creative world. my world

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Post on 24-Mar-2016




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Final Reading




Created By

Alexis Davis-Johnson


Windows User

Table of Contents


Original Piece

Revision Piece


Doing my revision pieces I took a major focus

on what my classmates had to say. Took their

criticism and studied what I could have changed.

Took their advice on grammar or format. I tried to

read more of my work out loud because it made

more sense while hearing me say it to understand

what needed to be changed. These revisions

helped me see what I need to pay attention to

when writing. I never have done so much critical

“creative” writing before except for in my diary. I

never had so much criticism either. I always think

my stuff is good. But people are always out there

to help. I took me over a million times to figure out

what it was I could do differently and the

comments that were left helped me the most.

Person, Place, and Song

Alexis Davis-Johnson

The first time I heard, “Your side of the bed” by R&B artist Trey Songz, I was in the car with my boyfriend on our way back from the hospital, daydreaming and looking out the window. Starring at the lights poles and buildings as they don’t move or make a sound. Thinking what everything just shattered into pieces. There would be no more life, we wouldn’t be able to see, be comfortable, where would be go?

As the song plays, I heard him say things that hit me in the heart. I started to cry, dropped my head, closed my eyes and saw my aunt’s face.

My Aunt Renee had been sick as long as I can remember. I think I was 12 at the time when we first learned she had breast cancer. I didn’t really understand why all of the sudden her hair was short. I just thought she wanted a new look. Then I realized she was hurting and I wanted to hurt too. This cancer was like my aunt’s worst enemy. He would come, treat her bad and she would try so hard to keep him away. When he finally went away, she was free, she was relieved, she was most of all happy.

Throughout the six years that go by she had been in and out of the hospital. The cancer would come and go as it pleased. But this time it stayed and it was staying for good.

I was 18 at this time and I remember deciding to just go check up

on her. She was very ill and weak but still full of life and smiling at me. I told her I had met someone that I really liked and he was my prom date, and I couldn’t wait for her to meet him.

Days go by and this time she wasn’t able to stay home. At the hospital, my whole family was there supporting each other, my grandmother was surprisingly hanging in there staying strong. The doctor eventually told us not only did she have cancer but she had tumors in her brain and they were spreading. All I could ask myself was why? I know things happen for a reason and I’m not suppose to know everything but she was such a good aunt, sister, mother, friend. What was she going through where she had to be this sick. Anything that goes on in life, I think you can overcome. It was like when she was strong enough to kick that cancer out of her, it came back ten times worst. I miss my aunt, bring her back, I promise it wasn’t her time to go. That was the most heart-breaking news I have ever heard in my life. All I wanted to do was tell her that I loved her, while she was still here with me. I laid my head on her chest, and as I started to cry I felt her hand come on my back. I didn’t want to let her go but I knew she needed to get some rest. I kissed her on her cheek and told her I loved her. She tried to say it back, she was so pretty, because she tried, she looked so happy. But then again she looked uncomfortable with all those machines hooked up to her and taking nasty medicine. It hurt to see her in a bed that wasn’t hers, a room where your family could only come at certain times, and then your whole family sad instead of being happy to see you.

This brings me back to the car ride home from the hospital. She was all I was thinking about. In the song, he says “he doesn’t know if she is gone for good, or if she’s returning in the morning.”

One random afternoon, I was sitting in the living room, just got home from school watching television. My phone was ringing and from what I remember everything became unreal. My didn’t sound too happy, I thought I had did something wrong. He end up

breaking the news to me, my aunt Renee passed away that morning. I didn’t really say anything because I had to make sure that’s what he just said. My dad said he was on his way to the hospital to get my grandmother and that was it. It felt like I just hit the ground hard, I felt numb and my heart hurt so bad. The only thing I could do was cry. I had to miss school for a couple of days because I couldn’t focus. I would cry, daydream, and then cry some more.

She passed away October 5th of 2009. The funeral was just a cry fest for me, I didn’t talk much or eat much, I just wanted to stay with my grandmother and my dad. My cousins looked like looked in a daze, like they were not mentally stable. It’s a little difficult writing about it but I do think that maybe she is in a better place and she is peaceful. She will never be forgotten, my grandmother is always talking about her, she even accidentally calls one of us by her name. Whenever we go to her house will look at pictures and videos of my aunt. She may not be physically with us but she’s with us in spirit.

Ever since she passed away I have not listened to that song since today. Every time my boyfriend would come across that song, I would yell at him almost and tell him to change it. I think I am strong about it now. I try to go visit her grave site as often as I can. I just want her to know that I love her and miss her so much. Her boys are growing up to be very fine young men. They are living with my grandmother now and she is doing such a great job. One day I will see her again.


