courtesy of amy weaver, gold country community center, 2007

Courtesy of Amy Weaver, Gold Country Community Center, 2007

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Page 1: Courtesy of Amy Weaver, Gold Country Community Center, 2007

Courtesy of Amy Weaver, Gold Country Community Center, 2007

Page 2: Courtesy of Amy Weaver, Gold Country Community Center, 2007

Accessing Clients In Q

Select Clients from menu options.

Page 3: Courtesy of Amy Weaver, Gold Country Community Center, 2007

Query ~

Searching for Specific Client in Q

Searching by the first 3 letters of the Last Name and 2 letters of the First Name is the fastest way to determine if a client already has a record in Q.

Page 4: Courtesy of Amy Weaver, Gold Country Community Center, 2007

Client List Search by Last Name

Once the list is generated, double click on the specific client wanted.

Page 5: Courtesy of Amy Weaver, Gold Country Community Center, 2007

Individual Client Record

Select Edit to make changes to Client data

Make sure to enter:Birth DateGenderRace RuralLow IncomeLives Alone

Page 6: Courtesy of Amy Weaver, Gold Country Community Center, 2007

Changes For Individual Client

Use Tab to move between fill boxes Make sure

to click Save when finished

Page 7: Courtesy of Amy Weaver, Gold Country Community Center, 2007

Entering Care Plan

Select Care Plan button in lower left corner

Page 8: Courtesy of Amy Weaver, Gold Country Community Center, 2007

Care Plans in Q

Select Care Plan Provided (make sure it has your agency name listed)

Page 9: Courtesy of Amy Weaver, Gold Country Community Center, 2007

Care Plans in Q

If no Care Plan or status is Disenrolled, you will need to create new plan

Click on far left Paper icon to create new plan

Page 10: Courtesy of Amy Weaver, Gold Country Community Center, 2007

Entering New Care Plan



•Funding Source


•Enter Start Date (an End Date will disenroll the client from services)

•Rate Condition

•Hit Save

Page 11: Courtesy of Amy Weaver, Gold Country Community Center, 2007

Updating Assessment Information

Update Assessment date in Last Assessment tab

Page 12: Courtesy of Amy Weaver, Gold Country Community Center, 2007

Assigning Route Information

After Initial Save Edit again Add Route Save and close

Page 13: Courtesy of Amy Weaver, Gold Country Community Center, 2007

Editing Service Units

If client cancels, click on Service Units

Select appropriate month or

Add new month, far left blank sheet button

Page 14: Courtesy of Amy Weaver, Gold Country Community Center, 2007

Editing Monthly Service Units

Select Edit

Enter appropriate unit total for month


Page 15: Courtesy of Amy Weaver, Gold Country Community Center, 2007

Entering Assessments

Select Assessments button in lower left corner

Page 16: Courtesy of Amy Weaver, Gold Country Community Center, 2007

Entering Assessments

Select Nutrition Risk by double clicking

Page 17: Courtesy of Amy Weaver, Gold Country Community Center, 2007

Entering Nutrition Risk

Select Edit, enter information by clicking on all that apply


Page 18: Courtesy of Amy Weaver, Gold Country Community Center, 2007

Entering ADL’s

Select Edit, enter information by clicking on all that apply Each ADL has

pull down list of choices , select the appropriate function level Click on IADL

(Part 1 and Part 2) Follow same

editing as above Save

Page 19: Courtesy of Amy Weaver, Gold Country Community Center, 2007

Creating Monthly List for Home/Phone Assessments

Select Clients with Reassessment Dates by Time Interval

Double click to open

Page 20: Courtesy of Amy Weaver, Gold Country Community Center, 2007

Running Monthly List for Home/Phone Assessments

Select Starting Date (Month for assessment)

Select Ending Date (last day of month)

Click on Query

Page 21: Courtesy of Amy Weaver, Gold Country Community Center, 2007

Monthly List for Home/Phone Assessments

List can be sorted by RouteRight click and

choose add columnsSelect Route to add it

as a columnClick in the gray

section of Route to sort

Page 22: Courtesy of Amy Weaver, Gold Country Community Center, 2007

Service Unit Logging

Select Service Unit Logging

Double Click

Page 23: Courtesy of Amy Weaver, Gold Country Community Center, 2007

Service Unit Logging

Service should be HDM Hot (for Home Delivered Meals)

Select Route (repeat this process for each route)

Under Units, add # of days in month service was provided

Click Query

Page 24: Courtesy of Amy Weaver, Gold Country Community Center, 2007

Service Unit Logging ~ Route

A Route list is generated

Look at desk calendar & make adjustments to those with cancelled days

Double Click on individual client to adjust units if needed

Page 25: Courtesy of Amy Weaver, Gold Country Community Center, 2007

Service Unit Logging ~

Change Individual Units

Adjust units to # of days meals were received


Continue with other clients on Route as needed

Check each Route Book to verify that clients on route match

Page 26: Courtesy of Amy Weaver, Gold Country Community Center, 2007

Service Unit Logging ~ Route

Click Commit when all adjustments to Route are made


Proceed to next route