crime analysis and crime mapping information clearinghouse · crime analysis and crime mapping...

Crime Analysis and Crime Mapping Information Clearinghouse This information clearinghouse is provided by the Police Foundation and the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) as part of Grant #97-CN-WX-0005, "The Police Foundation Crime Mapping Laboratory: Enhancing Community Policing and Problem Solving Through Computer Mapping." The clearinghouse provides a comprehensive list of valuable crime analysis and crime mapping resources. This document includes bibliographic and Internet resources that may be useful to practitioners and researchers interested in the disciplines of crime analysis and crime mapping. The bibliographic references are composed of books and articles from academic journals that relate to topics such as crime analysis, cartography, geographic information systems, crime mapping, and Internet mapping. The Internet resources provided at the end of the document include links to law enforcement agencies that have received funding from the COPS Office as well as links to additional sources of information concerning crime analysis and crime mapping. Although every effort has been made to ensure that this guide is comprehensive, it was not possible to include every bibliographic and Internet resource. Therefore, only those resources deemed most relevant by the staff of the Crime Mapping Laboratory have been included. In addition, it should be noted that inclusion of crime analysis and crime mapping software resources does not imply an endorsement or recommendation for any particular product by the Police Foundation or the COPS Office. The Table of Contents below includes hyperlinks to the rest of the document. By simply clicking on a topic of interest in the Table of Contents, the user will be taken to that particular section of the document. Since this document is approximately 30 pages long, users may wish to highlight a section that they would like to print. Otherwise, the entire document will be printed if users select Print from the File menu.

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Page 1: Crime Analysis and Crime Mapping Information Clearinghouse · Crime Analysis and Crime Mapping Information Clearinghouse This information clearinghouse is provided by the Police Foundation

Crime Analysis and CrimeMapping

Information ClearinghouseThis information clearinghouse is provided by the Police Foundation

and the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) as part ofGrant #97-CN-WX-0005, "The Police Foundation Crime MappingLaboratory: Enhancing Community Policing and Problem Solving ThroughComputer Mapping." The clearinghouse provides a comprehensive list ofvaluable crime analysis and crime mapping resources. This documentincludes bibliographic and Internet resources that may be useful topractitioners and researchers interested in the disciplines of crime analysisand crime mapping. The bibliographic references are composed of booksand articles from academic journals that relate to topics such as crimeanalysis, cartography, geographic information systems, crime mapping, andInternet mapping. The Internet resources provided at the end of thedocument include links to law enforcement agencies that have receivedfunding from the COPS Office as well as links to additional sources ofinformation concerning crime analysis and crime mapping. Although everyeffort has been made to ensure that this guide is comprehensive, it was notpossible to include every bibliographic and Internet resource. Therefore,only those resources deemed most relevant by the staff of the CrimeMapping Laboratory have been included. In addition, it should be noted thatinclusion of crime analysis and crime mapping software resources does notimply an endorsement or recommendation for any particular product by thePolice Foundation or the COPS Office.

The Table of Contents below includes hyperlinks to the rest of thedocument. By simply clicking on a topic of interest in the Table ofContents, the user will be taken to that particular section of the document.Since this document is approximately 30 pages long, users may wish tohighlight a section that they would like to print. Otherwise, the entiredocument will be printed if users select Print from the File menu.

Page 2: Crime Analysis and Crime Mapping Information Clearinghouse · Crime Analysis and Crime Mapping Information Clearinghouse This information clearinghouse is provided by the Police Foundation

Table of Contents

I. Bibliographic References

Crime Analysis

Crime Mapping

Cartography (General Map-Making Resources)

Geographic Information SystemsIntroductory ResourcesGeneral ResourcesData IssuesApplications for GIS



Spatial Analysis (General Resources)

Specialized TopicsGlobal Positioning SystemsInternet MappingRemote Sensing

II. Internet Resources

COPS Funded Law Enforcement Agencies

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Links to Crime Analysis and Crime Mapping RelatedSoftware Resources

Links to General Crime Analysis and CrimeMapping Resources

Crime Analysis

Anderson, D. (July, 1990). "Seattle, Tacoma Automate Crime Analysis." The AmericanCity And County, Vol. 105.

Bayley, D.H. (1990). Patterns of Policing: A Comparative International Analysis.Rutgers UP: New Brunswick, NJ.

Bennett, R. (Fall 1991). "Development And Crime: A Cross-National, Time-SeriesAnalysis Of Competing Models." Sociological Quarterly, Vol. 32.

Biderman, A.D. and Lynch, J.P. (1991). Understanding Crime Incidence Statistics.Springer-Verlag: New York.

Blumstein, A. (1986). Criminal Careers and "Career Criminals." National AcademyPress: Washington, DC.

Broder, J. (2000). Risk Analysis and the Security Survey, 2nd Edition. Butterworth-Heinemann: Boston.

Cromwell, P.F., Olson, J.N., and Avary, D.W. (1991). Breaking and Entering: AnEthnographic Analysis of Burglary. Sage: Newbury Park, CA.

D'Addario, F.J. (1989). Loss Prevention Through Crime Analysis. Butterworth-Heinemann: Boston.

Eck, J. and LaVigne, N. (1994). Using Research: A Primer for Law EnforcementManagers, 2nd Edition. Police Executive Research Forum: Washington, DC.

Falk, G. and Falk, C. (1990). Murder: An Analysis of Its Forms, Conditions, andCauses. McFarland: Jefferson, NC.

Figlio, R., Hakim, S., and Rengert, G. (Eds.) (1986). Metropolitan Crime Patterns.Criminal Justice Press: Monsey, NY.

Flowers, R.B. (1989). Demographics and Criminality: The Characteristics of Crime inAmerica. Greenwood Press: Westport, CT.

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Geake, E. (September,1993). "How PC's Predict Where Crime Will Strike." NewScientist, Vol. 140.

Godson, R. (Ed.) (1988). Intelligence Requirements for the 1990's: Collection,Analysis, Counterintelligence and Covert Action. Lexington Books: Lexington,MA.

Goldsmith, V. (Ed.). (2000). Analyzing Crime Patterns: Frontiers of Practice. Sage:Thousand Oaks, CA.

Goldstein, H. (1990). Problem-Oriented Policing. Temple UP: Philadelphia.

Gottlieb, S., Arenberg, S., and Singh, R. (1994). Crime Analysis: From First Report toFinal Arrest. Alpha Publishing: Montclair, CA.

Jones, G.A. (1996). Seduction of Black Criminality: A Psychopolitical Analysis of BlackCrime in America. CGS Communications: Fort Worth, TX.