Alexis Davis-Johnson

Sometimes when I listen to slow songs or even fast songs it makes me want to move. Move meaning dance. Close my eyes and let the melodies take me away. In a state of mind where no one can find me, see me, understand me. My feet glide across the floor, I never know what I am going to do next. The first time I heard “Your Side of the Bed”, I was not dancing. More like daydreaming dancing.

October of 2010, my Aunt Renee passed away. The last day I saw her I told her I loved her and she wouldn’t let me go. I held her so tight we could feel each others heart beat. No more duos with her, just me all alone wondering why’d she have to go? Driving home with this song in my head going, “I don’t know if she’s gone for good or returning in the morning”. I closed my eyes, saw her face and cried. It felt like I was in a dream and my mind was moving instead of my feet. The song came in really slow with guitars, pianos, and drums. I picture me ripping my heart out, “every time she leave, it’s my heart that she taking from me.” looking up in the sky calling out to her.

I say “Every time” because this cancer came and went whenever it felt like it. Bringing my aunt down, she was in and out of the hospital. Every time felt like I was dying, I was so scared she would be gone that day. “I wait through the night tossing and turning”. Walking around the room confused, dancing with passion, sadness, anger.

As I dance she is watching me, smiling telling me how proud of me she is and don’t let anyone tell me otherwise. “Your side of the bed” I wish I could lay with her and talk to her all night. I remember I was so happy to tell her about my graduation and prom. I spin around in circles until I drop to the ground and take deep breaths.

Aunt Renee had been sick as long as I remember, since I was 12 years old. I know things happen for a reason but she was such a good aunt, sister, mother, daughter, friend. Why did she have to be this sick? Anything that goes on in life, I think you can overcome. It was like when she was strong enough to kick that cancer out of her, it came back ten times worst. The doctor eventually told us not only did she have cancer but she had tumors in her brain and they were spreading.

The song goes, “I don’t want to sleep if you aren’t here”, as the music gets really loud, I dance around the room freely with my arms wide open waiting to be hugged. I felt so alone, I miss my aunt, bring her back, I promise It was not her time to go. But then again she looked uncomfortable with all those machines hooked up to her and taking so many medications. It hurt to see her in a bed that wasn’t hers, a room where your family could only come at certain times, and then your whole family sad instead of being happy. I think that she is at peace now and enjoying herself.

Ever since that day I never listen to that song, I think about m aunt almost every day but it brings back too many emotions when listening to that song. Whenever I dance I feel her with me, I smile instead of cry, I am happy instead of sad. My aunt will never be forgotten, my grandmother is constantly saying her name, and we sit around looking at her pictures. She is not physically not with us but she watches over us and with us in spirit.


Alexis Davis-Johnson

In the dark, paint on the wall,I hear you laughing as I emotionally fall.I sit in front of this rectangular thing,and wonder...Why are you taunting me?I see you, and you see meI just want to be you can't you see?I ask for help and reach for the sky.I love myself, but my heart feels so dry.I try to be sugar and spice,but I'm just an exaggerated figure,I can't do anything right.I look at myself and see strength, not pounds.I cannot do this anymore, you're just weighing me down.As I stand and look at you,no... we are not one.But yes, we are different two.


Alexis Davis-Johnson

In the dark, paint on the wall,I hear you laughing as I emotionally fall.I stand in front of this rectangular thing,thinking...What is it about you that makes me sing?I see you, you see meI want to be you, can't you see?I ask for help and reach for the sky.I love myself but… my heart feels so dry.I try to be sugar and spice,I am pretty… right?I look at myself and see strength, not pounds.I will not stand for this, you are weighing me down.Staring and admiring you,No, we are not one.We are a different two.

Ordinary Amy

Alexis Davis-Johnson

An ordinary girl, an ordinary day, an ordinary life. Fourteen year old, Amy Cavanaugh isn’t the most popular girl in school, makes straight A’s, and keeps to herself. Not too much happens in Amy’s

life, she would like to have some friends but I don’t think anyone has ever heard her say a word. One day, at the library Amy is getting her homework done and playing computer games. This is as ordinary as it gets, Amy comes here almost everyday to relax and enjoys herself. She knows she can't stay too long because her curfew is at seven o’clock, before it gets dark. Her parents don’t want her walking home by herself at night.

