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  • 8/13/2019 Course Packet 2nd Semester



  • 8/13/2019 Course Packet 2nd Semester



    UNIT 1


    The Narrative Essay

    Read the following essay. Find the topic sentence in each paragraph, underline the linking

    words and consider the role of each paragraph.

    The Stranger on the Bridge

    P 1 The big Town Hall clock was striking midnight when Frank began to cross the bridge.

    The night air was cold and damp. A low mist hung over the river and the street-lamps gave little


    P 2 Frank was anxious to get home and his footsteps rang loudly on the pavement. When he

    reached the middle of the bridge he thought he could hear someone approaching behind him. He

    looked back but could see no one. However, the sound continued and Frank began walking more

    quickly. Then he slowed down again, ashamed of himself for acting so foolishly. There was

    nothing to fear in a town as quiet as this.

    P 3 The short, quick steps grew louder until they seemed very near. Frank found it impossible

    not to turn round. As he did so, he caught sight of a figure coming towards him.

    P 4 After reaching the other side of the bridge, Frank stopped and pretended to look down at

    the water. From the corner of his eye he could now make out the form of a man dressed in a large

    overcoat. A hat was pulled over his eyes and very little of his face could be seen.

    P 5 As the man came near, Frank turned towards him and said something about the weather

    in an effort to be friendly. The man did not answer but asked gruffly where Oakfield House was.

    Frank pointed to a big house in the distance and the stranger continued his way.

    P 6 The inquiry made Frank suspicious because he knew that the inhabitants of Oakfield

    House were very wealthy. Almost without realizing what he was doing, he began following the

    stranger quietly. The man was soon outside the house and Frank saw him look up at the

    windows. A light was still on and the man waited until it went out. When about half an hour had

    passed, Frank saw him climb noiselessly over the wall and heard him drop on to the ground at

    the other side.

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    P 7 Now Franks worst suspicions were confirmed. He walked quickly and silently across the

    street towards a telephone-box on the corner.


    The general outline for stories should be as follows:

    - Before the event

    - The event

    - After the event


    Paragraph 1

    Catching the attention - setting the scene, supplying any necessary background information,

    arousing the readers interest.


    Paragraphs 2, 3, 4, 5

    Develop the theme/central idea - relate the main events of the story in the order in which they



    Paragraph 6

    Summarises and gives a catchy end including an element of surprise. The reader should feel

    that the writer has given a total account of the story he/she set out to tell.

    Before working on your plan try to decide what the main event will be so that you can build

    your story around it. Note a few ideas under each heading so that you have a fairly clean picture

    of what you are going to say before you begin writing.

    You must do all you can to make your essays interesting so that they will hold the readers

    attention to the very end. Include incidents and details which are drawn from everyday life or

    which you have imagined. Select those events that help you tell the story, that help you to move

    the action forward, that add interest to the story by making it exciting, suspenseful, or


    Maintain the readers attention up to the end.

    Connect your sentences by using linkers.

    adding an idea or fact: also, another, besides, furthermore, moreover, in addition,

    next, too, similarly

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    establishing the order: first, second, third, then, next, meanwhile, before, after,

    finally, eventually, later

    cause and effect relationship: as a result, consequently, hence, therefore, thus,


    examples: such as, for example, for instance

    contrast, contradiction: however, nevertheless, on the contrary, on the other hand,

    yet, otherwise

    comparison: similarly, likewise

    location: above, below, here, there, inside, outside, nearby, beyond, between,

    over, under

    sequence of events

    Firstly, The first step isFirst of all, The first stage is

    To begin with, ... begins with

    Initially ... commences with

    Beforehand, Before this,

    Previously, Prior to this,


    At the same time, During

    Simultaneously, When this happens


    Secondly, Thirdly etc After this,

    Next, The next step isThen, In the next stage,

    Subsequently, In the following stage,

    Later, Following this,

    As soon as the committee has finishedits work, ...

    Eventually, ... until ...

    Lastly, ... finishes with ...

    Finally, concludes with

    In the last stage, The last step is ...

    Balance your essay

    At the seaside - unbalanced essay - if you were to spend a whole page describing how you got to

    the seaside and then one or two paragraphs more to say what you did there, your essay would be

    unbalanced. Keep to the point.

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    At the seaside - unbalanced paragraphs in a composition - 1 paragraph (25 lines) how you played

    with sand, 1 paragraph (10 lines) an entire succession of events constituting in fact the climax of

    the story. Never attempt to write an essay in a single paragraph.

    Especially expository paragraphs often develop a topic sentence that expresses the main idea.

    It is mainly placed at the beginning of the paragraph, but it can be placed in the middle, or even

    at the end (tension, suspense for the reader).

    The function of the other sentences is to support or develop the main idea with specific details

    (examples, incidents, reasons).

    Use the chronological order of the events.

    Use Past Tense and Past Perfect as the storys main narrative tenses.

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    The Modal Verbs


    Modal verbs express the speakers attitude towards what he says; the action expressed can be


    Characteristics of modal verbs:

    do not add sat the 3rdperson, singular

    e.g. He should do it.

    form the interrogative by inversion; the negative by adding not

    e.g. You must do it.

    Must you do it?

    You must not do it.

    followed by the infinitive without to

    lack certain verbal forms- in this case they are substituted by verbal paraphrases: be able to,

    be allowed to, be permitted to, be to, have to

    if you want to use tag questions with the modals, then use the modal verb expressed in the


    e.g. He talked a lot, didnt he?

    You can sing well, cant you?

    You have to come early, dont you?




    1. can + inf = to be able to (natural ability)presentreference

    e.g. Can you run 1500 metres in 5 minutes?

    = Are you able to run 1500 metres in 5 minutes?

    2. can + inf (learned ability)presentreference

    e.g. Can you drive a car?

    3. could+ inf (natural or learned ability)pastreference

    e.g. Jim could/couldnt run very fast when he was a boy.

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    4. can/could versus be able to

    4.1pastability: could/be able to

    e.g. Jim could run fast as a young boy.

    = Jim was able to run fast as a young boy.

    4.2 specific achievement in thepast: be able to

    e.g. A man drowned in the Mures river yesterday. Although he could swim(learned ability in the past),

    he grew tired so he was not able to reach(unsuccessful completion of a specific action) the shore.

    obs. alternative constructions to be able to: manage(d) to, succeed(ed) in

    5. skills to be acquired in thefuture: will be able to

    e.g. I will be able to drive by next summer.

    6. could may be used as an alternative for would be able tofuturereference

    e.g. I could help you with the furniture when you move into your new house.


    1. can/could + infpresentreference

    e.g. Lightening a match in a gas station can cause an explosion.

    It can be very cold in winter.

    If she catches the 8.30 bus, she can/could get here in time.

    Can this be true?

    Could this be true? (less credible than can)

    You cant bathe here because the river is polluted.

    The situation couldnt be worse. (with comparative adjectives)

    2. could + infpast reference

    e.g. We couldnt bathe there because the river was polluted.

    3. cant/couldnt + inf (negative deduction)present reference

    e.g. You cant be hungry. Youve just had dinner.

    A: I think Lucy is typing the letter now.

    B: Lucy cant be typing the letter. She can type.

    4. cant/couldnt have + 3rd form of the vb. (negative deductionorpast possibility)past reference

    e.g. He couldnt have heard the news on the radio because he was sleeping then.

    David could have won the race if he tried.

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    5.can as possibility cannot be used in a future sense; it will be possible, will be ablefuturereference

    e.g. When the new tunnel is ready, well be able to get to town more easily.

    6. could as possibility may be used in a future sensefuturereference

    e.g. You could bathe here next summer, as the water will be warm.

    7. couldnt (possibly) + inf (unwillingness)present/futurereference

    e.g. I couldnt possibly leave without helping you!


    1. can + inf (to ask for permission; informal)present reference

    e.g. Can I borrow your car?

    2. can/cannot + inf (to express/refuse permission)present reference

    e.g. Yes, you can borrow my car.

    3. could + inf (to ask for permission; more polite)present reference

    e.g. Could I borrow your umbrella, Miss Johnson?

    4. cant/couldnt + inf (to ask for permission; insistence)present reference

    e.g. Mum, cant/couldnt I stay out till midnight, please?

    5.could + inf. (permission; after past tense verbs)pastreference

    e.g. I told him he could borrow my car.




    1. may/might +infpresent/futurereference

    e.g. They may/might come today/tomorrow.

    A: Where is Bill?

