crystal river news. (crystal river, fl) 1895-12-27 [p...

I c c c c C J1 c c cc n I c C OJ CC C C i c C u- U II j 11 l i iiftiS TIMESH R QiCEMBER l f a I IS J U a C H t U 4k- U F 4r15 O nich I mretbtn- ngine senou5I- 4 tal diseases result froi = = = = = = = = = = > VlfloVonlon pwrtarwr l Eg New TOfK CWUHedfor feed D l5 f a n- to 80 WNTEP K1TOMBN- it of 8 fot 4 Qfc a4 the neigbbwbood rf Iow w a goternmwtt d KkwWhM- ryin htcooa- r and with Us gray have ually owpt up la Win s venl lila that eh Is beir to among oifcors an ocen- sional touch of josomui iJawmalt- toeods irritability and Jail bxitability bad been stirred to its kw td tbibi- aaWlity to get a Mttsetory hired girl tet a month or M ago lie was fcstapate- caoagii a settled woaan who tnu Sbawa a i eook ttftW In nigatt esoept when WM a motel 4bont owe a month tb- oWopB of butt colored papefthai ajipped nndet the basement door ho gomnart would bring a frown to tyr brow but bo would Only caution e hired gtil to torn the gas when Mot using it A few no ft meeting had called 61 out before washing thd dinner dishes and she retnrnef when the family retired for the Mr lied a protracted interoJew With his enemy the sleep Hlle tba end could find no rest In roJolio thought over all his ui at the From New York Ih tapm- tf was an an wtaroTnii WP at Aoae Oo streetWashing- iKW Depot nU ot to m tet ch ngei- tM It iMrucklOOlbs Wcwt OnvXn th World In U jJsoV010 library contain say a Wonders J Which occupies no tower 020 volumes Ihi wonderful alon of the Chinese prew was jUsea a few seam ngotor 8000 of only a very small nnmbw- fvt now in ztitenco It ii an n cyorewdiaof the Hteraturo of China corerlng a pfeiod of 28 centuries 1 000 a to 1700 A D Jt o M ita mlgin to the literary pro olJTitias of te Emperor who 1003 to 1793 In tbo- cmitoM hit Btadleaof tho ancient liter nwre of his onntry Kaogha covered thWt oxttoalve ocrmptionB had been al- pwW t4 creep into modern editions qxtifttte rJglDoh an form This WM a conception truly and In- ijexecuUdn it remains f1 of loaruod men to BO vrltfngs to bo reproduced and Tjoy d Uio Jteuit HjlDsIonarles to cost with which to execute the Mnlr was occupied for 40 tfmreat task vfork- C 5aift lea Eeagho died but he- impletod and he faithful ient his tnast Hie book Is nr- lJfC is divisions each dealing i partioulat brrtioh of knowledge di are thus deeignated Sting relating sec 3 v relating to the earth rmlugs relating to mankind t t HI W H pI- I II tile tenkIM of i hid D t1 rt to gist he I 11 other W1 r r1 n 1 nigh d nigh f1Gl 1 I L ttna pedI- d and OOtmt 100 v o rd to lOara tmee 080- do afltl ins lib mid 1t ii Dig bo oal No 2 IIII t 10 f No UI r 80 to Wn o No HArl Juno yeAs Jlrht N nt 1l0000wn do Noa reed 1ro to- TableIrI 1 tat0e5 r I ping t ar4 oo to bell Inlne ad t b ommUcd 10 to OoJd l1 C ttolelle fj c ToUOCO ClcUllrna TO LJJU 40 to doctriflo 110 tteel bod cnllat1onCutluI OJ Mot Bale of Matne fX at 1nce f falrl I tuicuL our oregna AlotNortll aroU 2 l IllS eon and aitf l ko Mlxtllre SoI 80 be cooservativo i lJnrlamJ ° If Plerlll EII AI Lodge 1U1tMt d dn pcner 811 nd sal say lIutt l0II1H1tJeC2lt nzuclalam a tn- tak n an exeel1elilL Jblnloundl 40 ntdV IU p ml has c I Uon e Pth at S Dell IUbJ ap pm- olevelandlI vieWS 311 I LIII at Jar ri 3 J and Fer 1IIdatap I 1 4 ent 4 011 Frf fleO27h ata 1 rp U- Iop cPbtlor1ar orXlb SiMmer U e 0 UOtitord1readlNplUaUOf 1JS CL ES S ty not 14 Walnuts II reso lI Steamer nate do rUlJertl I 12 of Mrnlr n lalna Lcn JjickitoflVII i cvolu Iflhl3nIN 1 Ae JI n 1I 12 t Jbo ill pr cot ti rtnts 1 Alto 71 Lar ooorcd Wo to dO- te RIll hnndi and IJ a n U terlCk MONSTER BOOK lba DrltlJh Jl UIDt Ul- JIIotJIyper 50 Qf Brit per YvorMof OU1 bbl work eal laC Dalk per lick bb1j bi T I n 1 O J ti ti V I tI ft o1vod tbo Idea of hAving the If I pre anlht l1ufi nole m to- m Iha s w lio time FOf the of 11lgbuttbe work Klloghe appoInt g CI e a remedy ce tie eut apprOVC I dealre aure tilO I them Qrn to rom lIIlol1 In ptfi other P tsng thorough pnd practlcnl COD reel devOtO the tlmO tIS that hIli snoeacr iliould NJIV et umpItg on thO PrceldefltS IlIVlug to of n bOlLero u plan tO the lfOductlOll lio country ThRL1 tho way to t i that It IS more Interested In our Jim lhauln trying to to the denl next In Conltrees wilt third The Iy oppOrLlnlLyto l rel J t111Ul flJDte- robab y av tw writings tb1 hOW recenI lIho l1 f po lotlroo II fliT for the l1euinnd or Eu land eel6c euweir CrJit Qtt ot up fur Ic terrWr7 CcI1It1paUol bbboolt at IIIW- wbeLberl1I tub Malaria 0Je to pop 14r1r- acalmcd by would J Womens comp1atntf I J Dnd t Led toarbitratton Is IItalr GetoD1t th 8t lI U i t two r alJ Is e ij del1LCltweland W t1p CHEMICAl co rc w DR will it hey Pure slJONO f Extracts orB ACD Ii Q rrRf W Q II for UaLt- IJ 11 tIrJ 0 I blpped- u a n 17 U 1 11 D II n a- rC D 111 t- jI n- D 0 I E 4 grad y I m net pi- er I a- i l b- asfonqrd IOOtO lUI r dodo 100th S t- barrol116th 0 DIQ- uII U FtrI mend o orictd Ircoin- arb Monroe saw of Cailing en8tOr of radical of yadtcaI I hapJytO 9 3nprnCd Dec 9th D Tida Den popular Mondal 1ec uih t a p IO liii ftt p- I ea 3Tb h OOM MMy Iec Iii- I Wa1 linking 1ovIer I Hi Ib 2 P 116 3toU7 S 5gnrneitJ I t018- of Xng1Ih Q- utJn 10 IQoka Tues Frh- at Trt old 1 hIrteontIi rA vec31erIacklOOlbL 111 u61L1flCflt tbi eiOerbbI II 4U 11 I a one 11k l r gii rosa I ttboUdB U- y gtItIJ mc th rCOrnWeUtb0 YOU l r Bugzefttcd I ta t I ongreB that 0 ooPerntu with grea itt nieo3ufl relief J i ii r L siattonid prosperitY elect the relub1Imtfle tu J bthctro ttielr 4 the been g wr1tliirlaIg t2 reply to the atO demands the 4n4 Venruela e Nervoui the nOW J5htDgtOfl r0 enti oozw- fll EIEd of flsutIfuI I- to a1Li1I0 Ie lreaL o pair yiaw ana okuee- cial uiesfla t tO the cnr1p1 BALTIM0- Rrpubitcofla what i CITY U- mitntenfl OJh111 fit Ially PAtIIt4- No tht uR- EBI I J 1itN ird l c I Fl- t I I il- C I < < < + < = = > > < ° ° ° ° ° ° ° o iho SOUTH lAT vB MANUFACTtmB OWN Eljino that buts our name You will bo proud and JaolsaeaviHeBraljob E B- iti W Bur U I OITAS E BO YtO I Sole Agent forPalatk- OEO A WOOD perfected for 1RD6 continues to lend nit other makes for strong t durablUtyi lightness of draft bind ease of is the aabufaatioa of over to years Bead for Catalogue VERTREES CO General Agonta Paltitka Fla WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Hay Grain Flour Meal and Grits FERTILIZERS AND FERTILIZER MATERIALA SPECIALTY Orange Box Material Palatka Fla JSAlso General Agents for Tedders Hay Bakes Binders tind iHateria- Eeaira itttlf L D N f- ayan hr- ibJr NOW Out PIANOalel the 1IWtb ItUHj know that W our owli JI our It Workmen n Iva you A U- MOli Y 1Ontn 1J o refer Lo U1e DATgS fLUTOl1 dcbeorMlf taYfte- co moa are of the tQ LOWTtIftIO8 AUK WAl R I I10WE8 maUD T VERTREES QO TSIiJTllERNMiJiQ I