crawford, new jersey, thursday. april 2f. 1938 ...'r r ' • jt^timawawmtt r ~jj- -_ * -•• -,: o...

'r r ' jT^TIMawawMTT r ~ JJ - -_ * - • • -,:O ""-'- •<~-r-'-\ S-^iKEKKssSro^^.XuV™.,^ *:~« r .,"X~ .JV.V-J -4" Jit'«- ^ .,.; .-c, -Vol. XLL ThE Oranford Ambulance Oomnuttee received nearly as much In ooaMbu- tione to the smhnlsnce replsosment tand to the llrst three months of this yesras It did during an last year, ac- eordtag to the quarterly report of Henry W. Wbipple. chairman, which wm be submitted to. the Township Ossawdttae Tuesday night. Aocordlng to Mr. wnapp^vreport,rn ws* re- eerted during January February and March of that year, whereat during the twelve previous months, only t i n was fltaMaskl^Bsyf VW ^MthsaUAj^M * - , a- si 'it • ••••••—J "* .awLMwU.ll•!., 1 aw,pMl IIJtj|W|qgfl of «M has been received from the TlrmprtaticC*!^ Thls.wmappear in the next quarterly report. ibe balance In the «™i«ni«»yy re- . nrsrmt fund at of March II was *Bsil7, aceordtaf to H. L. Dtamnkk, III S ^ A « u ••••nMn.ll t • • Inn alter It la School caning for-laV Attherefnestof Jl director of ou l i a s tvwtnu mm fipais usmg «ne ambulance together wljh eooMbu- - ' L other sources go to the re- fund.' The maintenance .of ' financed by theTown- chairman of the- aUp v $30 tourist the defrayta* expenses to Tnmn>to par- p 153.50 to enable ther Itogotol ••ctarawa mij^'>^Hp- a wia' t «ade ' Mrs. mlttee'ls RooeeveB for to te- who fa Hi. MANTOUXTBTEST WILL BE GIVEN •SI be given Cranfbrd, it Oourtjtplan, County usisted b y D r W. Fletcher ( Rosemary Miss Susan SeHy. flaU' Union ( assist the Dr. a very simple :fuL A drop of between that •tabercucetB . kntered thebod*, a swouen spot wl* potntof tnjeetion _ "foes not mean that mo .»fll at any in*ereula* 1> a a : which can get a; flm Bows I Waliaeslt. tt to use the tools tori early, that i giveni _ ««* and the w a y . SYMPHONY TO PLAY . SATURDAY MGHT CRAWFORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY. APRIL 2f. 1938 FIVE CENTS Ambulance Replacement Fund Contributions Show Increase $71 Received in Three ; ChaJnnui lauds Citbcn «od Chronicle far EdttaU oo Replacement AH funds erndfr rsot tag itofi ke. l% Quarterly T h e Cranford Ambulance Oommit- tee herewith submits its report for the three raonths January l to April l / i u s ; •'lue ambulance responded to thkN y tji-ntnecaDs to and from hospital* In this vicinity, as fouowj: BUiabethOto. end, St. maabeth), Atedan Brothers, MuhknbeTt. Bahway Memorial, Brook- alc* ana Bonnte Bum santtortum. plMafcilmrreiiBeat.--* •-"•"•'• •»• to the Replace- ment Fund proportionately increased for the three months. The donations For twesm months r 31, 1WV, the total tOnlyflOZ. -The ^-»»-if~» is free to those un- able to pa*. Regular rates are expected, but not billed, to those that can afford the charge. This money is buiMlng. up a fund for replacement when the pres- ent —*-'«~~ must be discarded The Fond only has a balance, of «mi7 at ma^wawtswvatawaa •*• H I •••^— •• •"" -.-" and Gtrr-***. of issue of January IS, i m following Tjr Mt ~ rt ~ t of the An* nmd Report of the OommrBii*, was very'valuable in caning attention to monetary retutnfor the use •BmkVsl-Ambulai' - " of the Police and Fire . who operate tha msbu«j am~unfauinf nTtheir courtesy and care of patients." MOTS CLUB HOSTS AT LADIES'NIGHT More than JOO members ot Trintty Club, their wives and Mends . night enjoyed the annual night program hi the/ parish : OU-time favorite motion pic- including "The Great Train Rob- bery.- "Adventure," -Harem, Nights" and others, with Mary Pickford, Char- tte Chapun, Win Rogers and Ben Tur- pto. featured. There was group atng- rng of old-timepopular numbers. Pieal- dent wnaam Troeber •ta.omtit the saoawen and guests, and Percy Thom- as waa in charge of the programtothe - - - — -— BiCrettb* SOUTH AVE. TRAFFIC SIGNALS IN OPERATION New traffic signals M South and Centennial avenues and South and •outh Volaa. awnuea wew completed this week and'are noVm'voperaUon. The two seta oi'signals will be sychron- ted with another set at South.and Walnut aveones In onhc to keep tnfflc alone South avenue moving at a mod- erate rate of speed. The slgnHa have been Installed to bring, about greater pedestrian and motor vehicle safety on thVt.rjlfhwajv The work wasvarrted out by Daniel J. Heyburn, local elec- trical contractor. ' .• UONS NOMINATE Slated forProndent of Service Graup to Succeed UHHek nated for president of the lions Club at the club's meeting last FrhSay night in the Chimney Ooineri OUMK*.J)0U£- which Past President James A. Strong was.'chairman, were:_-_.^. :_„;-„_ r i n t vlce-pre»Jden*, Clarence FriU; second vioe-presldent, Robert J. Uler; secretary, Joseph WarsuaU; treasurer, William Oourley; taUl twister. Jack Apgar; Lion Tamer, Dr. Walter K: Fas- nacht; chaplain, Harrji R. Siaaon: tin* George Angen; musical director, N. P. Stewart; and legal adviser, George Bauer. Felix DIFablo was elected to member- nip. bringlngthe club's men*erahlp to its fuU"q«ote of forty." Mr. DIFablowas a charter member ot the local club. Report was received that the dub's sham of the reeent sports carnival sponsored by the Rotary -and lions Clubs win be about $170. The Rev. Orion C. Hopper of New- ark, first preaVent of the Cranford dub, gave an, address in keeping with Oood Friday.™ '" ~" "'" Vloe-presUent FrHa conducted the meeUngi In the" absence oTTPresident Harry R.Heins. - x Tomorrow night's meeting will be In charge of-Judkje Malcolm R. Wamock, who win lead a Socratto League dls- BATIJOHT BATING TUOS - IN BFFKCT BBSS SUNDAY Daylight Baving:Tune will go In- to effect In Oranfard and in the majority of riii n<rf r* 1lf !*" througb- Mt the MetropoUtan area at 2 a. m. Sunday. AU local business win be operated on the dayllgh« tima until September 25, and train ^ schedules will be changedto con-_ form with ihe change hi time. The latter, however, will continue, to operate on Eastern Standard Time. . _. - So if jou dont want to miss church Sunday moraine or perhaps even be late tor a dtaner ensage- tmapt, it would be wist to push the dock' an hoar, ahead before retting Saturday night. "Star In My Kitchen" Witt Glorify Art, of Home-Making <Wng to school in'a theaterI - U^ondi bat stange, doesnt lt» Butttat is what women o l ^ e * " - will be doing when The Can- tiaen and Chronldeis Motion Plchne Cooking School comes to town on lBndan Mar 3. ^STwm be «al lessons, tcAles- In measmimj, mbtogl! amtUend- fbe tngmBenni for many recipes; pmia^stlnni^cC such trtumpha htUce-top frutt pie; in making desserts and salads; ia asm* one fabrics;- and .to ptan- bealthful meals'for growing chO- •me camera has assembled all the ex- pert information of teamed Jiome eco. JZJtLwt at a routine lecture, not as a. formal -highbrow" demonttrsHon, butTaaaiealromance of bome-maklr« nu«C sutpente and chanH, and infor- win Unremarkable doseops d to a series of model, eon- (not the synthetic, fake-front- variety), where trained tkers win plan, and complete tUUlU^^AUBMeSbASS 1 Will ^mmmm, mmmwmw^^wgf ••' m tte preparation of several meals so the entire audience can see the. process step by step. . ,* The finished dUbea, which wm be shown in fan color, will look as though tfaew could to ricked right « t _ o £ ttje pietow and eaten on the spot j ' Tha class wont be an work; for then is the constant play of sparkling humor, the appeal of tender romanoe, the jus- pense of a coherent. Intelligently, dl- nctod atorjr, which dramatises everyday happenings—the human sort of tbtogs that reatty do happen. Binding theattmcttte story together Is the romance of home-making',' a •abject that holds the Interest of every woman young and old. Swn,The OMaen andOhronlde knows that an b J t d totbe of looking toon another when aha. Is at work in the particularly do they like It when they (ComHmattl JMt^aptl COMEDYTOCLOSE DRAMA SEASON Tunuit of HappineM' to Be PreeerstodMar6,7in the Casino. .As-the-clostng. plajr. ot^t wcwaful season, the Cnnford Dramatsc dub will * • » - I f c e PnVu«tt of Hapomea^ In the Casino onFriday and Saturday, May « and 7. The "Pursuit of Happirtraf Is an American mnwtly by. Lawrence T^tigjwr and Armtna laanfaall Langner,- 1 Duringi 1S3S, it was preaatitiJ in New York Olty at the Avon. Theatre where It. ran G H. Bate* A..W. Burley, RR.Boal.Dr.AfcetiLewU EnthuauuUc About Work Scouta Garry On rbreT ; Foltowmg~{be r annouiibm*m{of'Cran^ ron> Round Table, Boy Scouts of T^hettM Finance Oanipalgn, several. menTand ivea of Oraalord's re- ing 'the' lead. ] 7be scene is laid In a farm home-!, stead Jn WesMue,Conn, in 1777. -Ine Pursuit of Bapplftw»" atempts to show UJtag of~tis»-problema a young or a young.woman coming from «urct» to tola, ootmtrymigbt encoun- ter, whether in 1777or 1998. However, the customs of Domains is so diverting and OjuatnOy amustagthattheplayhas become known aa the "bundling playl" The east, now taireheanal, shows a sympathy, and; nuderatandmg of the roles that petals toan Mrmsiwlly weU~ performed and) Qlnv*^ play^ . .1 Allan Wbltnen who will be nmem- berad for his abk) Jdfiectton of "Personal Appearance" kut year, Is dome splen- did, work In the produeut). of thto In the cast ai»: Helen Stanjey, Esther keene. Marie Van Idersttne, "Bud" Fisher, Fred Bchaefer. Harry Folk, Armstrong Damon, Frank Oregg, Hecv tor Evans, Rlebard Kaul and Robert Adduus. Mrs. John Low la supervising director anoVE Armstrong: Damon will be busi- ness manager fotvjthe month. - DORAN APPOINTS G.O.P,pMnTEES CompIetM ReptsblicanOub inwMitiflti nv En* suing Year. , have been snnouncei WlOlam Doran. They are: rabla—MnrF.-X. OTWtockler, i; Dudley J. Croft, A. Merkk, B. L. Hedenberg, P. fe ZuncM, O. A. Victor, B. X. 8teele,VA. laiooe, Khner "" O.' ~ llgtous, profeetlonal, buslnest, social and athtstio activities were asked whrttoer they believed the ctUams or Oranford should give then- financial aid to Gran- ford* Boy Scouts and why. The re- plles were prorrt* and unqualified and an hi the affirmative. A few follow: Oeorge H. Bates, executive vice-presi- dent of United Bttpytros, Inc, and chairman of the Board of the Crantord TruM Company and always a generous- supporter of local Sbouttng, aikli;^ "As we view the changes taklnaj place In religion, morals, eeonomtca andpoli- tics, we should all endeavor to help improve condrtions affecting tne youth of our Country. I know of no better means of doing so than to help tto Boy-Scouta Organisation which awak- ens the boys to an interest In the better things In ate, and inculcates- In them virtues that win enable them to stand firm for that which> good." Albert W. Burley, Onion bounty Park Oommlsaloner and a life-long resident of Oranford, eiiujjwaml himself eottau- •asUcally in favor of The Biout prc- granx. He said: - "I am wholeheartedly for Boy Scout- Ingtand hope R will continue to grow. We do not find Boy Scout* among the Juvenile delinquents Inour courts, nor do we find them In our, JaUa andpenl- tenUarlee lnUieir aiSuK. years. It has been my experience that Boy Scouting other qualtties of kadenhip. I* «p gkd at all times to give my support to Oranford* Boy. Boouto and their lead- 3TR7"B»t7s : uiervU^"plr^py ir ff the Cranfbrd Publle Schoola, wrltea^ "I believe to Scouting because It la to keeplngi with' tl* more modem theory of what constitutes true education. It works toward tha development of the whole jonUd—mind and body as one complete organism. Scouting places Crosby. <ihBarmaoi-Mrs.,MalcoJm Wai- Mra. K'Q^Bbiigbtop, 1Mra. a.R, Belns, Gartner, Mrs. Wllltam Scarbrought and Mm A. Preust.\ Speaker*—R. C. Aldrlch, chalrmsn; Wesley A." Stanger, William Welnpahl, A. H. Merkle,' E. b Hedenberg. A. vB. OaMwell; men* entertainment commit- tee—Robnt Mlnton, chairman; S3mer Outtorman, A. A. Skoitb, Fred Lance, Wild, William Qourley, Frank Young, i Frank McCttllough, Charles Kurt* WOmm WeumahL R, R. Harris, Howard SchudVr. ArthtuVRuhtard, T. J. MTT^iifV". James Oartvtt, Stanley MacClary and O. ECrosby. v .. lOontUtutloD andby-kvwa Malcolm Johnson, chairman;'Anthony O. Hen- rich, Wealey A. Stenaer, Frank Jacques and B. O.'Aldrlch; esmpsign*<leorge D. Hanktn, rf"'"""; Tf'Tf^— Wai- lace. A. H.MexxAr>. P. Stewart, Botf- ard M. Park, Xugeo*. DZTowler, C. A. Victor, a\ L. Hedenbsrg, WWami Webv CANVASSERS SOLICIT - FUNDS FOR WELFARE Canvassers are bnsyHhU week cc*- lecttna funds for,tba Oninfor* Welfare Association's aAttTnlsfaattve budget, A Is announced by PwakSent Walter ~ Those takln* part in tint drive its': Mrs. Thomas Kennedy, Mrs. W. Hanal. Mrs. F. LoveD, Mrs. H. MUlar* Mra. Oox,Mrs.W.SUng*r,Jr,Mn.CaxlH. laasonTum. Oeorge >&(*, *, Mrs. WU- Uam HIB, Mrs.B.B.Boy* Mrs.D,,dN Oollms, Mr»,Bay Tod, Mrs. D., ^ Oamen Vn. T. K Oarpenter, Mra, O. C. VanNuys, Mrs. Richard lackey, Mrs. O. Hlckok, Mrs. K. BarteM, Mrs. I*' Marsac, Mra,F. J. Deuer, Mrs. Wward T. Burr, lfrsl T»f5«««fn Allen, Mrs. O. Lease OrifBth, MH A. F. Dohrman, Mrs. W. 3. Duffletd, Mrs. John Dco- nlngton, Mrs. H. W. oabnon, Mrs. H> H. Priest, lbs. Jean Voorfaeca, andl the Misses Peggy Chakshank, Irene Mun- lenbrock, Catherine Oanda and HalMe FrankUn. Also o ; K. Warner, H, V, Uvlttgston; W. «.. Ooopsr, Carl H. Majon,wmiam B. Bragdon and K. O. Community Leaders Cite Reasons For Support of Boy Scout Drive portance In the growth and devetop- ^ f l U h t t dents who are Boy Scouts .are better -_ppedto^meet..both school and life aitaations; they .are arpeodaNe. seU- rebant ami develop the initiative, which is inflnltely wortU while In aiding the wish to give my unqualified endorse- Ofd& Dr." ABert "Mwls,-president o f t h e Oranford Physlelans' dub hat gone on record for that organisation aa fol- lows: - "As president of the Cranford Physi- cians' Club, may I take UUs oppor- tunity of expressing our wholehearted moral and financial support hi your, ,-mp.ipi activities on behalf of the Boy Scouta of Cranford, -Every physician recognises'the Im- portance of .Boy Scout activities In fur- thering the physical well-being of our men, '"""" 200 WILL ATTEND MEN'S DINNER TONIGHT More than JOO men are expected to attend a dnner at 7 p. m. tonight in the'high school cafeteria under aut- ptcer of ths ram's Bnxrp'ofthrHtgb -'PlaTarfarrthe* otjrnffiufllty-wlae "JUkM' School P.-T. A. The.dinner will be followed by auditorium. an entertainment In-the The entertainment will consist of a two-hour raudsvUle and motion picture program,, with Oeorge Kelly, former manager of the Gran- tor* Theatre, aa manager of ceremon- ies. 'While the «Unner ts onlyj for men, wives of- ticket purchase™ have been Irnrtted to attend the entertainment. ROTARIANS ELECT CHARLES L DOOLEY Named of Service PrcaioWt Orgsniatioiv Succeeding Gharle. M. Ray. Oharles-S. Dooiey wasetected preat- dent of the Oranfard Rotary Club last ADULT EDUCATION GROUP TO MEET Plant for Fall Program to Be Furthered Wednesday Night. ( j u t y w l a e AduH Education program will be furthered at an open meeting- at S p. me Wednesday in Cranford High School, It was an- nounced yesterday by Howard R ^ a s t , temporary ohairmah. AU organlav tiorie have been requested to tend at hast one delegate to trie meeting, and an invitation to attend has been e* tended to all interested townspeople. The nominating committee wia sub- mlt a slate of offlcera to head tha per- manent organisation, and them will be discussion as to the courses to be ofu fered in the adult classes, which, it Is hoped, will get underway about Oc- tober ». Among • the courses. <t«*»ted - arsr Choral .Urging, dnunaUc art, ggrmna- alum, shop, intelligent buying, horn* nuning/pblately, houtctwld arts, cera- mics, public speaking, social dancing, home twdsning, stenograph^ type- writing practical pojltioa and govern- Bfent, child psjphologir, ~i—«-—«frA women'* money affairs, current litera- ture appraisals, Journalian* drtsamato- *• •• ,9 W i l l V« WWI 1 •—HI1M..1W1WI J -y.Ml* I M I i ^ * • I ' " — 1 (-"—••••«| W*WHHUi^|^ Thursday at the club's luncheon In *">• auto mechanics, contract bridge, -' - - - - creative, wrtllngi, our religious heritage, sliver, pewter andcopper craft, French, Photography, .forum, Spanish and' mUMmaUct for Uie household. oth«r~ Methodist Church chapel, He tuooeeds Charles M. Bay. .. CMher .oftscersare: Walton a Robinson; secretary Dr. Oor- don. Ii. Peters, .reetected; treasurer, Henry I, Lnrey; and directors, Win- chester Britten. 8r., J. Walter coffee, Dr. Joseph A. ilngalee and Mr. Ray. New officers will 1>» Installed June >0 The new president served as vice- precldent and of the club p Mrvicesnd program eornnrltteea during and WMfltkt At the suggestion of Dr. Rowlsnd P. Brythe, chsirman of the community I)B~ * dub-* endorsed' the suggestion of Oranford Post,- 213, American Legion, that the Township Committee sponsor a municipal obser- vance of Independence Day. Secretary Peters was authorised to notify the Township OonanlUee to that effect. Accepted with regnto was the resig- nation of Edward Briede, a member of the chib's*board of directors, whose Held.' Mr. Coffee was appointed to serve, out Mr. Brede's uneaqilred term si a director. •.".'""''• J • ~ ! "' : ~~"' Secretary Peters announced that the dub* share of the iiweeeds of the re- cent sports carnival, sponsored by the Uons and Rotary dabs will be appmd- tint ISIUII ?U f PlabuVId announced the program for Use 4MrieVee4itenr^tt^Uburr7Mrk May 1J and a and urged attendance of local members. Two new members, J. Walter Better and Patrick. J. Grail were elected. They will be inducted today. Joseph B. Fatoman of ttoe Elisabeth dub, Union Council Boy Scout Execu- tive, spoke on -The Nobility of Power," He was introduced by Dr, Zlngales, chairman of the mteraattonal service committee. Guests, welcomed by Dr. Samuel M. tfaetr Impulsive Hteman, jwere__Oharles N. .Samons- of en,™, ..^ ^-jome cbaimels; Newark, Hobart-.Bwwn, Dr. Walter sttmSattnga splendid spirit of niu-|HarnlBorvBd*vlCw*, Pr.. Joseph Bau- day-and In every way insUUlng thoseImann and Jerome Oravea- of RoteUe- cfaaMcterisUca that nHy b» tor ss«e,|ltoatUePark; JcimFranksof Westfleld, healtby fr~i1«f ' ' • '' . and Mr. Tliiaiiwiiian of. Plamfleld.. ^ ^ Pbjgtdansof tho Oranford <> Ootaaitml^ atofug wa* lad by Mr. coursea htay be added provldlnf there is sufficient interest. Mr. Beat was elected temporary chairman of the executive committee. following the resignation of Mrs. O. H. Bterrett dude: Warner; p H p t publicity, Mr. Bert a Committees appointees nance, J. W. Doran and O, K. A. O, HopklnsL I Charles M. Ray, have held two meetings since the gen- eral meeting on March 39, it Is an- nounced. The committee, comprisedof M B V * l t t t MriBM»V*liis;flterrett, M m l t r A J tralg, Mrs. Hopktes, Mrs. T. V. Albert, Malcolm Johnson, Stewart. Hamblen and Frank Zimmerman, worked out the committee organisation and tenta- tively outlined the program. aub,ai t j a»-very proud that cue eom- y oumbers entongtt Ms xnen so The Her, Js^W. Raehards, vaatoref lbs Onntord Oosntt Tabamtcl*, win be Ipisife speak** Bunday tnornlngat a meeting of Ua Men> BWeOUss of the. First PrMbyterlan Church, % Niiaiiuijnir aitiiisj aw D/ . Brown wtti ttatt tm. Iraek M, Shar- lkttfaid * -n^r«^p Uon of property own- e n agatntt the taw ot the beat Organ Company of themm bnlsduis; on Lin- V. F. W. AUXILIARY INSTALLSOFFICERS Mrs. Carrie Brady "was Installed as president o<-the Ladle*' Autduary to Capt. NeweU Rodney Flake Pest, », V. F. W., at largely attended ceremoo- iea last night in the township rooms. Mrs. Mary Summer of Hillside, county president, _w*s Installing officer^ and. Ifra-Bertha Maagtier it EUtahrtlyn county president, was lraUlllng con- Ottiers Uutalttd were: 1 " senior preaident, Mrs. Mary Dents; Junior vice-president. MmAnna'Beaver; chap- lain. Mrs. Hhabeth Craig; treasurer,,. Hn. Augusta BonneM; secretary. Mm Mae Taylor; patriotic Instructor. Mm Lucy Schwelckert; historian, Mra, Hel- en McMahon; guard, Mm Elisabeth Burnt: color bearers, Mrs Adelaide" Burns, Mrs.,Alberta Lawrence, Mm Elisabeth Walsh and Mm Rase Craig; banner bearer, Mra. Made' Winters; ~ conductress, MmLillian Heckendorn; end trustee, Mm Rote Craig. A large dekgatton from Piste Peat tm-tteodfid th0 ONttnoou! uul ] Mm Brady with a basket of William F. Scbats pre- sented the auxiliary. In "behalf of the posts wttb B% cluck tot thopcoooodi fipon the recent annual dinner.- , Mrs. Bjradky-wrartotartingherate- 1HIW« lAtS, fStCktOQOttk watatt MtTS> OtUsV* ncn Sr thW r TasafaT s^eObanoe'-'at" c ^ i t T « a w property Is to Bsriikaee -A": district. ^Report oosconduton'of Jb»\Matton undejf the,New Deal V ^ ~l-A TfiUlewvestodoUiework J-J ! ^v r ^^ >'*>• OMnhj Hfl»fioa y \ WjOOOlOW TajDOOilM . ,- Persons working fer the Federal. State, '- •and pttr Oovemment . That leases to dUthBwufk; , •.••Ineligible to do the work under OhtM Labor Law ,,,..^ tumfi .. , TnttTieaves toeWttowori'l^iJ = That leaves to do the work -»— . •• , , MO and the PitaldemCbe hWgone flthmg. and I'w aatsto> «twt ~«ntwinsgihtr,Miw.atarJertoBmasy, - waobUgsted by Mm Rose cralgv paii County president. "' Among thtvkfton wen Mrs. Irene Voces of KUabeth, State banner bear- er; Robert MlogJey, past deputy cbJsf of staff of tfae 1 State department; and OaatonC OrosBy, cawiswdar-elect of the post. • - Member* of the auxiliary win attend tha" peat 1 * Installation of offlcen to; morrow nig&t'tp, totnsnlp rooms, after wmjeh-they will vlstt Henry Hectmonrn Post In Spotswood,, OnSundtn the two nisanlisliiiiai wtn be represented a> an ' Amettoaniauion parade In Jertey-Oity,,' and on May 1 at an Americanism pro- . gram to Trenton. / ' Befrehmeata wans served following , the meeUng.' . , ,-Ths Ber. M. V. Btovenaon, formerree* , ttr/of Pne»-SplBoni chmkHabv^ fltt l in 4UIV«fO m Mf^jOM flUIV^P W l Obftoh toj 3vM, ,, ,-™,-.,—v ^ _ L > sxw

