csr by zakah method

How Does Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Is Implemented By The Method of Zakah to Touch The Society

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Page 1: CSR by Zakah Method

How Does Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Is Implemented By The Method 

of Zakah to Touch The Society

Page 2: CSR by Zakah Method
Page 3: CSR by Zakah Method


• Introduction• CSR and Zakah• CSR to be better• Conclusion

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The corporate social responsibility (CSR) proposed H. R. Bowen (1953), appears as a character from a for-profit company without considering the welfare of employees, community, and environment.

Act No. 40 Year 2007 regarding Limited Liability Company

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Source : Research by Roper Search World Wide



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Source : SWA Magazine in 2006 from 45 companies

Beneficial of CSR%

Page 7: CSR by Zakah Method

With new method

New determine

Page 8: CSR by Zakah Method

CSR and ZakahCSR Zakah

Definition Magana & Ferrell (2004) defines CSR as

"a business acts in social responsible manner when its decision and account for and balance Diverse stakeholder


Abu Hasan al-Wahidi said that zakah means to purify and

improve the property, as well as growth it.

Regulation Act No. 40 year 2007From government

Surat Al-Baqarah verse 110, At-Tawbah verse 60From religion

Subject Companies Individual and companies

Distribution Develope the peolple’s wealth Develope the people’s wealth : Fakir, poor, amil, muallaf, riqob, gharimin, ibnu sabil, fi sabilillah

Page 9: CSR by Zakah Method

Potential of zakah

Rp 217 T Rp 1.5 T

Source : ADB (Asian Development Bank) and Baznas (Badan Amil Zakat Nasional ) ; 2011

Potential of CSR

Source : Sudjana Rojat (2010) from 700 companies

Rp 10 trillion to Rp 20 trillion per year

Page 10: CSR by Zakah Method

CSR to be Better

Page 11: CSR by Zakah Method

References• Al-Ba’ly, Abdul Al-Hamid Mahmud. 2006. Ekonomi Zakat; Sebuah Kajian

Moneter dan Keuangan Syariah. Jakarta : PT Raja Grafindo Persada..• Budimanta, Arif dkk. 2008. Corporate Social Responsibility; Alternatif bagi

pembangunan Indonesia. Jakarta : ICSD• Susanto, A.B. 2007. Corporate Social Responsibility. Jakarta : The Jakarta

Consulting Group• As-Shalabi, Ali Muhammad. 2011. Perjalanan Hidup Khalifah Yang Agung

Umar bin Abdul Aziz, Ulama dan Pemimpin Agung. Jakarta : Darul Haq.• http://www.undp.or.id/pubs/docs/Let%20Speak%20Out%20for%20MDGs

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