course syllabus introduction to adult health nursing 0702204

ردنيةمعة الجا اصدار: ا01 النموذج: رقمQF-AQAC-03.02A لتاريخ: ا01 / 04 / 2016 الدراسيةلمادةط اوذج : مخط النم اسم- وس التمرينامج بكالوري برلصفحات: ا1 / 12 0 Approved by The School Board on September 28 th , 2016 The University of Jordan Accreditation & Quality Assurance Center Course Syllabus Introduction to Adult Health Nursing 0702204

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01الإصدار: الجامعة الأردنية

01/04/2016التاريخ: QF-AQAC-03.02Aرقم النموذج:

1/12الصفحات: برنامج بكالوريوس التمري-اسم النموذج : مخطط المادة الدراسية

0 Approved by The School Board on September 28th, 2016

The University of Jordan

Accreditation & Quality Assurance Center

Course Syllabus

Introduction to Adult Health Nursing


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The University of Jordan Course Syllabus Accreditation and Quality Assurance Center

1 Approved by The School Board on September 28th, 2016





1ST SEMESTER 2017-2018


The mission of The University of Jordan is to apply and promote the concepts of quality assurance

efficiently and effectively, to control performance and evolve administrative procedures in order to

develop distinctive educational, administrative and research system through applying modern quality

assurance methodologies that achieve the mission of The University of Jordan and its objectives.


To be a leading, global school in the areas of nursing education, research, and community service.


The School of Nursing dedicates itself to improve health and wellbeing of society through preparing

professional nurses to provide quality nursing care, conduct research and provide community service.

The school provides a model learning environment that encourages life-long learning, innovation, and

professional and personal development.


Our values are derived from the Islamic Arabic heritage and the nursing profession which include:

integrity, equality, and justice; transparency and accountability; innovation and excellence;

leadership and teamwork; discipline; response; and most importantly caring.

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The University of Jordan Course Syllabus Accreditation and Quality Assurance Center

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1 Course title Introduction to Adult Health Nursing

2 Course number 0702204

3 Credit hours (theory, practical) 3 credit hours (Theory)

Contact hours (theory, practical) 3 contact hours (Theory)

4 Prerequisites/co-requisites Fundamentals of Nursing (0702202)

5 Program title BSc in nursing program

6 Program code 07

7 Awarding institution The University of Jordan

8 School School of Nursing

9 Department Clinical Nursing

10 Level of course Second year

11 Year of study and semester(s) 2017/2018 1st semester

12 Final Qualification BSc

13 Other department(s) involved in

teaching the course


14 Language of Instruction English

15 Date of production/revision 1439 (27/9/2017) 7 محرم

16. Course Coordinator:

Dr. Mahmoud Maharmeh

Office: School of Nursing/ 2nd floor / office number 205

Phone: 5355000, ext. 23145

Office Hours: Sunday and Monday from 11 to 12 or by appointment

E-mail : [email protected]

17. Other instructors:

18. Course Description:

As stated in the approved study plan. This course introduces the student to the concepts and procedures that are fundamental for caring of

adult clients aiming at providing holistic nursing care through integrating concepts of nursing,

physical, social and psychological sciences. The course is developed and applied within a framework

of the nursing process to formulate nursing diagnoses and identify nursing interventions directed

towards promoting, maintaining and restoring the health of adults and their families. Also, this course

focuses on the bio-psycho-social responses of adult clients to actual and high risk conditions that

affect their functional health patterns.

19. Course aims and outcomes:

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A- Aims: To introduce the students to the nursing care of adult clients in specific situations that affect the

functional health patterns of an adult client. Emphasis will be on introducing the concepts of

communicating, caring of adults mainly in acute conditions.

B- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs): Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to…

B- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs): Upon successful completion of this course students

will be able to…Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)

ILO 1: Demonstrate competency in performing and providing the role of a professional nurse

in quality care provision for individuals, families, and groups.

