crest newsletter- issue 7, april - july!for!responsible!travel!...

Center for Responsible Travel Transforming the Way the World Travels 1333 H St., NW Suite 300 East Tower Washington, DC 20005 P: 2023479203 F: 2027750819 CREST Newsletter: Issue 7, April July 2015 ______________________________________________________________________________ From July 22 – 24, CREST and the Puntacana Ecological Foundation hosted its first ever Innovators Think Tank on Climate Change and Coastal & Marine Tourism. Held at the the Westin Puntacana Resort & Club in the Dominican Republic, the invitation only gathering brought together 33 experts, including leaders in sustainable tourism and/or climate change analysts from across the Caribbean and North America. The overwhelming consensus appears to be that the Think Tank was a great success. As one participant, Dr. Angus Friday, Grenada's Ambassador to the US, wrote, “The meeting was excellent! Congratulations to all the organizers. The caliber of the participants and the quality of the discussions were simply outstanding and I felt very honored to be part of it.” The Think Tank was organized around a single critical theme: How coastal and marine tourism must be planned, built, and operated in this era of climate change. With a geographical focus on the Caribbean, it was designed to help identify the gaps between current best practices in sustainable tourism and what needs to be done given the projected impacts of climate change on coastal and marine tourism. Findings that emerged include, for instance, that while sustainable tourism businesses are successfully reducing their greenhouse gas emissions through significant reductions in water and energy consumption, coastal hotels continue to be built on too close to coastlines, thereby putting themselves in harms way as sea level rises and storms increase in intensity and frequency. The Think Tank was intended to be highly interactive, with short presentations followed by open group discussions. It began Wednesday afternoon with a tour of the Puntacana Ecological Foundation projects and an evening reception at the home of Grupo Puntacana CEO Frank CREST & Puntacana Ecological Foundation Host Successful Climate Change Think Tank (Image: Ambassador Friday and facilitator Roger Mark De Souza engage in Think Tank discussions)

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 Center  for  Responsible  Travel  Transforming  the  Way  the  World  Travels    

1333  H  St.,  NW  ■  Suite  300  East  Tower  ■  Washington,  DC  20005  ■  P:  202-­‐347-­‐9203  ■  F:  202-­‐775-­‐0819  ■  ■  [email protected]  




CREST  Newsletter:  Issue  7,  April  -­‐  July  2015  ______________________________________________________________________________    

 From  July  22  –  24,  CREST  and  the  Puntacana  Ecological  Foundation  hosted  its  first  ever  Innovators  Think  Tank  on  Climate  Change  and  Coastal  &  Marine  Tourism.  Held  at  the  the  Westin  Puntacana  Resort   &   Club   in   the   Dominican   Republic,   the   invitation   only   gathering   brought   together   33  experts,   including   leaders   in   sustainable  tourism   and/or   climate   change   analysts  from   across   the   Caribbean   and   North  America.     The   overwhelming   consensus  appears   to  be   that   the  Think  Tank  was  a  great   success.   As   one   participant,   Dr.  Angus   Friday,   Grenada's   Ambassador   to  the   US,   wrote,   “The   meeting   was  excellent!     Congratulations   to   all   the  organizers.    The  caliber  of  the  participants  and   the   quality   of   the   discussions   were  simply  outstanding  and  I  felt  very  honored  to  be  part  of  it.”        The  Think  Tank  was  organized  around  a  single  critical  theme:  How  coastal  and  marine  tourism  must  be  planned,  built,  and  operated  in  this  era  of  climate  change.  With  a  geographical  focus  on  the   Caribbean,   it   was   designed   to   help   identify   the   gaps   between   current   best   practices   in  sustainable  tourism  and  what  needs  to  be  done  given  the  projected  impacts  of  climate  change  on   coastal   and   marine   tourism.   Findings   that   emerged   include,   for   instance,   that   while  sustainable  tourism  businesses  are  successfully  reducing  their  greenhouse  gas  emissions  through  significant  reductions  in  water  and  energy  consumption,  coastal  hotels  continue  to  be  built  on  too  close  to  coastlines,  thereby  putting  themselves  in  harms  way  as  sea  level  rises  and  storms  increase  in  intensity  and  frequency.          The  Think  Tank  was  intended  to  be  highly  interactive,  with  short  presentations  followed  by  open  group   discussions.   It   began   Wednesday   afternoon   with   a   tour   of   the   Puntacana   Ecological  Foundation   projects   and   an   evening   reception   at   the   home   of   Grupo   Puntacana   CEO   Frank  

CREST   &   Puntacana   Ecological   Foundation   Host   Successful   Climate   Change  Think  Tank    

(Image:   Ambassador   Friday   and   facilitator   Roger-­‐Mark  De  Souza  engage  in  Think  Tank  discussions)    

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1333  H  St.,  NW  ■  Suite  300  East  Tower  ■  Washington,  DC  20005  ■  P:  202-­‐347-­‐9203  ■  F:  202-­‐775-­‐0819  ■  ■  [email protected]  


Rainieri.  The  reception  included  the  showing  of  a  15  minute  “Preview  Edition”  of  CREST’s  latest  documentary,  “Caribbean  ‘Green’  Travel,”  followed  by  a  panel  discussion  with  some  of  those  who  appear  in  the  film.    The  next  two  days  were  devoted  to  coastal  issues  on  Thursday  and  to  ocean  and  marine  issues  on  Friday.  Topics  included  beach  and  shoreline  protection;  large  resorts  and  smaller  ecolodges;   siting  and  design;  marine  recreation  and  MPAs;  sustainable   food  sourcing;  marinas   and   yachting;   cruise   tourism;   community   linkages;   and   communicating   with   the  public.    The  Think  Tank  was  ably   facilitated   throughout  by  Roger-­‐Mark  DeSouza,  who   is   from  Trinidad  and  leads  the  climate  change  program  at  the  Woodrow  Wilson  Center  in  Washington,  DC.        

