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- 1 - Creative Sandbox Guidebook YouTube Masthead TrueView Ads Brand Channels Mobile Go Mobile Multi-Screen Location-Aware Personal Maps Google Maps Street View Search Google AdWords Google AdWords Extensions Social Google Hangouts Google+ Features 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Contents

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Creative Sandbox Guidebook

YouTube• Masthead

• TrueView Ads

• Brand Channels

Mobile• Go Mobile

• Multi-Screen

• Location-Aware

• Personal

Maps• Google Maps

• Street View

Search• Google AdWords

• Google AdWords Extensions

Social• Google Hangouts

• Google+ Features
















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YouTubeUnlock the full power of online video for your brand.

• Masthead• TrueView Ads• Brand Channels


Own the YouTube Homepage with the Masthead.Engage users with interactive ads and give maximum visibility to your brand.

Skyfall Motorbike Chase

Using DoubleClick’s technology, Sony Pictures created an in-banner driving game within the YouTube masthead, controlledthrough smartphone. Something that Q himself would certainly get excited about.

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See the full case study on the gallery here

When users come to the YouTube homepage, they’re in a grazing mode and looking for content that will entertain, educate or inform. The masthead format delivers massive reach and high interaction rates because it has the potential to captivate the users without interrupting their experience.

More information on YouTube advertising site

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TrueView Ads

TrueView videos let great ads stand out since users can choose to skip or watch them.

La casa Eco & Sodimac

In Chile, La Casa Eco & Sodimac created a pre-roll aiming to raise awareness of bad ecological habits by incorporating the ‘Skip This Ad’ button as part of the creative. A really clever example that shows how technology can fuel creativity.

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TrueView lets viewers skip your ads. And you only pay if they choose to watch 30 seconds. Because TrueView puts users in control, you know that you’re reaching your most valuable audience. And best of all, when people choose, they remember. They are then more likely to advocate, interact with, and generate sales for your brand.

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Brand Channels

Create a bespoke and immersive home for your brand on YouTube.

Call of Duty: Black Ops II

Activision used a YouTube Brand Channel to create an awesome interactive trailer. It uses the same assets as the TV spots, but tells the story in a much richer, non-linear way by allowing users to interact with the video.

Link to experience

See the full case study on the gallery here

YouTube is the 2nd biggest search engine in the world and the world’s 3rd largest site, so it’s vital that you establish a rich presence on the site. Brand channels give you a wealth of options to create a bespoke and immersive home on YouTube that’s truly representative of your brand.

More information on YouTube for advertisers

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Create beautiful Mobile Sites

MobileSmall canvas, big opportunity. Find some inspiration to make the most of mobile.

• Go Mobile• Multi-screen• Location-aware• Personal

Lexus Create Amazing

Lexus’ primary challenge in Europe is to get noticed. Most premium automotive sites look the same, so to stand out they created a truly premium desktop and mobile site, giving a sense of seamless luxury.

See the full case study on the gallery here

Increasingly, users are accessing the web from a mobile, therefore it’s critical that your presence on the web is optimized for mobile devices. Studies have shown that 2/3rds of users will not return to a site that is not optimized for mobile.

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Design the right experience for users multitasking across TV, mobile, tablet and desktop.

Carling - Be the Coach

Carling let all South African football fans “be the coach” by voting on their mobile phone while watching a football game on TV.

View full case study on the gallery here

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Since mobile devices are always on and always with us, consumers are increasingly multitasking with mobile even while engaged with other media. This is a great opportunity to design captivating experiences across devices.


Use mobile’s GPS to stage locally-relevant experiences.

Anne Frank House

History can be experienced more intensely by seeing where it actually happened. The mobile application ‘Anne’s Amsterdam’ was developed as a truly immersive way of discovering what happened to Anne Frank.

See full case study on the gallery here

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When mobile creatives can tap into a device’s GPS and harness information about consumers’ real-time locations, they can not only for drive them into stores, but also stage much more compelling brand experiences.

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As mobile devices become an extension of the user, mobile apps can be used to build habits like exercising.

Nike+ GPS app

Nike created the Nike+ GPS app to let any runner track their runs and performance via GPS, and turn solitary running into a social activity. When runners begin a run, they can let their friends on Facebook know via a post. Friends who see the post can ‘like’ or comment. When they do, runners receive an audible cheer through their headphones.

See full case study on the gallery here Watch video

Mobileisthefirstdevicethatwereachforandthelastonethatweputdownatnight.Giventheirpersonalnature,mobiledevicesareapowerfultooltoinfluenceindividualbehaviours.Combinedwithsocialcontextandtherightsharingmechanism, it can allow brands to build powerful communities.

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Google Maps

MapsCreate beautiful experiences by customizing Google Maps for your brand.

