credibility 1. credibility counts 2 "ethos is the most potent of all means of persuasion"...


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Credibility counts2

"ethos is the most potent of all means of persuasion" (Aristotle, The Rhetoric, 1356a)

“To become a celebrity is to become a brand name” (Phillip Roth)

“The generalization that high credibility sources are more influential than low credibility sources is as close as one can come to a universal law of persuasion” (Gass & Seiter, 2007)


Definition: “Judgments made by a perceiver concerning the believability of a communicator” (O’Keefe, 1990). Credibility is not synonymous with

charisma or leadership. Credibility is also referred to as

“Ethos.” Credibility is a crucial element in


Berger (2004) maintains we are living in a “Celebritocracy.”

Roughly one in five ads features a celebrity endorser.

The Match-Up Hypothesis: A good fit between the endorser and the brand is essential. William Shatner parodies

himself in’s campy “action hero” commercials.

Meaning Transfer Perspective: An endorser’s persona is projected onto the brand. Catherine Zeta Jones

evokes style and sophistication for T-Mobil.


Celebrity endorses

25% of advertisements employ celebrity endorsers (Shimp, 2000).

Roughly 10% of advertising expenditures go to pay the endorser (Agrawal & Kamakura, 1995)

Selling power is known as a celebrity’s “quotient fare” or simply “Q”


The match-up hypothesis

How do these four endorsers fit the “My Life, My Card” American Express image?



Celebrity scandals rub off onto the sponsor. Tiger Woods was dropped by

Accenture, Buick, Gatorade, and other sponsors following revelations of marital infidelity.

Michael Phelps Kellogg's dropped him, but Speedo and Subway stuck with him, after his “bong” photo surfaced.

Michael Vick was dropped by Nike and Coca-Cola after his dog-fighting conviction.

Martha Stewart resurrected her image as a homemaking diva, after serving time for insider trading.

Celebrities in Politics

Celebrities have little effect on election outcomes.

"There is no polling evidence that celebrity endorsements make a difference,“

Kathleen Hall Jamieson "political endorsements generally

have little impact on voter preference."

A 2007 study by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press

It may be that celebrities are more successful motivating people to vote in general as opposed to tendering a vote for a specific candidate.”

Natalie Wood, Ph.D., marketing professor



Credibility is a perceptual phenomenon. Ethos is in the eye of the

beholder. Credibility is a multi-

dimensional construct. it is a composite of multiple

factors Credibility is situational.

It varies from one context to another.

Credibility is dynamic. It changes over time, even

during a short period of time.


There are three primary dimensions of credibility. All three are important in almost all

persuasive situations. Benoit (2004) says expertise is

tends to be the most important of the three.

Expertise (competence) The persuader has knowledge, skills,

knows his/her stuff. Trustworthiness (character,

integrity) The persuader is honest, safe,

dependable. Goodwill (perceived caring)

The persuader takes a genuine interest in you.


Does Captain “Sully” Sullenberger possess all three dimensions?

Does Oprah Winfrey possess all three dimensions?

Did Joe “The plumber” have expertise? Is Tiger Woods trustworthy? Are Fox News and CNN trustworthy? What dimensions were Richard Hatch or

Russell Hantz (from the TV show Survivor) high or low in?

Is Sarah Palin high in expertise?


There are multiple, secondary dimensions of credibility.

Secondary dimensions are more situation specific.

Dynamism (extroversion) A source is energetic, enthusiastic.

Composure (poise) A source is calm, cool, and collected.

Sociability (Likeability) A source is friendly, warm, charming.

Match the credibility dimensions below with the sources on the right.*

Primary: Expertise Trustworthiness Goodwill

Secondary Dynamism Composure Sociability

* Note: Since credibility is in the eye of the beholder, not everyone will agree.

James Bond Ellen Degeneris Ken Griffey Jr. Barack Obama John Madden Ty Pennington Rachel Ray Captain Sully

Sullenberger AIG Reese Witherspoon

Does anyone possess all three dimensions?



Credibility typically functions as a peripheral cue in persuasion. Credibility matters more when

receivers have low involvement.

Credibility matters less when receivers have high involvement.

The Third Person Effect15

Study by Yankelovich and Gannett, of 1,000 consumers nationwide: Only 25% of those questioned said a TV ad

would induce them to try a product or brand Only 3% said they would try a new product

based on the recommendations of a celebrity 63% said they would try something new

based on the advice of a friend.

Third person effect: People think they are less susceptible to persuasion than other people.

Self-serving bias: People think they are better than average; better drivers, better sense of humor, more intelligent, etc.


Credibility extends to government agencies, institutions, organizations, social movements.

Institutions have images and reputations to maintain. Toyota AIG FEMA

When an institution’s image is tarnished, it must engage in image restoration.

Hence the importance of PR, media “spin,” community involvement.

How would you rate the credibility of the following organizations? American Trial

Lawyers Association Blackwater (now Xe) Congress United Nations McDonald’s Philip Morris Wal-Mart

Pretend you are the head of a PR firm representing one of these companies.

What steps would you take to enhance or restore their credibility?



The persuasiveness of messages changes over time.

Most messages lose effectiveness over time. The Sleeper Effect is an exception to the

general rule. A message initially advocated by a low credibility

source may increase in persuasiveness over time. The source and the message must be disassociated

by using a discounting cue. Without the “ball and chain” of the low credibility

source, the message becomes more persuasive. Absolute versus Relative sleeper effects


Generalizing the credibility construct

Credibility applies not only to the rich and famous

institutions and organizations possess credibility as well

In dyadic encounters; there are two sources whose credibility is at stake

Do fictional spokespersons possess credibility?

Prepare thoroughly. Never “wing it.” Be organized, fluent,

composed. Manage your time carefully. Anticipate likely questions.

Cite evidence and source qualifications. Cite credible sources and

evidence within your presentation.

State your own background and expertise. Demonstrate that you know

what you are talking about.

Build trust by identifying with your audience. Emphasize similarities,

common values, shared goals.

Display goodwill by showing that you care. Be genuine, authentic. Show you have your

listeners’ interests at heart.