GI- rTHEtARET nd OLDEST MUSIC IlOUSE 10 Yt7 XTOW otbar iowaed ntai we bMIdIe r- Lte1i kae stotti 24V YorjNjqy own a JNrJfl- IIN V1t 1JD We ptoud p1od posea one EA6flSTERM Manage v1 STEEL t I 5 c tl v000 q cx c w < Hoods No le thau woaderful are the cures accomplished Hoods Sarsaparilla even after other preparations and phfe- icians prescriptions have failed The tlmple When tKo blood is cfiriched and purified disease disappears and ROd health returns and floods Barnaparilla is the one true blood punier HOODS FILM aniprotnot and eff- icient and do not purge paid or grl o- BSoento Au exchange says that the continued drouth poun r has obliterated the Streams iq that section and the fl h- are dying Tqtj drouth In West it reported itjll more severe The weather been so dryihat tho boles wherclho wells were have dried up Exposition Scheuiie Train o SO PX3 p Ey leav- ing JackionvlUent 02Q p m reaches Atlan at 54Ca Pullman aleod cars attached to this train Train No Sfl loaves JacksonVUlo at 7 0 a m arriving at Atlanta at 88Q- oclock The over the F 0 P Railway front Jacksonville At- lanta Bspotltloa are as tound trip tickets on i alifr Irom- Septcpaber 151 1 to Deccinbcr 15th good for until January 7th I860 1576 Tickets September 10h to DcMnibor IOU Inftlusive good to re- turn 80 day from date of sale 1155 Tickets oq TuadaT8 Thurs l Vof oach week commencing P afflberlCtUnncl ondlnir December good to return within 10 Says from tf ealo 040 takoC Sd Liver 111 Sfhla- a jiftJstBiHa Try AKnn UeCf 4 Liver by R H Bw J Oft JJaltk- Pj rtfid UtoM wiifif ihe oll- Mt 6 WK For a arm r for N ea0atic of K fit CLOT VQntlerfaL by reason hOW votIJ Put- nam s lug pIn p return Item Info an4 US dato 1 f tj i1 i and i1 n- Awrt1f llt JI LnoImes 4 t foflOr i lj cannot t 1iuicr1bcil z- hcni lkIiIs 1irbpi dut- IflI CUOI OusuIattrosl tiobit 17 a c R1 siia LxIagten Ny- Is where tiuudJ of tIerks o and inveatsd WO for uoe aa aus1 ttiig 100 a4 mi a- nd rnreat 9I4- esidaut of legs E psaiiisre i- nor MIatI1 1iEI flit tltiL aiih- tn a4 1 nyc T iy atsi- Al I 1ldEM i ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ < > Offlco MoDowotran DAjJiANTmfc Savannah Qa GHNTtBMnN bog o add my te tl- monialof tho great virtues of PP JP I have Kuffered for rears tlsm and could tot up relief from any source I toot a couple of cdtirsu of P P and It has cured me en- tirely I most heartily recommend to all sufferers Yours truly Of McDonougn BaUantyn- elSHftvlng resigned the rote of Stale the practice of Jaw In all U Vim 6d- rOlflce 1 Shelly ojjpo- ulto Court Via D L EIIU principal in the Kieslm- raeochooli says Inm m position to know that many deserving children In our town are kept from school during a or aU of the winter be c us they have no shoes and clothing sufficient to endura the cxpdjqre of Gltmhtoy J T K W Trains 00IKO fiOTJTtr Train S8 arrives Palatka 1JK5 a m leave 1010 n dally Train 2f arrives Pttlatka 1083 p m- oftvej 1045 pm Train 0 loans PaWka 616 a m Monday Wednesday and IVidT Train 82 arrives Palfttka 6SOurm- leiyes 85 am Train 78 arrives pMiika 4W p W- AfENTiONJ I RBI able to furnIsh wuh 1JUD Lisbon Uuroka jorea MadiH a waa 8W Malta Ulood Rubv 0000 8f Mlchaul HadtO- iMthor erd P 0 addreas SAVA2fitAn GA I tEsans L111nAN Bnos with yonr P It T J1ULANTi1 Al i- I Y ouso kl our moderate I Bi an I OO ON 1t le4v II4 I Jl d ltrir riatiLl- St t ell In VOlt WOOD of the vslelIe moT aL Sf 1000 l fiDtandarl J of nrleUz ort r > 1 I I I- h t I Rhewa tart 14ln3ii3 nrrIni 2 U- nd 6dtnra- vI1p4nk 2Iawl 9 T 4j Orango i6eis foflowb M DartU v Ope5- YLtf IIO1 Thswns a il IMri 4ppfg prk fleas all 1fl wWa 0 wturm1- llYPIA P Il ¬ > < > ft L Kala i rl KiM Gi wi In JwlMeu ooaty Tti3ntrt In Alaoliiw wwnlff De enibtt Mr B A ro ai and Mu I- la Golflabte aomtjr DoceroJiej Mr J D Browtt M fl Qkmwtna and CorieyABd MI FJ- nd relief Ins s mm- S TABBIM the medicine you J faHlb out ofin man Stewart Dm- A liberal 11 TUE TjMESHKDAlt i with receipt ot 60 Works Publishing nlsh known and weather mil have been a many a Dootors world fo tocetner with only 170 in adva this each subwribl for next t ever has a worldwide has for several years hap at SMS cents 1 per year and the Almanac making a total of 290 wffl can The Time Herald offico for the small sum 8170 n i I LiOn navo not oan obtain thebcneufcof this liberal offer ro the tutu and having extended on oar Sheriff J W and Deputy B 0 flowell have returned a visit to the AUenta Exposition OAR WI and Otlier Imprummuwai 9etra8o Oroiittiras MBied Beast and yowto With tb Amral jHoucs and s Jhuwta- gs US2 a and Baglitih With the Number of InhftbUtratfti as Also A Town Upon Qeorg Kdth New Bo la Hla Oaan e Since fl tAt the i WiOt a Map t Both Conbtrlea Br Thomwi Who Resided There Abont Fifteen Y avs Xondon Printed and by A BuM at the Ojooi Arms in WarWlpk 169- 8f Ho toplainfl In that a nov r has been a fair o LoU ao want of Pennsihanlni h thhjtoi Iths cnrlwu will bb with an Ho has not boon heard of it M Wting future and says he could in praise of that sweet tract laud reflervas it for the boy of w After this cornea a nanll very interesting and signed too MconsiaUng of only four on the on the eagtglf He north odlatol Delaware mck ot that la- ishftghkings In places s em to Plymouth Oor- n Quduor Kew- euinll pages are de- lewtt that thonj miles in length bjr- r Lie greater part of nds of the natives by most people to foattsred Tribes ie and traded the camooad sci tied and ana cato und founded noblo end beautiful in above 2000 hon tf host of thou stately three stories o in London s province are four viz Chester the ostle and Lewis ftember I l liIOItli Piij 1 I 111 lags ute At Ltve V4d OH TIBUL WatSrS Ia t4i iJ AhOrja13lt5 their nd fOD O lbe and CnBt t Pla1IM Wed clm S DID YOu n Electnc Blite IP ublee G brie ot I I I to be pecull p It J 9 n 1 Ortll i r uouCB Inglrin dltli1 Jl the preface organ d quloiiY j t 1 JJ iption wl o1 e IIIpll exp lii are p Ill o 1 Fh Ip reprIII runn paid tlU tII8 Fhl elphht Qheat01 d Now by Is Oas the Word Bud 0 e edited ReT Id otNbwY9rk I eIt dtot1 ° accurate ule requ source va clenU e Tn R R leu now Almana I POI of Wont an- Ie 1 per year rn e of E of paper whose I Arid obtai f t A1ED w Fo1mJ- At mksssta LiitherB Lisl hJ IC- iIw w- Qoodbrd Oak ith wbn ewmes4 Mh Brto of T Mae D1IIO T4 Mty- eI TttstavLlle iitP Langeqa TULZI 0 fl ista IfIZ and curn cwiru t1yspopta old oxerUng iI TMfl3t yin I4IflO the roinoVetho 4 f FalcitlngSpellsora t ted with 8pei ru u103t apprOV Wy Ce guam thY L bottles i0ody nuoh hz TitTTt Ui11 fold i aap via 1eet b ad j N tat r1h ft 91i P ULIJUI tin f leijny Tii1trflz T jjiLt thi t orally I ntn < > > 1 Was No Good oa Earth1 Dr Miles Nervine sirongtaona the weak builds up the broken down constitution and permanently cures every kind ot nervous disease tetth