The  idea  for  this  Think  Tank  grew  out  of   the   three   previous   Innovators  Symposiums   that   CREST   has   hosted  over   the   past   five   years   at   Stanford  University,  Los  Cabos,  Mexico,  and  in  Grenada.   While   climate   change   and  coastal  tourism  was  one  of  the  topics  discussed   at   these   Symposiums,  CREST   had   not   focused   squarely   on  the   topic.  When   Jake  Kheel,  Director  of   the   Puntacana   Ecological  Foundation   asked   to   partner   with  CREST   for   a   fourth   Symposium,   we  

gradually  concluded  that   it  might  be  more  useful  to  take  a  ‘deep  dive’   into  the  single  topic  of  climate  change  in  order  to  come  out  with  some  practical  lessons  for  coastal  and  marine  tourism.  A   concrete   outcome   of   the   Think   Tank,   in   addition   to   CREST’s   new   documentary,   will   be   a  publication   with   practical   advice   on   how   coastal   and   marine   tourism   should   be   addressing  climate   change.   Each   Think   Tank   participant  will   contribute   to   this   publication  which  will   be  produced  by   the   end  of   2015.   CREST   is   currently   considering   a   range  of   additional   follow  up  activities  with  key  Think  Tank  participants.    (Image:   Andrea   Pinabell,   Vice   President   of   Sustainability   of   Starwood   Hotels   &   Resorts,   and  Loreto  Duffy-­‐Mayers,  Director  of  the  Caribbean  Hotel  Energy  Efficiency  and  Renewable  Energy  Action  (CHENACT),  speak  about  innovations  in  hotel  sustainability.)    A  special  feature  of  the  Think  Tank  was  that  JetBlue,  one  of  the  participants,  offered  to  sponsor  scholarships   for   two   students   to   attend.   CREST   quickly   organized   a   contest   which   required  applicants  to  write  several  essays.  Although  only  open  for  five  days,  CREST  received,  to  the  great  surprise  of  all  involved,  over  90  applicants,  many  very  high  quality,  from  students  in  the  US  and  the  Caribbean.        The   two   winners   selected   by   JetBlue   were   Katrina   Khan   who   is   doing   her   MSc   in   Tourism  Development  at  the  University  of  the  West  Indies  in  Trinidad  &  Tobago  and  Stefan  Knights,  a  law  

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1333  H  St.,  NW  ■  Suite  300  East  Tower  ■  Washington,  DC  20005  ■  P:  202-­‐347-­‐9203  ■  F:  202-­‐775-­‐0819  ■  ■  [email protected]  


student   from  Guyana  who   is   currently   studying   in   Barbados   and  will   be   pursuing   an  MSc   in  sustainable  development  in  Scotland  beginning  this  fall.  Both  quickly  became  active  participants  in  the  Think  Tank.  As  Stefan  Knights  wrote  in  summing  up  his  experience,  the  Think  Tank  “will  undoubtedly   be   one   of  my  most   treasured   experiences.   The   Think   Tank   provided  me  with   a  profusion  of  rich  information  and  ideas  that  are  relevant  to  creating  an  economically,  socially  and  environmentally  sustainable  future  for  the  small  islands  of  Latin  America  and  the  Caribbean.  It  was  a  privilege   to   interact  with,  and   learn   from,   the  distinguished  experts   in   the   tourism  and  development  sectors  who  participated  in  the  Think  Tank.”  Similarly,  Katrina  Khan  shared  that  the  Think   Tank   "made   cohesive   connections   between   a   broad   range   of   topics   on   tourism   in   the  coastal   zone   and   the  overarching   issue  of   the   effects   of   climate   change.   This   experience  has  solidified  the  themes  I  have  engaged  in  throughout  my  academic  career,  and  I  was  able  to  identify  with   each   and   every   area   discussed.   This   opened   many   avenues   to   explore   personally,  academically  and  within  my  career."  For  more  information  and  resources,  see  the  Think  Tank  website.  

Think  Tank  participants  at  the  opening  session,  at  the  home  of  Grupo  Puntacana  owners  Frank  and  Haydée  Rainieri.    

