country review 2012_0607

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  • 7/31/2019 Country Review 2012_0607


  • 7/31/2019 Country Review 2012_0607


  • 7/31/2019 Country Review 2012_0607


    No Job

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  • 7/31/2019 Country Review 2012_0607


    2 | Cr Rvw June/July 2012

    C h a m b e r o f C o m m e r c e

    As the last bits o snow melt rom the mountaintops and prepare the pools below, wecan begin to look orward to the excitement and relaxation that comes with summer.

    From backyard barbeques with riends and amily to relaxing days at the beach,

    summer has much to oer. Also, with the nights growing ever warmer we can lookorward to exciting evenings amongst the vineyards o emeculas Wine Country at

    one o the many concerts that Golden Crown Productions produces over the summer.In addition to being a great time, these concerts help support many local charities

    such as; Animal Friends o the Valleys, Hospice o the Valleys, he UnorgettablesFoundation and more.

    Summer also invites opportunity or eating and shopping. We encourage you to tryout that local restaurant or shop that youve never been to; perhaps youll ind a newavorite place. Supporting local businesses is always an important subject or us andwe always encourage people to try and make the transition rom big chains to mom

    and pop.

    We thank you, our valuable readers, or supporting our publication and the businessesinside o it and we hope that your summer is illed with many un times and great


    publishers Note rhythm sectioN

    PublisherGolden Crown Productions, LLCGregg Hassler & Don Harbour

    FounderJoan Padberg

    editorWendy Harbour

    Art director/designBob Swartzlander

    heAd WriterSandra Shrader

    contributing WritersMonica Atherton

    Annette LaRocqueBrad LandonHolly Humphreys-Reyes

    sAles And AdvertisingChristy FreemanJoan PadbergAdria PoindexterCarmen Meyer

    legAlLandon Law

    AccountingJohn Phillips

    PhotogrAPhersRK Green PhotographyGreg Lucker, The Rock ImageEric Yeakel

    PrinterCommercial Print & Distribution

    Send any inquiries [email protected](951) 677-8128

    WantCountry Reviewdelivered to your doOnly $12.95 for a one year subscription!Contact us today!

    Country Review is published bi-monthly. Editorial oce address: 31915 Rancho Caliornia Rd., Suite 200-195, emecula, CA 92591(951) 677-8128 [email protected]

    June/July 2012. Copyright 2012 Golden Crown Productions, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction in full or in part is prohibited withoutwritten authorization. e Country Review is intended to provide timely and accurate information on subjects covered. Golden CrownProductions, LLC and its associates are not engaged in rendering accounting or legal advice. Golden Crown Productions, LLC and its associatesassume no liability or errors or the ways in which inormation is used. Te opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those othe publishers.

    Country Reviewis a proud member of the following:

    Country Review is proud toprint on recycled paper.

    Greater River side

    Chamber of Commerce

    Don Harbour


    Gregg Hassler

  • 7/31/2019 Country Review 2012_0607


    June/July 2012 Cr Rvw|

    iN this issueJuNe/July 2012





    oN the mAp6 | Virtual Classroom, Versatile Learning

    10 | Peacemakers & Petticoats

    18 | Shear Determination

    FlorAl perspectiVe20 | Yearly Flower Selections

    coVer story16 | Van Avery Prep

    ArouND the house22 | Get e Grub On Grilling is Summer

    23 | Where Do We Go From Here?

    951 FitNess12 | Fuel Your Muscles

    Beore and Aer Exercise

    eNcore32 | Freedom, Faith & Fireworks

  • 7/31/2019 Country Review 2012_0607






    welcome Defining Beauty Education Since 1905

  • 7/31/2019 Country Review 2012_0607


  • 7/31/2019 Country Review 2012_0607


    6 | Cr Rvw June/July 2012

    oN the mAp

    Its not news that kids these days are usually more tech-savvy than their parents. In act, a survey last year o 2,200mothers with internet access and with children aged two to veyears revealed that a large percentage o kids know how to play

    with a smart phone application beore they know how to tie

    their shoelaces!