nervoitimej- fiCrepl9 4n attM to my Uat- SltgKt palpitation ttiy ArfB- lttrstcHng famine Sertoiut Von w of memory I trail nAJ- TM JT ted HO p 9 prt rft A Mend ibroasfct New and Start Facts ani I fledilij to try abrtUaotP- JU iJiltaM Before UV IwtUa I could ilep us w U aa a bojr My- Tho enaf fan In w v I 0 MW greH- Tw nerves teaie eemyMtlyi Xa wiemwy rMforefl- JBr JfO atttoruttee fa- A treat meMeSiie f Bw y oK Augusta Ms Wiwra S BOT Restores Health mim r- ff fe x i i Weak IrHtableTir d rlefM I I Welllltfe4 rtm WU H1e t tell t71tCflItu MIHrl out Q tolf taft toe Dr Miles book h 1 Whet nee4 to n iMiJ Mil ra1 Htfle4el ItWh- I t4U Hit Dr MIIte N f en- IIW SlIII bot lir J lie Miles Nervine OOSrONPIANOS ftUAO- iwa of rNBI OP utllr IIIS 1 J JIetu h lfl il t rp w a- r Wf lol 1t J iii j L iit 1 J n IiY d 1 i i I i 45iut QneVersg taeas ale4plelnaas tad esas4- swr eetoufeSers teal app etS4e- 4sW rritaUe and Urd- u weight sMwtueci f n- orth j- ppctte nbord4 tucieAed Xliad fakes thdStfhboftfe- XI tcetod Ii fully sQeuthaanVaWsiea earth arvMo feZ t tast15bLtlNfo- Iwroft I For t1AJLITy Y Z4- tld LIO NIXCLU SIeSei mesC I- IkSU7AKu1 4te4 I a < > > > Thoroughly All tiLe LatesV p lB 01 IbOiO fll- j Is tills Thieves all bUSed fourfold ate and tni- aooordldY to tiatnro of o and Iftntiy be riot of abU re fourfold they must be in satisfied Live many more curious ex ill owtent n yself with otis ing on to the other book flgtlan children born hire are l favrted Mod be H6Jl Id- tM observed to milder and aiore ten in those born in Bug Tin other boot 1 still more rare It i called A Hew ftim r or Methodical Wreatloa to Attain tlie True Spelling Reading nod Writing c English Where tuito JLre Things Ncoossaiy Useful floUr Jor tho Youth of This ad Nations I h A L e bee VhIPpe d the general j toeeton0 I ri A W1lIs WIiki Bar II 4 lefliol Srtt ru end It ifli9ii IEII1TP tucoand I4keWJ 1 Those Who 1 IUIILLU UIjilLI irntgii Ucuutnle I tUe rnrng qa I I- ltaia BuM ii Now SitLiI1G Betwe < It Cures Mty th f 1 e lt bw cti 4 3 UBM oa WriMMf Alt Mn IM tub HuuiM rttwt af two t v- wtU iwd t t o n utltel WwW f l VJw bflDleie TIlE STATS OriafctQa Cosiness ijougue h iTjng tP broom tory at Ifli- elpimno removed lo Orlft Q anil sro now goIng U have a pow one Unli Fred A JNeweii for a long U 8 man At the baton ticket ofllcQ in Chat tauo0gtt will coma Boach January lit to take charge the offlc there of the East Coast Line A large force is at work oa the Qcalt Railroad Tie first regular train will go over the line a few flays Most ot the grading UHn portion of on tho Ocftla end K The of P WV MciBfid sgslnjt the suit for damages la on trial in Macon Ga Mneoko claims that some time ago he hoarded a Georgia Southern train with a tcalpera ticket for Ja k- aonville Fin conductor refunsd J0- rocooiz the ticket and MneflWlvus accordingly forcibly put off the traWat the little station of Biootovllle tar from his intended d ttinaUtfo He sets up that he th night fit Brook vllle and ibat ou the neacl day the raUroart hit tleket and llilH on to Jflojfsonytllpj He olrtlmis that in titus being dutdnexl without cause he wia dpmacecl OV R Fl FTV V lint WwBWVa Soonnxo has been tucd for i v r of mothers for th lr nil with eootliea the cents a bottltv and asb for Mrs MoBlows tiVrwp and take no other kind J Wlurphy IVnCOBSALK BOTAl- t4sent for the lebnneu J f Hot Wbkkies A Still HQ of the best brands at the BllT nd rdClIJuo- rders ollclU4 d e to ot In Isited rued a the uoorgl and Railroad The r FOR lilly by children rfll It sofLiis the it11I1l If for Xt will trererlpt m llItel gilts In of sire llI1iai arl r AND LlQUOR8 D igAft ter lc ft 1- IJII 2CJO Oliver wetullllg IItO i 3 O c O IiI I ttCO h Browns Ifi iron I inbcess- Snt to Dya4a IWsiay aad Liver Neftiaigli TosbI4a- CoastIic4a 44 h4k- da Neraai Wraeati- Voaaeas coaktla Oh InC aOWHCHtMICAtCO ItUOlta Mn tailed g6t the utht Vet Palm and fihlverSpnlciga iroulald case Sguthorn spent Look YEARS Bnau millions leith success thld all ml- ncrsv1ni1ooIic and Is tie 1iaITha relIeve The ocr Sh I dtg iu t the world flv flu S otbta WL EOIllo1 ShOOt WiN WLiL 40- 1JW1Iarer o Tuo Jm Trade a ntr > BETWEE- PHlLADELPHljEW EFFECTIVE DECEMBER U I89S LeavaJaeKio- dkJlf with Mi- Sv r ttB nD b Umon Baitara points Ai tiy proud of ill man of East ijy Monday having tl- hta engine repaired cup I has all the work Ue DAB doJ ft- I I- senzo BronohltN and Ulrrm W s f se rlotto- se lleralo- OlHtilffNAfAMfi WffilA UMJT P 19 KANSA rf H T7 i wt EftJe l lf8prlng SIOIUt alrirr It i1 t- Mt 1 Rtonn 155111L fifl ONLY 183 VJU A UUL Ufflh SAVAtM AZfUSTA dorocij IDbaSOPIg Ially k theist r Thomtu rdva fO- ZvsiU I3meIIIUII Pale tiIi1c iii 14- 41MOJ4iZow C iii to running full Umne an I 30 WA1flCoUoilhJaui- I 4 I alaaareweulyfor oug ntuhot- n ttliy wa 1 1 a Throat and Lungs H Bond Cu Ih wtr two 1 ue bl eketaaan rWJJIId toa- t 4 IJ5 or- P L u lLev JacksanI1I25 a m Fvm M Bniigbto expre5a- b torUkeCtv ftvo Mi411105 MOTLSCaItI Of C itatu lIe p Tillise Juesaoa MIbI1I uYM OAfl 0 iilS illi 3 y Hewprlejtrs I ii every frL utt tM ctaxt I Arrivt 4 LSat iaske4tvil92 a an i r zoo 14ra b na gavo a plteaant- ty of her ruung at the LoeSe of S e j 1 L Leeva Mooeelte 700 a Ni Is warp r 4 VJiies 5lIkCtiMlM4- ta sad Oaiectsu ao fltTY > < n rt c d I O u- Fi I 1 n r- jOldliashioned AUPork ill CENTS PO POUND t1 i GORGfAh BEEF UrCUTIiI H- I4NP d DTtVE- KYlyde t Di t j Sisag 14 I I en1 TAL1f4ED f Q 14o1vr L Fh Steamsliin = = = It 27 S DECEMBER J la nifl cenfc of his Line are a ad to Sail as follows M berries Calling at Charleston S C Both H W Mew So K- PlerSOER TIMS- 8TKA31EBS moorrotaA- IOOXQIT1N 6ttlBt3 p m an p tn WW e dV DW41UL 8p I t 3 ta I K9iWnyDoo6th t3p K Fritter Dw aoiH it 9 p m TnetJayBo COJUMCHB- COMAHCHKf TSundsy Jan Sad J li jr Jan Uiat k New York rlesfo oi a J I tANAlU r yitltdsand d ro ce SU by Dc f 1 III1n l1 t aoofI11 UII < Cft 11ietlla f Jrld r IUU MTb daD I tr h tEIIJNOLE 8llDdayDeo S ClutltOKEE raQAdllJ II u p m ALOOXQUIN D 2I1t l Ztli pni rueJldarJ Ii zn f1 hatJpIII CPMOKJUi J Pif Xburda- in zop- on SU mt ore lie a st S to no t t Sunday Qf J WqhLesds7irnO 3 aiunmtna Slat njIrtDu tritftet New Rtiner pt and > CLDES ST JOHNS RIVER LINE Steamer GITY OF OPT vr ju aiuw Leave Jactaonvll0 Iroax foot of Laura Street at 830 p m Sundays and Fridays tot Falatka fianford Enterprise and titerniedlate- OeneiU jfuMtngur anij VloKet Office 8W llByBtre trJnckionvlII JiaC- OCB Oea nl t r If JtlOKUOSnER JB fiw Art L t howling wTork Set J fit QO Gent fc Railway ABSOlUTELY THE SHORTEST ROUT tHSOOQH PULLMAN JJaAtTINO BOOM OAXS- THOBOpOHFABB OOAOHBS VB3I1BUIED TRAINS QUICK TIME TO ALL POINTS NAMED NOBtM AND EAST MOrtTH AND M 1 MO til da I I no T- Jetnu Southern 10 10 11 am 40 rm- AtUnw I km T41 par J9WP southern IRlltm For full Information any Agent