council officers grand knights column grand · 2015. 2....

GRAND KNIGHTS COLUMN Dear Brothers, here is a thought-provoking les- son. Imagine there is a bank that credits your account each morning with $86,400. It carries over no balance from day to day. Every evening deletes whatever part of the balance that you failed to use during the day. What would you do? Draw out every cent, of course! Each of us has such a bank-it’s TIME. Every morning it credits us with 86,400 seconds. Every night it writes it off, as lost, whatever we have failed to invest to good purpose. It carries over no balance. It allows no overdra. Each day it opens up a new account for us. Each night it burns the remains of the day. If we fail to use the day’s deposits, the loss is ours. There is no going back. There is no drawing against the “tomorrow.” (Author unknown.) We must live in the present on today’s deposits. Invest it to gain the utmost in CHARITY, UNITY, FRATERNITY and PATRIOTISM. The clock is running…. As we enter a new year, let’s try to make use of each moment, to the greater MSGR. BORUSKY COUNCIL #10243 COUNCIL OFFICERS Chaplain Fr. Mark Vander Steeg Grand Knight Dave Whitton 920-468-6867 Deputy Grand Knight Robert Kulesa 920-554-8165 Financial Secretary Rick Noe 920-468-3194 Treasurer Mike Vanden Busch Recorder Wes Swisher 920-265-1200 Chancellor Louis Del Frate Warden Jason Metz Advocate Ken Sevcik Inside Guard Gerry Piontek Outside Guard David Garthwaite Lecturer Terry Misfeldt Trustee 1st Year Bill Griesbach Trustee 2nd Year Doug La Frombois Trustee 3rd Year Joe Mastalir CONGRATULATIONS TO THE COUNCIL HONOREES Knight of the Month Family of the Month Dennis Kovlovsky Bill and JoAnne Griesbach WEB LINKS K of C Council 10243 K of C State K of C Supreme GRAND KNIGHT Newsletter Editor—Wesley Swisher Page 1 February 2015 1st Grade Winner Maya Christensen 2nd Grade Winner Theresa Schmidt Not Pic- tured is 3rd Grade Winner Moira Merrill 4th Grade Winner Grace Del Frate

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    Dear Brothers, here is a thought-provoking les-

    son. Imagine there is a bank that credits your account

    each morning with $86,400. It carries over no balance

    from day to day. Every evening deletes whatever part of

    the balance that you failed to use during the day. What

    would you do? Draw out every cent, of course!

    Each of us has such a bank-it’s TIME. Every morning it credits us with 86,400

    seconds. Every night it writes it off, as lost, whatever we have failed to invest

    to good purpose. It carries over no balance. It allows no overdra#. Each day it

    opens up a new account for us. Each night it burns the remains of the day. If

    we fail to use the day’s deposits, the loss is ours. There is no going back. There

    is no drawing against the “tomorrow.” (Author unknown.)

    We must live in the present on today’s deposits. Invest it to gain the utmost in

    CHARITY, UNITY, FRATERNITY and PATRIOTISM. The clock is running….

    As we enter a new year, let’s try to make use of each moment, to the greater






    Chaplain Fr. Mark

    Vander Steeg

    Grand Knight

    Dave Whitton 920-468-6867

    Deputy Grand Knight

    Robert Kulesa


    Financial Secretary

    Rick Noe



    Mike Vanden Busch


    Wes Swisher



    Louis Del Frate


    Jason Metz


    Ken Sevcik

    Inside Guard

    Gerry Piontek

    Outside Guard

    David Garthwaite


    Terry Misfeldt

    Trustee 1st Year

    Bill Griesbach

    Trustee 2nd Year

    Doug La Frombois

    Trustee 3rd Year

    Joe Mastalir



    Knight of the Month Family of the Month

    Dennis Kovlovsky Bill and JoAnne Griesbach


    K of C Council 10243

    K of C State K of C Supreme


    Newsletter Editor—Wesley Swisher Page 1 February 2015

    1st Grade Winner

    Maya Christensen

    2nd Grade Winner

    Theresa Schmidt

    Not Pic-

    tured is





    Merrill 4th Grade Winner

    Grace Del Frate

  • 2/17 Jason Vandermause

    2/19 Mary (Thomas) Marquardt

    2/20 Luella [+Wencil] Froelich

    2/20 Bill Waerzeggers

    2/22 George Raymaker

    2/22 Robert Casteel

    2/23 Bonnie (Stanley) Waslowski

    2/24 Joanne (William) Griesbach

    2/26 Mary (Mike) Delvaux

    3/01 Patrick Ellis

    3/02 Becky (Randy) Barre%

    3/02 Nancy (Rick) Tlachac

    3/03 Denise (Dave) Doering

    3/04 Mary (Ken) Sevcik

    3/05 Carol (+Robert) Keitzer

    3/07 Joseph Ellis

    3/07 Andrew Piche%e

    3/08 Robert Ledvina

    3/09 Mary (Roy C.) Johnson

    3/09 Ann (Dennis) Kozlovsky

    3/09 Conrad Schumitsch

    3/12 Tom Capelle

    3/13 Michael LaMere

    3/13 Robert Rivera

    3/15 Timothy Nixon

    2/17 Robert & Cathey Wozniak

    2/28 Michael & Connie Worzala

    3/03 Howard & Rita Van Schyndle

    3/08 Jeffrey & Lori Harrill

    3/15 Kelly & Ginny Gigot



    Newsletter Editor—Wesley Swisher Page 2 February 2015


    K of C Insurance General Agent

    CONTACT ME - LETS TALK Phone (715) 330-5178

    Email [email protected]


    MARINETTE WI 54143-9784

    Remember to give blood.

