criminal vocabulary

English Laboratory Sindy Rodríguez [email protected] Crime Vocabulary Crime Vocabulary This criminal does this... The crime Spanish arsonist sets fire to other people's property illegally arson Pirómano assassin kills people for political reasons, or in return for payment assassin ation Asesino bigamist marries more than one person at the same time bigamy Bígamo burglar breaks in to buildings to steal burglary Ladron drug dealer buys and sells illegal drugs drug dealing Traficant e forger makes fake money or documents forgery Falsifica dor hijacker takes control of a vehicle (plane, ship etc) by force and diverts it hijackin g Secuestra dor kidnapper takes people away by force and demands money to free them kidnappi ng Secuestra dor mugger attacks and robs people in a public place mugging Atacador murderer deliberately kills another person murder Homicida pickpocke t steals money etc from other people's pockets pickpock eting Carterist a robber steals money etc, using force or the threat of force robbery Asaltante shoplifte r steals goods from a shop while pretending to be a customer shoplift ing Mechero smuggler moves goods illegally into or out of a country without paying tax smugglin g Contraban dista thief steals property from other people (without using violence) theft Ladrón This criminal does this... The crime Spanish arsonist sets fire to other people's property illegally arson Pirómano assassin kills people for political reasons, or in return for payment assassin ation Asesino

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kidnapper takes people away by force and demands money to free them smuggler moves goods illegally into or out of a country without paying tax does this... The crime Spanish mugger attacks and robs people in a public place mugging Atacador murderer deliberately kills another person murder Homicida pickpocket steals money etc from other people's pockets pickpocketi Carterista This criminal This criminal Crime Vocabulary Crime Vocabulary theft Ladrón hijacking Secuestrador Spanish Asesino


Page 1: criminal  vocabulary

English Laboratory Sindy Rodríguez [email protected]

Crime Vocabulary

Crime VocabularyThis criminal does this... The crime Spanish

arsonist sets fire to other people's property illegally arson Pirómanoassassin kills people for political reasons, or in return for payment assassination Asesinobigamist marries more than one person at the same time bigamy Bígamoburglar breaks in to buildings to steal burglary Ladrondrug dealer buys and sells illegal drugs drug dealing Traficanteforger makes fake money or documents forgery Falsificadorhijacker takes control of a vehicle (plane, ship etc) by force and diverts

ithijacking Secuestrador

kidnapper takes people away by force and demands money to free them kidnapping Secuestradormugger attacks and robs people in a public place mugging Atacadormurderer deliberately kills another person murder Homicidapickpocket steals money etc from other people's pockets pickpocketing Carteristarobber steals money etc, using force or the threat of force robbery Asaltanteshoplifter steals goods from a shop while pretending to be a customer shoplifting Mecherosmuggler moves goods illegally into or out of a country without paying tax smuggling Contrabandistathief steals property from other people (without using violence) theft LadrónThis criminal does this... The crime Spanish

arsonist sets fire to other people's property illegally arson Pirómanoassassin kills people for political reasons, or in return for payment assassination Asesinobigamist marries more than one person at the same time bigamy Bígamoburglar breaks in to buildings to steal burglary Ladrondrug dealer buys and sells illegal drugs drug dealing Traficanteforger makes fake money or documents forgery Falsificadorhijacker takes control of a vehicle (plane, ship etc) by force and diverts it hijacking Secuestradorkidnapper takes people away by force and demands money to free them kidnapping Secuestradormugger attacks and robs people in a public place mugging Atacadormurderer deliberately kills another person murder Homicidapickpocket steals money etc from other people's pockets pickpocketing Carteristarobber steals money etc, using force or the threat of force robbery Asaltanteshoplifter steals goods from a shop while pretending to be a customer shoplifting Mecherosmuggler moves goods illegally into or out of a country without paying tax smuggling Contrabandistathief steals property from other people (without using violence) theft Ladrón