cre question bank 1

Question Bank

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Question Bank




1. What does CRM Stand for ?

(a) Customer retailing management.

(b) Customer resource management

(c) Consumer relationship management

(d) Customer relationship management

2. The CRM is-

(a) To save company

(b) To maintain relationship

(c) To terminate relationship

(d) All of the above

3. Maintaining records of customers is an example of-

(a) Training methods

(b) CRM

(c) Supply chain

(d) Sales records

4. CRM adoption is effort between CRM and all stakeholders include-

(a) Employees

(b) Employers

(c) Customers

(d) All of the above

5. Customer complaint is-

(a) Bad signal

(b) Gift

(c) Warning

(d) All of above

6. Speaking pleasantly is part of-

(a) Courtesy system

(b) Extraordinary service

(c) Life time value

(d) All of above

Customer Relation Executive-Level-IV

Indraprastha Academy of Science & Engineering

7. Which is not way of customer grievance handling-?

(a) Never make excuses

(b) Record what customer tells you

(c) Ask for consider a fair alternative

(d) Firing out employees

8. Which one is fit for complaint handling-?

(a) Centralized customer records

(b) Track time and record

(c) Generate corrective actions

(d) All of the above

9.Which of the following does not show active listening?

(a) Repeating and reflecting back your understanding to the customer

(b) Asking your manager to speak with the customer

(c) Making notes

(d) Using words such as, I see, go on, right.

10. What is the opposite of reactive customer service?

(a) Inactive

(b) Overactive

(c) Non-active

(d) Proactive

11.You would you feel...? is an example of what kind of question?

(a) Leading




12.The lifetime value of a client refers to what?

(a)The total amount a company spends on keeping a customer happy.

(b) The money spent on a product or service by a customer each year

( c)The company revenue spent on advertising

(d) The monetary value per customer accrued to a company over a measured period

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Indraprastha Academy of Science & Engineering

13. Which of the following words / phrase is not positive as perceived by most customers?

(a) Certainly

(b) You’re welcome

(c) I’ll do my best

(d) What I can do is...

14. Which of the following is most likely to help in calming an angry customer when face to


(a) Crossing your arms

(b) Rapid nodding of the head

(c) Smiling

(d) Slow, deliberate nodding of the head

15. Workplace related injuries, illnesses and deaths impose costs upon?

(a) Employers

(b) Employees

(c) The community

(d) All of the above

16. What are the most common injuries in the hospitality industry?

(a) Sprains and strains

(b) Being hit by falling objects

(c) Sun-related injuries

(d) All of the above

17. When attempting to convince a potential buyer to purchase a product or service, the most

important aspect of the interaction is:

(a) Matching their perceived needs to potential solutions

(b) Giving as many of the features of the product or service as possible

(c) Finding out why they called us

(d) Offering the best deal

18.The act of reflecting back to a face to face customer certain meaningful body language signals

is known as:

(a) Mirroring and Matching

(b) Copying and Mimicking

(c) Reflecting and Marking

(d) Matching and Marking

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Indraprastha Academy of Science & Engineering

19.Which of the following does not contribute to the image you project?

(a) Body language

(b) Choice of words

(c) Your specific job title

(d) Tone of voice

20. Which of the following statements most closely reflects your own view?

(a) I need to change my personality to match that of the customer

(b) I am never a ‘stressed-out’ customer, so why should I put up with difficult behaviour

from customers?

(c) The customer has a perfect right to be rude if necessary.

(d) In any given service or sales situation I can choose my own behaviour for the best

possible outcome.

21.A customer walks into the office and asks for the deadline to file a permit application. You do not

know the answer. It would be best for you to do which of the following?

(a). Tell the person what you think the answer might be.

(b). Refer the person to your supervisor.

(c). Say that you are not allowed to give out that information to the public.

(d). Inform the person that you don't know but will find out.

22. A person approaches you and tells you of many complaints he has about your department. You

should first:

(a). Assume that his is just blowing off steam and ignore his complaints.

(b). Check into the legitimacy of the complaints.

(c). Ask for advice from your supervisor on the best way to handle the person.

(d). Regard the complaints as accurate and take immediate steps to correct them.

23. Assume that you are taking a telephone message for a co-worker who is not in the office at the

time. Of the following, the LEAST important item to write on the message is the

(a). Length of the call.

