criticism should always be constructive

Criticism should always be constructive Nov 18 2014 1,521Views 74Likes 17Comments Share on LinkedIn Share on Facebook Share on Google Plus Share on Twitter Dealing with criticism can be a delicate and in some cases a very stressful process for everyone involved. It can be a really tough experience to be told by your boss or line manager that you are not performing to the required standards. After all no one likes to hear that they are doing something wrong or that their work could be better. But it can also be difficult and stressful to be the person who is responsible for delivering the bad news. It can be a really tough call to have to tell a colleague that they are struggling or that there is room for improvement. However, it is important to remember that criticism is not always a negative thing. In fact if you approach the situation in the right way and think carefully about how you deliver the message then you can turn a potentially negative situation into a positive exercise. As a manager the first thing to remember is that employees will often know if they are performing poorly or struggling to come up to the standards expected from them. And when it comes to talking through an individual’s performance then it’s always best to handle the discussion in a calm and considered manner in a private setting. Tearing a strip off someone in the heat of the moment in front of the whole office is always going to be counter-productive. Not only are you going to humiliate the individual involved you are also going to make yourself look weak and ineffectual as a manager.

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Criticism should always be constructiveNov 18 2014 1,521Views 74Likes 17Comments Share on LinkedIn Share on Facebook Share on Google Plus Share on TwitterDealing with criticism can be a delicate and in some cases a very stressful process for everyone involved.It can beareally tough experience to be told by your boss or line manager that you are not performing to the required standards. After all no one likes to hear that they are doing something wrong or that their work could be better.But it can also be difficult and stressful to be the person who is responsible for delivering the bad news. It can be a really tough call to have to tell a colleague that they are struggling or that there is room for improvement.However, it is important to remember that criticism is not always a negative thing. In fact if you approach the situation in the right way and think carefully about how you deliver the message then you can turn a potentially negative situation into a positive exercise.As a manager the first thing to remember is that employees will often know if they are performing poorly or struggling to come up to the standards expected from them.And when it comes to talking through an individuals performance then its always best to handle the discussion in a calm and considered manner in a private setting.Tearing a strip off someone in the heat of the moment in front of the whole office is always going to be counter-productive. Not only are you going to humiliate the individual involved you are also going to make yourself look weak and ineffectual as a manager.The most important thing to remember is that maintaining morale and keeping the team working together as a unit always has to be the main aim.Any manager who feels that they need to deal with an individual who is struggling should sit down and think through what they want to say before the meeting takes place.It is always best to be open and honest, steering clear of difficult conversations will only allow a problem to fester and get worse. The best way to tackle under-performance is to be as open and honest as possible.Having said that it is important to remember that the aim is not to crush someones spirit and make them feel insecure and inadequate.The best way forward is to be as honest as possible about a persons performance but notto dwell on the issue and be sure to move the conversation forward sooner rather than later.The key in all of this is should always be to address the situation and look to find a solution to any problems or issues as quickly as possible.The conversation should be a two-way process and there is no point in coming up with an action plan if both sides are not in total agreement.I have always believed that criticism handled in the right way and when done for all the right reasons can actually be a positive thing for everyone involved.