc flnmnanv /i/uu uviiijyuii ji i?K C05T tock of§«SUITS, g D PANTS, § .d LINEN 1 g stock of ® VTS. J sing FOodge. iii") ess. TFOlvT) ONEY TO LOAN farming lai d-?. Iwy payments, turnip ions^ed. Borrower jctnal c~'t of perfecting loan. 3t 8 per cent. OHN B. PALMER & SON, Columbia, S. C., S. & W. I). DOUGLASS, Winnsboro, 3. Cr 4 J

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Page 1: CUAV» regret |BIGGLEIiOOKS€¦ · " pr". »ammer. Tbey want a rest aac? w notblame them. A?OLNTPICNIC. Closing of the Cz^byville Inssltate an theHalsell-vUle School. Accordingto





> is vv s and heeu ld company


Oa«f(¥*ar, ... SI..V

3tX Musctia, - - .7

VVT\T\r^RO^O. S. C.

Wednesday, June 14, - - - 1805


Tester.! ty we p ^?d np thne o

our exchanges, and ail three had ai

editorial conJetnni ig the habit of ex

pectorating on the sliewalks, and a!

favored auti-?pitlit:g ordinances It it-l» J wvnnr, ilLhfOll in riflfill

aODlHilMUit; auu »oij «.

spots on the streets in this way

miking wa'king exceedingly disia-itefui to ladies and filling the air wit]

germs of disease, bat we arc n »t pic

pared to advocate at- anii-sputiii;ordinance f>r Winn3bjr>. We havt

too m-iuy more seiioas dangers r<

pablte health to remove, aud we cai

»init»or tht» cpn«iila a?iiu-t suitJ v..w . ,

tingon^lhe streets uruil the g<e»te(lungers to public bea'tb shall hav<

b#cn r3tn«lied. Old pipers, ragsbroken glass, old wagons, oil ua

cbinerr, tometimes a hog-pan c os

b/, and tr**b of various kind ure ob

ject8 that the pedestrian 01 onr street

will see to delight bis eve, and oc

casionally stagnant water, gresn witlpoison, will bretk the monoto y o

i k.i :the sarronaaings. we snow iu»l i

is very easy to criticise an 1 very h ire

to satisfy the public. Wint's siichere h merely to !-agg;st thit r:» irn

pro7emeat h medid in ordinaryclewlines*. \ clean town i* ab;olately neces^iry to pnblic hsa'th. Xcmatter bow heahhy a ommanity maibe by nitural situ-ition, sickues* wiJ8arel7 follow film.

We lik<3 the tone of Govcrnor G - , a.1,Uoc?3 In fKa n mrvto

3 OUUl W vuu v«

the State. He doesn't want too muclpolitic, bu* desires that the industrialdevelopein-iut of the Sf.atc shall be th<hief object in view.' We hope thaihe nny have his wish gratifiel, bat 5

lot oftiewspioers will hive to be sappressed if wj are not to hoar of polltic. Already candidate? for Governor are receiving attention, and a:

will bd seen by a clipping pablishecthis moraing oaadidates forongresiare #omin* to tne iroai. ic is aaru u

keep politicians ia the back groaacespecially when they are assisted ittheir efforts to get to 'hi fro it by thenewspipars. We believe thit thtpeople are sick of pslitici! campaignv

^ and that it will be a hard matter t

rrouse them to a hiijh pitch of excite

EflMttJhb inent over any political fight nex" pr". »ammer. Tbey want a rest aac? w

not blame them.


Closing of the Cz^byville Inssltate an

the Halsell-vUle School.

According to a prevJom announce

ment in your paper, the patrons ani

friends of tbe Crosby Institute, nnde«be efficient management of ProlLeon JRosborongb, ol Albion, and th

school in tbe Halsellville communityunder the efficient management c

Miss Alice McMaster, of Winnsbortmet in the grove near the residence o

Mr. John S Stone on Friday, the 9;

inst, and had a basket picnic. Therwere no dialogues and speech-makinby the chrildren. All who attendeseemed to enjoy themselves very muchBothPro£ Rosborongh and Miss M<Master had good schools, which wer

well attended. We feel sate in sayinthat both teachers have rendered ef£eient service, which has given satisfaction to patron3 and pupils. We wis

them much success in their professiorMessrs. Paul Hemphill and Marioi:

of Chester, were expected to be present an<? address the people. Thcrowd was somewhat disappointed a

the speakers' failure to put in theiappearance, which was perhaps due t

the long distance from here to Chesteand the excessively hot weather. Manof our people have never beard eitbeof the above mentioned speakers; bathinking Mr. Hemphill might possesthe faculty of speech aad fbw of lau

. gnage to the extent that his brotheJohn has we might safely expect a

oratorical treat.Tbe Ladies' Society, of Bea?e

Oreefe Church, and Mr. Mclieownfrom Blackstock, served reii?<hu*ent«About one o'clock the ladie-s repairerto the Uble aud arranged the dinnerAll present did justice to the innermaand no doubt felt that the occasion habeen a success. Those present spenthe afternoon in pleattint conversa

tion, some assembled in groups wbilot&ers sat in bnggies. I have salthere was not any speech-makiog. Jmight be well to modify tbat expression. Perhaps there were some speechemade by some 01 me young lubu, j

so, no doubt indulged in tbat low ao<

persuasive style of oratory which isometimes more captivating to tbhearer than an outburst of eloquencis to a deliberative body of representative men.No doubt tbe young people of ever

community look forward with fonanticipations for each recurring picniseason. It is well that the people ca

assemble and engage in pleasant cot

versatioa; it breaks the monotony c

everyday life; it enthuses them witrenewed hapes* Were it not for hopewhat would'this world be?Jane 1®, 1899. R. R. J.

