course f - chapter 7 formulas for warming the interior

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  • 8/3/2019 Course F - Chapter 7 Formulas for Warming the Interior


    Chapter 7 Formulas for warming the interior

    The formulas for warming the interior refer to those that mainly consist of herbs in warm nature with

    the effect of warming the interior, restoring yang, and dispelling cold and promoting blood circulation

    for the treatment of syndrome of interior cold.

    Mostly, the syndrome of interior cold results from yang-deficient constitution, or cold originating from

    interior or from impairment of yang due to erroneous treatment, or from exopathic cold directly

    attacking the viscera, meridians and collateral. Since the syndrome of interior cold differs in degrees

    of severity and varies in distribution of impaired regions, the formulas for warming the interior is

    accordingly subdivided into three kinds, namely, the formulas for warming the middle warmer to

    dispel cold, the formulas for recuperating depleted yang to rescue the patient from collapse and the

    formulas for warming the meridians to dispel cold.

    Section 1 Formulas for Warming the Middle-warmer to Dispel Cold

    This group of formulas is composed of interior-warming herbs in compatibility with the herbs for

    strengthening the spleen and replenishing qi, having the functions of warming the middle warmer to

    dispel cold. The formulas are indicated in the treatment of cold syndromes due to hypo-function of

    spleen and stomach.

    Lizhong Wan (Bolus for Regulating the Function of Middle-warmer )


    Ginsena, Radix Ginseng 90g

    Dried ginger, Rhizoma Zingiberis 90g

    Bighead atractylodes rhizome, Asizoma Atractylodes Macrocephalae 90g

    Prepared licorice root, Radix Glycyrrhizae Praeparata 90g


    Grind the above herbs into fine powder, mix it with honey and make them into boluses, take the

    boluses orally with warm boiled water, 9g each time, two or three times a day, or decoct the herbs for

    oral dose with the orignal dosage of the ingredients taken proportionally.


    Warming middle-warmer to dispel cold and replenishing qi to invigorate the spleen.


    Hypo-function of the spleen and stomach marked by abdominal pain with predilection for warmth and

    for pressure by hand, watery diarrhea, fullness of the abdomen, anorexia, vomiting, pale tongue with

    white coating, deep and thready pulse, or manifested by bleeding due to yang-deficiency; or chronic

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    infantile convulsion, or predilection for spitting saliva after recovery from illness, or by obstruction of

    qi in the chest due to yang-deficiency of the middle-warmer.

    The formula can be modified to treat cold syndromes due to hypo-function of the spleen and stomach

    as seen in case of chronic gastritis. gastroduodenal ulcer chronic colitis, indigestion, gastric dilatation,

    gastropotoisa, or cold syndromes of excess type in the spleen and stomach as seen in case of acute

    gastritis and enteritis.

    Modern researches

    Modern researches have ascertained that this formula has the efficacy in adjusting the functions of the

    stomach and intestine, promoting blood circulation, strengthening metabolism, relieving spasm,

    alleviating pain, arresting vomiting and diarrhea, inducing diuresis, etc.


    Since the formula tends to be warm and dry in property, it is not advisable for cases with fever due toexo-pathogens, or with internal heat due to yin deficiency.

    Xiao Jianzhong Tang ( Minor Decoction for Strengthening the Middle-warmer )


    Peony root, Radix Paconiae 18g

    Cinnamon twig, Ramulus Cinnamomi 9g

    Licorice root, Radix Glycyrrhicae 6g

    Fresh ginger, Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens 10g

    Chinese-dates, Fructus Ziziphi Jujubae 4pcs.

    Malt extract, Saccharum Granorum 30g


    The decoction is prepared by decocting all the herbs but the last one, filtering out residue, and adding

    No.6 into the already-decocted solution. It should be taken warm,


    Warming the middle-warmer, tonifying deficiency and relieving spasm and pain. ,


    Abdominal pain due to cold of deficiency type, marked by abdominal pain which can be relieved by

    warming and pressing, or consumptive diseases manifested by palpitation, restlessness, pale

    complexion, whitish coating of the tongue, thready, taut and weak pulse, or fever due to yang-


  • 8/3/2019 Course F - Chapter 7 Formulas for Warming the Interior


    Modern Researches

    Studies in recent years have confirmed that this formula possesses the efficacy in relieving spasm,

    alleviating pain, promoting blood circulation, strengthening absorption, promoting the healing of

    ulcers, nourishing the body, consolidating the constitution, etc.


    1. Contraindicated in cases with hyperactivity of pathogenic fire due to yin-deficiency.

    2. Not administered to those suffering from vomiting since the sweet flavor of the herbs may induce


    3. Contraindicated in patients who vomit ascaris, because ascaris tends to reverse upwards when

    meeting the sweet flavor of food or herbs.

    4. Contraindicated in patients with fullness in the stomach, for the sweet flavor makes the abovesymptoms worse by replenishing qi.

    Wuzhuyu Tang ( Decoction of Evodia Fruit )


    Evodia fruit, Fructus Evodiae 3g

    Ginseng, Radix Ginseng 6g

    Chinese-dates, Fructus Ziziphi Jujusae 4 pcs.

    Fresh ginger, Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens 18g


    All the above herbs are to be decocted in water for oral administration.


    Warming the middle-warmer and restoring qi, sending down the ascending reverse flow of qi to arrest



    1.Cold syndrome due to yang insufficiency of the liver and stomach manifested by the tendency to

    vomiting after meals, fullness and stuffiness in the chest, or by epigastralgia and gastric discomfort

    with acid regurgitation.