of this Railway 1 System orlU connections w A TURK o mmm iiuMDwjcfo AB t mWMA Mit Agent Wubnrt tkttti ALLEN- i Florida Pflj nk r Agent WOV 21 8B0 313 Bay Street JAjCIC ONVlLLBj FLA IJ Puria Chemicals Toilet Articles and Faiiisy Goods SPONftEiJ CHAMOIS SiaKS ETC PJSRFtTMES BAY BOM Extracts the Haiidkeifclilaf OunWock o of the Odors Ielnts 01U AntI Variitsho Urusftcs Painters Supplies ACKERMAN ft STEWART DRUGGIStS a SEEDSMEN mjujLjTjtb x Fruit and PORE BRED Boones Early Orange Trees Ma W OoRcoBfl dJTe I- otziKbmar 5 Jabllate De- B C hymn IIarb Ihe- 8lngMoml l obni7 Kyn- etotAUesto Fide e 10 on SI Johns Rivet lAS Agent i St t tNK OIl O reeD New for It i Pit B1lorlJitonden- tr Uo lattVOaT n Pit 4UOijUEnlMD ollY- 9rkWMPZCLYLJE Opr4PA11J l OARS DIlfINO 1 WEST 1- tttTR If 6 tt AlL TRAIIS DAILY i to 111 nL IIt W 1h onvl1 FOl TOO pm 1 MnI- tt e OM m ta sin tIle Y fltlt al1l HI Ii 50 sin f M tiu tbe I 00 9 n 1oi j btffl S dO pm Oam O n tin J j t n Tl0 01 ff vi1n 4k1IJ rltl t mlhn ii- W nt9 42 sin pm Bt LI 180 am In tlliiiiiJ- 1It J1 d Ita hlll KIn tr 110- It h del b r 0 10 Ian a 1 1111- P au a- mI I 1111 pin tO It U pin j ClaG1I11Ht1QlO UO t A Ota Xati D Teen Atlanta Oa W D IiI 1- l EE P DE eds 1i U IULL KIIrD 0- iE O E all l uTtu Etc d Tuesdays Lanthhgs thc A West liar Pit ii af Jo L r3 Art 1iutag 0Z JA Ltsun ntcksonyllto JiowUerlireen Agth 25 Be UeIairiAv ktLdelpIit flhiowltnar en 1o- wvork45outher C OAt5I tI Lv JcksutItitFO t P ft 20 pin JvdtA a S 45 run ayaunib 4 fin a S I 4 CbLtoog 4 41 alIt At asott iH- t I 4 I 40 UAILt4 CAIFO Fib 1 snnn ii IS pui O 15 ate 500 tot I mwicrk 6 m AtlAilta a s tin a Ar AbntheBOntiiro 11 AM C W at ARTMENTa- bIae aQdTurip Ju5 1eeewed 1 and i r Grape ISTOCK 134TUW PXMOIT ri noeKs IILLOWN audWIIITE tOIIOfla- GGfor rIaIebiti 1 adBudWoodse- ttLne fifl0Ovo setLua4 ho lollow varieties for attiC FotvrcsiippcdIatahJleprjat rapoJruIt B aarI1 aIl DietWth4D Plait C4tCbj P1u Pe3p5liIGriPc- i iLt MEtLafld I CA CnYirrAr4 rnT c- Wforp4cea t q- llAI I CI d p 1 InLer1AiicnZAi 125000- 0aloetti i LJ- Mr u- Y hv1nu I1 Coin b a < > < > < + > < > leheto Baritett 11 ll iod Wahtti ift or old clufk- oce of Comas jolly citirww s in twtti- as biten Mliiad for C Kowan L Wall of M and Mrs llary E Greta IB rtii lbs Ohrlrtaiw bolt n of H dwut IIIiIILtJ IIIt t tnt AII1Io JeMo JIiI i 12 SaD O II riltoru iII I1I 0 < h- tIIttoi t Jallr1j IiI OO tY j lhfls s N1h4triss IJ 4 1iII to t r t l j II I m N j J II 1 r j j JT Oil I lu the city n n- II n C i J kvltit Hedges Pinjm am iniiiti pts tta ilja oy tag VASTA rita T4W5 DAt Las J4saebn teazo vd a Ip r 0 IU q NtlaaIu Pasaa 2 L 4 I IrMo2ti- I 7 Use i jf if r 3 i rj II set C rI- I I = = wy i tiuMJ TO dr lAMDA CO im 0 PvtPAMK- lllswlf MM 4C J hiM t j 60 L PACE OwMo- rKVAtMIt jl- c TttU tbtuLtKC- 1tL5 aivesca Ua espeeste sitS a fi J a o r rt iier of 0 awn- sA Ititi do list e 4t itsiinoi t s4Iad PuJf ao4xint ad swese bsfts iii tale os neoIbsT US I < T cco In FloridA Judge G A Hanson ex Judge of the Fifth Judicial Cij this State vfrite as folio ramiw Times Judge GA Hansod of omethtpgofa farmer as w lawyer In tho last issue 0 CourietInformant he gir- rience whp tobacco caltu county which will prove of a to tboso tntiiiestej fa iho sub says tint subject of tobacco gt it teems that your people forget 1889 I planted nearj five acr made about 7600 pounds of m iiijiimm- t n SS fS- t L 0 11 II I 11 trOd o J1b ii d c J LI I hvr crops rJ cure iL aniU felt a legitimate buiuesa- n an Indulgence of a W i- Sis os at t demoustri- n Ib State or- l a 801 TOOl o 83Il T06 Laura liMp onptt u S4lIp r It t 12SJQ 800aIA- rui sl 11 1000a- R II Too alOp II 1- 847a Of Sal ogA 10JllalHSp Glfe I OOJ II tots lr8a lyndt LI 8111a Ihrl- U Wh- u UlJt- lt I JlIla- del2l13 Iw it e f viiii and I Itidlan II 1 cap I apoUlo 1201n0- I 7 1M ltinntliet Ulln m- 18C1PI4Ar iilOanl 7a m- fltlp a1 OUaIbArXAl4nl4 1 1 tOOOpJur CblltlltlOOgll Tllro- Ujor n 1I1 mLtJomta II ODS t I I cban- t4 mAr Ctnelnt1tI It l Through Bpil- lDn UROUUIC TO ijn M 6 ollnecuOl1lelT L 0 C- Um tor Clnttabnop azrlrleg at Cit 9 Ar- tanooplPIII Iii rI1 No 0 SoUtlt florid N4- Dallf Danr ii 1 am II t RI j 0 4iOt1m j Osineetill 1 Ot1mt fJ t tesam t4 JG6aID Olu ITtrlllrlJiga i J SOttuin 21131111 1l1Iam11111 0l TCOa- m4I alD alOpm IIWlIIIW II J1ml00 alll I SOaWi MlIIrII 111 1 t4flnl I llotom UOm HQrlando po OSOUIII W O u ltJ 1 932an1 Ii- b 544Am LaOOO bee OOTltII IOJtplD41am al luPIn tOtCItT t 0 ft IICIP4lT 9am QfO- Q UOpm a1J TOabs 520am U 111eILIf g IU6111lt4O m h 11IJ0a1t 3J11n 10- 1fI a dl II II SPOani 2 If ntleello 2100 10IP1D 4- g IISOll1 SS1plD I 14O 1 ItUaJn C llpm6- 16PID IDI1II lulinitn It OOpm I lcD 1II t1 toN Urbana TMartI NewOreal SI1 fr at laoatea nivr n l Joy and rhr At MMI1Of k Uat tiLUa for lit larll sea ApatIiIc1s n IMOI Rtvr tor Con teals tnI All from UnIon Ueot Tloke will tile tltkll lIicn t upoUihlllo r I J E 5P2 stress 111 N VSNNICOTIX A twoN1QL lion PIII r i- i fi- L i l l f by 11 forms lb- t encouraging a = Tcp 1015aM I Obla 1021p ii SZa- I it ISIPIM- t It 3 ima 2ptS- OsSOOp L Its w kilt- is a 10j tell 4041 I 7 SLa ira IDtta F b- Slegsii Through fey 0051111 JacksOn CICIATZJACK8ONVlILit i i c I itd Toledo ItetroiiQyIand5 l z I r I t- 1TWiliI I Jn 5551 jv Maosiiy 4 I T11Ck41Vl I 850erni SIC QAcunaNO3t ATLArrA- itot antI Atlanta at 7 tIoput Slotten to and from Jskton ii Ii- viii I Ar- I i Pint SI atiit West and I OrIeni- l 1O0mLv CilIthspsj fr iI05opiazoaIim fir 1aIdwIit Lri ii Siarke 451st- 1t slam 15 iim1 alsat- a tespinI1twtao an roljtit2- 3tpin I I ii Ifomoewa CI 4 4 I T214n1 j ipiiI tt t T4anI t t 5eut 4POinn Catlirrine 11 lapin ttipm 510am S Ito I T Item 1lfli 17 4oni lathe i JacknII1 t6ci 344iu 4 1 Mcn 33r41niOlani a Taiiaiiase lOver Junction TIrough 1 altpw I S tjIri ZOeneestloniatTampa etesiieuiirj welt irivaus for all iuru 4 for rsbo11e It ckstlaheocb River itastier at p Ie told at iIty 242 Ilogin stress aweII i w Uotin aIttaerai I TSpJsc Airatit VqI sy Center IJnjaa1siyIj TasSle IsnsaCr 0 Agsiit S tr C cl- 04I PRcF4 wrJ r C p 7NNINER 4 Y J Q IIN eurtnbir- ot t t a coses 114- SKiisirctoii > = = = > = < < ° 7 r OC a- oie a tH 1iIIIooIft all Ia r- i Goriespondnee1PII4- OflOAL A4D iuclQ let adats gjy es- a4JIaZ Up4 at ibsii4 oie rurs SWii tnJses- A tIaI qIIsq = > Ah mil M it YWOVWtef ftam recent ftiNMi- i lir P Awiv w of fttmoaaa taos p ffttlw am prtMulWDt elilsens was ta- W rtT Wonila d roads TjWWh 11 d r r A1HAK bu bu w lULl where she to 1t w m 1 o Efil 11t pnllI- 1n t Ji George lfMtAed to learo flIt 0 r- t Za hi l f I fTrn86 Ftt coved h4ii 116 n1lsol sJ1k tJa tie UjgMxD a < i c tI MlMotrlbfllII their II area DJwJV- IInL otber3 hi ifs to oud eivat4 tIut 1- QOOOItI1 t4 J 1 ful- b IYpI- 1 11 G I I k F eesIae- 4CProese Mtibiebed- Ha pay sub At Would err os3e1 lace a 1I- l 2

