creating america: chapter 3 sec. 1 rago 2012-2013

Download Creating America: Chapter 3 Sec. 1 Rago 2012-2013

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Key Terms  Joint-Stock company  Charter  Jamestown  John Smith  Indentured Servant  House of Burgesses  Bacon's Rebellion


Creating America: Chapter 3 Sec. 1 Rago Essential Questions What were early English attempts at colonizing? How did the English finance their colonies? How was Jamestown founded and how did it grow? Analyze the conflicts of the Jamestown colonists both with the Native Americans and among the colonists themselves. Key Terms Joint-Stock company Charter Jamestown John Smith Indentured Servant House of Burgesses Bacon's Rebellion One American's Story Roanoke Island Roanoke Island John White-artist, helped establish colony. Left Roanoke in 1587, didn't return for 3 years. By the time he came back, the colony had mysteriously disappeared. English Plan Colonies Late 1500's Spain had many colonies in the Americas; England did not English defeated Spanish Armada (or Navy) in 1588 England was now free to colonize in America So why the Americas? Richard Haklyut- English geographer; Americas would provide new markets for English exports Benefits for England: *Increase Trade and build gold supply *Would help establish the Protestant Faith Why did the English also want to go to the America? Glory, God, Gold and Freedom Glory, God, Gold and Freedom Lyrics: In sixteen hundred seven (1607) We sail the open sea For glory, God, and gold And The Virginia Company For the New World is like heaven And we'll all be rich and free Or so we have been told By The Virginia Company Why did the English also want to go to the America? (continued) 3 reasons: Lack of opportunity in England Gold Mines! Escape Religious Persecution (being treated badly because of your faith). Two Early Colonies Fail: First colony- Roanoke Location: off the coast of Virginia Year: 1585 Sir Walter Raleigh-solider Queen Elizabeth- gave SWR permission to create a colony at Roanoke SWR financed (or paid for) the colony Why did the Roanoke Colony fail? Native American's cut off the food supply to the colonists NA's found out Colonists wanted to take their land The survivors of returned to England in 1586 John White convinced Raleigh to try again; failed. Second Colony: Sagadahoc Location: Maine Year: 1607 Populated by criminals They didn't cooperate or prosper Most returned to England Financing a Colony Raleigh put all his money in to his colony and lost it Joint-Stock company- allowed many people to support a colony with the hope of making money off of the colony Each investor receives shares of stock in the colony or company To start a colony you need... ...a charter or a written contract from King James 1 that allowed the companies to establish a colony Jamestown founded 1607 by the Virginia Company of London on the James River Hardships: swampy, mosquito filled land poor drinking water Spent their time looking for gold, when they should have been building houses and growing food Climate- hot summer, cold winter Jamestown grows ...but first it declines By colonists (out of the original 100) are alive Along comes John Smith "He that will not work, will not eat." Extended wall around Jamestown. Traded corn with Powhatan tribe. 800 colonists arrive Troubles in Powhatan tribe stopped trading food; started attacking colonists People starving Only 60 survived until the arrival of two ships in 1610 Tobacco comes to Jamestown Virginia soil was perfect for growing Allowed the people to prosper; soon wanted to buy land and share in profits Settlers worked harder when the land was theirs. First African Americans arrived in 1619 Pop. increase from 600 to 2000 Other changes... Indentured servants: people that could not afford to buy their passage (boat ride) to the colonies but had someone sponsor them person agreed to work for a set number of years after that they were free to do at they wished (farm, trade, etc.) Early Government House of Burgesses- established 1619 because colonists did not like the way the governor was running the colony H.o.B.- a group of elected officials chosen by the colonists First move towards independent government Conflicts with the Powhatan Causes-colonists wanted land John Rolfe marries Pocahontas to make things better Brought peace-Powhatan showed colonists how to grow corn, fish and catch game What went wrong? Colonists kept taking more land for tobacco farms 1622 Powhatan killed Jamestown residents Bacon's Rebellion 1676 1/4 of all Jamestown were former indentured servants. They resented the rich land owners Nat Bacon led group of landless settlers who opposed Gov. William Berkeley because of high taxes and favoritism towards landowners Bacon wanted... ....war against Native Americans so that they could take their land for tobacco plantations Gov. Berkeley refused. Bacon marched to Jamestown, burned it to the ground and took over H.o.B. H.o.B. passed laws to limit governor's power