Specific Course

Objectives 1. Define the key concepts related to the alteration in the functional

health patterns of adult patients with fluid and electrolyte , acid

base imbalances, musculoskeletal trauma, perioperative

concepts and patient management, and emergency nursing

2. Recall the anatomy, physiology and the assessment techniques of

the adult patients.

3. Demonstrate the proper way of performing basic nursing skills;

show caring, professionalism and comfort measures when

practicing nursing.

4. Identify and utilize the components of the nursing process in the

delivery of safe, responsible client-cantered health care

employing ethical and legal nursing principles.

Relevant Competency

(JNC) 1. Client cantered care

2. Quality improvement

Evaluation Methods Multiple choice questions


ILO 2: Apply principles of effective communication with peers, individuals, families, groups,

and health care team.

Specific Course


1. Identify communication skills which facilitate the development

of a therapeutic nurse-client relationship

2. Demonstrate proper therapeutic communication techniques in

delivering nursing care; display critical thinking, nursing

judgment, appropriate documentation and client/family


Relevant Competency


1. Professional communication

Evaluation Methods Multiple choice questions

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ILO 3: Utilize critical thinking and problem solving in planning and implementing nursing care

for individuals, families, and groups.

Specific Course


1. Using the skill of the assessment parameters to determine the

status of the adult patients with fluid and electrolyte, acid base

imbalances, musculoskeletal trauma, perioperative concepts and

patient management, and emergency nursing.

2. Apply the skill of identify the nursing diagnoses related to the

conditions of alterations in functional health patterns.

3. Apply nursing interventions that promote optimal physiological

functioning including discharge planning.

4. Exhibit responsible collaborative behaviour that utilizes critical

thinking skills.

5. Demonstrate critical thinking, clinical judgment and analytical

skills in assessing, interpreting, and evaluating health


Relevant Competency

(JNC) 1- Evidence based practice

2- Quality improvement

3- safety

Evaluation Methods Multiple choice questions


ILO 4: Apply professional standards, values, and behaviours in providing nursing care for

individuals, families, and groups.

Specific Course

Objectives 1. Demonstrate the proper way of performing basic nursing skills;

show caring, professionalism and comfort measures when

practicing nursing.

2. Adhere to ethical and professional principles when providing

nursing care to adult clients

Relevant Competency


1. Ethical and accountable practice

Evaluation Methods Multiple choice questions


ILO 5: Demonstrate safety measures to protect self, individuals, families, and groups.

Specific Course

Objectives 1. Demonstrate proper assessment techniques; identify normal

from abnormal client assessments, appropriate nursing

problems/diagnosis and evaluation

2. Develop a care plan for adults patient with fluid and electrolyte ,

acid base imbalances, musculoskeletal trauma, perioperative

concepts and patient management, and emergency nursing

Relevant Competency

(JNC) 1- Leadership and management skills.

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20. Topic Outline and Schedule:

Topic Week Instructor Achieved




for ILOs


1. Course introduction

2. Pain management

1 +2 Course


ILO: 1-7


Text book, 13 ed,

Ch.12 page 212

3. Fluid and electrolyte

4. Acid base imbalances

5. Parenteral fluid

3 +4 ILO: 1-7

MCQ Exam


Ch.13 page 237

6. Fluid volume


8. Blood transfusion

5+6 ILO: 1-7 Ch. 13 page 245

Ch. 72 page 2125

Ch.32page 892

9. Emergency nursing

- Triage

- Hemorrhage

- Airway obstruction

- Wounds

- Environmental


- Animal and human


- Poisoning

7-10 ILO: 1-7 Ch.72 page 2116

10. Basic life support

11 ILO: 1-7

Ch.29 page815

2- Ethical and accountable practice.

Evaluation Methods

ILO 6: Translate organizational, leadership, inter-professional collaboration, and management

concepts into nursing care for individuals, families, and groups.

Specific Course


1. Demonstrate professional and leadership skills while carrying

out nursing activities for adults with alteration in endocrine, GI,

Haematological, and renal disorders.