Last fall I sprained my left bip whilhandling some heavy" boxes. Thdoctor I called on said at first it wasslight strain and would soon be wellbut it grew worse and the doctor thesaid I had rheumatism. It continueto grow worse aad I could hardly gearound to work. 1 went to a drustore and the druggist recomraendeme try Chamberlain's Pain Balm.

~- tried it and one-half vf a 50 cent bo!

tie cared me entirely. I now recoc

mend it to all my friends..F. A. Ba*cock, Erie, Pa. It is for saie by M(ifaster Co.


i. J Mr. Editor: You have ber>n pleased w

j to give to my letters the glowing title, fr

i "A Great Reunion," and yet I have tc

j said very little about th2 reunion. The

j fact is, I went to Charleston on the

j occasion of the reunion, but was not a h

t j delegate, and did not feel tint I wa? ^m " " « V>

! called upon to attend an tae meeuugs, .

bat having my wife and other ladies tc

j under mv care, I thou/ut I cou! d do eii

* i

0 j more good and be of mors service by 91

__ j going aronnd with them to see the ^a sights. Charleston is a graud old [)

city, and both on iand and water there n

are many points of interest, and it ^

?eems true, at least it is my experience, ^that every time I visit her it renews

j the desire to go again. There is ever

something new, and the old is still en- .

' * « » c 15coaming. ^aaneswu, o. n

Richmond, Va., always posscsi a f(charm for me. li

f But Friday has corns and it is to be r

5 our last <Hv here at least cor this trip. a

. S > wo Ianu :h fnrth after breakfast to pj do the ci v- Our first point of inte$

iestisth» orph>ri homes. Wo find

2 free access and are shown thron-h i:s x

i ro.»ms and corridors from first fl ;ur

. itodom\ On every liaud eleanliite-ss I and tidiness and home influences pre3»- - , v. iviii; tCi clear »iu:e iarmcness ;i>;u


T ! motherlcs- children show that t'jcy U, .ire well cared for and seem contented r

y a>id happy; 'heir bright eyes and smil- a

^ ing facjs sre a benediction, ami yon |jitavj thi-i delightful h>ui!\vith blo^- ^

r in^s in vour h;ar.\ if not on your lips, u

» for the go>d peop'e wh» designed and «

for tho<e who for many years have ®

supported this benevolent institution. v

e What a G:>J send to tbi noaie'oss a>id tlfriendless of this sin-cur.-ed earth is a

^ the orph v: Inne wherever found. I c

am so srla-.t that our bclored South tl

3 Carolina abounds in ihes: evidences t]c of Christ: in civilizition, whUever v

t faults we miy have as a people, and :<

I heiven k i-ws W3 have our share, jet hI it cin not, be said of our dear old State g

thit we do not look after the uafjr- i<

i tunite and afflicted. I thank God it e

I JIis so. And C rej>:c>, too, to knovr 11

. .*k IV...V » « ^ P.lArvt i i|

j lust evei u iu augit iuv«c gv i/ua nuai ti

the walls of these instltcrioas boys c

» and girls trained under Christian in- ** D

flaence to btess the coantry and the vworld, who otherwise might have ijbeen a cnr-e to any ommauity where e

fr their lots happen to bi cist. Just Pthink what, a vast aanuat of goxl is ^3 being d >ne bv the Ch*r!eston Orohaa- a

age, the Thorn well O.'ph mage at a" Clinton, th2 Connie Maxwell Orphan- a

iage at Gre^avvood, the Epsvorth Or- ^* phaaagj a: Columbia, and perhaps ti

-f >u . oui« T vi /%

UtUCl> Ul IUC Ob US WUIUIJ iUtUUJ; fll '/

the moment rsciH; all ran hy Chris- 0

tian people, where babit3 ofin'Jnstryand eonomy are infilled into the r(minds of these d-jar little one^, and ibe Vreligion of the Lord Jes is Christ is a

taught th;m both by pree-pl and ex-"

ample; and imagine if you cm what ^mast be their influence fjr gojd in the t<

years to come, and on the o:hor hand 5what a 11 iod-gate of immorality, dis- £honesty, corruption a-id sin would be 5opened up if they were allowed to tud priot ever th3 land. Some of them failof course to appreciate fbeTr" Oppor- ge tunities and go out lo curse society, <3but these are the exceptions. I have 0in my mind now several ministers of tlthe gospel who received their early Vtraining at Thornwell Orphanage, tl

, Eternity alone will reveal tbe amount tlof good accomplished at these homes irfor the friendless waifs of our land, b

!- From ths dome we had a fine view s<

3 of the city and its eunonndings, and tlalthough the ascent was a good big b

r undertaking on a warm d-iv, we felt athat we were amply repaid. c!