 CREST’s  new  documentary   film   showcasing   sustainable   tourism   in   the  Caribbean  has  entered  post  production.  The  40  minute  film,  provisionally  entitled  “Caribbean  ‘Green’  Travel”  features  socially  and  environmentally  responsible  models  of  tourism  in  Aruba,  Grenada,  Jamaica,  and  the  Dominican  Republic.  While  the  Caribbean,  the  world’s  most  tourism-­‐intense  region  in  the  world,  is  dominated  by  large-­‐scale,  sun-­‐and-­‐sand  cruise  and  resort  tourism,  CREST’s  film  is  designed  to  show  there  are  many  low  impact  and  high  value  travel  options  that  benefit  island  communities  

CREST’s  New  Documentary  Nears  Completion    

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1333  H  St.,  NW  ■  Suite  300  East  Tower  ■  Washington,  DC  20005  ■  P:  202-­‐347-­‐9203  ■  F:  202-­‐775-­‐0819  ■  ■  [email protected]  


while  protecting  the  environment.    CREST   commissioned   Esther   Figueroa,   an   award   winning  Jamaican   independent   filmmaker,   to   shoot   on   various  locations  in  the  four  Caribbean  locations.  Between  March  and  May,   Figueroa   shot   over   40   hours   of   footage,   including  interviews  with  Aruba  Prime  Minister  Mike  Eman;   Jamaica’s  famed  hotelier  and  founder  of  Island  Records  Chris  Blackwell;  and   Jake   Kheel,   Director   of   the   Puntacana   Ecological  Foundation,   one   of   the   largest   and   most   important  environmental   institutes   supported   and   run   by   a   tourism  business.   (Image:   Esther   Figueroa   documents   organic  gardening  at  Calabash  Hotel,  in  Grenada.)    After   the   filming  was  complete,  CREST  hired  Richard  Krantz,  President  of  Pilot  Productions  based  in  Maryland,  to  edit  the  film  and  produce  final  versions  in  English  and  Spanish.    Krantz,  who   has   some   four   decades   of   experience   in   television   reporting   and   video   production,   has  produced,   directed,  written,   shot   and   edited   hundreds   of   videos,   and   has   received   some   20  national  and  local  journalism  awards.    The  film  is  story-­‐based  and  sensual,  featuring  the  sights,  sounds,  people,  and  iconic  cultural  and  natural  environments  that  make  each  island  unique.  It  is  structured  around  three  central  themes  of  sustainability:  environmental  stewardship,  local  benefits  and  linkages,  and  travel  philanthropy.    Krantz   began   by   editing   a   15  minute   Preview   Edition   to   be   premiered   at   the   Think   Tank   in  Puntacana.  This  version  was  shown  at  the  July  22  opening  reception  on  the  lawn  of  the  beautiful  ocean-­‐side  home  of  Frank  Rainieri,  the  CEO  of  Grupo  Puntacana.    The  showing  was  followed  by  a  panel  discussion  with  Rainieri,  Ewald  Biemans  of  Bucuti  &  Tara  Resort  in  Aruba,  and  Russ  Fielden  of  True  Blue  Bay  Resort  in  Grenada,  three  of  the  properties  featured  in  the  film.      The  full  length  edition  of  the  film  is  scheduled  to  be  released  in  October  2015.  It  will  be  entered  into  various  film  festivals  and  will  be  made  available  for  use  by  schools  and  universities,  tourism  businesses  and  associations,  NGOs,  and  international  agencies.    CREST  is  continuing  to  look  for  partners   and   sponsors   who   can   assist   with   financing   and   distribution   of   the   film.   For   more  information,  contact  Martha  Honey,  [email protected].  

 CREST  is  hosting  a  specially  designed  eight  day/seven  night  Charter  Club  trip  to  Cuba  with  a  focus  on  ‘eco-­‐surf  and  turf’  –  a  selection  of  the  island’s  most  extraordinary  marine,  cultural,  and  natural  tourism  offerings.  The  trip,  provisionally  scheduled  for  January  24  –  31,  2016,  will  include  visits  to  Cuba’s  original  ecolodge,  La  Moka  and  other  nature-­‐tourism  destinations  in  the  Vinales  Valley,  

Join  CREST  for  an  Extraordinary  Trip  to  Cuba  ~  Sign  Up  Today!    

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1333  H  St.,  NW  ■  Suite  300  East  Tower  ■  Washington,  DC  20005  ■  P:  202-­‐347-­‐9203  ■  F:  202-­‐775-­‐0819  ■  ■  [email protected]  


which   is  considered  by  many  the  most  beautiful  place   in  Cuba.   It  will  also   include  snorkeling,  birding  and/or  scuba  diving  on  the  Guanahacabibes  Peninsula.  The  tour  will  conclude  in  Havana,  with  a  stay  in  recently  renovated  old  city  hotel,  meals  in  local  restaurants  (“paladares”),  meetings  with  leading  artists,  musicians,  health  and  tourism  officials,  marine  biologists,  salsa  lessons  and  musical  performances,  and  visits  to  various  must-­‐see  sites  including    La  Finca  Vigia  where  Ernest  Hemingway   wrote   Old   Man   and   the   Sea.   The   cost   is   $3325   per   person,   double   occupancy  including   the   flight   to   and   from  Miami.   For  more  details   and   reservations,   contact   Samantha  Hogenson,  [email protected]  or  202-­‐347-­‐9203,  ext.  414.  


   Building  upon  the  success  of  the  first  round  of  workshops  on  linkages  between  climate  change  and   tourism   in  Grenada   in  March,  CREST  program  associate  Samantha  Hogenson   returned   to  Grenada  in  May  to  facilitate  a  second-­‐round  of  trainings.  The  training  consisted  of  a  one-­‐hour  presentation  explaining  climate  change  impacts  felt  in  Grenada  and  possible  solutions  from  the  tourism  industry  and  related  industries.  As  part  of  this  second  round,  Hogenson  trained  over  a  dozen   additional   representatives   from   the   public,   private,   and   civil   sectors   to   give   the  presentation.  The  group  of  30  participants  from  the  initial  training  and  the  new  group  were  then  combined  to  learn  presentation  skills,  brainstorm  target  audiences,  and  practice  presenting  the  content.    The   presentation   was   created   from   various  components   discussed   at   the   3rd   Symposium   for  Innovators  in  Coastal  Tourism,  held  in  Grenada  in  July  2014,   in   relation   to   climate   change   mitigation   and  adaptation,  including:  energy  efficiency,  water  usage,  best   practices   for   designing   and   constructing   coastal  resorts   and   hotels,   linking   sustainable   tourism   to  industries,   and   building   symbiotic   relationships  between  coastal  tourism,  MPAs,  &  commercial  fishing.  

