cs201- introduction to programming- lecture 08

Introduction to Introduction to Programming Programming Lecture No. 8 Lecture No. 8

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Virtual University Course CS201- Introduction to Programming Lecture No 08 Instructor's Name: Dr. Naveed A. Malik Course Email: [email protected]


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Introduction to Introduction to ProgrammingProgramming

Lecture No. 8Lecture No. 8

Page 2: CS201- Introduction to Programming- Lecture 08

LoopsLoops– WhileWhile– Do whileDo while– ForFor

OperatorsOperators– Increment / DecrementIncrement / Decrement– Compound Assignment OperatorsCompound Assignment Operators

In the last In the last lecturelecture

Page 3: CS201- Introduction to Programming- Lecture 08

int sum;int sum;int students ;int students ;int average ;int average ;sum = 0 ;sum = 0 ;students = 0 ;students = 0 ;dodo{{

cin >> grade ;cin >> grade ;sum += grade ;sum += grade ;students ++ ;students ++ ;

}}while (grade >= 0) ; while (grade >= 0) ; average = sum / students ;average = sum / students ;cout << average ; cout << average ;

Example: Program to Example: Program to calculate the average marks calculate the average marks

of class of class

A Flaw in the code

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Multi-way decision Multi-way decision

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if ( grade ==‘A’ )if ( grade ==‘A’ )cout << “ Excellent ” ;cout << “ Excellent ” ;

if ( grade ==‘B’ )if ( grade ==‘B’ )cout << “ Very Good ” ;cout << “ Very Good ” ;

if ( grade ==‘C’ )if ( grade ==‘C’ )cout << “ Good ” ;cout << “ Good ” ;

if ( grade ==‘D’ )if ( grade ==‘D’ )cout << “ Poor ” ;cout << “ Poor ” ;

if ( grade ==‘F’ )if ( grade ==‘F’ )cout << “ Fail ” ;cout << “ Fail ” ;

if Statementsif Statements

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if ( grade ==‘A’ )if ( grade ==‘A’ )cout << “ Excellent ” ;cout << “ Excellent ” ;

else else if ( grade ==‘B’ )if ( grade ==‘B’ )

cout << “ Very cout << “ Very Good ” ;Good ” ;

elseelseif ( grade ==‘C’ )if ( grade ==‘C’ )

cout << “ Good ” ;cout << “ Good ” ;elseelse

if ( grade ==‘D’ )if ( grade ==‘D’ )cout << “ Poor ” ;cout << “ Poor ” ;

if elseif else

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if ( grade == ‘A’ )if ( grade == ‘A’ )

cout << “ Excellent ” ;cout << “ Excellent ” ;

else if ( grade == ‘B’ )else if ( grade == ‘B’ )


else if …else if …


else …else …

if elseif else

Page 8: CS201- Introduction to Programming- Lecture 08

switch statementswitch statement

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switch statementsswitch statements

switch ( variable name )switch ( variable name ){{

case ‘a’ :case ‘a’ :statements;statements;

case ‘b’ :case ‘b’ :statements;statements;

case ‘c’ :case ‘c’ : statements; statements;


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switch ( grade)switch ( grade){{

case ‘A’ :case ‘A’ :cout << “ Excellent ” ;cout << “ Excellent ” ;

case ‘B’ :case ‘B’ :cout << “ Very Good ” cout << “ Very Good ”

;;case ‘C’ :case ‘C’ :



switch statements switch statements

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case ‘A’ :case ‘A’ :cout << “ Excellent ” ;cout << “ Excellent ” ;…………

switch statements

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switch ( grade)switch ( grade){{

case ‘A’ :case ‘A’ :cout << “ Excellent ” ;cout << “ Excellent ” ;

case ‘B’ :case ‘B’ :cout << “ Very Good ” ;cout << “ Very Good ” ;

case ‘C’ :case ‘C’ :cout << “Good ” ; cout << “Good ” ;

case ‘D’ :case ‘D’ :cout << “ Poor ” ;cout << “ Poor ” ;

case ‘F’ :case ‘F’ :cout << “ Fail ” ;cout << “ Fail ” ;


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ExampleExampleswitch ( grade )switch ( grade ){{

case ‘A’ :case ‘A’ :cout << “ Excellent ” ;cout << “ Excellent ” ;break ;break ;

case ‘B’ :case ‘B’ :cout << “ Very Good ” ;cout << “ Very Good ” ; break ; break ;

case ‘C’ :case ‘C’ :cout << “Good ” ; cout << “Good ” ; break ;break ;

case ‘D’ :case ‘D’ :cout << “ Poor ” ;cout << “ Poor ” ; break ; break ;

case ‘F’ :case ‘F’ :cout << “ Fail ” ;cout << “ Fail ” ; break ; break ;


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default :default :

cout << “ Please Enter Grade cout << “ Please Enter Grade from ‘A’ to ‘D’ or ‘F’ “ ;from ‘A’ to ‘D’ or ‘F’ “ ;

default :default :

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switch (grade)

Display “Excellent”

case ‘B’ :

case ‘A’ :

Display “Very Good”

Default :


Flow Chart of switch Flow Chart of switch statementstatement

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if ( amount > 2335.09 ) if ( amount > 2335.09 ) statements ;statements ;

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Whole NumberWhole Number shortshort intint longlong

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case ‘A’ :case ‘A’ :case ‘ 300 ‘ :case ‘ 300 ‘ :case ‘ f ‘ :case ‘ f ‘ :

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if (c == ‘z’ )if (c == ‘z’ )


cout << “ Great ! You have made the correct guess “ ;cout << “ Great ! You have made the correct guess “ ;break ;break ;


break ;break ;

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continue ;continue ;

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continuecontinuewhile trynum <= 5 ;while trynum <= 5 ;




continue ;continue ;


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for ( counter = 0 ;counter <= 10 ; counter ++ )for ( counter = 0 ;counter <= 10 ; counter ++ )



continue ;continue ;


continue in ‘for’ continue in ‘for’ looploop

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Sequential StatementsSequential Statements DecisionsDecisions

– if , if else , switchif , if else , switch LoopsLoops

– while , do while , forwhile , do while , for

What have we done till now …What have we done till now …

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gotogotoUnconditional Branch of ExecutionUnconditional Branch of Execution

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SequencesSequences DecisionsDecisions LoopsLoops

Structured Structured ProgrammingProgramming

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Minimize the use of breakMinimize the use of break Minimize the use of Minimize the use of

continuecontinue Never use gotoNever use goto

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Guide lines for Guide lines for structured structured


Modular Modular Single entry - single exitSingle entry - single exit

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Rule 1 : Use the simplest flowchartRule 1 : Use the simplest flowchart

Rule 2 : Any rectangle can be replaced Rule 2 : Any rectangle can be replaced by by two rectangles. two rectangles.

Rule 3 : Any rectangle can be replaced Rule 3 : Any rectangle can be replaced with with

structured flowcharting structured flowcharting constructs. constructs.

Rule 4 : It says, rule 2 and rule 3 can beRule 4 : It says, rule 2 and rule 3 can be

repeated as many times as repeated as many times as neededneeded

Rules for Structured Rules for Structured FlowchartFlowchart

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Data StructuresData Structures– ArraysArrays

Character StringsCharacter Strings PointersPointers

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