p e visited old St. Michael'.; church.r southeast corner Meeting at.<l Broad pj. streets, where tbe chiming bells t*»ll ofl[ b

the time in quarter hours from the c(old steeple, which Las stood theshocSs b:

f oftwowais, and dates back far iuto tih the list ce Jury. This grand old spire pi

was taken as a target for shot and tlf-hell during the Confederate war, and ir

S was struck several tim°s, I think, t\d during the bombardments in the long =1l# siege of tbe city. The ereciion <>f the h

chuich was begun in 1752. >» ' it was 2J'* opened for tbe worship of '»od i Ec 1761. There are numerous -iti ui ttg marble tablets within it© walls, 1ci- some of which perpetuate the memory w

of revolutionary officers and ministers b:'' of the gospel, who havj been dead A" far beyond a hundred years. We g:i. were too ti:ed to undertake the ascent, s!i, of the steeple. le

Tbene* postofSce 011 tive opposite tt'*

or southwest corner of the same w6 streets is a fine structure of gra-iitc, Hit and seems soma larger tha^i ibe Co- S£

r lumbia postoffice. We sat an 1 rented hion its steps, and one of our ladies lost frher purse there and was much per- *f

r plcxed thereabout, till by cireiul efy search it wa< found to the great joy tar of our entire party. We rode on the cij electric cars around past West Lake, e<

a beautiful little artificial street of p<8 water, and up past the auditorium, of pi- which I cannot speak particularly, b;r The citadel and its campus, on which cln stands the splendid Calhoun monu- C

meut, whose beautiful and symmetrical Sshaft is from the Winnsboro Grange oi

r Co.'s quarry, and the old mound liow, tei, encioseu wua iron paiing to cnecK us sc

, disintegration, which is a revolutionary 01

(j relic, the regains of an old fort, came t:in for a share of oar scrutiny a?.d ad- oli

q miration. Then, too, we saw the »ij cadets on drill and dress parade, all in|t the more interesting to sonr; of ns, itt. as we hive a representative among a

e them in the person of J. Brice Robin- a!

^ son. biit Bat my letter i3 already too long, .1j. so I will tell of two incidents of our k's visit not yet related and then let your w

|f naJers have a rest, hoping yoar cor ir(3 respondent *D." will give us some- his thing more on the Anderson place. c<

e The two incidents are as follows: ai

e George White's meeting with an old eiwar friend, Mr. Hightower, of Miss- ttissippi, with whom he ppsnt about as

v fifteen or sixteen months in prison at ai

^ Rock Island. Ill , and whom be had b<c not seen since tLev parted there Jin during the war. It was very touching

to witness their affectionate meeting,whichtouk placc in our room early

» W'orlnosrta v mnrniner whpi) \lr TT21 j .j} .

,g arrived in t*e city. He seems very D(

clever, and added greatly to the inle- ^rest aud pleasure of our visit. fctThe other incideut was a like meet- P1

ing betweei. myself and Mr. P. M.Raff, now of Anderson, S. C. We Sf

® were old shcpmates in antebellum days c*® .he in the wood work and I in tbe

iron at Hamiier's wagon and carriage u' shops ia Richland County. We, like, Mr. White and his frieiid, hid not"

tnet since thy war: We umta&iiy en- biv joyed t e reunion.

"Now, in conclusion, ktmesayjasir this much: ifte old city bv the sea,>s|t though she has been rent and torn E. with &hot and shell, though from time cc*

totimealmo-t literally devoured with P(,* t fire and sword, and shaken to her m

very foundations by earthqnak?, and P<

.. MII 111 iifirr,iB-fTM-ii--rr-WT.t.r-i

it eas;era aud soatbern extremitiesashed and inundated with tidalaves, yet Phoenix-like, she has arisenomher ashes and come forth afresh> the battle 01 life, and seems to havejnewed her vouch, and is to-day theonder and pride of her people, and)e admiration as well ot those whoave been her foes. Right nobly did;e entertain the large army of oldionfeierate Veterans, and 1 ventureje acsertion that not one who cnose) avai) himself of her offer of freeutertainment went hungry or withoutaelter. I have been told by somebo were in position to know that the>otl furnished free was the best theyave ever had at any reunion. In theame of the old battle-scarred heroes'ho partook of her hospitality, Irould say, three cheers for grand oldCharleston!

R. H. Jennings.What is Kodol DyspepsiaCure? It

i the newly discovered remedy, thelost effective preparation ever devisedir airliner the digestion and assimila-

~ c

ion of food, and restoring the deaogcddigestive organs to a naturalonrtiix311. It is a discovery surpassingnvthing yet uokoown to the medicalrofession. McMaster Co.


ho State Board of Control Discnsses the jLocal Dispensary. _

The afternoon session of the board,Ta? quite interesting. After passingerbally on the requests for the returnf small seizures of liquor from:harleston, and ordering tbat they beeturned or the price paid for them,nd requesting tbe Governor to call totie attention of Chief W. W. Sellers.lathe was not doing liis duty in noteeping a proper account of tbe seiz*res in his jurisdiction, the board tookp the consideration of some shortagesbarged against Dispeuser Stevenson,t VVionsbero, and went into the inestigationof a robbery committed inha dispensary, and some charges madegainst the dispenser. When he washecked up recently there was a sbortgein his accounts found amounting) S3S0.45. Mr. Stevenson said thatlie shortage had developed while he?as sick, be having been in bed andift the dispensary in the charge of hislerk. WLen the shortage was founde promptly paid up what was due the