    With so many children o the Computer Age becoming suchadept digital learners, traditional schools have also had tobecome more orward thinking about combining the publiceducation experience with technology and an unprecedented

    access to inormation via the Internet.

    According to the International Association or K-12 OnlineLearning, thirty states and more than hal o the school districts

    in the United States now oer online courses and services.

    Joining with the national trend, the Lake Elsinore UniedSchool District launched its own online kindergarten-12th

    grade online school last August, and district ocials are happywith the academys rst report card.

    Te Southern Caliornia Online Academy is close to nishing

    its rst year, said Mark Dennis, LEUSD coordinator ocommunity and media relations, adding that SCOA had metits initial enrollment goal about 300 students or the year.

    Opening the online charter school was quite an innovative

    leap or the school district, but we are very pleased with how

    everything has gone.

    As a dependent charter o LEUSD, the online academy is ableto recruit students inside and outside the school districts

    boundaries as well as rom contiguous counties. Students romRiverside, San Bernardino, Imperial, San Diego and Orangecounties may enroll and participate in the charter school, thusbringing more money into the districts coers rom the State

    o Caliornia which unds schools based on attendance.

    And the students, or whom todays digital social media

    habits or use o search engines are already second naturereally embrace the virtual classes because instructions can beaccessed by computer 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

    Te kids are not intimidated by technology; they are much

    more comortable in the beginning about attending theonline school than their parents are about the idea, said RyanMulvanny, principal and instructional technologist at SCOA

    who added students must be enrolled as ull-time, be sel-motivated and sel-directed about learning, and know how tomanage their own school schedule.

    According to Mulvanny, the online academy presents aneducation solution or home-schooled children whose parents

    continued on page 30

    Virtual Classroom,Versatile Learning

  • 7/31/2019 Country Review 2012_0607


  • 7/31/2019 Country Review 2012_0607


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  • 7/31/2019 Country Review 2012_0607



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  • 7/31/2019 Country Review 2012_0607


    10 | Cr Rvw June/July 2012

    Nearly every ourth Saturday Old own emecula istransported into a time when lawless gangs roamed theprairies and thoughts o gold and vast amounts o untouchedland was present in everyones mind.

    Many people have dreamed o being cowgirls and cowboysor sheris o a small town during the Wild West. Tere is agreat ascination with this time period and or good reason;the history o the Old West is something that is both exciting

    to learn about and relevant to our present day in SouthernCaliornia. For these very reasons, the Old own emeculaGunghters put on an incredible show in historic Old own

    emecula to immerse viewers in a high-action history lessonthat that is entertaining or all ages.

    Te Old own emecula Gunghters, established in the early1980s, are a group o actors that seek to provide viewers witha live action depiction o the west between the 1870s and the1890s; a time in which America was expanding west due to theprospect o gold, land and new beginnings.

    Te period we ocus on is the time between the 1870s to the1890s, said Mike Loring, who rst joined the emecula troupein 1988, and whose long-running character is a bounty-hunter

    who goes by the handle o Lobo.

    Tats the time that the West was beginning to be settledand there were lot o dierent kinds o peoplegunghters

    lawmen, painted ladies, respectable ladies, amilies, ranchersCivil War veterans rom both sides o the warwho migrated

    out this way, he said. Tat makes or plenty o material or usto create skits to perorm because it was a real mix o people.

    Among the characters portrayed in the Old own emeculaGunghters acting entourage are an assortment o real lieWestern myth-burnished icons such as the ombstone trio o

    Wyatt, Virgil and Morgan Earp, as well as other sharp-shooting

    oN the mAp


    continued on page 31

  • 7/31/2019 Country Review 2012_0607


  • 7/31/2019 Country Review 2012_0607


    12 | Cr Rvw June/July 2012

    951 FitNessheading to the gym on an empty stomach. Unortunately, when youexercise with your bodys gas tank on empty, your body will startto take the amino acids rom your muscles and convert them to theglucose you need or energy. Tereore, instead o burning at, youmay actually break down your muscle! Tis is the opposite o whayou want to do.