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  • ' r r ' •

    jT^TIMawawMTT r ~JJ- -_ * - • • - , : O ""-'- •to par-

    p153.50 to enable ther I t o g o t o l

    ••ctarawa mij^'>^Hp-awia' t«ade '



    to te-

    who fa Hi.


    •SI be givenCranfbrd, itTMsis.inOourtjtplan,County

    usisted b y D r W.Fletcher (Rosemary „Miss Susan SeHy. flaU'Union (assist the

    Dr.a very simple

    :fuL A drop ofbetween that

    •tabercucetB .kntered the bod*, aswouen spot wl*potntof tnjeetion _"foes not mean thatmo


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    in*ereula* 1> aa :which can get a; flm Bows IWaliaeslt. tt av.tjto use the tools toriearly, that igiveni _««* and the w a y .



    Ambulance Replacement FundContributions Show Increase

    $71 Received in Three; ChaJnnui lauds

    Citbcn «od Chronicle farEdttaU oo Replacement

    AH funds ernd fr rsot tag

    i to fike.l% Quarterly

    T h e Cranford Ambulance Oommit-tee herewith submits its report for thethree raonths January l to April l / ius;

    •'lue ambulance responded to thkNytji-ntnecaDs to and from hospital* Inthis vicinity, as fouowj: BUiabethOto.end, St. maabeth), Atedan Brothers,MuhknbeTt. Bahway Memorial, Brook-alc* ana Bonnte Bum santtortum.

    plMafcilmrreiiBeat.--* •-"•"•'• •»•to the Replace-

    ment Fund proportionately increasedfor the three months. The donations twesm months

    r 31, 1WV, the totaltOnlyflOZ.

    -The ^-»»-if~» is free to those un-able to pa*. Regular rates are expected,but not billed, to those that can affordthe charge. This money is buiMlng. upa fund for replacement when the pres-ent —*- '«~~ must be discarded TheFond only has a balance, of « m i 7 at

    mâ wawtswvatawaa •*• H I •••^— • • •• •"" — -.-"and Gtrr-***. of issue of January IS,i m following TjrMt~rt~t of the An*nmd Report of the OommrBii*, wasvery'valuable in caning attention to

    monetary retutnfor the use•BmkVsl-Ambulai' - "

    of the Police and Fire. who operate tha msbu«j

    am~unfauinf nTtheir courtesyand care of patients."