(Image  1:  Diving  at  Peninsula  Guanahacibibes,  Source:  Wolfgang  Poelzer,  Getty  Images)  

(Image  2:  Havana  Cultura,      Source:  Jose  Fuster)  

Grenada  Climate  Change  &  Tourism  Workshops    

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1333  H  St.,  NW  ■  Suite  300  East  Tower  ■  Washington,  DC  20005  ■  P:  202-­‐347-­‐9203  ■  F:  202-­‐775-­‐0819  ■  ■  [email protected]  


The  presentation,  which  can  be  modified  to  include  one  or  more  of  the  above  listed  topics  for  specific   audiences,   is   supported  with   various   case   studies   and   fact   sheets.   (Image:  Workshop  participants  discuss  content  and  target  audiences.)July    This   project   was   made   possible   through   collaboration   with   “Integrated   Climate   Change  Adaptation  Strategies”  (ICCAS)/Deutsche  Gesellschaft  fuer  Internationale  Zusammenarbeit  (GIZ),  Quinn  Company  Limited,  the  Grenada  Hotel  &  Tourism  Association,  and  the  Grenada  Ministry  of  Agriculture,   Lands,   Forestry,   Fisheries  &   Environment,  with   the   goal   of   training   locals   on   the  relationship  between  climate  change  and  tourism  so  they  may  distribute  the  information  widely  throughout  the  islands.    Outside   of   the   realm   of   tourism,   Hogenson,   a   trained   Climate   Reality   Leader   from  Al   Gore’s  Climate  Reality  Project,   also  provided  an  open  presentation  about  worldwide   climate   change  impacts  and  solutions  to  interested  community  members.    

 In   June,   CREST   facilitated   a   learning   exchange   for   five   tourism  officials   from  Grenada   to   visit  Monteverde,   Costa   Rica   to   see   firsthand   their   travelers’   philanthropy   fund,   the  Monteverde  Community  Fund.  The  visit  was  organized  and  hosted  by  Jannelle  Wilkins,  a  CREST  consultant  and  the   founder   of   the   Community   Fund.  Monteverde’s   destination-­‐wide   travelers’   philanthropy  program  grew  out  the  2010  international    Travelers’  Philanthropy  conference  that  CREST  held  in  Costa  Rica,  together  with  the  Monteverde  Institute.      In   January   2015,   Wilkins   and   Martha   Honey   introduced   the   concept   of   a   destination-­‐wide  travelers’  philanthropy  program  to  Grenada.  Through  a  series  of  ten  workshops,  they  discussed  with   communities   throughout  Grenada  how   to   create   a   similar   destination-­‐wide   fund.       As   a  follow   up,   the   InterAmerican   Foundation   offered   to   finance   a   ‘south-­‐south’   exchange   to  Monteverde,  with  additional   financial   and   in-­‐kind   support  provided  by   the   tourism  sectors   in  Monteverde  and  Grenada.    The  six  day  visit  to  Monteverde  included  meetings  with  the  staff  and  board  of  their  Community  Fund  and  visits  to  a  number  of  their  fundraising  projects,   including  a  walking  tour,  a  visit  to  a  coffee  farm,  a  women’s  handicraft  cooperative,  an  artisanal  chocolate  making  factory,  as  well  as  the   famed   Cloud   Forest   Reserve.   The   five   participants   from   Grenada   also   sampled   local  restaurants  and  eco-­‐lodges.  They  came  away  with  a  host  of  practical  ideas  for  how  to  launch  their  own  Community  Fund  that  incorporates  tourism  businesses  and  travelers.  As  hotel  owner  Jerry  Rappaport  wrote  following  the  exchange,  “I  personally  came  away  feeling  so  energized.  Grenada  may  be  a  small  island  but  we  have  major  problems  and  what  I  saw  in  Costa  Rica,  and  Monteverde  in  particular,  reaffirmed  so  many  of  my  beliefs  and  renewed  hope.  How  important  an  educated  society   is   towards   eradicating,   poverty,   corruption   etc.   and   also   how   important   it   is   for  communities   to   be   organized   was   so   evident.”   Allison   Caton   who   is   a   tour   operator   on   the  Grenada’s  Carriacou  island  echoed  these  sentiments:  “It  was  an  absolute  pleasure  being  part  of  

South-­‐South  Study  Tour  of  Destination-­‐wide  Travelers’  Philanthropy    

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the  Monteverde  delegation.    I  saw  so  many  possibilities  for  the  people  of  Carriacou  to  improve  their  livelihoods  by  incorporating  some  of  the  examples  such  as  the  women’s  cooperative  CASEM  and  Juan  Carlos  Calvo’s  organic  coffee  farm.”    Grenada  plans  to  launch  the  pilot  phase  of  its  new  Community  Fund  before  the  end  of  2015.    Stemming   from  the  Monteverde/Grenada  exchange,  check  out   the  Top  10  Points   to  Create  a  Destination-­‐Wide  Travelers'  Philanthropy  Program!    

