creative writing - the best of saurav patra

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  • 8/17/2019 Creative Writing - The Best of Saurav Patra




  • 8/17/2019 Creative Writing - The Best of Saurav Patra


    1st Edition, May 2016 

    To my Family 

    This journey couldn't have been possible without you, you are my everything.

    Thank you for the support and care. 

    To my teachers 

    No student has learnt on his own! For me my Teachers are everywhere because I

    love learning from everything. 

    To the Kings and Queens family 

    You made me what I am today! I’  ll always stay indebted to you! 

    To Kavitha, Sowmya, Akash and Tiru 

    Hey! You people are my pillars. May our friendship last long! 

    To my Team 

     Alone I can go fast, but only with you I can go far... 

    And to all the budding creative writers like me!  

    Saurav Patra 

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    Before you begin…

    Pen is mightier than sword, and that is true only when the words written

    are worth inspiring discouraged people, healing the broken hearted and

    entertaining in the right sense. I write from my experience. I write not just

    because writing is my hobby but I feel God has put in me a burden to

    reach out suffering youngsters. I was once a boy without good character. I

    never thought I would write a book. But the Word of God changed my life.

    I know there are so many people around the globe like the old me. I desire

    to make them new, through my words. New in thought, new in lifestyle,

    new in behaviour and totally a new person. In fact I run a small company

    called ‘NavJivan’ which means New Life. NavJivan is publishing the works

    of budding writers, artists and also retired people.

    Friends, I don’t know in what situation of life you are in. But I promise

     you when you go through this little book, you’ll be inspired. Until now you

    might have been a sleeping giant but after reading this I’m sure you’ll be a

    mighty horse in your battle field.

    My Best with My Little Strength for you

     The Budding Writer

    Saurav Patra

    Saurav Patra

    Founder and Business Manager of

    Navjivan Columns

    An Aspiring Writer

    A current Student of Biotechnology  

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    1. Starting with your little strength

     —  it is never easy

    2. The Purpose and Power of your Legacy

     —  because we live to create legacy

    3. Some Stupid Souls!

     —  some people use their nose too much!

    4. The External Examiner

     —  some people use their nose too much!

    5. A thousand miles to go… 

     —  start walking now!

    6. The Lad who lost his Love Letter

     —  an inspiring love story based on Chennai Floods

    7. Smile with love (Mrs. Geeta Monson)

     —  its not just with lips but the heart also!

    8. Sleep well

     —  Too much of it can spoil your life!

    9. The Best

     —  does it even exist?

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    Starting with your little strength 

     —  it is never easy

    Author: Saurav Patra

    Genre: Super Small Article

    Newton began thinking when the rst apple dropped. He did not wait for another to fall

    so that he may conrm that something is happening. I’m not accusing anybody, but we

    should agree that we always wait and wait till the auspicious time comes. I say: “Start

    when the rst apple has dropped on your head!” I mean idea! When the rst idea strikes

    your mind, don’t neglect it. It may seem stupid, it may seem worthless, but your hard

    work can lead to innovations.

    Little strength does not mean weaknesses but more eort with little resources. Starting

    with little resources is a tough task. The start can only be successful when the main re-

    source is the mind and not money. Smart people start with their vision, work with their

    vison and nally reach their destination. On the other hand, foolish people start with

    money, work for money and end up being stupid millionaires with big debts and nally

    suicide. Countless are the examples! 

    The Purpose and Power of your Legacy 

     —  because we live to create legacy

    Author: Saurav Patra

    Genre: Small Article, Inspirational

    Legacy is a term commonly used in rich and well-to-do families, families owning a great

    deal of property like several acres of land, Gold in bulk, a huge bank balance and so on.

    The predecessor can leave back the things only by a written and authenticate will. Legacy

    is thus understood to be a materialistic deal, with bags of gold, money, bungalows that

    ows down from parents to the new generation. This legacy to me, is only a type of lega-

    cy amongst many other legacies, and is not at all universal. Legacy can be left behind, not

    only as property, but also as an invention that made life easier, a speech that strength-


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    ened weak people, a course of social-service lifetime, a sacrice that gave freedom to a

    country, a lifestyle that inspired people to live righteously and many more. 

    The purpose of a good Legacy: 

    Leaving back something is not a mandatory work. No government has yet established

    such a decree. Life is always something more exploring than what we imagine. We are, I

    mean all human beings, leaving back something or the other on this earth. No one is in-

    terested to see our written will but someone gets to see something that we leave behind.