Jones, H. (Ed.). (1993). Crime and the Urban Environment: The Scottish Experiment.Avebury: Brookfield, VT.

Lein, L. and Rickards, R. (1992). Property Crime Victims: An Analysis of Needs andServices in Texas. LBJ School of Public Affairs: Austin, TX.

Lewis, L. and Farris, E. (1997). Campus Crime and Security at Post SecondaryEducation Institutions. US Department of Education: Washington, DC.

Marche, G.E. (1998). Murder as a Business Decision: An Economic Analysis of aCriminal Phenomena. Austin & Winfield: San Francisco.

Meier, R.F., Kennedy, L.W., and Sacco, V.F. (Eds.) (2000). Advances inCriminological Theory (The Process and Structure of Crime: Criminal Eventsand Crime Analysis). Transaction.

Morris, J. (1986). Crime Analysis Charting. Palmer Enterprises: Orangevale, CA.

Peterson, M. (1994). Applications in Criminal Analysis: A Sourcebook. GreenwoodPress: Westport, CT.

Reuland, M. (Ed.). (1997). Information Management and Crime Analysis:Practitioners' Recipes for Success. Police Executive Research Forum:Washington, DC.

Sasson, T. (1995). Crime Talk: How Citizens Construct a Social Problem. Aldine deGruyter: Hawthorne, NY.

Shelley, T.O. and Grant, A.C. (1998). Problem-Oriented Policing: Crime SpecificProblems, Critical Issues, and Making POP Work. Police Executive ResearchForum: Washington, DC.

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Spelman, W. (1987). Beyond Bean Counting: New Approaches for Managing CrimeData.

Springer, S.S. (1992). Crime Prevention and Control: Index and Analysis of Activity,Success and Services. ABBE: Washington, DC.

Tracy, P.E. and Kempf-Leonard, K. (1996). Continuity and Discontinuity in CriminalCareers. Plenum Press: New York.

Vellani, K.H. and Nahoun, J.D. (2000). Applied Crime Analysis. Butterworth-Heinemann: Boston.

Back to the Table of Contents

Crime Mapping

Alba, R. and Logan, J. (1992). "Analyzing Locational Attainments: ConstructingIndividual-Level Regression Models Using Aggregate Data." SociologicalMethods And Research, Vol. 20 (3).

Bates, S. (1987). Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Crime. Illinois Criminal JusticeInformation Authority: Chicago, IL.

Block, C.R., Dabdoub, M., and Fregly, S. (1995). Crime Analysis Through ComputerMapping. Police Executive Research Forum: Washington, DC.

Block, C.R. and Dabdoub, M. (1993). Workshop on Crime Analysis Through ComputerMapping Proceedings. Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority: Chicago.

Bowers, K. and Hirschfield, A. (1999). "Exploring Links Between Crime AndDisadvantage In North-West England: An Analysis Using GeographicInformation Systems." International Journal Of Geographic InformationScience, Vol. 13 (2), 159.

Brantingham, P.J. and Brantingham, P.L (1981). Environmental Criminology. SagePublications: Beverly Hills, CA.

Brantingham, P.L. and Brantingham, P.J. (1984). Patterns in Crime. MacMillan: NewYork.

COMPASS, Community Mapping, Planning, and Analysis for Safety Strategies. (2000).Program Brief. National Institute of Justice: Washington, DC.

Eck, J. and Weisburd, D. (Eds.) (1995). Crime and Place (Crime Prevention Studies,Volume 4). Willow Tree Press: Monsey, NY.

Page 6: Crime Analysis and Crime Mapping Information Clearinghouse · Crime Analysis and Crime Mapping Information Clearinghouse This information clearinghouse is provided by the Police Foundation

Evans, D. and Herbert, D. (Eds.) (1989). The Geography of Crime. Routledge: NewYork.

Fyfe, N. (1991). "The Police, Space and Society: The Geography of Policing." Progressin Human Geography, Vol. 5 (3).

Georges, D. (1978). The Geography of Crime and Violence: A Spatial and EcologicalPerspective. Association of American Geographers: Washington, DC.

Georges-Abeyie, D. and Harries, K. (1980). Crime: A Spatial Perspective. ColumbiaUP: New York.

Hakim, S. and Rengert, G. (Eds.) (1981). Crime Spillover. Sage Publications: BeverlyHills, CA.

Harries, K. (1974). The Geography of Crime and Justice. McGraw-Hill: New York.

Harries, K. (1980). Crime and Environment. Charles C. Thomas: Springfield, IL.

Harries, K. (1990). Geographic Factors in Policing. Police Executive Research Forum:Washington, DC.

Harries, K. (1997). Serious Violence: Patterns of Homicide and Assault in America-2nd

Edition. Charles C. Thomas: Springfield, IL.

Harries, K. (1999). Mapping Crime: Principle and Practice. US Department of Justice,Office of Justice Programs: Washington, DC.

Herbert, D. (1982). The Geography of Urban Crime. Longman: New York.

Hirschfield, A., Brown, P., and Todd, P. (1995). "GIS and the Analysis of Spatially-Referenced Crime Data: Experiences in Merseyside, UK." International Journalof Geographic Information Science, Vol. 9 (2), 191.

Hirschfield, A. and Bowers, K. (Eds.) (2001). Mapping and Analysing Crime Data:Lessons from Research and Practice.

Johnson, S.D., Bowers, K., and Hirschfield, A. (1997). "New Insights Into the Spatialand Temporal Distribution of Repeat Victimization." British Journal ofCriminology, Vol. 37, 224.

LaVigne, N. and Wartell, J. (Eds.) (1998). Crime Mapping Case Studies: Successes inthe Field, Volume 1. Police Executive Research Forum: Washington, DC.

LaVigne, N. and Wartell, J. (Eds.) (2000). Crime Mapping Case Studies: Successes inthe Field, Volume 2. Police Executive Research Forum: Washington, DC.

Maltz, M., Gordon, A., and Friedman, W. (1991). Mapping Crime in its CommunitySetting: Event Geography Analysis. Springer-Verlag: New York.

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O'Kane, J., Fisher, R., and Green, L. (1994). "Mapping Campus Crime." SecurityJournal, Vol. 5 (3).

Openshaw, S. (April 1993). "GIS 'Crime' and 'Criminality'." Environment andPlanning, Vol. 25 (4), 451.

Pilant, L. (1997). "Spotlight on Computerized Mapping." The Police Chief, Vol. 64(12), 60.