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Post on 27-May-2020




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Page 1: Crystal River News. (Crystal River, FL) 1895-12-27 [p ] now in ztitenco It ii an n cyorewdiaof the Hteraturo of China corerlng

I cc c c C

J1 c c cc nI




















4r15 O nichI

mretbtn-ngine senou5I-


tal diseases result froi


= = = = ==

= = =


VlfloVonlon pwrtarwr l

Eg New TOfKCWUHedfor feed

D l5 f a n-

to 80


it of 8 fot 4 Qfc a4the neigbbwbood rf Iow

w a goternmwtt dKkwWhM-ryin htcooa-

rand with Us gray have

ually owpt up la Win s venl lila thateh Is beir to among oifcors an ocen-

sional touch of josomui iJawmalt-toeods irritability and Jail bxitabilitybad been stirred to its kw td tbibi-aaWlity to get a Mttsetory hired girltet a month or M ago lie was fcstapate-caoagii a settled woaan whotnu Sbawa a

i eook ttftW In nigatt esoept when

WM a motel 4bont owe a month tb-oWopB of butt colored papefthai

ajipped nndet the basement doorho gomnart would bring a frown to

tyr brow but bo would Onlycaution e hired gtil to torn thegas when Mot using it A few

no ft meeting had called61 out before washing thddinner dishes and she retnrnefwhen the family retired for the

Mr lied a protracted interoJewWith his enemy the sleep Hlle tba

end could find no rest InroJolio thought over all his

ui at the

From New York

Ih tapm-


was anan

wtaroTnii WP at AoaeOo streetWashing-

iKW DepotnU ot to m tet ch ngei-

tM It

iMrucklOOlbs Wcwt OnvXn th World In U

jJsoV010 library contain say aWonders

J Which occupies no tower020 volumes Ihi wonderful

alon of the Chinese prew wasjUsea a few seam ngotor 8000

of only a very small nnmbw-fvt now in ztitenco It ii an ncyorewdiaof the Hteraturo of Chinacorerlng a pfeiod of 28 centuries1 000 a to 1700 A D

Jt o M ita mlgin to the literary proolJTitias of te Emperor who

1003 to 1793 In tbo-

cmitoM hit Btadleaof tho ancient liternwre of his onntry Kaogha coveredthWt oxttoalve ocrmptionB had been al-

pwW t4 creep into modern editions

qxtifttte rJglDohan form This

WM a conception truly and In-

ijexecuUdn it remainsf1

of loaruod men to BO

vrltfngs to bo reproduced andTjoy d Uio Jteuit HjlDsIonarles to cost

with which to execute theMnlr

was occupied for 40tfmreat task vfork-

C 5aift lea Eeagho died but he-

impletod and he faithfulient his tnast Hie book Is nr-

lJfC is divisions each dealingi partioulat brrtioh of knowledge

di are thus deeignatedSting relating sec3 v relating to the earth

rmlugs relating to mankind t


WH pI-


II tile tenkIM ofi




to gist

he I 11 other W1r

r1 n





f1Gl 1


ttna pedI-

dand OOtmt 100 vo rd

to lOara tmee 080-do afltl ins lib mid1t ii Dig bo oalNo 2 IIII t 10

fNo UI r 80 to Wn oNo HArl Juno yeAs JlrhtN nt 1l0000wn

do Noa reed 1ro to-

TableIrI 1 tat0e5 r I pingt ar4oo to


Inlne adt bommUcd 10 to OoJd l1 Cttolelle fj

c ToUOCO ClcUllrna TO LJJU 40 todoctriflo 110 tteel bod

cnllat1onCutluI OJ

Mot Bale of Matne fX at 1ncef falrl I

tuicuL our oregna AlotNortll aroU 2 l IllS eonand aitf l ko Mlxtllre SoI 80

be cooservativoi lJnrlamJ ° If Plerlll EII AI

Lodge 1U1tMtd dn pcner 811 ndsal

say lIutt l0II1H1tJeC2ltnzuclalam a tn-

tak n an exeel1elilL Jblnloundl 40 ntdV IU p mlhas c

I Uon e Pth at S

D ell IUbJ appm-

olevelandlI vieWS 311

I LIII at Jar ri 3 Jand Fer 1IIdatap

I1 4

ent 4011 Frf fleO27h ata

1rp U-

Iop cPbtlor1ar orXlb SiMmerUe 0 UOtitord1readlNplUaUOf

1JS CL ES Sty not 14Walnuts IIreso lI Steamernate do rUlJertl I12of Mrnlr n lalna Lcn JjickitoflVII icvolu Iflhl3nIN 1 Ae JI n

1I 12 t Jboill pr cottirtnts 1 Alto 71 Lar ooorcd Wo to dO-

te RIll hnndi andIJ




DrltlJh JlUIDtUl-

JIIotJIyper 50 Qf Brit

per YvorMofOU1 bbl workeal laC

Dalk per lick

bb1j biT

In1OJ ti ti V


tI ft o1vod tbo Idea of hAving theIf I preanlht l1ufi

nole m to-

m Iha s w lio time FOf the of11lgbuttbe work Klloghe appoInt

g CI

e aremedy ce tieeut apprOVC I dealre

aure tilO Ithem

Qrn torom lIIlol1

In ptfi other P

tsng thorough pnd practlcnl

COD reel devOtO the tlmO tIS that hIli snoeacr iliouldNJIV etumpItg on thO PrceldefltS

IlIVlug toof n bOlLerou

plan tO the lfOductlOlllio country

ThRL1 tho way to ti

that It IS more Interested In our Jimlhauln trying to to thedenlnext

In Conltrees wilt thirdThe

Iy oppOrLlnlLyto l rel J t111Ul flJDte-robab y av tw writings tb1hOW recenI


l1 f polotlroo II fliTfor

the l1euinnd orEu land

eel6c euweir CrJit Qtt otupfur Ic terrWr7 CcI1It1paUol bbboolt at IIIW-

wbeLberl1I tub Malaria 0Je to pop 14r1r-acalmcd by would J

Womens comp1atntfI

J Dnd tLed toarbitratton Is IItalr GetoD1t th 8tlI U it two r

alJ Ise


del1LCltweland W t1p CHEMICAl corc

w DRwill ithey Pure

slJONO fExtracts




Q rrRfW

Q II for UaLt-IJ

11 tIrJ0 I blpped-


a n



1 11


IIn a-


D111 t-

jI n-













b- asfonqrd








FtrImend o orictd


arbMonroe saw


en8tOr of

radical of yadtcaI I

hapJytO 93nprnCd

Dec 9thD

Tida Den

popularMondal 1ec uih t a p

IO liii ftt p-

I ea 3Tb hOOM

MMy Iec Iii-

I Wa1 linking 1ovIer I HiIb 2


116 3toU7S 5gnrneitJ



of Xng1Ih Q-


IQoka Tues Frh-


Trtold 1 hIrteontIi



111u61L1flCflt tbi

eiOerbbI II4U


Ia one


lr gii rosa


ttboUdB U-


gtItIJ mc

th rCOrnWeUtb0 YOU

l r Bugzefttcd I tat I

ongreB that 0ooPerntu with grea

itt nieo3uflrelief

J i iirL


prosperitYelect the



bthctro ttielr 4

thebeen g wr1tliirlaIg t2

reply to theatO

demands the4n4

Venruela eNervoui




r0 enti oozw-

fll EIEd of flsutIfuII-

to a1Li1I0Ie lreaL o

pair yiaw ana okuee-

cial uiesfla t tO the cnr1p1 BALTIM0-


whati CITY

U-mitntenfl OJh111


Ially PAtIIt4-





1itN ird



I Fl-

















° °







Eljino that buts our name You will bo proud and

JaolsaeaviHeBraljob E B-

iti W Bur UI OITAS E BO YtO I Sole Agent forPalatk-



perfected for 1RD6 continues to lend nit other makesfor strong t durablUtyi lightness of draft bind ease of

is the aabufaatioa of over to yearsBead for Catalogue

VERTREES COGeneral Agonta Paltitka Fla



Orange Box Material Palatka FlaJSAlso General Agents for Tedders Hay Bakes Binders tind iHateria-