* . A~ ^noA T>..xtate, wmcn amoumeu. 10 x>ut

: seems afterwards that it was discovredthat $100.45 was due the county3d town. The dispenser did not deny.l:3 shortage, but he made the pointbat the shortage might have beenlused by the disappearance of stockud that "he did not think that be shoulde charged up more than the profit;ou!d have been on liiat amount 01quor. Mr. Williams contended, howver,that the amount was actually therofit due the county, and that it didot represent stock. The dispensereclined to make any chargss againstnybody in connection with this shortge,but assumed the responsibility,nd when the board decided lie mustiay it he deposited a check for themount. But the dispenser had morerouble in the shape of a robberyommiited about two week3 8go, andat of which some very seriousbarges were made against him. ContableHolloway, of Columbia, at tbeequest of Mr. Stevenson, was sent toVinnsboro to investigate the matter,ud when he came back be made thelost damaging report against Stevenan.He expressed grave doubts as lorhetber a robbery had been comurit;d,and said all the hne and cry of oneras made to hide a possible shortage,le further charged that the dispenserpenly violated tbe law and that anyodycould get liquor after hours byaying five cents bonus for tin stuff,fc was also asserted that the dispenserpeitty.MkMmiOl lUC uuu-rva

unday, and that generally be conactedthe dispensary worse than anyrher in tbe State. This 'vas so serioasiat the detective was again sent tofinnsboro, and this time he reportedlat while everybody told him theselings nobody bat two negroes wouldlake an affidavit to sustain the charges,ecause they were afraid of Steven>n,and that it was currently reportedlat tbe dispenser had all ths county

~~ "4Af Kim t llO f r\nDC&i. Li VI HIUlj 4VUV4 vuv

lember actually resigned for. thisluse..Mr. Stevenson, when a?ked to exlainthese things, said at first that henew nothing about the robbery ex2ptthat his back door had beenrokeu into one Saturdav night andiat S19S.98 worth of stuff had disapeared.He said that he had askediat Holloway be sent to make theivestigalion. The affidavits of the

»- _? a1IvO negroes ueiiJg rcau lu mm, mxsy:ating that be had received five centsonus f*r selling liquor after hours,[r. Stevenson directly charged Sheriffllison with being the instigator of)e affidavits, and said that whsn Hoi-i.vav caine to Winnsboro the sheriff,'ho is his political enemy, got hold ofiin and kept him in tow all the time,.s to the affidavits of one of the neroes,n-imed Gibson, lie said theieriff had threatened te whip him un:sshe would sign the affidavit andlat the negro was too drunk to knowhat he was doing when he signed it.lC submitted an affidavit from theime ntgro, in which he swears that2 never bought any liquor illegally

ftAv. A ^/InTrt^n "Pi»AmOUl IUU UiS[jeuoct. iiamaviis ii vjjli

orty-five other negroes to the samefeet were submitted. A. paper con;inicgthe names of sixty of the best.tizous of the town was also present-J, in which it was stated that tbedis-jnser had always conducted the disen?arylegally. This was signed alsoy the mayor, the aldermen and theriif of police. Ths other negro, Mc- ,

orkle, who made an affidavit agaiosttevenson, swore to another just to thepposite effect. Stevenson went oa to11 about the trouble between theleriff aud himself, saying that it allrigioated about a po3«um, which wasi be sent to a promioesit ofliser of theicnonaorv SnnPrrisflP Tpnnftnt tea-firid that the door bad been brokenito from tlieoutside and not from the:side, as some of the dispenser's eneiieshad insinuated. Capr. Torresjd Mr. Iliggins, membeis of theo>\rd of controi, testified to the same

ling. Th -y asserted that they never :

new him to violate the law. A letteras read from the probate judge say-ig that the law wa3 violated, and mats thougbt the dispenser got drankjcasionally. Steven?on denied this,id fcaiJ "the itidge was bis political <

icmy; that he and the sheriff werele only enemies he had. Stevensoniked that he be credited with thenoiint stolen, but without acting theDard adjourned..News and Courier, '

line 8th.Frida}'.-S'ate « "> 'a'ned the follow>g-

At the a I tornoon session liii WintisDromatter came up a-r-uu. Wheni<:neii?er Steven-an was exunined


ie day before he blanched off intoolitics and bad a goodd»al to say ofie ba-J feeling existing between him- s

:lf and Sheriff Ellison and direetiy i

larged ;hat. i he sheriff was responsi- I!e fo *ome of the affidavits made, J

'ing threats 10 seenre them. i

Sheriff Eliion was indignant, and <

oinediately look the train to Colum- i

ia to answer the charges before the t

irr.'i p?op'o to whom they were mid?. <

Mr. L J. Wiliiatri', who was pre- jding, cxtoi d-'d rvfry couriesv fo Mr.Ilisoti, bin told him thai tin board :

>uld no* go into a hearing of the J'5litioal or personal differences which £

Jght exist between him and tho dis-11inser, except in eo far as bey re- j

ii niiwra-nmi-i n -i

The Kind You Have Always Ein use for over 30 years, li

.rt and ha

Allow nAll Counterfeits, Imitations a

periments that trifle "with a

Infants and Children.Expei

What is GCastoria is a substitute for Ci\ and Soothing- Syrups. It is 1contains neither Opium, 3Iosubstance. Its age is its go*and allays Feverishness. ItColic. It relieves Teething 3and Flatulency. It assimilal'Stomach and Bowels, givingThe Children's Panacea.Th<

GENUINE CAST^ Bears the 5

The Kind You HaiIn Use For 0\


fdrpA^i tn Stevenson a9 disnenser. or Iwould throw some light on his conductof the place.