Relevant Competency

(JNC) 1- Leadership and management skills.

2- Ethical and accountable practice.

Evaluation Methods Multiple choice questions

ILO 7: Utilize evidence based practice in providing care for individuals, families, and groups.

Specific Course


1. Utilize evidence-based practice to develop a nursing care plan

for assigned clients utilizing the concepts of the nursing process

Relevant Competency


Evidence based practice.

Evaluation Methods Multiple choice questions

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11. Fracture

12. Burn (emergency


12-13 ILO: 1-7

MCQ Exam

Ch. 43 page 1156

Ch. 62 page 2805

19. Pre- operative care

20. Intra- operative care

21. Post-operative care

14 ILO: 1-7 Ch. 17-19

Page 402

21. Teaching Methods and Assignments:

Development of ILOs is promoted through the following teaching and learning methods:

Direct Instruction

Indirect Instruction

Interactive Instruction

Teaching Methodologies: The following approaches that are guided by Adult Learning Theory will be used to achieve course and clinical objectives related to the ILOs:

Instructional Methods Learning Activities (Examples)

• Direct Instruction • Structured orientation lectures

• Skills and procedures demonstrations

• Indirect Instruction • Evidence-based articles

• Literature searches and reviews

• Interactive Instruction • Clinical conferences and case presentations

• E-learning using Moodle

• Experiential Learning

• Experiential learning in clinical setting

• Simulation

• Independent Study

• Self-directed literature review and synthesis to address problems in a specific case study

• Reflective Journaling

22. Evaluation Methods and Course Requirements:

Opportunities to demonstrate achievement of the ILOs are provided through the following assessment methods and requirements:

1. Multiple choice questions 2. Class participation

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Evaluation Methods

Exams Assigned Points

First Exam: Thursday 8/3/2018 30%

Midterm Exam: 30%

Final Exam: (Semester week according to the university regulations) 40%

Total 100%

23. Course Policies:

A- Attendance policies:

• Students must attend all classes of this course.

• Any student with absence of 15% of the classes of any course, will not be allowed to sit for the final exam and will be given the university zero (F grade) in this course.

• In the case (b) above, if a student submits an official sick report authenticated by university clinic or an accepted excuse by the Dean of his/her faculty, the student will be considered as withdrawn from the course, and a "W" will be shown in the transcript for this course.

• Students are not allowed to come late to classes. Any student coming late will not be allowed to attend the class and he/she will be marked absent.

B- Absences from exams and handing in assignments on time:

• Failure in attending a course exam other than the final exam will result in zero mark unless the student provides an official acceptable excuse to the instructor who approves a make-up exam.

• Failure in attending the final exam will result in zero mark unless the student presents an official acceptable excuse to the Dean of his/her faculty who approves an incomplete exam, normally scheduled to be conducted during the first two weeks of the successive semester.

• Assignments and projects should be submitted to the instructor on the due date.

C- Health and safety procedures:

Students should comply with the Faculty of Nursing policies regarding pre-hospital training immunizations. Students should comply with the training areas policies regarding infection control, general precautions, and patient isolation.

D- Honesty policy regarding cheating, plagiarism, misbehavior:

Cheating, plagiarism, misbehaviour are attempts to gain marks dishonestly and includes; but not limited to:

• Copying from another student’s work.

• Using materials not authorized by the institute.

• Collaborating with another student during a test, without permission.

• Knowingly using, buying, selling, or stealing the contents of a test.

• Plagiarism which means presenting another person’s work or ideas as one’s own, without attribution.

Using any media (including mobiles) during the exam

• The participation or the commitment of cheating will lead to applying penalties according

to the University of Jordan Students’ Discipline rules and regulations No. (94, 49, 47,27,


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E- Examination Instructions for Students

• Bring with you full exam requirements (blue pen, pencils, sharpener, eraser, calculator etc.), borrowing from others is not allowed.

