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Community CliniCs and HealtH Centers

evolution through innovationCPCA AnnuAl ConferenCe • oCtober 15-16, 2015SACrAmento, CAlIfornIA

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CommunIty ClInICS And HeAltH CenterS

evolution through Innovation

CPCA AnnuAl ConferenCe • oCtober 15-16, 2015SACrAmento, CAlIfornIA


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Join usCPCA’S AnnuAl ConferenCe, evolutIon tHrougH InnovAtIon,

will be held at the sacramento Convention Center on october 15-16, 2015 and promises to be an outstanding primary care event. our staff is diligently working to make this a truly informative and empowering program with educational and general sessions aimed at addressing constructive ways to deal with the present challenges and opportunities facing our community clinics and health centers.

This high profile event honors special individuals who have been instrumental throughout the year in addressing the serious healthcare concerns facing California’s uninsured, low-income, and minority communities. the expected 800+ attendees will include key decision makers and leadership from hundreds of clinics across the state.

dynamic speakers and panel discussions will be offered on the following topics:• delivery system transformation• Clinical & Care innovations• Business innovations• strategic Workforce & leadership

We look forward to seeing you in October!

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aGenda at-a-GlanCePreconference events mondAy oCtober 12, 2015

8:30 Am – 5:00 Pm nCqA: fACIlItAtIng PCmH reCognItIon dAy 1 (Separate Registration & Fee Required)

tueSdAy oCtober 13, 2015

8:30 Am –1:00 Pm nCqA: fACIlItAtIng PCmH reCognItIon dAy 2 (Separate Registration & Fee Required)

10:00 Am – 5:00 Pm CPCA CommIttee meetIngS – dAy 1

WedneSdAy oCtober 14, 2015

6:15 Am mornIng fun run At tHe CAPItol

8:30 Am – 5:00 Pm nCqA: AdvAnCed toPICS (Separate Registration & Fee Required)

9:30 Am – 3:00 Pm CPCA CommIttee & boArd meetIngS – dAy 2

2:00 Pm – 5:00 Pm mAnAged CAre SummIt

5:00 Pm – 7:00 Pm

Welcome Reception: HIgHlIgHtIng tHe evolutIon of mAnAged CAre PArtnerSHIPS

1:00 Pm – 5:00 Pm AnnuAl ConferenCe regIStrAtIon oPenS

Conference Agenda

tHurSdAy oCtober 15, 2015

6:15 Am mornIng fun run At tHe CAPItol

7:00 Am – 8:30 Am regIStrAtIon And ContInentAl breAKfASt

7:30 Am – 8:15 Am neW Attendee orIentAtIon

Is this your first time attending the CPCA Annual Conference? Please join CPCA staff as we guide you through maximizing your conference experience.

8:30 Am – 10:30 Am WelCome, oPenIng remArKS, generAl SeSSIon

legislative PanelCalifornia’s community clinics and health centers (CCHCs) have been fortunate to have an array of exceptional legislative champions this year. during the session the panel of legislators will share their perspectives on the future of California’s CCHCs.


Hon. ed Hernandez, od, Senator, district 22*

Hon. richard Pan, md, mPH, Senator, district 6*

Hon. Adam gray, Assemblymember, district 21*

Hon. Jim Wood, ddS, Assemblymember, district 2


burt margolin, President, The Margolin Group

10:30 Am – 10:45 Am breAK

10:45 Am – 12:15 Pm breAKout SeSSIonS

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reCePtIon SPonSored by


12:15 Pm – 12:45 Pm lunCH / netWorKIng tIme

12:45 Pm – 2:45 Pm AWArdS ProgrAm & Keynote PreSentAtIon

Current Health Care landscape and Strategic opportunities for CaliforniaHealth+deborah Cantu, ConsultantDeborah Cantu Consulting

As Vice President of Brand Marketing and Advertising for Kaiser Permanente from 2000 – 2011, Cantu led and directed the organization’s brand management and

positioning, marketing and advertising efforts, including KP’s highly successful “Thrive” campaign. she initiated and led market insights work that created the brand vision and led to a new brand position and continued to lead the brand and advertising strategy throughout her tenure. in 2012 she began deborah Cantu Consulting and has worked with a variety of clients including dignity Health, helping to conceive and launch its “Humankindness” campaign.