Mr. John S. Reynold', who accompaniedthe sheriff as a friend and attorney,said that was eminently properand proceeded to ask some question?within the limits laid out by the chairman.

In reply to a question the sheriff declaredit "absolutely false that he hadin any maoner inflaeaced the detectiveto make a report which threw doubtupon whether any robbery had beenroaJiv «r»mmittPrL H#> ahsolntelv anduuequivocally denied tbat he was inany way responsible for the affidavitsot the two negroes, as it was chargedhe was, and said be had never seen theaffidavits nor bad he ever direcily or

indirectly had anything to do with anv

affidavit they ever made.He charged before the board that

Stevenson had been short in his accountsseveral times and had come tohim to borrow money to make theamount good. He declared that heand Stevenson bad been &ood friendsand their families had associated witheaCQ Olflcr up CO auuui a a5u,ween Stevenson was $300 short in hisaccounts and hau come to him formoney to pay up the amount. He declinedthen to endorse a note in thebauk unless Stevenson would give himcollateral. He declared in the uiost

positive and emphatic terms that behad no part nor prreel in the bringingabout the condition of affairs in thedispensary, nor had he in aayjnanner,shape or forjp instigated the FHvestigatTonwfclctr tfre"-board Is now-wakiugor ha3 made. ,

Mr. "Williams stated that the matterhad been called to the attention of theboard officially,' and _with this thehearing- closed, Sbenn .uiiisou manningthe board for hearing his side ofbe matter.The-sheriff rcqnests us to say that an

affidavit has been been made bsfore RH. Jeunings, Clerk of Court, by JasperGibson, in which affidavit Jasperswears that Mr. Ellison never approachedhim as to the management ofthe dispensary or that Mr. Ellison inany way threatened him ioto makiDgan atnaavu. r

That Throbbing HeadacheWould quickly leave yon, if you

used Dr. lviDg's New Life Pills. Thousandsof sufferers have proved theirmatchless merit for Sick and NerrousHeadaches. They make pare bloodand strong nerves and build np yourhealth. Eas\ to lake. Try them.Only 25 cents. Money back if notcure I. Sold by McMaster Co., druggists.


Mr. Ji*. F.Brown had a very sadloss last Sunday night. His barns and3tables canght on fire and two horseswere turned to death* By gettingpretty badly burned himself he managedto *ave his mules. The originationol ihe fire is not known.Miss Emmi'lel Pric?, who has been

attending school at Batnberg, S. C , isspending the vacation months withber sister, Mrs. J. W. B'ain.

T .511,. TTrvewl ic rMaitincr rplflf.icp.4I IVVM J O I lOlitUg

and relatives and friends in WiniHboro.Mrs. II. L. Baxter ro'urned home

last Saturday.Mrs. J. W. Brown and daughter,

Mrs. M. Lwgford, i* spending awhileit Satnter with Mrs. Lizz'e Hojrnd,who is critically H.Mrs. T. J. Harmon is visiting relativesin North Carolina.Mr r. P, Watts is snendinir awhile" * w

with friend? ne»r VViunsboro.Mrs. C 1> Wooeu, oi' Columbia, is

risking Mrs. Su-ah Wooten.Mr-. G'-izn, of White Oak, spent

awhile a !cw \ve< ks ;.g<> wifh relativesnear hero.Mr. Laurence Wo>ten spent a short

while wiin hi? parents, Mr. and Mrs.IV T, Wootj-n.Miss Lois :iinkscales, wh<» has been

indispose I t'm* a number ot -weeks, i-iconvalescent.Mr. Darhain Boney left a few days

igo for Atlanta. Chrysanthemum.Jane 12,189?.

A Thousand Tongues

Could not express the rapture cfAmie E. Springs, ot 1125 Howard St.,PhiladrSp'-'a. Pa., when she fonnd that jDr. Kiug-'a New Discovery tor Con-1sumption had completely 'lured her ofi hacking cough that for many yearstiad made life a burden. All otherremedies and doctors could give herno help, but she says of this RovalJure."it soon removed the pain inuy chest and I can now sleep 6onndIy,.rvmothincr T can scarcely remember2oing before. I feel like sounding itsj.aises ih'-rinhout the Universe." Sowill every oije who tries Dr. King'sNTew Discovery for any trouble of tneThroat, Chest or Lungs. Price 50>;.tnd $1 00. Trial bottles free at McSlaseerCo.'s drug store; every bottleguaranteed.

Sought, and -which has "beenas borne the signature of5 been made under liis pcrizpervisionsince its infancy,o one to deceive you in thi.i.nd Substitutes are but Exndendanger the health ofience against Experiment.

ASTORIAistor Oil, Paregoric, Dropsharmless and Pleasant. Itrphine nor other Narcoticirantec. It destroys Wormscures Diarrhoea and Windtroubles, cures Constipationies the Food, regulates thehealthy and natural sleep.

d Mother's Friend.m

OKIA always*

Signature of

m Slwflvs RftiitfML V XXJL11UJM WW.QU.Uter 30 Years.*RAY STRCET, NCtt YORK CITY.