    B: He may be at home. He is usually at home at this hour.

    C: He might be at home. Im not sure. (less sure)

    might - less probable

    2. may/might have + 3rd

    form of the vb.pastreference

    They might not have noticed what was going on.

    3. might + inf (indirect speech; i.e. when the introductory verb is in the past)

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    e.g. She said: I may go this afternoon.

    She said that she might go this afternoon.

    4. may/might are not used to express possibility in questions; they are replaced by phrases like do you

    think + present/future tense or is it likely + infpresent/futurereference

    e.g. Do you think they know where we parked our car?

    Are we likely to meet them in this crowd?


    1. may + inf (to grant/refuse permission by the speaker)present/futurereference

    e.g. They may go.

    2. may + inf (to indicate the idea of having permission)present/futurereference

    e.g. I/we may go.

    3. may + inf (to request permission)present/futurereference

    e.g. May I smoke in here?

    4. might + inf (to express permission)present/futurereference(with conditional implication)

    e.g. Might I take your car for an hour?

    obs to be allowed to, to be permitted to replace can, could, may, might when they express


    e.g. I will be allowed to drive a car when Im 18.

    fig. - permission relative to degree of politeness:

    III Other cases

    1. might + inf (strong requests)presentreference

    e.g. You might tell me what is going on.

    2. might have+ 3rd

    form of the vb. (reproach)pastreference

    e.g. You might have told me what happened.





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    3. may/might as well(to indicate intention with a 1stperson subject)

    e.g. Its not far, so we might as well go on foot.

    4. may/might as well(to indicate recommendation, with the other persons)

    e.g. You might as well start the programme now.

    5. might just as well(to indicate an alternative, usually not a very desirable one)

    e.g. I might just as well wait until Thomas comes and then start the work.

    6. try as I may +presentreference

    try as I might + pastreference

    e.g. Try as I may, I cannot do it.

    = Although I try hard, I cannot do it

    Try as I might, I could not pass my driving test.

    = Although I tried hard, I could not pass my driving test.

    7. may + vb. (to express although clauses)

    e.g. She may be the boss, but that is no excuse for shouting like that.

    = Although she is the boss, that is no excuse for shouting like that.


    1. notice the difference in negative sentences

    e.g. He may not be at home. (= it is possible that he is not at home)

    He cant be at home. (= it is not possible for him to be at home)

    2. cantheoretical possibilityvs. mayfactual possibility

    e.g. The road can be blocked. (it is possible to block the road)

    The road may be blocked. (=it is possible that the road is blocked)




    1. must + inf (obligation imposed by the speaker)present/futurereference

    e.g. You must be back before it gets dark.

    You mustnt be noisy outside a hospital. (total obligation)

    2. self-imposed obligation (with the 1stperson pronouns)present/futurereference

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    e.g. I/we must do something about the weeds in the garden.

    3. must + inf (obligation resulting from rules)present/futurereference

    e.g. Pedestrians must cross the street on the zebra.

    4. have to + inf (external obligation) )present/futurereference

    e.g. You will have to leave now or youll miss the train.

    5. have to + inf (habitual, repeated obligations)

    e.g. I have to be at the hospital every morning at 10 oclock.

    Do you ever have to be up at 5 oclock?

    6. in the past or future tense have to is used instead of must

    e.g. You must stay in bed. Youve got the flu.

    You will have to stay in bed when you have a fever again.

    He had to stay in bed because he had the flu.

    7. dont have to (lack of obligation)

    e.g. You dont have to write such a long essay.

    obs. future tense form: wont have to

    past tense form: didnt have to (occasionally hadnt got to)

    e.g. When he was young, he didnt have to help his mother in the kitchen.

    8. had to + inf (past obligation)past reference

    e.g. Sorry Im late, I had to post some letters.

    9. must/had to + inf (inescapable obligation) with a past tense introductory verb (for

    present/future reference)

    e.g. He told me he must/had to warn me of the consequences.

    II DEDUCTION(also called certainty)

    1. must + infpresent/futurededuction

    e.g. You must be hungry. You havent eaten anything since yesterday.

    You must be Mr. Smith.

    2. must have + 3rd

    form of the verbpastdeduction

    e.g. She must have worked very hard for this exam. Shes got a very high grade.

    3. must + infwith a past tense introductory verb( for present/futurededuction)

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    e.g. He said George must be a fool to behave like that.

    She said I must be hungry.


    1. must may be used as a counterpart of may (permission)

    e.g. You may borrow my car.

    You may not/ mustnt borrow my car.



    e.g. I need help./Do you need any help?/I dont need any help.

    e.g. I need(ed) to go to the dentist.


    As a modal, needoccurs only in interrogative and negative sentences

    e.g. Need you leave so soon?

    e.g. You neednt leave so soon.



    1. need + infpresent/futurereference

    e.g. When need you go to the dentist?

    2. neednt have + 3rd

    form of the vb.(absence of necessity, but the action was performed)past


    e.g. I bought the book. Then they told me it wasnt necessary for me to buy it.

    = I neednt have bought the book.

    3. didnt need to + inf (absence of necessity, the action was not performed)past reference

    e.g. I wanted to buy the book, thinking I have to do it. But I didnt buy it. Then they told me it wasnt

    necessary for me to buy it.

    = I didnt need to buy the book.


    1. they can both express absence of obligation (/necessity)

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    e.g. You dont have to write such a long essay.

    You need not write such a long essay.




    1. should + inf (piece of advice coming from the speaker)present/futurereference

    e.g. He should learn more in order to pass the exam.

    You shouldnt tell lies.

    2. should have + 3rd

    form of the verb(reproach or past advisable course of action)past reference

    e.g. He should have learnt more in order to pass the exam.

    You shouldnt have done it.


    1. should + infpresent/futurereference

    e.g. Mary should be in Paris. At least I think so.

    2. should have + 3rdformpast reference

    e.g. Mary should have been In Paris at 10 oclock. (But her plane was delayed.)


    1. should + inf(supposition about the present/future) vs. must + inf (logical deduction about the


    e.g. Mary should be in Paris. At least I think so.

    Marys plane lands in Paris at 10 oclock. It is 10.30, so Mary must be in Paris now.

    2. should have + 3rd

    form(supposition about the past) vs. must have + 3rd

    form of the vb. (logical

    deduction about the past)

    e.g. Mary should have been In Paris at 10 oclock. (But her plane was delayed.)

    Mary must have been in Paris at 10 oclock. (Her plane was to land at 10 and I dont know of any



    1. after suggest, propose, insist, recommend, advise(instead of an ing construction)

    e.g. I suggested going there. = I suggested that we should go there.

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    2. after agree, demand, determine, be determined, order, command (instead of an infinitive


    e.g. He was determined to go there first. = He was determined that nobody should get there before him.

    3. after arrange, stipulate, be anxious(instead of for + object + inf)

    e.g. I am anxious for nobody to know where I am going. = I am anxious that nobody should know

    where I am going.

    4. after it is/was + adj. (necessary, important etc.)(instead of for + object + inf)

    e.g. It is necessary for him to leave. = It is necessary that he should leave.

    OUGHT TO + infpresent/futurereference

    OUGHT TO HAVE + 3rd

    form of the vb.past reference: can replace SHOULD except in questions

    and negatives

    SHALL+ infpresent/futurereference

    1. to express a threat or commandin affirmative statements, with a 2ndperson subject

    e.g. You shall do it whether you like it or not

    2. to expresss apromise

    e.g. You shall have a bike for your birthday.

    3. to express an intention

    e.g. We shall celebrate this very night.

    4. in offers

    e.g. Shall I help you pack?

    5. suggestions

    e.g. Shall we meet at the theatre?


    1. to express intention, willingness, determination(1stperson subject)

    e.g. I will write tomorrow.

    Well celebrate this very night.

    2. to express an impersonal type of command

    e.g. You will stay here till you are relieved.

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    3. to express insistence which is associated with a habit

    e.g. If you will put so much salt in your food, its no wonder you are always thirsty.

    He will go swimming in very dangerous waters.

    4. to express supposition

    e.g. Hell be there by now (=I think he is there)

    They will have arrived by now.

    That will be the postman. (It is 10 oclock. The bell is ringing. The postman usually comes at this


    5. in requests

    e.g. Will you show me how to do this?


    1. instead of willafter a past tense verb

    e.g. He said that he would never do anything like that.

    2. inpolite requests

    e.g. Would you give me a hand?

