crash course 2014: ethnography & research (teresa derrick, dlab)

Ethnography & Research Service Jam LA | March 8, 2014 Teresa Derrick, DLab

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Page 1: Crash Course 2014: Ethnography & Research (Teresa Derrick, DLab)

Ethnography  &  ResearchService  Jam  LA  |  March  8,  2014Teresa  Derrick,  DLab

Page 2: Crash Course 2014: Ethnography & Research (Teresa Derrick, DLab)

What  is  Ethnography?

The  study  of  people  and  their  cultures.    Ethnographic  research  involves  observa:on  of  and  interac:ons  with  the  people  or  group  being  studied  in  the  group’s  own  environment.

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Why  do  Ethnography?

Uncover  unknowns

You’re  not  an  expert

The  customer  is  always  right  (their  experience  defines  the  service,  even  if  they’re  “doing  it  wrong”)

Empathize  to  understand

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Why  empathize?

Empathy  and  understanding  drive  insights

Insights  drive  opportuni:es

Opportuni:es  drive  beKer  service  experiences

BeKer  service  experiences  make  happy  customers

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Collec:ng  data  in  the  field

Observe  users  in  their  natural  environment

Interview  to  beKer  understand  their  aNtudes,  beliefs,  values

Par.cipate  through  interac:on

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Beginner’s  Mindset

In the beginner’s mind, there are many possibilities. In the expert’s mind, there are few. —Shunryu


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Observa:on  Tips

Suspend  any  preconceived  no:ons  or  beliefs  -­‐  beginner’s  mindset

Use  your  senses

What  do  you  see/don’t  see?  (interac:ons,  ar:facts,  non-­‐verbal  cues)

What  do  you  hear?  (sounds,  language,  tone)

Take  pictures!

“What  people  say,  what  people  do,  and  what  they  say  they  do  are  en.rely  different  things...”  (Margaret  Mead)

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What  do  you  see?


Don’t  assign  judgement,  just  document!

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What  do  you  see?


During  Synthesis,  you’ll  discuss  &  add  a  POV.

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What  do  you  NOT  see?


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What  do  you  experience?

   How  does  it...        smell?        feel?        tone  of  people?        emo:ons?

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Talking  to  people

Introduce  yourself  and  the  research  you  are  conduc:ng  -­‐  keep  it  casual

Ask  open-­‐ended  ques.ons  to  gain  a  deeper  understanding  of  what  you’re  observing  and  be  sure  to  probe  to  get  to  the  experiences  &  details:

Example  ques:ons:

What  is  your  goal  and  what  do  you  do  to  reach  that  goal?

Tell  me  about  a  :me/experience  when...

Be  curious!

Don’t  worry  about  having  a  script  or  taking  notes  -­‐  focus  on  what  they  are  or  aren’t  saying  and  what  you’re  seeing

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Ques:ons  to  explore

Goals  -­‐  what  are  they  trying  to  accomplish?

Objects  -­‐  what  objects  are  important,  how  are  they  used,  who  uses  them?  -­‐  what  are  the  series  of  acts  performed?

People  involved  -­‐  what  are  their  roles?

Environment/place  -­‐  what  places  are  used  for  different  ac:vi:es?

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Discover  new  insights  to  validate  your  ideas

Gain  an  understanding  of  mo:va:ons  and  behavior

Insight  into  pain  points  &  opportuni:es

Empathy  -­‐  understand  their  experiences,  mo:va:ons,  &  emo:ons

Connec:ng  with  people

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Tips  while  out  in  the  field

Have  a  beginner’s  mindset  -­‐  leave  any  judgments  or  opinions  based  on  previous  experiences  behind  

Break  up  into  small  groups  or  individually  -­‐  divide  and  conquer!

Take  pictures  to  document  what  you  are  seeing  -­‐  a  picture  is  worth  a  thousand  words

Look  for  verbal  and  non-­‐verbal  cues  to  gain  a  beKer  understanding  of  the  overall  big  picture

Take  notes,  but  don’t  be  too  concerned  with  wri:ng  everything  down

Talk  to  a  few  people,  if  possible  -­‐  the  more  people  you  can  talk  to  the  beKer!

Be  up  front  and  honest  about  who  you  are  &  what  you’re  researching

Ask  OPEN  ended  ques.ons  that  allow  people  to  tell  you  their  story.  

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Planning  for  field  work

Define  your  goals  -­‐  what  do  you  want  to  understand?

Who  is  your  target?

Where  will  you  go  to  find  them?

What  are  some  ques:ons  you  might  ask?

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PuNng  it  all  together

Create  your  plan  -­‐  who,  what,  when,  where,  and  why

Observe  -­‐  Use  your  senses

Talk  -­‐  Uncover  experiences  &  details

Par.cipate  -­‐  Be  an  ac:ve  par:cipant

Document  -­‐  pictures,  notes,  ar:facts

Analyze  -­‐  themes  &  paKerns

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