    More than JOO members ot TrinttyClub, their wives and Mends. night enjoyed the annualnight program hi the/ parish

    : OU-time favorite motion pic-including "The Great Train Rob-

    bery.- "Adventure," -Harem, Nights"and others, with Mary Pickford, Char-tte Chapun, Win Rogers and Ben Tur-pto. featured. There was group atng-rng of old-timepopular numbers. Pieal-dent wnaam Troeber •ta.omtit thesaoawen and guests, and Percy Thom-as waa in charge of the program to the

    - - - — — -— BiCrettb*


    New traffic signals M South andCentennial avenues and South and•outh Volaa. awnuea wew completedthis week and'are noVm'voperaUon.The two seta oi'signals will be sychron-ted with another set at South.andWalnut aveones In onhc to keep tnfflcalone South avenue moving at a mod-erate rate of speed. The slgnHa havebeen Installed to bring, about greaterpedestrian and motor vehicle safety onthVt.rjlfhwajv The work wasvarrtedout by Daniel J. Heyburn, local elec-trical contractor. ' .•


    Slated for Prondent of ServiceGraup to Succeed


    nated for president of the lions Clubat the club's meeting last FrhSay nightin the Chimney Ooineri OUMK*.J)0U£-

    which Past President James A. Strongwas.'chairman, were:_-_.^. :_„;-„_

    r int vlce-pre»Jden*, Clarence FriU;second vioe-presldent, Robert J. Uler;secretary, Joseph WarsuaU; treasurer,William Oourley; taUl twister. JackApgar; Lion Tamer, Dr. Walter K: Fas-nacht; chaplain, Harrji R. Siaaon: tin*

    George Angen; musical director, N. P.Stewart; and legal adviser, GeorgeBauer.

    Felix DIFablo was elected to member-nip. bringlngthe club's men*erahlp toits fuU"q«ote of forty." Mr. DIFablo wasa charter member ot the local club.

    Report was received that the dub'ssham of the reeent sports carnivalsponsored by the Rotary -and lionsClubs win be about $170.

    The Rev. Orion C. Hopper of New-ark, first preaVent of the Cranforddub, gave an, address in keeping withOood Friday.™ '" ~" " ' "

    Vloe-presUent FrHa conducted themeeUngi In the" absence oTTPresidentHarry R.Heins. - x

    Tomorrow night's meeting will be Incharge of-Judkje Malcolm R. Wamock,who win lead a Socratto League dls-


    Daylight Baving:Tune will go In-to effect In Oranfard and in themajority of riiin. P. Stewart, Botf-ard M. Park, Xugeo*. DZTowler, C. A.Victor, a\ L. Hedenbsrg, WWami Webv


    Canvassers are bnsyHhU week cc*-lecttna funds for,tba Oninfor* WelfareAssociation's aAttTnlsfaattve budget, AIs announced by PwakSent Walter ~

    Those takln* part in tint drive its':Mrs. Thomas Kennedy, Mrs. W. Hanal.Mrs. F. LoveD, Mrs. H. MUlar* Mra.Oox,Mrs.W.SUng*r,Jr,Mn.CaxlH.laasonTum. Oeorge >&(*, * , Mrs. WU-Uam HIB, Mrs.B.B.Boy* Mrs.D,,dNOollms, Mr»,Bay Tod, Mrs. D., ^Oamen Vn. T. K Oarpenter, Mra, O.C. VanNuys, Mrs. Richard lackey, Mrs.O. Hlckok, Mrs. K. BarteM, Mrs. I*'Marsac, Mra,F. J. Deuer, Mrs. WwardT. Burr, lfrsl T»f5«««fn Allen, Mrs. O.Lease OrifBth, MH A. F. Dohrman,Mrs. W. 3. Duffletd, Mrs. John Dco-nlngton, Mrs. H. W. oabnon, Mrs. H>H. Priest, lbs . Jean Voorfaeca, andl theMisses Peggy Chakshank, Irene Mun-lenbrock, Catherine Oanda and HalMeFrankUn. Also o ; K. Warner, H, V,Uvlttgston; W. «.. Ooopsr, Carl H.Majon,wmiam B. Bragdon and K. O.

    Community Leaders Cite ReasonsFor Support of Boy Scout Drive

    portance In the growth and devetop-^ f l U h t t

    dents who are Boy Scouts .are better-_pped to^ meet..both school and lifeaitaations; they .are arpeodaNe. seU-rebant ami develop the initiative, whichis inflnltely wortU while In aiding the

    wish to give my unqualified endorse-O f d &

    Dr." ABert "Mwls,-president o f t h eOranford Physlelans' dub hat gone onrecord for that organisation aa fol-lows: -

    "As president of the Cranford Physi-cians' Club, may I take UUs oppor-tunity of expressing our wholeheartedmoral and financial support hi your,,-mp.ipi activities on behalf of theBoy Scouta of Cranford,

    -Every physician recognises'the Im-portance of .Boy Scout activities In fur-thering the physical well-being of our

    men, '""""


    More than JOO men are expected toattend a dnner at 7 p. m. tonight inthe'high school cafeteria under aut-ptcer of ths ram's Bnxrp'ofthrHtgb -'PlaTarfarrthe* otjrnffiufllty-wlae "JUkM'School P.-T. A. The.dinner will befollowed byauditorium.

    an entertainment In-theThe entertainment will

    consist of a two-hour raudsvUle andmotion picture program,, with OeorgeKelly, former manager of the Gran-tor* Theatre, aa manager of ceremon-ies. 'While the «Unner ts onlyj for men,wives of- ticket purchase™ have beenIrnrtted to attend the entertainment.


    Named of ServicePrcaioWtOrgsniatioiv Succeeding

    Gharle. M. Ray.

    Oharles-S. Dooiey wasetected preat-dent of the Oranfard Rotary Club last


    Plant for Fall Program to BeFurthered Wednesday


    ( j u t y w l a e AduHEducation program will be furthered atan open meeting- at S p. me Wednesdayin Cranford High School, It was an-nounced yesterday by Howard R^ast,temporary ohairmah. AU organlavtiorie have been requested to tend athast one delegate to trie meeting, andan invitation to attend has been e *tended to all interested townspeople.

    The nominating committee wia sub-mlt a slate of offlcera to head tha per-manent organisation, and them will bediscussion as to the courses to be ofufered in the adult classes, which, it Ishoped, will get underway about Oc-tober » .

    Among • the courses. '*>•





    TajDOOilM . ,-

    Persons working fer the Federal. State,'- •and pttr Oovemment

    . That leases to dUthBwufk; ,

    •.••Ineligible to do the work under OhtM Labor Law , , , . . ^ tumfi

    . . , TnttTieaves toeWttowori'l^iJ =

    That leaves to do the work -»— . •• ,

    , MO and the PitaldemCbe hWgone flthmg. and I ' w aatsto> «twt

    ~«ntwinsgihtr,Miw.atarJertoBmasy, -waobUgsted by Mm Rose cralgv paiiCounty president. "'

    Among thtvkfton wen Mrs. IreneVoces of KUabeth, State banner bear-er; Robert MlogJey, past deputy cbJsfof staff of tfae1 State department; andOaatonC OrosBy, cawiswdar-elect ofthe post. • -

    Member* of the auxiliary win attendtha" peat1* Installation of offlcen to;morrow nig&t'tp, totnsnlp rooms, afterwmjeh-they will vlstt Henry HectmonrnPost In Spotswood,, On Sundtn the twonisanlisliiiiai wtn be represented a> an 'Amettoaniauion parade In Jertey-Oity,,'and on May 1 at an Americanism pro- .gram to Trenton. / '

    Befrehmeata wans served following ,the meeUng.' . ,

    ,-Ths Ber. M. V. Btovenaon, formerree* ,ttr/of Pne»-SplBoni c h m k H a b v ^fltt l in 4UIV«fO m Mf̂ jOM flUIV^P

    W l Obftoh toj

    3vM, ,, ,-™,-.,—v

    ^ _ L >


  • r •• * » '~ Pixel.

    a « a WT*» lu*V»i£ta le i tboald be Bt

    won* to our asttwat patty. One utui«mu«nt wj-tii-sjMen, ̂ p the pur.^'" "•» a**dedj ttw other

    - sX Batler, Re-ttred:"Tbto Ooteusueut. by making a lot

    of ao-s*. beating dmrasaim aaymr thiscountry to insulted. J» getting the boysall excited to g o t o war."

    assay AT Wa-bvea,- Secretary of Agri-culture•We know now that there a n nations

    JU-&'despise Democracy and whichlook with longing eye* toward"-thishemisphere."

    Cardan M , Secretary of state:"We live today In «he shadow of in-

    tenatknal tendon and at erent* whichhnpertl the very foundation of world


    Tb» Krenmember Oarnaa wiU b fSin Bundajr attaowon in tbb Otiatad

    Into mek.H

    itof tbe

    eWorfdwDictators are flooding their countries and

    the world with propaganda telling of the.j, ..many^accQmpJjihinejits .theyl have.effected.,

    • The propaganda even has made inroads intothis great nation—a nation which has one qfthe greatest heritages of all times. It is hightime that every city, town and village in theUnited States starts a propaganda campaigntelling its people of the countless accomplish-

    Jthis, democracy^-July ,theMFourth,the anniversary of this nation's indepen-dence, isliortoo early a date to start thiscam-

    Congress is the nation's legislative bodyonly when it is able to legislate. -

    As a general rule, every issue of thisi th h Jg , y issue o

    newspaper is worth more than Jt cost*.

    Cranford can do its part in'tmTmove-; mentjby urging the Township Committee, to-apon»o»-«UQh^a-celebraUon-thU-year-«nd-by-, cooperating with- the local American Legion" post in making it a real Independence Day otP•• aervance.

    Even grammar school children are be-ginning to understand that if the United.States expects to sell to foreign nations itmust be willing to buy something in return.

    It takes two nations to follow the "goodneighbor policy-in international affairs. '

    Pressure groups continue to make theAmerican taxpayer pay through the nose.

    The problem of the. railroads seem to bebeyond the capacity of individuals to solve.

    •There are people tothe^oriJwHcTpVefe'r'

    There's a lot of wisdom1 in the Bible ifthe people of a nation will take the time to

    Mon an iwnjastod to remain at homeduring th* afternoon in order to nv-clUtat* the work of th* oanvaam.

    «t*ndtaf t h f annualeno* which opened today, In Newark sadContinue* throusfc Monday when ap-pointments for the coming year wm beannounced. Th Rer. ltatebett 7 .Poynter, paster of the local church forthe past D m years, has been Invitedto return. _

    The S p. mr aenrice Sunday win be

    AM% conmunttr sarle*. m e Cttaaiand Obraolde to condocttof «U* Oom-lat Brants cohano. B to deekned toeliminate conflict* in dates of erentt of

    meettopwiU not be listed.

    «prtlJU-asn aahool M.

    \ \

    Aprtt n-ONnford Sjuphony Orches-' tea Concert, Btoh School

    League Ladles' Might,talta

    I w M B .Presto

    April Jf-aigb School Band Ooncert,In

    ,Tbo** who wlU participate inth* wnfae are; Mrs. William D. Reel,* , who win g-V* the scripture reading;Un. Poynter, the prajer; ifnv T. H.He**, whawm be -nchirgeof music;'and Mrs, John Beat and Mrs. WtUlamOBROU usher*. The speaker win beKiss Deborah Cannon of south Unionavenue, who will dtauat "MigrantWork."' - '

    The Merit BlUe Q l a f of theMethodist and Firat PnabrterlaaOhnrabe* will rave a joint meeunr atS p. m. tonight to the First Presbyterian

    pread it.

    ;; Ambulance Fund Grawa -The quarterly report of Henry W. Whh>

    ple, chairman of the Cranford AmbulanceCommittee, shows that $71 was received for

    H",. the ambulance replacement fund during the.first three months of this year. Although nota large sum, it is very encouraging when onetakes into consideration that only $102 waareceived during the whole of 1937.

    i o ^ o n s m ^ b^pendii. Svho u^ d ^ amDuTancT g o W t f £^ replacement fund for use in die purchase of| v k new'ambulance when the present one canVfnb longer be used. Contributions to the re-i«' placement fund during the past seven yearsm have averaged about $100 a year, or less-thanpfl atrip. \ . •

    The ambulance offers a valuable service',-Jto the neiidenta of this community. It waa'purchased with funds raised through publicsubscriptions and is maintained by the Town-•ship Committee. No fixed fee is charged

    |$J»ose persons who use the, ambulance, butbose who can afford to do so are expectedo pay somettung into the replacement fund.* " " t J ¥ ? r f \ l there is

    il . T***** b«?eve it HW-Bot.-are jht pricethat atittns pay forlrioATrri government and•what it offers. ' ,jr I •

    It won't be long now before the averageAmerican family will be trying to decidewhere to go and how.

    This is the time of the year that even ahard-hearted man thinks it would be fine tohave a flower garden.

    ^ ^ T h e man or woman who receives moretrom society than he. or she. returns, U a netloss to the social order. , I

    • " • . j

    to improve one'ssomethirjg in

    There are people in the world who posi-tively enjoy their misfortunes Because theyserve, as excuses for all occasions.

    - A rule, in many minds, is a device tostop the other fellow from doing somethingand red tape when it stops the person in-vojved. • • •

    If somebody will develop a permanentnever-fail excuse for busy men to use when'they want to go fishing there is a fortune in it.

    j . . Correct this aentence:."! buy as many I

    h£Z?-ZZifc fr0" o^-«own Ml«men""* * upon

    vide tha pragjiun, wbkh wm Include-monologue by Rosemary Jensen.

    «fel«ht oHiind act* by Harold O.LWerof Brooklyn, community singing andInstrumental solos. Following- the pro-gram, the Presbyterian clan win pro-vido A buffet supper.

    fatH Bodety witt-haiqts mm-

    Art-hhtat, TownsWp Booms.

    ,l -» 4-C-t-ssn-and .OsoD-ds. rtmt Oookmf School. Oonford


    Hay -—Rotary Club tadtos* Wgbt.

    Hay . - - l ions ' Besjtaal Oaofenoce,Presbyterian Church.

    May lJ-RepubUcan Club Card Par-ty, Oaamo.

    ArUL-S. IMI,•t %Ji r. K. (D-jUsfet *Ht-t I U H ) at the

    •ar Nartk A n n * aadMUm s-mt, em-lbra.!». ;.. to oould-r:

    Ik.• I d

    V i n t . XM S. MMk SS. TMn-Ut Ma»,Tkl- U at WaUmm "A1

    reasnj-rttvt*. from Hew York:to hysterical,p p y



    Freest Delieiletsat> R. VRIOIT M B *

    W *

    »m.MiiJHji i iii»*«.««»«<

    tbrnwh asturday.-.Ji-*.ra.-W.-I> Jo-flisiK. *£=

    P.-T. A. STUDY i* «roup systenv which permiUpupils to progRs* acccrdtngto'thatrb i U t = ^ U J a : ' ^ r S l l ~

    apm* of tb> humorous hsppsnmgs In(he school room als»"w«re told-by tbeteanbm. , , . . ' .