    2. Headache due to Jueyin meridian syndrome characterized by retching, salivation, and pain and cold

    feeling in the vertex.

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    3. Vomiting and diarrhea due to Shaoyin syndrome marked by symptoms such as cold extremities,

    dysphoria, etc.

    The modified formula can be applied to the treatment of such diseases as chronic gastritis, acute

    gastritis, gastroduodenal ulcer, hepatitis, vomiting of pregnancy, migraine, Menierei's disease and

    others that pertain to cold syndrome due to yang insufficiency of the liver and stomach and with turbid

    yin reversing upwards.

    Modern studies

    Modern studies have showed that this formula produces the effect of promoting blood circulation in

    the digestive tract, lowering tension of the smooth muscle, decreasing peristalsis, relieving spasm,

    preventing vomiting, alleviating pain, facilitating digestion, strengthening the functions of the whole

    body and so on.


    1. The formula should never be administered to patients with stomachache or vomiting of bitter fluid

    due to stagnated heat, as well as acid regurgitation that is ascribed to heat syndrome.

    2. For the treatment of severe vomiting, the decoction should be taken cold so as to prevent vomiting

    of the herb.

    3. In a few patients, vomiting of the herb may become worse but it will subside by itself in half an

    hour. The patients should be advised to take a little rest after taking the herb to alleviate the reaction.

    Section 2 Formulas for Recuperating Depleted Yang to Rescue the Patient from


    This kind of formula is chiefly composed of the herbs of heat nature with the functions of warming the

    kidney recuperating depleted yang to rescue the patient from collapse. It is usually indicated for the

    treatment of general cold syndrome due to yang-deficiency of the kidney or both the heart and


    Sini Tang ( Decoction for Resuscitation )


    Prepared aconite root, Radix Aconiti Praeparata 9g

    Dried ginger, Rhizoma Zingiberis 9g

    Prepared licorice root, Radix Glycyrrhizae Praeparata 12g

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    Ingredient Prepared aconite root is to be decocted one hour prior to the other two. The decoction

    should be taken warm.


    Warming the spleen and kidney, recuperating depleted yang to rescue the patient from collapse.


    Syndrome of cold limbs due to insufficiency of yang marked by cold limbs, intolerance to cold, lienteric

    diarrhea, cold-pain of the abdomen, mental fatigue and sleepiness, tastelessness with no desire for

    drink, pale complexion, profuse sweat, deep slow and thready pulse.

    In addition to the above symptoms, syndromes such as domination of cold due to yang deficiency as

    seen in cases of distinct declination of bodily strength caused by chronic disorders or

    hypopituitarism,hypothyroidism, hypoadrenocorticism, yang depletion as seen in shock due to heartfailure, cardiac infarction and other diseases can respond well in treatment to the modified formula

    mentioned above.

    Modern Researches

    Recent studies have confirmed that this formula has the efficacy in exciting central nervous system,

    Promoting metabolism, improving functions, preventing shock and so on.


    1. Since it is indicated for the treatment of cold limbs due to yang insufficiency, the formula should

    never be administered for syndromes attributable to cold limbs caused by excess of heat.

    2. Patients with flushed face and restlessness ascribed to cold syndrome with pseudo-heat symptoms,

    should take the decoction cool to prevent rejection of the herb.

    3. Prolonged decocting aconite root is advisable to reduce its toxic action.

    Section 3 Formulas for Warming the Meridians to Dispel Cold

    These formulas are chiefly composed of the herbs for warming the meridians to dispel cold and the

    herbs for nourishing blood and promoting blood circulation, possessing the therapeutic effect of

    warming the meridians to dispel cold. They are indicated for the arthralgia-syndrome marked by

    insufficiency of yang-qi, internal insufficiency of blood, and stagnated cold pathogens in the meridians.

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    Danggui Sini Tang ( Chinese Angelica Decoction for Restoring Yang )


    Chinese angelica root, Radix Angelicae Sinensis 9g

    Cinnamon twig, Ranmulus Cinnamomi 9g

    Peony root, Radix Paeoniae 9g

    Asarum herb, Herba Asari 6g

    Prepared licorice root, Radix Glycyrrhizae Praeparata 6g

    Fiveleaf akebia stem, Caulis Akebiae 6g

    Chinese-dates, Fructus Ziziphi Jujubae 8pcs.


    All the above herbs are to be decocted in water for oral administration.

    FunctionsWarming the meridians to dispel cold, nourishing the blood and promoting blood circulation.


    Cold limbs due to cold stagnation with insufficiency of blood, marked by cold limbs, without thirst,

    soreness of extremities, or abdominal colic, Pale tongue with whitish fur, deep and thready pulse,

    which is even too thready to be felt.

    The formula can be modified to deal with cases such as Raynaud's disease, thrombotic phlebitis,

    chilblain, chronic rheumatic arthritis, dysmenorrhea, neuralgia, lumbago and gastroduodenal ulcer

    which pertain to cold stagnation with insufficiency of blood.

    Modern researches

    Modern researches have ascertained that this formula possesses the efficacy in improving peripheral

    circulation dilating blood vessels, alleviating pain, relieving spasm, promoting digestion and

    absorption, tonifying the blood and restoring qi.


    1. The formula is only indicated for the cold limbs syndrome caused by insufficiency of blood and

    stagnation of cold. Those related to cold limbs due to excess of heat are prohibited from taking it.

    2. The formula is contraindicated in patients suffering from late-stage chilblain marked by

    transformation of stagnated cold into heat which is distinct.