Ratcliffe, J.H. and Mccullagh, M.J. (1998). "Aoristic Crime Analysis." InternationalJournal of Geographic Information Science, Vol. 12 (7), 751.

Ratcliffe, J.H. and Mccullagh, M.J. (1998). "Identifying Repeat Victimization withGIS." The British Journal of Criminology, Vol. 38 (4), 651.

Rich, T. (1995). The Use of Computerized Mapping in Crime Control and PreventionPrograms. U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs: Washington,DC.

Rossmo, D.K. (2000). Geographic Profiling. CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL.

Smith, S. (1986). Crime, Space, and Society. Cambridge UP: Cambridge, UK.

Turnbull, L.S., Hendrix, E.H., and Dent, B.D. (Eds.) (2000). Atlas of Crime: Mappingthe Criminal Landscape. Oryx Press.

Weisburd, D. and McEwen, T. (Eds.) (1998). Crime Mapping and Crime Prevention.Willow Tree: Monsey, NY.

Williams, R. (1986). "Computerized Crime Map Spots Crime Patterns." Law andOrder, Vol. 34 (1).

Back to the Table of Contents

CartographyGeneral Map-Making Resources

Board on Earth Sciences and Resources, Commission on Geosciences. (1997).Rediscovering Geography: New Relevance for Science and Society. NationalAcademy Press: Washington, DC.

Bodger, J.A.N. (1985). Principles of Cartography. Technical Publications Trust: Perth,Australia.

Brannon, G. (1992). Practical Cartography. Escart Press: Ontario, Canada.

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Bugayevskiy, L. and Snyder, J. (1995). Map Projections: A Reference Manual. Taylor& Francis: London.

Campbell, J. (1984). Introductory Cartography. Prentice Hall: Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

Campbell, T. (1987). The Earliest Printed Maps, 1472-1500. UC Press: Berkeley, CA.

Cuff, D.J. and Mattson, M.T. (1982). Thematic Maps: Their Design and Production.Methuen: London.

Dent, B.D. (1999). Cartography: Thematic Map Design. McGraw-Hill: New York.

Dorling, D. and Fairbairn, D. (1997). Mapping: Ways of Representing the World.Longman: London.

Dutton, G. (1999). A Hierarchical Coordinate System for Geoprocessing andCartography. Springer: New York.

Garson, G.D. and Biggs, R.S. (1992). Analytic Mapping and Geographic Databases.Sage: Newbury Park, CA.

Golledge, R. and Stimson, R. (1997). Spatial Behavior: A Geographic Perspective.Guilford Press: New York.

Joao, E. (1998). Causes and Consequences of Map Generalisation. Taylor & Francis:London.

Keates, J.S. (1989). Cartographic Design and Production. Addison-Wesley: Boston,MA.

Kraak, M. and Ormeling, F. (1997). Cartography: Visualization of Spatial Data.Longman: Harlow, England.

Lawrence, G.R.P. (1979). Cartographic Methods, 2nd Edition. Methuen: London.

Loxton, J. (1980). Practical Map Production. John Wiley and Sons: Chichester,England.

MacEachren, A. and Taylor, D.R.F. (Eds.). (1994). Visualization in ModernCartography. Pergamon: New York.

MacEachren, A. (1994). Some Truth With Maps: A Primer on Symbolization andDesign. Association of American Cartographers: Washington, DC.

MacEachren, A. (1995). How Maps Work: Representation, Visualization, and Design.Guilford Press: New York.

McDonnell, P. (1979). Introduction to Map Projections. M. Dekker: New York

Maling, D.H. (1992). Coordinate Systems and Map Projections. Pergamon Press:Elmsford, NY.

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Misra, R.P. (1969). Fundamentals of Cartography. South Asia Books: Prasaranga.

Monkhouse, F.J. and Wilkinson, H.R. (1971). Maps and Diagrams: Their Compositionand Construction, 3rd Edition. Methuen: London.

Monmonier, M. (1996). How to Lie with Maps. University of Chicago Press: Chicago.

Monmonier, M. (1993). Mapping It Out: Expository Cartography for the Humanitiesand Social Sciences. University of Chicago Press: Chicago.

Muehrcke, P.C. and Muehrcke, J.O. (1998). Map Use: Reading, Analysis, andInterpretation, 4th Edition. JP Publications: Madison, WI.

Noyes, L. (1980). "The Positioning of Type on Maps: The Effect of SurroundingMaterial on Word Recognition Time." Human Factors, Vol. 22 (3), 353-360.

Nyerges, T. (1989). "Schema Integration Analysis for GIS Database Development."International Journal of Geographic Information Systems, Vol. 3 (2), 153-183.

Nyerges, T. (1991). "Geographic Information Abstractions: Conceptual Clarity forGeographic Modeling." Environment and Planning A, Vol. 23, 1483-1499.

Nyerges, T. (January, 1991). "Analytical Map Use." Cartography and GeographicInformation Systems (formerly The American Cartographer), Vol. 18 (1), 11-22.

Nyerges, T. and Jankowski, P. (1989). "A Knowledge Base for Map ProjectionSelection." The American Cartographer, Vol. 16 (1), 29-38.

Peterson, M. (1995). Interactive and Animated Cartography. Prentice Hall: EnglewoodCliffs, NJ.

Phillips, R.J. and Noyes, L. (1980). "A Comparison of Colour and Visual Texture asCodes for Use as Area Symbols on Thematic Maps." Ergonomics, Vol. 23, 1117-1128.

Phillips, R.J. (1979). "An Experiment with Contour Lines." Cartographic Journal, Vol.16, 72-76.

Phillips, R.J. (1981). "Estimating the Area of Peripheral Vision Employed for MapSearch." Cartography, Vol. 12, 330-346.

Phillips, R.J., De Lucia, A., and Skelton, N. (1975). "Some Objective Tests of theLegibility of Relief Maps." Cartographic Journal, Vol. 12, 39-46.

Phillips, R.J. and Noyes, L. (1977). "Searching for Names in Two City Street Maps."Applied Ergonomics, Vol. 8, 73-77.

Phillips, R.J. and Noyes L. (1978). "An Objective Comparison of Relief Maps Producedwith the SYMAP and SYMVU Programs." Bulletin of the Society of UniversityCartographers, Vol. 12, 13-25.

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Phillips, R.J., Noyes, L., and Audley, R.J. (1977). "The Legibility of Type on Maps."Ergonomics, Vol. 20, 671-682.

Phillips, R.J., Noyes, L., and Audley, R.J. (1978) "Searching for Names on Maps."Cartographic Journal, Vol. 15, 72-77.

