cristmas brochure

Christmas Menus This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Com- mission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the informa- tion contained therein.

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Page 1: Cristmas brochure

Christmas Menus

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Com-mission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the informa-tion contained therein.

Page 2: Cristmas brochure


France’s Christmas Menu 3

Romania’s Christmas Menu 8

Poland’s Christmas Menu 15

Italy’s Christmas Menu 24

Portugal’s Christmas Menu 34

Christmas Menu

Page 3: Cristmas brochure

France’s Christmas Menu Menu de Noel Français

Christmas Menu

Page 4: Cristmas brochure

Foie gras in the

red wine

Ingredients (for 4 persons) 1 goose foie gras (600 g), 1.5 soup spoon of cognac, 1.5 soup spoon of sherry, 3 soup spoon of Porto, 3 soup spoon of sauternes caster sugar: 1 tea spoon whole pepper: 0.5 tea spoon salt: 1 tea spoon For the sauce: strong red wine: 50 cl, shallot: 6, flour: 1 soup spoon , bouquet garni (parsley, thyme, laurel): 1, oil: 2 soup spoon, flower of salt, peppers of the mill Preparation The day before, remove nerves carefully of the foie gras then put it in a hollow dish. Pepper, salt, sweeten and and water it with the cognac, the xéres, the Porto and the sauternes. Let marinade one night in the refrigerator. That very day, preheat the oven th 3-4 (100°C). Place the liver in a terrine. Place the terrine in a bath marry and put in the oven. Cook 1:15 am. Take out the terrine of foie gras of the oven, put a weight above and let it cool so 8 hours at room temperature. Peel shallots. Chop 4 there and cut two others there. Make warm the oil in a pan. Make it the chopped shallots 3 min return by moving. Powder them with flour and pour the red wine. Mix and add the bouquet garni and the whole shallots. Cook slowly during 20 min by mixing from time to time. Then remove the sauce of the fire and let it warm. Cut the terrine of foie gras in fine slices( arrange slices in plates.

Foie gras au vin


Ingrédients 1 foie gras d'oie (600 g), 1.5 c. à soupe de cognac, 1.5 c. à soupe de xérès, 3 c. à soupe de porto, 3 c. à soupe des sauternes

sucre en poudre : 1 c. à café, poivre en grains moulu : 0.5 c. à café

sel : 1 c. à café, Pour la sauce : vin rouge corsé : 50 cl, échalote : 6, farine : 1 c. à soupe, bouquet garni (persil, thym, laurier) : 1, huile : 2 c. à soupe, fleur de sel, poivre du moulin Préparation La veille, dénervez soigneusement le foie gras puis mettez-le dans un plat creux. Poivrez, salez, sucrez et et arrosez-le avec le cognac, le xéres, le porto et le sauternes. Laissez mariner une nuit au réfrigérateur. Le jour même, préchauffez le four th 3-4 (100°C). Placez le foie dans une terrine. Placez la terrine dans un bain marie et enfournez. Faites cuire 1h15. Sortez la terrine de foie gras du four, posez un poids dessus et laissez-la refroidir ainsi 8h à température ambiante. Pelez les échalotes. Hachez-en 4 et coupez les deux autres en deux. Faites chauffer l’huile dans une casserole. Faites-y revenir les échalotes hachées 3 min en remuant. Poudrez-les de farine et versez le vin rouge. Mélangez et ajoutez le bouquet garni et les échalotes entières. Faites cuire à petit feu pendant 20 min en mélangeant de temps en temps. Puis retirez la sauce du feu et laissez-la tiédir. Découpez la terrine de foie gras en tranches fines, disposez les tranches dans les assiettes. Entourez de sauce vin rouge et décorez d’une échalote entière. Parsemez les tranches de foie gras d’un peu de fleur de sel et de poivre du moulin.

Page 5: Cristmas brochure

Seafood platter

Serves 4 : Ingredients: 24 huitres

8 sea urchins

shrimps bouquets

brown shrimps

16 scampis

2 crabs

400 g of winkles

1 kg of whelks

1 kg of clams

800 g of lemon




Rye bread



crushed ice

Furnish a big dish with seaweeds that you will have

got yourselves at your fishmonger's.

Sprinkle with crushed ice and incline the opened

oysters ( 6 / pers ) to arrange harmoniously sea

urchins opened to scissors, shrimps bouquets and

and brown shrimps, scampis and crabs beforehand

cooked in the court-bouillon, winkles, whelks,

clams and hulls.

Decorate with halves of the historiés lemons.

Be of use with a vinegar to the shallot, some

rye bread of the butter and the mayonnaise

Plateau de fruits

de Mer

Pour 4 personnes:


24 huitres

8 oursins

crevettes bouquets

crevettes grises

16 langoustines

2 tourteaux

400 g de bigorneaux

1 kg de bulots

1 kg de palourdes

800 g de coques





pain de seigle



glace pilée

Garnir un grand plat avec des algues que vous vous serez

procuré chez votre poissonnier.

Saupoudrer de glace pilée et disposer les huîtres ouvertes (6/pers.).

Disposer harmonieusement les oursins ouverts aux

ciseaux, les crevettes bouquets et grises, les langoustines

et tourteaux préalablement cuits au court-bouillon, les

bigorneaux, les bulots, les palourdes et les coques.

Décorer avec des moitiés de citrons .

Servir avec un vinaigre à l'échalote, du pain de seigle du

beurre et de la mayonnaise

Page 6: Cristmas brochure

Capon stuffed in


Serves 8 : Ingredients:

1 capon ready to roast with the liver and its kidneys

2 eggs

2 slices of sandwich bread l 1 dl of milk

250 g of fresh or dehydrated ceps

50 g of butter

3 soup spoon of brandy

200 g of thin bacon

1 pinch of 4 spices

2 branches of crumbled thyme

1 small boot of flat-leaved parsley

3 shallots

2 cloves of garlic, Salt and pepper

For the side filling:

1,5 kg of potatoes

6 eggs


250 g of flour

125 g of butter, salt, pepper

Preheat the oven (th.7 210°C.

Put the sandwich bread to dip a few seconds into the milk and press

it, cut the base of the foot of mushrooms, wash them, chop them

boorishly and make them return with the butter. Chop menu the thin

bacon, the liver and the kidneys, as well as the parsley, the shallots

and the garlic. In a big salad bowl, work all these ingredients with

eggs, brandy, thyme, 4 spices, salt and pepper, to obtain a rather

homogeneous and well raised practical stuffing.

Furnish the capon of this practical stuffing by compressing with the

back of a spoon, sew the opening and put in the oven without

buttering it. Let cook approximately 2 hours.

At the end of cooking, prick a thigh. The juice which passes by must

be white. If it is still pinkish, put back cooking during 10 - 15 min. If

the skin becomes too brown, cover the capon with the buttered

aluminium foil.

During the cooking of the meat, cook potatoes peeled and cut in four

in some water , drain them and crush them in purée. Prepare a thick

dough by mixing the flour, the eggs, the butter softened in dices, 1

glass of water, some salt, the pepper and 1 pinch of nutmeg.

Incorporate the mashed potato. Form small balls and deep-fry in the

oil. To serve, put the capon cut on a serving dish, deglaze the dish

of cooking with 1 or 2 soup spoon of warm water and present

the juice in sauceboat. Accompany Dauphine potatoes.

Chapon farci

aux cèpes

Pour 8 personnes:


1 chapon prêt à rôtir avec son foie et ses rognons

2 œufs

2 tranches de pain de mie

1 dl de lait

250 g de cèpes frais ou déshydratés

50 g de beurre

3 c. à soupe d'eau-de-vie

200 g de lard maigre

1 pincée de 4 épices

2 branches de thym émietté

1 petite botte de persil plat

3 échalotes

2 gousses d'ail, sel et poivre

Pour la garniture :

1,5 kg de pommes de terre

6 oeufs


250 g de farine

125 g de beurre, sel, poivre

Préchauffez le four th.7 (210°C).

Mettez le pain émietté à tremper quelques secondes dans le lait et pressez-

le, coupez la base du pied des champignons, lavez-les, hachez-les

grossièrement et faites-les revenir avec le beurre.