 CREST  continues  to  be  involved  in  three  different  projects  in  Mexico.  In  early  August,  a  team  of  CREST   consultants   will   complete   and   officially   deliver   to   the   state’s   environmental   ministry,  Semaren,  its  Strategic  Plan  for  Ecotourism  in  Guerrero.    CREST  has  been  partnered  since  late  2014  with  Sustenta,  a  Mexican  company  specializing   in   ‘green’  products  which  secured  the  original  contract   with   Semaren.       Sustenta’s   main   task   has   been   to   produce   a   photo   book   on   the  ecotourism  attractions  in  Guerrero.  Both  Sustenta  and  CREST  have  found  working  in  Guerrero  to  be  difficult.     It   is  Mexico’s  poorest   state  and   therefore   its   tourism   infrastructure   is   limited.   In  addition,  the  state  is  wracked  with  drug-­‐related  violence  which  has  meant  that  tourism  is  down  or  impossible  in  several  areas.  On  top  of  this,  key  government  officials  have  changed  during  the  course   of   our   project,  making   continuity   and   clarity   on  what   they   expect   extremely   difficult.  Despite   these   challenges,   CREST’s   three   consultants,   Juan   Luna-­‐Kelser,   Rodrigo  Gallegos,   and  Thomas  Meller,  have  worked  overtime  to  produce  a  factually  based  Strategic  Plan  with  concrete  proposals  for  development  objectives  over  the  next  decade.  CREST   is   also   involved   in   projects   in   the   state   of   Chihuahua   involving   three   indigenous  communities   and   in   Sinaloa  where   CREST   is   undertaking   an   assessment   based   on   the  Global  Sustainable  Tourism  Council’s  criteria  for  sustainable  destinations.    

 This   CREST   study  which  was   completed   in   June,  was  commissioned   by   the   National   Audubon   Society   and  financed   by   the   Inter-­‐American   Development   Bank  (IDB)'s  Multilateral  Investment  Fund  (MIF).  It  analyzes  bird-­‐based  tourism  market  statistics  and  presents  the  economic   value   of   bird   touirsm   in   four   countries:  Belize,   Guatemala,   The   Bahamas,   and   Paraguay.   The  study,  which  is  part  of  a  large,  longer  term  regional  ecotourism  project  financed  by  the  MIF,  is  designed   to   strengthen   bird-­‐based   tourism   “as   a   conservation   and   sustainable   development  tool.”   The   study   measures   effectiveness   by   quantifying   arrivals   and   actual   or   potential  

CREST  Projects  in  Mexico    

Market  Analysis  of  Bird-­‐Based  Tourism:  A  Focus  on  the  U.S.  Market  to  Latin  American  and  the  Caribbean    

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expenditures,  with  a  focus  on  the  U.S.  as  the  supply  market.      Overview  Report      Country  Fact  Sheets:  •  The  Bahamas  •  Belize  •  Guatemala  •  Paraguay  

 Over   recent   years,   CREST   has   developed   a   strong   internship   program   to   provide   real-­‐life  sustainable  tourism  educational  opportunities  to  outstanding  students.  We  believe  education  is  the  key  to  a  sustainable  future,  and  the  CREST  staff  always  learns  just  as  much  from  our  interns  as  they  do  from  us!  The  following  students  are  learning  and  working  with  us  this  summer:    •   Berenice   Aguilar   Cortazar   is   from  

Chiapas,   Mexico,   and   holds   a   degree   in  hospitality   and   tourism.   She   is   currently  working   for   the  Ministry  of  Education   in  Chiapas.   In   order   to   gain   additional  knowledge,   Berenice   is   spending   the  summer   of   2015   in   Washington,   DC,   to  take   part   in   The   Washington   Center's  academic   and   internship   program  (pictured  center).    

•   Eunmi   “Umi”   Kim   is   from   Jinwee,  Pyeongtaek   City,   South   Korea.   She   is  currently   a   senior   at   Ewha   Womans  University,   majoring   in   Geography  Education.   A   participant   in   the   Cultural  Vistas   Korea   West   program   with   an  interest   in   “Fair  Tourism,”  Umi  hopes   to  bring   the   concepts   of   responsible   travel  back  to  South  Korea  (pictured  right).  

 •   Ariel  Leuthard  grew  up  in  Phoenix,  AZ  and  is  a  senior  at  the  University  of  San  Diego  in  San  

Diego,  CA.  She  will   graduate   in  December  2015,  with  a  Bachelor's  degree   in   International  Relations  with  minors   in  Economics  and  Religious  Studies.  Ariel   is  also  participating   in  The  Washington  Center's  prestigious  academic  and  internship  program  (pictured  left).  