    Relreihmenu) were aerred followingtbe mMttae with Mo. Werm* and JUM.Utnon as assistant bostcaMs.

    RAYON weara weU and launders well. That iswhy so many sports dresses a n made of i tThe Thor is so gentle in its washing method thatany material, which aosp and water will not Injure,may be washed with safety in the Thor. Iron rajonwith a cool iron. The Thor table ironer, heated and

    _ operated by electric-tr, give* three intensities of —beat. Set it al'low* for rayon goods. If you use anelectric hand iron, make sure it has automatic heatcontrol. The American Beauty has an umuoaHywide range of temperature, 22S to 525 degree*. '

    Thor electric washers are pricedfrom $49.95 up. Thor ironer* from£ 0 . Table inner iHnstrated U $79.95.America). Beauty antomatic electric

    •KNOWN rba ooon WOBK"

    cultunl • , . . . .^ »!i iu.vTrr'i^!Tj!T

    me appotnaaent er n y [ i-was -,^ Board of lluWmrt^t-'tbji, « t »Africultural • s p r * ^ - * - ^ — ' " — -reconunendatlPBlilgrlcultural " ^oryCory — ._ -tent farm, gsidsn, ?poups of the m o t * .the Board of lTW**(decision to atuwtiit a Jsfcaa. i(*at\^Bisdate when Osman w « »»flnj at* atwTO* 1» to to s f M O g l t r ? — ^

    Osman baa fat mattjr yeaos beanpromlnniUy identfflsd wltb-ttie-aur-wry tnutnts* m thto Isit*. _ Tor-tsnyears he operated taw Mfcw BffBuswIek.KunwiM, sndstnee l M U w ' t a o beenemployed by th* Ifnr JscMy State Oe>pirtaerit of BfllfliBuri * • *. suparrt-m m the cmialm^tptm tta* DutchIlmdlnaw. T ^ i ' h-~ " .

    stale Secreisryofiariealtar* W. B.Allen, In '» ejual

    to the

    o n a HI


    -de. ofIwdfle

    Allen, In iin»tlnn»aQ*a»sa>» ejUicaUons for bto pntoast , atld &exceptionally wen ejdsiUM* Holb

    en, nuraeryment'SDd 0Bi0intcs Of Ua-.ion County.1* ,-_,r~.^

    Appointment ofBaker pointed omVwiB mate aisOkbl*to residents of tMon> Onmty ancatlonal serriee ttat can be eoonted ento malntam and pnmote tbe Beat In-terests of the couatyk'taiiNrlaat agricultural andBe pointed out that ratal's agrieul-

    la excess of fetMyOt*, not tnemdms«xtea»(»e nurserjp and) HJrJsbf boldtnss.Ite average investment per tatm inPBionwm»saldtot>e to seed ca taw ptaats. • TBie KMud attractlienMB of eatb ptant wfflbe enhanced if It Is nudentely cot


    ty compi

    asan I whotbi nturBe* thattbbroota

    -old iron,' Sm*n*aiMn*1PrieTfjmVpurchase any appliance on the divided

    1 plan. . . , \ ' HOME REPAIRS

    the i


  • * __̂ ._


    o f O — n w a ,tbe Board ofAgriculturalrecommendationAgriculturalaryOommltiaent farm, garden,poups of the county,fee Board ofAddon todate when , ,

    - r o t I» tooesnoporioB*-:?— VOanan baa .for awn* yeas teen

    prominentlytery budntsa to thk state. - Tor •tan

    -jears he operated the MMr L rNurseries, andsxoca ISM lit haa bamemployed by the 1pirtaeut of Agrfcuftart aa a iior In the onUm disease,

    state Secretsryof Airleultnre W. H.Allen, In commenting on Oassan'k ejUcaUons for hk p*vrjpu«\ eaM r*exceptionally wen qnattned'iotbtraining and^aj»rfcmo%>jir?B faen. nurserymen,'and) aWpawena Of On-xo county.1* ,_.,,....„

    Appointment of <Baker pointed MnVwiB make avaOkbl*to residents of tTntonOoanty ancatlonal senioe that can be counted onto maintain and promote the beat m-ttrests of the coatOTanportast agrlcultural and horticultural :h»amti.'Be pointed out thai TJntart agrkul-tne alone Ila exceas of ttMSyMo, not"taeawtnfl

    • they have

    as a powerful dub, both _and offense but k makingckuas. —7• have plenty of power withJ Urn new hands have doneweB. UaScaaeuaatflrct,

    at second; and Buddya-, an new comers, a n expected to

    ^ the b% sun*, alone; with JimmyOJeetan, Bab Seeds, Charles Keller and

    embers bf last year*Scaraeua has an eye

    on a bag league job for next sea . »1 So cam It by a great year with

    * • Boars, acbatte haa done wen andao has BWr.. The latter, once be set-

    nak-SBOuld be" one of" the moat1 men en the team: May. at

    t h M - l s realty a VeteanriaThehasbam with Kewark several seasons, out-atto of kat year when he was on theMetfle the

    jeiter^ve nursery a t * lyrists'boidtavs.Th I t t fThe averaie

    vpar farm Inp

    Onion m arid to bsJIMOftane of tbeHghest tfthe aBeT"""' ~~ ""

    Your G^rdenjSi"Week

    By A. a Ketsaab.liN. j . Cstttgeif

    New Jersey garden *_.,—„Jag, with relief Oat-the recent cold

    .U«,,duiiag*..tOitfaaiEl«laBla.^liaat.Sf.the plants already infrowth arehardj,andthecoMwrnanotaufnetenUy-intMueto hann tbem. Only thon wWeh aretarty 5prin»Akionjil»^nd*whlen,,w«r«in flower at (tie Ume hare been hurt.IDe gardens can reataaaaredttiattlierewiu probably not to a repetition ofmen cold thk aaaaon. and be cantlsue hla planaoc nfth no qoahnabout the weather. - " ,

    Herbaceoui pmnzatli,Uch have not already been aet out

    abouM be planted tmmedtetd/. Al-thoiigh the worktBHSfiSS-i lf i

    . The four form•Xfcld of the. league.the other postkos are wen

    covered. The outfield is the same ashut year. BeDa; Seeds and Cueeaon.Buddy Bnear, anoiher'vtt, is the "fust•trtag catcher, ami u s assWant win be

    at-TMnngh Wbfle the Bearsg


    *»«• ait^befowBufcfcr help haa been srotoiaed fromPYXk T.__W«jM ine oranon hurfcrs the BearsI be set for a grading campaign.

    their Initial stay at Buppert Stadiumaxarday afternoon. Then on Sunday 1

    Toronto Maple Leafs headed bynase* Dan Bowky come in for a

    O n e tame atay. Fouowm» tbe de-parkM of the Lesanm-vTednesdaynknt the Montreal Royals, beaded byBabbtt Maranvflle will come in forfour days.


    amm-".wmiam Austin topped.the IS bowk-

    n in the Oranford Municipal Bowl-I Ryan.

    for tbe Juat eloaed. Itk

    iraa an-J o d . It iraa announsed tola week. Anatto bad an ar-crare of 1H for 57 game*, Juat nosingbut Planner, who had an avenge ofMS for 00 gamea.

    the Aurtina also annexed the teamtitle, winning 43 and dropping IS gamea.The Casino and Municipal teama weretied for aeeond honor., with M win*andaoioeaea. __ ~

    » « * team aeom went to the Auatiniwith an. ^ Oburch carried off highrarid^* aee«nria»oKvWtn~a"a«•me. whUe /Ptumtner turned to theagh three-game aoore with 3B«-lw-3ig«» a «J7 total. The team three-game

    The wWier of the team Utle was InroW ttntutheflnal gainea had been

    wlkd And waa one ofthe cloaett to re-sent jr«an. The Austin, annexed nteout of dz gainea from the Caatno pin-men to carry off first honora. Austinand Plummer also had doae battle* forindividual honors in the nosi twom a t c h e s . • . . . • „ . •" ' . - . • •

    Smmiajles of the flxial two matcheaand the team and invldual atanduus

    WagnerCUeaaonAnger -

    - M B - '


    ft Frank .

    ^tiompnoLivingston ;burton ,A. Bo

    P. Fetersen.Bryers-j-'&sKsQuick ' u . - i

    ™ «

    UottaBaJdeschneUet ,

    Vko Knows?*• Do men or votnen jpcud

    fardofte?much has the R.F.O loaned


    tofaanksTBOW many young people look forf

    y y g ptheir ftart Jcbs each year?4SJ

    ifiSn*-..if the moving la dons before Ocbr top«rowtlr Qaa intraattd to any extent

    •• • • - \Tnth the exeepUon of airmlaa and a

    ttv that do better when panted InMay, moat anrmak may now be aownm the -open -gronnd. *• pratacaair in

    I sttdsBperenakh. thrive

    conducive to good and r—«—«—Most of these seeds win not come upunui a* — » y ofPansles and BngUsh Hastes, and thk k

    time to buy'ithemTtor flower Bedsborders la which an Immediate

    *Ww is desirable: Host of ttiesePtats have been crown xartfcularly for1"«-noweiing. »»"« they do tut lestlong unless given ftqt^wils.'f care. P)2 * «iem with nkntyof water •food sou, anoVsee that the fjoams do" ^toaeedonthapknta. -Thenfe

    attractlveneta of each plant wjnbe enhanced if "It la nwiwiiatirr cot


    S.. What is the appropriation for (hekimy tun Nsivy?7~JBa«.,hlgh. k ^the, Washington

    S. HDW does present buslnesi activi-ty compart with but summer?

    9. When win the Philippines achievendependence? " . •:• ••

    10. Wtist k the average income of

  • r^^

    . S -

    & * Vv*V



    A eapy of Anna AT OordonVli* oftatt»jrmar&-iatttabedtoian.wa*

    T. U. at Us saacunt loeaday at theof Mis. B.W.F. Randolph. WU-

    w>MnOban«MBdf*.ofeaae-lbe book wutm torn

    Ada aW. C T. V. pnskkoU

    pan of Itar Anry*

    Mrs. Harry V u Sam ofMrs. Harry V u Sam of rstnet he* leUaued trom • winter la

    _^—, n. Itowler of _ _ha* been conBned to her ban* ff--1'irrr- irtjiriin 11pVJwiadar to « • ff1irrr irtjiriin 11 M i l aainWiltii i_f L_l IaoCtica, bot. k f a , . mi «bwH IfcatK h ****», drf.

    finlllawf laW MOtt M B M l i M C l f Wwk BJflftMMftl - J «jobjtct wa fea T l -H a F. K. CkirToTunden piee* en-

    ta*H a F. K. CkirToTunden piee* en

    sertalned bcr bridge-luncheon eta* 09WMd - x

    eaceptioaaly aafc aMMhaaal mi Ihataillwaak b mW fin*, abca, it hw t U ar*Mly

    of a B i l U

    BUI Oordes aT*-

    4pdl S to Mr. uid Mra-BonoD BeUesFlaeewcre'Mr. aod.X» £ |CH. T, formertF of

    Mn. Oharle* Orounae of Orante >*eoue mtrftatned her contract-bride* John Coma ofl2M

    that Mrs. ISa A.W. C. T. O. praaMaal. wfflMasLoii ToreRof Springfield ave- a aon... Jamcav on Mareb XLMasLoii ToreRof Springfield ave

    nue returned Monday to the School ofH t i l t A b T of ^nado Flaoa opaned

    y toHorticulture, Ambaer.-Ta. Mr. and Mn. Baraaid Channell of vm

    Walnut anuaTcr the btrttt of •> ago.oa limit* B.

    Mr,.aad...Mn..,KMrs. Oeorae S. Bateaot _ _street entertained her Mdotdalr bridge-kmehecock* on Monday. II Cranford Trust Company

    man FSDOAL kat the Home of Mn. PadMrs. A. H. Addoms of .atnet Is with her aKer, Mn. OaeaiIn WMibtttm. D. a

    A ago, OnH Man. n i bom on Aorfl

    Mr. and Mn. AT"D. MniTfcilnni andMr. and Mn. ATD. MniTfcilnni andaUIdna of anna> anoat apent !»*-

    LEGION AUXILIARY• yean old. am ofMr. and Mn. Andnw Kmetao of •

    cane . «al thUmoratnt atIan. Adotaoo Leanm «f FKapaetIan. Adotaoo Leanm «f FKapaet

    atreet left Tneaaar on a thro* vedo*T a a r on a thro*m m m i

    wMbomtoJaneyOttT. Akertwua I fl

    Bovand Wilton 1 of, Wartpoct, OOBIL,h

    aMbomtoJaneyOttT. Akertwua onsa In to* flat, «nd» ot St. Mfch-d h i l

    Onalard nati, s i, p , O O ,

    the Butar.boUdar with Mr. andM * whoCounty Le-

    CbartaA i h u t and


    U a. m. to • > a . andy, p r a danoe In tna

    Oeataooo Friday mat*, Ann », tol t d f

    y mt*,nlattandi for UaamloeC U O P A B n m O A TMr. and Una. Oeorte Howw of

    " " VBO

    «njB,Alaaa Mar t at wbjdi tarn ». K.

    amloe work. Theunit recently, donated «M to tb> poatTbont Ladke* Bodallty of 8L afien-

    t O h 1 &

    o t e oww of WaWVBOL. art fwaU of Mn. Bowrt • — • • - • - • i • • • • • ^ > v . •*# Hamr CWw»torpnrcbanofnaaL The puatloJiai

    ben inwtd ~t ke Bodallty of 8L afien

    aata Oair«h_w1&_noU a pobUc-oardrt

    . f U of Mn. Bowrt, lbs A. W. Aplts ot (Park

    f The puatloJiaibeen inwted a>~atteod tte dance.

    pobUcoardparty tomorrow natat at the bone otKMnrood, on Ana » . inwted a>atteod t

    MWdojavT^S^l^SS^S"^w. ^BegularmeeUntortheunttwIHbeJ 6 " ' 0 ' * * * to the Cksmo wtfc UrnBay TDlett and Mn. Lee

    _kht awffl attend a

    CUjr « u in* recent cntat of bcr daaib-*«r. Mn. Oeorfa a DdnneUx of Matno-tt

    « u in* recent cntat of bcr daaib-. Mn. Oeorfa a DdnneUx of Matno-

    tonatraH. Buk. me. and other Onntord •wtoy Ben Uat IWeBMafias Cbonli'wffl hold a D M * iaad your nesjhborx paperbrings Has

    y IWeBetay Rot*, maker of the fastttd SUt fl

    y , aker of the fasttrotted SUte* flat. to*tr two bne.baada .through- tfae-BeMwttanair

    ohn R i dwhere--tntrt»patt«»

    . r * p . n o r a e p efat"aWtar"'"ncati6D''"in' vnanua tat ebaiie of g tfaeBeMwttanairwar: John Ron in ,a powder ex-

    p l k MITh At, aa the meat of bar vnanua tat ebaiie ofMm. P. B. aoirter. Al the wanes of

    tbRon in ,a powder ex-

    ploakn aMIThomai Aibbourne byd t h i B l b h

    P aoirter. Al the wanes oftb» oootmaaon a n tarlted to atteod. p MIThomai Aibbou

    death in an Bnglbh priaon.Mr. and Jin. cTrTBallard of Manornd Jin. cTrTBallard of Manorawnna apeot the Baaicr week-end withM d M a a b

    of 11 Ortar. atnetat AM

    to iBt Jeaaphs oathotte

    p r eekend withMr. and Mn. a a. Abbey of Orer-b k Hinbrook Hin. Pa.

