course coverage of good information security courses

Course Coverage of Good Information Security Courses

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Post on 08-Aug-2015




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Course Coverage of Good Information Security Courses

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Page 3: Course coverage of good information security courses

As the developed world is shifting towards computer-based operations, there has been an upsurge in cybercrimes as well. Computers, along with their servers, are storehouses of massive amounts of information that may be critical to businesses, organizations and individuals. In order to protect this information, the world is in dire need of trained professionals who are experts at shielding information from cyber-criminals. This has led to the advent of Information Security Courses, which teach numerous things to its students.

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The Basics of Information Security: This deals with the basics of information security and other related concepts and where they all stemmed from. Information security courses in Pune focus on the importance of knowing what information security is, and why it is so necessary in today’s world.

Thinking like A Hacker: In order to beat the hackers, you’ve got to be a hacker by the mind. This might sound crazy, but the most fundamental part of information security is to think exactly like hackers. This helps in anticipating the hackers’ next move and taking the necessary steps to prevent it.

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Looking For Vulnerabilities: All successful hacking attempts have been due to the presence of vulnerabilities in various systems, and students are taught to find vulnerabilities in the operating system and other loopholes that may allow cyber-criminals a chance at success.

Learning about Viruses and Counter-Measures: Elements like viruses, spyware and worms are now common and can be used to inflict serious damage. The student learns about several elements related to information security in detail and also learns about the various counter-measures such as anti-virus, which have been formulated to defend against them.