Portinaro, P. and Knirsch, F. (1987). The Cartography of North America, 1500-1800.Crescent Books: New York.

Raisz, E. (1948). General Cartography, 2nd Edition. McGraw Hill Book Co.: New York.

Robinson, A., Morrison, J., and Muehrcke, P. (1995). Elements of Cartography. JohnWiley & Sons: Chichester, England.

Robinson, A.H. and Petchenik, B.B. (1976). The Nature of Maps: Essays TowardUnderstanding Maps and Mapping. University of Chicago Press: Chicago.

Snyder, J. (1989). Map Projections: A Working Manual. US GPO: Washington, DC.

Snyder, J. (1993). Flattening the Earth: Two Thousand Years of Map Projections.University of Chicago Press: Chicago.

Taylor, D.R.F. (Ed.). (1998). Policy Issues in Modern Cartography. Pergamon: NewYork.

Taylor, D.R.F., Ormeling, F.J., and Rhind, W.D. (1989). Cartography Past, Present,and Future. Elsevier: New York.

Thrower, N. (1996). Maps and Civilization: Cartography in Culture and Society, 2nd

Edition. University of Chicago Press: Chicago.

Tomlin, C.D. (1990). Geographic Information Systems and Cartographic Modeling.Prentice Hall: Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

Tufte, E. (1991). Envisioning Information. Graphics Press: Cheshire: CT.

Tufte, E. (1997). Visual Explanations: Images and Quantities, Evidence and Narrative.Graphics Press: Cheshire, CT.

Tyner, J. (1992). Introduction to Thematic Cartography. Prentice Hall: EnglewoodCliffs, NJ.

Westfall, C.Z. (1984). Basic Graphics and Cartography. University of Maine at OronoPress: Orono, ME.

Wood, C. and Keller, P. (1996). Cartographic Design: Theoretical and PracticalPerspectives. John Wiley & Sons: Chichester, England.

Wood, D. (1992). The Power of Maps. Guilford Press: New York.

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Geographic Information SystemsIntroductory Resources

Bernhardsen, T. (1999). Geographic Information Systems: An Introduction, 2nd Edition.Wiley: New York.

Clarke, K. (1998). Getting Started with Geographic Information Systems, 2nd Edition.Prentice Hall: Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

Heywood, I. and Cornelius, S. (1999). An Introduction to Geographical InformationSystems. Addison-Wesley Longman: Boston, MA.

Peuquet, D. (1990). Introductory Readings in Geographic Information Systems. Taylor& Francis: New York.

Star, J. and Estes, J. (1990). Geographic Information Systems: An Introduction.Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

Back to the Table of Contents

Geographic Information SystemsGeneral Resources

Aangeenbrug, R.T., Schultz, K., and Hafan, M. (1992). A Bibliographic Analysis ofStatewide Geographic Information Systems, 1970-1990. Sage: Newbury Park,CA.

Arlinghaus, S.L. (Ed.) (1994). Practical Handbook of Digital Mapping: Terms andConcepts. CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL.

Aronoff, S. (1991). Geographic Information Systems: A Management Perspective.WDL Publications: Ottawa, Ontario.

Antenucci, J. (1991). Geographic Information Systems: A Guide to the Technology.Van Nostrand Reinhold: New York.

Berry, J.K. (1996). Beyond Mapping: Concepts, Algorithms, and Issues in GIS. GISWorld: Fort Collins, CO.

Birkin, M., Clarke, G., and Wilson, A. (1996). Intelligent GIS: Location Decisions andStrategic Planning. Wiley: New York.

Burrough, P. (1998). Principles of Geographical Information Systems. Oxford UP: NewYork.

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Campbell, H and Masser, I. (1995). GIS and Organizations: How Effective are GIS inPractice? Taylor and Francis: Bristol, PA.

Castle, G. (1993). Profiting from a Geographic Information System. GIS World: FortCollins, CO.

Chrisman, N. (1997). Exploring Geographic Information Systems. John Wiley & Sons:Chichester, England.

Clarke, K. (1995). Analytical and Computer Cartography. Prentice Hall: EnglewoodCliffs, N.J.

Curry, M. (1998). Digital Places: Living With Geographic Information Technologies.Routledge: New York.

Davis, B. (1996). Geographic Information Systems: A Visual Approach. OnWord Press:Albany, NY.

DeMers, M. (2000). Fundamentals of Geographical Information Systems, 2nd Edition.John Wiley & Sons: Chichester, England.

Egenhofer, M. and Golledge, R. (1998). Spatial and Temporal Reasoning in GeographicInformation Systems. Oxford UP: New York.

Foresman, T. (1997). The History of Geographic Information Systems: Perspectivesfrom the Pioneers. Prentice Hall: Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

Frank, A.U. and Campari, I. (Eds.) (1993). Spatial Information Theory: A TheoreticalBasis for GIS. Springer-Verlag: New York.

GIS World Books. (1995). GIS World Sourcebook 1995. GIS World: Fort Collins, CO.

Goodchild, M. (1999). Interoperating Geographic Information Systems. KluwerAcademic Publishers: Boston.

Green, D. (1996). The AGI Source Book for Geographic Information Systems 1996.Taylor and Francis: Bristol, PA.

Healey, R. (1997). Parallel Processing Algorithms for GIS. Taylor & Francis: Bristol,PA.

Hearnshaw, H. and Unwin, D. (Eds.). (1994). Visualization in GeographicalInformation Systems. Wiley & Sons: Chichester, England.

Hochberg, L. (1999). Geographic Information Systems: A Handbook for the SocialSciences.

Hohl, P. (Ed.) (1997). GIS Data Conversion: Strategies, Techniques, and Management.OnWord Press: Santa Fe, NM.

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Huxhold, W. and Levinsohn, A. (1995). Managing Geographic Information SystemProjects. Oxford UP: New York.

Johnson, I., Petterson, C.B., and Fulton, J.L. (1992). Geographic Information Systems(GIS) and Mapping: Practices and Standards. ASTM: Philadelphia.

Jones, C. (1997). Geographical Information Systems and Computer Cartography.Longman: Harlow, England.

Keates, J.S. (1989). Cartographic Design and Production. Wiley: New York.

Korte, G.B. (1997). The GIS Book: Understanding the Value and Implementation ofGeographic Information Systems. OnWord Press: Santa Fe, NM.

Kraak, J. (1997). Advances in GIS Research II: Proceedings of the SeventhInternational Symposium on Spatial Data Handling. Taylor & Francis: NewYork.