Mr. Editor: I thought it would beinteresting to my up country farmerfiiend-t to kuow how their Barnwelland Bamberg Countys' brotber-larmersare progressing with their work.There have been recently two very

remarkable hail storms in this section.Toe first o;:e struck the country rstindabout Klko and Williston where it devastatedwho!c fields in some places.The hail is reported to have been thesize of fowl e^gc, and to have staid on11 ...1 «maha fViOM n rJo r TliAUK' £IU11IIU 1U1 LLi'w/lU Lliau a. v*a.j . hjv

peopls have bad to plow np and plantover, even though it was so late inthe pea-on. In some places where itwas hcavi' r nothing was left standiogio ihi fields when the storm was over.

A ore Mi' of rla,na<?e was done bv itin various other ways than to Nthefarms. Since then another storm ofless severity .struck the country aboutMonie and Whaley and did muchdamage to ihe crops. The writer witnessedthis one, and it was a sight to

behold, ft poured down in a blindingsheet of hail the size of partridge eggs,tome of it even larger, for at leasttwenty minutes, and lay on the groundhalf an hour where the water did notflow over it. It was accompanied bya heavy rain, thunder and wind. Thebail stones were quil(i ZS romitt sib

marbles and would rattle on the house

tops like a shower of marbles. Theair was filled with leaves a9 the hailstone-* beat them olFthe trees. Thecotton and water-mellons were badlybeaten n.» m-5! the blades otihecornwere shretiwcU. u'nere these stormsdid not strike, the crops are remarkablyfine. Around Denmark the hail missedand the crops area thing of beauty.The nnoer county farmers wouldthink they had no crop if they were

to se?. these iu the lower counties.The corn will average all over this

country, even where the last hailstorm visited, six feet high. In some

fields it is ta^seling, and in others if Iwere to attempt to describe how fineit i.3 you would all think that 1 was

drawing on my imagination. Rut Isaw a field of corn a few day* ago

nantMaflr tViof moc en Inorh fViaf «LiCOl lyoilliilin IU 4b IV UJ OW U1^4t X UWU M

tall man could not touch the top of iton his tip-t >es, aud that com was notta^seling \et either. If it keeps on

it wiil equal "Jack'd beau pole."There is les? cotton planted here

than ever before. It is looking freshand green and is knee high 011 an

average, full of liuibs and forms. Thefarmers here have planted a quantityof email grain and corn, sugar cane

and m°llous and rice. Tney are fixingto live next \car. Th*ir pastures are

fall o4'cattle, sheep and pigs.Ail additional number of threshing

machines were needed this seas >n andseveral flour mills and rice cle»nersare making preparations for the cropof wheat that is on hind and the ricewhich bids fair to a hetvy > ield 1 iteron. Tne pro-peels are certainlyl.V-U» \ r.» Jn cor*' t mUl'liJIIl» *1'l in : iu ; - 414 U..7 * '

Dwnmirk is putting up a tlirc- storyflour mil', and Blaokvilie is quiterea-ly t-» b-gin operating its knittingfactory. A call was inirie *o:nedi>sago for twenty-five tn >re girls as operatives.The people hav.- some fruit here too:

ap/ea, ptars, pluun, cherries and

grapes. The garden - are affording all

kinds of vegetables now, even to hardheadedwhite cibtagc.Water-melt)!!' that havo l»een

planted fjr auikit have, iu severalplaces, been laid by. A Dew crop formirket is cantaloupes. They are beingextensively planted aronn I Blackvi'lefor shipping purposes. They shipth'-in in fruit c*rs packed with iceand realiz; from $800 t> $1,000 per

ctrloid. A Subscriber.Dlackville, S C , dune 10, r99.

"Would Xot Suffer So Again for Fifty TimesIts Price.

X B.TT- ke iast night wit*i severe p«unsin uiy f..y;nacb. I never felt so badlyin all my life. When I came down towork this morning I felt so weak Icould hardly work. I went to Miller& McCurdt's drug store and theyrecommended Chamberlain'^ Colic,Cholera-and Diarrbaji Remedy. Itworked like magic and oue dose fixedme all right. It certainly is the finestthing I ever used for stomach trouble.I shall not tc without in my homehereafter, for I should uot c-ire to endurethe sufferings of hst night againfor fifty times its price..G. H Wilsox,Liveryman, Burgettstewn, WashingtonCo , Pa. This remedy is forsale by McMaster Co.


We have had bnt two light showersof rain since ocr last writing and consequentlyti.f 2"- :n 1 is very dry, andeverything in the way of vege'ation is

suffering greatly for rain. Water insome wells is setting low, and unless ;we have rain soon some may be caused jto suffer inconvenience along tbis line.!

It is a tryiiiir time about ^ettir:jr(something to cook. Gardens are b-ick- jward, fruit h scarce, and even tbe i

blackberries and chickeLS ar* not

quite ripe. But we are still hope'ui, |and the people try to keep in good

*a " £ *V>a

spirits ana xae neauu cm >uc wix.-

manity is excellent.Bear Creek school closed on the 9ib

inst. This school, which has been in

charge of oar efEcieut teacher, Mr.H C. Davis, for the past teven moui h?.,has prospered greatly under his

splendid ability as a teachsr- Mr.Davis id a fine young man and wc regretvery much to see him leave. Buthe carries with him the good will andbest wishes of the entire coinmnni'y.

