cover letter

Dear KPMG Recruiting Team, I’m submitting an application for the Analyst / Business Associate: KGS position you advertised on KPMG areer section I!ve completed my M"# in dual speciali$ation in Mar%eting and &inance' (hat I li%e most about current )ob opening in KPMG is that it gives me the opportunity t and be creative, and it loo%s li%e this position *ould do the same' I feel that I could valuable asset to your team, and I bring to the table all of the s%ills that you re+uire I loo% for*ard to discussing my +ualifications further and can be reached by email atanmol%ush*ah -gmail'com or by phone at .//.0/.112 Than% you so much for your time' "est, #nmol Kush*ah

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Post on 06-Oct-2015




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Dear KPMG Recruiting Team,Im submitting an application for the Analyst / Business Associate: KGS position you advertised on KPMG Career section

I've completed my MBA in dual specialization in Marketing and Finance.What I like most about current job opening in KPMG is that it gives me the opportunity to learn and be creative, and it looks like this position would do the same. I feel that I could be a valuable asset to your team, and I bring to the table all of the skills that you require.I look forward to discussing my qualifications further and can be reached by email [email protected] or by phone at 9669369115Thank you so much for your time.Best,Anmol Kushwah