cowboy dreams by kayla '15

Cowboy Dreams Kayla Scinto

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EWS English 10 Children's Book Project


Cowboy Dreams

Kayla Scinto

Cowboy Dreams

Kayla Scinto

Copyright © 2012Scinto Press Association Simsbury, Connecticut

The night rides in like a cowboy on his trusty steed.

The cowboy circles his horse and throws his lasso into the air. He shouts, “It’s time for bed my animal friends.”

Now, he cracks his whip, which sounds like a distant fire cracker “SNAP!”.

The Cowboy surrounds the animals and leads them into the corral.

Suddenly, the animals escape and run in different directions.

Again, the Cowboy must lasso the unruly animals for bed. But, this time the animals are very tired and follow the cowboy nicely into the pen.

Now, the cowboy can close the corral and wish his friends a good night, just like your mommy or dad-dy wishes you good night and turns out the lights.

These sources were used as inspiration in creating all of these wonderful pictures.,r:0,s:0,i:74