• Google Maps• Street View

Band of Bridges

To celebrate the idea that bridges ‘bring us together’, the Golden Gate National Park used the Google Maps API to let people add their own favorite bridges next to one another, and share the creation seamlessly across all social networks.

See the full case study on the gallery here

See all Google Maps case studies here

Use Maps as your Creative Canvas

The Google Maps API allow brands to use new features as a way to provide better perspective and more functionality. Customize the look and feel using Styled Maps, integrate your own data using the Maps API, or remove unwanted maps features.

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Street View

Street View is like visiting a place without being there. It lets you embed fully interactive panoramas on your site.

Volkswagen Street Quest

Volkswagenlaunchedagamewhichchallengeduserstofindas many Volkswagens as possible on South African streets using Google Street View, in a custom-designed Street Quest gaming interface.

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Display your own Street View imagery

With the Google Maps JavaScript API v3, you can access our Street View global imagery database or add your own images (such as the inside of a building) to use in your apps. From the streets of Tokyo to the penguins of Antarctica, Street View is available on seven continents.

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Google AdWords

Did you know you can immediately discover movie times and locations, or the weather forecast, by performing a simple search on Google? And have you tried voice search? These are just some of the various features that are gradually making search more like a personal assistant and delivering precisely what you want.

SearchSearch is more than 3 lines of text. See how you can improve your campaign with search ads extensions.

• Google AdWords• Google AdWords Extensions

Have you ever Googled yourself?

Swedish agency Wisely used search creatively to drive new business. They proved that using search as a creative entrypoint to your digital experience can work wonders.

See the full case study on the gallery here

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Google AdWords extensionsFrom a simple white box with ten blue links, search has dramatically evolved over the years. Google is building a massive knowledge graph of real-world things and their connections to bring you more meaningful results as well as rich extensions for your ads.

Product Listings

Product Listing Ads are search ads that include richer product information, such as product image, price and merchant name, without requiring additional keywords or ad text. They create a more engaging user experience while making it easy for you to promote your entire product line on Google search. And because Product Listing Ads are charged on a CPA basis, you only pay for conversions.

Find more information on the Ad Innovation site

Location Extensions

You can extend your AdWords campaigns by dynamically attaching your business address to your ads. Location extensions can help attract customers who may be just around the corner as well as those searching for a business in an area they’re planning to visit soon.

Find out more on the Ad Innovation site

Media Ads

When someone enters a search that is directly related to your video title, we automatically display your Video Ad at the top of the search results page. If people who search for your brand are primarily looking for video content, then Media Ads are right for you. It makes it easy to get your brand in front of the right audience on Google search.

Find more information on the Ad Innovation site

Social Extensions

Social extensions link your Google+ Page to your AdWords campaigns so that all your +1’s – from your page, your website, ads and search – get tallied together. On average, search ads with social annotations receive a 5-10% uplift in click-through rate. Customers will be able to see the recommendations that your business has received, whether they’re looking at an ad, a search result or your Google+ Page. This means that your +1’s will reach users across all of our products.

Find more information on the Ad Innovation site

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Google+ Hangouts

SocialGoogle+ introduces new ways of sharing, across all of Google.

• Google+ Hangouts• Google+ Features

Verizon / Daria Musk concert

Truly innovative marketers get to know communities andfindouthowtheycancontribute.Verizonsawthevibrant music community on Google+, and the rising star, Daria, who made her career on Google+. They decided to contribute to the community by staging a Hangout concert for Daria on a roof in NYC, all streamed over Verizon 4G LTE.

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Catch-up face-to-face

If you’re up to 10 people, videoconferencing is free with Google+ Hangouts. You can also livestream a conference to YouTube, or use the API to build fun webcam experiences.

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Google+ Features


Share like you mean it

Circles make it easy to share the right things with the right people, just like in real life. Now you can share some things with close friends, others with your family, and almost nothing with your boss.

Whether it’s restaurant directions on Google Maps or an entertaining YouTube video, circles make it easy to share no matter what you’re doing.

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Google+ Communities

Talkaboutthestuffyou’reintowithpeoplewholoveit too

Communitieshelpyoufindpeoplewhoareintothesame things you are. Share news, ideas and passions with just the right people, or meet some new ones by joining public communities.

Google+ Pages

Make your business at home on Google+

Your Google+ page is your brand’s home on Google.Create your Google+ page, then add your company name and images to customize your page. Next, tell visitors more about your brand in the “About” section. Including a website and detailed description can help customersfindyouacrossGoogle.

Party mode

Celebrate what matters, with the people whomatter most

Google+ events lets you create beautiful event invites, and uses Party Mode to take Instant Upload to the next level. You can snap photos during a Google+ event and share them with everyone at the party in real time, right from your phone.

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