    Thus we are leaving back a legacy just because we have come to existence, we have

    shared the world, we have met and spoken to people, we earn from this world and each

    and everything we enjoy today is just because the previous generation left behind a good

    legacy. So, as we are somehow ending up in such a situation, let us leave behind some-

    thing good. 

    We live to create legacy, 

    We die to make it live. 

    We gather to create a better oer, 

    Which to the next age we give! 

    The power of a good legacy: 

    The power of legacy has no relevance to politics, status, religion, caste, etc. The power of

    legacy abides in our lifestyle, our thought, our actions, our desire and fully in us. Legends

    become legends only when they understand the sacred meaning of life and work accord-

    ingly. No matter of who we are, we can impact the world by our good deeds! 

    Our legacy is strong enough to change the world! Our legacy can build broken walls! Our

    legacy can heal the broken-hearted! Our legacy can bring peace! There is nothing that we

    can’t do if we are determined to leave a good legacy behind. 


    Let us be serious in impacting good things to the coming generation. Let us not manipu-

    late others legacy, let us create a good legacy of our own. 

    A noble man makes noble plans and by his noble deeds he stands. 

    Some Stupid Souls! 


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     —  some people use their nose too much!

    Author: Saurav Patra

    Genre: Super Small Article, Inspirational

    We are in the midst of stupidity. Something, somewhere seems stupid every day. The

    most horrible acts of stupidity are displayed by humans. Some stupid people make us

    laugh while others make us cry.

    If you happen to look in deep, you will agree that we forgive people who make us laugh,

    no matter how stupid they are. But our heart always bears the burden of stupid peoplewho add no goodness to our lives.

    In my classication of Stupid Souls, I have on my list ‘The Discouragers’. I not only dislike

    them, but also I’m afraid of their words. I can face lifelong threats but not a word of dis-

    couragement in what I do. It just breaks my heart into pieces. I take so much time to re-

    cover from what these stupid people do. Some people question and they make you a

    leader, some people question you and try to break the leader in you.

    Stupid people follow everywhere. Where there is smartness, there is also a little stupidity.

    Not that they coexist but the underlying fact is that stupid people can’t keep their nose in

    one place. They always want to poke their nose into others business.

    Take discouragement in the right attitude. Don’t be emotionally moved by these people.

    Stay strong! Use your brain and not your nose! Your success should discourage your dis-

    couragers from discouraging anybody! 

    Remember, smart people earn money and stupid people only smell it, but can never share

    the joy! 


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    Thanks for reading. You came till the last line, this shows you are not a stupid at all! Kindly

    Like my Facebook page and feel free to join the team! 

    May God honour your smartness! 

    The External Examiner 

     —  school and college memories are the best!

    Author: Saurav Patra

    Genre: Super Small Article, Comedy

    There is always something special about an external examiner. Though this person comes

    very rarely into our lives, we speak of this person throughout the year. Importantly the

    External appear during our Final Practical Exams. So poor, I feel so sad for this person.

    Practical is a time when students are just so stressed and imagine what they will speak

    about a person who is going to question them, test them and nally give marks. Ah! So

    sad a state.Once we enter the lab, my friends would just long for one thing: To see the face of the Ex-

    ternal. No matter how the person looks like, my friends would tell this and that about the

    person: “Oh, so she’s the one.” “This external looks crazy!” “Dude, I’ll not leave him alone

    if he questions me badly” “He looks strict, I’m screwed today” “Why is H.O.D ma’am sit-

    ting along, I’m gone today”

    After a while the whole lab would be silent. For a while, all the students would keep gaz-

    ing at the external’s face like owls. Seriously a funny scene! One by one would be calledfor viva-voce. This is the moment where we feel like running away! Ouch! The rst ques-

    tion begins, and then slowly from our world of little knowledge the external will move to-

    wards his.

    Done. You may go! If the external was too strict, the whole day would be fun for everyone

    expect their own time of getting questioned. From outside you keep watching your

    friends getting questioned, blinking, scratching and what not! Super fun! 

    This External, who just comes for one day, makes the day special in its own way.


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    A thousand miles to go… 

     —  start walking now!

    Author: Saurav Patra

    Genre: Super Small Article + Poetry, Inspirational

    In life we are all like athletes, we are everyday running a race. We are supposed to practice

    and specialize ourselves in our own eld of expertise. Discouragement will come, failures

    will surely come. But it is my determination which will take me to my destination. 

    A thousand miles to go 

    And it begins from here. 

    Today, I start walking

    With great anxiety and fear. 