2:45 Pm – 3:00 Pm breAK

3:00 Pm – 4:30 Pm breAKout SeSSIonS

*Invited not confirmed

4:30 Pm – 7:00 Pm trAdeSHoW And CPCA reCePtIon

Make sure to visit our EXPO Hall, where this year’s tradeshow will be highlighting the innovative work CPCA, members, and supporters are accomplishing in the CCHC world. The generous support of CPCA’s sponsors and exhibitors strengthens CCHCs across the state in their ability to provide quality primary care services to more than 5.6 million undeserved people.

frIdAy oCtober 16, 2015

6:15 Am mornIng fun run At tHe CAPItol

7:00 Am – 10:00 Am regIStrAtIon And eXHIbItor / netWorKIng

8:30 Am – 10:00 Am breAKout SeSSIonS

10:00 Am – 10:30 Am rAffle PrIZeS on trAdeSHoW floor

10:30 Am – 12:00 Pm breAKout SeSSIonS

12:30 Pm – 2:00 Pm CloSIng SeSSIon

2:00 Pm ConferenCe ConCludeS

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DeliveRy SyStem tRanSFoRmation clinical & caRe innovationS BuSineSS innovationS StRategic WoRkFoRce & leaDeRShip

payment Reform in california: the next era For health center care Delivery has arrived


marianne Cantwell, mPP, Chief deputy director, California department of Health Care servicesJonathan freedman, Chief of strategy, regulatory and external affairs & Chief Operating Officer, LA Carerichard l. Seidman, md, mPH, Chief Medical Officer, Northeast Valley Health Corporation ralph Silber, executive director, alameda Health Consortium


Andie Patterson, mPP, director of Government Affairs, CPCA

engaging patients as partners in value Based care.


mychi nguyen, md, Provider, Asian Health servicesJeremie robenolt, associate director of Customer service, West County Health Centers, inc.debra rosen, director, Quality & Health education, northeast Valley Health Corporation


veenu Aulakh, executive director, Center for Care innovations (CCi)


val Sheehan, mPH, director of development and External Relations, CPCA

hospitals & Fqhc partnerships: Strengthening the continuum of care


leslie Connor, mPH, executive director, santa Cruz Community Health CentersStephen gray, mbA, mPH, fACHe, Chief Administrative Officer, Sutter Maternity & surgery CenterHolly Harper, regional Community Benefit Manager, Sutter Health sacramento sierra region, sutter HealthJonathan Porteus, Phd, Chief executive Officer, Wellspace Health


traci van, Community Benefit Director, sutter Health


deb roth, Staff Attorney, CPCA

gaining the upper hand on attracting and Retaining valuable Workforce talent at your cchc


david Canton, do, Chief Medical Officer, shasta Community Health CenterShari dunn, managing director, Broad-Based Compensation and Benefits & HR Consulting, arthur J. Gallagherbrandon thornock, director of Clinical operations, shasta Community Health Centertroy Winkles, Senior Vice President, Chapman insurance, a division of arthur J. Gallagher


val Sheehan, mPH, director of development and External Relations, CPCA

breAKout SeSSIon 1 10:45 Am – 12:15 Pm

oCtober 15, 2015


Get up, and get moving!

Join CPCA staff and conference attendees for a walk (or run) around the State Capitol. The one-mile course provides scenic views of the Capitol Building, the magnificent Rose Garden, and downtown Sacramento office buildings.

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DeliveRy SyStem tRanSFoRmation clinical & caRe innovationS BuSineSS innovationS StRategic WoRkFoRce & leaDeRShip

the Delivery System transformation vehicles of tomorrow: california’s 1115 Waiver and patient-centered health home Demonstration


Sarah brooks, Program Monitoring and Medical Policy Branch Chief, California department of Health Care servicesrichard figueroa, director, Health and Human services, the California endowmentSarah muller, director of Government Affairs, California Association of Public Hospitals & Health systems


Andie Patterson, mPP, director of Government Affairs, CPCA

managing pain Safely: community coalitions to Reduce opioid overuse and Save lives


denise Armstorff, Senior Performance Improvement Advisor, Partnership HealthPlan of California robert moore, md, Chief Medical Officer, Partnership HealthPlan of CaliforniaColleen townsend, md, Chief medical Officer, Community Health Clinic Olé


meaghan mcCamman, MPA, Assistant Director of Policy, CPCA

ensuring greater Success under value-Based payment: What changes are needed?


gerald Coil, strategic advisor, Consultantlaurie francis, rn, mPH, senior director, Clinic operations and Quality, oregon Primary Care Associationrachel tobey, mPA, director, John snow inc.*


