creativity in the media

Creativi ty In the media

Upload: yasmeen-ahmed

Post on 28-Jul-2015




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In the media

Video Games

Creativity is used in video games as new ideas are being developed for these games. The level of different ideas for games are now increasing and now imitate real life situations which supports the idea of being original and thinking up new ideas.

Creativity is highly used on YouTube as people use their own ideas to create a video of their choice which they then upload onto YouTube for other people to see and view their ideas.

Social Media

Creativity is used on social networking sites such as Facebook and twitter. People use creativity when editing their profile by changing their photos and background to make it individual. On twitter people use hash tags which is also a form of creativity as new hash tags are being promoted each day.

Music Videos

Artists use creativity when making music videos as they try and think up ideas to suit their song. They use creativity in the outfits that they wear and the effects that they use. This can be used to encourage more people to listen to their music and to show more individuality.

TV Adverts

Creativity is used in TV adverts by companies thinking up their own ideas in order to appeal to the audience. This involves individuality and making sure they’re ideas are original. The more creative, the more likely it is to appeal to an audience.


Film is one of the forms of media in which creativity is used the most. Creativity is used in film by being creative with the characters, editing, special effects, sound, props in order to create a product that is unique and appeals to a film audience. It also involves being creative with conventions and genre.

Fashion /Magazines

Creativity is often used in fashion by the magazines focusing highly on people’s image, in particular celebrities. This means being creative in the clothes that they wear.