cript sheet dc

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Post on 01-Feb-2016




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crib sheet digital communication


, , Energy signals, , , Power Signal, , Power signal periodicRndom Variables: , , Stationary: , Ergodicity: , PSD and Autocorrelation of Function of FT of rect: , White Noise: , , , Gaussian Noise PDF , Impulse Fuct: , Input PSD: , Ideal Filter: , BPF, h(t), Frequency shifted theorm DSB: , = , Binary Detection: Gaus Ran Noise , SNR and Eb/No: , Max SNR: Pe: , , Matched Filter: Input energy signal , , real value signal , Optimal Filter: Hopt=kg(To-t)Correlation realiz matched filter, , Optimization error performance: , , , Antipodal signals: , Orthogonal signals: ISI: BW , DSB BW , Optimal Tx, Rx: , H(t)= (Ht*Hc*Hr)(t)= Raised Cosine pulse, Ht= Root(IHrcI)/(Hc), Hr= Root(IHrcI), Opt Threshold= No\4ATb log(p(o)\P(1)), Pe= 1/2 erfc root( Eb/No), Q(x)= 1/2 erfc (x/root (2)), Pe= Q (root (2Eb/No)),