Hachez menu le lard maigre, le foie et les rognons, ainsi que le persil, les

échalotes et l'ail.

Dans un grand saladier, travaillez tous ces ingrédients avec les oeufs, l'eau-

de-vie, le thym, les 4 épices, le sel et le poivre, pour obtenir une farce

assez homogène et bien relevée.

Garnissez le chapon de cette farce en tassant avec le dos d'une cuillère,

cousez l'ouverture et enfournez sans le beurrer.

Laissez cuire 2 heures environ.

En fin de cuisson, piquez une cuisse. Le jus qui s'écoule doit être blanc.

S'il est encore rosé, remettez à cuire pendant 10 à 15 min. Si la peau

devient trop brune, couvrez le chapon avec du papier d'aluminium beurré.

Pendant la cuisson de la viande, faites cuire les pommes de terre épluchées

et coupées en quatre dans de l'eau bouillante salée, égouttez-les et écrasez-

les en purée.

Préparez une pâte épaisse en mélangeant la farine, les oeufs, le beurre

ramolli en dés, 1 verre d'eau, du sel, du poivre et 1 pincée de muscade.

Incorporez la purée de pommes de terre. Formez de petites boulettes et

faites frire à l'huile.

Pour servir, dressez le chapon découpé sur un plat de service, déglacez le

plat de cuisson avec 1 ou 2 c. à soupe d'eau chaude et présentez le jus en

saucière. Accompagnez des pommes dauphines.

Page 7: Cristmas brochure

Christmas Buche

Serves 8 :



100 g of sugar

100 g of flour

5 eggs

1 bag of vanilla sugar


100 g of cube sugar

1/2 coffee cup of water

3 egg yolks

250 g of unsalted butter

100 g of dark chocolate

2 ml of extract of coffee

Rolled cake

Work together 4 egg yolks with the sugar and the vanilla sugar. When the

mixture is creamy, add a whole egg, and work a few minutes on the

spoonbill. Add little by little the flour to the mixture, then the beaten egg

whites firm of a light hand. Apply a greaseproof paper, slightly buttered, to a

rectangular plate, and spread the dough regularly. Put in a hot oven (200°C,

thermostat 6-7) during 10 minutes. Take out the cake, return it on a cold

surface, without removing the paper (ideal = sticks marble), and cover it with

a cloth (softened by the vapor, it will be easier to run).

Butter cream:

Melt the sugar in the water on slow fire to obtain a thick syrup. Pour slowly

the warm syrup on egg yolks without stopping moving with a whip until

complete cooling. Add the butter softened in cream, and mix to obtain a

smooth cream. Share the preparation in two. Perfume half with the coffee, the

other one with the chocolate melted in a little water.


Remove the greaseproof paper of the cake. Spread with coffee cream, and

roll quite lengthwise. Equalize the extremities, which will serve to make

"knots". Cover with chocolate cream, add "knots", and imitate the bark by

means of a fork pulled delicately at the length. Decorate in your way.

Reserve for the cool

Bûche de Noel

Pour 8 personnes:


Gâteau : 100 g de sucre 100 g de farine 5 oeufs 1 sachet de sucre vanillé Crème :

100 g de sucre en morceaux 1/2 tasse à café d’eau 3 jaunes d’oeuf 250 g de beurre doux 100 g de chocolat noir 2 ml d’extrait de café

Gâteau roulé :

Travailler ensemble 4 jaunes d’oeuf avec le sucre et le sucre vanillé.

Quand le mélange est crémeux, ajouter un oeuf entier, et travailler

quelques minutes à la spatule.

Ajouter peu à peu la farine au mélange, puis les blancs battus en neige

ferme d’une main légère.

Appliquer un papier sulfurisé, légèrement beurré, sur une plaque

rectangulaire, et étaler la pâte régulièrement.

Mettre à four chaud (200°C, thermostat 6-7) pendant 10 minutes.

Sortir le gâteau, le retourner sur une surface froide, sans enlever le papier

(idéal = plaque marbre), et le recouvrir d’un torchon (ramolli par la vapeur,

il sera plus facile à rouler).

Crème au beurre :

Faire fondre le sucre dans l’eau sur feu doux pour obtenir un sirop épais.

Verser lentement le sirop chaud sur les jaunes d’oeuf sans cesser de

remuer avec un fouet jusqu’à complet refroidissement.

Rajouter le beurre ramolli en pommade, et mélanger afin d’obtenir une

crème lisse.

Partager la préparation en deux.

Parfumer une moitié avec le café, l’autre avec le chocolat fondu dans un

peu d’eau.

Montage :

Retirer le papier sulfurisé du gâteau.

Tartiner de crème au café, et rouler le tout dans le sens de la longueur.

Egaliser les extrémités, qui serviront à confectionner des «noeuds».

Recouvrir de crème au chocolat, rajouter les «noeuds», et imiter l’écorce à

l’aide d’une fourchette tirée délicatement sur la longueur.

Décorer à votre guise.

Réserver au frais

Page 8: Cristmas brochure

Romania’s Christmas Menu

Christmas Menu

Page 9: Cristmas brochure

Mosaic Salame

Ingredients: 1 pork stomach 500g pork 2 kidneys 1 spoon of salt

1 spoon of paprika 1 tongue some pieces of rind 2 ears 1 spoon of pepper 200 g of ham

How to prepare: 1. Cut the pork, the rind and ears in pieces and slice the tongue and ham. Add pepper, salt and paprika. Add some water just to cover them and boil the mixture. 2. Wash the pork stomach thoroughly and stuff it with the boiled pieces of meat tongue and ham. Then sew it very well. 3. Put the stuffed stomach in water with an onion, 3 leaves of laurel 1 glass of white wine and a spoon of pepper seeds and boil it. 4. Press it between 2 wooden boards for a day.

Mosa ic Sa lame

Page 10: Cristmas brochure

Pork borsch Time of preparation: 1h and 30 min Ingredients:

1/2 kg pork 1-2 bones 1-2 onions 2 carrots 1 parsnip 1 parsley (the root) 1 cup of rice 1 ½ l water 2 eggs 1/2 lemon

How to prepare : The bones are split and put to boil. Wash the pork, cut it into pieces for four persons and put it to boil. When it boils, remove the froth and add the vegetables, previously washed and grated. Let it boil in a covered pot. When the pork is almost done add the rice. Let it boil for 10-15 min and then add the sour bran and water. Take it from the cooker and add the beaten eggs the parsley and the dill, finely minced.

Pork borsch

Page 11: Cristmas brochure

Tochitura 500 g pork (boneless gammon) 200 g smoked sausages 1 tablespoon tomato paste 2 tablespoons oil 1 glass of red wine 1 clove of garlic salt pepper paprika thyme In a big pan put the oil oil, then add the chopped gammon, sausages and sprinkle spices. Roll up the meat , then when it is done add 2 cups of water and a third of the peeled and chopped garlic. Cover pan and let it simmer until boils down. When it is ready, add the wine, the remaining garlic and the tomato paste, mix them well and let all 5 to 10 min to boil. Serve hot with polenta covered with grinned cheese and a fried eggs.

Toch i tu ra

Page 12: Cristmas brochure

Forcemeat rolls in cabbage or vine leaves

500 g pork or beef mixed Pickled cabbage/vine leaves (30 leaves) salt and pepper 1 cup of rice,1 onion ,a 1 teaspoon of paprika, 3 - 4 tablespoons oil ,1 can of tomato paste, thyme, dill, pepper Polenta: corn flour ,water, salt,sour cream Fry the onion in oil for 2-3 minutes then add paprika and pepper then mix well with rice for 5 minutes, then take the pan from the cooker and add the minced meat and 4-5 tablespoons of tomato paste (the rest of Tomato paste is put on top of the forcemeat rolls in cabbage or vine leaves) Place 1 teaspoon of meat composition in cabbage leaves and fold it. Put on the bottom of a pot or pan very finely chopped cabbage with thyme and dill. Then put the rolls in

layers. You can also add slices of bacon. On top of them put chopped cabbage and the t mato paste and some water. Put the pan in the oven for approximately 2 hours. Polenta: Boil water with salt and when it boils put the corn flour and mix it well. When the rolls are-

ready, serve them with hot polenta and sour cream.

