crenshaw specific plan overview

Crenshaw Corridor Specific Plan Overview What Stakeholders Should Know About the Crenshaw Corridor Specific Plan

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A brief overview of the Crenshaw Corridor Specific Plan


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Crenshaw Corridor Specific Plan Overview

What Stakeholders Should Know About the Crenshaw Corridor Specific Plan

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Defining a Specific Plan

• A Specific Plan is an important land use tool that provides a link between the policy goals articulated in the city’s General Plan and specific desires for development and use within a defined geographical area.

• Specific Plans are intended to provide more detailed design guidance and control of local development and uses than the city’s General Plan and the Community Plan

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Brief History of the Crenshaw

Specific Plan• Crenshaw Corridor Specific Plan (CSP) was approved in concept with the adoption of the West Adams-Baldwin Hills-Leimert Park Community Plan in 1998, but languished

• A broad community coalition advocated for adoption of the CSP by the L.A. City Council and it was finally approved in 2003 and became effective in 2004

• CSP is one of only two area specific plans in all of South L.A. (USC is the other)– Comparatively Westwood has four

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Purpose of CSP

• To provide design regulations to guide all future development on the Crenshaw Corridor from the I-10 fwy to the Inglewood city border, while stimulating economic revitalization

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Purpose of the Crenshaw Specific

Plan• To prohibit undesirable uses– Gun shops, pawn shops, motels, swap meets, stand-alone bars, recycling centers, public self-storage

• To limit problematic uses– Fast food drive-thrus, gas stations, & other auto-related uses

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Purpose of the Crenshaw Specific

Plan• To enhance community aesthetics by establishing coordinated and comprehensive standards regulating building & wall heights, signage, façade treatments, building setback, landscape requirements, open space, underground utilities, etc.

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Purpose of the Crenshaw Specific

Plan• To promote an attractive, vibrant and safe pedestrian environment in the area’s designated as “Pedestrian Oriented”

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Pedestrian-Oriented Areas of

the CSP• The Crenshaw Specific Plan designates Subareas E & D (Hyde Park from 52nd to Slauson & Leimert Park Village) as Pedestrian Oriented– Limits the allowable uses

to neighborhood retail or service uses

– Encourages mixed-use development

– Encourages sit-down restaurants with outdoor dining

– Prohibits strip malls– Encourages development of a

continuous wall of retail

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Crenshaw Specific Plan Enforcement

• Dept. of Building & Safety: No building permit is issued without compliance with the Specific Plan

• Design Review Board (DRB): A seven member community board reviews “Project” proposals and makes recommendations to the Planning Dept.– DRB is appointed by the Council Member, and consists of: two architects; two members from the fields of planning, urban design and landscape architecture; remaining community members who need not be design professionals

– DRB only exists for the CSP portion in Council District 8

• The Planning Department Issues a Project Permit

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Definition of a “Project”

• The construction, erection, addition to or structural alteration of any building or structure or a use of land or change or use on a lot located, in whole or in part, with the Specific Plan area, which requires the issuance of a building, grading or sign permit

• The following are NOT considered a Project and thereby exempt:– Interior construction that does not increase the floor area, or number of vehicle trips

– Building permits required to comply with an order from the Dept. of Building & Safety to repair unsafe or substandard conditions

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“Exceptions” from the Crenshaw

Specific Plan• If a Project doesn’t conform with the CSP it must first request a “Exception” from the South L.A. Area Planning Commission (APC)

• Any granted Exception must meet ALL of the required “Findings”:– Compliance would create a hardship on the land owner; property is

exceptional and unique to others in the specific plan area; exception is not detrimental to the public welfare or properties in close proximity; exception is consistent with the intent of the Specific Plan & city’s General Plan

Example of a Project that needs Exceptions from the

pedestrian- oriented requirements of the CSP:

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Legal Authority of Specific Plans

• All Specific Plans have the force of law– The Los Angeles City Charter (municipal code)– California land use and planning laws, and legal precedents

• Any APC decision to approve or deny an Exception (based on the Findings) can be appealed to the City Council

• Any City Council decision to approve or deny an Exception can be appealed to the California Courts– Superior Court > Court of Appeals > Supreme Court