(b). name of the caller

(c). time of the call

(d). telephone number of the caller

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Indraprastha Academy of Science & Engineering

24. A customer has come into your office and submitted an application. When you give her some

more forms to complete, she complains about all the bureaucratic red tape that is slowing down

approval of her application. In which of the following ways should you respond to the customer?

(a). Simply be patient with her.

(b). Tell her the reasons why your office needs the information.

(c). Suggest that she can contact her state legislators if she wants to change the law.

(d). Say that you cannot process her application until all the forms have been completed.

25. What one of the following should not be a quality for team members to work cohesively?

(a) Communicate

(b) Support group member’s ideas

(c) Blaming others

(d) Getting involved

26. You overhear your boss giving a client the name of a person to contact for some information. You

know this person is no longer the one to reach for this information. The client is still in the office.

What, if anything, should you do?

(a). Do not get involved in the situation.

(b). Quickly take your boss aside and provide the correct name.

(c). Wait until the client leaves, and then provide your boss with the correct name.

(d). Give the individual the correct name, and explain that your boss was not aware of a different

person being responsible to provide the information.

27. You're helping a computer illiterate friend setup his Internet connection over the phone. He is just

not getting what you are trying to explain. How much time do you spend explaining it to him?

(a). I'd work with him for as long as it takes.

(b). 10 minutes or so; I'd go through it once as quickly as possible and then hang up.

(c). About half an hour; I'd make sure he understands at least the basics.

(d). None at all; I'd get frustrated the first time he says "I don't understand

28. A person is telling you a story, but taking forever to get to the point. What do you do?

(a). I let him/her finish the story, without interrupting.

(b). I let him/her finish the story without interrupting, but can't help glancing at my watch.

(c ). I ask him/her to get to the point of the story.

(d). I interrupt by asking, "Does this story have a point?"

Customer Relation Executive-Level-IV

Indraprastha Academy of Science & Engineering

29. Your friend/co-worker starts to get on your nerves. What would be your most likely response?

(a). I would tell him/her right away that s/he is getting on my nerves because of X personality trait

that I don't like, and that s/he should leave me alone.

(b)I would hold it in as long as possible and then finally snap, telling him/her to get out of my face.

(c). I would avoid that person until s/he got the point that I need a break.

(d). I would explain that I am feeling overwhelmed with work/school/life and need a break from social

obligations to be by myself for a while.

(e). I would explain what is bothering me, and ask for some time to myself.

30. When having a disagreement, I typically:

(a). Lower my voice to an ominous whisper.

(b). Maintain a normal voice level.

(c). Raise my voice slightly.

(d). Raise my voice level markedly.

31. When conversing with clients who have a less extensive vocabulary (e.g. lower education level):

(a). I brush them off - I just wouldn't have the patience to carry on.

(b). I become very impatient and it's probably obvious.

(c). I become impatient and it may show.

(d). I may become impatient but I try not to let on.

(e). I adjust my speech to their level

32. When conversing with a person who takes forever to get to the point:

(a). I keep myself from finishing his/her sentences.

(b). I try not to finish his/her sentences but do not always succeed.

(c). I can't help finishing his/her sentences.

(d). I finish his/her sentences for


33. When it comes to resolving conflicts:

(a). I usually give in and let the other person have his/her way.

(b). I prefer "give and take".

(c). I try to push for a win on my part but if it is not in the cards I can accept a compromise.

(d). It's my way or the highway


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Indraprastha Academy of Science & Engineering

34. When it comes to conflict:

(a). I can "agree to disagree". I accept that other people have different viewpoints than my own.

(b). Even though I usually think I am right, I can accept that others have different viewpoints.

(c). I find it extremely difficult to accept that others have different viewpoints than my own, and that

we could both be right.

35. You are asked to push a particular viewpoint with a client. The request makes perfect business

sense but you happen to not believe in the particular notion you are to advocate. How do you

deal with the situation?

(a). Despite the intention to go ahead with the request, I just can't follow through with it.

(b). I will make an attempt and I will be convincing.

(c). I try to do my best to "pull it off".