    The way ahead is a dicult journey, 

    It may be good or may not be; 

    But with great faith I keep walking 

    To reach my goal, my destiny. 

    Some places are too hard to travel, 

    Troubles and hurdles gives so much pain. 

    I’m not afraid, I’ll not stop here. 

    I’ll never let my eorts go in vain. 

    Dierent people come along: 

    One becomes a friend, other a foe. 


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    But I’ve xed my goal, I’m walking 

    Because I’ve a thousand miles to go. 

    In life we are all like athletes, we are everyday running a race. We are supposed to practice

    and specialize ourselves in our own eld of expertise. Discouragement will come, failures

    will surely come. But it is my determination which will take me to my destination. 

    NO matter what comes ahead or what comes behind, my destiny may be too near or too

    far, it may a good journey or may be bad. I start walking today and I shall reach there


    The Lad who lost his Love Letter

     —  an inspiring love story based on Chennai Floods

    Author: Saurav Patra

    Genre: Short Story

    A friend who truly falls in love, will somehow do his best his best to keep other relation-

    ships undisturbed. But a friend who simply has a ‘crush’ will, by all means, avoid so many

    necessary things. A ‘crush’ crushes so many important things in life, and very few

    acknowledge this fact.

    My friend Sam fell in ‘crush’ with a girl named Hana. I’m so rm in calling it a ‘crush’ be-

    cause he began avoiding me, his best friend. I still remember that he told me one day

    ‘Jerry, I’m so glad you’re my friend. We’ll stay friends forever!’ There was partial truth in it,

    and it was all about my commitment, obviously not his.

    Our friendship broke last week. He was angry when I told him that it was easy to draw a

    heart pierced with an arrow and write names in it but when real arrows of troubles and

    diculties pierce the heart, it becomes dicult to love a person. He wasn’t ready to ac-

    cept my words and eventually stopped speaking to me. I made up my mind to stay faith-ful to my friend and wait for him to get back. And things began to come back to normal-


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    cy, but quite abnormally. It began to rain! 

    December 1, it rained throughout the day. Who knew about the ood! I felt Sam was in

    danger, since he lived near the Adyar River. I immediately went out to the Railway station.

    O my God! No trains. No bus. No autos. I began walking through the ooded streets. It

    kept raining continuously and the water level raised and I didn't know to swim. I found a

    wooden log and with its help I sailed to my friend’s house. Once I reached there I was

    shocked! Half of Sam’s house was submerged. I went closer to see if he and his mom were

    inside. Alas! Sam was alone there, searching for something! 

    Jerry: Sam! What are you doing in here man?” 

    Sam: Hey, Jerry! I knew you’d come. I lost something important 

    Jerry: What is it? Is your certicates safe? You got to be sincere about them. 

    Sam: They are safe and they are with my mom. She’s there in the nearby ood shelter 

    Jerry: Thank God! What are you searching for then?” 

    Sam: Hmmm. A Love Letter 

    Jerry: What? Come on! What the hell do you think you’re doing? 

    Sam: I wrote it with all my heart, it’s for Hana. Please help me nd it, Jerry. 

    Sam began swimming around to nd the box in which he kept his love letter. I went

    around with the help of my wooden log. My heart was broken when I saw people around.

    One family lost their youngest daughter, and another lost their newly purchased car. A

    boy was searching for his parents, an old woman kept looking at the sky in so much

    doubt. So many people lost so many things they were worried and troubled about so

    many things and my stupid friend was worried about his love letter. 

    After a while I found Sam still searching his letter. I went closer to him and felt discour-

    aged to see such senseless attitude in him.

    Jerry: Sam, did you nd your letter 


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    Sam: It should be in that side, the water is moving there. Let’s check! 

    Jerry: Okay. 

    We went a little forward in search of Sam’s letter. Nothing seemed to bother him other

    than his letter. He never felt the need of helping people in their bad times. I felt like leav-

    ing him alone and joining the volunteers in rescuing people. When I was about to leave I

    found a girl drowning. Near to her was a little wooden box, I wasn ’t sure whether it was

    the box which had Sam’s letter. 

    Jerry: Sam, come here! See a girl is drowning. Let’s save her! 

    Sam: Hey, Jerry. Look there! My box. My love letter! 

    Sam swam swiftly to the box and took his letter out. He was in great joy. Seeing Sam ’s

    madness I was sure he’s not going to save that girl. Immediately, I hurried to the girl with

    the help of my wooden log. I went closer to the girl and to my surprise! She was Hana!