Forcemeat ro l l s in

cabbage o r v ine l eaves

Page 13: Cristmas brochure

Pickles with garlic

5 kg of pickles 250 g onion 250 g carrot 2 roots of horseradish 2-3 cloves of garlic 1 small celery root cherry branches horseradish leaves pepper (seeds) mustard (seeds) coarse salt

Wash the vegetables well, cut the carrots in slices, cut the onion in half, cut the horseradish on the root’s length, place on the bottom of the jar the horseradish root, the celery leaves and then vegetables among them, boil 5 liters of water; add one tablespoon of salt for every liter of water and half teaspoon pepper and mustard grains. This mixture is boiled until the salt dissolves, then let it cool. Pour it over the vegetables in the jar then temporarily cover it until the next day. The next day chop the garlic and add it in the jar together with horse radish leaves. Place the cherry twigs across the pickles to keep them sunk in the water.

Pick les w i th gar l i c

Page 14: Cristmas brochure

Christmas Flat Cake

Chr is tmas F la t Cake

Puff pasty: Water , Salt, flour

Syrup: Water, rum, lemon or orange peel, vanilla, Sugar, A pinch of salt

Filling: milled nuts, sugar, We make the dough without letting it leaven and we and we make the puff pasty in very thin sheets and bake them on a griddle without butter or oil.

Syrup: In a caldron let the water boil and when it’s ready add the rum and vanilla. Let it sim-

mer for a while and start to fill the puff pasty. Put every puff pasty in water and let

them soak. First put on some nuts mixed with sugar above the soaked puff pasty

then again add

Page 15: Cristmas brochure

Poland’s Christmas Menu

Christmas Menu

Page 16: Cristmas brochure

Beetroot soup

Ingredients: - 1 kilogram of beets - 2 carrots - 2 parsleys -a half of a celery - salt, pepper - maggi (condiment) - 1 slice of bread - 5 parts of garlic - 1 spoon of sugar - condiments - raviolis - mushrooms - cabbage How to prepare it? First, you have to prepare special mixture (borsch). Do it 3 or 5 days before Christmas Eve. You have to wash the beets, peel and cut them into pieces. After that put the beets in jar and put

there all parts of garlic in it. Then flood it with warm water and put 1 slice of bread on it. After that,

put a small dishcloth.

At Christmas Eve cook mixture from vegetables . put all the vegetables into a pot and season them.

Cook it for about half an hour. After that throw away vegetables and add borsch you prepared a few

days before. Season the mixture. It has to have a strong taste -> beets & pepper taste, so you

should add for that mixture a lot of pepper. After that cook borsch for a few minutes. Serve it on the

beginning of supper with raviolis, mushrooms and a little of cabbage.

Page 17: Cristmas brochure


Dough: 0,5 kg of flour

0,5 glass of boil water + 0,5 glass of milk a pinch of salt an egg

Stuffing: 1,5kg of cabbage

a handful of dried mushrooms one onion 20 dag of bacon oil pepper some spices

Boil cabbage for about 45 minutes in a lot of water, until it is soft. Put cabbage aside to get cold. During that, slice bacon into small pieces and fry it on the frying pan. Slice onion into small pieces and add it to bacon. In the separate bowl put mushrooms and pour boil water there, cover it and leave for about 20 minutes. Chop mushrooms and cabbage into small pieces and pour it into the frying pan. Add spices. Then fry it for about 15 minutes. Pour flour on the table, add salt and an egg, gradually add milk with water and then knead dough. Roll

dough until it is 2mm thick and cut dough with help of glass into circles. Next put stuffing into circles. Put

them into boiling water with a pinch of salt and a table spoon of oil. Wait until they appear on the surface

of water. Boil it for 5 minutes.


Page 18: Cristmas brochure

Vegetable Salad:


4 hard boiled eggs 5 carrots can of peas can of corn 4 cucumbers 3 potatoes

1 onion a small jar of mayonnaise mustard ( only if you want)


Boil the potatoes, being careful not to be broke. Cut them into pieces, like cucumbers , eggs and cooked carrots. Add peas and corn. Add salt, pepper to taste. Mix all vegetables with mayonnaise and a teaspoon of mustard. Put in fridge for 1 hour.

Page 19: Cristmas brochure

Mushroom soup


1 tablespoon of olive oil fresh mushrooms, chopped 1/2 chopped onion

1 teaspoon of dried oregano 1 chopped carrot 1 chopped parsley ( not too much )

one vegetable broth

How to prepare Cook mushrooms, onion, oregano and vegetables with vegetable broth until tender. Stir

occasionally. Add salt, pepper and olive to taste. It should be cooked for 2 hours.

Page 20: Cristmas brochure


Ingredients: 1 cooked fish fillet, 2 potatoes, 1 apple, lemon juice, mayonnaise, 1 onion, ( one can of

peas, 1 cooked carrot – if you want ) How to prepare:

Boil potatoes. Combine fish fillet with chopped potatoes, chopped onion. Add peeled and chopped apple. Mix all the ingredients with 3 tablespoon of mayonnaise. Sprinkle everything with a little of a lemon juice. Ready to serve.

Feel free to add some canned peas and cooked, chopped carrot.

Page 21: Cristmas brochure

Dumplings with poppy seeds

Ingredients :

- 2 eggs -a half glass of warm water - salt

- 25ml of olive oil -200g of wheat flour

How to make dumplings for poppy seeds ?

Put the flour on the table box. Make a hole in the centre, break eggs and season with

salt. Add olive oil. Mix everything, add a bit water from time to time. Knead a uniform

mass. Leave for one hour covering with a dishcloth so that the mass wouldn’t dry. Later

divide the mass into three parts. Leave two parts, roll out one part and cut into stripes.

Boil the stripes in salted water. Take out of the water and mix with the poppy seeds with


Page 22: Cristmas brochure

Pickled herring

Ingredients :

* 500 g of salted herring * 250ml of wine vinegar 3% * 1 onion

* 1 laurel leaf * 1 tsp sugar * 1 seeds pimento

* 3 seeds pepper

Peel, rinse, slice and blanch the onion.

Impress the herring. Remove the skin and remove the fish bones . Cut into 5 cm long pieces. Put into a jar, cover the herring with onion slices. Boil the vinegar with 250 ml water, sugar and season. Chill the marinade and poor

herring . Marinate for 2-5 days . Serve with potatoes or bread.

Page 23: Cristmas brochure

Ingredients: 350g sugar 200g dry plums 1 lemon Vanilla sugar Sodden gingerbread 100g nuts and raisins 1 spoon butter Spice mixture for gingerbread A pinch of salt

Chop and sodden some gingerbread. Boil the water in the pan with 300 g of sugar and add the dry

plums. Boil for five minutes and add blanched lemon skin and sodden gingerbread. Mix all things

and boil. Chop the nuts and raisins ,fry butter and add everything to the mixture. Season with

sugar, juice from one lemon ,vanilla sugar and special spice mixture for gingerbread ,a pinch of salt.

Then mix everything and boil. You have to be careful and try not to burn the dish .Serve hot or cold .


Page 24: Cristmas brochure

Italy’s Christmas Menu

Christmas Menu

Page 25: Cristmas brochure

Zucchini flowers Zucchini flowers

stuffed with stuffed with

ricotta and ricotta and


Ingredients for 6 peopleIngredients for 6 people

15 zucchini flowers15 zucchini flowers

6 desalted anchovies6 desalted anchovies

2 small mozzarella cheese (mozzarella)2 small mozzarella cheese (mozzarella)

For the batter: For the batter:

1 egg1 egg

20 cc of extra virgin olive oil20 cc of extra virgin olive oil

1 pinch of baking soda1 pinch of baking soda

Gas mineral waterGas mineral water


Desalted anchovies, sfilettatele small pieces and scatter Desalted anchovies, sfilettatele small pieces and scatter

it. Cut the mozzarella into small cubes and put them to it. Cut the mozzarella into small cubes and put them to

drain in a colander. Remove flowers from the pistil drain in a colander. Remove flowers from the pistil

being careful not to break the stem rather longish being careful not to break the stem rather longish

petalo.Tenete. Let drain the flowers upside than petalo.Tenete. Let drain the flowers upside than

already. When they are dry, gently inserted into each of already. When they are dry, gently inserted into each of

them a few cubes of mozzarella and some little pieces them a few cubes of mozzarella and some little pieces

of anchovy. Place flowers with one or two teaspoons of of anchovy. Place flowers with one or two teaspoons of

cottage cheese and add some sliver of mortadella. Pass cottage cheese and add some sliver of mortadella. Pass

the stuffed flowers into the batter and fry them, holding the stuffed flowers into the batter and fry them, holding

them by the stem to the wave in plenty of olive oil. them by the stem to the wave in plenty of olive oil.