    Mm Bobot HuEna of Wtnetta,dan atnet apesttntlntton. n C WBB

    tn-btw. Mr. and Mn, H..1. HeaUaa, of feZ.

    Mnx' Wadt" iLmtrnl* ~iib5»Kil^''"»':BSb»r-tta

    ^ - - w B ^ i H r B p of

    . 4 jaat dr-Mttta of Clapo>Q>atreet hu ittorned bom apendlnK theX b

    p n K thboUdara with her daughter.i

    Mn. 'Cfc Wward Kkhofc.

    aUunat Ttiaidar forluncheon at the bom* of Mn. Hnfhf3. BttUbatt of Linden place, aauatodby MnlJ. Boat Bates. A nadir* ot**Ibe Bea Onu* waa gtoen by Mn. MatH. Low, aaswad by Mn. * Boss Batac

    QuM ktm&mt*CKXSpeadL If found return to The


    tMIIMIHI tiffei*afa**eiea



    OPENfM ANNOUNCEMENTtx as. ••» sx s» . , -i~_ --̂ '- ~







    J^J™L?«ffl^iW*al* o£ drew dothc and-wash-•Oka and cottons

    -' . - . JOIN THE -NEW DRESS -CLUB"

    CR-A-d 6-1261 210 Eln-oetb Avenue



    MEAT DEPARTMENT""*• **»"»«eajeat at • n o r HBUal

    UBS OF ' . ' , _ _


    P H O N E C R . 6 - p r O 5 FRESH-FISH


    DRESSES-COATS-SUUS roumn, • Be. i . l2C

    $5.95Funeral Directors -

    Cranford6 " ^ AVENUE TEL CR. ^ ,00112101

    . Kn,DB«MM. .« « OaroUne Maaon, wit* of ,_

    H. Uaaon of « « Otntnl aTsnue. «*diwt Thunday afternoon at tbs n o wot her daughter, Mn. Barton BUmtrof Richmond, Btalen Uand, when shewu vWtg . w ;:; , ,

    ' Bom in Btatenlamnn amnlj*«ourjean ago, an* bid reatdad In Onnfordtour and a half yeani. • Ow waa a

    ^ *•»_. B H — H J I J I %an̂ laaaJHa#

    niemcer of the MmwMrnald MetrjiMiir- Eplacopa)' Chmfc-MartaetV-HBrbor,

    atrand of Jte ladUa* Ail aodeb/.

    an of aVsabatlt, Mn. Oharl*a Cook ofGranted, aad MKSbatear: b n sons,UrionotBbauMtaaadifSMtofKa-ten laand; a t e gjaidiftMna: two

    . Mm. Mn. Sett ittfcsooV and M»| QwtgeJWtuB^^llljIJIll.M* »

    .Funeral scrnMl w w lisM aatnrdayaflsmeoB^OBt tt» J a n e t « ,lUDRSl HflHlSiwu In Oneeiai

    Obuta Borat, 19 IwM SU, a ! • >dtot of ennfort Km < W # M » laartam

    > In

    1 alter, betaff takwa to «b» hoa-j \ th* "yflî ipffi avDbaiaiioai 8 Bhad been UTfoTtbe pact ftw*wiate~

    fort jritfanleoe, MmHe of SI Beteh skwtt A.biother, Al-fred Bunt, naideith BaUmon, I d

    Funeral serrieas ware faeM last nightfrom Dooleyi Funenl Borne, atl North

    tan F. Bebreos, *., ptstor of CaMrylAthenn Obureb, Tntennent w a takeplace this afternoon In Bayrtew Ceme-tery, Jeney City. ~ • «-' -

    ated Metrle SysteThe metric «yttam waa an Inven-

    tion of the French in the latter halt•£ 'U» JBl«We*»t^-centuiT.French government appointed a-committee of the Academy ot Setencea under the authority ot the

    - national—auembly—Mnctlooed~byLouis XVI to deviM.a ayatem ot

    '^&biM •"* meuure*. On June SJ,1799, the itandatd untta, the meterMd the MlograM. «nad» hr eamertraentlsu and inatrunVent maKenTwere deposited in the archive* at

    • KaruL • ' Aui,-a—PS< ,

    , The ^onr.SeaMBi"5^,"?-The cIvU cr tropical year, the one

    commonly used'in the measure ofJjme. is the period, which elapsesfrom the sun's appearance on oneof the tropical circles to Us returnto the same. K varies very.slightly,and has a mean length of 36S days9 hours_«_minute« _4».7_«econasuAstronomically considered, the fourMasons begin at the equinoctial or»>e solstiUal points. The cummerMlstlce is the meridian,-pastingthrough-the point where the suntouches the Tropic of iCancet; thewater, solstice is the meridian pass-tag through the point-* when ittouches the Tropic i t Capricorn}

  • 7 l ta.DOTUH.MMMMr» Carolina MMBP. wtt» of D t i V

    E. Mason of SH Omtael avenoek d i dlast Thursday afternoon at H» bom*of her d u g * * . Kta. Barton KJHmera Richmond, ataten. Defend, where A t

    Bom in ataten Island aewnWournan ego, she had resided In Onaford(our and a half years. • Bhe was amember of the

    a Z a n d of He ladMr Aid Society..Beside* lw,iiMteiaVa|sitis jnntnd

    by three daughters; Ifta, Jsoob ML 1«-lon of Huabatn. Mr*. Obarle* Cook ofOrsnforAaadMla.UrronotnaabstfaaaaWSisttotten TfiaTMt; «fr— gisjiMWiBBrill!Mat, Mrs. MB MOLeod andaeon* Whiting of-MiilHln and ••VOtlKS* IQfflUl 0MV]

    Funeral sen*** w*t? h*M fletarday9.

    was in Oraotaand Mamnriii rark.

    3 _ of St. MVSbael-s Charonand a iMmberof Ha Holy Nam* 80-dety and h*\was president of theDJstone IratemuW BrcoUyo. Be aknwas a member of the nnnrnras Men*Association of Mew Yo

    Burvhing him are huNwile, Mary;three eons, Albert, RajmonVand Bd-mund; five daughters, Mre>*Nleholu of Newark, and theMlaeeecy, XsabeUe, SMynandHekn-AsarccNancy, ,Brelyn and Helen Aaar; onegrandchild; a brottier, Salem Aav ofBroofctynraiKta sister, Mrs. BaUmt Ab-mashed of Tampico, Mexico.

    A high mas* of requiem m a offeredm Bt MIofaaera Church Uonday morn-ing U charge of the Her. WUBam B.Donaeny. HaronUe aarvieai toOowed.m chart* of Mgr. Viands Wakbt ofNew Tort mtwrrnent was In Bt Oer-tnakra Oemetery, Woodbrldge. a A.Mokarsel ot Crentord. editor of AlBode newspaper of New York; BaldBarfoush of New York and JosephShaknr. vioe-prestdent of the Brook-h v fraternity of whkh Mr. Aaar wasprettdont, spoke at the graveside rttee.Hi* ameral was attended by nearly BJMtetattvia, • -

    Obirka HaraJ, 1* y w a eU, a rta>dent of CranCord fpr flM^aaV fcarteenleue, died Badaanfr llgnday alttjt In

    minutes alter, bataf taken to the hoe-pUal in the •̂ ••n**̂ ipf| anbeflanoa*«~habTbeen infoFthe paeTflw vetfeaT

    ford jrith;a niece, Ma.^Sdna Macfcen.He of 37 Beech aMet A brother, AK-ntd Hunt, netdeeth. BaWmore, I d

    Funeral atnrleaa were held hut nlfhtftom Dooieyb Ptmeral Bone, S I North

    rut*it»wrsmllam F. Behrana, Jr^ pnter of CaMtyLutheran ObmBta. Interment wlH takePl»ce thta afiemoto In Bayrtew Ceme-tery, Jeney OUgr.

    atod Hetrle SyiteThe metric ayttem was an Inven-

    tion of the Prench in the Utter halt ttjoosht. By thattlmeeverrbody was wideawake So wegot OTBSSM . ana pfoueeaeaNu walkaround the lake. When once back to

    Tomredta, ttttb Miller, Oerry Oreen,Joan Mason, Both Bussejv Patty Can-rlsht, Oladya Jensemue, Barbara BmKh,and Neva Mta* from Troop 1; alsowere Kvelyn Beck. Batty Money. Peggr

    HB BVOCANBBOharaotsc role* are aeoond nature to

    Redrta Mann wbo plays the part ofJean Lantte, the notorious pttatt of Ita*early nineteenth century.m Tb» Bue-

    •whloh is new playing at theBiaHo Theato*, WMBtld,

    During nla aereen'oareer March hasseen as some of the most tamoiss

    literaiy._ard rjlstarloU-OgurM of_*JiMDM, Hie ehtet ot tosm bstng CMbd.OR Jekytt and Mr. Bide, Robert

    ntngi JacM* lulliweU of sTitirthniliJean VaUean, and Anthony Adverse,

    to the new OttU B. DeMin* *pk> ttt h * W a r o f » U h * l s s * e n a * t l i *

    tokUng king of (he pirate*whose loyalty to the United States

    . ,rtn toe Battle of New Orleans.Be-bt asaweabrthe- eaoMe llongarlan

    Barnes, 3bMohuur, rfGynea,K.


    goH6wUU,M -LefZler, cBaroeUona, 3 b .Pocfaek, n> —Oadek, cfEUls, p .Jones, p .


    from Troop X—CHadys Jonsenlus, scribe.

    TBOOP 11.A few of the girls met at Miss John-

    «ton"s house on Thursday evening topass various teals so they could go tothe cabin. Those who went from Troop

    Betty Mohre, Ruth Smith and MarionCollins. Troop 1 was also at the cabin.

    The gW».hlked-aroundl*ke Burprtwith Miss Johnston. At night theyeang around a caznpflre. Another hike,to the dam, was taken early in themorning. At 9 o'clock we hiked up to

    H i Uw afletuoDP1


    T*e,at*taiw*aa*now«- already nave bam aoat

    Lakaat 1^Tt»frgJfWMawater1aJema*world Is take Sttptrior! th* largest

    Inland lake 1s th* Casptansea.

    • , • Choose nOM AevrS COMMeteBUT.WITH CONrTMNCi

    or K E F "-•CWrreaflnritfribt *

    LEGS OF LAMB 8 8 !FeMICy M I K ' F M FOWI 4 mm • .Sli«wdlac«naMmwHi'uslial muscular" effort or tinderother unusual conditions of temperature, humidity, or other factors,

    | | I T T C D "NIST RUSH OUAMBIY 91_I l l I I E l l • Cut From Tub lb. O l C

    Granulated Sugar En. 5M.23<Campbell's TOMATO SOUP 3 «a«.l9«PineapplKellogg'.Evaporated MilkChivar'f MarmaladeSUCID

    WHttTW*»k*jittJ bra* AS t a l tloLleof Y c

    SPARKLE DESSERTSel IpeiUe f»l«e«. re*Cnme er O*MI« DMHCK

    Asparagus Tips A*- ir.n.Nuriey Margarine 2 Z. 25«Sweet Potatoes yJ.ttL ̂ IO<


    excrete considerably i)unt, or under

    BeansBaDONeVease Dissolving Cleaner 2 cans I 9 C

    P & G Soap whit. N.pth.

    Tbc Four Stttmr^The civil cr tropical year, the one

    commonly used in the measure oftime, is the period which elapsesfrom the sun's appearance on oneof the tropical circles to its returnto the same. II varies very.slightly,and has a mean length of 36S days9 hours 48 minutes 48.7 seconds.Astronomically considered, the fourseasons begin at the equinoctial orthe solstitial points. The summersolstice is the meridian, passingthrough-the point where the suntouches the Tropic of Cancer: thewinter, solstice is the meridian pass-2»S through the point where ittouches the Tropic of Capricorn;end the equinoctial pomts axe. thePoints at which the sun's path JOTequinox croaaeTihe celestial equa-tor. An these points shift accord-

    Colambaa' Appearance . ."^Columbus, according to tradition,was ol an engaging presence, tail,well formed and muscular, and of adignified'demeanor. His face waslong, his nose aquiline, his eyes light

    and apt-to kindle. His wholenee had ah air of authority,was white at thirty years



    ...0 0

    B 13

    Uley'MWIwuisome of the gWsJpok a hike to the de-serted village. . A M o'clock tbej,gfleft for hom«r«veryone having enjoyedtheir two days at the cabin.

    —Marlon Collins, scribe.

    Umpire, Cooper, Linden.Score by innings:

    Naming of Botany BayBotany bay. New South Wales,

    Australia, was so named by Cap-tain Cook because of the wealth,ofatrante plants -trowing there.


    _010 000 000-1.^31 300 30X-4

    Iceland's TemperatureIceland has a higher average win-

    ter temperature in Its southern partthan does Milan, Italy.