Langran, G. (1992). Time in Geographic Information Systems. Taylor & Francis: NewYork.

Laurini, R. and Thompson, D. (1992). Fundamentals of Spatial Information Systems.Academic Press: London.

Leung, Y. (1997). Intelligent Spatial Decision Support Systems. Springer-Verlag: NewYork.

Longley, P., Goodchild, M., and Maguire, D. (Eds.) (1999). Geographical InformationSystems. John Wiley & Sons: Chichester, England.

Longley, P. (Ed.) (1998). Geocomputation: A Primer. Wiley: New York.

Madej, E. (2000). Cartographic Design Using ArcView GIS. OnWord Press: Santa Fe,NM.

Maguire, D., Goodchild, M., and Rhind, D. (Eds.) (1991). Geographical InformationSystems: Principles and Applications. Wiley: New York.

Masser, I. and Blakemore, M. (1991). Handling Geographical Information:Methodology and Potential Applications. Wiley: New York.

Masser, I. (1996). GIS Diffusion: The Adoption and Use of Geographical InformationSystems in Local Government in Europe. Taylor & Francis: Bristol, PA.

McDonald, S.J. (1999). GIS in Practice. OnWord Press: Santa Fe, NM.

McDonnell, R. and Kemp, K. (1996). The International GIS Dictionary. Wiley andSons: New York.

McMaster, R. and Stuart, K. (1992). Generalization in Digital Cartography. Associationof American Cartography.

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Miller, R. (1991). Survey on Geographic Information Systems. Future TechnologySurveys.

Morgan, J. (1996). 1996 Directory of Academic GIS Education. Kendall/HuntPublishing Company: Dubuque, IA.

Muller, J.C., Lagrange, J.P., and Weibel, R. (1995). GIS and Generalization:Methodology and Practice. Taylor & Francis: London.

Nyerges, T. as Chair of the Technical Subcommittee, "A Proposed Standard for DigitalSpatial Data Transfer." Task Force on Digital Cartographic Data Standards, TheAmerican Cartographer, Vol. 15 (1), 1988.

Obermeyer, N. and Pinto, J. (1994). Managing Geographic Information Systems.Guilford Press: New York.

Ooi, B.C. (1991). Efficient Query Processing in Geographic Information Systems.Springer-Verlag: New York.

Parker, D. (1996). Innovations in GIS III. Taylor & Francis: New York.

Pickles, J. (Ed.) (1995). Ground Truth: The Social Implications of GeographicInformation Systems. Guilford Press: New York.

Plewe, B. (1997). GIS Online: Information Retrieval, Mapping, and the Internet.OnWord Press: Albany, NY.

Quattrochi, D. and Goodchild, M. (Eds.). (1997). Scale in Remote Sensing and GIS.Lewis Publishers: Boca Raton, FL.

Raper, J. (Ed.) (1989). Three Dimensional Applications in Geographical InformationSystems. Taylor & Francis: New York.

Reinhardt, D. (1992). Geographic Information Systems: A Global Perspective. CutterInformation:

Taylor, D.R.F. (Ed.) (1991). Geographic Information Systems: The Microcomputer andModern Cartography. Pergamon: New York.

U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic and Statistics Administration. (1991)."TIGER Questions and Answers." Bureau of the Census: Washington, DC.

Van Kreveld, M., Roos, T., and Nievergelt, J. (Eds.) (1997). Algorithmic Foundationsof Geographic Information Systems. Springer: New York.

Vckovski, A. (1998). Interoperable and Distributed Processing in GIS. Taylor &Francis: Bristol, PA.

Verbyla, D.L., Chang, K.T., and Chang, K. (1997). Processing Digital Images inGeographic Information Systems: A Tutorial Featuring ArcView and Arc/INFO.OnWord Press: Santa Fe, NM.

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Walker, T. and Miller, R. (1990). Geographic Information Systems: An Assessment ofTechnology, Applications, and Products. SEAI Technical Publications.

Worboys, M. (1995). GIS: A Computing Perspective. Taylor & Francis: Bristol, PA.

Wright, D., Goodchild, M., and Practor, J. (1997). "Demystifying the PersistentAmbiguity of GIS as "Tool Versus Science." Annals of the Association ofAmerican Geographers, Vol. 87 (2), 346-362.

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Geographic Information SystemsData Issues

Adam, N. and Gangopadhyay, A. (1997). Database Issues in Geographic InformationSystems. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Boston, MA.

Breunig, M. (1996). Integration of Spatial Information for Geo-Information Systems.Springer: New York.

Burrough, P.A. and Frank, A. (Eds.) (1996). Geographic Objects with IndeterminateBoundaries. Taylor & Francis: London.

Chan, K. and Lyon, J. (1999). Digest: A Primer for the International GIS Standard.Lewis Publishers: Boca Raton, FL.

Goodchild, M. and Gopal S. (Eds.) (1989). The Accuracy of Spatial Databases. Taylor& Francis: London.

Goodchild, M. and Shiren, Y. (1989). A Hierarchical Spatial Data Structure for GlobalGeographic Information Systems. NCGIA/Geography Department: Washington,DC.

Guptill, S. and Morrison, J. (Eds.) (1995). Elements of Spatial Data Quality. Elsevier:Oxford, UK.

Hohl, P. (Ed.) (1998). GIS Data Conversion: Strategies, Techniques, and Management.OnWord Press: Santa Fe, NM.

Mapping Science Committee. (1993). Toward a Coordinated Spatial DataInfrastructure for the Nation. National Academy Press: Washington, DC.

Mather, P. (Ed.) (1994). Geographic Information Handling: Research andApplications. John Wiley & Sons: Chichester, England.

Moellering, H. (Ed.). (1991). Spatial Database Transfer Standards: CurrentInternational Status. Elsevier: New York.

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Montgomery, G. and Schuch, H. (1993). GIS Data Conversion Handbook. GIS World:Fort Collins, CO.

Onsrud, H. and Rushton, G. (Eds.) (1995). Sharing Geographic Information. Centerfor Urban Policy Research: New Brunswick, NJ.

Robinson, V. and Tom, H. (1998). Towards SQL Database Language Extensions: ForGeographic Information Systems. Diane Publishing.

Watson, D. (1992). Contouring: A Guide to the Analysis and Display of SpatialData/Book and Disk (Computer Methods in the Geosciences). Pergamon: NewYork.

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Geographic Information SystemsApplication: Community

Davis, D.E. (1999). GIS for Everyone: Exploring Your Neighborhood and Your Worldwith a Geographic Information System. ESRI Press: Redlands, CA.