(d). I "pull it off"effortlessly

36. What does the provision of security of people’s assets while at the workplace entail?

(a) Having all assets under lock and key

(b) Preventing theft, pilferage and damage of assets

(c) Issuing security badges and identity cards to all people at the workplace

(d) all of the above

37 .The first step in measuring customer satisfaction is

(a)testing market response for new products through controlled experiments.

(b)hiring a first-rate market research firm.

(c)finding out what customers need, want, and expect.

(d)Mining the Web for blogs and discussion groups to obtain customer feedback.

38. which one of the following characteristics is part of the group ?

(a) Unstable relationship

(b) Individual goals

(c) Interdependent effort

(d) Personal accountability

39. You are a member of a work team whose goal is to improve the efficiency of the production

process. Your team is best described as:

(a) Goal-oriented.

(b) Production-oriented.

(c) Self-managed.

(d) Problem-solving.

40. Self-managed work teams are generally:

(a) those who meet weekly to discuss ways of improving quality, efficiency, and work environment.

(b) groups of employees who take on the responsibilities of their former supervisors.

(c) from different work areas, but at similar hierarchical levels, who work together to accomplish tasks.

(d) employees who take on responsibilities for other employees unable to make decisions

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(c) Self-managed.

(d) Problem-solving.

40. Self-managed work teams are generally:

(a) those who meet weekly to discuss ways of improving quality, efficiency, and work environment.

(b) groups of employees who take on the responsibilities of their former supervisors.

(c) from different work areas, but at similar hierarchical levels, who work together to accomplish


(d) employees who take on responsibilities for other employees unable to make decisions

41. ____________ teams are employees from about the same hierarchical level, but from different

work areas, who come together to accomplish a task.

( a) Problem-solving

(b) Cross-functional

(c) Self-managed

(d) Work-related

42. Which of the following is not useful in building trust?

(a) demonstrate competence.

(b) demonstrate that you’re working for others’ interests as well as your own.

(c) maintain confidences.

(d) keep your feeling to yourself.

43. Successful teams translate their _______ into specific, measurable, and realistic performance


(a) common purpose

(b) clear purpose

(c) knowledge

(d) roles

44. The strongest case for diversity on work teams centres around:

(a) bringing multiple perspectives to discussion and thus increasing unique solutions.

(b) quickly solving problems by eliminating ambiguity.

(c) the fact that complexity becomes a non-issue since the team is heterogeneous.

(d) the fact that miscommunication is unlikely to occur.

(e) eliminating confusion and miscommunication.

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Indraprastha Academy of Science & Engineering

45. When managing a diverse team, it is important to keep in mind that:

(a) the lack of a common perspective means that more time is spent on discussing issues.

(b) communication should be easier because the group is diverse.

(c) the group may be less open to new ideas because of its diversity.

(d) it will be easier to reach agreement on specific actions.

46. The challenge of creating teams is less demanding for management when teams are introduced

where employees have strong _________ values.

(a) competitive

(b) collectivist

(c) cooperative

(d) pluralistic

47 When designing reward systems for teams, it is best to encourage cooperative efforts rather than

____________ ones.

(a) individualistic

(b) collectivist

(c) cooperative

(d) competitive

48. Rumours would most likely flourish in situations where there is:

(a) planned and well communicated change.

(b) anxiety and ambiguity.

(c) strong leadership.

(d) an unimportant issue.

49. All of the following are suggestions for reducing the negative consequences of rumours except:

(a)explaining decisions and behaviors that may seem inconsistent or secretive.

(b) ignoring the situation because 90 percent of the time the problem goes away.

(c)openly discussing worst-case scenarios.

(d)announcing timeframes for making important decisions.

(e)explaining both positive and negative aspects of future plans.

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Indraprastha Academy of Science & Engineering

50. Electronic meetings, when compared to face-to-face meetings, do not meet the need for:



(c) affiliation


51. To improve your listening skills it is a good idea to:

(a)interrupt with questions

(b)make lots of gestures

(c)avoid eye contact


(e)continue to talk

52. What will reduce the risk of neck injury resulting from a collision?

(a)An air-sprung seat

(b)Anti-lock brakes

(c)A collapsible steering wheel

(d)A properly adjusted head restraint

53. Hazard warning lights should be used when vehicles are

(a) broken down and causing an obstruction

(b) faulty and moving slowly

(c) being towed along a road

(d)broken down & causing an obstruction

54. Name one thing you must do to make the workplace safe?

(a). Complain to customers about your workplace

(b). Tell your employer everything about your workmates

(c). Hide hazards to protect your friends’ job

(d). Use equipment and machines properly

55. Once you have spotted a hazard you must:

(a). Report it to your boss

(b). Leave it as someone else will fix it eventually

(c). Bring your own toolbox to work and fix it yourself

(d). None of the above

56.From the following options, what is the best way to control hazards in the workplace?