Eeaira itttlf

L D N f-

ayan hr-


NOW OutPIANOalel the 1IWtb ItUHj

know that W our owli JI ourIt Workmen n Iva you A U-

MOli Y 1Ontn1J

o refer Lo U1e DATgS fLUTOl1 dcbeorMlf taYfte-co moa

are of thetQ








10 Yt7 XTOWotbar iowaed ntai we bMIdIe r-

Lte1i kae stotti 24V YorjNjqyown a JNrJfl-


We ptoudp1od posea one






tl v000




HoodsNo le thau woaderful are the cures

accomplished Hoods Sarsaparillaeven after other preparations and phfe-

icians prescriptions have failed Thetlmple When tKo

blood is cfiriched and purified diseasedisappears and ROd health returnsand floods Barnaparilla is the one trueblood punier

HOODS FILM aniprotnot and eff-icient and do not purge paid or grl o-


Au exchange says that the continueddrouth poun r has obliteratedthe Streams iq that section and the fl h-

are dying Tqtj drouth In Westit reported itjll more severe The

weather been so dryihat tho boleswherclho wells were have dried up

Exposition Scheuiie

Train o SO PX3 p Ey leav-

ing JackionvlUent 02Q p m reachesAtlan at 54Ca Pullman aleod

cars attached to this trainTrain No Sfl loaves JacksonVUlo at

7 0 a m arriving at Atlanta at 88Q-

oclockThe over the F 0P Railway front Jacksonville At-

lanta Bspotltloa are astound trip tickets on i alifr Irom-

Septcpaber 151 1 to Deccinbcr 15thgood for until January 7th I860

1576 Tickets September 10hto DcMnibor IOU Inftlusive good to re-

turn 80 day from date of sale 1155Tickets oq TuadaT8 Thursl Vof oach week commencing

P afflberlCtUnncl ondlnir Decembergood to return within 10

Says from tf ealo 040takoC Sd Liver 111 Sfhla-

a jiftJstBiHa Try AKnn UeCf 4 Liverby R H Bw J Oft JJaltk-

Pj rtfid UtoM wiifif ihe oll-

Mt 6 WK

For a

arm r

for N ea0atic

of K fit




reason hOW votIJ






Info an4





i andi1 n-

Awrt1f llt JI



tfoflOr i

lj cannot

t 1iuicr1bcil z-

hcni lkIiIs 1irbpi dut-IflI CUOI OusuIattrosltiobit 17 a

c R1 siia LxIagten Ny-

Is where tiuudJ of tIerkso and inveatsd WO for

uoe aa

aus1 ttiig 100 a4 mi a-

nd rnreat 9I4-esidaut oflegs

E psaiiisre i-nor MIatI1 1iEI

flit tltiL aiih-tn a4 1

nyc T iy

atsi-Al I









Offlco MoDowotran DAjJiANTmfc

Savannah Qa

GHNTtBMnN bog o add my te tl-

monialof tho great virtues of P P JP

I have Kuffered for rearstlsm and could tot up relief from anysource I toot a couple of cdtirsu of

P P and It has cured me en-

tirely I most heartily recommendto all sufferers Yours truly

Of McDonougn BaUantyn-

elSHftvlng resigned the rote of Stalethe practice

of Jaw In all U Vim 6d-

rOlflce 1 Shelly ojjpo-ulto Court Via

D L EIIU principal in the Kieslm-

raeochooli says Inm m position toknow that many deserving children Inour town are kept from schoolduring a or aU of the winter bec us they have no shoes and clothingsufficient to endura the cxpdjqre of


J T K W Trains00IKO fiOTJTtr

Train S8 arrives Palatka 1JK5 a mleave 1010 n dally

Train 2f arrives Pttlatka 1083 p m-

oftvej 1045 pmTrain 0 loans PaWka 616 a m

Monday Wednesday and IVidT

Train 82 arrives Palfttka 6SOurm-leiyes 85 a m

Train 78 arrives pMiika 4W p W-

AfENTiONJI RBI able to furnIsh wuh 1JUD

Lisbon Uurokajorea MadiH a waa 8W MaltaUlood Rubv 0000 8f Mlchaul HadtO-

iMthorerd P 0 addreas


tEsans L111nAN Bnos


yonr PIt





ouso kl

our moderateI




OO ON 1t

le4vII4 I


ltrir riatiLl-

St tell


VOltWOOD of the vslelIe


aL Sf 1000lfiDtandarlJ

ofnrleUzort r




h t




14ln3ii3 nrrIni 2 U-

nd 6dtnra-vI1p4nk 2Iawl 9

T 4jOrango i6eis


DartU v

Ope5-YLtf IIO1 Thswns a il IMri 4ppfg

prk fleas all1fl


0 wturm1-llYPIA

P Il





ft L Kala i rl KiM Gi wi

In JwlMeu ooaty Tti3ntrt

In Alaoliiw wwnlff De enibttMr B A ro ai and Mu I-

la Golflabte aomtjr DoceroJiejMr J D Browtt M fl

Qkmwtna and

CorieyABd MI FJ-

nd relief Ins


the medicine you J

faHlb out ofin

man Stewart Dm-

A liberal 11TUE TjMESHKDAlt i

with receipt ot 60

Works Publishing

nlshknown and

weathermilhave been a many a Dootors

world fotocetner withonly 170 in advathis each subwribl

for next tever has a worldwidehas for several years hap

at SMS cents

1 per year and the Almanacmaking a total of 290 wffl

can The TimeHerald offico for the small sum8170n i I

LiOn navo not oan obtainthebcneufcof this liberal offer ro

the tutu and havingextended on oar

Sheriff J W and DeputyB 0 flowell have returned

a visit to the AUenta Exposition OAR WI

and Otlier Imprummuwai9etra8o Oroiittiras MBied Beast

and yowto With tb AmraljHoucs and



gs US2 a and Baglitih Withthe Number of InhftbUtratfti as Also A

Town Upon Qeorg Kdth New Bola Hla Oaan e Since fl

tAt the i WiOt a Map t BothConbtrlea Br Thomwi WhoResided There Abont Fifteen Y avsXondon Printed and by A BuM

at the Ojooi Arms in WarWlpk169-

8f Ho toplainfl In that anov r has been a fair o LoU ao

want of Pennsihanlni h thhjtoiIths cnrlwu will bb with an

Hohas not boon heard of it

M Wting future and says he couldin praise of that sweet tract

laud reflervas it for the boy ofw

After this cornea a nanllvery interesting and signed too

MconsiaUng of only four

on theon the eagtglf

He north


mck ot that la-

ishftghkings Inplaces s em to

Plymouth Oor-n Quduor Kew-

euinll pages are de-

lewtt that thonjmiles in length bjr-

r Lie greater part ofnds of the nativesby most people to

foattsred Tribesie and traded thecamooad sci tied and

ana cato und foundednoblo end beautiful

in above 2000 hon tfhost of thou stately

three storieso in Londons province are four

viz Chester theostle and Lewis

ftember I



Piij 1 I 111

lags uteAt Ltve V4d


iJ AhOrja13lt5 their nd fODO lbeand CnBt t Pla1IM



DID YOu nElectnc Blite

IPubleeG brieot

I I Ito be pecull p It J 9

n 1 Ortll i ruouCB Inglrin dltli1 Jlthe prefaceorgan d quloiiY j t1 JJ

iption wl o1

e IIIpll exp lii

arep Ill o


Fh IpreprIII runnpaid tlU

tII8Fhl elphht Qheat01 d Now

by Is Oasthe Word Bud 0 e

edited ReT Id otNbwY9rkI eItdtot1 °

accurate ule requsource va

clenU eTn

R Rleu now AlmanaI

POI of Wont an-Ie 1 per year rn


Eof paper whose


Arid obtaif t

A1ED w Fo1mJ-At mksssta

LiitherB Lisl hJIC-



QoodbrdOak ith wbn

ewmes4 Mh Brto ofT Mae D1IIO T4 Mty-

eI TttstavLlle iitP Langeqa

TULZI0 fl ista IfIZ

and curn cwiru t1yspopta oldoxerUng iI TMfl3t yin


the roinoVetho4 f

FalcitlngSpellsora t tedwith 8pei ru u103t apprOV Wy

Ceguam thY Lbottles i0ody nuoh

hzTitTTtUi11 fold i aap



b ad jN tat r1h


91i P

ULIJUItin f leijny


thi t


I ntn




1 Was No Good oa Earth1

Dr Miles Nervine sirongtaonathe weak builds up the brokendown constitution and permanentlycures every kind ot nervous disease

tetth nervoitimej-fiCrepl9 4n attM to my Uat-SltgKt palpitation ttiy ArfB-lttrstcHng famineSertoiut Von w of memory