Mitchell, A. (1997). Zeroing in: Geographic Information Systems at Work in theCommunity. ESRI Press: Redlands, CA.

Geographic Information SystemsApplication: Urban

Huxhold, W. (1991). An Introduction to Urban Geographic Information Systems.Oxford UP: New York.

Huxhold, W. (1997). GIS County User Guide: Laboratory Exercises in UrbanGeographic Information Systems. Oxford UP: New York.

Warnecke, L., Beattie, J., and Kollin, C. (1998). Geographic Information Technology inCities and Counties: A Nationwide Assessment. American Forests: Washington,DC.

Geographic Information SystemsApplication: Government

GIS World Books. (1995). GIS in Government: The Federal Perspective, 1994.

Greene, R.W. (2000). GIS in Public Policy: Using Geographic Information for MoreEffective Government. ESRI Press: Redlands, CA.

Masser, I. (1998). Governments and Geographic Information. Taylor & Francis:London.

O'Looney, J. (1997). Beyond Maps: GIS & Decision Making in Local Government.ICMA: Washington, DC.

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Opitz, B. (Ed.). (1986). Geographic Information Systems in Government. A. Deepak:Hampton, VA.

Geographic Information SystemsApplication: Environmental

Bonham-Carter, G. (1994). Geographic Information Systems for Geoscientists:Modeling with GIS. Pergamon: New York.

Douglas, W. (1995). Environmental GIS: Applications to Industrial Facilities. LewisPublishers: Boca Raton, FL.

GIS World Books. (1994). Incarto: GIS for Environmental Studies and Mapping.

Goodchild, M., Parks, B., and Steyaert, L. (Eds.) (1993). Environmental Modeling withGIS. Oxford UP: New York.

Goodchild, M. (Ed.) (1996). GIS and Environmental Modeling: Progress and ResearchIssues. GIS World Books: Fort Collins, CO.

Heunclink, G. (1998). Error Propagation in Environmental Modeling with GIS. Taylor& Francis: London.

McCloy, K. (1995). Resource Management Information Systems: Process and Practice.Taylor & Francis: London.

Geographic Information SystemsApplication: Other

Aldenderfer, M., and Maschner, H. (Eds.) (1996). Anthropology, Space, andGeographic Information Systems. Oxford UP: New York.

Ball, D., and Babbage, R. (Eds.) (1989). Geographic Information Systems: DefenceApplications. Brassey's: Australia.

Cho, G. (1998). Geographic Information Systems and the Law: Mapping the LegalFrontiers. John Wiley & Sons: Chichester, England.

Grimshaw, D. (1994). Bringing Geographical Information Systems Into Business.Longman: New York.

Hanna, K.C. and Culpepper, R.B. (1998). GIS and Site Design: New Tools for DesignProfessionals. John Wiley & Sons: Chichester, England.

Lang, L. (1999). Transportation GIS. ESRI Press: Redlands, CA.

Lock, G. and Stancic, Z. (1995). Archeology and GIS: A European Perspective. Taylorand Francis: London.

Longley, P. and Clarke, G. (Eds.) (1995). GIS for Business and Service Planning.GeoInformation International: Cambridge, England.

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Martin, D. (1996). Geographic Information Systems: Socioeconomic Applications.Routledge: New York.

Morain, S. (Ed.) (1998). GIS Solutions in Natural Resource Management: Balancingthe Technical-Political Equation. OnWord Press: Santa, Fe, NM.

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Geographic Information SystemsSoftware

Arc/Info (AML)

(1995). Arc/INFO Tips and Tricks. OnWord Press: Santa Fe, NM.ESRI. (1997). ARC Macro Language Workbook with CD. ESRI Press: Redlands, CA.

ESRI. (1997). Understanding GIS: The Arc/INFO Method. ESRI Press: Redlands, CA.

Flynn, J. and Pitts, T. (2000). Inside Arc/INFO Version 8, 2nd Edition. Delmar: Albany,NY.

Kreis, B. (1995). Arc/INFO Quick Reference. OnWord Press: Santa Fe, NM.

Zeiler, M. (1996). Inside Arc/INFO. OnWord Press: Santa Fe, NM.

ArcView (Avenue)

Alexander, J. and Warwick, V. (1997). 101 ArcView/Avenue Scripts: The Disk (Version3). OnWord Press: Santa Fe, NM.

ESRI. (Ed.) (1999). Getting to Know ArcView GIS. ESRI Press: Redlands, CA.

Harder, C. (1997). ArcView GIS Means Business. ESRI Press: Redlands, CA.

Hayes, B. (1999). Modeling the Environment with ArcView GIS.

Hohl, P. and Mayo, B. (1997). ArcView GIS Exercise Book. OnWord Press: Santa Fe,NM.

Hutchinson, S. and Daniel, L. (1999). Inside ArcView GIS, 3rd Edition. OnWord Press:Santa Fe, NM.

Ornsby, T. and Alvi, J. (1999). Extending ArcView GIS with Network Analyst, SpatialAnalyst, and 3D Analyst. ESRI Press: Redlands, CA.

Razavi, A. (1999). ArcView GIS/Avenue Developer's Guide, 3rd Edition. OnWordPress: Santa Fe, NM.

Razavi, A., Warwick, V., and Alexander, J. (1999). ArcView GIS/Avenue Programmer'sReference, 3rd Edition. OnWord Press: Santa Fe, NM.


Caliper. (1997). Maptitude: Geographic Information System for Windows, Verson 4.0.Caliper Press: Newton, MA.


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Hartman, R. (1997). Focus on GIS Component Technology: Featuring ESRI'sMapObjects. OnWord Press: Santa Fe, NM.

Atlas GIS

ESRI. (1996). Atlas GIS Tutorial. ESRI Press: Redlands, CA.

MapInfo (MapBasic)

Daniel, L., Whitener, A, and Loree, P. (1999). Inside MapInfo Professional, 2nd Edition.OnWord Press: Santa Fe, NM.

Johnson, I. (1996). Understanding MapInfo: A Structured Guide. ArcheologicalComputing Laboratory.

Whitener, A. (1998). Minding Your Business With MapInfo Professional. OnWordPress: Santa Fe, NM.

Whitener, A. and Ryker, B. (1997). MapBasic Developer's Guide. OnWord Press: SantaFe, NM.


ERDAS. (1997). ERDAS Field Guide.


Harmon, D. and Limp, W.F. (1999). Inside GeoMedia. OnWord Press: Santa Fe, NM.


Eastman, J.R. (1997). IDRISI for Windows, Version 2.0. Clark University: Worcester,MA.