Serve hot. Add salt after frying.Serve hot. Add salt after frying.

Fiori di zucca ripieni Fiori di zucca ripieni

di ricotta e di ricotta e


Ingredienti per 6 personeIngredienti per 6 persone

15 fiori di zucca15 fiori di zucca

6 acciughe sotto sale dissalate6 acciughe sotto sale dissalate

2 piccola mozzarella (fiordilatte)2 piccola mozzarella (fiordilatte)

Per la pastella:Per la pastella:

1 uovo1 uovo

20 cc di olio extravergine di olive20 cc di olio extravergine di olive

1 pizzico di bicarbonate1 pizzico di bicarbonate

Acqua minerale frittanteAcqua minerale frittante


Dissalate le acciughe, sfilettatele e spezzettatele Dissalate le acciughe, sfilettatele e spezzettatele

piccoli tocchetti. Tagliate la mozzarella a piccoli piccoli tocchetti. Tagliate la mozzarella a piccoli

dadini e mettetala a scolare in uno scolapasta. dadini e mettetala a scolare in uno scolapasta.

Eliminate dai fiori il pistillo facendo attenzione a non Eliminate dai fiori il pistillo facendo attenzione a non

rompere il petalo.Tenete il gambo piuttosto rompere il petalo.Tenete il gambo piuttosto

lunghetto. Fate scolare i fiori a testa in giù. Quando lunghetto. Fate scolare i fiori a testa in giù. Quando

sono asciutti, inserite con delicatezza dentro a sono asciutti, inserite con delicatezza dentro a

ciascuno di essi qualche dadino di mozzarella e ciascuno di essi qualche dadino di mozzarella e

qualche tocchettino di acciuga. Inserite fiori con uno qualche tocchettino di acciuga. Inserite fiori con uno

o due cucchiaini di ricotta e unite qualche o due cucchiaini di ricotta e unite qualche

strisciolina di mortadella. Passate i fiori farciti nella strisciolina di mortadella. Passate i fiori farciti nella

pastella tenendoli per il gambo e friggeteli all’onda pastella tenendoli per il gambo e friggeteli all’onda

in abbondante olio di oliva. Serviteli caldissimi. in abbondante olio di oliva. Serviteli caldissimi.

Salate dopo la frittura.Salate dopo la frittura.

Page 26: Cristmas brochure

Fried thistles Fried thistles

Cardi fritti Cardi fritti

Ingredients for 6 peopleIngredients for 6 people

1.500 Kg. of cards, 1.500 Kg. of cards,

300 gr. flour, 300 gr. flour,

3 eggs,3 eggs,

2 lemons, 2 lemons,

oil of olive, salt. oil of olive, salt.

Preparation of the ThistlesPreparation of the Thistles

Cleaning up the thistles, wash them and hold them Cleaning up the thistles, wash them and hold them

in water for around half an hour time with the in water for around half an hour time with the

lemons cut to half. Drain them and cook for an hour lemons cut to half. Drain them and cook for an hour

around. around.

Preparation of the BatterPreparation of the Batter

Beat the eggs and mixBeat the eggs and mix them together to thethem together to the flour, flour,

a pinch of salt in a container fairly capacious adding a pinch of salt in a container fairly capacious adding

so much in as of the water up to when you'll get a so much in as of the water up to when you'll get a

batter not too dense. batter not too dense.


Drip the thistles and cut them asunder and dip them Drip the thistles and cut them asunder and dip them

in the batter. fry them for a little time, in abundant in the batter. fry them for a little time, in abundant

oil hot. Drip the thistles on of the Scottex paper and oil hot. Drip the thistles on of the Scottex paper and

serve them in a dish of course after given a shower serve them in a dish of course after given a shower

of salt.of salt.

Ingredienti per 6 personeIngredienti per 6 persone

1,500 Kg. di cardi, 1,500 Kg. di cardi,

300 gr.di farina, 300 gr.di farina,

3 uova,3 uova,

2 limoni, 2 limoni,

olio di oliva, sale. olio di oliva, sale.

Preparazione dei CardiPreparazione dei Cardi

Pulite i cardi, lavateli e teneteli in acqua per circaPulite i cardi, lavateli e teneteli in acqua per circa

mezz'ora insieme ai limoni tagliati a metà. mezz'ora insieme ai limoni tagliati a metà.

Scolateli e lessateli per un'ora circa.Scolateli e lessateli per un'ora circa.

Preparazione della PastellaPreparazione della Pastella

Sbattete le uova e mescolateli insieme alla farina, un Sbattete le uova e mescolateli insieme alla farina, un

pizzico di salepizzico di sale in un recipiente abbastanza capiente in un recipiente abbastanza capiente

aggiungendo di tanto in tanto dell'acqua fino a aggiungendo di tanto in tanto dell'acqua fino a

quando avrete ottenuto una pastella non troppo quando avrete ottenuto una pastella non troppo

densa. densa.


Scolate i cardi e tagliateli a pezzi e immergeteli nella Scolate i cardi e tagliateli a pezzi e immergeteli nella

pastella. friggetelipastella. friggeteli pochi per volta, in abbondante pochi per volta, in abbondante

olio ben caldo. sgocciolate i cardi su della carta Scot-olio ben caldo. sgocciolate i cardi su della carta Scot-

tex e serviteli in un piatto di portata dopo avergli tex e serviteli in un piatto di portata dopo avergli

dato una spruzzatina di sale.dato una spruzzatina di sale.


Page 27: Cristmas brochure

Lasagne Lasagne

Ingredients for 6 peopleIngredients for 6 people

600 gr.of white flour, 600 gr.of white flour,

700 gr.of tomatoes, 700 gr.of tomatoes,

300 gr. of ricotta cheese, 300 gr. of ricotta cheese,

50 gr.of grated Pecorino, 50 gr.of grated Pecorino,

3 eggs, 3 eggs,

1 onion, 1 onion,

olive oil, butter, basil, parsley, rooms, pepper.olive oil, butter, basil, parsley, rooms, pepper.

Preparation of the pastaPreparation of the pasta

Mix on a plan the flour with the eggsMix on a plan the flour with the eggs whole, an olive whole, an olive

oil spoon and aoil spoon and a pinch of salt. Spread on a pinch of salt. Spread on a

tablecloth floured the pasta and cut out it in tablecloth floured the pasta and cut out it in

rectangles ofrectangles of 5/75/7 centimetres of side. centimetres of side.

Preparation of the saucePreparation of the sauce

In a low pot, pour an oil glass and make it cook In a low pot, pour an oil glass and make it cook

slow, the onion minced with a spoon ofslow, the onion minced with a spoon of parsley; parsley;

add the peeled tomatoes and spent to sieve and add the peeled tomatoes and spent to sieve and

some leaf of basil. Salt, pepper it, and let cook to some leaf of basil. Salt, pepper it, and let cook to

slow fire the sauce for about slow fire the sauce for about 20 minutes20 minutes. .

Cooking of the LasagneCooking of the Lasagne

Boil the Lasagne in plentiful salt water; drained it, Boil the Lasagne in plentiful salt water; drained it,

putput to layers in a greasy pot of butter and pour on to layers in a greasy pot of butter and pour on

every layer the sauce of tomato, the slices of ricotta every layer the sauce of tomato, the slices of ricotta

cheese and the all ones dustings the grated cheese and the all ones dustings the grated

Pecorino. Pecorino.


Let the whole thing cook in a hot oven (170 Let the whole thing cook in a hot oven (170

degrees), for about degrees), for about 25 minutes25 minutes, and then serve it , and then serve it

as soon as you take it out of the soon as you take it out of the oven.