    In order to burn at, you need to uel up with something nutritiouan hour to an hour and a hal beore working out. Tis gives your

    body enough time to digest the ood and make the energy availableor exercising.

    Good examples o healthy pre-workout meals or snacks to give youbody the energy it needs to exercise include high-ber cereal withskim milk, a two- to three-ounce turkey breast, a low sugar energybar, banana, poached egg with whole-wheat toast and graperuit, ora lean turkey burger.

    Dont have time to eat a meal beore exercising? You still need to eatsomething. A quick way to give your body immediate energy is toeat a simple carbohydrate such as ruit or juice in a protein drinkor shake 15 to 30 minutes prior to working out. And avoid heavymeals beore exercising, as these large meals may slow you down

    and make you eel sluggish during your routine.

    Te combination o ood to eat beore a workout should containcomplex and simple carbohydrates, ber, and low-at protein togive you energy, keep you eeling ull, and help regulate a normablood sugar level. ry to make sure each pre-workout meal osnack contains this combination o nutrients. Not having the righamount o carbs or energy will hinder your ability to burn caloriesbuild muscle, and exercise to your ull potential.

    Fuel Your Muscles BeFore

    and aFter exerciseby Holly Humphreys-Reyes

    You could be doing intense workouts, pushing yoursel hard in thegym, but then eating all the wrong oods that keep your body lookingthe same. I dont know about you, but i Im going to put in all thateort in the gym, I certainly dont want my results hijacked by poor

    nutrition. ransorming your body comes down to two simple parts:1) consistent, challenging exercise and 2) balanced, proper nutrition.When you skip on the balanced, proper nutrition, you cheat yourselout o the sculpted physique that you should have.

    Te ood you eat prior to and ollowing exercise plays a key role inthe overall success o your workout. What you eat and when you eatcan either help you burn more calories and build more muscle or itcan hinder your weight-loss and muscle-mass goals.

    Heres how it works. Your body gets energy rom the carbohydratesyou eat. Carbohydrates are converted to glucose, and unusedglucose is then converted to glycogen, which is stored in your liverand muscles.

    During intense exercise, your body uses up this stored energy. Nothaving a store o energy, your body cant unction at its potential.Healthy pre- and post-workout oods provide your body with theglycogen needed to uel your muscles during aerobic and anaerobicexercise.

    Pre-Workout Fuel. Many people nd that exercising rst thing inthe morning works best or their schedule. For some, this means


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  • 7/31/2019 Country Review 2012_0607


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  • 7/31/2019 Country Review 2012_0607


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  • 7/31/2019 Country Review 2012_0607


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  • 7/31/2019 Country Review 2012_0607


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  • 7/31/2019 Country Review 2012_0607


  • 7/31/2019 Country Review 2012_0607


    18 | Cr Rvw June/July 2012

    oN the mAp

    s 21st century shep-

    herdesses go, Natalie

    Redding is a dyed-in-the-wool original.

    With her hip-length cascade o blonde hair, designer boots andarmloads o silver bracelets, the owner o the emecula basedNamaste Farms runs her high quality wool-producing businesswith a unique bohemian air.

    But try keeping up with the energetic Redding as she shows oher arm, and it instantly becomes apparent that the ashionmodel turned agricultural entrepreneur is skillully adept in

    balancing business and empathy or animals when it comes toraising award-winning sheep and goats or their superior wooland ber eeces.

    Growing top-quality eeces is my business, said Redding,who has bachelors and masters degrees in animal sciencerom Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. But more importantly, I love

    animals. I have a lot more patience with animals than I do withpeople, I think! I really believe in being a positive role modelor the ethical raising o animals or agriculture.