Mr. F. M. L. Duke, who it will be' . o -f*»11 c\rvio fitriO

XULUtJLUUCl CU 1CUC1VCU a xah ojuiv

ago, is able to be out again but lias

not, as yet, fully recovered from hisinjuries.

Miss Mary Harrison has returned to

Ilidgeway after having spent two

weeks with her sister, Mrs. O. C.Dnke.

Messrs. Jim and Joe Brown had themisfortune ofgetting one of their largonew barns burned down last Sundaynight. Their losses were quite heavj\Two horses perished in the flames.A comparatively new rake and mower,

^ .1._ " ^ T-^*>n ma "guuu buypiy ui «uu liuuiv

roas other articles were also lost. Mr.Jim Brown being alone, did remarkably [well in getting the mules out,Besides saying a wagon and one or

two other articles. They also had4jme oats burned, bat the writerdoesn't know jast how much.


MOZLEY'S LEMON ELIXIRRegelates the Liver, Stomach, Bowels and

liianeys.For biiioasness, constipation, and

malaria.For indigestion, sick and nervous

headache.For sleeplessness, nervousness, heart

failure, and nervou3 prostration.For fever, chills, debility and kidneydiseases, take Lemon Elixir.

Ladies,fnr natural and thoroughorganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir.50c and SI bottle at druggists.Prepared only by Dr. H. Moz'.er,

Atlanta. Ga.Gratitude.

Dr. II. Mozley.Dear Sir: Sinceuung your L?inon Elixir I have neverbad another attack of those fearfulsick headaches, and tbaak God that Ihave at last found a medicine that willcure those awfnl spells.

Mrs. Etta W. Jones,Parkersburg, West Virginia.

Mozley's Lemon Elixir

I suffered with indigestion anddysentery for two longyears. I heardof Lemon Elixir; got it; taken sevenbottles and am now a well man.

Harry Adams,No. 1734 First Asgpue, Birmingham,Ala. ^

Mozley's Lemon Elixir.

nicteu tor years wuc uiuia

bis leg, and was cared after using twobottles; and cured a friend whom tbedoctors had given up to die, who badsuffered for years with indigestion andnervous prostration.

Mrs. E. A. Beeille,Woodstock, Ala.


Cures all Cough?, Colds, Hoarseness,Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Hemorrhage,and all throat and long diseases.Elegant, reliable.25c, at druggists. Prepared only by

Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga.- " » i «« «rr«Arv\r

Judge Tarbell tell the foliowingjokeon himself: A short time after bisretirement from the beDch he happenedto meet an old friend whom hehad not seen for some time. Thejudge, dU smiles and neatiness, effervescedover his friend in such a wayas to provoke the inquiry:l'Whet office are you a candidate for

now, judge?"The judge made a deprecatory movementwith an ontward turned palm

and said:"For none at all. my dear brother;

I'm simply a candidate for heaven."His friend regarded bim sorrowfallv

lor an instam, and ihen, with morewit than politeness, and with more

profanity than either, exclaimed:* I'll bet you don't carry a d.n


) 98. (The above figures tell a remark- d

J able story; they represent almost kr exactly the percentage of cures ^^ made by $4 Rheumacicie ^^ the wonderful new constitutional v2 cure for RHEUMATISM. The kr other two per cent, were not cura- j

ble, or failed to take medicine ac- rA cording to directions. Thousands (kf have been cured. In view of the ^

fact that many physicians think wA ;< inniiroViln Qnr?

/S tUilliXlXCUUXit.l/lCLU lO mv.uiuk.iv, y,

f that most remedies fail, it must be }I tlj true that EHEUMACIDE is the PA greatest medical discovery of ther age. Particulars and testimonials J

I of many well known people sent jrA free to all applicants.C Majfflctaref by THE BOBBITT DRUG 2

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2 Price $1 per bottle.

111111181' Balsam&$Sa3ifr£~T£^Cle«ii3f» c:.j bcn'Jiifica th *i«)'T.WgSR^'Tr^MuPromote! a luxurjtnt growth.SS»8SSr". -JHNever Tails to Heatore GreySS>5i- -THaB Hair to its Youthful Color.


{jo housekeepers.

Ml COMPANY'S.Extract of Beef.

COOKBOOKtellinghow to prepare many dellcute and delicious dishes.

Address, Liebig Co., P 0 Box, 2718New York,

IAB||B £ and mltrtcy Habits

jnUI 9 6u enred at home withVT 11 fi 2WI out p&in. Book ofarS811 IwiTl tlcuIuBaent FREE.