(a). Replace the hazard for a less risky option

(b). Eliminate the hazard completely from the workplace

(c). Use personal protective equipment (PPE)

(d). Have rules to help people avoid hurting themselves

57.What do you need to know if an alarm goes off at work?

(a). Evacuation procedures

(b). How to turn it off Indraprastha Academy of Science & Engineering

56.From the following options, what is the best way to control hazards in the workplace?

(a). Replace the hazard for a less risky option

(b). Eliminate the hazard completely from the workplace

(c). Use personal protective equipment (PPE)

(d). Have rules to help people avoid hurting themselves

57.What do you need to know if an alarm goes off at work?

(a). Evacuation procedures

(b). How to turn it off

(c). Where your boss is

(d). All of the above

58. In a workplace, what should you know if someone gets hurt?

(a). Who knows first aid

(b). Where to report it

(c). What the emergency numbers are

(d). All of the above

59.When working with hazardous substances in the automotive industry, you should:

(a). enter confined spaces slowly

(b). have relevant personal protective equipment nearby

(c). always follow safe working procedures

(d). all of the above

60. The most common mechanical equipment injuries are to the:

(a). body and arms

(b). hands and fingers

(c). legs and feet

(d). ears and eyes

61. Which one of these is NOT a symptom of carbon monoxide poisoning?

(a). Increasingly high levels of energy

(b). Nausea

(c). slight to moderate headaches

(d). impaired motor skills

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Indraprastha Academy of Science & Engineering

62. Electric shock occurs when electric current flows through the body because:

(a). a person becomes part of an electric circuit

(b). a fatal shock occurs

(c). there is no earth leakage device

(d). a person is not wearing rubber-soled shoes

63. Workers have the right to refuse work if they:

(a). find the work a bit difficult

(b). believe they are too qualified to do the work

(c). believe the work is likely to expose them to an immediate risk of injury or serious harm

(d). don't like the task given to them

64.Under the Work health and safety act, workers must

(a). take complete responsibility for their own safety

(b). always do as they're told

(c). take care to look after their own safety and not put other workers at risk

(d). all of the above

65. Work health and safety laws aim to make workplaces safer and:

(a). change attitudes to safety

(b). eliminate fatalities and prevent injury and disease in workplaces

(c). reduce the incidence of workplace bullying

(d). all of the above

66. Proactive methods a firm might use to assess customer satisfaction would include:

(a) visiting, calling, or mailing written surveys to clients

(b) setting up customer service helplines to receive customer complaints.

(c) offering gifts and reward points to appease a dissatisfied customer.

(d) monitoring Usenet and other Web discussion groups to track customer comments.

67. Long-term customers are usually:

(a) less valuable to a company than short-term customers.

(b) more difficult to deal with than short-term customers.

(c) expensive investments because the upkeep is costly.

(d) more valuable assets than new ones because they buy more and cost less to serve.

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Indraprastha Academy of Science & Engineering

68. The final step of customer value analysis is to ________.

(a) identify the major attributes and benefits that customers value

(b) assess the company's and competitors' performances on the different customer values against

their rated importance

(c) examine how customers in a specific segment rate the company's performance

(d) monitor customer values over time

(e) assess the quantitative importance of the different attributes and benefits.

69.Total customer satisfaction is measured based on the relationship of ________.

(a) expected value and total customer benefit

(b) perceived performance and expectation

(c) advertised outcomes and real outcomes

(d) past experience and present experience

70 Which of the following is true for customer satisfaction?

(a) Consumers often form more favorable perceptions of a product with a brand that is new.

(b) The ultimate goal of a customer-centered firm is to create high customer satisfaction.

(c) Only increased customer satisfaction can help a company increase its profits.

(d) Greater customer satisfaction has also been linked to higher returns and lower risk in the stock


71.Of customers who register a complaint, ________.