    Redding, a longtime yoga devotee, even decided to name thearm afer the Sanskrit words Namaste, generally translated as

    Te God in me greets the God in you; Te Spirit in me meetsthe same Spirit in you, keeping with her philosophy aboutrespecting the wool-and-ber producing animals, Not justtheir antastic eeces, but also or other values which are not


    Te ve-acre NamasteFarms, located in em-

    eculas wine country,is home to rare breedso long, lustrously-

    locked woolly sheepsuch as; wensleydalelongwools,teeswatersand gotlands as well as

    silky-eeced pygora andangora goats. Greatlyexpanding the menag-erie are Reddings music-

    recording husband Sean,




    continued on page 29

  • 7/31/2019 Country Review 2012_0607


    or call 951.658.2411

    35820 Rancho California Road in Temecula

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  • 7/31/2019 Country Review 2012_0607


    20 | Cr Rvw June/July 2012

    FlorAl perspectiVe

    Because owers are grown internationally, its denitelypossible to buy nearly any ower that you want at any time othe year. But or the best quality and prices it makes sense to order

    wedding owers by season.

    Lets talk about selecting your owers. When choosing your

    wedding owers, keep your wedding date in mind. For the biggest,

    reshest blossoms, pick owers that are in season. Seasonal owers

    are less expensive, allowing you to get the most bang or your

    buck. And with the rising costs o wedding planning, most brides

    are trying to save money whenever they can.

    O course, there are thousands o varieties o owers to choose

    rom, these are just some o the most popular and readily available

    or weddings. Some owers that are available pretty much year

    round include Babys Breath, Calla Lily, Carnations, Freesia

    Gardenia and Orchid. I you have your heart set on a certain

    ower or your bouquet, dont worry i its not in season. Youmight have to pay more and import them, but almost every ower

    is grown somewhere at any given time o year. Just keep in mind

    that exotic, imported owers will generally cost at least three time

    as much as locally grown, seasonal blooms. Te summer wedding

    ower list contains vibrant color variations. In the summertime

    brides have a choice o so many dierent types o wedding owers

    that they usually choose a mixed bouquet. Like spring, the

    color choices are simply gorgeous. A ew to choose rom: Belle

    o Ireland, Calle Lily, Dahlia, Gardenia, Gerber Daisy, Gladiola

    Delphinium, Hydrangea, Iris, Lilies, Sunowers, Stephanotis and

    uberose. Tis vibrant and ragrant list will be the nishing touch

    to any wedding. Stay tuned or more seasonal oral tips in ou

    next issue.

    Any additional foral advice contact Wendy at


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  • 7/31/2019 Country Review 2012_0607


  • 7/31/2019 Country Review 2012_0607


    22 | Cr Rvw June/July 2012

    oday, barbecue grilling isnt merely a trend, but a downrightway o lie or many Americans. And while a growingnumber o people toss steaks, hot dogs, seaood and veggies onthe grill even when the weather is cold, the warmer temperatures

    o summer mean an even bigger contingent o us will take our

    cooking outdoors. So re up the barbie with these tips or buyingan outdoor grill:

    Fuel SouRCe

    Among the uel options, it really comes down to personalpreerence and how much work you actually want to do whengrilling.

    Charcoal: Choosing to grill the old-

    ashioned way means youll enjoy thearoma o ood cooking over coals and the

    hands-on experience o mastering a re.

    Webers One ouch Silver Kettle (about$65) has a terric easy-clean system to

    make lie easier when the meal is nished.


    to dispose o, gas grills can be

    portable (LP tank) or not (directconnection to the homes gasline). Te Broil-Mate natural gasgrill (about $280) is an excellent

    entry-level gas option.

    Electric: Electric models

    require the least amount o

    work but obviously needan electrical outlet. SaltonsGeorge Foreman Indoor/

    Outdoor Grill (about $70)helps to knock out the at.

    Whichever uel source you choose, consider buying the best grill

    you can aord: While the higher-end models will cost a lot moreup-ront, theyll pay o in terms o maintenance and quality in

    the long-run.