Ingredienti per 6 personeIngredienti per 6 persone

600 gr.di farina bianca, 600 gr.di farina bianca,

700 gr.di pomodori maturi, 700 gr.di pomodori maturi,

300 gr.di ricotta, 300 gr.di ricotta,

50 gr.di pecorino grattugiato,50 gr.di pecorino grattugiato,

3 uova, 3 uova,

1 cipolla, 1 cipolla,

olio di oliva, burro, basilico, prezzemolo, sale, pepe.olio di oliva, burro, basilico, prezzemolo, sale, pepe.

Preparazione della pastaPreparazione della pasta

Impastate su un piano la farina con le uove intere, Impastate su un piano la farina con le uove intere,

una cucchiaiata di olio di oliva e un pizzico di sale. una cucchiaiata di olio di oliva e un pizzico di sale.

Stendete su una tovaglia infarinata la pastaStendete su una tovaglia infarinata la pasta e ritagli-e ritagli-

atela in rettangoli di atela in rettangoli di 5/75/7 centimetri di lato. centimetri di lato.

Preparazione del sugoPreparazione del sugo

In una pentola bassa versate un bicchiere di olio e In una pentola bassa versate un bicchiere di olio e

fate rosolare, la cipolla tritata con un cucchiaio di fate rosolare, la cipolla tritata con un cucchiaio di

prezzemolo; aggiungete i pomodori sbucciati e pas-prezzemolo; aggiungete i pomodori sbucciati e pas-

sati al setaccio e qualche foglia di basilico. Salate sati al setaccio e qualche foglia di basilico. Salate

pepate e lasciate cuocere a fuoco lento la salsa per pepate e lasciate cuocere a fuoco lento la salsa per

circa circa 20 minuti20 minuti. .

Cottura della lasagneCottura della lasagne

Lessate le lasagne in abbondante acqua salata; sco-Lessate le lasagne in abbondante acqua salata; sco-

latele, mettetele a strati in una teglia unta di burro e latele, mettetele a strati in una teglia unta di burro e

versatele su ogni strato la salsa di pomodoro, le fet-versatele su ogni strato la salsa di pomodoro, le fet-

tine di ricotta e spolverate il tutto con il pecorino tine di ricotta e spolverate il tutto con il pecorino

grattugiato. grattugiato.


Fate gratinare le lasagne alla Mamma Francesca in Fate gratinare le lasagne alla Mamma Francesca in

forno caldissimo (170 °) circa, per circa forno caldissimo (170 °) circa, per circa 25 minuti25 minuti, ,

e servitele appena sfornatee servitele appena sfornate

First Course/ Primo Piatto

Page 28: Cristmas brochure


salad salad

Insalata di Natale Insalata di Natale

Ingredients for 6 peopleIngredients for 6 people

600 gr.of chicory, 600 gr.of chicory,

600 gr.of soothe, 600 gr.of soothe,

200 gr.of green olives, 200 gr.of green olives,

50 gr.of capers, lemon, oil of olive, salt. 50 gr.of capers, lemon, oil of olive, salt.

Preparation of the vegetablesesPreparation of the vegetableses

Wash the vegetableses after cleaning Wash the vegetableses after cleaning

them; boil them for them; boil them for 15 minutes15 minutes in in

plentiful water, therefore drain them and plentiful water, therefore drain them and

let them cool, cut them to big pieces. On a let them cool, cut them to big pieces. On a

plate mix the vegetables with the capers plate mix the vegetables with the capers

( that you will have in precedence washed ( that you will have in precedence washed

and drained), and the stoned olives cut in and drained), and the stoned olives cut in

childs pieces. childs pieces.


Season the everything with oil of olive and Season the everything with oil of olive and

rooms. Trim the plate with some slice of rooms. Trim the plate with some slice of


Ingredienti per 6 personeIngredienti per 6 persone

600 gr.di cicoria, 600 gr.di cicoria,

600 gr.di sedano, 600 gr.di sedano,

200 gr.di olive verdi, 200 gr.di olive verdi,

50 gr.di capperi,50 gr.di capperi, limone, olio di oliva, sale. limone, olio di oliva, sale.

Preparazione delle verdurePreparazione delle verdure

Lavate le verdure dopo averle pulite, quindi Lavate le verdure dopo averle pulite, quindi

l satele per l satele per 15 minuti15 minuti in abbondante ac-in abbondante ac-

qua, sclatele e lasciatele raffreddare quindi qua, sclatele e lasciatele raffreddare quindi

tagliatele a pezzettoni.tagliatele a pezzettoni.

Su un piatto di portata mescolate le verdure Su un piatto di portata mescolate le verdure

con capperi (che avrete in precedenza con capperi (che avrete in precedenza

lavato e sclato), e le olive snocciolate tagli-lavato e sclato), e le olive snocciolate tagli-

ate in piccolo pezzetti. ate in piccolo pezzetti.


Condite il tutto con olio di oliva e sale.Condite il tutto con olio di oliva e sale.

Guarnite il piatto conGuarnite il piatto con qualche fettina di li-qualche fettina di li-

mone. mone.


Page 29: Cristmas brochure

Artichokes to the Artichokes to the

oven oven

Carciofi al forno Carciofi al forno

Ingredients for 6 peopleIngredients for 6 people

6 artichokes with the plugs, 6 artichokes with the plugs,

scratched bread, scratched bread,

60 gr.di pecorino grattugiato, 60 gr.di pecorino grattugiato,

garlic, parsley, 3 lemons, olive oil, salt. garlic, parsley, 3 lemons, olive oil, salt.

Preparation of the artichokesPreparation of the artichokes

You clean the artichokes, removing the You clean the artichokes, removing the

hard parts and the first 10 thorny leaves. hard parts and the first 10 thorny leaves.

therefore cut them to half and boil them in therefore cut them to half and boil them in

water together with a cut lemon to half. water together with a cut lemon to half.

Cooking to the ovenCooking to the oven

Drip the artichokes, and in a greasy bakingDrip the artichokes, and in a greasy baking--

pan of oil, settle'em with the part of the pan of oil, settle'em with the part of the

turned leaves toward the top, add oil, the turned leaves toward the top, add oil, the

grated pecorino cheese that you will have grated pecorino cheese that you will have

mixed together with salt, garlic and minced mixed together with salt, garlic and minced

prezzomolo, a pinch of pepper and some prezzomolo, a pinch of pepper and some

scratched bread. Let the artichokes cook scratched bread. Let the artichokes cook

into anoven at into anoven at 180degrees180degrees for other for other 15 15


Ingredienti per 6 personeIngredienti per 6 persone

6 carciofi con le spine, 6 carciofi con le spine,

pane grattato, pane grattato,

60 gr.di pecorino grattugiato, 60 gr.di pecorino grattugiato,

aglio, prezzemolo, 3 limoni, olio di oliva, aglio, prezzemolo, 3 limoni, olio di oliva,

sale. sale.

Preparazione dei CarciofiPreparazione dei Carciofi

Pulite i carciofi, eliminando le parti durePulite i carciofi, eliminando le parti dure e e

le prime 10 foglie spinose. quindi tagliateli a le prime 10 foglie spinose. quindi tagliateli a

metà e lessateli in acqua per 15 minuti metà e lessateli in acqua per 15 minuti

circa, insieme a un limone tagliato a metà. circa, insieme a un limone tagliato a metà.

Cottura al fornoCottura al forno

Scolate i carciofi, e in una teglia unta di olio, Scolate i carciofi, e in una teglia unta di olio,

adagiateli con la parte delle foglie rivolte adagiateli con la parte delle foglie rivolte

verso l'alto, conditeli con olio, il pecorino verso l'alto, conditeli con olio, il pecorino

grattugiato che avrete mescolato insieme a grattugiato che avrete mescolato insieme a

sale, aglio e prezzemolo tritati, un pizzico di sale, aglio e prezzemolo tritati, un pizzico di

pepe e del pane grattato. Cuocete i carciofi pepe e del pane grattato. Cuocete i carciofi

in forno a in forno a 180 gradi180 gradi per altri per altri 15 minuti15 minuti

circa. .. circa. ..