    3. would + inf (may express certainty - with a suppressed conditional sentence)present/future


    e.g. Nobody would agree with that idea (if we asked them)

    4. would have + 3rd form of the vb.(events in the past which did not happen; sometimes with a

    suppressed conditional sentence)past reference

    e.g. I would have accepted the job, but I didnt want to move house.

    Nobody would have tried to do it (if we had asked them).

    5. would have + 3rd form of the vb (assumptions about the past = past supposition)

    e.g. Someone called after you left but didnt leave a message.

    That would have been Cathy.

  • 8/13/2019 Course Packet 2nd Semester





    1. The Pitch. Fill in the blanks with the field markings of a football pitch.

    The rectangular pitch is divided in half by a line drawn between the mid-points of the two longer

    sides. This is the 1_____. Exactly halfway across it is the 2_____. Kick-offs, at the start of each

    half and after a goal is scored, are taken from this spot. When a team kicks-off, players from theopposing team must remain at a distance of at least 10 yards (9.15 m) from this spot until the

    kick is taken. A circle drawn around the centre spot, known as the 3_____, marks this distance.

    At either end of the pitch are the 4_____. These are formed by two upright posts placedequidistant from the corner flagposts, 24 feet (7.32 m) apart and 8 feet (2.44 m) in height, joined

    at the top by a crossbar. Nets are usually placed behind these objects , though they are not

    required by the Laws of the Game. Two boxes are marked out on the pitch in front of each goal.The smaller box, called the 5_____ or colloquially the "goal area", is laid out to surround the

    goal at an equal distance of 6 yards (5.5 m). Goal kicks and any free kick by the defending team

    may be taken from anywhere in this area. An indirect free kick awarded to the attacking team for

    an incident occurring within the this area must be taken from the point on this line parallel to thegoal line nearest where an incident occurred. The outer box is known as the 6_____ (or

    colloquially the 18 yard box), and is set 18 yards (16.5 m) to each side of the goal, and 18 yards

    in front of it. A small semicircle (called the 7_____ or theD) is also drawn at the outside edge of

    the penalty area, 10 yards (9.15 m) from the penalty mark. This is an exclusion zone for allplayers other than the one taking the kick in the event of a penalty being awarded.

    The 8_____ (or penalty mark) is immediately in the middle of and 12 yards (11 m) in front of thegoal.

    The area of play is defined by the two sets of boundary lines. The longer boundary lines are

    called 9_____ while the shorter ones are known as 10_____.

    In each corner of the pitch a small quarter circle with a 1 yard (1 m) radius is drawn where cornerkicks are taken from. This is called the 11_____.

    touch line

    goal line

    corner kick

    quarter circle

    restraining arc

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    2. Field markings. Using the information from the previous exercise complete the following

    table with the names and the functions of the field markings of a football pitch.

    Field marking Function











    3. Starts and restarts. From the initial kick-off of a period until the end of that period, the

    ball is "in play" at all times until the end of the playing period, except when the ball leavesthe field of play or play is stopped by the referee. Match the words in the first column of

    the table with their definitions on the second column to discover the methods by which the

    game is restarted in such situations.

    1. goal kick a. When the ball has wholly crossed the touch line it is awarded to the

    opposing team to that which last touched the ball. To restart the game inthis manner, a player outside the touch line throws the ball to a teammate

    who is in play. The player must always use two hands and bring the ball

    from behind the head while standing in the spot where the ball left the

    field of play.

    2. indirect free kick b. Awarded to the attacking team when the ball has wholly crossed the

    goal line without a goal having been scored and having last been touchedby a defender.

    3. kick-off c. Such a kick is awarded for pennal fouls, such as pulling an opponent

    to the ground by grabbing the jersey. The ball may be kicked directly into

    the goal from the spot of the foul.

    4. dropped-ball d. This method is used to begin each period of play or to restart the game

    after a goal having been scored.

    5. penalty kick e. Thisrestart method is used when the referee has stopped the play for areason which cannot be considered an infraction: a serious injury to aplayer, interference by an external party, or a ball becoming defective.

    6. direct free kick f. It is awarded to fouled team following "penal" foul having occurred in

    their opponent's penalty area.7. throw-in g. This designates the kick up the field from one of the corners of the goal

    area awarded to the defending team after the attacking team has kicked the

    ball past the goal line without a goal being scored.

    8. corner kick h. Such a kick is awarded to the fouled team for non-pennal fouls, such

    as obstructing an opponent while pursuing the ball. The ball must touchone other person (a teammate, opponent, or goalie) before a goal can be


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    4. The following words name positions of football players on the field. Choose the

    appropriate definitions for each of them:

    (1) goalkeeper

    (2) midfield

    (3) sweeper(4) center back (a.k.a. central defender)

    (5) striker(6) winger

    (a) He has one main task: to score goals.(b) He is free to move up and down the field, in contrast to man-to-man markers, who

    must stick to their designed attacker.

    (c) His job is purely defensive: to guard his teams goal from being breached. He is

    allowed to use his hands when playing the ball.(d) He is a link between defense and attack when his team is in possession of the ball, and

    must also defend when the opposing team is in possession.(e) He plays in a wing position and his job is to provide crosses into the penalty area forthe strikers to score from.

    (f) His job is to stop opposing players, particularly the strikers, from getting the

    opportunity to score, and to clear the ball from the penalty area. He is usually tall, withgood heading ability.

    5. Equipment. Lable the picture with the following items of football equipment:

    jersey, shorts, socks (stockings), shin guards, football boots (shoes with cleats)

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    6. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word or phrase. Write them down in the table

    below the text. Each word can be used only ONCE.

    of, are, with, pass, players, attacker, is composed of, the, hands, is

    Football 1_____a game played by two teams on a rectangular field, in which 2_____ attempt toknock a round ball through the opponents goal, using any part of the body except the 3_____.

    Generally, players use their feet and heads as they kick, dribble, and 4_____ the ball toward thegoal. One player on each team guards 5_____ goal. This player, the goalkeeper, is the only

    player allowed to touch the ball 6_____ the hands while it is in play.

    In a regulation football game, each team 7_____ 11 players. There 8_____ four main positions:goalkeeper, defender, midfielder, and 9_____. One player from each team plays the position

    10_____ goalkeeper, but the distribution of other players among the other positions can vary.

    7. How much do you know about football? Decide whether the following sentences are true

    or false.

    1. The referee calls fouls on players who commit one of ten major infractions: intentionallykicking, tripping, or jumping at an opponent; violently charging, striking, holding, pushing, or

    spitting at an opponent; tackling an opponent without the ball or touching the ball with the hands.

    2. A player cannot be ruled offside when receiving the ball from a throw-in or if the player is inhis or her own half of the field.

    3. Coachesdetermine offsides infractions and signal them by waving their flags and pointing to

    the spot where the infraction occurred.

    4. The referee is assisted by three linesmen.5. A standard adult football match consists of two periods (known as halves) of 45 minutes each.

    6. There is usually a 20-minute break between halves, known as half time.

    7. The extra-time and the shootouts come before the fulltime.8. Players may be replaced by substitutes during the course of the game.

    9. A player who is shown the yellow card once in one game is ejected.

    10. If a single foul is violent enough, the referee may immediately show the player a red card,which means automatic ejection.

    11. A replaced player may not reenter the game.

    12. An attacking player is offsides if, when receiving a forward pass from a teammate, there are

    not at least two opponents (usually one defender and the goalkeeper) behind the receiverthatis, between the attacking player and the opponents' goal line.

    13. The referee is allowed to add time on if there are frequent and lengthy interruptions.

    14. A football team consists of one goalkeeper and twelve outfield players.15. A goalkeeper can handle the ball when back-passed.

    16. A goalkeeper is allowed to use any part of his/her body when saving a ball.

    17. A two-leg stage involves the two teams playing against each other twice.18.In man-to-man marking each centre back has the job of covering a particular opposition


    19. In zonal defence each centre back covers a specific area of the pitch.20. Formation in football describes how the players in a team are positioned on the pitch.

