cs10 artifact nick veltrop


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•  Simple eye movement recorded in the late 1800s; efforts including tracking theeye’s motion when reading showed properties such as the eye’s examination’s

dependence upon not only what is shown, but what the viewer hopes to gain.

•  Computers began to aid eye tracking in the 1980s, answering questions on

human-computer interaction as well. The tracking shows how easy a particular

interface is for the user to interact with, which in turn provides the website with

information to create easier-to-use interfaces.

•  Video-based eye trackers are the most common, recording eye movements as a

stimulus is viewed. Most trackers make use of corneal reflections, coming from

infrared rights on the center of the pupil, and used to determine point of regard.

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•  Heat maps are a crucial part of eye tracking, providing a visual representation ofa user’s gaze.

•  In this heat map, one can see an average person’s attention on a typical search

engine result page. This illustrates the concept of websites wishing to be at the

top of search results, and a convenient place for ads on the side. As marked by

the X’s, frequent cites of vision show vital information for search engines and the

companies that optimize their sites based on these het maps and the search

engine’s criteria. The other image shows the second point, a website’s interest inwhere its viewers’ attention is directed, so they can adjust their website


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•  Eye-controlled computer interfaces emerged

in the early 2000s, mostly for people withdisabilities

•  Companies such as Tobii and The Eye Tribe

developed devices which track the eyesmovement and convert this movement intocomputer action, and are accessible by thethe public

•  Companies cite several benefits which comeout of the innovation. One is the greatlyimproved user interface, using your natural

eye movements to help aid your desiredactions. Another is the health perspective,as people with disabilities and thosewishing to save their aching hands will find

relief in the use of eye tracking devices.

Safety of navigation devices used by driversis also improved.

•  The short list of drawbacks people havecited include the obvious inability for peoplewith eye-related disabilities to use thedevices, the great expense of the technology

and research, and the frustration whichcomes with tedious calibration of the device

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•  A leading company in Eye Control products, offering its Gaze device to improve theinterface and nature of communication, work and play on the computer.

•  Prominent in eye tracking research, including its highly funded research of

human-computer interaction and web page usability, the research which, as

mentioned, began in the 1980s

•  Flawless eye tracking technology conducive of intense computer-user experience:

“Tobii’s system works perfectly, flawlessly, exhilaratingly with nothing but the

awesome power of your gaze — and the possibilities are limitless” –The New York


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•  User eye movements provide data on interaction with the computer, which istranslated into information on usability, which is used by many websites to

improve the quality of their online resources.

•  Websites, software, computer games, interactive TV, digital map interfaces,

mobile devices and other devices are tested for usability, creating a lucrative

market which helps humans perform their daily tasks and enjoyments.

•  Heat maps are used to track focus of the user’s eyes and attention. Below is a

heat map of an interactive TV format which shows that children pay equal

attention to graphics and on-screen action, thus interpreting the graphics

correctly. Heat maps show vital information for websites and the like, showing

where an average person will direct his attention.

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•  “From point and click to look and do.” The Tobii Gaze is a huge innovation,seeking to change the way users interact with their devices. By cutting of the

“middle-man” that is your hand directing the mouse in response to your brain

telling it to move, the device creates an instantaneous interface which is much

more navigable and usable.

•  “Interaction without distraction.” Tobii devices respond intuitively to your gaze,

immersing one in a game environment in which you can actually look at

characters, and enabling drivers to safely interact with their navigation devices.They devices are claimed to be “intuitive and non distracting,” allowing precise

communication between user command and computer action

•  The leap forward is one which will “change the way we communicate with our

devices.” Yet another innovation has made this communication easier, more fun,

and more manageable.

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•  Games are made faster and more intense with the Eye Control technology

•  Characters are made responsive to the user’s gaze, creating a life-like experience

in which characters interact based on eye contact. Perhaps eye contact makes a

character blush, or look away, but the interaction makes gaming far more life-like.

•  Examples provided by the site include a detective looking at his subjects with

penetrating gaze, a goalie reacting to where you are looking, and looking at, say,

your victims in a thug game, and making them run away.

•  Speed creates intensity: examples of eye control enriching a games experience

include eye controlled missiles in a flight game and navigating a map in an

instant, based on your gaze

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•  Tobii highlights their efforts to help the disabled in creating their products. One ofthe main benefits to come of hands-free technology, the helping of the disabled is

at the crux of Tobii’s mission statement, as well as their speech devices which

help those with speech disorders.

•  Their Alternative and Augmentative Communication AAC) tools help those with

disabilities express themselves in two-way contact with the world around them in

places where they otherwise couldn’t.

•  Tobii, with their speech impairment assistive technology, seeks to improve the

everyday lives of people with such conditions as Lou Gehrig’s Disease, autism,

cerebral palsy, spoke, spinal cord and brain injury, and more

•  The eye control technology also enables the physically disabled of the hands or

arms use computers far more easily than before.

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Tobii technology speaks for the emerging Eye Control industry as a whole: not onlydoes this innovation improve how we interact with our devices, but it improves many

areas of society. People with disabilities are greatly empowered by the technology, as

it is another step to even the slates for the disabled. Gamers will find a whole new

world of experiences, long hours of work will be made manageable with quicker

interactions and computer decisions, and life as a whole will improve for those who

can get their hands on the products. This is a true innovation which changes not only

the computer world, but also the world itself.