Hulse, L. (1992). Mac GIS 2.0: A Geographic Information System for the MacIntosh.Harper Collins.


DeLacey, M. (1995). Inside ArcCAD. OnWord Press: Santa Fe, NM.

Holtz, W.B. (1995). The CAD Rating Guide: A Tool for the Evaluation of Computer-Aided Design. Z.E.M. Press.

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Spatial AnalysisGeneral Resources

Berry, J. (1995). Spatial Reasoning for Effective GIS. GIS World: Fort Collins, CO.

Chan, Y. (1996). Exploring Spatial Analysis in GIS. On Word Press: Santa Fe, NM.

Chou, Y. (1996). Exploring Spatial Analysis in Geographic Information Systems.OnWord Press: Santa Fe, NM.

Cliff, A. and Ord, J. (1981). Spatial Processes: Models and Applications. Pion Limited:London.

Earickson, R. and Harlin, J. (1994). Geographic Measurement and QuantitativeAnalysis. Maxwell Macmillan International: New York.

Fisher, M. and Gretis, A. (1997). Recent Developments in Spatial Analysis: SpatialStatistics, Behavioural Modeling, and Computational Intelligence (Advances inSpatial Science).

Fisher, M. and Nijkamp, P. (1993). Geographic Information Systems, Spatial Modellingand Policy Evaluation. Springer-Verlag: New York.

Fotheringham, S. and Rogerson, P. (1994). Spatial Analysis and GIS (Technical Issuesin Geographic Information Systems). Taylor & Francis: Bristol, PA.

Fotheringham, S. and Rogerson, P. (1996). Spatial Analysis and GIS. Taylor & Francis:Bristol, PA.

Gaffney, V. and Stancic, Z. (1991). GIS Approaches to Regional Analysis. Znanstveniinstitut Filozofske fakultete: Ljubljana.

Haining, R. (1990). Spatial Data Analysis in the Social and Environmental Sciences.Cambridge UP: Cambridge, UK.

Isaaka, E. and Srivasta, M. (1990). Introduction to Applied Geostatistics. Oxford UP:Oxford, UK.

Jankowksi, P., Nyerges T., Smith, A., Moore, T., and Horvath, E. (1997). "SpatialGroup Choice: A SDSS Tool for Collaborative Spatial Decision Making."International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Vol. 11 (6), 577-602.

Longley, P. and Batty, M. (1997). Spatial Analysis: Modeling in a GIS Environment.John Wiley & Sons: Chichester, England.

Malczewski, J. (1999). GIS and Multicriteria Decision Analysis. John Wiley & Sons:New York.

Molenaar, M. (1998). An Introduction to the Theory of Spatial Object Modeling for GIS.Taylor & Francis: Bristol, PA.

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Morrill, R. (1988). Spatial Diffusion. Sage Publications: Newbury Park, CA.

Odland, J. (1988). Spatial Autocorrelation. Sage Publications: Newbury Park, CA.

Shaw, G. and Wheeler, D. (1994). Statistical Techniques in Geographical Analysis.John Wiley & Sons: Chichester, England.

Unwin, D., Fischer, M., and Scholten, H. (1996). Spatial Analytical Perspectives onGIS. Taylor & Francis: Bristol, PA.

Upton, G. (1985). Spatial Data Analysis by Example. Wiley: New York.

Wolf, P. and Chilani, C. (1997). Adjustment Computations: Statistics and Least Squaresin Surveying and GIS. John Wiley & Sons: Chichester, England.

Worral, L. (1994). Spatial Analysis and Spatial Policy Using Geographic InformationSystems. Bellhaven Press: New York.

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Specialized Topics(Not an exclusive list)

Global Positioning Systems

French, G.T. (1996). Understanding the GPS: An Introduction to the Global PositioningSystem: What it is and How it Works. Geo Research: Bethesda, MD.

Hofmann-Wellenhof, B., Lichtenegger, H., and Collins, J. (1997). Global PositioningSystem: Theory and Practice. Springer-Verlag: New York.

Kaplan, E.D. (Ed.) (1996). Understanding GPS: Principles and Applications. ArtechHouse: Boston.

Kennedy, M. (1996). The Global Positioning System and GIS: An Introduction. AnnArbor Press: Chelsea, MI.

Leick, A. (1995). GPS Satellite Surveying, 2nd Edition. John Wiley & Sons: Chichester,England.

Logsdon, T. (1995). Understanding the Navstar: GPS, GIS, and IVHS, 2nd Edition. VanNostrand Reinhold: New York.

Monahan, K. and Douglass, D. (1997). The GPS Manual: Principles & Applications.

Zhao, Y. (1997). Vehicle Location and Navigation Systems. Artech House: Boston.

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Internet MappingHarder, C. (1998). Serving Maps on the Internet: Geographic Information on the World

Wide Web. ESRI Press: Redlands, CA.

Nebert, D. and Doyle, A. (1994). Serving Digital Map Information through the WorldWide Web and Wide-Area Information. Server Technology.

Plewe, B. (1997). GIS Online: Information Retrieval, Mapping, and the Internet.OnWord Press: Santa Fe, NM.

Remote Sensing

Arnold, R.H. (1997). Interpretation of Airphotos and Remotely Sensed Imagery.Prentice Hall: Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

Atkinson, P. and Tate, N. (Ed.) (1999). Advances in Remote Sensing and GIS Analysis.Wiley: New York.

Campbell, J.B. (1996). Introduction to Remote Sensing, 2nd Edition. Guilford Press:New York.

Congalton, R.G. and Green, K. (1999). Assessing the Accuracy of Remotely SensedData: Principles and Practices. Lewis Publications: Boca Raton, FL.

Falkner, E. (1994). Aerial Mapping: Methods and Applications. Lewis Publications:Boca Raton, FL.

Fallah-Adl H., JaJa, J., Liang, S., Kaufman, Y., and Townsend, J.R.G. (1996). "EfficientParallel Algorithms for Atmospheric Correction of Remotely Sensed Data." IEEEComputational Sciences and Engineering, 66-77.

Fallah-Adl, H., JaJa, J., and Liang, S. (1997). "Fast Algorithms for Estimating AerosolOptical Depth of Thematic Mapper (TM)" Imagery, Journal of Supercomputing,Vol. 10, 315-330.

Juppenlatz, M. and Tian, X. (1996). Geographic Information Systems and RemoteSensing. McGraw Hill: New York.

Liang S., and Lewis, P. (1996). "A Parametric Radiative Transfer Model for SkyRadiance Distribution." Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and RadiativeTransfer, Vol. 55, 181-189.