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    8. Fill in the blanks with the following words:

    forehead, tackling, trap, propel, stops, ball, control, goal, jockey, stop, accuracy, blocking, feet,skills, knocking, kicking, protecting, passes, headers, outside, fake, running, trapping

    Soccer players use five basic skills: kicking, dribbling, passing, heading, and trapping. 1_____isthe most basic skill. Players who wish to kick the ball powerfully do so with the top of the foot,

    the area just above the toes, generating power from the upper leg and torso. A powerful kick may2_____ the ball up to 120 km/h (75 mph). Many players cannot kick the ball equally well with

    both 3_____, and favor the stronger foot when making a shot at the goal or kicking the ball a

    long distance. Players who wish to kick the ball powerfully do so with the top of the foot, the

    area just above the toes.Players move the ball small distances by dribbling. Dribbling entails tapping, dragging, or rolling

    the ball in front of the body while 4_____. The objectiveto advance the ball while keeping it in

    control and 5_____ it from defensive playersis similar to that of dribbling in basketball, usingthe feet instead of the hands. A player with good dribbling skills can make quick 6 ______,

    change direction, and move the 7_____ from one foot to another with ease. Advanced playerscan also 8_____ one way with the ball, only to turn and move in the opposite direction.Players use 9_____ to move the ball around the field more quickly than they can by dribbling.

    Passes are like kicks, but they require less power and more 10_____. Players usually pass by

    using the inside of the foot to push the ball in a certain direction, though sometimes the 11_____

    of the foot is used. Talented players can pass with both feet in all directions, including behindthem.

    Players use 12_____ to make plays on balls that are in the air, either to pass or to make a shot on

    13_____. To make a header, they knock the ball with the 14_____, using power generated fromthe neck muscles. When a ball is high in the air, members of both teams will 15_____ for

    position on the ground in order to control the header. Tall players and those who can jump high

    have a distinct advantage in these situations.Players use 16_____ to gain control of loose balls that may be rolling, bouncing, or flying

    through the air. To bring the motion of the ball to a momentary 17_____, players absorb the

    balls force with a part of their body. Most traps are made with the inside of the foot or the soleof the foot, but balls may also be brought under control with the leg, chest, head, or top of the

    foot. Good trapping allows players to control the tempo of the game by maintaining control of

    the ball for long periods of time. It also enables them to pass the ball with pinpoint 18_____,

    because they have control of the ball at the moment they pass.A sixth skill, called 19_____, is the primary tool of defense. Tackling in soccer is not like

    tackling in American football. A tackle in soccer is a means of taking away the ball from an

    opponent, not bringing the opponent down. 20_____ the advance of the ball with the foot orlower leg is the most common form of tackling in soccer. Some players also slide in front of

    attacking players to steal the ball, a move known as a slide tackle.

    A goalkeeper must learn all the skills that other players do, but because the goalkeeper can usethe hands, he or she must also master an entirely different set of 21_____. The goalkeeper must

    be able to catch balls in the air and 22_____ them with the hands and body when the ball is

    bouncing along the ground. Goalkeepers must also know how to punch away balls that are

    kicked towards the top or corners of the goal, as attempting a catch in these difficult situations isoften more dangerous than simply 23_____ the ball away.

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    UNIT 2


    The Descriptive Essay

    Read the following essay. Consider the role of each paragraph.

    A Walk on Sunday Morning

    P 1 Though I usually go on excursions to the country during the weekend, I had decided to

    spend the whole of Sunday in the city for a change and to visit the central square and public

    gardens. It was so early when I left home that the streets were deserted. Without the usual

    crowds and traffic, everything was strangely quiet.

    P 2 When, at last, I arrived at the square I was surprised to find so many people there. Some

    were feeding pigeons and others were sitting peacefully at the foot of a tall statue. I went and sat

    with them so as to get a better view. What amused me most was a little boy who was trying to

    make pigeons fly up to his shoulder. He was holding some bird-seed in his hand and whenever a

    pigeon landed on his arm, he laughed so much that he frightened the bird away.

    P 3 Some time later I made my way to the public gardens. Here there was an entirely

    different atmosphere. The sun was now bright and warm and the air was filled with gay laughter.

    P 4 The pond interested me more than anything else for many people had come to sail model

    boats. There were little yachts with bright red sails, motor boats and wonderful sailing ships.They moved gracefully across the water carried by the wind while their owners waited for them

    to reach the other side.

    P 5 After resting for a time under a tree, I went and joined a number of people who had

    gathered round a man with a big model of a famous sailing ship called The Cutty Shark. It was

    perfectly made and I gazed at it with admiration as its owner placed it in the water where it sailed

    majestically among the ducks and swans.

    P 6 At midday, I left the gardens and slowly began walking home. I was not at all sorry that I

    had not gone to the country for the weekend. There had been much more to see in the city on a

    Sunday morning than I could have ever imagined.

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    Paragraph 1

    Setting the scene, introducing persons, places, objects to the reader.Development

    Paragraphs 2, 3, 4, 5

    Each paragraph describes a particular characteristic/aspect of the person, object, place.


    Paragraph 6

    Impressions, feelings, opinions.

    The goal of descriptive writing is to create a clear picture or impression of a person, place or


    Selecting details:

    - do not include every detail about the person, place, or object you are describing.

    - decide whether or not to use a detail on the basis of whether it will contribute to its purpose in

    writing the description.

    - sometimes the selection is based on the wish of the writer to convey a strong, single impression

    to the reader (description of a person)

    - sometimes the writer chooses only the details that help to support a general statement he/she

    makes (topic sentence)

    Use adjectives. Dont forget the proper order:

    P1 a. opinion, b. size, c. age, d. shape e. temperature

    P2 Colours

    P3 Material

    P4 Purpose

    P5 Noun

    Using sensory details:

    Descriptive writing creates a strong impression through the use of sensory details which appeal

    to the readers senses of sight, sound, smell, taste, touch. The choice of words has to evoke a

    strong sensory response in the readers imagination.

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    Locating details:

    When you describe a scene, you often want your reader to know where the details are located.

    You also want to show their relationship to one another (over, next to, beneath, on the right, in

    the distance, near, far, above, below, here, there, inside, outside, nearby, beyond, between, over,


    Using tenses:

    1. Describing people:

    - Present tenses for someone you see every day

    - Past tenses can be used to describe someone related to the past

    - Present tenses or conditional tenses for the description of ideal persons

    2. Describing places or buildings

    - Present tenses when you describe smth for a tourist brochure, or when you envisage the

    description of the general characteristics of an object, or when you pretend to be at the exact

    location you are describing

    - Past tenses can be used to describe smth you saw in the past

    - Conditional tenses for the description of an ideal city/house

    Find the central idea of what you want to describe. e.g. A market: people buying, things sold

    No event will keep the reader in suspense as in the case of the narrative essay. The question

    What happens next? does not apply.

    Language for rendering, describing facts, states. e.g. description of a man, town, landscape

    he looks , He has dark eyes, She wears , Her face

    When rendering, describing facts and emotional impressions

    - provide an account of your feelings, opinions

    - try to get the reader involved

    When you describe things you may have to provide information on the position, weight,

    structure, colour, composition, size, shape and function of the object described.


    is nailed/screwed/fixed/fastened



    to Y by


    consists of




    Y and


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    held in place/ secured/

    supported/ suspended


    joined to

    X is

    mounted/placed/pivoted on



    adjacent to/alongside/below/beyond/facing (diagonally)/parallel

    to/underneath/opposite/ in

    the middle of/on the rightof/ on the left of/on the left

    of/near/close to/

    touching/behind/in front of/under/ on top

    of/above/below/ level

    with/diagonally above/

    vertically below

    BA is

    betweenequidistant from

    B andC


    X is dark/light/pale/bri




    Talking and writing about coloursshade= one of the different types of a particular colour, especially when describing how dark or

    light it is.

    e. g. a deep shade of red, subtle shades of blue and green

    tone= one of the different types of a particular colour.e. g. a delicate pink tone, eye shadow in tones of green and brow-ish= used with colours to make adjectives describing things that look a bit like that colour.e. g. reddish hair

    dark= used for describing colours that look more like black than white. e. g. dark green trousersdeep= used for describing dark colours, especially when they look attractive. e. g. lovely deep

    blue eyesrich= used for describing dark colours that look beautiful and expensive. e. g. rich brown velvetsombre= dark in the way that seems suitable for a serious occasion and use. e. g. The men were

    wearing sombre suits and black ties.bright= strong and noticeable. e. g. bright yellow paint

    vibrant= bright in a way that looks exciting.e. g. curtains in vibrant shades of redcolourful = brightly coloured, or having a lot of bright colours. e. g. wonderfully colourful

    curtainsloud= bright in a way that you think looks silly or ugly. e. g. He tends to wear silk shirts andloud ties.

    gaudy= very brightly coloured, especially in a way that you think shows bad taste. e. g. Look at

    those gaudy purple sunglasses.