(a) all will do business with the company again because they are unwilling to dedicate the effort

required to find another vendor

(b) none will do business with the company again

(c) customers whose complaints are satisfactorily resolved are more likely to provide publicity than

those who are dissatisfied

(d) the speed of resolution has no impact on the likelihood of repeat business

(e) some will do business with the company again if their complaint is resolved

72) Which of the following is the best method of recovering customer goodwill?

(a) sending service people to conduct door-to-door surveys

(b) contacting the complaining customer as quickly as possible

(c) identifying prospective customers from the customer database

(d) customizing products according to individual customer need

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(e) defining and measuring the customer retention rate

73. The workers with the highest risk of sustaining an injury at work are:

(a)Young people.



(d) All of the Above

74. The establishment of a safe workplace is:

(a) Ethically and socially responsible.

(b) Not cost effective.

(c) A priority in all organizations .

(d) Ethically and socially irresponsible.

75. Examples of organisation induced factors that can result in stress are:

(a) Work overload and role conflict

(b) Unfamiliarity with new job.

(c) Lack of training, management and peer support.

(d) all of the above

76 . Workplace stress can result in:

(a) Improvements in commitment and satisfaction.

(b) Decreased anxiety and drinking, lower blood pressure.

(c) Improved work performance and productivity.

(d) Increased anxiety and drinking, high blood pressure.

77. In a health and safety context, a hazard is

(a) The likelihood of someone being injured in the workplace.

(b) Anything that could result in a psychological injury.

(c) Anything that could result in a physical injury.

(d) Anything with the potential to result in an injury or illness.

78. Risk management involves:

(a) Identifying risks, assessing risks and eliminating or controlling risks.

(b) Hiring an employee with the job of managing risks.

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(c) Eliminating all workplace hazards.

(d) Identifying and monitoring risks.

79. ________ is the set of benefits a company promises to deliver its consumers to satisfy their


(a) An attribute

(b) Low pricing

(c) A money-back guarantee

(d) A value Proportion

80. To capture the full essence of customer relationship management, which of the following should

a marketing manager take into consideration?

(a) capturing a customer's lifetime value

(b) creating a sense of community surrounding a brand

(c) building overall customer equity

(d) owning customers for life

(e) all of the above

81. Which of the following has not contributed to the deeper, more interactive nature of today's

customer relationships?

(a) video sharing

(b) online social networks

(c) Web sites

(d) traditional advertising

(e) e-mail

82. The ultimate aim of customer relationship management is to produce ________.

(a) market share

(b) a reliable database

(c) profits

(d) sales volume

(e) customer equity

83. Which of the following is currently the fastest-growing form of marketing?

(a) word-of-mouth marketing

(b) mass media marketing

(c) consumer-generated marketing

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(d) social marketing

(e) online marketing

84. The prospect of an extremely tough and demanding task:

(a).Makes me anxious or panicky.

(b).Makes me feel small or incompetent.

(c).Thrills me.

(d).Stresses me out.

85. Typically, I return phone calls pertaining to work:

(a) Immediately.

(b)Within hours.

(c)Within days

(d) Within a week.

86. Despite all the information you’ve given your client, he has his mind set on a mediocre

plan/product/strategy. He is happy about finally having made a decision, wants to finalize, and makes

a point telling you not to try talking him out of it. You think he is making a mistake but even your

manager says you should let it go. How do you deal with the situation?

(a).I tell him he is making a mistake

(b).I try convincing him to change his decision.

(c).I ask if he is certain he doesn’t want to think it over one last time.

(d).I resist the temptation to try changing his mind

(e).I recommend that he should take some time to think about it.

87. When get into an intense argument with someone, I:

(a).Get shaky and nervous and try to end it as soon as possible, whatever the cost

(b).Apprehensively prepare myself for an uncomfortable situation.

(c).Talk it out calmly and try to minimize the damage.

(d).Settle in and prepare for a spirited battle of wits.

88. You get called into the manager’s office one morning to discuss a particular client you dealt with

the day before. How do you react?

(a).I’d be enthusiastic and would look forward to hearing about my performance.

(b).I’d be calm, but wonder whether he/she has good or bad news.

(c).I would get a little bit nervous and wonder whether he/she has bad news.

