creating strong family bonds: part 1: the family god intended rev. can. dr. john and dr. ruth...

CREATING STRONG CREATING STRONG FAMILY BONDS: FAMILY BONDS: Part 1: The Family God Part 1: The Family God Intended Intended Rev. Can. Dr. John and Dr. Ruth Senyonyi Marriage and Family Seminar GAFCON, NAIROBI, KENYA OCTOBER 2013

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Part 1: The Family God Intended Part 1: The Family God Intended

Rev. Can. Dr. John and Dr. Ruth Senyonyi Marriage and Family Seminar


Foundation.. Foundation..

“If the foundations are destroyed,

What can the righteous do? The LORD is in His holy temple; The LORD’s throne is in heaven; His eyes see, His eyelids test, the

children of men.” (Psalm 11.3-4).

Family Foundation Family Foundation

 Rebuilding the Family requires reconstructing the foundations for the Family. Think of this characterization of modern marriages:

“The state of marriage today is Matrimony, Acrimony and then Alimony.” Anon.

Hotel collapses ..Hotel collapses ..

Bwebajja, Uganda, Sept. 4 2004

“The death toll from Wednesday's hotel collapse in central Uganda rose to ten Saturday as police removed five more bodies from the building debris.The three-storey hotel was still under construction in the village of Bwebajja, about 18 kilometres south west of Kampala, when it collapsed Wednesday morning.Rescue work continued Saturday as a stench from the decomposing bodies still trapped beneath the rubble filled the air.Rescue teams including the police, workers from private construction firms and the Red Cross were using heavy machinery to remove the concrete debris.

Authority of Scripture Authority of Scripture

What do you understand by “the authority of God’s Word”?

The testimony of the Bible:2 Timothy 3.16 2 Peter 1.20-21Romans 15.4,

Authority of the Bible Authority of the Bible

If all truth is God’s truth, = all truth wherever it is found should be consistent with Scripture.

“God’s Words are the ultimate standard of truth”. Grudem (1994)

The sixth article of Faith of the “Thirty-Nine The sixth article of Faith of the “Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion” statesArticles of Religion” states

“VI. Of the Sufficiency of the Holy Scriptures for Salvation.

“Holy Scripture containeth all things necessary to salvation: so that whatsoever is not read therein, nor may be proved thereby, is not to be required of any man, that it should be believed as an article of the Faith, or be thought requisite or necessary to salvation. In the name of the Holy Scripture we do understand those Canonical Books of the Old and New Testament, of whose authority was never any doubt in the Church.”

What was/is God’s purpose for What was/is God’s purpose for Marriage and FamilyMarriage and Family

To worship Him.Genesis 2.16-17: “And the Lord God

commanded the man, saying, ‘You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.’”

Fellowship with God: Genesis 3.8-9.

The Bible on FamilyThe Bible on Family

Genesis 2.18-25; Song of Songs, Malachi 2.13-16; Proverbs 5, 6.20-7.27; Ephesians 5.21-33; Colossians 3.18-4.1.

Genesis 2:18-25Genesis 2:18-25

The story of the first family.

God’s purpose in creating Woman for man?

The story…vs. 18The story…vs. 18

Marriage is God’s gift to man – an initiative to meet man’s need.

Man needed a “helper (??)”“Suitable” means ‘a perfect


The story….vs.19-20The story….vs.19-20

Woman different with from other creation: God “formed (the animals and birds) out of the ground”

All the animals and birds of the world were not “suitable helper” for the man. (bestiality)

Man named the creatures plainly without emotional or erotic sentiments, and no marital attachment.

The story…vs 21-23The story…vs 21-23

Woman was created out of man’s very nature.

God took one of “man’s ribs” and from it formed woman

Man composed a poem/song when he saw the woman.

He named her – a special ‘name’ for a wife, God’s deliberate creation of Woman for


The Pillars of MarriageThe Pillars of Marriage…vs 24 …vs 24

1. LEAVE – all other human relationships assume secondary priority

2. CLEAVE – to be glued, commitment of heart, mind and soul. Deeper than emotions. Divorce creates wounds . Be faithful till death.

3. ONE FLESH – Sex is the original plan of God, it was intended, to be enjoyed.

4. FULLSTOP –Defines completion of that which is (without children, wealth, good cook, dancer etc.)


“If a child of God marries a child of the devil, the said child of God is sure to have some trouble with his father-in-law.” Anon.

“Marriages may be made in heaven, but man is responsible for the maintenance work.” Changing Times.


“God was witness between you and the wife of your youth..your wife by covenant.”

Malachi 2:14-15We make vows to enter this

covenant relationship

The East African Revival Heritage The East African Revival Heritage

Walking in the light – I John 1:7“ ...if we walk in the light as he is in

the light,, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin.”

The East African Revival Heritage The East African Revival Heritage

Repentance – 1 John 1:9-10

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us”

The East African Revival Heritage The East African Revival Heritage

Brokenness: Psalm 51:17

“A broken and contrite heart , O God you will not despise”

Psalm 34:18“The Lord is near to the brokenhearted


The East African Revival Heritage The East African Revival Heritage

Putting right: Exodus 22:5-6,Leviticus 5:16;

Numbers 5: 7-8. “..he shall make full restitution for his