    Walk-ins are always welcome, or the number

    to call for an appointment is 800-733-2767.

    The hours at the Deckner Center are, Mon.

    Tues. Thurs. 1PM to 6PM, Fri. 9AM to 1PM and

    Sat. 8AM to Noon.

    Remember to record your donation for the

    Knights of Columbus on the “ONE-A-WEEK”

    clipboard in the canteen area. Thank you.

    glory of God. To be true Knights of Columbus.

    By the way, this lesson comes from the daily “Knights to Christ.”

    This a devo'onal book with 365 lessons per year to help us start

    each day off in a posi've direc'on. I hear'ly encourage all Broth-

    ers to check out this great li%le gem. Fraternally, Dave Whi%on,

    Grand Knight.


    Our new Website is up and running,

    check it out at

    everything you can think of is on this

    site and I’m adding to it daily. Sin-

    cerely, Wes Swisher.


    The Execu've Commi%ee of Council #10243 recom-

    mends the following charitable dona'ons for discus-

    sion and poten'al approval at our February council

    mee'ng: Freedom House-$200.

    Newsletter Editor—Wesley Swisher Page 3 February 2015

    March 15 – Council Booyah Sale – Sunday a#er

    morning masses assist in the selling of booyah and

    clean up a#erwards. Volunteers are s'll needed. St.

    Bernard Mul'purpose Room. Contact Dave Whi%on

    at 468-6867.

    Mar 16 – Knights of Columbus Council #10243

    Mee!ng following the First Degree Exemplifica!on –

    Monday at 7:00 PM in the St. Bernard Mul'purpose

    Room at St. Bernard’s. Contact Dave Whi%on at 468-


    Mar 19 – Knights of Columbus Council #10243 Officer

    Mee!ng – Thursday at 6:00 PM at Rick Noe’s Resi-

    dence. Address – 601 Alpine Drive, Green Bay. Any

    ma%er need council a%en'on please contact Grand

    Knight David Whi%on at 468-6867.

    Apr 17-18—Tootsie Roll Drive-Fes'val Foods East.

    Funds are collected for individuals with intellectual


    Apr 20 – Knights of Columbus Council #10243

    Mee!ng following the Rosary – Monday at 7:15 PM

    in the St. Bernard Mul'purpose Room at St. Ber-

    nard’s. Contact Dave Whi%on at 468-6867.

    Apr 23 – Knights of Columbus Council #10243 Officer

    Mee!ng – Thursday at 6:00 PM at the home of DGK

    Robert Kulesa. Address—2679 Radinz Rd, Green Bay.

    Any ma%er need council a%en'on please contact

    Grand Knight David Whi%on at 468-6867.

    Apr 25-26—Tootsie Roll Drive-St. Bernard before and

    a#er all masses. Funds are collected for individuals

    with intellectual disabili'es.

    Feb 8 - Annual Awards Banuquet/Observance of the

    25th Anniversary for Council 10243: A celebra'on is

    planned for February 8th at The Woods, with cocktails at

    5:30PM and dinner at 6:30PM. Cost is $15 per person or

    $30 per couple. You won’t want to miss this event, so

    mark it on your calendars now. Contact Dave Whi%on at


    Feb 7-8 – Knights of Columbus Council #10243 Annual

    Membership Church Drive – Saturday and Sunday all

    masses, the Knights will welcome everyone before

    church and discuss membership opportuni'es with all

    men present and then invite them to the informa'on

    mee'ng on February 10. Please contact Pat Mongin 468

    -0440 or David Whi%on 468-6867 if you can help.

    Feb 10 – Knights of Columbus Council #10243 Infor-

    ma!on Night – Tuesday at 6:30 PM un'l 9:00 PM, Mul'-

    Purpose Room at St. Bernard’s. Discuss the advantages

    of membership with prospec've candidates and their

    spouses. Please contact Pat Mongin 468-0440 or David

    Whi%on 468-6867 if you can help.

    Feb 16 – Knights of Columbus Council #10243 Mee!ng

    following the Rosary – Monday at 7:15 PM in the St.

    Bernard Mul'purpose Room at St. Bernard’s. Contact

    Dave Whi%on at 468-6867.

    Feb 19 – Knights of Columbus Council #10243 Officer

    Mee!ng – Thursday at 6:00 PM at Wes Swisher Resi-

    dence. Address – 3458 Golf Drive, Green Bay. Any

    ma%er need council a%en'on please contact Grand

    Knight David Whi%on at 468-6867.

    Mar 7 – Annual Spaghe% Dinner – Saturday 5-8PM. $7

    per person. Come out and enjoy some authen'c Italian

    cuisine prepared by our own Dave Catalano and Jason

    Metz. Volunteers needed for this event, to sign up con-

    tact Dave Whi%on at 468-6867.

    March 14 – Veggie Cu%ng at St. Bernard’s Kitchen–

    Saturday at 8:00 AM in the St. Bernard Kitchen. Volun-

    teers needed to assist in cu;ng vegetables for the

    Booyah. Contact Dave Whi%on at 468-6867.