Christina Hicks, deputy director of Program Development & Evaluation, CPCA

maximizing mid-level providers: Supporting nurse practitioners


rebecca-maria norwick, rn, mSn, fnP, Project Director FNP Residency, Santa rosa Community Health CentersAnitha mullangi, md, fAAfP, Chief medical Officer, Tiburcio Vasquez Health Center, Inc.Keely uhlir, nP, mSN, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, Tiburcio Vasquez Health mary ellen Wilkosz, rn, fnP, Phd, director FNP Program, Sonoma State University Center, inc.


mike Witte, md, Chief Medical Officer, CPCA

oCtober 15, 2015

breAKout SeSSIon 2 3:00 Pm – 4:30 Pm


Share your experiences with CPCA and our followers by live tweeting throughout the conference using the #CPCA15AC hashtag. The conference attendee with the most tweets about CPCA’s 2015 Annual Conference (utilizing the hashtag) will receive a complimentary registration for next year’s conference.

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DeliveRy SyStem tRanSFoRmation clinical & caRe innovationS BuSineSS innovationS StRategic WoRkFoRce & leaDeRShip

connecting patients to care through mental health Services act program: Best practices and care innovations From the Field


lynn dorroh, mS, lmft, Chief executive Officer, Hill Country Community Clinic, inc. leslie Preston, lCSW, Behavioral Health director, la Clinica de la raza, inc.Stephanie Welch, mSW, Senior Program manager, California mental Health services authority (CalmHsa)


Jodi Samuels, Phd, deputy director of Development and Training, CPCA

creating cchc capacity through mergers, acquisitions and Strategic alliances


robert gomez, Vice President of Business operations, altamed Health services Corporationdawn Harbatkin, md, HealthriGHt 360 lyon-martin Women’s Health servicesgreg Stone, Chief Executive Office, PeachTree Health


larry garcia, esq., attorney, Kronick moskovitz tiedemann & Girard (KmtG)


ginger Smith, director of Health Center Operations, CPCA

using Data for Strategic Decision- making and meeting triple aim goals


Allison Coleman, mbA, Chief executive Officer, Capital LinkJason Cunningham, do, medical director, West County Health Centers, inc.david b. vliet, mbA, Chief Executive Officer, tiburcio Vasquez Health Center, inc.grace Wang, Phd, senior researcher, american institutes for research (air)


Katie degraaf, Senior Program Coordinator, CPCA

transforming care through innovative partnerships


britta guerrero, Chief Executive Officer, sacramento native american Health CenterKaren l. mcglinn, Chief Executive Officer, share our selves Corporationnichole mosqueda, Director of Programs & development, Camarena Health


beth malinowski, mPH, assistant Director of Policy, CPCA

breAKout SeSSIon 3 8:30 Am – 10:00 Am

oCtober 16, 2015


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DeliveRy SyStem tRanSFoRmation clinical & caRe innovationS BuSineSS innovationS StRategic WoRkFoRce & leaDeRShip

partnerships for expanding Specialty care


venice family Clinic representative*Alameda Health Consortium representative*Community Health Partnership representative*


meghan nousaine, mPH, assistant director of Quality & Care Delivery, CPCA

Building an aco on a Shoestring


naomi fuchs, Chief Executive Officer, santa rosa Community Health Centerslarry garcia, esq., attorney, Kronick moskovitz tiedemann & Girard (KmtG)renee vis, Program Director, Redwood Community Care organization (rCCo) aCo


meaghan mcCamman, mPA, assistant Director of Policy, CPCA

Business Solutions for improving your cchc’s Financial Wellness


raymond Jorgensen, mS, CPC, CHbme, CEO/President & Co-Founder, PMG, Inc.Susan Petrie, mbA, senior director of Finance, Operations and Data, Capital linkdavid thorpe, director, expense reduction analysts


ginger Smith, director of Health Center Operations, CPCA

leveraging networks of health centers to capture Savings


Andrew Principe, Principal, Starling advisors, llCAlameda Health Consortium representative (mSo)*

Altamed Health Services Corporation representative (IPA)*


meaghan mcCamman, mPA, assistant Director of Policy, CPCA

breAKout SeSSIon 4 10:30 Am – 12:00 Pm

oCtober 16, 2015


Make sure to visit our EXPO Hall, and support our sponsors and exhibitors.

