country: peru

Country: Peru

Upload: kateryn-ariana-benites-barboza

Post on 26-May-2015




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It´s about the most important things in Peru


  • 1. Peru is a country in western South America. I chose this country because I love the place where I born, and I think that Per is wonderful and has more interesting things than the rest countries. Introduction

2. 3. Nazca Lines - Nazca The fascinating Lines of Nazca are a series of giant geoglyphs located in the Nazca Desert that represent a great variety of beings such as monkeys, spiders, llamas, lizards, hummingbirds, fish, etc. Wonders of Peru 4. Chan was the capital of the ancient Chimu Kingdom. It is also the largest city of mud brick built in the pre Colombian America. Chan Chan - Trujillo Lake Titicaca is the highest navigable Lake of the world. This lake is also the second largest lake of South America. Lake Titicaca - Puno 5. The Huayllay Stone Forest looks like an immense petrified oasis in middle of a large desolate plateau. Huayllay Stone Forest - Pasco The Gran Pajaten is an archeological complex in the northern Amazonian region of Peru in the basin of the Abiseo River in an area very inaccessible. Gran Pajaten - San Martin 6. This imposing plateau of 4 km2 is considered one of the most enigmatic and mystical places of the country, can be seen Marcahuasi giant granite boulders. Plateau Marcahuasi - Lima It is the pride of the manor of Huamachucos. This monumental work was built on a plateau 3595 meters above sea level on top of the hill Markahuamachuro, allowing a privileged view of the great mountains. Markahuamachuco Citadel - La Libertad 7. Peruvian Food 8. Fish and Seafood 9. Lomo Saltado y aj de gallina: 10.