Page 30: Cristmas brochure

Capon boiled in Capon boiled in

sauce sauce

Cappone lessato Cappone lessato

in salsa in salsa

Ingredients for 6 peopleIngredients for 6 people

1 Capon of two kgs, 1 Capon of two kgs,

200 gr.of oil200 gr.of oil tuna, tuna,

4 salt anchovies, 4 salt anchovies,

2 legs of2 legs of soothe, soothe,

2 carrots, 2 carrots,

1 onion, 1 onion,

30 gr. of capers, 1 lemon, olive oil, rooms. 30 gr. of capers, 1 lemon, olive oil, rooms.

Capon's preparationCapon's preparation

Clean the capon wash it and boil it in plentiful Clean the capon wash it and boil it in plentiful

tasty water with onion soothe and carrots, for tasty water with onion soothe and carrots, for

about an hour. about an hour.

Preparation of the saucePreparation of the sauce

Make the sauce with the cut tuna mix it with a Make the sauce with the cut tuna mix it with a

spoon of washed capers e minced, together spoon of washed capers e minced, together

with the anchovies without salt and a spoon of with the anchovies without salt and a spoon of

minced parsley, adding at last 3 olive oil minced parsley, adding at last 3 olive oil

spoons e some lemon drop. spoons e some lemon drop.


When the capon will be ready please drain it When the capon will be ready please drain it

cut it to pieces and let it cool. cut it to pieces and let it cool.

Serve it strewed with the sauce prepared Serve it strewed with the sauce prepared


Ingredienti per 6 personeIngredienti per 6 persone

1 cappone di circa 2 kg.1 cappone di circa 2 kg.

200 gr.di tonno sott'olio, 200 gr.di tonno sott'olio,

4 acciughe salate, 4 acciughe salate,

2 gambe di sedano, 2 gambe di sedano,

2 carote, 1 cipolla, 2 carote, 1 cipolla,

30 gr. di capperi, 1 limone, olio di oliva, sale. 30 gr. di capperi, 1 limone, olio di oliva, sale.

Preparazione del CapponePreparazione del Cappone

Pulite il cappone lavatelo e lessatelo in abbon-Pulite il cappone lavatelo e lessatelo in abbon-

dante acqua insaporita con cipolla sedano e ca-dante acqua insaporita con cipolla sedano e ca-

rote, per un'ora circa. rote, per un'ora circa.

Preparazione della salsaPreparazione della salsa

Preparate la salsa con il tonno sminuzzato Preparate la salsa con il tonno sminuzzato

mescolatelo ad un cucchiaio di capperi lavati e mescolatelo ad un cucchiaio di capperi lavati e

tritati, insieme con le acciughe diliscate e dis-tritati, insieme con le acciughe diliscate e dis-

salate e un cucchiaio di prezzemolo tritato, ag-salate e un cucchiaio di prezzemolo tritato, ag-

giungendo infine 3 cucchiai di olio di oliva e giungendo infine 3 cucchiai di olio di oliva e

qualche goccia di limone. qualche goccia di limone.


Quando il cappone sarà pronto scolatelo tagli-Quando il cappone sarà pronto scolatelo tagli-

atelo a pezziatelo a pezzi e lasciatelo raffreddare. Servitelo e lasciatelo raffreddare. Servitelo

cosparso con la salsa preparata in precedenza.cosparso con la salsa preparata in precedenza.

Second Course/ Secondo Piatto

Page 31: Cristmas brochure

Bucellato di FichiBucellato di Fichi

Buccellato di Buccellato di



400 gr. di farina per dolci, 400 gr. di farina per dolci,

150 gr.di burro,150 gr.di burro,

250 gr. di fichi secchi, 250 gr. di fichi secchi,

50gr. di pinoli, 50gr. di pinoli,

50 gr. di mandorle sgusciate, 50 gr. di mandorle sgusciate,

50 gr. di noci sgusciate, 50 gr. di noci sgusciate,

100 gr. di miele, 100 gr. di miele,

100 gr. di zucchero, 100 gr. di zucchero,

2 uova, 1 limone, 3 cucchiai di Marsala secco, sale. 2 uova, 1 limone, 3 cucchiai di Marsala secco, sale.

Preparazione dell'impastoPreparazione dell'impasto

Impastate la farina con 2 tuorli d'uovo, 3 cucchiai di Impastate la farina con 2 tuorli d'uovo, 3 cucchiai di

zucchero, il burro ammorbidito, un pizzico di sale e zucchero, il burro ammorbidito, un pizzico di sale e

la buccia grattugiata di un limone. la buccia grattugiata di un limone.

Riposo dell'impastoRiposo dell'impasto

Coprite l'impasto con un tovagliolo, e fatelo riposare Coprite l'impasto con un tovagliolo, e fatelo riposare

per 2 ore. per 2 ore.

Preparazione del ripienoPreparazione del ripieno

Tritate non troppo finemente i fichi secchi, le Tritate non troppo finemente i fichi secchi, le

mandorle, i pinoli e le noci, e mescolate il tutto in un mandorle, i pinoli e le noci, e mescolate il tutto in un

recipiente insieme con la frutta candita tagliuzzata, recipiente insieme con la frutta candita tagliuzzata,

lo zucchero rimasto e 3 cucchiai di marsala, e il lo zucchero rimasto e 3 cucchiai di marsala, e il

miele che avrete sciolto in precedenza. miele che avrete sciolto in precedenza.


Stendete la pasta dandogli una forma rettangolare Stendete la pasta dandogli una forma rettangolare

di circa 50 x 25 e uno spessore di un centimetro di circa 50 x 25 e uno spessore di un centimetro

circa, dove distribuirete il ripieno, che arrotolerete circa, dove distribuirete il ripieno, che arrotolerete

dalla parte più lunga. Chiudete bene il rotolo, dalla parte più lunga. Chiudete bene il rotolo,

premendo bene i bordi, affinché durante la cottura premendo bene i bordi, affinché durante la cottura

non si apra. Date al rotolo la forma di una ciambella non si apra. Date al rotolo la forma di una ciambella

e cuocetela in forno a e cuocetela in forno a 180 gradi180 gradi per per 30 minuti30 minuti



1400 gr.of flour for sweets, 1400 gr.of flour for sweets,

150 gr of butter, 150 gr of butter,

250 gr. of fig trees dry, 250 gr. of fig trees dry,

50gr. of pinoli, 50gr. of pinoli,

50 gr. of almonds shell, 50 gr. of almonds shell,

50 gr. of walnut50 gr. of walnut--trees shell, trees shell,

100 gr. of honey, 100 gr. of honey,

100 gr. of sugar, 100 gr. of sugar,

2 eggs, 1 lemon, 2 eggs, 1 lemon,

3 spoons of dry Marsala, salt. 3 spoons of dry Marsala, salt.

Preparation of the mixesPreparation of the mixes

Mix the flour with 2 yolks of egg, 3 spoons of sugar, Mix the flour with 2 yolks of egg, 3 spoons of sugar,

the softened butter, a pinch of salt and the peel the softened butter, a pinch of salt and the peel

grated of a lemon. grated of a lemon.

Rest of the mixesRest of the mixes

Cover it I mix with a napkin, and rest for 2 hours. Cover it I mix with a napkin, and rest for 2 hours.

Preparation of the stuffingPreparation of the stuffing

Start by mince, but not too much, the fig trees Start by mince, but not too much, the fig trees

notnot dry, the almonds, the pinoli and the walnuts, dry, the almonds, the pinoli and the walnuts,

and mixing the all in an at the same time container and mixing the all in an at the same time container

with the candied fruitwith the candied fruit shred, the stayed sugar and 3 shred, the stayed sugar and 3

spoons of marsala, and the honey that you will have spoons of marsala, and the honey that you will have

loosened in precedence. loosened in precedence.


Stretch the pasta by giving a rectangular form of Stretch the pasta by giving a rectangular form of

around 50 x 25 and a thickness of a centimeter around 50 x 25 and a thickness of a centimeter

around, where you will distribute the stuffing, that around, where you will distribute the stuffing, that

you will roll up from the longer part. Close the roll, you will roll up from the longer part. Close the roll,

pressing the edges well, during the cooking don't pressing the edges well, during the cooking don't

open. Give the roll the form of a bun and cook it in open. Give the roll the form of a bun and cook it in

oven to oven to 180 degrees180 degrees for for 30 minutes30 minutes aroundaround..