Tonight was different, Amy always allows herself enough time to have fun but be home by seven. It was already a quarter to seven and Amy has not been checking the time. At five minutes after seven, Amy gathers her things and rushes out the door. Walking down the dark streets of Manhattan, Amy is a little scared thinking that she is going to be okay, the walk isn’t that far, but she should have left a lot sooner.

Up ahead she sees a group of girls from her school, hanging out at the corner of her neighborhood. She tries to walk past them without looking but they were obviously bored and a plan already. You know that feeling when you are so optimistic about life and well-being, you never consider the worst that could happen, and you never see it coming. From behind, the group of girls push Amy down, kick her a few times, took all of her money from her book bag, and broke her glasses. “How did I not see that coming? I should have ran home!” Amy said to herself. She finally made it home, got cleaned up and cried herself to sleep. Luckily her parents weren’t home just yet so she wouldn’t have to explain why she was late and what happened with those girls. The next morning, she forgot that her glasses were broken so she had to wear her contacts. “You look really nice today Amy”, her mom said. Amy’s mom fixed her breakfast and took her to the bus stop. “Mom, do you mind staying until the bus comes please?” Amy asked. “Sure honey. I love you and have a good day”, her mom said as kissing her on her forehead.

Amy gets on the bus but while sitting she was at a daze, as if she

was daydreaming. All she sees is the bus driver, driving and then crashes into a car and ends up swerving off the road and flipping over. The image of all classmates hurt and screaming for help was the last thing she saw. Resuming to her arriving on the bus, she realizes that the accident hasn’t happened yet. Now, Amy warning the bus driver what will happen, she orders all the students to get off the bus and call their parents. The students are scared and is either thinking she is telling the truth or she is just crazy. A few minutes upon arriving to school, the news announced a horrible school bus accident of a bus driver with no students on it. The woman bus driver, being taken away on a stretcher to be further looked at, yelling saying that Amy was the one who warned her of the crash. Amy then had to explain to her principle, guidance counselor and parents what happened from her getting bullied to the accident.

Amy has no idea where these visions come from or even why but those are her least worries, she is able to save lives of her classmates. She enjoys making new friends in the process and now does not live an ordinary life.

Ordinary Jonathan

Alexis Davis-Johnson

An ordinary boy, who lived an ordinary life, woke up to another ordinary day. Fourteen year old, Jonathan Smith hates everybody, hates school, hates everything. He pretty much keeps to himself considering that he is so mean, he has no friends. Everyday after school Jonathan hoes to the neighborhood arcade and plays video games for hours. His parents thinks he is at the library studying and doing homework assignments. This is as ordinary as it gets, Jonathan comes here almost everyday to do what he wants, not being bothered by anyone. Jonathan would love to stay there all night and keep beating the high scores but his curfew is at seven o’ clock, before it gets dark. His parents don’t want him walking home alone at night.Tonight was different, Jonathan was not paying attention to the time because he was so into the game he had no idea it was already seven. His eyes almost popped out, they got so big. Grabbed his things and rushed out the door. Walking down the streets of Manhattan, he may be a little uneasy walking home in the dark. Up ahead he spots a group of kids from his school, hanging out on the corner of his neighborhood. He notices there is a small kid on the ground crying because the boys are picking on him. “Hey!”, Jonathan yells. They all look up and stare. “Leave him alone. Don’t you guys have anything else better to do?” Jonathan was hesitant and chose his words wisely. “Well we can pick on you next.” One of the boys said to him, walking up to him. The leader of the pack thought that this was going to be an easy fight. He swung and punched Jonathan in the stomach. While Jonathan was bending over holding his stomach, he looks up, starts swing and punched this boy in the nose. His nose started bleeding and was crying like a little girl. Jonathan started at his fist because he didn’t know he could do that. He told the boy, “I advise you not to bully anyone again. Or I will find you. Now go home and get that looked at.” The group of boys ran away helping their friend along the way. 