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    light= pale rather than bright. e. g. a light blue shirtpale= like white with a small amount of colour mixed in. e. g. pale grey featherspastel = in a soft and attractive way. e. g. summer dresses in pastel shades.faded= something that is pale because it had been washed a lot or because it has been affected

    by light or the sun. e. g. faded blue jeans. The paintwork was faded in places.

    CompositionX is madeof

    metal/steel/aluminium/cloth/silk/china.wood/plastic/glass/ an alloy of A and


    Size and weight

    X is 6



    X is 6

    cm in


    X is 6

    kg in


    length/height/width/diameter 6cm



    of Xis








    has a





    X measures 6


    X weighs 6 kgShape

    X is







    in shape

    X isdiamond-shaped/kidney-shaped/U-shaped




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    X is a shaped like






    thermometer measure




    ofthe tripod

    isto hold the


    thermometer measuring the




    is used


    holding the



    X is light/tough/soft/elastic/malleable/flexible/

    soluble/a good conductor of electricity/heat/corrosion resistant/combustible/transparent/


    insoluble/a bad conductor of electricity/notcorrosion resistant/non-combustible/opaque


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    Direct and Indirect Speech


    1. We use direct speech whenever we speak. We use the term direct speechto describe the way

    we represent the spoken word in writing.

    2. Quotation marks (or inverted commas) go round what is actually spoken. They may be

    single (), or double () and are placed high above the base-line at the beginning and the

    end of each quotation.

    e.g. Is that you Jane? Bob asked.

    3. When the quotation comes after the reporting verb it is preceded by comma and the quotation

    begins with a capital letter.

    e.g. John said, Its good to see you.

    4. When the subject + reporting verb comes after what is said, the quotation has a comma before

    the second quotation mark.

    e.g. Its good to see you, John said.

    5. If the quotation ends with an exclamation mark or a question mark, a comma is not used.

    e.g. Where can I get a taxi? John asked.

    6. Subject + verb can come in the middle of a quotation sentence.

    e.g. Where, in the wretched town, John asked, can I get a taxi?

    7. If there is a quote within a quote, we use a second set of quotation marks. If double quotation

    marks have been used on the outside, single ones are used on the inside and vice versa.

    e.g. Ann said, Just as I was leaving, a voice shouted, Stop!.

    e.g. What do you mean, Are you all right?? Ann asked.

    8. Noun + reporting may be in subject + verb order or may be inverted (vb. + subject)

    e.g. This is a serious offence, the judge said/said the judge.

    9. If the subject is a long one, then inversion is usual.

    e.g. Wheres this train going? asked the lady sitting beside me.

    10. With a pronoun subject, inversion is rare in modern English.

    e.g. This is a serious offence, he said.

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    We use indirect speechwhen we are telling someone what we or another person says or said.

    D. S.: I shall help you tomorrow, John said.

    I. S.: John said that he would help me the next day.

    D. S.: What are you doing, Mary asked.

    I. S.: Mary asked what I was doing.

    1. Reporting verbs

    The commonest reporting verbs are say, tell, ask

    SAY -is used in indirect speech when we do not want/need to mention the listener.

    e.g. He said (that) his life was in danger

    TELL - is used in indirect speech when we want/need to mention the listener. It must be

    followed by an indirect object (tell somebody ).

    e.g. He told me (that) his life was in danger.

    ASK- a) is followed by if/whetherwhen reporting yes/no questions

    e.g. Are you comfortable? he asked (me).

    He asked (me) if /whether I was comfortable.

    b) is followed by a Wh - word when reporting a Wh - question

    e.g. Where are you going ? he asked (me).

    He asked (me) where I was going.

    2. CHANGES

    2. 1 Verbal tense changes :

    A. Reporting verb in the presentNO CHANGES

    Ive read Tonys book and I dont understand it, John says.

    John says (that) he has read Tonys book and doesnt understand it.

    B. Reporting verb in the pastBACKSHIFT

    Direct Speech Indirect Speech

    Present Tense Past Tense

    Past Tense Past Perfect

    Present Perfect Past Perfect

    Past Perfect Past Perfect

    Future Tense Future-in-the-Past

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    (would + inf)

    e.g. Ill help you, John said.

    John said (that) he would help me.

    I have moved to another flat, Mary told me.

    Mary told me (that) she had moved to another flat.

    Exceptions !!!

    The backshift does not occur in the following situations:

    1. When reporting habits.

    e.g. George said, I go to the seaside every summer.

    e.g. George said that he goes to the seaside every summer.

    2. When reporting scientific facts.

    e.g. The teacher said, Water boils at 100 Celsius.

    The teacher said that water boils at 100 Celsius.

    3. When reporting a past statement which is still true at the moment of speech.

    e.g. Last night George told me I dont have enough money to buy a car.

    Last night George told me that he doesnt have enough money to buy a car.





    e.g. I can/may/will see you later, he said.

    He said he could/might/would see me later.

    -shall (future reference)would

    -shall (offers, suggestions, requests for advice) should

    -should (desirability)should

    -would, could, might, ought to, neednt haveNo change

    - mustmust/had to

    must (future reference)must/would have to

    must (deduction)must

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    Direct Speech Indirect Speech

    today that day

    yesterday the day before

    the day before


    two days before

    tomorrow the next/following day

    the day after


    in two days time

    next week the next/following week

    last week the previous week/the week before

    a year ago a year before/the previous year

    this that

    these those

    here there

    now then


    1. Yes and No

    He said No.He refused. He denied it. He answered in the negative.

    He said Yes.He agreed/accepted/answered in the affirmative.

    2. When reporting interrogative sentences, besides askwe ca also use: wonder, want to know,


    e.g. Helen asked (me)/wondered/wanted to know why Tom was angry.

    3. Exclamatory sentences:

    - What (a) !, How! That Clauses

    e.g. How very kind of him to help! mother said.

    Mother exclaimed that it was very kind of him to help.

    - Oh!, Ah!, Ugh! He exclaimed with surprise/disgust. He gave an exclamation of


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    - verbs such as exclaim, complain, shout, remark, observe, say admiringly, say scornfully can be

    use to report exclamatory sentences depending on the meaning.

    e.g. What a delicious cake ! the guest said. The guest said admiringly that the cake was


    e.g. How tired I am! the old woman said. The old woman complainedthat she was tired.

    - She said, Thank you.She thanked me.

    - He said Damn it! He swore.

    - They said, Good morning!They greeted me/wished me a good morning.

    - She said, A happy new year!She wished me a happy new year.

    - He said Well done!He congratulated me.

    - She said Liar!She called me a liar.

    4. Imperative sentences

    - imperativeinfinitive

    He said Sit down, Peter!He told Peter to sit down.

    - Verbs such as tell, order, command (orders), ask, request, beg, urge (requests), warn, advise,

    recommend(advice) can be used when reporting imperative sentences.

    e.g. Officer to soldiers: Clean the barracks! The officer ordered the soldiers to clean the


    e.g. Teacher to Tom: You should go to the doctor. The teacher advised Tom to go to the


    - Lets + infinitivesuggest + Gerund

    e.g. Nick said, Lets watch TV. / What about watching TV?

    Nick suggested watching TV/that they should watch TV/That they watch TV.

    - be tocan also be used.

    e.g. He says, Do the next exercise! He says that we are to do the next exercise.

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    1. Read the following text and fill in the blanks in the diagram.

    Gymnasticsis a sport involving the performance of sequences of movements requiring physicalstrength, flexibility, balance, endurance, grace, and kinesthetic awareness, such as handsprings,

    handstands, split leaps, aerials and cartwheels. It developed from beauty practices and fitness

    used by the ancient Greeks, including skills for mounting and dismounting a horse, and circusperformance skills. There are three major forms of competitive gymnastics: artistic gymnastics,

    rhythmic gymnastics, and trampoline.

    Artistic Gymnasticsis usually divided into Men's and Women's Gymnastics, each group

    doing different events; Men compete on Floor Exercise, Pommel Horse, Still Rings, Vault,Parallel Bars, and High Bar, while women compete on Vault, Uneven Bars, Beam, and Floor

    Exercise. Though routines performed on each event may be short, they are physically exhaustingand push the gymnast's strength, flexibility, endurance and awareness to the limit.

    The discipline of rhythmic gymnasticsis competed only by women (although there is a

    new version of this discipline for men being pioneered in Japan, see Men's rhythmic

    gymnastics), and involves the performance of five separate routines with the use of fiveapparatus ball, ribbon, hoop, clubs, rope on a floor area, with a much greater emphasis on

    the aesthetic rather than the acrobatic. Rhythmic routines are scored out of a possible 20 points,

    and the music used by the gymnast can contain vocals, but may not contain words.