    "'--DtamolMt'wttt'JUirsirn •—-_"The diamond is unmatched at an

    abrasive;-• Boron carbide, th* hard'est synthetic material ever made incommercial quantities, Is, the onlyproduct developed as a commercialabrasive which has a hardness in-termediate Mtween silicon carbideand: the' diamond.'

    en the Mas g»re matters of mathematical calcu-lati

    Castle In CUBMontezuma's CasUe Nationaltonument, 33 mUes southeast ofottonwood, Arlx., was literally

    sculptored from the face of a lime-stone cliff. The castle is a five-story combination apartment houseand fortress possibly more than athousand years old. Scores of fam-ilies dwelt there, and held ceremon-ials, and even buried their deadwithin-its-wall*^,. •-

    •r> Beeltstissibi Fabetto-Veleei . ,-anniwabushl Is the recitation ofheroic folktales m a falsetto voice,accompaniSd" by the 'aamisen,thiee stringed Instrumentsounds like a banjo. One Nfani-wabushl text takes 40 minutes torecite. Most of them describeevents in Japan's feudal ages. "Nan-bra" if the old name for Osaka,a large'city, while "bushV'.was anancient clan of fierce warriors.


    Social Teas

    RED CIRCLE COFFEEBe value wliei.«.. pay leu for coffee a n d X ^ j I Lget It at Ih freihert and DM>. Buy fre«Wy \ •'around Red Circle Coffee today. —* ' P"

    Ann Page Grape Jam '£ |5e

    A&P£,7r Bread . large IB ex i• whlleleai

    Heinz Ketchup U? 13«Jte I9«Chili Saucer.:."/ 'botlOc ̂ 15«Snider'f Sliced Beets 'MO<Nectar Teas ^ 1 5 X

    . Orange-Pekoe, rrmcic^Oolor^lndIo>Ceylon-Java or AUxed

    Enemies and rrlends"A few friends," said Hi Ho, the

    sage of Chinatown, "are true .andmany enemies are only Imaginary."

    GrimtH Joiww, Robert Cootel Robert Taylor.j in "AYank at Oxford"; •


    Fuller Moprranekka Oaal la T h e Baeeaaeer," U

    the BfaUte Theatre, Westfleld.

    "»Mlilir Oomuttoe.

    » « durias rar taatw '

    9w •^^W^^ îWl̂ BlF 4r VVWV* BjaF̂ '̂f̂ P̂ v M N W ^ f f V •jJvwH '̂w âW^B'p


    Now Potatoes *$.m.


    89cL, A- MtKEE

    OBAMTCBD «-*MI-]g

    wr "i i ; — ' • * - i - - ^ ' ,

    1' ^vsS

  • "I. ,


    L Ibis Industrial Center ofa ^ w l ' ' ' ' ' mr •̂>w**BSn»*BaW«J -Wm, ' Union ConnerTOBEOKERWD

    Plans far k municipal observance; oftho Fourth of July were Marted Tues-day night whn Mayor* Louis J. Fon-teneUl appointed Councilman PredDusbanek as chairman of the BoroughOoundl committee to nuke preliminarytmasmato tar the observance o i r

    : SOCIAL ITEMS:Mr. aod Kra. Robert Whoa and

    daughter, Barbara Amj, of lAlteme.

    mer ntUtatM of Oarwood,'•aft* reed Adam) of Wtoeuat ave-

    nue returned Saturday from the Muhl-enberg Hospital. PlatafWd, where sheunderwent an appendectomy two weeksago

    • for the observance'. Osx-wood* celebration last year wa* sUtended by several hundred local resi-dents, and the firework* display! atnight attracted several ttwusand per-sons.

    Cotmclartan BtsnUnd Smith was_ named chairman o> a committes-tasT*

    range for V local observance of YouthWeek from April 30 to May 7. The"mayor" and "council" of the- localschools will be Invited to sit with theregular Mayor and Council at it* meet-ing on May 3, and the "recorder" willbo Invited to stt with Recorder O. K.Seller* on May 3.

    »X Adopted wa* a, resolution orderingall residents to beep their dog* con-fined! to their own properties betweennow and September IS. If a dog I* offthe property he must be on a bash inthe hands of a person able to controlhim.

    Mayor Jtontenelil Issued his annual

    ago.. Mrs. John O. OrindUy and daughter,

    are spending the remainder of theirCaster vacation visiting friends andrelative* In Oarwood.

    Mr. and Mrs. Arthur smith of 330North avenue entertained a number ofguest* at dinner at their home lastSunday afterooqn.

    Robert nmaldgtnnls. son of Mr. and

    lassiMed ments

    ffflflSlgag*ur **• « Mm maUse MMMM S|icgNTS


    ****** "* "**

    s jnBnrrs M I S la ( W a r y of K«» JantyBetwwM Craafard Tnm Ooaauy. a eor-

    aoa. n at, dofaadanu, f t fa. for aala. of

    Mr*. Joseph BmsMginnlsrofWxira,«,-enue. underwent an appendectomy Inthe Elisabeth General Boapttal lutTuesday.

    Mia* Blanche A. Seaman of Newark,formerly of Oarwood, and Melvin Hur-ley of Elliabeth will be married tomor-row evening; at 8 o'clock In 8t. Paul'sEvangelical Lutheran Church by theRev. B. W. Tanoler.

    The Udle*- Aid, Society of 8t. Paul'sBvangelloal Lutheran Ofaurch held IUmonthly meeUng In the church base-? « ' ««* Thuwd i

    MODERN, *U room*, attached garage,nice neighborhood, f 1M0 cash, bal-ance. mchxUnc interest, lues , in.surance and aver*** m o n t h s pay-ment of prindpal of m, with only• total monthly outlay of Ml, whtobUW lew thaivthe-preesw day rental.

    YOU earn afford to overlook Uus'op.portuntty of insuring stebil^, andat the same.Ume achlevlnc the deatnOB. everjone-to OWN YOOB OWNHOME WITHOUT KNODMBRANCK

    J. O. MULPDRQ, Realtor |,314 Park Ave. PLUnfleia S-SM

    tWJW-IW ROO3UNICELY furnished room, suitable . „

    one or two person*. 404 lincoln Ave-nue. Telephone CRanford 6-1443-J.


    nrRNflUUD room, with or withoutbeard. 37 Sooth Avenue, West, Cran-ford. Phone CRanford 6-0041-M.

    PUHMISUBD room; «eml-private bath.^Ojntteaan preferred: XMrag* avafl-

    aM*. H»aisCRnnford6MI3«a. tf

    or jour own broker

    Mayor JtonteneUl Issued his annualCleanup Compaten proclamation. Thecampaign will start May 1. DayHaMSavins tlma will go Into effect at 3a. m. Sunday, according to anotherproclamation Issued by the mayor. Itwill continue until September 38.

    Council'* application for State aidfor taproved lighting along North ave-nue haa been approved bsi the StateHighway Department, and PubUo Serv-ice was authorised to proceed with thelnatapatlon of twen^y-eU 800-watttamps along North avenue about 900f e e t a D a r t 1

    y meeUng In the church base-? ««* Thuwday evening followingthe Lenten service*. „ ,

    Mr*. William Dushanek of -31« Northvenue la recovering from Ill favenue i* recovering from an Illness of

    several" weeks.

    Mis* Linda Ouetrlero of 73 North av-enue entertained the members of toeawtag.Tlme Oals" club at a meeting

    held at her horn* last Thursday even-ing. The next meetlnf will be at thehome of Mis* Helen Bubanat of AnchorPlace thl* evening.

    Mr. and'Mr*. Johnson Brewer of SIBSpruce avenue spent the week-end vis-•UngMr. and Mrs. Clarence Brewer of

    FOUR room* and bath; rnvrovement**lot 75 x 100; n e w cash, wmamBachman, Central Avenue, WestDuneDen.

    14 WEST Holly Street, 7 room*; oaburner, double i s ; * * . .RedecoratedlaMktt Lot SO x WO O F

    rt 1 ,Albpted on final reading! was an or-

    dinance providing for the pavement ofBpruoe avenue from West street west-erly to the Westfleld town line. ,

    Street OommlJBldner John Banyanreported completion of the WPA treeremoval project Bghty-flve trees wensremoved and approximately 1,000 tatof sidewalk were retold with funds pro-

    "vMWUirooihtrie-proJect' Tmarttont

    Tenton,Mr. _ani Mr*, Arthur- flmlth -of,-330orth avenue had I h l

    i Mr*, ArthNorth avenue had astt

    f330guest* for

    double i s ; * * . RedecoratedlaMktt. Lot SO x WO.- Owner, FAn.wood J-7W. ' 4-n

    BIU0TID Ustlng* of house* from$SJ» to tM\000, baaM upon loeati' ^ ^ v p i ^ ^ ^ f V^^V^IV^IKJ H^O ÎO**]

    othtf pertJnentJButon.o. IXVOGOVIL *

    1117 Oranie A * . CHantetd «-!*?*** *OB wan .-FOBNIBEBD 0 room house, fine loca-

    tion, available June 1. Address Box«4ft caw OtUaen i n Chronicle.

    • - " • •• wMawawjj.s, frasa? | H V J w W i

    ? the-Oorpoghs. fire'«Urrrt, were trlnimed>

    Street committee was authorised totake bids Tuesday night for material*for the resurfacing of Center street and

    . Willow avenue. - ' "Clerk Walter S. McManus «•« au-

    thorised to purchase a set ot revisedstatute* f or ute ot the recorder and at-torney at a coat of 135. Fire commit-tea was authorised to purchase ISO feetof flre hose at a cost net to exceed

    «fc»ter hoUdw VnJ£7n£.Oeorge Bunting, and Mn. Marie Hoyt.

    Mn. John-Stiff of Massachusetts,formerly of Oarwood, Is seriously m , t

    Onyder of Bpruoe avehue. Shewasvla-mng friend* In Oarwood when she took

    • Wslnll^^ ^ w w wwawa m ani onBBBawr^^-^Br «B*SJBJBJBJBJBSJOOOD laundress wishes work by the

    dajv 33 Johnson Avenue, Cranford,. 4-31

    —"TTmrmn r-nisWOMAN for part-time light house-

    work. Call after 7 P. M, CRanford8-14T0-R.

    AFAfeOBNT FOE KENTBKOCOXO floor apartment; four light,

    •Irji rooms and bath. Private en-tmnee; aenened porch; frlgldalre.Wear Cleveland School Box 447,-careof Clttam and chronicle.

    WZDKtSfUT, TBS J7TH DAT 01*I AFBH* A. D , 1» en* o'clock Slandaxd (two o'clock Danaarlni) Time. In Iho ailarnooa of uld day

    ALL that certain tract or parcel of landand praalua hereinafter parUcularly described,attuat.. lylas and bains In Iha Townahlp ofCranford, la Iha County of Union and Bute of

    BBGLNMNO at a point Ul tho laaterly aide'•* "•'-•» Arenuo dlalanl 1M3II foci Bouthnly

    in with the Southerly aide ot lincoln- . thence laaterly at rlsht anflea lo

    earn lido of Walnut Arenu. One hundred and•etooty-lhrea I HI) feet more or lean lo theWeaurly bank of tho Eahway Blrer. thencaSoutherly down aald bank of aald Klrer to apoint dlahul fifty (50) feet at rlfht anfleaIron tha laot count oztonded, thence VTeeterlyparallel with and dlatant nrty (50) feet Boutb,orly i t right anflaa from the Ores count OatHundred and acTemy-four (HI) feel more orleaa l» aald eldo of Walnut Arenuo, and thenceNortherly alons aald aide of Walnut Attniieany-131) rat to the Point or place of besV

    Tnere la duo approximately It . f t tM withIntent from HarXjo . i>u, and coata.

    SnWVSS^aUwBkf WW*»WBV MaW VKg^ffmmtl— p i - < — • and Andrew t a a j a w o t nU; *«-faaonmn, f t fa. ft» saaa at nnansasaifaank."sir tlrtnt of ika'atoea-atataal wrt of Sariradio ta me SncMd I ofcall enooa ftr •** ltfyMlo-^ndaa, I., l a . MatrWt Janit.Jaanv.js.

    * krsjl.laIt C


    n t roonw, rt improvanjnt, Mwater and ateam heat. 10 North Ave-nue, West. Inquire SUllman'a Hani-v a n or call CRanford MOM.

    FOBEKNTATTRACTIVB six room bouse, all Im-

    provement*. On concrete street. NearMI nrnivfIISHKX. RenttH. Reducedm m m. OaU CRanford «4M» orORmfod^iftM Henry J. Shaheen.

    S B I U i r S &»LX-In Channir of No> Jem>.Bctwoon Homo Oman' Loin Corporalloa, a

    corporala bodr of iho Unllod SUM of AmaticcomsUlnut. tad KUubnh Wllah (wlikml, de-fendant n . fa for u l * or mortswod PRmlaea.

    Br t lnu. ot Uia aboia-autatf writ M Sari(acUa to- ao dlnctod I ahall aipoaa for aala hfpubUc laoduo, la tha DUIrlctCourtilooa.tho Court BOUMI In tha ellr M BUabi

    'WIDNHDAT. IH« 4TB DAT OfHAY. X D . l l i l .

    •VMIV'.sMBaMasj 4ato-4**M-***e*aMEfti

    Iha Court floaaa, h> the dly t*wmsmuAT. THK i t n t u x or

    HAT A. W I S I S . * ~at MO o'clock Standard Iras a/clack DalSaflns) Time, la tha afteraaaaaf aald day.

    All the foUowIn* tract ar parcel ot land sad>rcml»« hereinafter partlcmlarly deaulaad. att-uatr lyinf and helns hi Iho Taonaatn of Cram-ford. In the County of Cnlon and SfaW o» -New

    *Ubich are Kan particularly laid danudaakjnaled and dUllniulalMd on a certain nuv ontitled ' Map of 1-oanall rark. Ctaafard. tt. J .'which map la on l ie In tho Besttert IUnion County aa Lota J» aad 4»

    Beln* the aarne premlaea oonTwyed ta a mBanyan and Mary Baayas. ala wtf.. ar *dated September IS. l l » . and which deedrecorded In the Union Comity aasbtari O*VaIn Book l i l t of Deedi for aald Oowaly, ia*a3M ,

    There la duo approHmalely W4»lS5wMa ra-teresl fron March Z3 l t i s . aad ceata.


    men»»cnrv orBy ttnuo'of aa order ar Iha OKA * O a s -

    ery of New janey. mado oa tho tint day of•larch 1(31. In a, cauaa oepraula* whontariorO 01 rablo la Iha comalnhuuU and 111 aaSilClannobllo and otnara are the -a-*—^~*t Iho•ubacrlber. ono of the BpoeUI Mantara of aaj

    uau, Ijlni aad bo|nt la iha lyrnuhlp of Craa-ford, in tha CouM, of Dak* and Hata af No«

    00J UNBsW nace -8 room*. 3 tlto• " • • f t * , game room, nnt floorJw»Urjr, s»jn porch. KxceUent loca-tion. ' HOD.

