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CSC 8520 Spring 2010. Paula Matuszek CS 8520: Artificial Intelligence Natural Language Processing Introduction Paula Matuszek Spring, 2010

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Page 1: CSC 8520 Spring 2010. Paula Matuszek CS 8520: Artificial Intelligence Natural Language Processing Introduction Paula Matuszek Spring, 2010

CSC 8520 Spring 2010. Paula Matuszek

CS 8520: Artificial Intelligence

Natural Language Processing Introduction

Paula Matuszek

Spring, 2010

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Natural Language Processing• speech recognition• natural language understanding• computational linguistics• psycholinguistics• information extraction• information retrieval• inference• natural language generation• speech synthesis• language evolution

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Applied NLP• Machine translation

• spelling/grammar correction

• Information Retrieval

• Data mining

• Document classification

• Question answering, conversational agents

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Natural Language Understanding

accoustic /phonetic


semantic / pragmatic

sound sound waveswaves

internal internal representationrepresentation

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Sounds Symbols Sense

Natural Language Understanding

accoustic /phonetic


semantic / pragmatic

sound sound waveswaves

internal internal representationrepresentation

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•“How to recognize speech, not to wreck a nice beach”

•“The cat scares all the birds away”

•“The cat’s cares are few”

Where are the words? sound sound


internal internal representationrepresentation

accoustic /phonetic


semantic / pragmatic

- pauses in speech bear little relation to word breakspauses in speech bear little relation to word breaks+ intonation offers additional clues to meaning+ intonation offers additional clues to meaning

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•“The dealer sold the merchant a dog”

• “I saw the Golden bridge flying into San Francisco”

• Word creation:establishestablishmentthe church of England as the official state church.disestablishmentantidisestablishmentantidisestablishmentarianantidisestablishmentarianismis a political philosophy that is opposed to the separation of church and state.

Dissecting words/sentences

internal internal representationrepresentation

accoustic /phonetic

morphological/syntactic semantic /


sound sound waveswaves

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• “I saw Pathfinder on Mars with a telescope”

• “Pathfinder photographed Mars”

• “The Pathfinder photograph from Ford has arrived”

• “When a Pathfinder fords a river it sometimes mars its paint job.”

What does it mean?

sound sound waveswaves

internal internal representationrepresentation

accoustic /phonetic


semantic / pragmatic

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What does it mean?

sound sound waveswaves

internal internal representationrepresentation

accoustic /phonetic


semantic / pragmatic

• “Jack went to the store. HeHe found the milk in aisle 3. HeHe paid for itit and left.”

• “ Q: Did you read the report?

A: I read Bob’s email.”

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The steps in NLP (Cont.)

• Morphology: Concerns the way words are built up from smaller meaning bearing units.

• Syntax: concerns how words are put together to form correct sentences and what structural role each word has

• Semantics: concerns what words mean and how these meanings combine in sentences to form sentence meanings

Taken from

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The steps in NLP (Cont.)• Pragmatics: concerns how sentences are

used in different situations and how use affects the interpretation of the sentence

• Discourse: concerns how the immediately preceding sentences affect the interpretation of the next sentence

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Some of the Tools• Regular Expressions and Finite State


• Part of Speech taggers

• N-Grams

• Grammars

• Parsers

• Semantic Analysis

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Parsing (Syntactic Analysis)

• Assigning a syntactic and logical form to an input sentence• uses knowledge about word and word meanings (lexicon)• uses a set of rules defining legal structures (grammar)

• Paula ate the apple.(S (NP (NAME Paula)) (VP (V ate) (NP (ART the) (N apple))))

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Word Sense Resolution • Many words have many meanings or senses• We need to resolve which of the senses of an

ambiguous word is invoked in a particular use of the word

• I made her duck. (made her a bird for lunch or made her move her head quickly downwards?)

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Reference Resolution• Domain Knowledge (Registration transaction)• Discourse Knowledge• World Knowledge• U: I would like to register in an CSC Course.• S: Which number?• U: Make it 8520.• S: Which section?• U: Which section is in the evening?• S: section 1.• U: Then make it that section.

