costumes, actors and props

Costumes, Actors & Props Costumes: For this music video there are going to be only a few characters featuring in it however as always the costumes they wear are crucial. For the main character (Rowan) I would like him to be wearing something that is slightly “scruffy”. For example worn out jeans, an old coat and maybe some mucky shoes, This is so that he comes across as someone who isn’t concerned about his appearance as the narrative behind the video focuses on Rowans detachment from reality. Therefore it would be inappropriate for him to seem concerned about what he was wearing more than what was actually going on around him. (Rowans outfit) Another character that features in my music video is the Therapist, who would be wearing something formal and smart as counseling Rowan would be her job. She would be in nice smart blue trousers with nice shoes with a respectable jumper on. However as you never see her face only what she’s wearing it is crucial to focus on how she’s dressed as it will be the main aspect the audience will draw an impression from. (Therapist outfit)

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Post on 14-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Costumes, actors and props

Costumes, Actors & Props Costumes: For this music video there are going to be only a few characters featuring in it however as always the costumes they wear are crucial. For the main character (Rowan) I would like him to be wearing something that is slightly “scruffy”. For example worn out jeans, an old coat and maybe some mucky shoes, This is so that he comes across as someone who isn’t concerned about his appearance as the narrative behind the video focuses on Rowans detachment from reality. Therefore it would be inappropriate for him to seem concerned about what he was wearing more than what was actually going on around him.

(Rowans outfit)

Another character that features in my music video is the Therapist, who would be wearing something formal and smart as counseling Rowan would be her job. She would be in nice smart blue trousers with nice shoes with a respectable jumper on. However as you never see her face only what she’s wearing it is crucial to focus on how she’s dressed as it will be the main aspect the audience will draw an impression from.

(Therapist outfit)

The only other people who are going to feature in this music video is the three masked strangers, now these peoples outfits are going to be quite plane but that’s because they are meant to be generally anonymous. So all in black with something that covers up their faces such as a mask or some thick tights, the point of these characters is they aren’t meant to be anyone specific just people who are populated by Rowans sub conscious.

Page 2: Costumes, actors and props

(Masked stranger’s outfit)


The actors I plan on using are Rowan Elwell as the main protagonist because I trust his acting capabilities and I feel that he would be able to play this role effectively due to his performances I have seen in amateur theatre. Also I have designed the costume I want him to wear around some of his clothes I know he has so that it would be cost effective but still look like what I want. One of the other actresses I would like to use is Zita Collier as she is a counselor so therefore she would be good at playing the role in my music video, she has also let us film in her private therapy room which is very useful as it would uphold production values to have the therapy take place in an actual therapy room. The only other actors I plan on having in my music video are the masked strangers, which the actors for are going to be Faegan White, Stan Gulliford and Matt Holley. For these characters the actual actors doesn’t matter so much as they are going to be as anonymous as possible however I chose these guys as I know they have all also been in amateur theatre together and are friends so should work well getting the right footage I need.

(Faegan, Rowan, Stan and Matt. From the left.)

Page 3: Costumes, actors and props


The props I am going to need for my music video are an all black BB pistol for Rowan to use as a weapon again his counselor, which has to look as real as possible for it to be effective. A bag that is going to be put over Rowans head by the three masked strangers to simulate his death; this bag should be a standard plastic retail bag. And lastly I am going to need a piece of rope, that is going to be tied around Rowans neck with the bag on his head to make his death seem more real and graphic.

(these are the props I am going to need)