Meet  the  CREST  Summer  Interns    

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 CREST   program   associate   Samantha   Hogenson,   who   manages   the   organization’s   internship  program,   was   recognized   as   the   Outstanding   Internship   Supervisor   of   Spring   2015   by   The  Washington  Center,  after  a  nomination  by  spring  intern  Allison  Christensen.    The  Washington  Center  is  an  independent,  nonprofit  organization  serving  hundreds  of  colleges  and   universities   in   the   United   States   and   other   countries   by   providing   selected   students  challenging  opportunities  to  work  and  learn  in  Washington,  D.C.  for  academic  credit.  CREST  has  hosted  eight  interns  from  TWC  so  far,  two  of  whom  are  with  us  this  summer.      Samantha  was  selected  for  the  top  honor  from  among  50  internship  coordinators  nominated  by  Washington  Center  students  during  the  spring  semester.  This  was  the  inaugural  semester  for  the  award,  which  was  created  to  recognize  outstanding  internship  sites  that  embody  TWC’s  values  and  play  a  critical  role  in  the  personal  and  professional  development  of  its  students.  Samantha  was  nominated  again  for  Summer  2015.    To  learn  more  about  the  TWC  program  and  for  a  full  list  of  nominees,  click  here.    



Internship  Supervisor  Recognized  for  Leadership    

TWC  Staff  present  Samantha  Hogenson  with  Outstanding  Internship  Supervisor  Award)    

Image  2:  CREST  Spring  Intern  Allison  Christensen  with  Samantha  Hogenson)    

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 The  latest  edition  of  CREST’s  popular  annual  report,  “The  Case  for  Responsible  Travel:  Trends  and  Statistics  2015,”  was  released  in  April.  The  publication  includes  a  meta-­‐analysis  of  consumer  and  industry  demand  for  responsible  tourism,  drawn  from  surveys,  polls,  and  market  studies  over  the  last  five  years.    The   2015   edition   finds   continuing   interest   in  responsible   tourism   among   travelers,   tourism  companies,  and  destinations.  However,  the  study  also  highlights  two  worrisome  milestones  in  2014  that  have  significant  implications  on  the  tourism  industry:  it  was  the  hottest  year  on  record,  and  the  amount  of  wealth  (US$1.7  trillion)    held  by  the  top  85  richest  people  now  equals  that  held  by  the  3.5  billion  people  who  comprise  the  lower  half  of  the  world’s  population.    The   publication   is   endorsed   by   11   leading   tourism  organizations   and   institutions,   including   the   United  Nations   Environment   Programme   and   the   Global  Sustainable   Tourism   Council.   See   the   full   list   of  collaborators  and  the  full  study  here.      

In  early  June,  CREST  Executive  Director  Martha  Honey  attended  her  first  meeting  as  a  member  of  the  Marine   Protected   Areas   Federal   Advisory   Committee   (MPA-­‐FAC).   The   20   person   citizens  committee  is  named  by  the  US  government’s  National  Oceanic  and  Atmospheric  Administration  (NOAA)  and  the  Department  of  Interior  to  provide  advice  and  expertise  to  help  in  management  of   the   country’s  more   than   1400  MPAs   and  marine   sanctuaries.  Martha  Honey  was   selected  because  tourism  is  of  growing  importance  to  the  US  MPAs  and  sanctuaries.      The   three   day   meeting   held   in   Tacoma,   Washington   provided   an   opportunity   for   MPA-­‐FAC  members  to  meeting  in  person  in  their  designated  working  groups.  Honey  is  serving  as  a  member  of  the  working  group  on  External  Financing  and  Support  for  MPAs.  This  committee  will  produce  a  short  paper  outlining  a  range  of  potential  funding  mechanisms  for  MPAs,  including,  for  instance,  from  visitors,  foundations,  and  corporate  sponsorships.      On  June  11,  Honey  was  also  invited  to  present  a  webinar  as  part  of  NOAA’s  series  hosted  together  with  EBM  Tools  Network  and  OpenChannels.  These  webinars  carry  presentations  by  scientists  and   other   experts   and   have   a   diverse   audience   of   professionals,   students,   NGOs   and   others  

"The  Case  for  Responsible  Travel:  Trends  &  Statistics  2015"  Released    

NOAA's  Citizens  Committee    

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interested  in  MPA  related  topics.  Over  one  hundred  people  participated  in  Honey’s  power  point  presentation   on   “Lessons   Learned:   Impacts   of   Coastal   and   Ocean   Tourism”   and   the   lively  discussion  that  followed.    On  September  22,  Honey  will  do  another  webinar,  together  with  Chiara  Zuccarino-­‐Crowe,  the  Tourism  Coordinate  for  NOAA’s  Marine  Sanctuary  office,  who  attended  the  Puntacana  Think  Tank.  This  webinar  will  incorporate  outcomes  from  the  Puntacana  Think  Tank.    

 CREST   is   proud   to   endorse   the   “Summer   of   Rights   Campaign”   recently   launched   by   Gender  Responsible   Tourism.     The   campaign   focuses   on   “promoting   equality   and   women’s  empowerment  and  upholding  commitment,  quality,  and  female  creativity  in  tourism  initiatives”  and  is  grounded  in  UN  Women  and  the  UN  Global  Compact’s  Women’s  Empowerment  Principles  (below).  Please  join  Gender  Responsible  Tourism  in  encouraging  tourism  businesses  globally  to  subscribe  to  these  principles  and  encouraging  travelers  to  support  businesses  that  do.                                    Tourism  Hall  of  Fame:  Travel  Philanthropy  Awards  CREST  is  pleased  to  be  collaborating  with  Tourism  Cares  to  develop  and  run  its  new  annual  travel  philanthropy  award  program  for  Corporate  Philanthropic  Achievement  and  Innovation.    CREST  has  been  providing  technical  assistance  and  advice  based  on  its  years  of  experience  in  running  its  own  Travelers’  Philanthropy  program.    Martha  Honey  has  recently  joined  the  official  selection  committee  for  the  2015  awards.      Tourism  Cares   inaugurated   the  new  award   in  December   2014   as   part   of   the   Travel  Weekly’s  Readers   Choice   Awards   ceremony   in  New   York   City.   The   first   recipient   of   the   Tourism   Cares  Legacy  in  Travel  Philanthropy  Award  was  Micato  Safaris.  The  award,  which  was  given  to  Micato’s  Managing  Director  Dennis  Pinto  who  serves  on  CREST’s  Honorary  Advisory  Board,  celebrated  the  accomplishments  of  Micato  Safaris  and  its  associated  nonprofit  organization,  AmericaShare.  