Jonathan walked up to the kid and told him to be more careful out here by himself at night. “What’s your name?” The kid asked. “Jonathan… Jonathan Smith.”, “Thank you so much, you’re a hero.” Jonathan smiled as they both started to head home. “Me? A hero? I just wanted to help, I didn’t know I could fight.” He said to himself. “I think I get it from all these awesome video games. Maybe I have their powers! Yea that’s it, I am a hero, I have superpowers! I am the next superman. Maybe tomorrow I can fly!” Jonathan was just so excited, flopping himself on his bed and heading to sleep.The next morning, Jonathan felt refreshed, like he was a whole new person. His mom dropped him off at the bus stop. Usually she has to ask for a kiss goodbye and he usually ignores her. But today he did it himself without her even asking. Her mouth dropped and she wondered what has gotten into him. Jonathan gets on the bus and sits behind the bus driver. Ten minutes later, the bus driver is panicking, Jonathan asks what is wrong and she says the breaks went out and she can’t stop. Jonathan tells her to remain calm, just avoid hitting anything and he is going to go out there. She looked at him in a state of confusion but she did as he said and opened the front doors. Jonathan starts to freak out himself, he doesn’t even know if he can fly yet. “Think video games, think video games, think video games.” He says to himself over and over again with his eyes closed tight. He started to float in the air as he opened his eyes. No time to be amazed by this, he had to think fast! He flew to the front of the bus, wind blowing in his face, all the other kids looking out at him hoping he can help them. Jonathan planted his feet to the ground and started pushing the bus backward. He’s pushing but the bus is going so fast. He has to give all he has and gain extra strength. He pushes even harder while you hear Jonathan yelling and it stopped. This took so much energy out of him he passes out.Next, he wakes up. Noticing he is in the hospital. Things still look a little blurry, “Is everyone ok!?” As he started to worry if his classmates were ok, he sees them all in the room with him. The bus driver, his parents and police officers. His mom touches his forehead and says “You are a hero Jonathan.” As he takes a deep breath of relief he falls back asleep.

Personal Profile

Alexis Davis-Johnson

A painting can be explained by so many people and all be different answers. The more you study it, you get to know the painting, read between the lines, the colors, the shape, even the emotions. But who is really going to understand the true picture?On this painting is a figure of Alexis, a 20 year old, brown skinned, short young lady. Around her are sparkles of personality that makes her glow. I would consider Alexis very friendly,shy at times but outgoing as well. Her smile is like the sun, it brightens the day and leaves a mark in people's heart. Why smile all day everyday? Well who wants to be mad at the world and be grumpy?In this painting her heart is on her arm instead of her chest. Her personality is so friendly, but that doesnt mean she has never been hurt by friends and family or even made mistakes of her own. Alexis is never mad for long, she always forgives but never forgets. When she loves, she loves hard leaving her to be the sensitive one. With the tear drop upon her face means her emotions can get the best of her. Welcome to the world of Gemini's.The strangest thing about this painting is that she has multiple arms as if she were like an octopus. I call that multi-tasking, Alexis grew up joining many sports and clubs. From gymnastics, to dance, tennis, basketball, and cheerleading. She loves trying new things and being adventurous. In the future as far as her career goes, its going to be the same way. Bringing new ideas, learning all that she can, and just enjoying life.Lastly, there is a small locked door at the bottom of her feet. Alexis' fear can also get the best of her and as she gets older, she wants that to change. Realizing that tomorrow is not promised, things are not going to be handed to her, so she must go out and be all that she can be. All that is on this painting would not have been understood without the artist itself to explain; Alexis Davis-Johnson

Personal Profile

Alexis Davis-Johnson

A painting can be explained by so many people and all be different meanings. The more you study it, you get to know the painting, read between the lines, the colors, even the emotions. But who is really going to understand the true picture?On this painting is a figure of a brown skinned, short young lady. Around her are sparkles of personality that makes her glow. I would consider her very friendly, shy at times but outgoing as well. Her smile is like the sun, it brightens the day and leaves a mark in people's heart. In this painting her heart is on her arm. Her personality is so friendly, but that doesn’t mean she has never been hurt or even made mistakes of her own. She is never really mad, she always forgives but never forgets. When she loves, she loves hard leaving her to be the sensitive one. With the tear drop upon her face means her emotions can get the best of her. Welcome to the world of Gemini's.The strangest thing about this painting is that she has multiple arms as if she were like an octopus. I call that multi-tasking, she grew up joining many sports and clubs. Gymnastics, dance, tennis, basketball, and cheerleading were her favorite. She loves trying new things, being adventurous, bringing new ideas, learning all, that she

can and enjoying life.Lastly, there is a small locked door at the bottom of her feet. Fear can get the best of her and as she gets older, she wants that to change. Realizing that tomorrow is not promised, things are not going to be handed to her, she must go out and be all that she can be.All that is on this painting would not have been understood without the artist herself to explain; Alexis Davis-Johnson

Girls Just Want To Have Fun

Alexis Davis-Johnson

We are young,Let's get wild, and live free.This is our time,counting down one, two, three.When our work day is done,I meant to say three, two, one.This city girls works,but wants to have fun.I want to relax, and enjoy the sun.Nails done, hair and make-up is always a need.When we feel good, in anything we can succeed.Boys do "manly" things, Girls we do "lady" things.A girl's daily wish, is to have a few diamond rings.Fun is what you do, when you want to do it.I would have fun everyday, I must admit.I have my best outfit on,leaving everyone to stare.It's always fun picking out something to wear.As i drive downtown, music playing;Girls just want to have fun.