    Size and PoRtability

    Size is really a matter o your individual needs, so do somethinking beore you make a purchase decision. Do you havea large amily or is it just you and your spouse? Will you be

    doing a lot o backyard entertaining? What kinds o ood willyou be grilling - will you need room or big steaks and vegetableskewers, or will hot dogs and hamburgers more ofen be on themenu? Where will the grill be situated-on a spacious patio or a

    small deck?

    Another actor is whether youll be transporting the grill. Do youplan on taking it to picnics or on camping trips? Do you want a

    unit you can place in the car or tailgating? I so, youll need asmaller model on wheels that can be easily packed or travel - Irecommend the Weber Q grill (about $180), the quintessential

    tailgate grill. I youll only be using the grill at home, a largerstationary model will suce.


    Whether you are a grilling gourmet or just a backyard barbecuer

    there is an array o gadgets to suit your needs: Multiple burnerssmoker boxes, side shelves, rotisseries, condiment and utensiholders, clip-on lights, cabinets and large workspaces are justsome o the available extras.

    From Your NeighborhoodTemecula Ace Hardware Store

    ArouND the house


  • 7/31/2019 Country Review 2012_0607


    June/July 2012 Cr Rvw| 2

    but is an FHA loan, you may qualiy or an FHA StreamlineRenance. You must receive a benet o 5% drop in yourpayment amongst other minimal qualications, but it isdenitely worth discussing with your mortgage proessional

    Remember, or these options you must be current on yourmortgage. I being extremely upside down on your mortgageor many years to come is not a desirable situation, then your

    next option might be a Short Sale. A short sale is where theseller arranges with their mortgage lender to accept a pricethat is less than the amount owed on their property. Finallythere is Foreclosure. Foreclosure is the legal process in which

    a lender repossesses a property afer the owner has deaultedon their loan.

    Many people are nding themselves with this moral, ethical

    and nancial dilemma. Do you try to save your home by loanmodication, do you short sale your home, or do you justwalk away? I think the question that needs to be answeredis, what is the long term impacts o each decision or your

    specic situation? Each o the above mentioned scenarioscome with both legal and tax implications as well as how theywill aect your credit. You should contact a CPA that is well

    versed in the tax laws as well as a HUD counselor to discuss


    ArouND the hou

    hese days a lot o good people are nding themselves indire nancial straits. Its a scary place to be and coupledwith the eeling o ailure on top o it, it may eel like thereis no way out. Te act is that we, as a nation, are right inthe middle o the biggest mortgage crisis o all time. Manyhomeowners were oered loans that were not in their best

    interest. Homes have devalued in some areas more than 50%,and things are even worse. But instead o pretending that theproblem doesnt exist, we must now ace reality by not only

    viewing the long-term impacts o our past decisions, but to

    also research what options are available, and which ones arethe best choice or us as we look into the uture.

    So exactly what are your options? First is a Loan Modication

    through Te Home Aordable Renance Program. In orderto be eligible or the HARP renance program your loanmust be backed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, your currentmortgage must have a securitization date prior to June 1, 2009

    and you must close on your mortgage prior to January 1, 2014.I your loan is not owned by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac,

    Where do We

    go from here?by Monica Atherton, Coldwell Banker

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  • 7/31/2019 Country Review 2012_0607


    Located in Carlsbad just off I-5, LEGOLAND is closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays, but is open daily during specific periods. LEGOLAND Water Park is open seasonally.Prices, times and schedules subject to change without notice. Visit or call (760) 918-5346 for details.LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Brick and Knob configurations, the Minifigure and LEGOLAND are trademarks of the LEGO Group. 2012 The LEGO Group. LEGOLAND AND SEA LIFE AREA PART OF THE MERLIN ENTERTAINMENTS GROUP. STAR WARSand all characters, names and related indicia are 2012 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All rights reserved.

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  • 7/31/2019 Country Review 2012_0607


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    June/July 2012 Cr Rvw| 2

    ve children, one trusty hired hand, chickens, alpacas, turkeys,

    peacocks, geese, horses, cows, llamas, some eral cats and a ewcharmingly petite house dogs.