    Trampolining consists of four events, individual, synchronized, double mini and

    tumbling. Only individual trampoline is included in the Olympics. Individual routines intrampolining involve a build-up phase during which the gymnast jumps repeatedly to achieveheight, followed by a sequence of ten leaps without pauses during which the gymnast performs a

    sequence of aerial tumbling skills. Routines are marked out of a maximum score of 10 points.

    Additional points (with no maximum at the highest levels of competition) can be earned

    depending on the difficulty of the moves. Synchronized trampoline is similar except that bothcompetitors must perform the routine together and marks are awarded for synchronicity as well

    as the form of the moves. Double mini trampoline involves a smaller trampoline with a run-up,

    two moves are performed and the scores marked in a similar manner to individual trampoline. Inpower tumbling, athletes perform an explosive series of flips and twists down a sprung tumbling

    track. Scoring is similar to trampoling.

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    artistic rhythmic

    men rope double







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    A. Fill in the blanks of the following diagram with the qualities of a gymnast you can find

    in the text.

    B. Fill in the blanks with the words/phrases in the diagram.

    1. Lifting that heavy barbell requires a lot of _____ .

    2. The ballet dancer was moving with extraordinary _____ .3. The long and difficult journey tested our courage and _____ to the limit.

    4. Your joints are very rigid. You should do some exercises to improve your _____ .

    5. He lost his _____ and fell.

    6. A gymnast needs _____ in order to be able to execute highly accurate movements.

    3. Match the names of the events in womens artistic gymnastics with their definitions.

    1. balance beam a. In this event, gymnasts sprint down a 25 meter (about 82 feet) runway,

    jump onto a springboard and onto an apparatus, known as a horse in a straightbody position, touching it with their hands and blocking off it. The dismount

    may include one or multiple saltos and twists.

    2. floor b. In this event, the gymnast navigates two horizontal bars set at different

    heights. The height is generally fixed, but the width may be adjusted.

    Gymnasts perform swinging, circling, transitional, and release moves, as wellas handstands.

    3. uneven bars c. The gymnast performs a choreographed routine from 60 to 80 seconds in

    length consisting of leaps, acrobatic skills, turns and dance elements on a

    padded sprung beam. The event requires in particular, balance, flexibility and


    4. vault d. Gymnasts perform a choreographed exercise 70 to 90 seconds long. Themusic is instrumental and cannot have vocals. The routines consist of

    tumbling passes, series of jumps, dance elements, acrobatic skills, and

    turns.The exercise is performed on a carpeted, spring floor, 12 m x 12 m. A

    gymnast has three or four tumbling passes that include three or more tricks.


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    4. Match the beginnings of the definitions marked 1-6, with the right endings marked a-f to

    find the description of the events in mens artistic gymnastics: floor exercise, pommel

    horse, still rings, parallel bars, high bar (horizontal bar), vault.

    1. The floor event occurs on a carpeted 12 m 12 m square, usually consisting of hard foamover a layer of plywood, which is supported by

    springs or foam blocks. This provides a firm

    surface that will respond with force whencompressed, allowing gymnasts to achieve

    extra height and a softer lading than on usual


    a. Successful vaults depend on the speed of therun, the length of the hurdle, the power andstrength the gymnast has in the legs and arms

    and shoulder girdle, the kinesthetic awareness

    in the air, and the speed of rotation in the caseof more difficult and complex vaults.

    2. The ultimate balancing act, gymnasts must

    perform continuous circular movements aroundthe horse while allowing only their hands to

    actually touch it.

    b. At least one static strength move is required,

    but some gymnasts may include two or three.A routine must begin with an impressive

    mount, and must conclude with an equallyimpressive dismount.

    3. This event is arguably the most physically

    demanding event. The rings are suspended onwire cable from a point 5.75 meters off the

    floor, and adjusted in height so the gymnast

    has room to hang freely and swing. He mustperform a routine demonstrating balance,

    strength, power, and dynamic motion while

    preventing the rings themselves from


    c. The gymnasts performe a series of swings,

    balances, and releases that require greatstrength and coordination.

    4. Gymnasts sprint down a runway, which is amaximum of 25 metres in length, before

    hurdling onto a spring board. The body

    position is maintained while "punching"

    (blocking using only a shoulder movement) thevaulting platform. The gymnast then rotates to

    a standing position.

    d. This is considered one of the most difficultof the men's events and requires flawless

    control of balance and body position.

    5. Men hold themselves on two bars slightly

    further than a shoulder's width apart and

    usually 1.75m high.

    e. By using all of the momentum from giants

    and then releasing at the proper point, enough

    height can be achieved for spectaculardismounts, such as a triple-back salto.

    6. A 2.4cm thick steel bar raised 2.5m abovethe landing area is all the gymnast has to hold

    onto as he performs giants(revolutions around

    the bar), twists, and changes of direction.

    f. A series of tumbling passes are performed todemonstrate flexibility, strength, and balance

    tests. The gymnast must also show non-

    acrobatic skills, including circles, scales, andpresses. Men's floor routines usually have four

    passes that will total between 6070 seconds

    and are performed without music, unlike thewomen's event.

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    UNIT 3


    The For and Against Essay

    1. Read the following essay. Find the topic sentence in each paragraph, underline the

    linking words and consider the role of each paragraph.

    Advantages and disadvantages of using technology in sport

    P 1 Technology in sport is the use of man-made objects or materials in order to change or

    enhance sporting performance. The supporters of technology claim that it has been beneficial to

    sport in many respects, while opponents accuse it of influencing sport in an adverse way.

    P 2 One of the main arguments for the use of technology in sport is that it has improved the

    training methods. Athletes have access to more equipment that allows them to watch themselves

    on video, test their fitness in a laboratory and adjust their diet in order to get peak performance.

    Moreover, problems of climate can be solved using technology. Training apparatus can be used

    to provide constant training for the athlete, regardless of inclement weather.

    P 3 What is more, safety equipment has undergone vast improvement owing to technology.

    The rather precarious position of the jockey has been improved by equipment such as hard hats

    and body padding. Motorsport has been made safer with fire resistant suits, helmets and body

    reinforcement in cars.

    P 4 On the other hand, with increased knowledge of the body, certain drugs can be used to

    affect performance in both humans and animals. Horses and greyhounds can be given drugs in

    order that their performance is affected to cause them to either win or lose a race. Some snooker

    and darts players have been accused of taking beta-blockers, which slow the heart rate in order

    that the athlete is more relaxed and therefore less likely to miss a shot.

    P 5 In addition to this, technology has been held responsible of taking the excitement out of

    sporting competition. For example, the improvements to the McLaren cars on the 1998 Formula

    1 Grand Prix circuit at the beginning of the season were far superior to the other teams, with the

    result that McLaren won consistently. Many followers of Formula 1 became disenchanted,

    knowing that one particular team would probably win every race.

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    P 6 It can be concluded that while technology can alter athletic performance and disappoint

    sports fans, it can also make sports safer and training more efficient. Some sports rely more on

    technological advances than others, but throughout the latter part of the 20th

    century, there have

    been few sports that have not been influenced in some way by technology. All in all,

    technologys impact on sport and society should not be underestimated.

    A for and against essay is a formal piece of writing in which a topic is considered from

    opposing points of view. You should present both sides in a fair way by discussing them

    objectively and in equal detail.



    Paragraph 1

    Clearly state the topic without giving your opinion.

    Main body

    Paragraphs 2 and 3

    Arguments for and justifications, examples, and/or reasons.

    Paragraphs 4 and 5

    Arguments against and justifications, examples, and/or reasons.


    Paragraph 6

    Balanced considerations/your opinion directly or indirectly

    Before you start writing your essay you should make a list of the points for and against.

    Each paragraph should start with a topic sentence which summarises the topic of the


    Do not use informal style (short forms, colloquial language) or strong language to express your

    opinion (I know,I strongly believe that).