I trail nAJ-

TM JT ted HO p 9 prt rftA Mend ibroasfct

New and StartFacts ani

I fledilijto try abrtUaotP-JU iJiltaM

Before UVIwtUa I could

ilep us w U aa abojr My-

Tho enaf fan In wv I 0 MW greH-Tw nerves teaie eemyMtlyi

Xa wiemwy rMforefl-

JBr JfO atttoruttee fa-A treat meMeSiie f Bw y oKAugusta Ms Wiwra S BOT

Restores Health

mim r-

ff fe x

i i

Weak IrHtableTir d



Welllltfe4 rtm WU H1ettell t71tCflItu MIHrl out

Q tolftaft

toe Dr Miles book


Whetnee4 to n

iMiJMil ra1 Htfle4el ItWh-I t4U

HitDr MIIte N f en-


lir J lie

Miles Nervine


ftUAO-iwa of

rNBI OP utllrIIIS 1


JIetu hlfl

il trp

w a-r

Wf lol 1tJ

iii j L

iit 1J




1 ii I


45iut QneVersg taeasale4plelnaas


swr eetoufeSers teal app etS4e-4sW

rritaUe and Urd-u weight sMwtueci





ppctte nbord4tucieAedXliad fakes thdStfhboftfe-

XI tcetod Ii


sQeuthaanVaWsiea eartharvMo

feZ t tast15bLtlNfo-Iwroft

I For t1AJLITyY Z4-

tld LIO



mesC I-

IkSU7AKu14te4 I







All tiLe LatesV

p lB 01 IbOiO fll-

j Is tills Thieves allbUSed fourfoldate and tni-

aooordldY to tiatnro ofo and Iftntiy be riot of abUre fourfold they must be in

satisfiedLive many more curious ex

ill owtent n yself with otising on to the other bookflgtlan children born hire are

l favrted Mod be H6Jl Id-

tM observed tomilder and aiore ten

in those born in Bug

Tin other boot 1 still more rare Iti called A Hew ftim r or MethodicalWreatloa to Attain tlie True SpellingReading nod Writing c English Wheretuito JLre Things Ncoossaiy

Useful floUr Jor tho Youth of This

ad Nations


Le bee VhIPpedthe




AW1lIs WIiki Bar

II 4lefliol Srtt

ru endIt ifli9ii IEII1TP tucoand I4keWJ 1 Those Who1 IUIILLU UIjilLI irntgii Ucuutnle

I tUe rnrng qa I I-

ltaia BuM ii Now

SitLiI1G Betwe


It Cures

Mty th f 1 e lt bw cti 4 3UBM oa WriMMf Alt Mn IM tubHuuiM rttwt af two t v-wtU iwd t t o n utltel WwWf l VJw bflDleie


OriafctQa Cosiness ijougue h iTjngtP broom tory at Ifli-

elpimno removed lo Orlft Q anil sronow goIng U have a pow one Unli

Fred A JNeweii for a long U 8man At the baton ticket ofllcQ in Chattauo0gtt will comaBoach January lit to take chargethe offlc there of the East Coast Line

A large force is at work oa the QcaltRailroad Tie first

regular train will go over the line afew flays Most ot the grading UHn

portion of ontho Ocftla end K

The of P WV MciBfid sgslnjt the

suit for damages la on trial in MaconGa Mneoko claims that some timeago he hoarded a Georgia Southerntrain with a tcalpera ticket for Ja k-

aonville Fin conductor refunsd J0-

rocooiz the ticket and MneflWlvusaccordingly forcibly put off the traWatthe little station of Biootovllle tarfrom his intended d ttinaUtfo He setsup that he th night fit Brookvllle and ibat ou the neacl day theraUroart hit tleket andllilH on to Jflojfsonytllpj He olrtlmis

that in titus being dutdnexl withoutcause he wia dpmacecl


lint WwBWVa Soonnxo hasbeen tucd for i v rof mothers for th lrnil with eootliea the

cents a bottltv and asb forMrs MoBlows tiVrwp andtake no other kind

J Wlurphy


t4sent for the lebnneu J f HotWbkkies A Still HQ

of the best brands at the

BllTnd rdClIJuo-

rders ollclU4





Isited rued a the

uoorgl and Railroad




lilly bychildren

rfll ItsofLiis the

it11I1l Iffor Xt willtrererlpt m llItel

gilts In ofsire

llI1iai arl rAND

LlQUOR8 D igAft


ft1-IJII 2CJOOliver wetullllg IItO

i 3 O c


I ttCOh

Browns Ifiiron

I inbcess-

Snt to

Dya4a IWsiay aad LiverNeftiaigli TosbI4a-CoastIic4a 44 h4k-

da Neraai Wraeati-

Voaaeas coaktlaOh


tailed g6t the


Vet Palm

and fihlverSpnlciga








thld all ml-ncrsv1ni1ooIic and Is tie

1iaITha relIeve The ocrSh I dtg

iu t the worldflv flu

S otbta


EOIllo1 ShOOt




Tuo Jm Trade a ntr






dkJlf with Mi-Sv r ttB nD bUmonBaitara points Ai

tiy proud of

ill man of Eastijy Monday having tl-

hta engine repairedcup

I has all the work Ue DAB doJ ft-

I I-

senzo BronohltN and

Ulrrm W s fse

rlotto-se lleralo-

OlHtilffNAfAMfi WffilA UMJT P


rf H T7



EftJel lf8prlng


alrirr It




1 Rtonn155111L fifl

ONLY 183 VJU A UUL UfflhSAVAtM AZfUSTA dorocij IDbaSOPIg Ially

k theistr Thomtu rdva fO-

ZvsiU I3meIIIUII Pale tiIi1c iii 14-


C iii to running full Umne anI

30 WA1flCoUoilhJaui-

I 4I alaaareweulyfor oug ntuhot-n ttliy wa


a Throat and LungsH Bond Cu Ih wtr two

1ue bl eketaaan rWJJIId toa-

t 4 IJ5 or-

PL u lLev JacksanI1I25 a m Fvm M Bniigbto expre5a-

b torUkeCtv ftvo Mi411105 MOTLSCaItI Of C itatu lIep Tillise Juesaoa MIbI1I uYM OAfl0 iilS illi 3 y

Hewprlejtrs I ii everyfrL utt tM

ctaxt I Arrivt

4 LSat iaske4tvil92 a an

i r z o o 14ra b na gavo a plteaant-ty of her ruung

at the LoeSe ofS e j1 L Leeva Mooeelte 700 a Ni Is warpr 4

VJiies 5lIkCtiMlM4-

tasad Oaiectsu




nrtc d




FiI 1



jOldliashioned AUPork ill







Di t





en1TAL1f4ED f Q


Fh Steamsliin

= = =



la niflcenfc of his Line are aad to Sail as follows M berries

Calling at Charleston S C BothH W Mew So K-




6ttlBt3 p man p tn

WW e dV DW41UL 8 pI t 3 taI K9iWnyDoo6th t3p K

Fritter Dw aoiH it 9 p m


COMAHCHKf TSundsy Jan Sad J lijr Jan Uiat k

New York rlesfo oi a J

I tANAlU r yitltdsanddro ceSU by

Dc f 1

III1n l1 t aoofI11 UII

< Cft 11ietlla fJrld r IUU MTb daDI

tr htEIIJNOLE8llDdayDeo S

ClutltOKEE raQAdllJIIu p m ALOOXQUIN D 2I1t lZtli pni rueJldarJ Ii

znf1 hatJpIII CPMOKJUi



in zop-on SU mt ore lie


st S to no

t t Sunday Qf JWqhLesds7irnO 3 aiunmtna Slat

njIrtDutritftet New Rtiner pt and



OPT vr ju aiuwLeave Jactaonvll0 Iroax foot of Laura Street at 830 p m Sundays

and Fridays tot Falatka fianford Enterprise and titerniedlate-

OeneiU jfuMtngur anij VloKet Office 8 W llByBtre trJnckionvlII JiaC-

OCB Oea nl t r If JtlOKUOSnER JB fiw ArtL t howling wTork Set J

fit QO Gent






M 1 MO til da I I no T-

Jetnu Southern 10 10

11 am 40 rm-AtUnw I km T41 par

J9WP southernIRlltm

For full Information any Agent of this Railway1 System orlU connections

w A TURK o mmm iiuMDwjcfoAB t mWMA Mit Agent

Wubnrt tktttiALLEN-

i Florida Pflj nk r Agent

WOV 21 8B0 313 Bay Street JAjCIC ONVlLLBj FLA

IJPuria Chemicals Toilet Articles and Faiiisy GoodsSPONftEiJ CHAMOIS SiaKS ETC PJSRFtTMES BAY BOM

