cps pay plan (2page)

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Post on 06-Apr-2018




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  • 8/3/2019 CPS Pay Plan (2Page)


    Call yourAgent Director todayfor training, product

    information, sales tips,help closing a merchant...

    Whatever you need!

    (888) 571-0299Option 1

    Independent Agent Pay PlanWe use one of the only Overnight Direct Deposit

    systems to pay you what we owe you the SAME DAY!

    See reversefor


    Sales and LeaseCommission


    Residual Commissionbuild substantial ongoing income!

    You keep a HUGE 80% share above Breakeven rates!Incredibly competitive Breakeven rates:

    Retail Businesses 1.49% plus 19 per chargeMOTO and Internet Businesses 1.99% plus 19 per charge

    Residuals are paid by the 20th of the following month and are viewable at our online Agent Web Portal

    Application Fee Commissiongreat upfront income you pay yourself!Make as much as $185 or more per account.The Application Fee is pre-printed at $195, but we don't require you to charge it. If you do charge it

    even if you lower it you keep it all except $10.

    Five Bonus Plans.instantly get incredible upfront income!We pay ALL these Bonuses directly to you for your sales .

    Same-Day Bonus.paid per account as soon as approved.

    $250 Bonus per account when all normal fees are charged (mid-qual, non-qual,$5 statement, $15 monthly minimum, full annual)

    $150 Bonus per account if any of the above fees are lowered.

    Weekly Bonus.paid each week for total accounts turned in by Friday.For 5 Accounts = $300 extra for the week

    Monthly Bonus.paid for total accounts turned in each month.8 Accounts = $600 extra per month12 Accounts = $1200 extra per month15 Accounts = $1500 extra per month20 Accounts = $2500 extra per month30 Accounts = $3500 extra per month50 Accounts = $5500 extra per month

    Volume Bonus.paid for accounts with large bankcard processing volume.$25,000 monthly volume = $150 per account$50,000 monthly volume = $300 per account$100,000 monthly volume = $400 per account$200,000+ monthly volume = $1500 per account

    Top Five Bonus.paid to the top five Agents each month.#1: $1000#2: $750#3: $500#4: $250#5: $150

    The Top 5 Agents are viewablein real time on our Agent Portal,so you can see if you are withinstriking distance of the top!


  • 8/3/2019 CPS Pay Plan (2Page)


    Equipment Sales Commission.rapid, serious pay for sales!

    All accounts must be approved. Payment of Same-Day Bonuses requires that the Agent maintains an

    ongoing 75% activation rate (defined as 75% of the Agent s approvedaccounts beginning to process actual bankcard transactions within 30days of boarding). Agents activation rate will be reviewed periodicallyand determined at the sole discretion of CardPayment management.

    For Weekly Bonus, accounts must be approved and boarded by theend of business on each Friday.

    For Monthly Bonus, accounts must be approved and boarded by thelast banking day of the month.

    Volume Bonus payment requires two months prior processingstatements (or two months processing with us); half of bonus is paidon approval and half on activation

    For Top 5 Bonus, accounts must be approved and boarded by the lastbanking day of the month.

    Multi-merchant accounts will be discounted 70% for purposes ofWeekly, Monthly and Top 5 Bonuses.

    All disputes as to bonuses due will be decided at the sole discretionof CardPayment management.

    This Pay Plan supersedes all previous Plans.

    Equipment Lease Commission.amazing commissions for leasing!

    Budget SolutionNurit2085 $159 $599 $440!

    Workhorse SolutionHypercomT4205 $179 $699 $520!

    Premium Dialup SolutionHypercomT4210 $229 $799 $570!

    Premium Superfast SolutionVeriFoneVx510 DC $259 $899 $640!

    Super-Duty Wireless SolutionHypercomM4230 $469 $1299 $830!

    Debit Savings Solution

    PCI-securePINpad $89 $275 $186!

    Electronic Check SolutionMagTekCheck Reader $199 $399 $200!

    Trinity SolutionThe Trinity $0** $799 $799!ProgramThis program offers merchants a virtual terminal, websiteprocessing and wireless software (not a wireless terminal).Use one or all of the functions!** $0 Breakeven with full fee account. If reduced fees breakeven is $75

    Terminal Break Example YourType Even* Sale Price Pay

    Commissions paid within 48 hours of equipment installation. All leases based on a 48 month term (except as noted). Refurbished equipment and Trinity are not leaseable. We must receive signed delivery and acceptance form for

    payment of commission.

    Monthly Payment A or B credit C credit D or E credit

    Hypercom T4210 Premium Dial-up Terminal

    $49 $850 $750 $50

    $39 $700 $600 $50

    $29 $450 $350 $50$24 $275 $250 $50

    $19 $200 $150 $50

    For Dual-Comm terminals (with broadband/IP connectivity)subtract $100 from above commission; D/E leases pay $50

    Nurit 2085 Budget Terminal

    $49 $900 $800 $50

    $39 $750 $650 $50

    $29 $500 $400 $50

    $24 $250 $225 $50

    $19 $200 $150 $50For Hypercom 4205 subtract $25 from above commission;D/E leases pay $50

    VeriFone Vx510 DC Superfast Terminal

    $59 $975 $875 $50

    $49 $825 $725 $50

    $39 $675 $575 $50

    $29 $425 $325 $50

    $24 $250 $150 $50

    Hypercom M4230 Wireless Terminal (36 Month Lease)

    $69 $1150 $950 $50

    $59 $925 $675 $50

    $49 $700 $500 $50

    $39 $475 $325 $50

    $29 $250 $150 $50

    MagTek Check Reader (Uses Terminal For Basic Check Services)

    $29 $450 $400 $25

    $19 $300 $275 $25

    Lease an External PINpadExtra $5.00 per month(No Commission)

    Extra$10.00 per month($75 Commission)A, B, C credit

    Extra $19.00 per month($200 Commission)A, B, C credit

    Minimum monthly lease payment for PINpad alone is $19

    Account Executive keeps 100% above the breakeven cost. California Agents must charge sales tax. We must receive purchase receipt for payment of commission. All equipment is new, set up for merchant, tested and shipped

    via UPS ground.* Example commissions at stated prices.