    Express your opinion in a non-emotional way (It seems that,I therefore feel that)

    Useful expressions and linking words/phrases

    to list points:

    Firstly, First of all, In the first place, To begin/start with, Secondly, Thirdly,


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    to list advantages:

    One/Another/A further/An additional (major) advantage of is

    The main/greatest/first advantage of is

    to list disadvantages:

    One/Another/A further/An additional (major) advantage/drawback of is

    The main/greatest/first/most serious advantage of is

    Another negative aspect of

    to introduce points/arguments for or against:

    One (very convincing) point/argument in favour of /against

    A further common criticism of

    It could be argued that

    It isoftenwidelygenerally



    claim/suggest/argue/feel that

    maintain/believe/point out/agree/hold that

    advocate (+ing/noun)/support the view that

    oppose the view that


    most people/experts


    criticsare in favour of/against

    of the opinion that/convinced that

    opposed to

    to add more points to the same topic:

    in addition (to this), furthermore, moreover, besides, apart from, what is more, as

    well as, not to mention (the fact) that , also, not only but also/as well, both

    and/there is another side to the issue/question/argument of

    to make contrasting points:

    it may be said/argued/claimed that on the other hand, howeverstill, yet, but, nonetheless,

    nevertheless, even so,othersmany people

    oppose this viewpoint(strongly) disagree ,

    claim/feel/believe this argument is


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    although. though, even though, while, whilst, whereas, despite/in spite of (the fact

    that), regardless of the fact that

    Opponents of argue/believe/claim that

    The fact that contradicts the belief/idea that

    While it is true to say that , in fact

    While/Although , it cannot be denied that

    to introduce examples:

    for example, for instance, such as, like, in particular, particularly, especially

    This is (clearly) illustrated/shown by the fact that by the fact that

    One/A clear/striking/typical example of (this)

    The fact that shows/illustrated that

    to emphasize a point:

    clearly, obviously, it is obvious, naturally, of course, needless to say, indeed

    to express reality:

    in fact, the fact (of the matter) is, actually, in practice, it is a fact that, in effect

    to make general statements:

    as a (general) rule, generally, in general, on the whole, by and large, in most cases

    to make partially correct statements:

    to a certain extent/degree, in a way/sense, this is partly true (but), to a limited

    extent, there is some truth in (this), in some cases, up to a point

    to explain/clarify a point:

    in other words, that is to say, this/which means that

    to express cause:

    owing to, due to (the fact that), on account of, on the grounds that, given that,

    because, since

    to express effects:

    therefore, thus, as a result/consequence, consequently, so, for this reason, if

    were to happen, the effect/result would be .

    to express intention:

    to, so as to, in order to, so that, with the intention of (+ ing)

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    to draw conclusions expressing balanced considerations/opinions indirectly

    In conclusion,

    On balance,

    All things considered,

    Taking everything into account/

    considerations,To conclude,

    To sum up,All in all,


    it can/must be said/claimed that

    is seems/appears that

    it would seem that

    it is likely/unlikely/possible/foreseeable that

    there is no/little doubt that the best course of action would be to

    achieving a balance between would be it is true to say that

    although it must be said that

    it may be concluded/said that

    All things considered, the obvious conclusion to be drawn is that

    There is no absolute answer to the question of

    In the light of this evidence, it is clear/obvious that In conclusion,All in all,

    To sum up,

    it isclear/apparentplain/obvious


    from theabove




    to draw conclusions expressing opinions directly

    In conclusion,

    On balance,All things considered,

    Taking everything into account/

    considerations,To conclude,

    To sum up,

    All in all,Finally/Lastly,

    it is my belief that/opinion that

    I believe/feel/think that

    I am inclined to believe that I (do not) agree that/with

    Taking everything into account, I therefore conclude/feel/believe (that)

    For the above-mentioned reasons, therefore, I firmly believe that

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    The Passive Voice

    I. Introduction

    1. In the active voice, the subject is the person or thing doing the action.

    e.g. John cooked the food last night.

    2. In the passive voice, the action is done to the subject.

    e.g. The food was cooked by John last night.

    3. The passive transformation

    Active Voice Passive Voice

    Object (the food) Subject

    Subject (John) Agent (by John)

    Main Verb (cooked) to be+ past participle (was cooked)

    II. Form of the passive

    Simple Aspect Continuous Aspect

    a form of to be+ past participle


    form of the verb)

    a form of to be +being + past participle (3rd

    form of the


    Conjugation Patterns

    Tense/Mood Active Voice Passive voice



    A doctor cures sick people. Sick people are cured by the doctor.



    She is watering the flowers. The flowers arebeing watered by her.



    They have opened a new


    A new shop has been opened.

    Past Simple I taught them English


    They were taught English (by me) yesterday.



    They were singing songs. Songs were being sung.

    Past Perfect They had heard the news. The news had been heard.

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    Future Tense She will call me in the


    I shall be called (by her) in the morning.



    I shall have seen them by the

    end of the week.

    They will have been seen before the end of

    the week.



    I thought I would hear the


    I thought the bell would be heard.

    Imperative Do it at once! Be done with it at once!

    Infinitive Its hard to hear in such a


    Its hard to be heard in here.



    They would excuse me if I


    I would be excused if I explained.



    I would have sent for the

    doctor if I had thought it


    The doctor would have been sent for if I had

    thought it necessary.


    1. Only present tense and past tense continuous are common in the passive voice.

    e.g. He is being interviewed now.

    e.g. He was being interviewed at 10 oclock.

    However, modals with progressive aspect sometimes occur.e.g. I know Mark was going to have an interview sometimes this afternoon. He may be being

    interviewed as we speak.

    2. The adverbial particle or the obligatory preposition are placed immediately after the verb in

    the passive voice.

    Active Voice Passive Voice

    They are speaking to you. (prep.) You are being spoken to.

    The wind blew the tent down. (adv. particle) The tent was blown down.

    No one can put up with her any more. (adv.

    particle + preposition)

    We have done away with the old rules. (adv.

    particle + preposition)

    She cant be put up with any more.

    The old rules have been done away with.

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    III. Uses of the passive

    1. When speakers do not wish to commit themselves to actions, opinions, or statements of which

    they are not completely certain.

    e.g. The matter will be dealt with as soon as possible.

    2. When the stress falls on the action and not on the doer of the action.

    e.g. My car has been scratched!

    e.g. Thousands of beaches are polluted.

    e.g. Charles I was beheaded in 1649.

    3. When the doer of the action is unknown or when we want to avoid using a vague word

    (somebody, a person) as a subject.

    e.g. After my talk, I was asked to explain a point I had made.

    e.g. A doctor has been sent for.

    4. In scientific writing (to describe process).

    e.g. The mixture is placed in a crucible and is heated to a temperature of 300C. It is then

    allowed to cool before it can be analysed.

    5. Announcements

    e.g. Candidates are required to present themselves fifteen minutes before the examination begins.

    They are asked to be punctual.

    e.g. Passengers are requested to remain seated until the aircraft comes to a complete stop.

    6. Headlines, advertisements, etc



    IV. The use of by + agent after a passive

    1. An agent is a doer, the person or thing that performs the action expressed by the verb. By+

    agent in passive constructions tells us who or what did something.

    e.g. The poem was recited byMary.

    e.g. The window was broken bya stone.

    2. By+ agent is only necessary when the speaker wishes to say (or the hearer has to know) who

    or what is responsible for the event in question.

    e.g. The window was broken bya slate that fell off the roof. (not by a person)

    e.g. The window was broken bythe boy who lives next door. (not by my brother)

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    3. By + agent is often used with the passive of verbs like build, compose, damage, design,

    destroy, discover, invent, make, wreck, write.

    e.g. The action of penicillin was discovered by Sir Alexander Fleming.

    e.g. The electric light was invented by Thomas Edison.

    e.g. The Eiffel Tower was designed and built by Gustave Eiffel.

    V. By+ agent is omitted in the following situations:

    1. When the subject of the sentence in the active voice is expressed by a vague word: you, they,

    one, everybody, everyone, somebody, someone, all, a person.

    e.g. A. V. People speak English all over the world.

    P. V. English is spoken all over the world.

    2. When the agent can be inferred from the context.

    e.g. The thief was arrested. (one can easily infer that it was the police that arrested the thief)

    e.g. The bridge was built last year. (one can easily infer that it was the workers who built the


    3. When the doer of the action is unknown or the speaker does not wish to mention him/her/it.

    e.g. A doctor has been sent for.

    e.g. This subject will be treated fully in the next chapter.

    VI.The passive with verbs of saying and believing.

    1. It+ passive + that -clause with verbs like agree, allege, arrange, assume, believe, consider,

    decide, declare, discover, expect, fear, feel, find, hope, imagine, know, observe, presume, prove,

    report, say, show, suggest, suppose, think, understand.

    e.g. People say that John is thief. It is said that John is a thief.