Gender  Responsible  Tourism  Facebook  Campaign    

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1333  H  St.,  NW  ■  Suite  300  East  Tower  ■  Washington,  DC  20005  ■  P:  202-­‐347-­‐9203  ■  F:  202-­‐775-­‐0819  ■  ■  [email protected]  


 In   2015,   Tourism   Cares  will   give   awards   to   travel   and   tourism   companies   in   two   categories,  “Legacies  in  Travel  Philanthropy”  award  for  demonstrating  a  commitment  to  giving  back  for  more  than   15   years   and   “New   Innovators   in   Travel   Philanthropy”   award  which   recognizes   relative  newcomers  to  travel  corporate  giving  (with  a  2-­‐5  year  track  record).  The  nominations  process  opens  in  early  August.  Check  Tourism  Cares'  website  (  for  the  application  and  other  details.    CREST  Intern  Spotlight  Article  Our  interns  bring  tremendous  passion  with  them  to  CREST,  and  we  encourage  them  to  develop  and  share  their  specific  interests  and  expertise  while  they  are  with  us.  This  article  by  Umi  Kim,  “Pursuit   of   Real   Happiness   by   Travel:   Alternative   travel,   Fair   Tourism,”   explores   authentic,  localized  experiences  that  benefit  local  people  and  travelers  alike.    

 CREST’s   Summer   Eco-­‐Auction   was   held   June   2   -­‐   16,   via   Charitybuzz.   This   and   CREST’s   other  auctions  would  not  be  possible  without  generous  donations  from  leading  tourism  businesses.  We  invite  only  businesses  well  recognized  for  providing  both  high  quality  of  service  and  socially  and  environmentally  responsible  tourism.  These  auctions  are  critical  to  supporting  CREST’s  various  programs,   including   CREST’s   research   and   field   studies,   internship   program,   travelers'  philanthropy,  and  operational  expenses  as  a  non-­‐profit.  Donors  included:      The  Bushcamp  Company,  Cheetah  Paw  Eco  Lodge,  Distant  Relatives  Ecolodge  &  Backpackers,  El  Mangroove,   Great  Huts   Resort,   Hacienda   Santa   Rosa,   Kasbah   du   Toubkal,  Munga   Eco-­‐Lodge,  Tasmanian  Walking   Company,   Shaxi   Old   Theatre   Inn,   Tranquilseas   Eco   Lodge  &   Dive   Center,  Yangshuo  Mountain  Retreat,  and  Yangshuo  Village  Inn.    If  your  business  is  interested  in  being  a  part  of  our  fall  auction  (September  8  -­‐  22),  please  contact  CREST  program  associate,  Samantha  Hogenson.  This  is  a  great  opportunity  for  responsible  travel  businesses  to  showcase  sustainability  initiatives  and  create  or  maintain  a  connection  with  CREST.  

 •   April   3,   2015:  New  York   Times  article   by   Julie   Satow  –   Leonardo  DiCaprio  Builds   an   Eco-­‐

Resort.  DiCaprio  has  partnered  with  Delos,  a  New  York  based  developer,  to  create  an  eco-­‐conscious  resort  on  Blackadore  Caye,  Belize.  CREST  shares  statistics  on  the  large  and  growing  ecotourism  market.  

•   April  17,  2015:  Travel  Market  Report  article  by  Marilee  Crocker—Responsible  Travel:  Why  Agents   Should  Care.   CREST’s  Martha  Honey   shares   the   importance  of   travel   agents  being  involved   in   responsible   travel   and   discusses   “The   Case   for   Responsible   Travel:   Trends   &  Statistics  2015.”  

CREST  Summer  Eco-­‐Auction  &  Upcoming  Fall  Auction    

CREST  in  the  News    

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1333  H  St.,  NW  ■  Suite  300  East  Tower  ■  Washington,  DC  20005  ■  P:  202-­‐347-­‐9203  ■  F:  202-­‐775-­‐0819  ■  ■  [email protected]  


•   June  5,  2015:  Bloomberg  Business  article  by  Justin  Bachman  –  Take  a  Cruise,  Save  the  World:  Will  Millennials  Buy  Social-­‐Justice  Tourism?.  With  Carnival  Cruise  Lines  offering  new  “social  impact”   cruises   to   provide   voluntourism   experiences   in   partnering   destinations,   Martha  Honey  offers  insight  into  appropriate  forms  of  travelers’  philanthropy.  

•   July  17,  2015:  New  York  Times  article  by  CREST  honorary  advisory  board  member,  Elizabeth  Becker  –  The  Revolt  Against  Tourism.  Becker  discusses  growing  tensions  between  locals  and  tourists  and  outlines   the  need   for   regulation   to   stop  beloved  places   from  being  “loved   to  death.”  