    Working with thoroughbred race horses brought Redding and

    her husband (the son o successul hair care products maker

    Jheri Redding) together in 1992, but with the advent o theirgrowing amily, the pair switched to raising smaller, saeranimals to be around the children and began to buy and breed

    top notch sheep and goat stock.

    In 2006, Redding rst showed her animals at a Black Sheep

    Gathering livestock competition, winning a champion ribbonor a longwool ewe named Gertrude Stein. From then on, itwas more ribbons and grand champion wins or Reddingssheep and goats, but the combination o Reddings arty attire,

    ree-spirited good looks and nancial ability to purchase top-

    ranked animals didnt initially win her many admirers at thecompetitions.

    Yeah, that was tough at the shows in the beginning, recalledRedding. I mean, there I was, wearing designer jeans andArmani boots, and people in agriculture dont dress that way.Plus that, they didnt like that I could aord to buy the best

    animals so I wasnt taken seriously.

    But when it became known that Redding sheared her ownanimals by hand, she began to earn respect at the livestock

    competitions. And she still shears her hundred or so head o

    sheep and goats, using a shearing technique she developed tooset the obvious dierences in weight and power between the

    shearer and the shorn.

    Im 57 and I weigh around 120 pounds, and that is no matchor a 240-pound, ighty sheep or goat, explained Redding,

    So I had to come up with a dierent way to shear the animal.Instead o laying the animal on its back, I lay the animal down,turn it on its side, and put my knee on its shoulder to keep itshead down and keep it calm.

    Te eece produced at Namaste Farms is in much demand byber artists who wash, dye, card, spin and twist the bers intoskeins. Redding hersel learned how to dye and hand spin the

    wool produced at Namaste Farms, and up until recently, hada growing business o high demand, handcrafed yarn thatknitters and ber artists clamored to buy.

    In act, she said, sales o her luxurious yarns, despite their highprices, proved to be too successul.

    I was selling my yarns online through, and I

    remember the exact moment when I realized that I didnt wanto make my handcrafed yarn anymore, said Redding. It waswhen all the yarn that I had or sale sold in orty-ve minutes

    But it had taken me orty-ve hours to make that yarn, and Isuddenly realized that I didnt want to be spinning yarn all thetime to meet the demand. Tats when I decided that I wantedto ocus on only being a shepherdess.

    But the lively and voluble Redding shepherds ar more than justher woolly animal riends. Trough her website Namastearmscom, Redding has posted several how-to videos showing her

    shearing techniques and, or the ber arts crowd, the varioussteps o creating yarn rom raw eeces. She also co-ordinatesa weekly Blogalk Radio show in which she ruminates over

    various subjects ranging rom eminist knitters to Mad Cowdisease to marketing strategies or selling products on Etsy. Athe end o May this year, plans were underway to shoot a piloshow o Redding and Namaste Farms or televisions Anima


    Shes never been one to stay inside the ock, she contends.

    I have learned that just because you dont ollow the rules, itdoesnt mean you cant do amazing things.

    For more inormation, visit orfollow Namaste Farms on Facebook




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    Shear Determination (from page 18)

  • 7/31/2019 Country Review 2012_0607


    30 | Cr Rvw June/July 2012

    may need to reduce tutoring time, students with disabilities

    or special needs who may not be able to leave their house toattend a traditional school, or gifed students who seek morechallenges with their educational studies and which can beoered through a public online school program.

    And students who have struggled through the curriculum attraditional brick and mortar school nd the online school more

    rewarding because the teachers can oer more personalizedhelp via email, web-conerencing, in person and cell phones,said Mulvanny, adding that there are ten teachers on sta atSCOA.

    Tat really surprises rst time students, he said, explainingthat teachers have specic hours when they are available byphone and computer. Tey always ask me, So I can actually

    call my teacher i I have a question about a lesson?

