creative common licence

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Post on 30-Jul-2015




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1. Telling Stories: Free Resources and visual presentations 2. It is a nonprofit organization that allows: The sharing and use of creativity and knowledge through free legal tools. Change your copyright terms to some rigths reserved and modify them to best suit your needs. Creative Commons License 3. It provides licensing tools that are free to use. Download and share digital content legally. Let people know what you want their resources to reuse in your own work. What means to use this resource? 4. CC give us malleability and guard the people who use your work. Dont worry about copyright infringement. There are a lot of available works to the public. (songs, videos to scientific and academic material). How CC help us? 5. Copyright licenses and tools. More compatibility with the full potential of the internet. Copy, distribute, edit, remix and build upon. Make sure our licenses are legally solid, globally aplicable and responsive to our users needs. What CC provides? 6. . Legal Code layer of each license. Each license begins as a traditional legal instrument, in the kind of language and text format known and loved by lawyers. The summary of the license or "Commons Deed" (also known as the "human readable" license version): available licenses in a format that people who are not lawyers can understand. The "machine-readable" version of the license: a summary of the rights and key obligations written in a format that the computer systems, search engines and other forms of technology can understand. 7. Dont be bored The message should be internalized in our students How to do a good presentation? 8. 3 KEYS Preparation Design the visual presentation Presentation in itself. Picture: David Roldan. For achieve the success should be 9. WHAT want to say WHO we are going to say the message Picture: Juan Luis Hernanz HOW we are going to say it 1.What, who, how ? 10. Who is the audience? How old are they? What problems have the audience to understand the message? What is the object of the meeting, class or conference. What kinds of presentation we are going to do. 2 types : Formal and participation of the audience. Reflections 11. Know the interests and expectations of the audience. Adjust levels. Pictures: Flickr 2. Know the audience 12. Make an effort to explain the message and its parts. Picture: Elvira Boix 3. The message 13. The audience have to remember the message Picture: Angeles Brittez The objective of the message 14. Simple Picture: mi vida en la red Astonishing Concrete Credible Emotional The message have to be: 15. A context Picture: Filmac centre A problem A solution for the problem The message have to include: 16. The message have to tell a story Picture: Gonzalo Leniz. 17. THINK in the audience THINK in the message Divide the message in affirmations and explications. The teacher have to: 18. The presentation must have a structure. 19. Examples Visual metaphors The presentation have to include 20. Everything have to be: . Organize on a script. Picture: Lobo