Don't worry this isn't the end,in fact it has just begun.

Girls Just Want To Have Fun

Alexis Davis-Johnson

We are young,Let's get wild, and live freeThis is our time,counting down one, two, threeWhen our work day is done,I meant to say three, two, oneThis city girl works, but has to have funI want to relax, and enjoy the sunNails, hair and make-up done, is always a needWhen girls feel good in anything they can succeed!Girls do "lady" things,wishing to have a few diamond ringsFun is what you do, when you’re laughing having a good timeI would have fun every day it’s my time to shineI have my best outfit on, leaving everyone to stareIt's always fun picking out something to wear.As I drive downtown, music playingGirls just want to have fun, I’m just sayingDon't worry this isn't the end,in fact it has just began


Alexis Davis-Johnson

How can you not see what god has created?

Beauty is always and will forever exist.

It is easy to get caught up into what society thinks beauty is.

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.


We as human beings, must develop an eye for simplicity.

We as human beings only seek what needs to be corrected.

Don't judge a book by it's cover, beauty is not always on the outside.

Within a soul is a heart, personality, a mind, intelligence, love, flaws, feelings, appearance, and life.

Be everything that is you, deep at the center of your being ever so lovely.


The beauty of nature surrounds us everday that we live.

Summer and Spring full of fun times, smiles as big as the sun, outside enjoying the colorful bright scenery with peace, love, and


Fall and Winter time brings families together in doors, keeping eachother warm,

sitting in front of the fire, telling stories and eating smores.


The art of Technology surrounds us more and more each day.

It is more amusing than sad when majority people in a room will have an iphone or

just everyone's head is down, with their face plastered in this small device.

You even hear about cars parallel parking by themselves and navigation systems being easier than pulling out a map.

Even phones and computers allowing you to talk to someone miles and miles away on camera.

"Technology is taking over the world", is what I say.

Beauty is everywhere but not everyone can see it.



Alexis Davis-Johnson

How can you not see what god has created?Beauty is always and will forever exist.Don’t let society confuse you with what beauty is.Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.Beauty...We as human beings, must develop an eye for simplicity.We as human beings only seek what needs to be corrected.Judge a book by it's cover, beauty is not always on the outside.Within a soul is a heart, a mind, an appearance, and a life.Be everything that is you, deep at the center of your being ever so lovely.Beauty...The beauty of nature surrounds us everyday that we live.Summer and Spring full of fun times, smiles as big as the sun, outside enjoying the bright scenery with love, and happiness.Fall and Winter brings families together in doors, keeping each other warm,sitting in front of the fire, telling stories and eating smores.Beauty...The art of Technology surrounds us more and more each day."Technology is taking over the world", is what I say.

Beauty is everywhere but not everyone can see it.Beauty...

Ode to my car Nissy!

Alexis Davis-Johnson

We were so close my senior year,

“It’s you and I Alexis, have no fear!

She was the first car I got to drive alone

on my way to school blasting my favorite song.

We both would sneak out the house after curfew

sometimes I just tell her, "I love you".

Nissy was my ride or die.

I made sure I kept her clean, and made her fly.

My mother claims, Nissy was hers and not mine

I had majority vote mother, don’t worry about her she’ll be fine.

March 1st of 2012, she is no longer with me

As I left in the ambulance, It was hard to see.

An accident so sudden, right before my eyes

Today was the day I had to say goodbye.

I show tribute to her for keeping me safe.

I got a new car now and I named her Kate.

No car will come close to what we had

Thinking about you… just makes me sad.

Ode to my car Nissy!

Alexis Davis-Johnson

We were so close my senior year, “It’s you and I Alexis, have no fear!She was the first car I got to drive aloneon my way to school blasting my favorite song.We both would sneak out the house after curfew I always just told her, "I love you".Nissy was my ride or die.I made sure I kept her clean, and made her fly.My mother claims, Nissy was hers and not mineI had majority vote mother, don’t worry she’ll be fine.March 1st of 2012, she is no longer with meAs I left in the ambulance, It was hard to see.An accident so sudden, right before my eyesToday was the day I had to say goodbye.I show tribute to her for keeping me safe.I got a new car now and I named her Kate.No car will come close to what we hadThinking about you… just makes me sad.