    Parents have their questions too, said Dennis.

    Te rst thing most parents usually want to know is i theacademy is ree or whether there is a cost to attend, he said.I explain to them that SCOA is a publicly chartered school sothere is no tuition.

    Another concern voiced by apprehensive parents is how theycan monitor their childrens work, said Mulvanny.

    With traditional schools, parents usually only get updated ontheir childrens work through parent-teacher conerences everyew months, said the SCOA principal, but whats great about

    the SCOA program is that parents can log in at any time onlineto see their childrens work, and they can be involved with thelearning progress that is happening. And the parents even ndthemselves learning rom the school projects right along with

    their kids!

    Students who are enrolled with SCOA receive their educationvia curriculum powered by K12 Inc., the countrys largest

    online learning company. Te material, which must meet stateeducational standards, is the same as material taught in regular

    schools, but the ormat diers in the way that the students aretaught. Instead o experiencing school days lled with hour- or

    two-hour-blocks o subjects, middle and high school studentsat SCOA study two subjects at a time or six to seven weeks,then move on to two more or a total o six classes per year. Te

    number o required units, however, is the same number neededor students at traditional schools.

    One additional issue parents worry about is whether their child

    is missing out on socializing with other students. While theonline academy will have its own valedictorian, salutatorian

    Virtual Classroom,Versatile Learning(from page 6)

    and graduation ceremony this year, Mulvanny said that SCOAdoes utilize eld trips and outings.

    And with internet sites like Facebook, kids are already doing

    social networking with their riends via computer anyway, hecontinued, so its normal or SCOA students to socialize thaway with each other about their schoolwork.

    Te way Dennis and Mulvanny see it, the generational shifin learning is already happening so SCOA and other onlineschools will continue to grow in popularity. And with interes

    in the virtual classrooms o the Lake Elsinore school districtincreasing all the time, thats a learning curve that the district iscommitted to climbing.

    Southern California Online Academys central oce is located at1405 Education Way, Lake Elsinore, CA 92530. For more information

    about Southern California Online Academy,visit

    or call 951-253-7777 (administration) or855-602-0886 (enrollment/program inquires.)

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  • 7/31/2019 Country Review 2012_0607


    June/July 2012 Cr Rvw| 3

    All in all, the re-enactments make or a un experience or

    spectators, but or the troupe, doing the monthly perormancesare truly something they take great pride and joy in.

    I love the Old West era. I love dressing in the clothes o that

    era, said Barnett, And its a chance or me to perorm whichwas something I had not done beore. I thought I was bashul,but I was very surprised to nd out that I am quite a ham!

    Loring too, despite his many years operorming with the Old own emeculaGunghters, always looks orward to

    doing the next show.

    Were like a amily. Tere are no starsin the group, no ad-libbers, nobody

    minds i they are playing secondddle, he said. We are all historybus, especially about the rontier

    days, and we all really enjoy it when we get to stepback in time to that part o our countrys past.

    e Old Town Temecula Gunghters perform in Old Town Temeculaat noon and two p.m. every ourth Saturday o the month. For more

    information, visit

    luminaries like Wild Bill Hickock, Doc Holliday and the eisty

    Belle Starr. Also mingled throughout the cast are some othercolorul characters based upon actual people like GussieLamore, a dance hall entertainer in the Klondike Gold Rusho the 1890s.

    Loring also stated that, Te local history o emecula itselis also defly woven into the perormances and bioso several o the troupes thirty-

    plus characters. He also added thatthe group has collaborated with theemecula Museum or various events.

    emecula has an Old West historyo its own too, he explained. It was astop on the Buttereld stage coach route,

    there were big cattle ranches here, and

    the railroad was built here in the 1880s.

    Many o the players actually do have real generational ties to

    the emecula Valley, said emecula history author Loretta,Miss Lily Barnett. Barnetts character in the show is aNebraska armers daughter who came out west to nd vastriches in Caliornias gold boom.