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Morphological Analysis

Syntactic Analysis

Semantic Semantic AnalysisAnalysis

Discourse Analysis

Pragmatic Analysis

Internal representation



Surface form

Perform action


parse tree

Resolve references

Stages of NLPStages of NLP

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Human Languages• You know ~50,000 words of primary language,

each with several meanings• six year old knows ~13000 words• First 16 years we learn 1 word every 90 min of

waking time• Mental grammar generates sentences -virtually

every sentence is novel• 3 year olds already have 90% of grammar• ~6000 human languages – none of them simple!

Adapted from Martin Nowak 2000 – Evolutionary biology of language – Phil.Trans. Royal Society London

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Human Spoken language• Most complicated mechanical motion of the human

body– Movements must be accurate to within mm

– synchronized within hundredths of a second

• We can understand up to 50 phonemes/sec (normal speech 10-15ph/sec)– but if sound is repeated 20 times /sec we hear continuous


• All aspects of language processing are involved and manage to keep apace

Adapted from Martin Nowak 2000 – Evolutionary biology of language – Phil.Trans. Royal Society London

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Why Language is Hard• NLP is AI-complete• Abstract concepts are difficult to represent

• LOTS of possible relationships among concepts

• Many ways to represent similar concepts

• Tens of hundreds or thousands of features/dimensions

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Why Language is Easy• Highly redundant

• Many relatively crude methods provide fairly good results

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History of NLP• Prehistory (1940s, 1950s)

– automata theory, formal language theory, markov processes (Turing, McCullock&Pitts, Chomsky)

– information theory and probabilistic algorithms (Shannon)– Turing test – can machines think?

• Early work:– symbolic approach

• generative syntax - eg Transformations and Discourse Analysis Project (TDAP- Harris)• AI – pattern matching, logic-based, special-purpose systems

– Eliza Rogerian therapist

– stochastic• baysian methods

early successes $$$$ grants!by 1966 US government had spent 20 million on machine translation aloneCritics:– Bar Hillel – “no way to disambiguation without deep understanding”– Pierce NSF 1966 report: “no way to justify work in terms of practical output”

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History of NLP• The middle ages (1970-1990)

– stochastic• speech recognition and synthesis (Bell Labs)

– logic-based• compositional semantics (Montague)• definite clause grammars (Pereira&Warren)

– ad hoc AI-based NLU systems• SHRDLU robot in blocks world (Winograd)• knowledge representation systems at Yale (Shank)

– discourse modeling• anaphora• focus/topic (Groz et al)• conversational implicature (Grice)

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History of NLP• NLP Renaissance (1990-2000)

Lessons from phonology & morphology successes: – finite-state models are very powerful– probabilistic models pervasive– Web creates new opportunities and challenges– practical applications driving the field again

• 21st Century NLPThe web changes everything:– much greater use for NLP– much more data available

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Information Retrieval

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Finding Out About• There are many large corpora of information that people use.

The web is the obvious example. Others include:– scientific journals

– patent databases

– Medline

– Usenet groups

• People interact with all that information because they want to KNOW something; there is a question they are trying to answer or a piece of information they want.

• Information Retrieval, or IR, is the process of answering that information need.

• Simplest approach:– Knowledge is organized into chunks (pages or documents)

– Goal is to return appropriate chunks

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Information Retrieval Systems• Goal of an information retrieval system is to

return appropriate chunks• Steps involve include

– asking a question– finding answers– evaluating answers– presenting answers

• Value of an IR tool depends on how well it does on all of these.

• Web search engines are the IR tools most familiar to most people.

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Asking a question• Reflect some information need

• Query Syntax needs to allow information need to be expressed– Keywords

– Combining terms• Simple: “required”, NOT (+ and -)

• Boolean expressions with and/or/not and nested parentheses

• Variations: strings, NEAR, capitalization.