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(d).I would get very nervous and anticipate bad news.

(e).I would panic and expect that something went terribly wrong.

89.Two inexperienced employees are assigned to work with you on an important project with a tight

deadline. How do you feel?

(a). Glad, I like mentoring others

(b). Angry, I don't have time to baby-sit

(c). Annoyed, I can work faster on my own

(d). Indifferent, I'll teach them what I can within the deadline

90. A colleague keeps handing into you documents with the same obvious errors. You have

repeatedly pointed out the problem to her, and she has vowed to be more careful…but to no avail.

How do you feel about it?

(a).It really frustrates me

(b).I get a bit annoyed.

(c).It doesn’t bother me at all

(d).It upsets me a lot.

91. When I am feeling distracted and someone is trying to speak to me, I am usually able t focus ____

of my attention on him or her.


(b).A little bit.




92. As an administrative assistant, you have been training Mrs. W., who is not directly under your

supervision. She has not appeared to be particularly competent during the month she has been in her

position. You are explaining application procedures to a client when Mrs. W. interrupts to ask you a

question. You tell her you are busy with a client and will come to her office when you are through. In

a low voice, she begins to call you names and say bad things about the department. There are several

clients in the office in addition to the one you are working with. The supervisor doesn't appear to be

around. What should you do?

(a).Ignore her and continue to assist the client.

(b).Get on the phone and request assistance from a department administrator.

(c).Say, "Now Mrs. W., I said I'd be with you as soon as I could. Now please let me finish."

(d).Ask another employee to help the client while you escort Mrs. W. to a room away from the

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public area

93. You overhear a friend badmouthing you, how do you react?

(a).I hit or shove my friend.

(b).I yell and swear at my friend.

(c).I badmouth my friend right back.

(d).I calmly bring it up to my friend later.

)e).I shrug it off and forget about it.

94. You overhear a friend badmouthing you, how do you feel?





95. What Is Informal Customer Feedback?

(a) Informal customer feedback is feedback form against the competitor analysis

(b) Informal Customer Feedback (ICF) refers to asking customers questions in an informal manner to

get their feedback

(c) Helps in getting negative feedback of client

(d) Help in doing competition analysis

96.Which of the following does not send a positive message to a customer when entering a shop


(a) Greeting the customer at the entrance

(b)Understanding the need of the customer

(c) Assisting the customer to the right product

(d) Passing by the customer without greeting or offering help

97. Every store has safety guidelines and policy guidelines and specially merchandiser should have:

(a) hands on knowledge

on those policies

(b) should least bother

(c) should understand but has lesser value in job role

(d) All of the above

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98. Is it important to keep the store clean and hygienic?

(a) Yes, at the time of festivals

(b) No, it is going to get dirty any ways due to the high number of visitors

(c) Yes, always.

(d) No never

99. When a customer is confused about a product:

(a) You will go on explaining about the product

(b) You will compare different products and explain the benefits

(c) You will explain the customer about the product and wait for customer’s response and then give

further explanation if required to avoid confusion

(d) All of the above

100. You see an elderly lady moving around searching for a product while others pushing her:

(a) You will ignore as you are attending to some other customer

(b) You will make fun of her situation with other colleagues

(c) You will walk to her or ask someone to assist her with the required product

(d) Non Of the above

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Answer key

1. C 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. B 6. D

7. D 8. D 9. D 10. A 11. A 12. C 13. D 14. A 15. D 16. D 17. B 18. D 19. D 20. B

21. C 22. A 23. D 24. D 25. C 26. C 27. D 28. D 29. D 30. B 31. D 32. A

33. A 34. D 35. A 36. D 37. C 38. B 39. D 40. D 41. D 42. E 43. B 44. B 45. A 46. D

47. B 48. C 49. C 50. D 51. D 52. D 53. A 54. D 55. A 56. A 57. E 58. D 59. B 60. E

61. E 62. D 63. A 64. E 65. B 66. E 67. A 68. C 69. C 70. A 71. B 72. E

73. C 74. C 75. C 76. A 77. D 78. A 79. B 80. A 81. B 82. E 83. D 84. D

85. B 86. D 87. A 88. D 89. A 90. B 91. B 92. D 93. D 94. A 95. B 96. C 97. A 98. C

99. B 100. C