Page 32: Cristmas brochure

Ingredients for 6 peopleIngredients for 6 people

600 gr.of ricotta cheese, 600 gr.of ricotta cheese,

200 gr.of grated pecorino, 200 gr.of grated pecorino,

3 eggs, butter, basil, parsley, rooms,3 eggs, butter, basil, parsley, rooms,

pepper,pepper, moscata walnut. moscata walnut.

Preparation of the medleyPreparation of the medley

Spent the ricotta cheese to the sieve making itSpent the ricotta cheese to the sieve making it

fall in a quite capacious little box, add thefall in a quite capacious little box, add the

grated Pecorino Cheese (grated Pecorino Cheese (lleaving one spooneaving one spoon

apart, 3 beaten egg yolksapart, 3 beaten egg yolks)), putting apart the, putting apart the

albumens, what you will mount to snow, aalbumens, what you will mount to snow, a

handful of basil and parsley minced, rooms,handful of basil and parsley minced, rooms,

pepper, and a pinch of Moscata walnut.pepper, and a pinch of Moscata walnut.

Incorparate, mixing the three albumensIncorparate, mixing the three albumens

mounted slowly to snow.mounted slowly to snow.

Pass the butter into a bakingPass the butter into a baking--pan, flour it and pour pan, flour it and pour

the mix on it. the mix on it.


Flatten the surface, dusting with the pecorino Flatten the surface, dusting with the pecorino

cheese envoy from part and cook all into a hot cheese envoy from part and cook all into a hot

oven, to low flame, for oven, to low flame, for 30 minutes.30 minutes. Take outTake out the the

cake and let it get cold, serve it.cake and let it get cold, serve it.

ingredienti per 6 personeingredienti per 6 persone

600 gr.di ricotta, 600 gr.di ricotta,

200 gr.di pecorino grattugiato,200 gr.di pecorino grattugiato,

3 uova, burro, basilico, prezzemolo, sale, pepe, noce 3 uova, burro, basilico, prezzemolo, sale, pepe, noce

moscata. moscata.

Preparazione dell'impastoPreparazione dell'impasto

Passate la ricotta al setaccio facendola cadere in una Passate la ricotta al setaccio facendola cadere in una

terrina abbastanza capiente,aggiungete e mescolate terrina abbastanza capiente,aggiungete e mescolate

il pecorino grattugiato (il pecorino grattugiato (lasciandone da parte una lasciandone da parte una

cucchiaiatacucchiaiata), 3 tuorli d'uovo battuti, (), 3 tuorli d'uovo battuti, (mettendo da mettendo da

parte gli albumi, che monterete a neveparte gli albumi, che monterete a neve), una man-), una man-

ciatina di basilico e prezzemolo tritati, sale, pepe, e ciatina di basilico e prezzemolo tritati, sale, pepe, e

un pizzico di noce moscata. Incorporate, mescolando un pizzico di noce moscata. Incorporate, mescolando

con delicatezza i 3 albumi montati a neve.con delicatezza i 3 albumi montati a neve.

Imburrate una teglia da forno, infarinatela e versate-Imburrate una teglia da forno, infarinatela e versate-

gli l'impasto. gli l'impasto.


Spianate la superfice, spolverate con il pecorino Spianate la superfice, spolverate con il pecorino

messo da parte e fate cuocere il tutto in forno caldo, messo da parte e fate cuocere il tutto in forno caldo,

a fiamma bassa, per a fiamma bassa, per 30 minuti30 minuti..

Sfornate la torta di ricotta e quando si sarà raffre-Sfornate la torta di ricotta e quando si sarà raffre-

data,, servitela.

Ricotta cake Ricotta cake Torta di ricotta Torta di ricotta

Page 33: Cristmas brochure

Cheese and recommended wineCheese and recommended wine

Seasoned Pecorino cheese Seasoned Pecorino cheese

Caciocavallo ragusano Corvo Novello Igt Caciocavallo ragusano Corvo Novello Igt

Sicilia (Duca di Salaparuta)Sicilia (Duca di Salaparuta)

Bianco d'AlcamoBianco d'Alcamo

Cerasuolo di VittoriaCerasuolo di Vittoria

Moscato d'Asti naturaleMoscato d'Asti naturale

Formaggi e vini consigliatiFormaggi e vini consigliati

Pecorino stagionatoPecorino stagionato

Caciocavallo ragusanoCaciocavallo ragusano

Corvo Novello Igt Sicilia (Duca di Salapa-Corvo Novello Igt Sicilia (Duca di Salapa-


Bianco d'AlcamoBianco d'Alcamo

Cerasuolo di VittoriaCerasuolo di Vittoria

Moscato d'Asti naturaleMoscato d'Asti naturale

Cheese and wineCheese and wine Formaggi e viniFormaggi e vini

Page 34: Cristmas brochure

Christmas Portugal’s Menu


Christmas Menu

Page 35: Cristmas brochure

The consoada is the reunion of the family, until they wait for the coming of Father

Christmas at midnight and takes place on the dinner of 24 th December/Christmas Eve, not

in the morning of 25. There are families who reserve an empty place for the persons who

died, but it doesn't happen very often. During the consoada we dinner (boiled codfish and

Portuguese sprouts (in pure olive oil) normally) and then everybody puts lots of desserts in

the table and typical plates (rice pudding with cinamon, "rabandas"-seems like french

toast, "filhoses"-fried desserts, "broas de mel" (pastries made with honey) “Sonhos” -

pumpkin fritters ) Another very traditional desert is the "Bolo Rei" (King's cake) "which is a

wreath-like very rich fruit cake laced with crystallized fruits and pine nuts." There is a little

present inside the cake and a broadbean-who find the broadbean in one slice, must pay

the next “King Cake”.

At midnight, there are also families who attend to the church for a special Midnight Mass,

called "Missa do galo"-"Rooster’s Mass", but it happens more in the interior, who are more


During the Christmas day Portuguese people visit the friends and family and have a big

lunch normally with roast chicken, lamb or turkey.

In Portugal we have many traditions of holiday food, but from North to South, at the

Christmas Eve table, there’s something that you can’t miss: King Cake and Codfish Boiled

With Potatoes, Eggs and Cabbage (dried and salted codfish).

Page 36: Cristmas brochure

The Bolo Rei (King Cake) originated in France and only arrived in Portugal during the mid nineteenth century. It is traditionally eaten on the 25th December (Nativity) and the 6th of January (Epithany). However, the cake is so popular that it is on sale from the end of November through to the Epithany. The bread-like cake is round with a hole in the cen-tre like a crown and decorated with candied fruits and nuts to symbolize the gifts offered by the Magi. The Magi were the wise men who followed the star from the east to worship baby Jesus in Bethlehem. They were later referred to by the Church, as Kings. Hence Bolo Rei.

Inside the Bolo Rei are nuts, candied and dried fruits. There is also a fava bean and ac-cording to one legend, a baker added a fava bean to the cake to settle a dispute as to which of the wise men gave the gifts to baby Jesus. The Magi who found the fava, in his slice of cake, was then selected.

A family tradition in Portugal is that who ever has the slice with the fava bean has to buy or bake next year’s cake

The Bolo Rey

Page 37: Cristmas brochure


1,250 Kg de farinha de trigo

50 g de fermento de padeiro ou 25 g de fermento orgânico

3 dl de leite

250 g açúcar

12 ovos

300 g de manteiga

1 g de sal

150 g de passas

100 g de cidrão doce

100 g de ameixas

100 g de amêndoas

150 g de nozes

150 g de pinhões

frutas cristalizadas


Amassam-se duzentos e cinquenta gramas de farinha de trigo da melhor com cinquenta gramas de fermento de padeiro ou com vinte e cinco gramas de fermento orgânico em pasta, desfeito qualquer deles em um decilitro de leite morno, tapa-se bem e deixa-se a massa a levedar em sítio quente, por cinco a seis horas. À parte deita-se num alguidar um quilo de farinha, amassando-o com duzentos e cinquenta gramas de açúcar em pó, seis ovos inteiros, seis gemas, trezentas gramas de manteiga derretida, um grama de sal fino e dois decilitros de leite, devendo ficar uma massa consistente. Misturam-se os duzentos e cinquenta gramas de farinha que se amassaram com o fermento, amassando tudo bem, e, em estando a mistura bem homogénea, juntam-se cento e cinquenta gramas de passas, cem gramas de cidrão doce cortado miúdo, cem gramas de ameixas de Elvas cortadas aos quartos e sem caroço, cem gramas de amêndoas, cento e cinquenta gramas de nozes cortadas em quatro bocados e cinquenta gramas de pinhões; amassa-se novamente para incorporar bem na massa todos os elementos que se juntam, cobrindo-se com um pano deixando levedar até aumentar o volume de metade, Estando a massa bem levedada, fazem-se bolos em coroa, pondo-se no centro uma tigela ou um copo para não fechar; por cima da massa põem-se algumas ameixas de Elvas cortadas ao meio e pêras ou outras frutas secas cristalizadas e algumas amêndoas, deixando repousar por duas horas, polvilhando com açúcar pilé e pondo-os a cozer no forno com calor forte.