•   July  25,  2015:  Caribbean  Life  article  by  Nelson  A.  King  –  New  grant  program  for  sustainable  tourism.   JetBlue   Airways   and   the   Center   for   Responsible   Travel   partnered   to   offer   two  student  scholarships  for  attendance  to  the  2015  Innovators  Think  Tank:  Climate  Change  and  Coastal  Tourism,  hosted  by  CREST  and  the  Puntacana  Ecological  Foundation.    


 Guide  for  Ethiopia’s  Rock  Hewn  Churches,  August  In  August,  Martha  Honey  will  spend  several  weeks  in  the  Tigrai  region  of  Ethiopia,  as  a  short  term  consultant   on   a   European  Development   Fund   project   to  expand   cultural   heritage   tourism.  Some   70   splendid   and  architecturally   important   rock-­‐hewn   churches   were   built   in   the  12th  century  by  the  then  king,  King  Lalibela.   Of   Ethiopia’s   nine   world-­‐heritage   sites,   the   rock-­‐hewn  churches   are   the   flagship   heritage  tourism   destination.   In   addition   to  attracting  international  visitors,  the  churches   are   also   an   important  destination  for  many  Ethiopian  pilgrims.      The  purpose  of  the  consultancy  is  to  promote  Tigrai’s  rich  cultural  heritage  by  creating  a  tourism  circuit   centered   on   up   to   15   of   the   most   impressive   and   historically   important   rock-­‐hewn  churches  that  are  spread  within  a  day’s  drive  of  the  towns  of  Wukro  and  Gheralta.  CREST  will  develop  a  camera-­‐ready  English  language  guide  and  map  to  the  most  important  churches  as  well  as  to  other  cultural  and  community  attractions  including  traditional  festivals  and  performing  arts,  local  cuisine,  and  handicrafts.    Honey  will  work  with  and  help  to  train  in  international  tourism  standards  four  local  experts  from  the  Tigrai  Culture  and  Tourism  Agency  and  Mekelle  University.        

Upcoming  Events  &  Announcements    

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1333  H  St.,  NW  ■  Suite  300  East  Tower  ■  Washington,  DC  20005  ■  P:  202-­‐347-­‐9203  ■  F:  202-­‐775-­‐0819  ■  ■  [email protected]  


American  Prairie  Reserve  gatherings,  October:  CREST  Executive  Director  Martha  Honey  has  been  invited  to  give  a  presentation  to  the  annual  gathering   of   the   American   Prairie   Reserve   (APR),   which   will   be   held   in   Bozeman,   Montana,  October  10,  2015.  She  is  also  invited  to  attend  the  APR’s  Leadership  Circle  Dinner  on  October  9,  as  well  as  to  spending  five  days  touring  the  Reserve  from  October  5  to  9.    The  American  Prairie  Reserve   is   a  unique  nonprofit   initiative   to   conserve  Montana’s   legendary  Great  Plains.  When  complete  it  will  include  more  than  3  million  acres  of  public  and  private  land  in  the  largest  wildlife  reserve  in  the  continental  United  States.          In  May,  Honey  was  invited  by  APR’s  President  Sean  Gerrity  to  attend  a  fundraising  dinner  at  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History  in  New  York  City  in  order  to  begin  to  explore  how  CREST  might  assist  APR.  APR  currently  has  two  small  accommodations  in  the  Reserve,  Buffalo  Camp  with  11  campsites  and  Kestrel  Camp  with  five  upscale  yurts.      APR  is  discussing  ways  in  which  CREST  might  assist  the  Reserve  in  growing  and  strengthening  its  tourism  facilities  and  programs,  while  adhering  to  internationally  recognized  standards  for  sustainability.    Climate  Reality  Project's  24  Hours  of  Reality,  November  At   CREST,   we   are   acutely   aware   of   the   impacts   the   tourism  industry  has  on  climate  change  and  how  our  world’s  places  and  people  are  being  impacted.  We  are  calling  for  strong  action  among  governments   at   COP21,   in   December.   Here’s   one   way   you   can  help:    In  collaboration  with  Live  Earth,  the  Climate  Reality  Project’s  2015  24  Hours  of  Reality:  The  World  is  Watching  will  be  anchored  in  Paris   and   broadcast   from   key   countries   around   the   world,  November  13  &  14.  It  will  feature  appearances  and  commentary  from   Founder   and   Chairman   of   The   Climate   Reality   Project   Al  Gore,  as  well  as  musical  performances.      In  continuing  the  mission  of  Live  Earth,  24  Hours  of  Reality  will  rally  millions  of  voices  around  the  world  to  demand  a  strong  emissions  reductions  agreement  in  Paris  at  COP21  through  a  sustained  petition  effort.  Please  sign  the  petition  now  to  add  your  voice.  Visit  the  Climate  Reality  Project’s  24  Hours  of  Reality  website  to  learn  more.    New  CREST  Website  Launch,  Fall  2015  Stay  tuned  for  the  launch  of  a  new  CREST  website!  CREST  staff  has  worked  over  recent  months  with  a  Catchafire  volunteer  specializing  in  User  Experience  (UX)  to  design  a  fresh,  easy  to  navigate  site  with  increased  utility.  The  site  is  currently  under  development  and  will  be  launched  in  Fall  2015.