UBBHB B.K.WOOLLEY, 4LD.Office 10* n. Pitch 8t

W A MoNl/ J I K̂mm II,- W s»Cl!«i f ... »1^" y# to terse!wl \,: - C -^T\ saiSimm »

^ S / A \ in a *ewjJC(. )]F f \S little onf

vSS l i ^!fTv ^ f A women

/n ". «t<T I 1 come mc

use ofth


fk% regularly as directed a few weeks before c

its use until the organs are restored to tl

yjjk tours oflabor will be snortenea, me* complete. Ifthe*e is any costiveness, mcmild doses of St. Joseph's Liver RegulaSOLD AT DBUG STORES. L. 6EBSTLS & C

|BIGGLEI: AA Farm Library of ci

: sap ^ Up-to-date, Concise aiN somely Printed and


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2L xJr y7 I 74 illustrations; a star

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ItI tones and other engra«« \ 1 TheBIGGLE BOOKS are t

\ sawanything like the;

f ^-7 ;.v \ are having an enona

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F̂5 Chicken, or grows aV1 away for the BIQOL

I W>FARM.TATVAIinpr « iviu_

i(C old; it is the great boiled'1 ^ quit-after-ycu-bave-£aid-it,I toe world.the biggest papi ofAmerica.havingovera i

: Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS, <

I S YEARS (remainder of 1899,1000, 1901, 190to any address for A DOLLAR BILL.

SampleofFARM JOURNAL and circular

wiLMER atkinson. Address,I CHAS. F, JEJTKI3JS.

| . ' ^

We l^aVe rriaiiy N'<arid FVetty (


r.« x-v f . 11White urgancues, 12c. 10 50c., v

large let of Lace Striped White Gclot of beautiful patterns in ColoredFancy Colored Lawns, Black LawnA job lot of Percales, yard wide,

Shirting Prints at 3c. VentilatedLisle thread drop stitch Hose.These goods are good value and ;

of all.

New lot of Rough Straw SailorsWe have had hard work to keeproom this season, and now we are an

of stock and give CUT prices.

SHOEWe have a great variety of Oxf<

to please.50c. to $2.00 a pair. Gehigh cut, comfortable, durable, chea;We have a pretty lot of Neg

prices you can afford to pay..

It will pay you to come to see us.

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^My Entire S1




VESTS. Also abi


Tl^is is rio ,/\d\"GPti1 fAoar\ ]3u?

0- D. WILLFor Sale. : M

A TRACT OF 176 ACRES OF On Iland, on Little River, belonging to x» coD. M. Broom, and bonnded by lands paVs ;

of the eaia e of R. G. Simonton, Stev-; [mere:en«on and others. ! J

For terms apply toA 6 & W. D. DOUGLASS. or 1

11-17 Attorney", Wlnnsboro, S._C, 10-4

therhood^. lib ' I?:-

vent in tue life or a wo-^islooked forwardtowithling akin to horror.not ml#use the little one is not v -Vbut because the mother \|/be direful consequencesWIf. Those long hours ofkgJj labor stand out before Hri hideous nightmare. An^|% j|r delivery, followed byI fever, may end the scene ^short days, leaving the \V# «|

) motherless. But there)T side to the picture. IfamMwho are expecting to be»therswill commence the wjtke great female tonic, W

i PANACEA, 11)****. "rconfinement,andcontinue 41kxeir normal condition, the 'f*

« on/1 nuvnrATVLL ICOO^ligU) CUAV» 4vwfv.j ...

>ve the bowels gentlywitn _

tor. jj*0., Proprs,, CHATT1X0C6A, TEX5.


Su^4MT I . -

tcquaueu laiuc^ridvuwuf j h

id Comprehensive.Hand- ^Beautifully Illustrated.B BIGGLE t

ISE BOOK |jmmon-Sensc Treatise, with over fidard work. Price, 50 Cents.

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JLTRY BOOK I/t bc>t roultry Book in existence; t'23 colored life-likereproductions .


teds; with 103 other illustrations.%

V BOOK ^ |C JUaiiy du51zici5 ; uuvui^ aktwb i

ed life-likereproductions ofeachillustrations. Price, 50 Cents. *

INE BOOK |Jogs.Breeding:, Feeding:, Butch- Ilontains over So beautiful half- J.vings. Price, 50 Cents. jinique,original, never | practical, scsensible. They Jious sale.East, West, North and J10 keeps a Horse, Cow, Hog or *

mall Fruits, ought to send right *


¥A¥TI>1T A 1 IJUUKML |a and sot a misfit. It is 22 years tdown, hit-the-nail-on-thc-head,. 1Farm and Household paper in tcr ofits size in the United States 1million and a-halfregnlar readers. 1 V1

md the FARM JOURNAL | V2 and 1903) will be sent by mail

describing BIGGLE BOOKS free, r

FARM JOURNAL \Fqii.adez.phza. *

r~i ^

GOODS.= ieW f.

yoods fOP

prq W^thjep. ?§.? V."';

^hite Lawns, 5c. to 25c*;>ods at Sc. and 10c.; new

Organdies, 10c. to 20c.;s and 5c. to 6 1-4c.; also inVCAvcofc cJirvrf anr? Inner.

"JliV* V »-W

it prices within the reach.

py.^=at 50c., pretty and cheap, r

up with the rush in thisrvl rv/Srt ^ M /\a


s ; jDrds and Sandals; pricesnt's Southern Ties, and , ?

P*ligee and Pique Shirts at


inrlc flnmnanv/i/uu uviiijyuii ji

i?K C05T


gD PANTS, §.d LINEN 1g stock of ®VTS. J

sing FOodge.iii") ess.


farming lai d-?. Iwy payments,turnip ions^ed. Borrowerjctnal c~'t of perfecting loan.3t 8 per cent.OHN B. PALMER & SON,

Columbia, S. C.,S. & W. I). DOUGLASS,

Winnsboro, 3. Cr

4 J