    My husband Malcolm Barnett is a ourth-generationemeculan, she said, His character in the cast is that o hisreal great-grandather, Eli Barnett, who promoted the building

    o the First National Bank o emecula in 1914.

    Te historical bank building today serves as a backdrop or

    the various skits--one o which is a comedic depiction o abank robbery--perormed by the Old own Gunghters groupwhich amusingly mixes actual history lessons rom the pastwith humor.

    But one issue that the organization takes very seriously,according to both Loring and Barnett, is educating children(and adults) about gun saety. Its a big ear-opener to hear

    gunshots, said Loring, Even with just using gunpowder andblanks to shoot at targets such as milk jugs and tin cans.

    Te noise rom the guns is so loud that it sets o car alarms

    a ew blocks away, said Loring, and that really gives kids adierent perspective about guns other than what they knowrom television and video games. Tey are always shocked athow noisy it is when the guns go o. Loring also stated that

    the gun props are always thoroughly checked or saety beoreeach perormance.

    Peacemakers and Pet ticoats (from page 10)

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    32 | Cr Rvw June/July 2012


    For the 4th o July, members o rinity Lutheran Churchreally like to go above and beyond the usual IndependenceDay estivities.

    As it has done or the previous our years the church will, onceagain, be celebrating Americas day in July by welcoming the

    community to join its annual ree patriotic party and primespot or viewing reworks.

    We believe that we have the best seats in town or watching

    the City o emeculas yearly reworks display, said ReverendDominic Rivkin, lead pastor or rinity Lutheran Church.

    Te church grounds, where we will be holding our fh annual

    4th o July celebration, are located above Ronald Reagan SportsPark so anybody who wants to come up here will get a great

    view o the citys reworks show.

    Tere will be plenty o un and ood on hand at the churchestivities beore the rst pyrotechnics dot the night sky, saidthe pastor, Te event begins with a brie opening ceremony at

    5 p.m., ollowed by the citys reworks show which kicks o at9 p.m.

    Our 4th o July celebration has turned out to be quite a big

    draw. At the event in recent years, as many as 2,000 people have

    attended, and now we have to start planning on July 5th or thenext year! said Rivkin, laughing.

    Te ood at the ree cookout will include hamburgers, hotdogs, chips and drinks. Tere will be un activities or kidsand live music and entertainment are planned or the event.Also available will be ree parking on the churchs property and

    adjacent city property which provides space enough to park600 cars. Tere will be light towers provided at the parking lotsafer the reworks display has nished.

    Much o the ood and services or rinity Lutheran Churchs4th o July celebration is donated or volunteered, said Rivkin,Making it possible to put on the event at no charge to the


    However, donations to the church or its outreach programsare always welcome, the pastor said, rinity Lutheran Church

    is involved with helping out local organizations such as SaeAlternatives or Everyone (S.A.F.E.) and its partner PoliceActivities League (P.A.L.) which oer services or children,youth and amilies who have experienced or are at risk o

    violence and abuse.

    Te church also goes beyond local needs, and is involved inassisting a worldwide mission to eradicate malaria deaths.

    Our church works with the Lutheran Malaria Initiativewhich has been organized to educate people in several Aricancountries about malaria, to provide aordable medical care

    and to prevent malaria deaths, he said. Do you know thatevery orty-ve seconds a child dies rom malaria? Its very sadbecause contracting malaria is very preventable, and even just a$10 donation will buy a mosquito net that will save lives.

    Giving to people in need halway around the world or righthere in the emecula Valley is one o the things that rinity

    Lutheran Church is all about, said the pastor. And that is whatmakes putting on the churchs annual 4th o July estivities somuch un.

    Most people cannot believe that there is no charge or theevent; the ood, entertainment and parking are ree. Tis istruly a gif to the community.

    For more information, about Trinity Lutheran Church,; call (951) 676-1492;

    or follow them on Facebook at



  • 7/31/2019 Country Review 2012_0607


  • 7/31/2019 Country Review 2012_0607


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