Ingredients for the dough: 1 kg flour 100 g sugar 200 g margarine or butter 5 eggs 50 g yeast 2 cl port 250 ml milk 1 teaspoon salt 50 g candied orange peel 50 g of ground pine nuts 50 g ground walnuts 100 g raisins

For the topping: 50 g candied cherries powdered sugar 1 egg yolk 100 g dried fruit Preparation: Half of the milk is heated and mixed with yeast and ½ teaspoon salt. Then you can walk it in a warm place. Then the yeast with the remaining dough ingredients are kneaded into a dough. The dough must go turn slightly before being shaped into a thick roll. The roll is formed into a circle whose center is a cup made later, so the wreath does not coincide. Finally, the candied cherries and dry fruits are spread on the dough and the yolk is all eingepinselt. At 180 – 200 degrees is the Bolo Rei about 30 minutes and then baked dusted with powdered sugar.

The Bolo Rey

Page 38: Cristmas brochure

Codfish with vegetables and boiled potatoes /

Bacalhau com couves

Ingredients (See note) 2 pounds salt cod, cut into 6 or 8 fillets 1 1/2 pounds potatoes, boiled in their skins and peeled while still hot 1 large head cabbage, cut into 8 pieces, blanched until just tender 12 hard-boiled eggs, sliced in half

For the sauce 3 tablespoons olive oil per person 1 clove garlic per person, minced 1 teaspoon wine vinegar per person

(or less to taste)

Directions 1. Rinse the cod under cold running water to remove any surface salt. Place the fish pieces in a large nonreactive pot, cover with water and refrigerate (covered) for 24 hours, changing the water several times.

2. Pour off the water, and refill with enough boiling water to cover the fish by several inches. Cover the pan with a heavy dishtowel and leave the cod to soak in the hot water for 30 minutes. (If the fish isn’t cooked fully, simmer gently until finished.) Drain the cod, and remove any bits of skin or bone.

3. To make the sauce, bring the oil and garlic to a boil in a small saucepan, remove from the heat, add the vinegar, beat well and serve in a


Note: All these items must be cooked at the last minute, just before serving, so as to be brought to the table at their best. They are served on big platters, separately.


8 postas de bacalhau demolhado e ultracongelado

8 ovos cozidos

4 couves portuguesas

4 dentes de alho

4 dl de azeite

sal e pimenta q.b.

14 batatas

Confecção :Descongele o bacalhau de preferência à temperatura ambiente. Coza o bacalhau em água a ferver em lume brando durante +- 15 minutos. Entretanto, coza os olhos de couve, a que retirou as

folhas duras exteriores. Num outro tacho coza as batatas com casca, previamente lavadas e os ovos. Descasque os dentes de alho e corte-os em rodelas grossas. Leve o azeite ao lume e, assim que estiver quente, junte as rodelas de alho; deixe apenas estalar. Tempere o azeite fora do lume com sal e pimenta. Sirva o bacalhau numa travessa com os ovos cozidos descascados. Numa segunda travessa as batatas e as couves. Deite o azeite com os alhos numa molheira e sirva

Page 39: Cristmas brochure


Ingredients - 1baguette loaf of bread - 1 egg - 200 ml (3/4 cup) milk

- Olive oil -Sugar and cinnamon Total time: less than 15 minutes Preparation: 5 minutes Cooking time: 5 minutes Difficulty: Easy

Method 1.Cut a baguette into 1 cm (1/2") thick 2. remove the crusts; 3.dip into an egg beaten with milk - 1 egg to approximately 200 ml (3/4 c.) milk 4.fry in hot olive oil in a skillet for a few seconds on each side

5. drain; sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon.

Ingredientes : 1 pão de cacete com 500 g 2 dl de leite 6 ovos

Óleo q.b. 1 kg de açúcar 1 pau de canela sal

Confecção: O pão deve ser de véspera. Corta-se em fatias com cerca de um dedo de espessura. Leva-se o leite com uma pitada de sal a ferver e passam-se as fatias de pão neste leite. À medida que se passam as fatias no leite, vão-se colocando num tabuleiro forrado com uma toalha para esta absorver o excesso de leite. Depois passam-se pelos ovos batidos, escorrem-se e fritam-se em óleo bem quente. Leva-se o açúcar ao lume com 5 dl de água e deixa-se ferver até fazer um ponto fraco (pasta). Passam-se as rabanadas nesta calda, que se deve manter neste ponto

(juntando-lhe água) e em lume brando. Colocam-se numa taça à medida que se vão passando pela calda. Leva-se finalmente a calda ao lume, junta-se o pau de canela e deixa-se ferver até fazer ponto de pérola (108º C). Deita-se a calda sobre as rabanadas.

Page 40: Cristmas brochure

Ingredients 1,5 L water 1 tbs butter 100 ml port wine Half a lemon peel 1 cinnamon stick 2,5 dl honey 1 tea cup of sugar a pinch of salt 50 g pinenuts 50 g walnuts 50 g almonds 50 g raisins 250 g bread (2 days old) ground cinnamon for decoration

How to make it In a pan put the water and everything except the bread, nuts and raisins. Let it boil for 15 minutes. Cut the bread in very fine slices and add a small quantity of boiling water to form a paste. Add this paste to the pan carefully (be careful with bumps!), the nuts and the raisins. Boil for 5 minutes, or until forms a smooth paste, stirring always. Put in a plate and, when cold, draw some Christmas motifs with cinnamon.

Christmas Mexidos

Page 41: Cristmas brochure

Ingredients: 1, 5 kg carrots 100g sugar 2 eggs 250g flour Vegetable oil 1 spoon (dessert) pastry yeast 1 lemon Sugar and cinnamon Salt Preparation: Cut (and peal if you prefer) the carrots in half and cook them in water with a pinch of salt for around 25 minutes. Let them dry on a table cloth. Reduce the carrots into a purée, put it in a bowl and add the 100g of sugar and the eggs. Mix well. Add the flour and the pastry yeast. Grate the lemon and add it to the mix. Let it leaven for 30 minutes. Do small quenelles of your dough with 2 spoons and fry them in hot oil (once again careful that it is not too hot). Once fried transfer them into a plate with paper to absorb the excess of oil. Roll them into a mix of sugar and cinnamon.


1,5 kg de cenouras cruas 100 g de açucar 2 ovos 250 g de farinha de trigo azeite para fritar 1 colher (sobremesa) rasa de fermento em pó 1 limão

açucar e canela moída para polvilhar sal Preparação: Corte as cenouras ao meio pelo comprimento e coza-as em água com sal, durante 25 minutos. Escorra sobre um pano dobrado. Reduza a polme, deite-o numa tigela e junte-lhe o açucar, os ovos e bata muito bem. Adicione a farinha previamente misturada e peneirada com o fermento. Misture e aromatize com as raspas da casca de um limão. Bata tudo com uma colher de pau Deixe repousar durante 30 minutos. Depois molde pequenas bolas com o auxílio de duas colheres. Frite (poucos de cada vez) em bastante azeite fervente. Escorra o excesso de gordura sobre folhas de papel absorvente. Mude para uma travessa de louça e polvilhe com açucar misturado com canela

Carrot Filhóses Filhós de Cenoura