    2. Subject (other than it) + passive + to- infinitive with verbs like acknowledge, allege, believe,

    consider, declare, know, recognize, report, say, suppose, think, understand.

    e.g. They know that Mary is a spy.Mary is known to be a spy.

    3. There+ passive + to be + complement with verbs like acknowledge, allege, believe, consider,

    fear, feel, know, presume, report, say, suppose, think, understand.

    e.g. They say that there is plenty of oil in our country. There is said to be plenty of oil in our


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    VII. Miscellaneous

    1. Verbs such as bring, give, offer, tell can have two passive forms.

    e.g. A. V. Tom gave me a pen.

    a) I was given a pen by Tom.

    b) A pen was given to me by Tom.

    !!! Because we are often more interested in people or animals, variant a) is more common than b)

    2. Active verbs with passive meaning.

    e.g. This surface cleans (can be cleaned) easily.

    e.g. These clothes wash well. The wine is selling quickly. Whats showing at the cinema this

    weekend? Her novel is reprinting already.

    3. Verbs such as be born, be married, obligedare used more frequently in the passive than in the


    4. Passive constructions are common after verbs followed by the -ingform, such as like, enjoy.

    dislike, rememberand after verbs followed by a to-infinitive.

    e.g. Most people dont like being criticized.

    e.g. He hates to be criticized.

    VIII. Get + past participle

    Get is often used instead of be before certain past participles (arrested, caught, confused,

    delayed, divorced, dressed, drowned, drunk, elected, engaged, hit, killed, lost, married, stuck ) in

    colloquial English.Be can sometimes be replaced by become.

    We use getin the following situations:

    1. When we do something to ourselves.

    e.g. I got dressed as quickly as I could.

    2. When we manage to arrange something in our favour.

    e.g. I see old Morton has got himself promoted at last.

    3. When something (often unfavourable) happens beyond our control.

    e.g. We got delayed because of the holiday traffic.

    4. When we express commands or insults.

    e.g. Get dressed! Get washed! Get lost!

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    1. Use the following words to label the representation of the track-and-field arena below.

    water jump, shot put area, pole vault area, infield, track, hurdles, long and triple jump pit,

    discus and hammer area, high jump area, javelin area

    2. Choose the correct variant.

    1. The high jumper managed to _____ the bar at his first attempt.

    a. cross, b. traverse, c. clear, d. touch

    2. Michael would have won the race if he had not _____ the last hurdle.

    a. overthrown, b. overcome, c. overrun, d. overturned

    3. The start of the race was cancelled because one of the sprinters had jumped the _____.

    a. the starting signal, b. the starting line, c. the queue, d. the gun

    4. During the second lap, the Romanian athlete was already leading _____.

    a. the field, b. the race, c. the event, d. the competition

    5. John saw that Paul was getting tired after the first two laps so he _____ the lead.

    a. gained, b. took, c. earned, d. got

    6. As she was exhausted, she tried to slow down a bit but soon she noticed that the pursuers were

    gaining _____ her.

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    a. off, b. of, c. to, d on.

    7. During the second half of the race, Andrew sped up, which allowed him to _____ three


    a. overtake, b. overcome, c. overlap, d., overstep

    8. Due to his excellent physical fitness, he had no trouble qualifying _____ the final.

    a. for, b. in, c. to, d. at

    9. Since all the competitors were very well trained, the race had a _____ finish.

    a. predictable, b. close, c. inevitable, d. even

    10. Jim was running so fast that he soon _____ the other competitors.

    a. beat, b. lapped, c. defeated, d. overcame

    11. In case of failure, each jumper is entitled to an additional _____.

    a. try, b. trying, c. trialing, d. trial

    12. At the end of a competition, the runners-up are awarded the _____ medal.

    a. gold, b. silver, c. bronze

    13. The long jumper missed the take-off board because he had made a mistake during the _____.

    a. run-up, b. rundown, c. runabout, d. run-off

    14. The Romanian team lost the race because of a misunderstanding during the first _____


    a. stick, b. rod, c. staff, d. baton

    15. The English athlete had an advantage over the other competitors because he had started the

    race on the _____.

    a. runway, b. inner lane, c. middle lane, outer lane

    16. The sprinters were disadvantaged by a very strong _____.

    a. assisting wind, b. headwind, c. crosswind, d. windshield

    17. A long jumper needs a very good sense of _____.

    a. equilibrium, b. stability, c. balance, d. steadiness

    18. The athlete _____ one mile in four minutes.

    a. covered, b. finished, c. terminated, d. executed

    19. John had been leading the field for two minutes when he suddenly felt exhausted and

    reluctantly had to _____ to the other competitors.

    a. to abandon, b. give away, c. give way, d. give up

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    20. Jane had been out of training for three months so she had a hard time keeping _____ with the

    other runners.

    a. rhythm, b. speed, c. velocity, d. pace

    3. Match the names of the track-and-field events with their definitions.

    1. long-distance running a.Contest in which athletes must throw a very heavy round ball asfar as possible.

    2. hurdle race b.A long-distance race of 26 miles and 385 yards (42.195 km)

    3. steeplechase c.An event in which athletes must throw a heavy thick-centered


    4. middle-distance running d.An event in which a long light spear is thrown by the athletes as

    far as possible.

    5. relay race e.An event in which competitors throw an object called hammer

    as far as possible.

    6. cross-country race f.The goal in this event is to race as fast as possible while still

    maintaining a walking gait. During the race the heel of the forward

    foot must maintain touch with the track until the toe of the trailingfoot leaves the ground.

    7. hammer throwing g.Race in which athletes must run across fields or countryside.

    8. discus throwing h.Event in which competitors attempt to vault over a high barwith the aid of a long flexible pole.

    9. shot put i.Race between teams of runners in which each team member in

    turn must cover part of the total distance while carrying a baton.

    10. javelin throwing j.Event in which competitors jump as far as possible along the

    ground in one leap.

    11. marathon race k.Races ranging from 600 meters to 3,000 meters. The most

    popular distances are the 800-meter, 1,500-meter, and 3,000-meter


    12. race walking l.Event in which athletes must run at full speed over a short


    13. high jump m.Race in which athletes must jump over a series of four hurdles

    and water jumps.

    14. long jump n.Event in which athletes must jump as far as possible by

    performing a hop, a step and a jump from a running start.

    15. pole vault o.A race in which athletes must jump over a series of uprightframes.

    16. sprint p.Event in which competitors jump as high as possible over a barof adjustable height.

    17. triple jump r.Race in which competitors have to cover distances longer 3,000

    meters. The most common are ones of 5,000 to 10,000 meters, and

    the marathon.

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    UNIT 4


    The Opinion Essay

    Read the following essay. Find the topic sentence in each paragraph, underline the linking

    words and consider the role of each paragraph.

    Although the position of women in society today has improved, there is still a great deal of

    sexual discrimination. Do you agree?

    P 1 Throughout this century, the role of women within society has changed, and the majority

    of people feel that this change is for the better. More women work than ever before, and it is

    accepted in Western culture that many women now have careers. Nonetheless, in my opinion

    there is still a great deal of sexual discrimination against women within society, and the belief

    that sexual equality has been achieved is not altogether accurate.

    P 2 To begin with, many women find it very difficult to return to work after having children.

    The main reason for this is that there are rarely any provisions made for childcare in the

    workplace and, in these cases, women are forced to find someone to look after the children while

    they are at work. Obviously, this can prove to be a time-consuming and expensive process, yet it

    must be done if mothers are to be able to resume their careers.

    P 3 Secondly, the traditional views of the position of women within society are so deeply

    ingrained that they have not really changed. For instance, not only is the view that women should

    stay at home and look after their family still widely held, but it is reinforced through images seen

    on television programmes and advertisements. An example of this is that few men are ever seen

    doing housework on television, since this is traditionally thought of as a womans job.

    P 4 Thirdly, since families often need two incomes in order to enjoy a good standard of

    living, a woman finds herself doing two jobs: one at home and one at the office. So, it could be

    said that a womans position has, in fact, deteriorated rather than improved, with the result that

    women carry the burdens of equality but get none of the benefits.

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    P 5 In contrast, there are some people who claim that the problem of sexual discrimination no

    longer exists. They point out that women do, after all, have legal rights intended to protect them

    from discrimination. In addition, a few women are now beginning to reach top positions as

    judges, business leaders and politicians, while a number of previously all-male professions are

    opening their ranks to women. Nonetheless, these examples are not the norm and discrimination

    is still very much with