– Simplest syntax that works

– Typically more acceptable if predictable

• Another set of problems when information isn’t text: graphics, music

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Finding the Information

• Goal is to retrieve all relevant chunks. Too time-consuming to do in real-time, so IR systems index pages.

• Two basic approaches– Index and classify by hand

– Automate

• For BOTH approaches deciding what to index on (e.g., what is a keyword) is a significant issue.

• Many IR tools like search engines provide both

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IR Basics• A retriever collects a page or chunk. This may involve

spidering web pages, extracting documents from a DB, etc.

• A parser processes each chunk and extracts individual words.

• An indexer creates/updates a hash table which connects words with documents

• A searcher uses the hash table to retrieve documents based on words

• A ranking system decides the order in which to present the documents: their relevance

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How Good Is The IR?

• Information Retrieval systems are evaluated with two basic metrics:– Precision: What percent of document returned

are actually relevant to the information need– Recall: what percent of documents relevant to

information need are returned

• Can’t typically measure these exactly; usually based on test sets.

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Selecting Relevant Documents• Assume:

– we already have a corpus of documents defined.

– goal is to return a subset of those documents.

– Individual documents have been separated into individual files

• Remaining components must parse, index, find, and rank documents.

• Traditional approach is based on the words in the documents (predates the web)

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Extracting Lexical Features• Process a string of characters

– assemble characters into tokens (tokenizer)– choose tokens to index

• Standard lexical analysis problem

• Lexical Analyser Generator, such as lex

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Lexical Analyser• Basic idea is a finite state machine

• Triples of input state, transition token, output state

• Must be very efficient; gets used a LOT






blank, EOF

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Design Issues for Lexical Analyser• Punctuation

– treat as whitespace?

– treat as characters?

– treat specially?

• Case– fold?

• Digits– assemble into numbers?

– treat as characters?

– treat as punctuation?

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Lexical Analyser• Output of lexical analyser is a string of tokens

• Remaining operations are all on these tokens

• We have already thrown away some information; makes more efficient, but limits somewhat the power of our search

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Stemming• Additional processing at the token level

– We covered earlier this semester

• Turn words into a canonical form:– “cars” into “car”

– “children” into “child”

– “walked” into “walk”

• Decreases the total number of different tokens to be processed

• Decreases the precision of a search, but increases its recall

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Noise Words (Stop Words)• Function words that contribute little or

nothing to meaning

• Very frequent words– If a word occurs in every document, it is not

useful in choosing among documents– However, need to be careful, because this is


• Often implemented as a discrete list

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Example Corpora• We are assuming a fixed corpus. Some sample

corpora:– Medline Abstracts

– Email. Anyone’s email.

– Reuters corpus

– Brown corpus

• Will contain textual fields, maybe structured attributes– Textual: free, unformatted, no meta-information. NLP

mostly needed here

– Structured: additional information beyond the content

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Structured Attributes for Medline

• Pubmed ID

• Author

• Year

• Keywords

• Journal

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Textual Fields for Medline

• Abstract– Reasonably complete standard academic

English – Capturing the basic meaning of document

• Title – Short, formalized – Captures most critical part of meaning

– Proxy for abstract

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Structured Fields for Email• To, From, Cc, Bcc

• Dates

• Content type

• Status

• Content length

• Subject (partially)

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Text fields for Email• Subject

– Format is structured, content is arbitrary. – Captures most critical part of content.

– Proxy for content -- but may be inaccurate.

• Body of email– Highly irregular, informal English. – Entire document, not summary. – Spelling and grammar irregularities. – Structure and length vary.

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Indexing• We have a tokenized, stemmed sequence of


• Next step is to parse document, extracting index terms– Assume that each token is a word and we don’t

want to recognize any more complex structures than single words.

• When all documents are processed, create index

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Basic Indexing Algorithm• For each document in the corpus

– Get the next token

– Create or update an entry in a list• doc ID, frequency.

• For each token found in the corpus– calculate #docs, total frequency

– sort by frequency

– Often called a “reverse index”, because it reverses the “words in a document” index to be a “documents containing words” index.