Liang S. and Strahler, A.H. (1994). "Retrieval of Surface BRDF from MultiangleRemotely Sensed Data." Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol. 50,18-30.

Liang S., Fallah-Adl, H., Kalluri, S., JaJa, J., Kaufman, Y.J., and Townsend, J.R.G.(1997). "An Operational Atmospheric Correction Algorithm for LandsatThematic Mapper Imagery over the Land." J. Geophys. Res. - Atmosphere, Vol.102, 17173-17186.

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Liang, S., Lewis, P., Dubayah, R., Qin, W., and Shirey, D. (1997). "Topographic Effectson Surface Bidirectional Reflectance Scaling." J. of Remote Sensing, Vol. 1, 82-93.

Lillesand, T.M. and Kiefer, R.W. (1994). Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation.John Wiley & Sons: Chichester, England.

Quattrochi, D. and Goodchild, M. (Eds.) (1997). Scale in Remote Sensing and GIS.Lewis Publishers: Boca Raton, FL.

Star, J.L., McGwire, K.C., and Estes, J.E. (Eds.) (1997). Integration of GeographicInformation Systems and Remote Sensing. Cambridge UP: Cambridge, UK.

Verbyla, D. and Chang, K.T. (1997). Processing Digital Images in GeographicInformation Systems: A Tutorial Featuring ArcView and Arc/INFO.

Williams, J. (1995). Geographic Information from Space: Processing the Applicationsof Geocoded Satellite Images. Prentice Hall: Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

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COPS Funded Law Enforcement Agencies• Arlington, TX Police Department

• Aurora, CO Police Department

• Baltimore County, MD Police Department

• Bloomfield, CT Police Department

• Blount County, TN Sheriff's Office

• Boston, MA Police Department

• Cathedral City, CA Police Department

• Charlotte-Mecklenburg, NC Police Department

• Charter Township of Waterford, MI Police Department

• Chicago, IL Police Department

• City of Buffalo, NY

• City of Mesa, AZ

• City of Riverside, CA

• City of Spartanburg, SC

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• Concord, MA Police Department

• East Providence, RI Police Department

• Fort Myers, FL Police Department

• Glens Falls, NY Police Department

• Hazelwood, MO Police Department

• Kansas City, KS Police Department

• Kansas City, MO Police Department

• Lansing, MI Police Department

• Lawton, OK Police Department

• Leawood, KS Police Department

• Lexington Fayette, KY Urban-County Government

• Long Beach, NY Police Department

• Los Angeles, CA Unified School District Police

• Malden, MA Police Department

• Mandeville, LA Police Department

• Manlius, NY Police Department

• Massachusetts Department of Public Safety

• Merced, CA Police Department

• Metropolitan Nashville, TN Police Department

• Miami, FL Police Department

• Morro Bay, CA Police Department

• New Rochelle, NY Police Department

• New York City, NY Police Department

• Ontario, CA Police Department

• Oxnard, CA Police Department

• Phoenix, AZ Police Department

• Pittsburgh, PA Housing Authority

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• Portland, OR Bureau of Police

• Rock Hill, SC Police Department

• Sacramento, CA Sheriff's Department

• Salem, MA Police Department

• Salinas, CA Police Department

• San Diego, CA Police Department

• Scottsdale, AZ Police Department

• St. Petersburg, FL Police Department

• Stamford, CT Police Department

• Stonington, CT Police Department

• Swoyersville Borough, PA

• Taunton Police, MA Department

• The Regents of the University of California, Davis

• Township of West Brandywine, PA Police Department

• University of Michigan Police Department

• Vallejo, CA Police Department

• Wakefield, MA Police Department

• Westbrook, ME Police Department

• Worcester, MA Police Department

• Yuma, AZ Police Department

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Links to Crime Analysis and Crime Mapping SoftwareResources

• Applied Mapping - Map Solutions for Crime

• Autodesk - AutoCAD, Autodesk

• Bair Software - Automated Tactical Analysis of Crime (ATAC), GeoGenie

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• Caliper Corporation - Maptitude, GIS+

• C.H Fenstermaker & Associates - ER Mapper, Map Master GIS

• Clark Labs - Idrisi

• Conic Systems Conic GIS

• Corona Solutions - GeoBalance, BeatBuilder

• Cyrun - Event Desk, Alliance PD Central

• Digital Engineering Corporation - Autobound, GeoTrack

• Digital Information Systems - E-911 Map Manager, E-911 Street Manager

• D.M. Data Corporation - C-PLIMS Police

• Environmental Systems Research Institute - ArcView GIS, Atlas GIS

• Geo-Comm - GIS and Parcel Mapping, Dispatch Mapping

• Geographic Information Services - Map Book Generator, Megan's LawNotification

• Geotrac - Geotrac GIS

• i2 - Analyst's Notebook

• Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority - Spatial and TemporalAnalysis of Crime (STAC)

• Intergraph - GeoMedia, GeoMedia Web Enterprise

• MapInfo - MapInfo, MapXtreme

• Ned Levine & Associates - CrimeStat

• The Omega Group - CrimeView

• Orbacom - Genisis CAD/RMS

• ORION Scientific Systems - ORIONMagic,

• Pascack Data Services - Sex Offender Notification and Registration (SONAR)

• PD' Programming - MapMagic

• Planet One GIS Software - E911 Dispatcher

• Precision Computing - CrimeLink

• Spatial Data Research - Automated Spatial Interval Addressing (ASIA)

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• Safe Software - Feature Manipulation Engine (FME)

• US Department of Justice - Spatial Crime Analysis System (SCAS), RegionalCrime Analysis GIS (RCAGIS)

• VisionAIR - VisionGEO

• Xanalys - Watson

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Links to General Crime Analysis and Crime MappingResources

• Arc/INFO and ArcView Symbol Sets

• Center for Applied Studies of the Environment (CAPSE) Crime RelatedSoftware

• CAPSE Crime Mapping Bibliography

• Crime Mapping and Analysis Program (CMAP)

• Crime Mapping Research Center (CMRC)

• General GIS Software

• Geo-Info Systems Online

• Geo-Place

• GIS Academic Programs

• GIS Dictionary

• GISLinx

• GIS Notebook

• Home Office Research, Development, and Statistics

• International Association of Crime Analysts (IACA)

• International Association of Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysts(IALEIA)

• National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS)

• National Institute of Justice (NIJ)

• Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS)

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• Police Executive Research Forum (PERF)

• Police Foundation

• Virtual Geography Department

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