    J. O.MDLFORD, Realtor314 Park A m PLainOe** S-MOO

    ADTDS FOR 8 A U ''

    . _ /

    - .t*¥«OLEr._Sport _ Roadster:•xiclnal paint good; top arMtcurtainsO. K.; (Cod toes; mtchanicallycellent Hal p - ^ ~ *

    ™ —-•••« >Vw>>.tact JBSJSMlTTl[*»r HlisT*

    ^RKramfi'tof ^ " s r W ^ v e n W

    A^nt !? < cr C ' e n < 1 V U l t t o g " I a U W i l n" ^ W f r t a to gas operation at Bast•(net and South avenue instead ofCenter street and South avenue in order.

    ~ to avoid traffic congestion at the latterIntersection.

    Application of National Die Caster*1

    Union for a permit to hold a dance atBrits' Hall on May 13 was rffcrrat to


    *•—- 1TT*T11T nsaslsWOMAN. wa^ntfTiiw,, ,*- . ^

    work; or care for children.- PhoneCRanford 8-03M.

    Door, Sedan, black^ — ~ Oood mecfianlcal condition.Inspection guaranteed. Pull price

    In tha Southoaeterly- - - • »B mtmmimmym n w i OOBtUt two htUtdrtthirty-four feet and twenty-are hundrodtha of» foot ( n i g ) ' ) In a Nonheaatwardly dlrac-Uo. from tbe point of huanoctlon with the^ • ^ • W l y ikWiina or BraokiMe Placa withth. Northaajtwly aide line of Sackolt SlroM

    . ' W j I w r o i a forty mlautaa (to- 4S)*Jf* "fW »•»> »»d M n hundtedUn of a; foot

    ••Owudlr parallel with tha «nt couraa and""' *— (I f ) dhtanr Umfraa oao hundred

    ~* . .* -,_t.TM)D# nuadr^dtha of aalda lino of Brookilda

    «fW Toot (5f) dManr ti

    got (MtJrTtS°Uw'llaldr.,o. ,u,. „ urooaiKiarlMfj. U K U O South .lhlrti.aH eWnea fortr-1.0 mlnutoa HI- 4M Weat aJonTuVuldildo

    SE.1lWSSg"" ^ W ilV> " "»

    — J AVBNOE CHEVROLET48 North Ave, E , Cranford

    1M. CRanford 6-0613

    SAU8MENWANRDMAN WANTED to supply Rawleteb's

    HousehokJ Products to consumer*,aata way. up thl* year. We train andhelp you. Good pronto for hustlers.No experience neceatary, Pleasant,profitable, dignified work. Wrtta to-

    / ' DRU8HAKINODRESaHAKma snr)' alteration* by

    bourortlay. t>pMaltj) on children•»dresse* and skirts. Reasonable ratCall CRanford 8-0S88-J.


    * m. . r^Z m m fc • ajm*n«*iaj isjs; S S I * U l


    Premlit.. honlnafur partkulirh soerlbod. titMi. Ijrlns and betas In thaTWinlBofCran-ItSirf •"• O o u° t r " < * " - " f S5tToflJi-

    V I B i i O V H I V SHIU « * * • * * * nuns ^n*B •n**S»BSSB*BJBS***i*wg( BjSJ•ubacrlber. ono of the Bpoelal nbatars at aajCourt of Chancery. wUl on tha l a * daj .May, 1931 at II o'clock ha th* fli inlia MOat public Tendue. In the corridor of tha CamHoaae. In tha Cltr of Blaabelh nil that Oactof Und and praauaia alluato In tha Tiiaaahl* atCranford. County of Cnlon and Bute at KowJeraey

    Known and dnlfnalad oa a eartala man on-tilled • Map of Propony at Aldan*. New Jnaoy 1«»I aumyanccbj A. ML Wand.ran-.- Buney Bled September B . 1SS1 na Ihaone* of the Betbter of Cnlen Gouty aa IMS13S7. 13IS and IMS.

    aiLVATOBB V LACOBTB.Special Matter hi Chucary

    of Now taraey.

    —NOTiec TO eacBrraaaB8T-ATB o r WTXUAM JOHXSTOX.

    runuanl lo th* order of CHABLXS A. OTTO,mm.. HBII«W« vi vam i n w y •• •>on tb. Soronlh day of AprU. A. » _th. application of In. *nndrralsn*i > i t .mlnlatratora of th. atul* of aald Lnotice la henby siran M th. nadMaWat saiddenaaed to eihlUI to in* anbacrlbn ~ * *oath of aOrmaUoa Owlr dalma and dafalnal th. enat* of aald demand wUlua anmontha from tha dau of aaM onhr. ar thai•111 bo forerer barrod froaa ai i i i i i l lns ar M-corertnl th* urn* asanul the aubvriben.



    MM Broad BtneL" •-—K«wlra. JT.-J

    / reea VtM

    Naming Hoaat RabsterMount Rainier was named after

    the British admiral. Peter Rainierwhp figured in the American H e Wlutfon. The name was given byCapt George Vancouver. Eaglisbnavigator and explorer. "

    Orlghtsl tfetentg oT 0'lMnusf.The original meaning of El Do-

    raetowas' "Jhe gilded one." It wasthe name of a chief of the region on


    of Harding- School, to thefloor windows.


    'installation of oTBoer* of the localV. F W. wUl be held tonlgt* in Bor-ough Hall.

    The fallowing officers wens elected s ttie tost regular meetirnj. of the post;Water Richards, crwmanflwi; JosephBemer, senior vl»men. post advocate; and Walter Hossj-Isnd, trustee.. , ,"

    Past OMJmsuiderjWIslter Hoaglandwffl be installmg


    I AprO M.

    TtoGivaadbogDuring htl lonf winter sleep the"

    groundhog—or whistle pig-uses up•about a third of its fat It needstoe other two-thirds "to go on" •-when it comes out. of hibernation, I— f f l j w f n ^ p t o y l b ^ J U X i

    the old miniature totf coarse at S3nd.start ant jhji.aiOiNRrtl.aiid ars.bwr-tag lots 00 fun. At hast it serves thepurprae or keeping i b e n out of mts-ehW. / • :

    Borough OomeO t n * m cauou* withtin tax laaVw m Tassday nightfor tbe purpose of *tr*Jtf>tenina out

    I thc1 / the

    thctailienthe Borough.

    " w. zorsjnisldriocta taker, b* a p vtltat vX ttl»h«hvae»*«mt«o«plt*t'-

    (JravId Olorta Casate. ThTnertoeetlriB; will take ptaerd,. April M at


    Mayor Orippo and the BordughOounell have-flle* *5pUeaUoiV-tor-aslum cksjrknj pmjert Involvtof onensllion-doUais. t-

    This project if approved, would con-sist ot the erection of a, large numberas residences on the Borugh ownedUna opprjitte the schoohuid extendingfrom lSthl to 4th stresta.

    Newark s ^ INDIANS CAMP HKatBi

    ^ SOSICKft, WBtX.ATICNDta}" taster service* at the Oanroor) Pres-

    ,°Jtol*»n Church were attendearbyabout (00 persons. The church wel-oomed new memben at tbe U o'clockasrvlce aod the Sunday School classeshad an attendance of c^er'lU^htktttaThe Easter cantata held Sunday even-

    l y ing also w u wen attended,

    ST. PAUL'S NEWS ~Tb* St Paul's Evangelical Lutheran

    Church Easter serviee was wen *t -tojjfd. Five new members were ad-anitted. Arthur OsHni bass irfiifraat. ssn«T

    ^-r a suVyttnti. Holy c^itntnunloo was ad-^ Jniwstendandthechodr, u n t e ^ e « I

    « w t o ' ot Mb* Dorothy ttodriss,onureh organist, presented the "tit*-1

    -Htasrvioe. "Buter m ^ - ^

    ^ t o ^ M ^ e v B ni%Lj%& l n c l u < M "» Mlase* RoseMM*, agott, Olarlata Severs, vivlanVail, Florence White, Margaret TUHscBetty Orook, and Jeanne Uttimer '

    Miss Dorto DeFreltaa of BIS ikst•toeet spent Friday visiting friend* inBernardsvlUe.

    Nathan Starr of Second avenue re-cently was tendered « party In honorof his 77th birthday. Ofcose prwentwwejlte ad Mrs. Albert UurencTofOarwood, Mrs. John a Orlndlay ofDetroit, Mrs. Nathan Starr, Mrs.

    t r o d e M a r i t i t r ^ S

    The j g r a ^ough is interested In an encampmentot Hop! Indians of Arisontv, who a nencamped at Georges drove this week.

    j ~DETJM COSTS.FUND GROWSDonations to the Drum: aod Bugte

    Corps fund for the week. were, as follows Previous total $143.75; Italian-American Democratic CSub, $8; Mr.Ushlnskl, 13; The Ukaea Antrobus,,

    - t l ; John Orai, »1; Rank Bnarty. «liA Friend, Si, maklnc * total ot t i n .

    trode Margintino ot r>ji«aen.^Robert Murray, of New MWtet!

    •T. ANNra CBWBNOTU» « « * noUdan, the class in «11-

    ^ to.cowjueten on Mondaywin resume. The coarse in

    The Answers1. TOimen in cities and men on the



    Weo^ie«day.Anoth» group under tbe. - ^ ^ a & t a i w w . j a c k D u .

    «*aLn»de_aa, overnight hike to Camp

    3a nTm1 IIIEIM W •• #^_ _ eanlDuty under direT«««»W. May 3; A s s l s t J n i u S t a t S"J-ngerneot* are the young Udtes andbpj* of the fourth y e u t a h l g T i t o Lbpj* of the fourth yeutahlgTictooLJta Resary Sodetji wffl hold a.bkth-i S S^J? « ^ «*«w celebrat.

    the wtahll«hment o f t h e parish.

    7 h Sth7chatoSThe committee ap-

    with the Charity DriveOHhollo Diocese of N

    «•—••« w (wnamnetuL Tc< the loc*i chapter of the)•ototlonof t l r r ^ " ^

    'tt* conuitta*.

    part of • emmtfy

    SrfllliBT TRACT* And which i n

    tlcularl, laid don. ^ r dWtoJaJhCNrUin..m*,p ™"IUe"-» -T —"-••̂ , Street, Cran-ford Phone CRanford 6-0833-M. tf

    ^n?,^rr,nrCounty of Union), a. lou

    SEASHOKB _ _ « ,»«*8HORB! BqOTas-Regular trips to

    »non with baggage or furniture.Special trips to mountains orReeaonable rates. S t

    VENSTIAN BBnds,&AVID & rtlN8fl0oi;i';' "'°BT' 8h""''iw*cc-cx.i:u ' ' ' v m t u n

    BndMMe exclusivelydlreoti-and save.Shade Mfg. Ox37B3flL

    SIllSI™:8^'"«n' of New Jeraey.TODAY dkSi SATURDAY

    ondanta. Ft fa. for >alo of mortsaod. -gAOfJIlfQAKaVBCpOKATOfa

    70SJBPH WARS,n»BKT -1 Quality wortTdepbone CRioford 8-1434-U orCRanford 8-0011.

    tM Springfield Avenue. PhoneCRanford 8-1434-J.

    rn city of Kli.betSTNrJ!,FTjIJjrR Bruihe* have been reduced

    again* For demonstration call L. A.McKee. 13 Arlington Road. PhoneCRanford g-0001-M. tf able. Abo pl^tertoTTree^S-/ Vmmwmgtmu 1MI'illlanraaT|wf

    CHURNED btatermuk, every day. Nodelivery, p. a. BnCHig, (13 EastBroad Btreet, W«sMekl «

    Jtorta Avem»v SprtagOeitl Tele-Phone Mnibum'6^884. 6-s at tho noithoaaterly corner

    PADITINO AND PAPEBHANarNOPATMTINO, Paperhancing, and Whit*

    Wa*tDgs work guartflteed; Tightprices, a Simpson, Phon* CRanford8-0363.

    tbe uatarlv IIM rfwvJL .1BO " "•* wift,S fe !«tVaW SffiInunrt from" M.7S I T i S l ffl'SSPAPrrroo ana p«p»*»r^w

    wsuwoably. Work w t L ~ - .Ireri O. Seaes, SU South nouir

    . UcstkWd3-I3TT b(i.mi 13-1 and S-l P. U.


    BorodowkA H BIDenst Avtim*.B>ons Cs*Mtod «-uoa if

    Shop 314 Sooth ?AT*V CBaa.mates' cheerfully, gt^o, aSwindler, and Banvy Matwede.^OtNorth Avenue; WUL Phon* CRan- FORUMTIErj TIME ONLY

    UXJAL and lone distance moving. Tht*Tear our 35th AmUversary. AntedAgent*, Sissec Bros. Jne. Somerville,New Brunswick and Plalnfleld. ~ oomrr BOCSB aaoa ffmrmw^

    ^ ^ w o n w i y a y o r j i n o v n i * ;ar stone* problems. Itarkm equtp-»»tsi»leipsrleaeed.eoart*ou(men.Agent* for Allied Van lines, mlong-dbttoo. 'mo-ers. B O W M *Aniaon, me, a t sooth Avenue, BacVPhaoeOTMiforde-Oltl. tf

    OatJud Tonkins

    d to

    Bavmna, "Key" of New World"

    .< About mmm toe t>»-and WÔ OOjOOfj ftmytPB Havy.- Thfr.does not Include fond* for tbe 30 pet

    " cent Increase in iranhipi.'- 7. 558 feet Mi nefaea.

    8. Present buslne** todex, 7SJ;August,UM. ;-A' ' - : •" v -

    8. UBdeVpre**^ legislation, in j m10.- Arecentat^lndtcaUalt ls —


    No Fare WaterIt is said that absolutely purs wa-

    >er does not exist. Its nearest ap-proximation, chemically pure watercombined in » laboraory, i s verydifficult to prepare. The most com-men impurities of water are com-mon salt and lime. , ~.