– May be built on the fly or created after indexing.

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Fine Points• Dynamic Corpora (e.g., the web): requires incremental


• Higher-resolution data (eg, char position). – Supports highlighting

– Supports phrase searching

– Useful in relevance ranking

• Giving extra weight to proxy text (typically by doubling or tripling frequency count)

• Document-type-specific processing– In HTML, want to ignore tags

– In email, maybe want to ignore quoted material

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Choosing Keywords• Don’t necessarily want to index on every word

– Takes more space for index– Takes more processing time– May not improve our resolving power

• How do we choose keywords?– Manually– Statistically

• Exhaustivity vs specificity

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Manually Choosing Keywords• Unconstrained vocabulary: allow creator of

document to choose whatever he/she wants– “best” match

– captures new terms easily

– easiest for person choosing keywords

• Constrained vocabulary: hand-crafted ontologies– can include hierarchical and other relations

– more consistent

– easier for searching; possible “magic bullet” search

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Examples of Constrained Vocabularies

• ACM headings (• H: Information Retrieval

– H3: Information Storage and Retrieval

– H3.3: Information Search and Retrieval

» Clustering» Query formulation

» Relevance feedback » Search process etc.

• Medline Headings (

• L: Information Science– L01: Information Science

– L01.700: Medical Informatics

– L01.700.508: Medical Informatics Applications

– L01.700.508.280: Information Storage and Retrieval

» Grateful Med [L01.700.508.280.400]

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Automated Vocabulary Selection• Frequency: Zipf’s Law.

– Pn = 1/na, where Pn is the frequency of occurrence of the nth ranked item and a is close to 1

– Within one corpus, words with middle frequencies are typically “best”

• Document-oriented representation bias: lots of keywords/document

• Query-Oriented representation bias: only the “most typical” words. Assumes that we are comparing across documents.

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Choosing Keywords

• “Best” depends on actual use; if a word only occurs in one document, may be very good for retrieving that document; not, however, very effective overall.

• Words which have no resolving power within a corpus may be best choices across corpora

• Not very important for web searching; more relevant for some text mining.

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Keyword Choice for WWW• We don’t have a fixed corpus of documents

• New terms appear fairly regularly, and are likely to be common search terms

• Queries that people want to make are wide-ranging and unpredictable

• Therefore: can’t limit keywords, except possibly to eliminate stop words.

• Even stop words are language-dependent. So determine language first.

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Comparing and Ranking Documents

• Once our IR system has retrieved a set of documents, we may want to

• Rank them by relevance – Which are the best fit to my query?– This involves determining what the query is

about and how well the document answers it

• Compare them – Show me more like this.– This involves determining what the document is


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Determining Relevance by Keyword

• The typical document retrieval query consists entirely of keywords.

• Retrieval can be binary: present or absent

• More sophisticated is to look for degree of relatedness: how much does this document reflect what the query is about?

• Simple strategies:– How many times does word occur in document?

– How close to head of document?

– If multiple keywords, how close together?

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Keywords for Relevance Ranking

• Count: repetition is an indication of emphasis– Very fast (usually in the index)

– Reasonable heuristic

– Unduly influenced by document length

– Can be "stuffed" by web designers

• Position: Lead paragraphs summarize content– Requires more computation

– Also reasonably heuristic

– Less influenced by document length

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Keywords for Relevance Ranking• Proximity for multiple keywords

– Requires even more computation

– Obviously relevant only if have multiple keywords

– Effectiveness of heuristic varies with information need; typically either excellent or not very helpful at all

• All keyword methods– Are computationally simple and adequately fast

– Are effective heuristics

– typically perform as well as in-depth natural language methods for standard IR

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Comparing Documents• "Find me more like this one" really means that

we are using the document as a query.

• This requires that we have some conception of what a document is about overall.

• Depends on context of query. We need to– Characterize the entire content of this document

– Discriminate between this document and others in the corpus

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Characterizing a Document: Term Frequency• A document can be treated as a sequence of words.• Each word characterizes that document to some extent.• When we have eliminated stop words, the most

frequent words tend to be what the document is about• Therefore: fkd (# of occurrences of word K in

document d) will be an important measure.