eXPo HAll HourSthursday october 15, 20157:00 Am – 7:00 Pm

friday october 16, 20157:00 Am – 11:00 Am

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Conference locationSACrAmento ConventIon Center1400 J street, sacramento, Ca 95814

Hotel AccommodationsSHerAton grAnd SACrAmento Hotel 1230 J street, sacramento, California 95814

reServAtIonS Book your rooms at the conference rate of $175 single/double (plus taxes and fees) by friday, September 18, 2015. this rate is a greater cost savings than our standard corporate rate. The limited room block will be honored on a first come, first serve basis. Call the hotel at (800) 325-3535 and reference CPCA Annual Meeting.PArKIng Self-Parking: $20.00/night Valet: $28.00/night



registrationthe form on the following page may be copied.

CPCA dueS PAyIng memberS generAl regIStrAtIon• First Registrant: $499 • First Registrant: $650• each additional registrant: $425 • each additional registrant: $575

CommunIty boArd member: $375

Student regIStrAnt: $250in order to register at the discounted student registration fee, you will need to submit a copy of your current transcript showing full-time student status to [email protected] otherwise your fee will default to full conference price.

SIngle dAy regIStrAtIon dISCount: $50 off of member and General registrations.Special pricing is available to alumni of CPCA’s HealthManagement+ and FinancialManagement+ programs, as well as CLI Alumni! A 50% discount will be applied upon registration. your information will be cross-checked with our alumni list to confirm.Advance registration is required for all CPCA training and events. In order to ensure you receive all important communications and materials which may be made available in advance, please register before monday, october 5, 2015. all registrations after this date will have to be processed on-site at the registration booth

for more InformAtIonFor additional questions contact the CPCA office at (916) 440-8170 or email the appropriate staff below.• Attendee registration: Glenna davido at [email protected]• Speaker Information: Erin Perry at [email protected]• exhibitor opportunities & registration: Mary Jordan at [email protected]• Sponsorship opportunities & registration: Janneh Johnson at [email protected]

eArly bIrd dISCount: register before Saturday, August 29, 2015 to receive a $50 discount off the registration fees.

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PleASe Send regIStrAtIon form with a check payable to CPCA, or credit card information, by friday, october 2, 2015.

mAIl toCPCA Annual Conference Registration, 1231 i street, suite 400, sacramento, Ca 95814.

regISter onlIneYou may also register on the CPCA web site at www.cpca.org.

eArly bIrd dISCountregister before saturday, August 29, 2015 to receive a $50 discount off the registration fees.

ConfIrmAtIonIf you do not receive confirmation within one week of submitting your registration, please contact Glenna Davido at CPCA (916) 440-8170 or by e-mail: [email protected].

CAnCellAtIonto receive a full refund of your registration fees, CPCA must receive your written cancellation notice by monday, october 5, 2015. no refunds will be offered for cancellations received after this date.

reGistrationPlease type or print your name and organization as you wish them to appear on your conference name badge.

nAme tItle

orgAnIZAtIon / dePArtment

AddreSS CIty/StAte ZIP

e-mAIl PHone fAX

registration fees

PreConferenCe eventS

ncqa intRoDuction to pcmh FounDational conceptS (oCtober 12-13, 2015)

CPCA member fee: $800 q First Registrant q additional registrant $non-member fee: $1,300 q First Registrant q additional registrant $

ncqa aDvanceD pcmh: maSteRing meDical home tRanSFoRmation (oCtober 14, 2015)

CPCA member fee: $600 q First Registrant q additional registrant $non-member fee: $1,100 q First Registrant q additional registrant $

AnnuAl ConferenCe oCtober 15-16, 2015

cpca DueS paying memBeRS $499 q First Registrant q additional registrant $

geneRal RegiStRation $650 q First Registrant q additional registrant $

community BoaRD member $375 $

StuDent $250 $

Single Day RegiStRation DiScount

member discount: $50 each q First Registrant q additional registrant $general discount: $50 each q First Registrant q additional registrant $

totAl $PAyment q CHeCK enCloSed q vISA q mASter CArd

CArd number eXPIrAtIon dAte CArd nAme

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1231 I Street, Suite 400Sacramento, CA 95814

2 0 1 5 C P C A A n n u A l C o n f e r e n C e

neW thiS yeaR

• first time Attendee orientation

• SM

Welcome Reception: Highlighting the evolution of managed Care Partnerships

• Morning fun runs at the Capitol

• Interactive Mobile App Contests

• And More!

Registration is now open. Please visit www.cpca.org for more information.