    She was gasping for breath. I took hold of her and took her to the volunteers, they treat-

    ed her and saved her from dying. Sadly, her mother and father drowned in the ood. She

    was left behind all alone. I took her to my home. My parents accepted her as their own

    daughter. My mom arranged a special room for Hana and she rested there. What a beau-

    tiful sister I’ve got! 

    Sam? I don’t know about him. Maybe I’ll tell him all these when Chennai recovers.

    One evening, I went upstairs to read the Bible and a verse said: 

    Love is patient, love is kind, It doesn’t envy, it doesn’t boast, it is not proud. It is not rude,

    it is not self -seeking, and it is not easily angered. It keeps no record of wrongs. Love does

    not rejoice in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always

    hopes, and always perseveres. Love never fails. 

    If you don’t take risks for your friend, you aren’t even worthy of enemies. 


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    Finally, I realized that Sam never lost his love letter because he never wrote one. 


    So friends, wishing you a very Happy Valentine’s Day and it is always a reminder that let-

    ters can or may be lost but not the eternal love. There may be so many Sam -Jerry-Hana

    amongst us but it is more important that we must have true piece of an asset called ‘Love’

    that neither can be bought or sold but can only be won with feelings, emotions and time. 

    Smile with love 

     —  its not just with lips but the heart also!

    Author: Geeta Monson, Retd. Teacher

    Genre: Poetry

    Let yours smile be that of a

    blooming sun ower! 

    Let it give warmth to the 

    hearts of those in pain and vain! 

    Let your smile be that of a 

    little angle who shower her blessing! 

    Let your smile spread its beams around

    like the fragrance of a ower! 

    But don’t smile at me

    unless it comes from your heart. 

    And I would not receive a smile 

    if it is for buttering me, 

    Because I fear the thorns may hurt me


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    behind it, even if it is like a beautiful rose. 

    If you don’t want to smile at me, don’t do. 

    But tell me what prevent you from that, 

    To save my heart from burning and your too, 

    To bring your smile back on your lips, 

    To make a beautiful painting

    out of a mess of colours! 

    Sleep well 

     —  Too much of it can spoil your life!

    Author: Saurav Patra

    Genre: Poetry

    Sleep well 

    Don't sleep in the well 

    It feels like swimming in the ocean 

    Living in your dreams and desires 

    Like the eagles scaling the clouds 


    You are actually a bird 

    Whose feathers are wet and can't y 

    Your dream is not true, it is a lie. 

    You must wake up and dream the truth 

    Live up to your dreams 

    Don't live in your dreams 

    Sleep well, just don't sleep in the well! 


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    The Best 

     —  does it even exist?

    Author: Saurav Patra

    Genre: Poetry

    Maybe the best hasn't come yet, maybe 

    The best actor hasn't been on screen, 

    The best teacher hasn't nished learning, 

    The best musician is still becoming better. 


    The best actor will never be on screen 

    The best teacher will never appear. 

    Whose tune you think is the best? 

    I say: There is nothing called 'the best' 

    We can only do better, you agree? 

    Never stop saying that was the best 

    There is someone somewhere 

    Who can do better than you. 

    Nobody in the world is the best 

    A kingdom has kings coming and going 

    You can make your kingdom better 

    Your successor will make it still better 

    Remember: The best is yet to come! 


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    Founder and Business Manager:

    Saurav Patra


    Saurav Patra, Ulafath, Neethu, Anagha, Sajin Sam Abraham, Mrs. Geeta

    Monson and Satish.


    Sowmya Suresh, Dipanjoy Mushahary and Saurav Tiru

    Quality Control:

    Akash Srivaths and Kavitha Singh

    Blog and Facebook Page management:

    Muhammed Baquier

    Technical Support:

    Nishant Horo, Gautham Sevar, Sam Immanuel, Gladson

    Finance Management:

    Roicy and Sayusha Jayarajan

    Printing Support:



    Sam, Gladson, Ruby, Rahul, Arpita, Merlin, Shivani and many others.


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    Advisory members:

    Mr. Edwin (Educationalist)

    Mr. Karthik (Professor)

    Mrs. Sharon (Professor)

    Mr. Joby John (Professor)

    Mr. Subhash Patra (Pastor)


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    Thank you for reading, continue reading...

    Our Upcoming Books:

     The Purpose and Power of your Legacy

    Patra’s Poetry— A collection of the Best

     Talent Management — A deeper look

    Managing Our Talents

     The Truth, The Thorn and The Throne

     The Art of Seeing

    Astra —  The Life of a Living Pen

     The Science of Little Strength