    AMleBiLandmsi*Blackbeard castle, an object ot In-

    ^ terest to *11 who visit the VUgto is-lands, serves to remind ot the dayswhen pirates roamed the seas andraised havoc with ships and thecargoes. r •—• ";

    Why LeaVesOuuigeLOelorLeaves change colrrf in autumn

    due to {he rJecsytng^chloroi'green1 coJorliig inatteTi uncWsw*"*)chemical changes, snd'toJb* aspo-•ore d pls^ent c ^ ftrimertr —





    IOn Ji

    genera]Btaventwhile IIt washistoryder hot


    not av*fba m

    Jdit• wort


    ts .t


    , 4 1

  • Tr T — o J^wir-^rr3^-.

    - • • >


    r 3

    u. »•* eon**. It was

    wate*Moflnt of the out-in of Hsr#ng-Behool,to theflnst floor window.


    Installation ot oBoem.of the localV,F. W. wtti be held tonight in Bor-ough Hill.-m* fallowing officers m m elected at

    tie tost regular meettaROf toe post;Walter Richards, cntnmanrtwi; JosephBemer.'senior vto^ommmder: Bay-

    mono Orippo, fl"***08*0™!!?^Fred Wolfl, quartermaster; WilliamTon Ohlen. chaplain: Benjamin Sun*men, post advocate; and Walter Hoag-Imd, trustee..

    Past oumaja,111 be Installing


    Kiddles of Owlminiature totf course

    jrt jMieajABnd •«•_»•»:toe lots on fun. At task Ik series the:pnipi» ot keeping i tem out of ma-dder. / " • :

    Boraijh Cornell « * Jn caucus withtha-ta* coninrtaaon on Tuesday tfbjhtft? tie purpose of straightening- outthe Uxlfcn and tax mWi1 proparUes ottbe Borough.

    " w. Zonjeiwkirtooml Dakrsy M i l f t -l l C M < U M h i t

    tai lBotod oTCMM K B Ooopetmtewith Major, Borooib Oounctt and policefore* to eofone the maHmxt, code toRcanl to feaephif refuse and (trbagefromUw etreetrand iot»--- Aaa. ' ' . •• < WMMM Bluaie nanoer ts CB. «-I1MT

    ci fM' w ra.-vtvi.ft


    CRANFORD THEATREMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday

    May 2 ,3 and 410 A. M.

    "3n? to My WtAen" b enttrtslmng at wtU a* Instroah*.

    _ »^^bKT£!Sso>wonstrsrions of new icdpts that have been prepared

    bosDt ecooomtes. Then wiU be daily gifts for some for.

    women tad, of coune, free redpes for jnrerrode.



    '•*"' "liS A - " ' 'i"t


    r j ,

  • THE


    Rer. E. B . BurgcHp PreaiuVnt


    IXIM moody Outf of Carpentaria.

    Conference Hare.

    Program for the New Jersey Confer^ence of te United Lutheran Synod ofNew York, which win be held TuesdayIn Calvary Lutheran Church, here, wasanoouneed yesterday by the Rev. Wil-liam F. Behrena, Jr, pastor of the localchurch.

    Tbe day's session will get underwayat 10 a. m. with a matins, service TheRev. Oils a Burgess. D. D., LL. D., ofNew York, president .of the UnitedLutheran Synod of New York, will ad-dress the conference at 11:30 a. m, Ifcemorntar session will be brought to aokae with the report of the nominat-ing committee and annual ejection

    ondue south of. New Oufaaa, Jathe" loneliest sess. usuauy the gutfIs calm, the heat tempered by cool-ing winds. But in blazing summersthe water heaves In jpeat swells. " " ^«TMtlna' n rrnlrntTanrl tfctn slit SISSTs.sailors recall that this gulf has been-k i h ^ t b

    DAY, APRIL* 21. 1936 I

    During the luncheon, which will beserved by tbe Women's Oulld under (heCEssaiXXlleUlaXMB»P © I JRVBW H C f f l U U * aPO^l**

    heefer, there will be reports on tbespecial Interests and agencies, spon-sored by the church. ,

    The afternoon session will open at 3p, m. with devotions, followed by anaddress, 'Publicity In Church," by lnt of April0,1917, congress passed a Joint res-olution "that the President is hereby authorized and directed . . . to'carry_on war against the ImperialGerman Government and to bringthe conflict, to a successful term!-

    C r — Pnatt Hat Cataar. olYi

    Do you believe that eating greenfruit causes tummy-acbeT Do youImagine tha> an ostrich, whenfrightened, buries his head in thesandT Would you say that one mustfeed a cold and starve a fever—orthat beef tea is nourishing;

    If you do, declares a writer mLondon Answers Magazine, you'rewrong. ' ,

    It's swallowing fruit In .chunksthat causes pain, and there's actual-ly less nourishment in six largecupfuls of beef^ea than in one sliceof bread.

    As for feeding colds-the familiarBaying is a misquotation of the fa-mous Dr. Abernethy. who declared:"IT you feed a cold you shall haveto starve a fever," •meaning thatstuffing a person laid up with a coldwould soon bring on arfever.

    Then there's the Idea that cats

    . Fen and Pendl SetOneVMcaubscrip

    -QaakerOatsCo.:-Cltisen And ClirooiclB

    Bketrie BMchm Clock .Ballan Balm and DispelOne Year Subscription .

    One Doof 'Rowers <


    .Cranford Theatre-Seageft Drug Store.Bell's Drug Store-Citixen and Chronicle

    One Lb. Columbia Mocha Java Coffee .One Qt, name-Made lee Cream .One Can Acme Coffee-.

    .Grade Market

    _CotOaU*»-R«b Wax and AppUer'.One Enamel Whistling Ttea Kettle .j Whistling I ta Kettle .3 cans Dtntjr Moore's Beef Stew -One pan- Mnnjinfwear HoseOne'-qt OHdf Spray Insect Killer .Savings Beak with 81 Deposit

    ^Freese Delicatessen-Ardlssone ContecUa.Amerkan Stores*Apgsz. Hardwue. S tan .-TutUe Bros.-McMahon's Orocery-Oosa'a Dress Shop.SkiUman'a Hardware-Union Co. Trust On.

    TUESDAYOoty Make-up Travel Kit —One Bottle Tussy Eau ColonBouquet of Flo

    Beer's Drug Store'

    •Foley Pastry Blender.FoIej>CanOpAssarted Out Box of Soap.Ooe Can Spry.

    • Out Bos, oantalnmc Quaker Oats.Pancake Mix, Buckwheat Flour.Puffed Cereal

    Pen and Pendl Set. One. Tear aubscrtp

    -Bens Drug Store.omnfard Flower Shoppe-Foley Mtg.'Co.-Foley Mtg. Co.-Lever 1-Lever)

    tffhe -when cats see at theVt&St fttwilight, became their pupils ex-pand far more than ours and aresensitive to the ultra-violet rays of

    .the., spectrum.- But after- darkthey're Just as blind as we are. ~

    If you think your heart is on theleft side, you're entertaining anoth-er fallacy. It happens to be neitherleft nor right, but almost m themiddle.

    Shavirg doesn't make hair growfaster. Experts have measured un-der a microscope the length of hairthaj grows, day by day. betweenshaves,-and- •*ave'^eoropand'--thisrate with the daily growth in people

    .who_don't.sbave._ The. average 4sexactly the same.

    Five Movie Passes.One Doaen BananasOne Lb. ODiumUa Mocha Java Coffee .OneQtHssae-Made Ice CreamOne Can Acme Coffee .

    -Quaker Date Co.-Citisen and Chronicle

    i and Chronicle'

    One OaL Mo-Rub Wax and AppUer.One set CHaas Mixing B e w l s _ _ _ _One Tear .8U

    -Cranford Theatre-High Grade Market-Freesa Dfllcstcen—ArduBone Contecttonery—Amerlcsn Stores-Apgar Hardware Store.Tattle Bros. (

    S cans Dtaty Moored Beef Stew .One pair Munsmgwear Boat ̂ _

    i and Chronicle.McMahon-s Orocery-Oosa's Dress Shop

    WEDNESDAYOne Bottle Donay-s Cologne •gar's Drag store

    Bouquet of PloweiPen and Pencil Set—

    'Foley Pastry Blender.Foley Mtneer

    -BeU's Drug store-Cranford Bower Sboppe—Citisen and Chronicle

    .. Assorted Oift Box of Soap.OneCanBpry.Oltt Box, •»»it«iiih.|t Quaker Oats,

    Pancake Mix. Buckwheat Flour.Puffed Cereal _ .-.

    Pen and Pencil SetOne.Ti

    -Foley M*. Co..Foley MOT. Co,-Lever Bros.-Lever Bros.

    ..Quaker Oats Co..Citisen and Chronicle

    One Lb. Columbia Mocha Java Coffee .One Qt. Home-Made Ice Cream .One Can Acme Coffee .

    ThatreHigh Orade MarketFreeae DehcateaaenArdbBone ConfectioneryAmerican Stores

    themselves sepa*ng: to "the-Hew'

    "FenianisnV Sebaaaa ofIrish, Irish-Americani

    ^ a n l s m , was a movement ofIrish and Irish-Americans to sepa-

    i*****1"** from. GreatBxitahi andan independent repub-t of th F e i l d

    form Itilie. Tbe first of the Fenian,lead-

    ers, James Stephens, falling to cre-ate an uprising in Hunster, came tothe United States to form a ' 'of Irish who had left their ccfollowing the famine of 18*7.Wilh John CMaboney, orgaunathe movement on this aide of the At-lantic.

    After the dose of the CMI war,which cast thousands of Irishmenadrift, notes a writer fa the Indi-anapolis News, Fenian societies—jp*amed from a Gaelic tMa-wara

    One OXMIr MopOne Year SubacripUonScans Dmty Moorea Beef Stew .One pair Munstogwear Hose


    -.—Apgsr Hardwaro Btore—^.Tattle Bros.—Clttsen and Chronicle.-McMahon's'Orocery—Ocsa's Dress Shop


    Step right in, ladlaa and g a t r b e i r ^ ^ ^ w g n u arrayof quality foods ever assembled. ^Yotrli^liavaVa oirctisselecting desirabla ftema you raalty naad for>ity a nickel

    T twentieth part of a dollar. 8c «1*-fr* P l l

    COOKING SCHOOL(Omthuu* from pop* oae;

    her prepare sons dish to which shet w M i w i u . JChBy..know_that- lfl Jheywatch closely. « in> ate measures andmixes and completes the entire cook-tr« operation, this dose-up penonalstudy win be more helpful than hours.of ready recipes or blind experimenting.

    Themotto t tptnre^atrsmi wwleuuMy, completely unhurried and pain-tektaateaccuraie ta.recordlnt rstar toMyiOtchen.- Thar to no trickery inthe cooking, baking, and preparation ofappettamg Ice-box wonOra. Compe-tent cooks who bar* drifted into badbabita will be able to check) their ownmistakes by rtudyhw-the systematic

    ident, April 6, 'issued a proclama-tion that "a state of ww£dstabt>tween toe United States and theImperial German Government,'

    *aa^BaySr»ar«When Columbus discovered Trb>

    idad iq 1«8 ha called the Bay rfParia the Gulf o f ^ w l s b of

    Trumpetmg of wDd elephants

    to ttoVrUdaofja l Ceylon. The

    sal legend «a that the *lephanta do,. « « A t o k ajI flat iprtng, which tbel> .wtDagerŝ believe to be sacred, but

    to the bunks of the mangrove, treesJ»oted ,ta the waters Sere, i f washis belief that when the oystersopened, drops of dew fell from thetrees and eventually became pearls.Be hoped to find enough feTmakea necklace for Queen Isabella, butenemies sent him home in chainswithout the pearls. ^ ^ ^


    Canada, known aa the "Fenianraid," waa planned and-partiallycarried out in 1888. BetwosnWO

    ^ S 1

    the year war* checked be.wnan eouM l«avwUir»19»LaidtaCounty,

    onnfonTs tax r a t ^ l b r )M H » per 81C» latattiB, aa fauna*!.

    . tUoo, but prepsrattonidamrfortbeprinttafottot third andfwrlh

    ! mainly to a Jump-la ttiatuts and in the fltate^ehooime Townthlp Committse tUa'yaar cutb l t t M Ivk t tonC MVxVtxSx^BBB^sxMh Aen&MeMes.• W •We«apwl' wag^W^rwVv^avw^a^p Vwwirw^WI«bile tbe Board of Xdueatton.% bud>tor tbe ensumg y«arvls;*iLaam».a»

    mityear. ' ..Z i*T ' " i "

    ally In Unden %U) Ulfetif ..for the countge nxmsai '"'

    Tie rate of H » pe «ie» wm b» the

    psiity in the Oota>ty,aUs>|li aboiring awrked Increase, tainy,. of t b U

    On Saturoay, s s ^ ^ VCranford and their Ms*e uDusual prirUete o t

    ^ win be^ o»r;,betweenOehours of 1 a n i l • V m i a r o S w o tMrs Rowlnd P Bl tb to B t o f l U

    rs of 1 a V iMrs. Rowland P. Blytbe, to BttrtogfleU

    l; Mrs.'R a A M l :avenue, formal; Mrs.R a AMrlch: »Central avenue,-natural wild;''Mrs.»• C Wadsworth, IB Berkeley nuosiindMia. o . Leslie OrlOth, m f l e n t t o

    ^Brawn.t i00ieiaMslneCnVDW>pie formal; Mrs, a P: Tates, *Hamp-w Hoad, river view terrace; l l n V W . a«mon, 19 Norman Place, sprint gar**»; Mrs. L. a, Hassan!; 813 Spring-» « avenue, Mrs. J. Xdward Wolf, 17?=«MeId avenue; and Mrs. a a"oescner, 8 Cummlngs street.

    Tickets of admtsslon wlH proride a^ o f the open gardens, and win ta-««m_the holder as toiheordtrlnwbfch

    J^U(Aj»io l»«MdI —WjKLobtalnedon-Ma

    M5? •**>^^ w l s r l r i .2™S 1 * 0 i e ««*tt wm first be ta-spec ted . (- • .̂ , > •• - , .to the«dntof"h»lementweath«r on

    that day, the affair will be postponedJJMthe afternoon of WMaesday,

    The gardens to be shown IndadaW s which range from the formal,

    garden, to the informal" shadyardent with nooks and crannle*,


    '_™« entertauunerrt comnuttee of theCntotord Republican d u b will meet at« Vt m. Tueadayin the township roomsto Fcapiete, ansmgemenU te « s an-?Tc«n>P»rtMJSitto

    -4 •