• Also called the term frequency

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Characterizing a Document: Document Frequency

• What makes this document distinct from others in the corpus?

• The terms which discriminate best are not those which occur with high frequency!

• Therefore: Dk (# of documents in which word K

occurs) will also be an important measure.

• Also called the document frequency

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TF*IDF• This can all be summarized as:

– Words are best discriminators when they• occur often in this document (term frequency)

• don’t occur in a lot of documents (document frequency)

• One very common measure of the importance of a word to a document is TF*IDF: term frequency * inverse document frequency

• There are multiple formulas for actually computing this. The underlying concept is the same in all of them.

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Describing an Entire Document

• So what is a document about?

• TF*IDF: can simply list keywords in order of their TF*IDF values

• Document is about all of them to some degree: it is at some point in some vector space of meaning

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Vector Space

• Any corpus has defined set of terms (index)

• These terms define a knowledge space• Every document is somewhere in that knowledge

space -- it is or is not about each of those terms.

• Consider each term as a vector. Then– We have an n-dimensional vector space– Where n is the number of terms (very large!)

– Each document is a point in that vector space

• The document position in this vector space can be treated as what the document is about.

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Similarity Between Documents

• How similar are two documents?– Measures of association

• How much do the feature sets overlap?

• Modified for length: DICE coefficient– DICE(x,y) = 2 f(x,y) / ( f(x) + f(y) )

– # terms compared to intersection

• Simple Matching coefficient: take into account exclusions

– Cosine similarity• similarity of angle of the two document vectors

• not sensitive to vector length

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Bag of Words• All of these techniques are what is known

as bag of words approaches. • Keywords treated in isolation• Difference between "man bites dog" and

"dog bites man" non-existent• If better discrimination is needed, IR

systems can add semantic tools– Use POS – Parse into basic NP VP structure– Requires that query be more complex.

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• The two big problems with short queries are:– Synonymy: Poor recall results from missing

documents that contain synonyms of search terms, but not the terms themselves

– Polysemy/Homonymy: Poor precision results from search terms that have multiple meanings leading to the retrieval of non-relevant documents.


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Query Expansion

• Find a way to expand a users query to automatically include relevant terms (that they should have included themselves), in an effort to improve recall– Use a dictionary/thesaurus– Use relevance feedback


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CSC 8520 Spring 2010. Paula Matuszek

Dictionary/Thesaurus Example

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CSC 8520 Spring 2010. Paula Matuszek

Relevance Feedback• Ask user to identify a few documents which

appear to be related to their information need

• Extract terms from those documents and add them to the original query.

• Run the new query and present those results to the user.

• Typically converges quickly

Based on Martin:

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CSC 8520 Spring 2010. Paula Matuszek

Blind Feedback

• Assume that first few documents returned are most relevant rather than having users identify them

• Proceed as for relevance feedback

• Tends to improve recall at the expense of precision

Based on Martin:

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CSC 8520 Spring 2010. Paula Matuszek

Post-Hoc Analyses

• When a set of documents has been returned, they can be analyzed to improve usefulness in addressing information need– Grouped by meaning for polysemic queries

(using N-Gram-type approaches)– Grouped by extracted information (Named

entities, for instance)– Group into existing hierarchy if structured fields

available – Filtering (e.g., eliminate spam)

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Additional IR Issues• In addition to improved relevance, can

improve overall information retrieval with some other factors:– Eliminate duplicate documents

– Provide good context

– Use ontologies to provide synonym lists

• For the web:– Eliminate multiple documents from one site

– Clearly identify paid links

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• Information Retrieval is the process of returning documents to meet a user’s information need based on a query

• Typical methods are BOW (bag of words) which rely on keyword indexing with little semantic processing

• NLP techniques used including tokenizing, stemming, some parsing.

• Results can be improved by adding semantic information (such as thesauri) and by filtering and other post-hoc analyses.