Extracts the Haiidkeifclilaf OunWock o of theOdors Ielnts 01U AntI Variitsho Urusftcs Painters Supplies


mjujLjTjtb x Fruit and

PORE BRED Boones EarlyOrange Trees


W OoRcoBfl dJTe I-otziKbmar 5 Jabllate De-

B C hymn IIarb Ihe-

8lngMoml l obni7 Kyn-

etotAUesto Fide e 10

on SI Johns Rivet

lAS Agent

i St

t tNK OIl OreeD New forIti PitB1lorlJitonden-

tr Uo lattVOaT n Pit4UOijUEnlMD ollY-







i to 111 nL IItW 1h onvl1 FOl TOO pm 1 MnI-

tt e OM mta sin tIle Y fltlt al1l

HI Ii 50 sin f M tiu tbeI 00

9 n 1oi j btffl S dO pm Oam O n tinJ j t n Tl0 01

ff vi1n 4k1IJ rltl t mlhn ii-

W nt9 42 sin pm Bt LI 180 amIn tlliiiiiJ-1It J1 d Ita hlll KIn tr 110-

It h del br

0 10Ian a 1 1111-

P au a-mI

I 1111 pin tOIt U pin

j ClaG1I11Ht1QlO UO


AOta Xati

D Teen Atlanta Oa




EE P DEeds

1i U IULL KIIrD 0-

iE O Eall l uTtu



TuesdaysLanthhgs thc

AWest liar Pit

ii af Jo L r3 Art1iutag

0Z JA Ltsunntcksonyllto


Agth25 Be UeIairiAv ktLdelpIit flhiowltnar en 1o-




Lv JcksutItitFO t P ft 20 pin

JvdtA a S 45run

ayaunib 4 fin aS

I 4 CbLtoog 4 41 alIt

At asott iH-

t I 4 I 40UAILt4 CAIFO Fib


snnn ii IS puiO

15 ate 500 totI mwicrk 6 m AtlAilta a s tin

aAr AbntheBOntiiro 11


W at

ARTMENTa-bIae aQdTurip Ju5 1eeewed






GGfor rIaIebiti 1 adBudWoodse-ttLne fifl0Ovo setLua4 ho lollow varieties for attiC

FotvrcsiippcdIatahJleprjat rapoJruIt B aarI1aIl

DietWth4D Plait C4tCbj P1u Pe3p5liIGriPc-i

iLt MEtLafld

ICA CnYirrAr4 rnT c-

Wforp4cea tq-

llAI ICI d p1 InLer1AiicnZAi 125000-

0aloetti i LJ-Mr u-

Y hv1nu I1 Coin b a






< >

leheto Baritett 11


iod Wahtti iftor old clufk-

oce of Comas jollycitirww s in twtti-

as biten Mliiad forC Kowan L Wall of

M and Mrs llary E GretaIB rtii lbs Ohrlrtaiw bolt

n of H dwut


JeMo JIiI i 12 SaD

O II riltoru iII I1I 0 <h-

tIIttoi t Jallr1j

IiI OO tY j

lhfls s N1h4triss IJ

4 1iII to

t rt l

j II I m N

j J II

1 rj jJT

Oil Ilu the city

n n-



C i

J kvltit HedgesPinjm am iniiiti pts tta ilja

oy tag VASTA rita T4W5 DAt Las J4saebn teazo vda Ip r 0 IUq NtlaaIu Pasaa


4 I IrMo2ti-I7


i jfif

r 3i rj

II set




= =

wy i tiuMJ

TO dr lAMDA CO im 0 PvtPAMK-

lllswlf MM 4C J hiM t j

60 L PACE OwMo-






aivesca Ua espeeste sitS

a fi

Ja o r rt iier of 0 awn-

sA Ititi do list e 4titsiinoi ts4Iad PuJf

ao4xint ad swese bsfts iii taleos neoIbsT US



T cco In FloridAJudge G A Hanson ex

Judge of the Fifth Judicial Cijthis State vfrite as folioramiw Times

Judge G A Hansod ofomethtpgofa farmer as w

lawyer In tho last issue 0CourietInformant he gir-rience whp tobacco caltucounty which will prove of a

to tboso tntiiiestej fa iho subsays

tint subject of tobacco gtit teems that your people forget1889 I planted nearj five acrmade about 7600 pounds of

m iiijiimm-t n

SS fS-t







o J1bii






cropsrJcure iL aniU felt

a legitimate buiuesa-n an Indulgence of a

W i-

Sis os at t demoustri-n Ib State or-

la 801 TOOlo 83Il T06

Laura liMp onpttu S4lIp

r It

t 12SJQ800aIA-


sl11 1000a-

R II Too alOp II 1-847a Of Sal

ogA 10JllalHSp GlfeI OOJ

II totslr8a lyndt LI8111a Ihrl-

U Wh-u UlJt-ltI JlIla-del2l13 Iw

itef viiii and


Itidlan II1 cap

I apoUlo1201n0-

I7 1M ltinntliet Ulln m-

18C1PI4AriilOanl 7a m-

fltlp a1OUaIbArXAl4nl4 1 1

tOOOpJur CblltlltlOOgll Tllro-Ujor n

1I1 mLtJomta II ODS tI I cban-t4 mAr Ctnelnt1tI It




M 6 ollnecuOl1lelT L 0 C-

Um tor Clnttabnop azrlrleg at Cit 9 Ar-


Iii rI1No 0 SoUtlt florid N4-

Dallf Danr


am IItRIj 0 4iOt1mj Osineetill 1 Ot1mt

fJt tesamt4 JG6aID Olu

ITtrlllrlJigai JSOttuin 21131111 1l1Iam11111 0l

TCOa-m4IalD alOpm IIWlIIIW II J1ml00 alll ISOaWi MlIIrII 111 1t4flnl I

llotomUOm HQrlando po


u ltJ 1 932an1 Ii-

b 544Am LaOOO beeOOTltII IOJtplD41am alluPIn tOtCItT t0 ft IICIP4lT 9am QfO-

QUOpm a1J TOabs 520am

U 111eILIfg IU6111lt4O m h 11IJ0a1t 3J11n 10-

1fIa dl II

IISPOani 2 If ntleello 2100 10IP1D 4-g IISOll1 SS1plD I 14O

1 ItUaJn C llpm6-16PID IDI1II

lulinitn It OOpm I lcD1II t1

toN Urbana TMartI NewOreal

SI1 fr at laoatea nivr nl Joyand rhr At

MMI1Of k Uat tiLUa for lit larll sea ApatIiIc1s nIMOI Rtvr tor Con teals tnI

All from UnIon Ueot Tloke will tile tltkll lIicnt upoUihlllo r

I J E5P2 stress 111




i fi-L



l f



forms lb-


encouraging a=

Tcp1015aM IObla

1021p ii SZa-

Iit ISIPIM-t It3 ima 2ptS-



w kilt-is a 10j


I 7 SLaira

IDtta F


Slegsii Through fey 0051111 JacksOn



I itd ToledoItetroiiQyIand5


z Ir I t-


Jn5551 jvMaosiiy



I 850erniSIC

QAcunaNO3t ATLArrA-

itot antI Atlanta at 7 tIoput

Slotten to and from Jskton ii Ii-viii I Ar-

I i

Pint SI atiit West andIOrIeni-

l 1O0mLv CilIthspsjfriI05opiazoaIim fir 1aIdwIit Lri ii

Siarke 451st-1t slam 15


a tespinI1twtao anroljtit2-

3tpin I


ii Ifomoewa CI



T214n1 j ipiiI tt t

T4anItt 5eut 4POinn Catlirrine 11 lapin

ttipm 510amS Ito

I T Item 1lfli 17 4onilathe

i JacknII1t6ci 344iu

4 1 Mcn33r41niOlani

a TaiiaiiaselOver Junction

TIrough 1 altpw I

S tjIri

ZOeneestloniatTampa etesiieuiirjwelt irivaus for all iuru 4

for rsbo11eIt ckstlaheocb River itastier at p

Ie told at iIty242 Ilogin stress aweII i w Uotin

aIttaerai ITSpJsc Airatit VqI sy Center IJnjaa1siyIj

TasSle IsnsaCr 0 Agsiit





04I PRcF4 wrJ


4 Y J QIIN eurtnbir-ot t t a coses 114-











r OCa-

oie atH

1iIIIooIftall Ia




OflOAL A4DiuclQ let

adats gjy es-

a4JIaZ Up4 at ibsii4 oierurs

SWii tnJses-A tIaI


Ah mil

M it YWOVWtef ftam recentftiNMi-

i lir P Awiv w of fttmoaaa taosp ffttlw am prtMulWDt elilsens was ta-W rtT Wonila d roads TjWWh

11 d rr A1HAK bu

bu w lULlwhere she

to 1tw m1o

Efil11t pnllI-1n t Ji George

lfMtAed to learoflIt


t Za hi l

fIfTrn86 Fttcoved h4ii 116

n1lsol sJ1k


tieUjgMxD a





MlMotrlbfllIItheirII area DJwJV-

IInL otber3 hiifs

to oudeivat4 tIut 1-


1 ful-b IYpI-

1 11







pay sub


Would erros3e1