• Do not bring any material related to the exam

• Do not bring your mobile phone to the Exam room

• Be in the exam room at least 10 minutes before exam starting time

• It’s not allowed to enter the exam room late. In case of coming late you have to contact the course coordinator immediately

• It’s not allowed to leave the Exam room before the end of the END OF AT LEAST ONE-THIRD OF THE EXAM TIME.

• Write your name and university number on the exam paper and computerized sheet using Blue pen only.

• Use pencil ONLY to shade your answers on the computerized answer sheet.

• Do not leave examination room except under exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the Senior Invigilator and you should be accompanied by an invigilator, if needed.

• For Re-exam issue refer back to the university rules.

F- Grading policy:

A grade of (D) is the minimum passing grade for the course.

Mark Range Grade

0-34 F

35-46 D-

47-49 D

50-52 D+

53-56 C-

57-60 C

61-64 C+

65-69 B-

70-74 B

75-79 B+

80-83 A-

84-100 A

G- Available university services that support achievement in the course:

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24. Required equipment:

Audio-Visual Aids

Faculty member’s Website

E-Learning Website 25. References:

A- Required book (s), assigned reading and audio-visuals:

1. Smeltzer, S., & Bare, B., Hinkle, J., & Cheever, K. (2014). Brunner and Suddarth's textbook

of medical surgical nursing (13th Ed.). Philadelphia, PA.: Lippincott.

B- Recommended books, materials, and media:

1. Anthony, M. (2008). Hypoglycemia in hospitalized adults. MEDSURG Nursing, 17 (1)

2. Antonelli, A. (2004). Thyroid Disorders in Chronic Hepatitis C. The American Journal of


3. Balas T. et al. (2002). Comparison of a Standard Neurological Tool with a Stroke Scale for

Detecting Symptomatic Cerebral Vasospasm. Journal of Neuroscience Nursing. Vol. 34 (6):


4. Camp Y. et al. (2004). Stop and Look: Two Approaches to Manage Stroke patients. Journal

of Neuroscience Nursing. Vol. 27 (1): 21-28.

5. Carr J. & Shepherd R. (2003). Stroke Rehabilitation Guidelines for Exercise and Training to

Optimize Motor Skill. Manual therapy; 8(4):261-267

6. Gibson, K. L. (2003) Caring for patient who lives with a spinal cord injury. Nursing, 37 (7)

pp. 37-43

7. Hampton, J. (2008) The ECG made easy, (7th ed.). Churchill Livingstone Company, London

Lewis, S., Heitkemper, M., Dirksen, S., O’Brian, P., &Bucher, L. (2009). Medical surgical nursing:

assessment and management of clinical problems (7th. Ed.). St. Louis, MI: Mosby.

26. Additional information:

Name of Course Coordinator: -------------------Signature: ------------------------- Date: -------------------------

Head of curriculum committee/Department: ------------------------- Signature: ---------------------------------

Head of Department: ------------------------- Signature: ---------------------------------

Head of curriculum committee/Faculty: ------------------------- Signature: ---------------------------------

Dean: ------------------------------------------- -Signature: ---------------------------------

Copy to: Head of Department

Assistant Dean for Quality Assurance Course File

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Appendix A

Assignment A group of 4 students is required to respond to questions related to a case study provided by the course instructor concerning a single chapter from the course table of contents. Print the case study with appropriate answers to the questions included and hand a hard copy before the deadline (December 1st). Each student within the group is expected to keep a hard copy with him\her. The student must review his\her answers carefully and be prepared to discuss the case in front of his\her instructor at the instructor’s office. Through the discussion, the instructor will make sure that you reviewed the case

study carefully and you understand the answers to the questions included. The discussion is expected

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to take no more than 5 minutes at a time determined by the instructor. The instructor will notify you of

the time of discussion a week ahead. Be prepared from today. No excuses please.

In case the instructor has decided to accept the assignment after the deadline has passed, a single mark

will be deduced for each day being late. Oral presentation rubrics can be found on the course e-

learning website.