critical factors in product design

CRITICAL FACTORS IN PRODUCT DESIGN Significant Interactions between critical factors in product design Three stages on Materials selection process: 1. Sele cted what type s of mater ials in the f inal prod uct a re most likely to appeal to the customer ? Functional need :strength durability weight !sychologycal need : colours te"ture product and packaging #. Sele cted the most attracti$ e mater ials that meet funct ional re%uirement Identify suppliers who offers competiti$e prices & reliability of ser$ice '%uality deli$ery time lead time( ). Sele cted materials from th e stand poin t of proce ssing co st. Materials properties : hardness fle"ibility 1 Materials *e%uiremets !rocessing *e%uirements Modular +omponents and !ats Specifications and Tolerance !roduction ,olume

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Significant Interactions between critical factors in product design

Three stages

on Materials selection process:1. Selected what types of materials in the final product are most

likely to appeal to the customer ?Functional need :strength durability weight!sychologycal need : colours te"ture product and packaging

#. Selected the most attracti$e materials that meet functionalre%uirementIdentify suppliers who offers competiti$e prices & reliability ofser$ice '%uality deli$ery time lead time(

). Selected materials from the standpoint of processing cost.Materials properties : hardness fle"ibility







and !ats




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Engineering Specifications and Tolerances :

Specifications represent an ideal $alue for each one of the desired

attributes and the degree of allowed de$iations 'tolerance(.-llowance : ma"imum diferent in the size of parts that fit togetheretermination of tolerances and -llowance must +onsider :1. desired characteristic of a product#. capability of the production process

Two !hase :!roces Formulating product spesifications

!/-S0 1 !/-S0 # Determine general productspesification :

Determine Technical productspesification :

• Si e• +apacity• +olor• 2ther

• • imensions• Tolerances• -llowances

Stages :1. Select ideal $alues for

product characteristic#. etermine critical tolerance). etermine 0conomic

toleranceCriteria :

• Functional 3ualities• -esthetic considerations• !roductions +ost

Criteria :• !roduction +apabilities• *eliability and Maintenance


Standardization and Interchangeability

!erancangan komponen secara standar 'bentuk ukurantoleransi ( memungkinkan penggunaan komponen yang samauntuk berbagai produk 4 interchangeability!enghematan biaya maintenance and repair terutama untukproduk yang kompleks ' T, mobil stereo electonik (Standarisasi 5uga dilakukan pada raw materials


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alam merancang produk usahakan bisa menggunakankomponen6komponen standar agar biaya produksi murah danlebih fleksibelStandarisasi memudahkan 3uality control

!roduct design for /uman 7se : Ergonomics

1. etermination of key characteristic of the consumer for which theproduct is intended 8 karakteristik populasi

#. etermination of the body members and senses that will bere%uired to use the product 8 dimensi anthropometri + sistemkontrol (Display

). etermination from a$ailable statistical measurements of key

consumer characteristics and the critical percentage of theconsumer population that will be unable to use the product 8

!enentukan percentil rancangan*ancangan maksimal : percentile bawah 4 9Misal : pegangan bis tinggi tas koper kursi duduk me5a*ancangan minimal : percentile atas 4 ;9 Misal : tinggi pintu pan5ang tempat tidur lebar kursi

T/0 +2<++0!T 2F 37-=IT>Functional 3uality -spects

1. Product performance while in use2. Reliability during expected time3. Human Factors

<on6functional4psychological %uality aspects1. Appearance and tyling2. !onsumers Psychological Profile3. "ariety of tyles or #odels to choose from

2ther 3uality -spects1. Pac$aging2. %imely Production and &istribution3. er'ice !haracteristics


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Ideas for new products

General Products specifications

Preliminary a nlysisTechnical fea s ibilityEconomic fesibility

Deta iled feas ibility study

Technica l Product s pecifica tionsand prototype cons tructions

Re gula r-sca le production anddistribution

Market trial

Suggestionsby own staff

Suggestionsby consumers



Known butunsatisfied


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!*2 7+T =IF0 +>+=0

1. INFANCY/PERKENALAN!roduk baru muncul belum dikenalMasa ketidakpastian Market Si e!erbaikan esain !roduk dan !roses 8 In$estasiTer5adi in6efisiensi 'ingat : =earning +ur$e(Tingkat produksi dibawah kapasitas

iaya !emasaran 'terutama promosi( tinggiMasih Merugi 8 Masa in$estasi

. !R"#T$/PERT%&'%$AN!roduk sukses diterima pasar=on5akan permintaan dalam 5angka pendek

isa mencapai kapasitas maksimalMulai ekspansi & di$ersifikasiSistim mapan 6 Mendapat profit

(. &AT%RITY/&APAN!ertumbuhan pasar berhenti6pasar 5enuh!roduk tidak didominasi satu merk6banyak pesaing!an5angnya fase tergantung kemampuanperusahaan untuk bertahan!angsa pasar besar6kapasitas maksimalMemanen keuntungan 8 In$est ke produk baru

). *ECLINE/PEN%R%NAN!romosi tak lagi membantuSegera ciptakan produk baru=akukan pengembangan produk untuk bertahan
